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Iwasawa Theory and


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Iwasawa Theory and


-Analytic Lubin-Tate



Laurent Berger and Lionel Fourquaux

Received: December 20, 2016 Revised: June 6, 2017 Communicated by Otmar Venjakob

Abstract. Let K be a finite extension of Qp. We use the the- ory of (ϕ,Γ)-modules in the Lubin-Tate setting to construct some corestriction-compatible families of classes in the cohomology of V, for certain representationsV of Gal(Qp/K). If in addition V is crys- talline, we describe these classes explicitly using Bloch-Kato’s expo- nential maps. This allows us to generalize Perrin-Riou’s period map to the Lubin-Tate setting.

2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: 11F; 11S; 14G

Keywords and Phrases: p-adic representation; (ϕ,Γ)-module; Lubin- Tate group; overconvergent representation; p-adic Hodge theory; an- alytic cohomology; normalized traces; Bloch-Kato exponential; Iwa- sawa theory; Kummer theory


1 Lubin-Tate(ϕ,Γ)-modules 1003

1.1 Notation . . . 1003

1.2 Construction of Lubin-Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules . . . 1004

1.3 Overconvergent Lubin-Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules . . . 1005

1.4 Extensions of (ϕ,Γ)-modules . . . 1006

2 Analytic cohomology and Iwasawa theory 1007 2.1 Analytic cohomology . . . 1007

2.2 Cohomology ofF-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-modules . . . 1009

2.3 The space D/(ψq−1) . . . 1010

2.4 The operator Θb . . . 1012

2.5 Construction of extensions . . . 1015


3 Explicit formulas for crystalline representations 1019

3.1 CrystallineF-analytic representations . . . 1019

3.2 Bloch-Kato’s exponentials for analytic representations . . . 1020

3.3 Interpolating exponentials and their duals . . . 1021

3.4 Kummer theory and the representationF(χπ) . . . 1023

3.5 Perrin-Riou’s big exponential map . . . 1025 Introduction

LetKbe a finite extension ofQpand letGK= Gal(Qp/K). In this article, we use the theory of (ϕ,Γ)-modules in the Lubin-Tate setting to construct some classes in H1(K, V), for “F-analytic” representations V of GK. If in addition V is crystalline, we describe these classes explicitly using Bloch and Kato’s exponential maps and generalize Perrin-Riou’s period map to the Lubin-Tate setting.

We now describe our constructions in more detail, and introduce some notation which is used throughout this paper. LetF be a finite Galois extension ofQp, with ring of integersOF and maximal ideal mF, letπ be a uniformizer ofOF

and letkF =OFandq= Card(kF). Let LT be the Lubin-Tate formal group [LT65] attached toπ. We fix a coordinate T on LT, so that for each a∈ OF

the multiplication-by-amap is given by a power series [a](T) =aT+ O(T2)∈ OF[[T]]. Let logLT(T) denote the attached logarithm and expLT(T) its inverse for the composition. Letχπ:GF → OF×be the attached Lubin-Tate character.

If K is a finite extension ofF, letKn =K(LT[πn]) andK =∪n>1Kn and ΓK= Gal(K/K).

Let AF denote the set of power series P

i∈ZaiTi with ai ∈ OF such that ai → 0 as i → −∞ and let BF = AF[1/π], which is a field. It is endowed with a Frobenius map ϕq : f(T)7→ f([π](T)) and an action of ΓF given by g:f(T)7→f([χπ(g)](T)). IfKis a finite extension ofF, the theory of the field of norms ([FW79a, FW79b] and [Win83]) provides us with a finite unramified extension BK ofBF. Recall [Fon90] that a (ϕ,Γ)-module overBK is a finite dimensional BK-vector space endowed with a compatible Frobenius map ϕq

and action of ΓK. We say that a (ϕ,Γ)-module over BK is étale if it has a basis in which Mat(ϕq)∈GLd(AK). The relevance of these objects is explained by the result below (see [Fon90], [KR09]).

Theorem. There is an equivalence of categories between the category of F- linear representations ofGK and the category of étale(ϕ,Γ)-modules overBK. Let BF denote the set of power series f(T) ∈ BF that have a non-empty domain of convergence. The theory of the field of norms again provides us [Mat95] with a finite extension BK ofBF. We say that a (ϕ,Γ)-module over BK is overconvergent if it has a basis in which Mat(ϕq) ∈ GLd(BK) and Mat(g)∈GLd(BK) for allg∈ΓK. IfF =Qp, every étale (ϕ,Γ)-module over BK is overconvergent [CC98]. If F 6=Qp, this is no longer the case [FX13].


Let us say that an F-linear representation V of GK is F-analytic if for all embeddingsτ:FQp, withτ6= Id, the representationCpτFV is trivial (as a semilinearCp-representation ofGK). The following result is known [Ber16].

Theorem. IfV is anF-analytic representation of GK, it is overconvergent.

Another source of overconvergent representations of GK is the set of repre- sentations that factor through ΓK (see §1.3). Our first result is the following (theorem 1.3.1).

Theorem A. If V is an overconvergent representation ofGK, there exists an F-analytic representation Xan of GK, a representation YΓ of GK that factors through ΓK, and a surjectiveGK-equivariant mapXanFYΓV.

We next focus on F-analytic representations. Let Brig,F denote the Robba ring, which is the ring of power series f(T) = P

i∈ZaiTi with aiF such that there exists ρ < 1 such that f(T) converges forρ < |T| < 1. We have BFBrig,F. The theory of the field of norms again provides us with a finite extensionBrig,K ofBrig,F. IfV is anF-linear representation ofGK, let D(V) denote the (ϕ,Γ)-module overBKattached toV. IfV is overconvergent, there is a well defined (ϕ,Γ)-module D(V) overBKattached toV, such that D(V) = BKB

KD(V). We call Drig(V) the (ϕ,Γ)-module overBrig,K attached toV, given by Drig(V) =Brig,KB


The ring Brig,K is a free ϕq(Brig,K)-module of degree q. This allows us to define [FX13] a mapψq :Brig,KBrig,K that is a ΓK-equivariant left inverse of ϕq, and likewise, if V is an overconvergent representation of GK, a map ψq : Drig(V)→Drig(V) that is a ΓK-equivariant left inverse ofϕq.

The main result of this article is the construction, for an F-analytic represen- tationV ofGK, of a collection of maps

h1Kn,V : Drig(V)ψq=1→H1(Kn, V),

having a certain number of properties. For example, these maps are compatible with corestriction: corKn+1/Knh1Kn+1,V =h1Kn,V ifn>1. Another property is that if F =Qp and π=p(the cyclotomic case), these maps coïncide with those constructed in [CC99] (and generalized in [Ber03]).

If nowK=F andV is a crystallineF-analytic representation ofGF, we give explicit formulas for h1Fn,V using Bloch and Kato’s exponential maps [BK90].

LetV be as above, let Dcris(V) = (Bcris,FFV)GF (note that because the⊗is overF, this is the identity component of the usual Dcris) and lettπ= logLT(T).

Let {un}n>0 be a compatible sequence of primitive πn-torsion points of LT.

Let B+rig,F denote the positive part of the Robba ring, namely the ring of power series f(T) = P

i>0aiTi with aiF such that f(T) converges for 0 6 |T| < 1. If n > 0, we have a map ϕ−nq : B+rig,FFn[[tπ]] given by f(T) 7→ f(un⊕expLT(tπn)). Using the results of [KR09], we prove that


there is a natural (ϕ,Γ)-equivariant inclusion Drig(V)ψq=1B+rig,F[1/tπ]⊗F

Dcris(V). This provides us, by composition, with maps ϕ−nq : Drig(V)ψq=1Fn((tπ))⊗FDcris(V) and Vϕ−nq : Drig(V)ψq=1FnF Dcris(V) whereV

is the “coefficient of t0π” map. Recall finally that we have two maps, Bloch and Kato’s exponential expFn,V : FnF Dcris(V)→ H1(Fn, V) and its dual expFn,V(1)H1(Fn, V)→FnFDcris(V) (the subscriptV(1) denotes the dual ofV twisted by the cyclotomic character, but is merely a notation here). The first result is as follows (theorem 3.3.1).

Theorem B. IfV is as above and y∈Drig(V)ψq=1, then expFn,V(1)(h1Fn,V(y)) =

(q−nV−nq (y)) if n>1 (1−q−1ϕ−1q )∂V(y) if n= 0.

Let ∇ = tπ·d/dtπ, let ∇i = ∇ −i if iZ and let h > 1 be such that Fil−hDcris(V) = Dcris(V). We prove that ify∈(B+rig,FFDcris(V))ψq=1, then

h−1◦ · · · ◦ ∇0(y)∈Drig(V)ψq=1, and we have the following result (theorem 3.3.2).

Theorem C. If V is as above and y∈(B+rig,FF Dcris(V))ψq=1, then h1Fn,V(∇h−1◦ · · · ◦ ∇0(y)) =


(expFn,V(q−nV−nq (y))) if n>1 expF,V((1−q−1ϕ−1q )∂V(y)) if n= 0.

Using theorems B and C, we give in §3.5 a Lubin-Tate analogue of Perrin- Riou’s “big exponential map” [PR94] using the same method as that of [Ber03]

which treats the cyclotomic case. It will be interesting to compare this big exponential map with the “big logarithms” constructed in [Fou05] and [Fou08].

It is also instructive to specialize theorem C to the caseV =Fπ), which cor- responds to “Lubin-Tate” Kummer theory. Recall that ifLis a finite extension of F, Kummer theory gives us a map δ : LT(mL) →H1(L, F(χπ)). When L varies among theFn, these maps are compatible: the diagram


n+1) −−−−→δ H1(Fn+1, V)



 y


ycorFn+1/Fn LT(mF

n) −−−−→δ H1(Fn, V)

commutes. Let S denote the set of sequences {xn}n>1 with xn ∈ mF

n and such that TrLTFn+1/Fn(xn+1) = [q/π](xn) for n > 1. We prove that S is big, in the sense that (if F 6= Qp) the projection on the n-th coordinate map SOF FFn is onto (this would not be the case if we did not have the factor q/π in the definition of S). Furthermore, we prove that ifxS, there exists


a power series f(T)∈ (B+rig,F)ψq=1/π such thatf(un) = logLT(xn) for n>1.

We haved/dtπ(f(T))∈(B+rig,F)ψq=1 and the following holds (theorem 3.4.5), whereuis the basis ofFπ) corresponding to the choice of {un}n>0.

Theorem D. We have h1Fn,F(χπ)(d/dtπ(f(T))·u) = (q/π)−n·δ(xn) for all n>1.

In the cyclotomic case, there is [Col79] a power series Colx(T) such that Colx(un) =xn forn>1. We then havef(T) = log Colx(T), and theorem D is proved in [CC99]. In the general Lubin-Tate case, we do not know whether there is a “Coleman power series” of which f(T) would be the logLT. This seems like a non-trivial question.

It would be interesting to compare our results with those of [SV17]. The authors of [SV17] also construct some classes in H1(K, V), but start from the space D(V(χπ·χ−1cyc))ψq=π/q. In another direction, is it possible to extend our constructions to representations of the form VF YΓ withV F-analytic and YΓ factoring through ΓK, and in particular recover the explicit reciprocity law of [Tsu04]?

1 Lubin-Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules

In this chapter, we recall the theory of Lubin-Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules and classify overconvergent representations.

1.1 Notation

LetF be a finite Galois extension ofQp with ring of integersOF, and residue field kF. Let π be a uniformizer of OF. Let d = [F : Qp] and e be the ramification index of F/Qp. Let q = pf be the cardinality of kF and let F0=W(kF)[1/p] be the maximal unramified extension ofQp inside F. Letσ denote the absolute Frobenius map onF0.

Let LT be the Lubin-Tate formalOF-module attached to π and choose a co- ordinate T for the formal group law, such that the action ofπon LT is given by [π](T) = Tq +πT. If a ∈ OF, let [a](T) denote the power series that gives the action ofa on LT. Let logLT(T) denote the attached logarithm and expLT(T) its inverse. IfK is a finite extension ofF, letKn=K(LT[πn]) and let K = ∪n>1Kn. Let HK = Gal(Qp/K) and ΓK = Gal(K/K). By Lubin-Tate theory (see [LT65]), ΓK is isomorphic to an open subgroup ofO×F via the Lubin-Tate characterχπ: ΓK→ OF×.

Let n(K) >1 be such that if n >n(K), then χπ : ΓKn → 1 +πnOF is an isomorphism, and logp: 1 +πnOFπnOF is also an isomorphism.

Since logLT(T) converges on the open unit disk, it can be seen as an element ofB+rig,F and we denote it bytπ. Recall thatg(tπ) =χπ(g)·tπ ifgGK and that ϕq(tπ) =π·tπ. Let =d/dtπ so that ∂f(T) = a(Tdf(T)/dT, where a(T) = (dlogLT(T)/dT)−1∈ OF[[T]]×. We haveg=χπ(g)·g ifg∈ΓK

andϕq =π·ϕq∂.


Recall that Brig,F denotes the Robba ring, the ring of power series f(T) = P

i∈ZaiTi withaiF such that there exists ρ <1 such that f(T) converges for ρ <|T| <1. We haveBFBrig,F and by writing a power series as the sum of its plus part and its minus part, we getBrig,F =B+rig,F +BF.

Each ring R ∈ {Brig,F,B+rig,F,BF,BF} is equipped with a Frobenius map ϕq :f(T)7→f([π](T)) and an action of ΓF given byg:f(T)7→f([χπ(g)](T)).

Moreover, the ringRis a freeϕq(R)-module of rankq, and we defineψq :RRby the formulaϕqq(f)) = 1/q·TrR/ϕq(R)(f). The mapψqhas the following properties (see for instance §2A of [FX13] and §1.2.3 of [Col16]): ψq(x·ϕq(y)) = ψq(x)·y, the mapψq commutes with the action of ΓF,∂◦ψq=π−1·ψq◦∂and if f(T)∈B+rig,F thenϕq◦ψq(f) = 1/q·P

z∈LT[π]f(T⊕z). IfM is a freeR-module with a semilinear Frobenius mapϕq such that Mat(ϕq) is invertible, then any mM can be written asm=P

iri·ϕq(mi) withriRandmiM and the mapψq:m7→P

iψq(rimi is then well-defined. This applies in particular to the ringsBrig,K,B+rig,K, BK,BK and to the (ϕ,Γ)-modules over them.

1.2 Construction of Lubin-Tate(ϕ,Γ)-modules

A (ϕ,Γ)-module overBK (or overBK or over Brig,K) is a finite dimensional BK-vector space D (or a finite dimensionalBK-vector space or a freeBrig,K- module of finite rank respectively), along with a semilinear Frobenius mapϕq

whose matrix (in some basis) is invertible, and a continuous, semilinear action of ΓK that commutes withϕq.

We say that a (ϕ,Γ)-module D over BK is étale if D has a basis in which Mat(ϕq)∈GLd(AK). LetB be thep-adic completion ofM/FBM whereM runs through the finite extensions of F. By specializing the constructions of [Fon90], Kisin and Ren prove the following theorem (theorem 1.6 of [KR09]).

Theorem 1.2.1. The functors V 7→D(V) = (B⊗FV)HK and D7→(B⊗BK

D)ϕq=1 give rise to mutually inverse equivalences of categories between the category of F-linear representations of GK and the category of étale (ϕ,Γ)- modules over BK.

We say that a (ϕ,Γ)-module D is overconvergent if there exists a basis of D in which the matrices ofϕq and of allg∈ΓK have entries inBK. This basis then generates aBK-vector space Dwhich is canonically attached to D. IfV is ap- adic representation, we say that it is overconvergent if D(V) is overconvergent, and then D(V) denotes the corresponding (ϕ,Γ)-module overBK. The main result of [CC98] states that if F = Qp, then every étale (ϕ,Γ)-module over BK is overconvergent (the proof is given forπ=p, but it is easy to see that it works for any uniformizer). If F 6=Qp, some simple examples (see [FX13]) show that this is no longer the case.

Recall that anF-linear representation ofGKisF-analytic ifCpτFV is the triv- ialCp-semilinear representation ofGKfor all embeddingsτ6= Id∈Gal(F/Qp).


This definition is the natural generalization of Kisin and Ren’s notion of F- crystalline representation. Kisin and Ren then show that ifKF, and ifV is a crystallineF-analytic representation ofGK, the (ϕ,Γ)-module attached to V is overconvergent (see §3.3 of [KR09]; they actually prove a stronger result, namely that the (ϕ,Γ)-module attached to such a V is of finite height).

If Drig is a (ϕ,Γ)-module over Brig,K, and if g ∈ ΓK is close enough to 1, then by standard arguments (see §2.1 of [KR09] or §1C of [FX13]), the series log(g) = log(1 + (g−1)) gives rise to a differential operator ∇g: Drig →Drig. The map v 7→ exp(v) is defined on a neighborhood of 0 in Lie ΓK; the map Lie ΓK → End(Drig) arising from v 7→ ∇exp(v) is Qp-linear, and we say that DrigisF-analytic if this map isF-linear (see §2.1 of [KR09] and §1.3 of [FX13]).

IfV is an overconvergent representation ofGK, we let Drig(V) =Brig,KB


D(V). The following is theorem D of [Ber16].

Theorem 1.2.2. The functor V 7→ Drig(V) gives rise to an equivalence of categories between the category of F-analytic representations of GK and the category of étale F-analytic Lubin-Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules over Brig,K.

In general, representations of GK that are notF-analytic are not overconver- gent (see §1.3), and the analogue of theorem 1.2.2 without the F-analyticity condition on both sides does not hold.

1.3 Overconvergent Lubin-Tate(ϕ,Γ)-modules

By theorem 1.2.2, there is an equivalence of categories between the category of F-analytic representations ofGK and the category of étaleF-analytic Lubin- Tate (ϕ,Γ)-modules over Brig,K. The purpose of this section is to prove a conjecture of Colmez that describesall overconvergent representations ofGK. Any representationV ofGK that factors through ΓK is overconvergent, since HKacts trivially onV so that D(V) =BKFV and therefore D(V) has a basis in which Mat(ϕq) = Id and Mat(g)∈GLd(OF) ifg ∈ΓK. If X is F-analytic andY factors through ΓK,XFY is therefore overconvergent. We prove that any overconvergent representation of GK is a quotient (and therefore also a subobject, by dualizing) of some representation of the formXFY as above.

Theorem 1.3.1. If V is an overconvergent representation of GK, there exists an F-analytic representationX of GK, a representationY ofGK that factors through ΓK, and a surjectiveGK-equivariant mapXFYV.

Proof. Recall (see §3 of [Ber16]) that if r > 0, then inside Brig,K we have the subring B†,rrig,K of elements defined on a fixed annulus whose inner radius depends onrand whose outer raidus is 1, and that (ϕ,Γ)-modules overBrig,K can be defined over B†,rrig,K if r is large enough, giving us a module D†,rrig(V).

We also have ringsB[r;s]K of elements defined on a closed annulus whose radii depend onr6s. One can think of an element ofB†,rrig,K as a compatible family


of elements of{BIK}I whereIruns over a set of closed intervals whose union is [r; +∞[. In the rest of the proof, we use this principle of glueing objects defined on closed annuli to get an object on the annulus corresponding toB†,rrig,K. Choose r > 0 large enough such that D†,rrig(V) is defined, and s > qr. Let D[r;s](V) =B[r;s]KB†,r

rig,KD†,rrig(V). Ifa∈ OF, and if valp(a)>nforn=n(r, s) large enough, the series exp(a·∇) converges in the operator norm to an operator on the Banach space D[r;s](V). This way, we can define a twisted action of ΓKn

on D[r;s](V), by the formulah ⋆ x = exp(logpπ(h))· ∇)(x). This action is nowF-analytic by construction.

Since s>qr, the modules D[qmr;qms](V) for m>0 are glued together (using the idea explained above) byϕq and we get a new action of ΓKn on D†,rrig(V) = D[r;+∞[(V) and hence on Drig(V). Since ϕq is unchanged, this new (ϕ,Γ)- module is étale, and therefore corresponds to a representationW ofGKn. The representationW isF-analytic by theorem 1.2.2, and its restriction toHK is isomorphic toV.

LetX = indGGKKnW. By Mackey’s formula,X|HK containsW|HKV|HK as a direct summand. The spaceY = Hom(indGGK

KnW, V)HK is therefore a nonzero representation of ΓK, and there is an element yY whose image is V. The natural mapXFYV is therefore surjective. Finally,XisF-analytic since W isF-analytic.

By dualizing, we get the following variant of theorem 1.3.1.

Corollary1.3.2. IfV is an overconvergent representation ofGK, there exists an F-analytic representationX of GK, a representationY ofGK that factors through ΓK, and an injectiveGK-equivariant mapVXFY.

1.4 Extensions of(ϕ,Γ)-modules

In this section, we prove that there are no non-trivial extensions between an F-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-module and the twist of an F-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-module by a character that is notF-analytic. This is not used in the rest of the paper, but is of independent interest.

If δ: ΓK → O×F is a continuous character, and g ∈ ΓK, let wδ(g) = logδ(g)/logχπ(g). Note thatδisF-analytic if and only ifwδ(g) is independent ofg∈ΓK.

We define the first cohomology group H1(D) of a (ϕ,Γ)-module D as in §4 of [FX13]. Let D be a (ϕ,Γ)-module over Brig,K. LetG denote the semigroup

ϕZq>0 ×ΓK and let Z1(D) denote the set of continuous functions f: G → D

such that (h−1)f(g) = (g−1)f(h) for allg, hG. Let B1(D) be the subset of Z1(D) consisting of functions of the form g 7→ (g−1)y, yD and let H1(D) = Z1(D)/B1(D). If gG andf ∈Z1, then [h7→(g−1)f(h)] = [h7→

(h−1)f(g)]∈B1. The natural actions of ΓKandϕq on H1are therefore trivial.


If D0 and D1 are two (ϕ,Γ)-modules, then Hom(D1,D0) = HomB

rig,K-mod(D1,D0) is a freeBrig,K-module of rank rk(D0) rk(D1) which is easily seen to be itself a (ϕ,Γ)-module. The space H1(Hom(D1,D0)) classifies the extensions of D1 by D0. More precisely, if D is such an extension and if s: D1→D is aBrig,K-linear map that is a section of the projection D→D1, then g7→sg(s) is a cocycle on Gwith values in Hom(D1,D0) (the element g(s)∈Hom(D1,D) being defined byg(s)(g(x)) =g(s(x)) for allgGand all x∈D1). The class of this cocycle in the quotient H1(Hom(D1,D0)) does not depend on the choice of the section s, and every such class defines a unique extension of D1by D0up to isomorphism.

Theorem 1.4.1. If D is anF-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-module, and if δ: ΓK → OF× is notlocally F-analytic, thenH1(D(δ)) ={0}.

Proof. Ifg∈ΓK andx(δ)∈D(δ) withx∈D, we have

g(x(δ)) =∇(x)(δ) +wδ(g)·x(δ).

Ifg, h∈ΓK, this implies that∇g(x(δ))− ∇h(x(δ)) = (wδ(g)−wδ(h))·x(δ). If f ∈H1(D(δ)) andg∈ΓK, theng(f) =fand therefore∇g(f) = 0. The formula above shows that ifk∈ΓK, then∇g(f(k))−∇h(f(k)) = (wδ(g)−wδ(h))·f(k), so that 0 = (∇g− ∇h)(f) = (wδ(g)−wδ(h))·f, and thereforef = 0 ifδis not locally analytic.

2 Analytic cohomology and Iwasawa theory

In this chapter, we explain how to construct classes in the cohomology groups ofF-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-modules. This allows us to define our mapsh1Kn,V. 2.1 Analytic cohomology

LetGbe anF-analytic semigroup and letM be a Fréchet or LF space with a pro-F-analytic (§2 of [Ber16]) action ofG. Recall that this means that we can write M = lim−→ilim←−jMij whereMij is a Banach space with a locally analytic action of G. A function f :GM is said to be pro-F-analytic if its image lies in lim←−jMij for some i and if the corresponding function f :GMij is locally F-analytic for allj.

The analytic cohomology groups Hian(G, M) are defined and studied in §4 of [FX13] and §5 of [Col16]. In particular, we have H0an(G, M) = MG and H1an(G, M) = Z1an(G, M)/B1an(G, M) where Z1an(G, M) is the set of pro-F- analytic functions f : GM such that (g−1)f(h) = (h−1)f(g) for all g, hGand B1an(G, M) is the set of functions of the formg7→(g−1)m.

LetM be a Fréchet space, and writeM = lim←−nMn with Mn a Banach space such that the image ofMn+j inMn is dense for allj>0.

Proposition2.1.1. We have H1an(G, M) = lim←−nH1an(G, Mn).


Proof. By definition, we have an exact sequence

0→B1an(G, Mn)→Z1an(G, Mn)→H1an(G, Mn)→0.

It is clear that B1an(G, M) = lim←−nB1an(G, Mn) and that Z1an(G, M) = lim←−nZ1an(G, Mn), since these spaces are spaces of functions on G satisfying certain compatible conditions. The Banach spaces B1an(G, Mn) satisfy the Mittag-Leffler condition: B1an(G, Mn) = Mn/MnG and the image of Mn+j in Mn is dense for allj>0. This implies that the sequence



B1an(G, Mn)→lim←−


Z1an(G, Mn)→lim←−


H1an(G, Mn)→0 is exact, and the proposition follows.

In this paper, we mainly use the semigroups ΓK, ΓK ×Φ where Φ = {ϕnq,

nZ>0} and ΓK×Ψ where Ψ = {ψnq, nZ>0}. The semigroups Φ and Ψ

are discrete and theF-analytic structure comes from the one on ΓK.

Definition 2.1.2. LetGbe a compact group and letH be an open subgroup of G. We have the corestriction map cor : H1an(H, M) → H1an(G, M), which satisfies cor◦res = [G : H]. This map has the following equivalent explicit descriptions (see §2.5 of [Ser94] and §II.2 of [CC99]). LetXGbe a set of representatives ofG/H and letf ∈Z1an(H, M) be a cocycle.

1. By Shapiro’s lemma, H1an(H, M) = H1an(G,indGHM) and cor is the map induced byi7→P


2. ifMN where N is a G-module and if there existsnN such that f(h) = (h−1)(n), then cor(f)(g) = (g−1)(P


3. ifgG, letτg :XX be the permutation defined byτg(x)H =gxH.

We have cor(f)(g) =P


Ifg∈ΓK, letℓ(g) = logpχπ(g). IfM is a Fréchet space with a pro-F-analytic action of ΓK and ifg∈ΓK is such thatχπ(g)∈1 + 2pOF, then limn→∞(gpn− 1)/(pnℓ(g)) converges to an operator∇onM, which is independent ofgthanks to theF-analyticity assumption. Ifc: ΓKM is anF-analytic map, letc(1) denote its derivative at the identity.

Proposition 2.1.3. If M is a Fréchet space with a pro-F-analytic action of ΓK, the map c 7→c(1) induces an isomorphism H1anK, M) = (M/∇M)ΓK, under which corL/K corresponds to TrL/K.

Proof. Assume for the time being thatMis a Banach space. We first show that the map induced by c 7→c(1) is well-defined and lands in (M/∇M)ΓK. The map c7→c(1) from Z1anK, M)→M is well-defined, and if c(g) = (g−1)m, thenc(1) =∇mso that there is a well-defined map H1anK, M)→M/∇M. If


h∈ΓK then (h−1)c(1) = limg→1(h−1)c(g)/ℓ(g) = limg→1(g−1)c(h)/ℓ(g) =

∇c(h) so that the image ofc7→c(1) lies in (M/∇M)ΓK.

The formula for the corestriction follows from the explicit descriptions above:

ifh∈ΓL thenτh(x) =xso that cor(c)(h) =P

x∈Xx·c(h) and cor(c)(1) = lim

h→1cor(c)(h)/ℓ(h) = X


x·c(1) = TrL/K(c(1)).

We now show that the map is injective. If c(1) =∇m, then the derivative of g7→c(g)−(g−1)matg= 1 is zero and hencec(g) = (g−1)mon some open subgroup ΓLof ΓK andc= [L:K]−1corL/K ◦resK/L(c) = 0.

We finally show that the map is surjective. Suppose now thaty∈(M/∇M)ΓK. The formulag7→(exp(ℓ(g)∇)−1)/∇ ·ydefines an analytic cocyclecLon some open subgroup ΓL of ΓK. The image of [L : K]−1cL under corL/K gives a cocylec∈H1anK, M) such thatc(1) =y.

We now let M = lim←−nMn be a Fréchet space. The map H1anK, M) → (M/∇M)ΓK induced by c 7→ c(1) is well-defined, and in the other direction we have the mapy7→cy:

(M/∇M)ΓK →lim←−




H1anK, Mn)→H1anK, M).

These two maps are inverses of each other.

Remark2.1.4. Compare with the following theorem (see [Tam15], corollary 21):

ifGis a compactp-adic Lie group and ifM is a locally analytic representation ofG, then Hian(G, M) = Hi(Lie(G), M)G.

2.2 Cohomology ofF-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-modules

If V is an F-analytic representation, let H1an(K, V) ⊂ H1(K, V) classify the F-analytic extensions ofF by V. Let D denote an F-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-module overBrig,K, such as Drig(V).

Proposition 2.2.1. If V is F-analytic, then H1an(K, V) = H1anK × Φ,Drig(V)).

Proof. The group H1anK×Φ,Drig(V)) classifies theF-analytic extensions of Brig,K by Drig(V), which correspond to F-analytic extensions of F by V by theorem 1.2.2.

Theorem 2.2.2. IfD is anF-analytic (ϕ,Γ)-module overBrig,K andi= 0,1, thenHianK,Dψq=0) = 0.

Proof. Since Brig,FBrig,K, theBrig,K-module D is a freeBrig,F-module of finite rank. LetRF denoteBrig,F and letRCp denoteCp⊗bFBrig,F the Robba


ring with coefficients in Cp. There is an action of GF on the coefficients of RCp andRGCFp =RF.

Theorem 5.5 of [Col16] says that HianK,(RCpRF D)ψq=0) = 0. For i= 0, this implies our claim. For i = 1, it says that if c : ΓK → Dψq=0 is an F- analytic cocycle, there existsm∈(RCpRFD)ψq=0 such thatc(g) = (g−1)m for allg∈ΓK. IfαGF, thenc(g) = (g−1)α(m) as well, so thatα(m)−m∈ ((RCpRF D)ψq=0)ΓK = 0. This shows thatm ∈ ((RCpRF D)ψq=0)GF = Dψq=0.

Corollary 2.2.3. The groups HianK×Φ,D) and HianK×Ψ,D) are iso- morphic fori= 0,1.

Proof. If i = 0, then we have an inclusion Dϕq=1,ΓK ⊂ Dψq=1,ΓK. If x ∈ Dψq=1,ΓK, then xϕq(x) ∈ Dψq=0,ΓK ={0} by theorem 2.2.2, so that x = ϕq(x) and the above inclusion is an equality.

Now leti= 1. Iff ∈Z1anK×Φ,D), letT f ∈Z1anK×Ψ,D) be the function defined byT f(g) =f(g) ifg∈ΓK andT fq) =−ψq(f(ϕq)).

Iff ∈Z1anK×Ψ,D) andg∈ΓK, then (ϕqψq−1)f(g)∈Dψq=0 and the map g7→(ϕqψq−1)f(g) is an element of Z1anK,Dψq=0). By theorem 2.2.2, applied once for existence and once for unicity, there is a uniquemf ∈Dψq=0such that (ϕqψq−1)f(g) = (g−1)mf. LetU f ∈Z1anK×Φ,D) be the function defined byU f(g) =f(g) if g∈ΓK andU f(ϕq) =−ϕq(f(ψq)) +mf.

It is straightforward to check thatU andT are inverses of each other (even at the level of the Z1an) and that they descend to the H1an.

Theorem 2.2.4. The mapf 7→fq)fromZ1anK×Ψ,D)toD gives rise to an exact sequence:

0→H1anK,Dψq=1)→H1anK×Ψ,D)→ D

ψq−1 ΓK

Proof. Iff ∈Z1anK×Ψ,D) andg∈ΓK, then (g−1)f(ψq) = (ψq−1)f(g)∈ (ψq−1)D so that the image off is in (D/(ψq−1))ΓK. The other verifications are similar.

2.3 The space D/(ψq−1)

By theorem 2.2.4 in the previous section, the cokernel of the map H1anK,Dψq=1) → H1anK ×Ψ,D) injects into (D/(ψq − 1))ΓK. It can be useful to know that this cokernel is not too large. In this section, we bound D/(ψq−1) when D = Brig,F, with the action ofϕq twisted by a−1, for some aF×.

Theorem 2.3.1. If aF×, then ψqa : Brig,FBrig,F is onto unless a=q−1πm for some mZ>1, in which case Brig,F/(ψqa)is of dimension 1.


In order to prove this theorem, we need some results about the action ofψq on Brig,F. Recall that the map=d/dtπ was defined in §1.1.

Lemma 2.3.2. If aF×, then q −1 :B+rig,FB+rig,F is an isomorphism, unless a=π−m for somemZ>0, in which case

ker(aϕq−1 :B+rig,FB+rig,F) =F tmπ

im(aϕq−1 :B+rig,FB+rig,F) ={f(T)∈B+rig,F |m(f)(0) = 0}.

Proof. This is lemma 5.1 of [FX13].

Lemma 2.3.3. If mZ>0, there is an h(T) ∈ (B+rig,F)ψq=0 such that

m(h)(0)6= 0.

Proof. We have ψq(T) = 0 by (the proof of) proposition 2.2 of [FX13]. If there was some m0 such that m(T)(0) = 0 for all m > m0, then T would be a polynomial in tπ, which it is not. This implies that there is a sequence {mi}i of integers with mi →+∞, such that mi(T)(0)6= 0, and we can take h(T) =mi−m(T) for anymi>m.

Corollary 2.3.4. If aF×, thenψqa:B+rig,FB+rig,F is onto.

Proof. If f(T)∈B+rig,F and if we can write f = (1−q)g, thenf = (ψqa)(ϕq(g)). If this is not possible, then by lemma 2.3.2 there existsm>0 such that a =π−m and m(f)(0)6= 0. Let h be the function provided by lemma 2.3.3. The functionf−(∂m(f)(0)/∂m(h)(0))·his in the image of 1−q by lemma 2.3.2, andh= (ψqa)(−a−1h) sinceψq(h) = 0. This implies thatf is in the image ofψqa.

Lemma 2.3.5. Ifa−1q· OF, thenψqa:Brig,FBrig,F is onto.

Proof. We haveBrig,F =B+rig,F+BF(by writing a power series as the sum of its plus part and of its minus part) and by corollary 2.3.4,ψq−a:B+rig,FB+rig,F is onto. Take f(T) ∈ BF, choose some r > 0 and let B(0,r]F be the set of f(T)∈ BF that converge and are bounded on the annulus 0 <valp(x) 6r.

It follows from proposition 1.4 of [Col16] that if n≫ 0, then ψqn(f)∈ B(0,r]F and by proposition 2.4(d) of [FX13], the sequence (q/π·ψq)n(f) is bounded in B(0,r]F . The seriesP

n>0a−1−nψqn(f) therefore converges inB(0,r]F , and we can write f= (ψqa)g whereg=a−1(1−a−1ψq)−1f =P


Let Res : Brig,FF be defined by Res(f) = a−1 where f(T)dtπ = P

n∈ZanTndT. The following lemma combines propositions 2.12 and 2.13 of [FX13].

Lemma 2.3.6. The sequence0 →FBrig,F −→ Brig,F −−→Res F →0 is exact, andRes(ψq(f)) =π/q·Res(f).



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