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comparison theorem


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(de Gruyter 2004

Symmetrization of starlike domains in Riemannian manifolds and a qualitative generalization of Bishop’s volume

comparison theorem

Ryuichi Fukuoka*

(Communicated by G. Gentili)

Abstract.We introduce a new type of symmetrization in starlike domains in Riemannian mani- folds that maintains the Ricci curvature in the radial direction. We prove that this symmetriza- tion is volume increasing. We get, as its direct consequence, a generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem. Moreover, this generalization shows that this kind volume comparison theorem is qualitative in nature, instead of being quantitative. Using this symmetrization, we get some volume upper bounds in terms of some integrals of the Ricci curvature. Finally, we intro- duce a new type of symmetrization in geodesic balls within the injectivity radius, which is vol- ume decreasing.

Key words.Volume comparison, Symmetrization, Ricci curvature.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. 53B20, 53C65

1 Introduction

Symmetrization is a very useful tool in mathematics. In particular, symmetrization of Riemannian manifolds is a powerful tool in geometrical analysis. Frequently when we consider a class of objects that shares some features, the maximum or the minimum of a given property is attained at the most symmetrical object in this class. In addi- tion a symmetric object is usually simpler to study, what makes the symmetrization a very interesting tool to consider.

For instance letMkn be then-dimensional space form with constant sectional cur- vature kAR. LetMVn be the set of compactn-dimensional manifolds with smooth boundary inMkn, with fixed volumeV. Consider the isoperimetric quotient

=n;VðWÞ ¼ AreaðqWÞ VolðWÞðn1Þ=n

* Research partially supported by CAPES, Brazil.


inMVn, where AreaðÞdenotes theðn1Þ-dimensional volume and VolðÞdenotes the n-dimensional volume. It is a well known fact that the minimum of=n;V is attained at the geodesic disc with volumeV(see [5] and references therein).

Another well known example is given by the Faber–Krahn inequality. It says that the lowest fundamental tone of a Riemannian manifold inMVn is given by the geo- desic disc with volumeV(see also [5] and references therein).

There are several other examples that illustrate this kind of situation: The maxi- mum or the minimum of ‘‘interesting’’ functionals is either attained at the most symmetrical object, or it is not attained (for instance, substitute ‘‘minimum’’ in the examples given above by ‘‘maximum’’).

Let us begin to present this work. LetMn be ann-dimensional Riemannian mani- fold. Denote the tangent space atpAMbyTpMand its unit vectors bySpM. We can define a polar coordinate system with the origin at pin a neighborhood of p. Denote it byðt;yÞ, whereyASpM andtis the radial component. The canonical metric on Sn1 is denoted by dy2 and its volume element bydA. The curve parametrized by arclengthgð;yÞrepresents the geodesic such thatgð0;yÞ ¼ pandg0ð0;yÞ ¼y, where the superscript 0stands for the derivative in the radial variable. Denote by ~ccðyÞ the cut point of palonggð;yÞ.

We say that a domainDHMnis starlike with respect to pADif givenxADthen there exists a unique minimizing geodesicg:½0;cx !Mconnectingpandxsuch that gð½0;cxÞHD. It is not di‰cult to see that we can define a global polar coordinate system in starlike domains. Moreover, it can be defined asfexppðt;yÞAD;yASpM;

0ct<cðyÞg, wherecðyÞcccðyÞ. In order to be more explicit, we denote a starlike~ domain by Dðp;cÞ. Notice that geodesic balls, not necessarily within the injectivity radius, are starlike domains or the union of starlike domains with some of its closure points. We denote the geodesic ball with center pand radiusrbyBðp;rÞ.

Remark 1.1. Whenever we mention Bishop’s volume comparison theorem, we are referring to the version where the Ricci curvature is bounded from below (see Theo- rem 2.1).

The main purpose of this paper is to introduce two new types of symmetrizations in starlike domains and to study their influence on the volume element in a polar coordinate system. One of these symmetrization is volume increasing and one of its consequences is a generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem. Further- more this generalization shows that this kind of volume comparison theorem is quali- tative in essence instead of being quantitative. We also get some volume upper bounds in terms of some integrals of the Ricci curvature thanks to this symmetrization. The other symmetrization that we introduce in this work is volume decreasing, and fur- ther details about it will be given afterwards.

This paper is divided as follows: In Section 2, we introduce some notation and basic facts. In Section 3, we summarize our work defining the symmetrizations and present- ing the main theorems without proofs. In addition we justify their importance in Rie- mannian geometry. In Section 4, we complete all the details about symmetrizations and we prove the qualitative generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem.


Finally, in Section 5, we prove another volume comparison theorem and some vol- ume upper bounds.

2 Notation and basic facts

Let us introduce some notation and present some basic facts. Calligraphic mathe- matical letters will indicate an object related to the tangent space.

Let ðMn;gÞ be an n-dimensional Riemannian manifold with metric g, ‘ the Levi–Civita connection,RðX;YÞ ¼‘XYYX½X;Ythe curvature tensor and RicðX;YÞ ¼Pn

i¼1hRðei;XÞY;eii the Ricci tensor, where fe1;. . .;eng is an ortho- normal frame andh;idenotes the metricg. IfjZj ¼1, then RicðZ;ZÞis the Ricci curvature in the directionZ. An important object for the study of the geometry along geodesics in polar coordinates is the Ricci curvature in the radial directionqtq. It will be calledradial Ricci curvatureand it will be denoted by Ricrðt;yÞ.

The exponential map expp restricted to Dð0;cÞ ¼ fXATpM:yASn1;0ckXk

<cðyÞginduces spherical coordinatesðt;x1;x2;. . .;xn1ÞonDðp;cÞ, wheretis the ra- dial coordinate andxi, fori¼1;. . .;n1, denotes the angular coordinates. Its rela- tionship with Cartesian coordinatesðx1;. . .;xnÞis given by

x1¼rsinx1; x2¼rcosx1sinx2; x3¼rcosx1cosx2sinx3;


xn1¼rcosx1. . .cosxn2sinxn1; xn¼rcosx1. . .cosxn2cosxn1: The spherical coordinates will be useful in some calculations.

LetDðp;cÞbe a starlike domain. For eachtA½0;cðyÞÞ, letTgðt;yÞ? M be the orthog- onal complement ofg0ðt;yÞin the tangent spaceTgðt;yÞM. Define theradial curvature operator Rðt;yÞ:Tgðt;yÞ? M!Tgðt;? M by Rðt;yÞX:¼RðX;g0ðt;yÞÞg0ðt;yÞ. Observe that Ricrðt;yÞis the trace ofRðt;yÞ.

Fix y. Define the path of linear operators Aðt;yÞ:Tgð0;? M!Tgð0;yÞ? M by Aðt;yÞX¼ ðttÞ1JðtÞ, whereJðtÞis the Jacobi field alonggð;yÞsatisfyingJð0Þ ¼0 and‘g0ð0;yÞJð0Þ ¼X, andtt is the parallel transport fromTgð0;yÞ? M toTgðt;yÞ? M along gð;yÞ. Define also the path of linear operators Rðt;yÞ:Tgð0;? M!Tgð0;yÞ? M by Rðt;yÞX¼ ðttÞ1Rðt;yÞðttXÞ. It is well known thatAðt;yÞis the solution of the equa- tionA00ðt;yÞ þRðt;yÞAðt;yÞ ¼0 with initial conditionsAð0;yÞ ¼0 andA0ð0;yÞ ¼I, where I denotes the identity operator. Moreover, the volume element in polar coor- dinate system is given by ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA¼detAðt;yÞ:dt:dA.

Now we recall Bishop’s celebrated volume comparison theorem (see [3] and com- pare with [5]). Denote bySkthe function


SkðtÞ ¼


p sinð ffiffiffi pk

tÞ k>0

t k¼0


pksinhð ffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pk

tÞ k<0:





Theorem 2.1 (Bishop).Let M be a Riemannian manifold and fix pAM. Consider a geodesic gð;yÞ parametrized by arclength in M such that gð0;yÞ ¼ p. Suppose that the radial Ricci curvature along gð;yÞis greater than or equal to ðn1Þk for every tAð0;cðyÞ.Then

detAðt;yÞ Skn1ðtÞ


c0 ð1Þ



on½0;cðyÞ.We have equality in(1)at t¼t0Að0;cðyÞÞif and only if Aðt;yÞ ¼SkðtÞI; Rðt;yÞ ¼kI

for every tAð0;t0.

Denote the geodesic ball of radiusrin the space form of constant curvaturekby BkðrÞ. A global version of Theorem 2.1 is given below.

Theorem 2.2(Bishop).Let M be a Riemannian manifold and fix pAM.Suppose that the radial Ricci curvature is greater than or equal toðn1Þkin Bðp;rÞ.Then

VolðBðp;rÞÞcVolðBkðrÞÞ ð2Þ

with equality if and only if Bðp;rÞis isometric to BkðrÞ.

We end this section remarking that we will usually simplify the notation if there is no possibility of misunderstandings (for example,AðtÞinstead ofAðt;yÞ).

3 Symmetrizations and the main theorems: a summary

In order to define the symmetrizations, we present some types of starlike domains.

Definition 3.1.We have the following types of metrics on starlike domains, from the more general to the more specific (All metrics are written in a polar coordinate sys- tem).

1. General starlike domains: Metrics of typedsg2¼dt2þgijðt;yÞdyidyj.


2. Starlike domains with scalar radial curvature operator: Metrics of typedsf2¼dt2þ f2ðt;yÞdy2.

3. Radially symmetric starlike domains: Metrics of typeds2h¼dt2þh2ðtÞdy2. 4. Starlike domains with constant curvaturek: Metrics of typedsk2¼dt2þSk2ðtÞdy2.

For the sake of brevity, we call them starlike domains of typeiði¼1;2;3;4Þ. The definition of radially symmetric starlike domain may seem a little bit artificial. In fact, it is more suitable to geodesic balls within the injectivity radius. But we conserve Def- inition 3.1 as it is, in order to emphasize the hierarchy that exists on the metrics in starlike domains.

The reason why the second type of starlike domains is calledstarlike domains with scalar radial curvature operatorwill be explained in Proposition 4.1.

It is a natural idea to create a symmetrization process such that the first step is to transform a general starlike domain into a starlike domain with scalar radial curva- ture operator, the second step is to transform a starlike domain with scalar radial cur- vature operator into a radially symmetric starlike domain and so on. In order to de- fine these symmetrizations, we have to determine what properties we want to keep.

Let us define these symmetrizations. One of them transforms a starlike domain of type 1 into a starlike domain of type 2, and it is calledsymmetrization(of a starlike domain)along the radial geodesics. For the sake of brevity, we call it 1-2 symmetri- zation. It is characterized by transforming a general starlike domain Dgðp;cÞinto a starlike domain with scalar radial curvature operator Dfðp;cÞ with the same radial Ricci curvature. The other symmetrization transforms a geodesic ballBfðp;rÞof type 2 within the injectivity radius into a geodesic ballBhðp;rhÞof type 3, withrhcr. It is calledsymmetrization(of a geodesic ball of type2 within the injectivity radius)along spheres that are equidistant to the origin, and for the sake of brevity we call it 2-3 symmetrization. The 2-3 symmetrization is characterized by the property that the average of the radial Ricci curvature on qBfðp;tÞ,tAð0;rhÞ, is equal to the corre- spondent average on qBhðp;tÞ. We could create a ‘‘3-4 symmetrization’’, but these two symmetrizations are enough for our purposes. The formalization and all details about these symmetrizations will be done in Section 4.

A remark must be made: The metric of these symmetrizations can loose its smooth- ness atðt¼0Þand become only continuous at this point. But this loss of regularity will not harm the volume calculations.

The following theorem generalizes Bishop’s volume comparison theorem.

Theorem 3.2.LetðMn;gÞbe a Riemannian manifold,Dgðp;cÞHM a starlike domain, and let Dfðp;cÞbe the1-2symmetrization of Dgðp;cÞ.Fixy.If ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA and

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detfðt;yÞ

p :dt:dA are respectively the volume element of Dgðp;cÞ and Dfðp;cÞ in a

polar coordinate system,then

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðt;yÞ p

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detfðt;yÞ p


c0 ð3Þ



ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðt;yÞ

p :dt:dAc ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA: ð4Þ

on½0;cðyÞÞ.In particular, VolðDgðp;cÞÞcVolðDfðp;cÞÞ.

Equality is achieved in(3) (as well as in(4))at t0Að0;cðyÞÞ,if and only if Rgðt;yÞ ¼Rfðt;yÞ

for every tA½0;t0,whereRgandRf are identified in the natural way.

The radial curvature operator has a leading rule to determine the volume element behavior through the equation

A00ðt;yÞ þRðt;yÞ:Aðt;yÞ ¼0 Að0;yÞ ¼0

A0ð0;yÞ ¼I:


: ð5Þ

The di¤erence between Theorem 2.1 and Theorem 3.2 is that in the former, the solution of (5) is compared to the solution of the equation

A00ðt;yÞ þhinfsA½0;cðyÞÞðn1ÞRicrðs;yÞ:Ii

:Aðt;yÞ ¼0

Að0;yÞ ¼0 A0ð0;yÞ ¼I;



>: ð6Þ

and in Theorem 3.2, the solution of (5) is compared to the solution of the equation A00ðt;yÞ þhRicrðt;ðn1Þ:Ii

:Aðt;yÞ ¼0

Að0;yÞ ¼0 A0ð0;yÞ ¼I:



>: ð7Þ

Therefore Theorem 3.2 is a qualitative generalization of Theorem 2.1.

The symmetrization along radial geodesics allow us to get some upper bounds for the volume element in a polar coordinate system. These estimates are given in terms of some integrals of Ricrðt;yÞ. This is possible for three reasons: First of all, the sym- metrization along radial geodesics is volume increasing. Secondly, we do not loose any information about the radial Ricci curvature alonggð;yÞ, as it happens in Equation (6). Finally, Equation (7) is simple enough to get the desired upper bounds.

Let us be more explicit. ConsiderDðp;cÞa starlike domain. Fixy. Set Ricrðt;yÞ :¼maxð0;Ricrðt;yÞÞ. Bishop’s volume comparison theorem implies that

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c sinhðpffiffiffik ffiffiffi :sÞ pk


ð8Þ wherek¼suptA½0;cðyÞÞðRicrðt;yÞÞ(Ifk¼0, then the inequality above has the obvious


meaning). Therefore we can estimate the volume element in polar coordinate system in terms of aLy norm of ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p alonggð;yÞ. In Theorem 3.3, we use Theorem 3.2 in order to get anðL2Þ2version of (8).

Theorem 3.3.LetðMn;gÞbe a Riemannian manifold,Dgðp;cÞHM a starlike domain, and ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA its volume element in a polar coordinate system.FixyASn1

and define kRicrðs;yÞkL1 :¼Ðs

0Ricrðt;yÞdt. Then there exist constants A1;A2;B1

and B2such that the following(equivalent)estimates hold:

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c

2 64A1:s:

sinh B1:kRicr

ðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

B1:kRicrðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

3 75




ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p cA2n1sn1ekRicrðs;yÞkL1:B2:s: ð10Þ

IfkRicrðs;yÞkL1¼0,then(9)has the obvious meaning.

We have the following estimate for geodesic balls as a consequence of Theorem 3.3. The geodesic ball is not necessarily within the injectivity radius.

Corollary 3.4.Let Mnbe a complete Riemannian manifold and Bðp;rÞHM a geodesic ball.Then there exist constants A3;B3>0such that

Vol½Bðp;rÞcA3n1rn1 ð


ðr 0

eB3:r2:Ricrðt;yÞdt:dA: ð11Þ

Finally we have the volume comparison theorem that is related to the 2-3 sym- metrization.

Theorem 3.5.LetðBfðrÞ;dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2ÞHM be a geodesic ball within the injectivity radius.If BhðrhÞis the 2-3symmetrization of BfðrÞ,then we have that Vol½qBhðtÞc Vol½qBfðtÞfor every tA½0;rhÞ.In particular, Vol½BhðrhÞcVol½BfðrhÞ.If n¼2,then we have that rh¼r, Vol½qBhðtÞ ¼Vol½qBfðtÞ for every tA½0;rÞ, and Vol½BhðrÞ ¼ Vol½BfðrÞ.This theorem is still valid if BfðrÞis the1-2symmetrization of another geo- desic ball.

Let us make some remarks about these results. Theorems 3.2 and 3.3 deal with the geometry along geodesics that emanate from some point. We control the curvature in order to get upper bounds for the volume element in polar coordinates. Notice that the radial curvature operator and the radial Ricci curvature are very important to this kind of theory.

Myers’ classical theorem says that if RicðÞdðn1Þalong a geodesic gwith arc- length greater than p, then gis not minimizing (See [10]). In particular, if the Rie-


mannian manifoldM is complete, thenMis compact and its diameter is less than or equal to p. Afterwards Ambrose, Avez, Calabi, Galloway and Markvorsen among others generalized Myers’ theorem imposing weaker conditions on the Ricci curvature (See [1], [2], [4], [8], [9]). These works show that if we have some ‘‘positiveness’’ on the Ricci curvature along a geodesic, then the solution of Equation (5) becomes singular after some time, and the geodesic is no longer minimizing after that. Theorem 3.3 is similar to these works because we can get a upper bound for the volume element in terms of some lower bounds of the Ricci curvature. The di¤erence is that the upper bound for the volume element does not go to zero as in these former works.

In order to generalize Myers’ theorem, Ambrose, Calabi and Markvorsen (see [1], [4], [9]) use conditions on the integral of the Ricci curvature along geodesics. Notice that Theorem 3.3 is an integral version of Equation (8), although it is not a full gen- eralization. We will make some comments about the lack of sharpness of Theorem 3.3 in Remark 5.4.

Controlling several geometric properties of Riemannian manifolds through some integrals of the curvature has been an important issue nowadays. For instance, many works have used some local-global integral of the lowest eigenvalue of the Ricci tensor to study geometrical and topological properties of Riemannian manifolds (See [6], [7], [11], [12], [13] among others). In particular, we can get bounds for the diameter and a generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem using these integral invariants (See [11], [12], [13]).

4 Symmetrization of starlike domains and a generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem

In this section, we describe the symmetrization process on starlike domains. In Sub- section 4.1, we define the 1-2 symmetrization and we get a qualitative generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem. In Subsection 4.2, we define the 2-3 sym- metrization.

4.1 Symmetrization along radial geodesics and a qualitative generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem.We begin justifying the namestarlike domain with scalar radial curvature operator.

Proposition 4.1. Let ðDfðp;cÞ;dt2þf2ðt;yÞ:dy2Þ be a starlike domain with radial scalar curvature operator. Then,for every ðt;yÞADfðp;cÞ fpg, its radial curvature operator is given by

Rðt;yÞ ¼ f00ðt;yÞ

fðt;yÞ I; ð12Þ

where I denotes the identity operator.

Proof.Fixðt;yÞAðDfðp;cÞ fpgÞ. In spherical coordinatesðr;x1;. . .;xn1Þ, we have that


ds2f ¼dt2þf2ðt;yÞ:dx21þf2ðt;yÞ:cos2x1:dx22

þf2ðt;yÞ:cos2x1:cos2x2:dx32þ þ f2ðt;yÞ:cos2x1. . .cos2xn2:dxn12 : Observe that we can always choose spherical coordinates without singularities at ðt;yÞ. Now we can calculate the Christo¤el symbols and the components of the cur- vature operator atðt;yÞexplicitly, and the result follows. r Now we describe the 1-2 symmetrization. Denote the space of symmetricðn1Þ ðn1Þmatrices overRbyMn1 and the starshaped Euclidean domain with respect to the originfðt;yÞAEn;yASn1;0ct<cðyÞgbyDð0;cÞ.

Theorem 4.2.Let Dgðp;cÞbe a general starlike domain.For eachyfixed,let fðt;yÞbe the solution of the equation f00ðt;yÞ þRicrðt;ðn1Þfðt;yÞ ¼0satisfying the initial conditions fð0;yÞ ¼0 and f0ð0;yÞ ¼1. Consider the punctured starshaped Euclidean domain Dð0;cÞ f0gendowed with the symmetric2-form

ds2f ¼dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2; ð13Þ and denote it by Dfðp;cÞ ft¼0g.Then dsf2is a smooth metric in½Dfðp;cÞ ft¼0g extendable to a continuous metric at ðt¼0ÞADfðp;cÞ. Moreover, Dfðp;cÞ has the same radial Ricci curvature as Dgðp;cÞ.

Proof.We will divide the proof in three parts:

First part: The 2-formdsf2is a positive definite symmetric 2-form onD(0,c)C{0}.It is a consequence of Lemma 4.3 below. Notice that its proof is similar to the proof of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem (compare [5]).

Lemma 4.3.LetR:½0;rÞ !Mn1be a continuous map andA:½0;rÞ !Mn1the so- lution of the matricial ordinary di¤erential equationA00ðtÞ þRðtÞ:AðtÞ ¼0with initial conditionsAð0Þ ¼0andA0ð0Þ ¼I.Consider the symmetrization of this problem,that is, Af00ðtÞ þRfðtÞ:AfðtÞ ¼0 with initial conditions Afð0Þ ¼0 and Af0ð0Þ ¼I, where RfðtÞ:¼trace½RðtÞ=ðn1Þ:I.IfdetAðtÞis non-singular for every tAð0;rÞ,then

detAðtÞ detAfðtÞ


c0 ð14Þ


detAðtÞcdetAfðtÞ: ð15Þ

on½0;rÞ.In particular, detAfðtÞis also non-singular onð0;rÞ.

Equality is achieved in(14) (as well as in(15))at t0Að0;rÞif and only ifR¼Rf on



Proof of Lemma 4.3. Consider TAMn1. The Cauchy–Schwarz inequality implies that


n1 ð16Þ

with equality if and only ifT is a scalar multiple of the identity.

Define U:¼A0A1. Then U is self-adjoint and satisfies the matricial Riccati equation

U0þU2þR¼0: ð17Þ

By (16) we have that

0¼ ðtraceðUÞÞ0þtraceðU2Þ þtraceRdðtraceðUÞÞ0þðtraceðUÞÞ2

n1 þtraceðRfÞ andf:¼traceðUÞ ¼ ðdetAÞ0=detAsatisfies the di¤erential inequality

f0þ f2

n1þtraceðRfÞc0: ð18Þ

Let us studyAf. Ifjis the solution of j00ðtÞ þtraceðRfðtÞÞ

n1 jðtÞ ¼0 ð19Þ

with initial conditionsjð0Þ ¼0 andj0ð0Þ ¼1, thenjn1ðtÞ ¼detAfðtÞ. Set c:¼ðdetAfÞ0

ðdetAfÞ ¼ ðn1Þj0

j: ð20Þ

Using (19) and (20) we have that

c0þ c2

n1þtraceðRfÞ ¼0: ð21Þ

Let ð0;bÞHð0;rÞ be the maximal interval such that det AfðtÞ>0 for every tAð0;bÞ. We will compare fandcin ð0;bÞ. They satisfy (18) and (21) respectively and limt!0þfðtÞ ¼limt!0þcðtÞ ¼ þy. In order to compare them neart¼0 (let us say, in the intervalð0;e), consider its inversesff~¼1=fandcc~¼1=c. They satisfy re- spectively


f0ðtÞd 1

n1þtraceðRfðtÞÞ:ff~2ðtÞ ð22Þ




c0ðtÞ ¼ 1

n1þtraceðRfðtÞÞ:cc~2ðtÞ ð23Þ withfð0Þ ¼cð0Þ ¼0. Subtracting (22) from (23) we have that:

ðccðtÞ ~ ffðtÞÞ~ 0ctraceðRfðtÞÞðccðtÞ þ~ ffðtÞÞð~ ccðtÞ ~ ffðtÞÞ:~ Seta1ðtÞ:¼ ðccðtÞ ~ ffðtÞÞ~ andb1ðtÞ:¼traceðRfðtÞÞðccðtÞ þ~ ffðtÞÞ. Then~


dtða1ðtÞe Ðt


Þ ¼e Ðt


ða10ðtÞ b1ðtÞa1ðtÞÞc0 and it follows that

a1ðtÞe Ðt



with equality if and only ifRðzÞ ¼RfðzÞfor everyzA½0;t. ThereforefðtÞccðtÞin ð0;e, withfðt0Þ ¼cðt0Þif and only ifRðtÞ ¼RfðtÞfor everytA½0;t0.

The comparison betweenfandcin½e;bÞfollows in a similar fashion. Subtracting (21) from (18), we have that


n1 ðfcÞ:

Seta2ðtÞ:¼ ðfðtÞ cðtÞÞandb2ðtÞ:¼ ðcðtÞ þfðtÞÞ=ðn1Þ. Then d


eb2ðzÞdzÞ ¼e Ðt

eb2ðzÞdzða20ðtÞ a2ðtÞb2ðtÞÞc0 hence

a2ðtÞca2ðeÞe Ðt


with equality if and only ifRðzÞ ¼RfðzÞfor everyzA½e;t. ThereforefðtÞccðtÞ þ a2ðeÞe



in½e;rÞ, withfðt0Þ ¼cðt0Þif and only iffðeÞ ¼cðeÞ, andRðtÞ ¼RfðtÞ for everytA½0;t0.

Joining the estimates in ð0;e and ½e;bÞ, we have thatfðtÞccðtÞin ð0;bÞ, with fðt0Þ ¼cðt0Þif and only ifRðtÞ ¼RfðtÞfor everytA½0;t0.


detðAfðtÞÞ detðAðtÞÞ

detAðtÞ detAfðtÞ



detAðtÞ ðdetAfðtÞÞ0 detAfðtÞ c0


what implies that

detAðtÞ detAfðtÞ



Therefore detAðtÞcdetAfðtÞinð0;bÞdue to


detAðtÞ detAfðtÞ¼1;

and consequently we have thatb¼r, which settles Lemma 4.3. r Equation (15) implies that (13) is positive definite in Dð0;cÞ f0g, which settles the first part of the proof of Theorem 4.2.

Second part: The 2-form ds2f is a smooth metric defined in Df(p,c)C{tF0}, con- tinuously extendable at (tF0)ADf(p,c).The smoothness ofdsf2¼dt2þ f2ðt;yÞ:dy2 inDfðp;cÞ ft¼0gfollows from a classical result on ordinary di¤erential equations (smooth dependence of f in terms of the parametery).

We prove now thatdsf2 can be continuously extended toðt¼0Þ. LetX andY be two continuous vector fields in the ballBð0;rÞHDð0;cÞ, wherer>0 is a su‰ciently small positive number. Consider the Euclidean metric dsE2¼dt2þt2:dy2 in Bð0;rÞ.

DecomposingX andYin its radial and angular components inBð0;rÞ ft¼0g, we have that

X ¼XtþXy and Y¼YtþYy: ð24Þ The Euclidean scalar producthX;YiEcan be written as


E ¼hXt;Yti


E: ð25Þ

Now consider the 2-formds2f ¼dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2inBð0;rÞ ft¼0g. Denotedsf2 by h;if. We will prove that hX;Yif is continuously extendable at ðt¼0Þ, with limt!0hXðt;yÞ;Yðt;yÞif ¼hXð0Þ;Yð0ÞiE.

The decomposition ofX andY in its radial and angular part with respect todsf2 is also given byX ¼XtþXy andY ¼YtþYy. Indeed the radial-angular decompo- sition of the tangent spaces coincide for ds2f anddsE2. Thus the scalar product of X andY indsf2is given by

hX;Yif ¼hXt;Ytif þhXy;Yyif: ð26Þ Now observe that




hXy;Xyif ¼ f2ðt;yÞ

t2 hXy;XyiE: Hence

hX;Yif ¼hXt;YtiEþ f2ðt;yÞ

t2 hXy;YyiE: ð27Þ For fixedy, the Taylor series of fðt;yÞ is given by fðt;yÞ ¼tþ f00ðty;yÞt2=2 for some tyAð0;tÞ. We know that f00ðt;yÞ ¼ Ricrðt;yÞfðt;yÞ=ðn1Þ is bounded in Bð0;rÞ ft¼0g. Hence limt!0f2ðt;yÞ=t2¼1 uniformly with respect toy, what im- plies that limt!0hXðt;yÞ;Yðt;yÞif ¼hXð0Þ;Yð0ÞiE. Thereforedsf2 can be extended continuously toðt¼0Þ.

Third part: The starlike domain Df(p,c) has the same radial Ricci curvature as Dg(p,c).It follows from the definition of f and Proposition 4.1. This settles Theorem

4.2. r

Therefore the symmetrization along radial geodesics is a well defined operation.

The only problem, as observed in the introduction, is that the metric is not necessarily smooth at the origin, but this is a minor problem because it does not harm the vol- ume calculations.

Definition 4.4.The starlike domainðDfðp;cÞ;dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2Þconstructed in The- orem 4.2 is called the 1-2 symmetrization ofDgðp;cÞ.

We have the following qualitative generalization of Bishop’s volume comparison theorem as a direct consequence of Proposition 4.1, Theorem 4.2 and Lemma 4.3.

Theorem 4.5.LetðMn;gÞbe a Riemannian manifold,Dgðp;cÞHM a starlike domain, and let Dfðp;cÞbe the1-2symmetrization of Dgðp;cÞ.Fixy.If ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA and

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detfðt;yÞ

p :dt:dA are respectively the volume element of Dgðp;cÞand Dfðp;cÞin a polar

coordinate system,then

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðt;yÞ p

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detfðt;yÞ p


c0 ð28Þ


ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðt;yÞ

p :dt:dAc ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA: ð29Þ



In particular, VolðDgðp;cÞÞcVolðDfðp;cÞÞ.

Equality is achieved in(28) (as well as in(29))at t0Að0;rÞ,if and only if Rgðt;yÞ ¼Rfðt;yÞ

for every tA½0;t0,whereRgandRf are identified in the natural way.

Remark 4.6.A geodesic ballBðp;rÞHM is a starlike domainDgðp;cÞwith some of its closure points included. Therefore we can generalize Theorem 2.2 replacing (2) by


whereDfðp;cÞis the 1-2 symmetrization ofDgðp;cÞ.

4.2 Symmetrization along spheres that are equidistant to the origin. Let ðBfðrÞ;

dt2þ f2ðr;yÞdy2Þbe a geodesic ball within the injectivity radius. Define RicrfðtÞas the average of the radial Ricci curvature inqBfðtÞ. Observe that RicrfðtÞcan be ex- tended continuously toðt¼0Þas the scalar curvature ofBfðrÞat the origin, even if BfðrÞis a 1-2 symmetrization of another geodesic ball. We will create a radially sym- metric geodesic ballðBhðrhÞ;dt2þh2ðtÞdy2Þ,rhcr, such that the average of the ra- dial Ricci curvature onqBhðtÞis equal to RicrfðtÞfor everytA½0;rhÞ.

Using Proposition 4.1, the radial Ricci curvature of a radially symmetric geodesic ball with metricdsh2¼dt2þh2ðtÞdy2is given by

RicrhðtÞ ¼ ðn1Þh00ðtÞ hðtÞ ;

which does not depend on y. Thus the expression above is also the average of the radial Ricci curvature onqBhðtÞ. Thereforehmust satisfy

h00ðtÞ þRicrfðtÞ

n1 hðtÞ ¼0; hð0Þ ¼0; h0ð0Þ ¼1: ð30Þ The existence and uniqueness ofhis assured by the theory of ordinary di¤erential equations. The 2-formds2h¼dt2þh2ðtÞdy2 is obviously smooth in BhðrÞ ft¼0g and it can be extended continuously toðt¼0Þ, because we can prove that limt!0dsh2

¼dsE2in the same fashion as in the second part of the proof of Theorem 4.2. Finally, restrict the domain ofh to the maximal interval½0;rhÞJ½0;rÞsuch that hðtÞ>0 for everytAð0;rhÞ, and we have the following definition:

Definition 4.7. The geodesic ballðBhðrhÞ;dt2þh2ðtÞdy2Þis called the 2-3symmetri- zationofBfðrÞ.

Remark 4.8. The 2-3 symmetrization can be extended to starlike domains such that


VolðqDfðp;tÞÞis a smooth function oft. But we will restrict this symmetrization to geodesic balls within the injectivity radius due to the artificiality of the general situa- tion.

5 Volume estimates

In Subsection 5.1, we get some upper bounds for the volume using the 1-2 symmet- rization. Afterwards, in Subsection 5.2, we prove a volume comparison theorem re- lated to the 2-3 symmetrization.

5.1 Upper bounds for the volume related to the 1-2 symmetrization.

Theorem 5.1.LetðMn;gÞbe a Riemannian manifold,Dgðp;cÞHM a starlike domain, and ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p :dt:dA its volume element in a polar coordinate system.FixyASn1

and define kRicrðs;yÞkL1 :¼Ðs

0Ricrðt;yÞdt. Then there exist constants A1;A2;B1 and B2such that the following(equivalent)estimates hold:

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c

2 64A1:s:

sinh B1:kRicr

ðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

B1:kRicrðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

3 75




ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p cA2n1sn1ekRicrðs;yÞkL1:B2:s: ð32Þ

IfkRicrðs;yÞkL1¼0,then(31)has the obvious meaning.

Proof.We begin with some estimates on the solution of the equation f00ðtÞ þKðtÞ:fðtÞ ¼0

fð0Þ ¼0 f0ð0Þ ¼1 8>


>: ð33Þ

defined on the interval½0;s, whereK is a continuous function on½0;sand fðtÞ>0 inð0;s. SetKðtÞ ¼maxðKðtÞ;0Þ. We are looking for an upper bound of fðsÞin terms ofkKkL1. Thus we can consider

ff~00ðtÞ KðtÞ:ff~ðtÞ ¼0 ff~ð0Þ ¼0

ff~0ð0Þ ¼1 8>



instead of (33) because fcff~. Observe that ff~is increasing and convex on½0;s.

Assume that kKkL100 (otherwise there is nothing to prove). Take s0¼0<

s1< <sN1<sNARsuch thatDs:¼siþ1si¼1=ð4kKkL1ÞandsN1<scsN. Suppose thatDs<s, which is equivalent to supposing thatNd2 (The other case will


be considered afterwards). Fix½si;siþ1for somei¼0;. . .;N2. We intend to esti- mate ff~ðsiþ1Þand ff~0ðsiþ1Þin terms of ff~ðsiÞand ff~0ðsiÞ.

We have that 1


2ðff~0ðsiÞÞ2 ¼1

2ðff~0ðtÞÞ2jssiiþ1 ¼1 2




¼ ðsiþ1


ff~00ðtÞ:ff~0ðtÞ:dt¼ ðsiþ1


KðtÞ:ff~ðtÞ:ff~0ðtÞ:dtcff~ðsiþ1Þff~0ðsiþ1ÞkKkL1; which gives the following quadratic inequality in terms of ff~0ðsiþ1Þ:

ðff~0ðsiþ1ÞÞ22ff~ðsiþ1ÞkKkL1ff~0ðsiþ1Þ ðff~0ðsiÞÞ2c0: ð34Þ Solving (34), we have the estimate

ff~0ðsiþ1Þc2ff~ðsiþ1ÞkKkL1þff~0ðsiÞ: ð35Þ We know that ff~is convex, what gives

ff~ðsiþ1Þ ff~ðsiÞ

Ds cff~0ðsiþ1Þ: ð36Þ Joining (35), (36) andDs¼1=ð4kKkL1Þ, we have after some calculations that

ff~ðsiþ1Þc 1 2kKkL1

ff~0ðsiÞ þ2ff~ðsiÞ: ð37Þ

Combining (35) and (37), we can finally estimate ff~ðsiþ1Þand ff~0ðsiþ1Þin terms of ff~ðsiÞand ff~0ðsiÞ:

ff~ðsiþ1Þc2ff~ðsiÞ þ 1 kKkL1

ff~0ðsiÞ ð38Þ

ff~0ðsiþ1Þc4kKkL1ff~ðsiÞ þ2ff~0ðsiÞ: ð39Þ A priori, the estimates (38) and (39) are valid only fori¼0;. . .;N2. We claim that we can estimate ff~ðsÞand ff~0ðsÞfrom ff~ðsN1Þand ff~0ðsN1Þusing (38) and (39).

Indeed, we only have to repeat all the calculations replacing Ds¼1=ð4kKkL1Þby Dsc1=ð4kKkL1Þ.

Now we use (38) and (39) N times in order to estimate ff~ðsÞ from ff~ð0Þ ¼0 and ff~0ð0Þ ¼1. This is a Linear Algebra problem: The matrix

M¼ 2 kK1kL1

4kKkL1 2

" #


has eigenvalues 0 and 4, and their respective eigenvectors are

v0¼ 2kK1kL1


" #

and v4 ¼

1 2kKkL1


" #


The vector


ff~ð0Þ ff~0ð0Þ


¼ 0 1 is written as12v0þ12v4. AfterNiterations, we get

fðsÞcff~ðsÞc MN: 1 2v0þ1



¼ 4N1 kKkL1

c4ð4kKkL14s; ð40Þ where ½1 represents the first line of the vector. Thus (40) is the desired estimate of (33) ifDs<s.

IfDsds, then we make the same estimates directly on the interval½0;sinstead of making on each interval½si;siþ1. As a result, Inequality (37) gives ff~ðsÞc2s, which is included in (40). Hence (40) is the desired estimate of (33).

Let us return to the theorem. In order to get an upper bound for the volume ele- ment ofDgðp;cÞ, we can consider its 1-2 symmetrizationDfðp;cÞinstead of the origi- nal domain (due to Theorem 4.5). If we write the metric ofDfðp;cÞasdsf2¼dt2þ f2ðt;yÞdy, then f is exactly the solution of (33) whenKðtÞ is replaced by RicrðtÞ=

ðn1Þ. But the volume element can be written as fn1ðt;yÞ:dt:dA, and (32) follows.

In order to get (31), apply (32) in the formulax:excsinh 2x. Finally, estimates (31)

and (32) are equivalent because sinhxcx:ex. r

Let us make some remarks about Theorem 5.1.

Remark 5.2.We can get the explicit estimatesA1¼8,A2¼4,B1¼8 ln 4 andB2 ¼ 4 ln 4 using the proof above, but they certainly are not close to the sharpest ones.

Remark 5.3.Let us point out the importance of the termðs:kRicrðs;yÞkL1Þin this kind of estimates.

Consider a starlike domain ðDfðp;cÞ;dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2Þ. Its volume element in a polar coordinate system is given by fn1ðt;yÞ:dt:dA, where fð;yÞ:½0;t !Ris the solution of the equation

f00ðt;yÞ þRicrðt;yÞ

n1 :fðt;yÞ ¼0 satisfying the initial conditions fð0;yÞ ¼0 and f0ð0;yÞ ¼1.


We want to compareDfðp;cÞandðDflðp;l:cÞ;dt2þ fl2ðt;yÞdy2Þ, wherel>0 and flðt;yÞ:¼l:fðt=l;yÞ. We have that

fl00ðt;yÞ þ 1 l2


ðn1Þ flðt;yÞ ¼0:

If we identifyDfðp;cÞandDflðp;l:cÞvia dilation by l, then we can see that every pair of identified points has the same value ofðs:kRicrðs;yÞkL1Þ. Moreover the vol- ume element ofDflðp;l:cÞin polar coordinate system isln1times the correspondent volume element ofDfðp;cÞ. Therefore the estimate (31) is good because it considers this kind of symmetries.

Remark 5.4.Unfortunately, estimates (31) and (32) are not sharp because their growth rate whensgoes to infinity are larger than the growth rate of the volume element of geodesic balls in space forms with constant negative curvature. We could try to im- prove (31) considering estimates like

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c

2 64A1:

sinh B1:kRicr

ðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

B1:kRicrðs;yÞkL1:s ðn1Þ

3 75


; ð*Þ

ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c

2 64A1:

sinh B1:kRicr





3 75




ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi detgðs;yÞ

p c

2 64A1:s:

sinh B1:kRicr

ðs;yÞkL1 ðn1Þ



3 75


; ð***Þ

but they do not work: Estimates (*) and (**) do not work because we can take a suitable sequence of starlike domains with negative curvatureDflðp;l:cÞ,l!y(see Remark 5.3), and see that (*) and (**) fail. Estimate (***) fails because for everyA1

andB1, we can choose a space form with small negative curvature (in absolute value) such that (***) does not hold for a su‰ciently large geodesic ball in it. These exam- ples show that it is not easy to improve (31) using similar estimates that depend on kRicrðs;yÞkL1.

A natural candidate for a sharp estimate is an inequality of the form ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi


p cA1:s:

sinh B1:














As a consequence of Theorem 5.1, now we prove the following upper bound for the volume of a geodesic ball, which is not necessarily within the injectivity radius.

Corollary 5.5.Let Mnbe a complete Riemannian manifold and Bðp;rÞHM a geodesic ball.Then there exist constants A3;B3>0such that

Vol½Bðp;rÞcA3n1rn1 ð


ðr 0

eB3:r2:Ricrðt;yÞdt:dA: ð41Þ

Proof.Using Formula (32), we have the following estimate:

Vol½Bðp;rÞc ð


ðccðyÞ~ 0






0Ricrðt;yÞdtandccðyÞ~ byr, and using the Ho¨lder inequality, we have that

Vol½Bðp;rÞcA2n1 ð


ðr 0

s2n2ds 1=2ðr


e2:B2:s Ðr


ds 1=2


Using the inequalityÐr

0easdscrear, we have that Vol½Bðp;rÞcA3n1rn



ðe Ðr



which can be written as

Vol½Bðp;rÞcA3n1rn ð


eð Ðr



Finally use the Jensen inequality to get Vol½Bðp;rÞcA3n1rn1



ðr 0


and the result follows. r

5.2 Volume comparison theorem related to the 2-3 symmetrization.

Theorem 5.6.Let ðBfðrÞ;dt2þf2ðt;yÞdy2ÞHM be a geodesic ball within the injec- tivity radius.If BhðrhÞis the2-3symmetrization of BfðrÞ,then we have thatVol½qBhðtÞ cVol½qBfðtÞ for every tA½0;rhÞ. In particular, Vol½BhðrhÞcVol½BfðrhÞ. If n¼2, then we have that rh¼r, Vol½qBhðtÞ ¼Vol½qBfðtÞfor every tA½0;rÞ,andVol½BhðrÞ

¼Vol½BfðrÞ.This theorem is still valid if BfðrÞis the 1-2symmetrization of another geodesic ball.


Proof. Assumend3 (The case n¼2 is simpler and it can be proved in the same fashion as in the casend3).

The proof will follow an indirect approach. We construct a radially symmetric geo- desic ballðBuðrÞ;dt2þu2ðtÞdy2Þsuch that Vol½qBuðtÞ ¼Vol½qBfðtÞfor everytA½0;rÞ.

Then we compareBu withBh.

Let us see thatðBuðrÞ;dt2þu2ðtÞdy2Þis a well defined object. The explicit expres- sion ofuis

un1ðtÞ ¼ Ð

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdA Ð

Sn1dA : ð42Þ

We will show thatdt2þu2ðtÞdy2 is a smooth metric inðBuðrÞ ft¼0gÞthat ad- mits a continuous extension atðt¼0Þin the same fashion as in the second part of the proof of Theorem 4.2.

The smoothness in ðBuðrÞ ft¼0gÞis straightforward. Let us see the continuity atðt¼0Þ. By (42) we have that

uðtÞ ¼ Ð

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdA Ð




Take the Taylor series of f. We get

uðtÞ ¼ Ð

Sn1ðtþf00ðty;yÞ:t2=2Þn1ðt;yÞdA Ð



¼t Ð

Sn1ð1þf00ðty;yÞ:t=2Þn1ðt;yÞdA Ð



where tyAð0;tÞ.

Now take two continuous vector fieldsX andY and make exactly the same cal- culations as in the second part of Theorem 4. Instead of (27), we have that


t2 hXy;YyiE: ð43Þ and now is clear that dt2þu2ðtÞdy2 converges to dsE2 when t goes to 0. Thus dt2þu2ðtÞdy2 is continuous atðt¼0Þ.

The next step is to compare the average of the radial Ricci curvature on qBfðtÞ with its correspondent onqBuðtÞ. Taking derivatives with respect totin (42), we have that

un2ðtÞ:u0ðtÞ ¼ Ð

Sn1 fn2ðt;yÞ:f0ðt;yÞdA Ð

Sn1dA : ð44Þ


Taking another derivative int, we get


¼ Ð

Sn1½ðn2Þfn3ðt;yÞðf0ðt;yÞÞ2þfn2ðt;yÞf00ðt;yÞdA Ð

Sn1dA : ð45Þ

Using (42), (44) and (45) we can isolateu00from the rest:

u00ðtÞ ¼ ð2nÞðÐ

Sn1 fn2ðt;yÞf0ðt;yÞdAÞ2 ðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞð2n3Þ=ðn1ÞðÐ

Sn1dAÞ1=ðn1Þ þðÐ

Sn1 fn3ðt;yÞ½f0ðt;yÞ2:dAÞðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞ ðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞð2n3Þ=ðn1ÞðÐ

Sn1dAÞ1=ðn1Þ þðÐ

Sn1 fn2ðt;yÞf00ðt;yÞdAÞðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞ ðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞð2n3Þ=ðn1ÞðÐ

Sn1dAÞ1=ðn1Þ : ð46Þ

Now we can calculate the radial Ricci curvature RicruðtÞofBuðrÞ:

RicruðtÞ ¼ ðn1Þu00ðtÞ uðtÞ


Sn1 fn2ðt;yÞf0ðt;yÞdAÞ2 ðÐ

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdAÞ2 ð47Þ ðn1Þðn2ÞðÐ

Sn1 fn3ðt;yÞðf0ðt;yÞÞ2dAÞ Ð

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdA ð48Þ ðn1ÞðÐ

Sn1 fn2ðt;yÞf00ðt;yÞdAÞ Ð

Sn1 fn1ðt;yÞdA : ð49Þ Observe that (49) is the average of the radial Ricci curvature ofBfðrÞon the geo- desic sphere of radius t. We claim that the sum of the terms (47) and (48) is non- positive. In fact, the Ho¨lder inequality gives



fn2ðt;yÞf0ðt;yÞdA 2

c ð


fn3ðt;yÞðf0ðt;yÞÞ2dA ð



Therefore the average of the radial Ricci curvature onqBuðtÞis less or equal than the correspondent average onqBfðtÞfor everytA½0;rÞ.

Finally we compare Vol½qBhðtÞand Vol½qBfðtÞ.

LetðBhðrhÞ;dt2þh2ðtÞdy2Þbe the 2-3 symmetrization ofBfðr;yÞ. The calculations made just before and the definition of the 2-3 symmetrization implies that the geo-



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