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A study of video lesson analysis to improve mathematic lesson in Laos through the case of teaching practices by Savannakhet Teacher Training College students


Academic year: 2021

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οie;l'ison anaiysÑ,~ to improve mathem訓D.~~ !essmr~ inL~.os thrml!gb. the ca



e of teachill1g ~n..:ac1l:iceS) by Savannakbet Te~u~l~附r

Training CoUege stllJl.dents

Education for Specialized Sub.片ctmatterぷ乙field Intemational Education Cooperation Phailath SYTHONG L IIDl'h"⑬ducti:JI.o阻 Education development in Lao PDR is the core issue of hmnan resource deveJopulent, which is a 5tr割egicprocess for accompIishing the poHcy goals of the national social-economic development. Improving teacher competency seems to bεthe m05t important issue for iOlproving thedevdopment of education加 Laos. Teachers eveηrwhere should have high academic standards to provide their students with quality teaching. 'nus also means tha:iteaching staff should be able to receive good teaching methods and had use乱11 teaching practice from their fi.rst institution; they also should h31ve eontinuing trainingin theixt(~aching field, The purpose of this study is to invesugate the di庇1culties of learning mathematics In primary teacher education at Teacher Training CoHege (TTC) and detennine whether the video analysis method is better than the without video method in pre~service teachersヲ reflectlve teaching practice in mathematics, In addition, to f



nd out the perceptions of stuctent teachersラ onreflective teaching based on video analysis也 2包 Resean:bmdbmlo[ogy This is am exploratoryヲ comparativeフ quantitative and qualitative research; this research was carried out with 49 first year pre~service primary teachers of Savarmakhet Teacher Training CollegeうれNO mathematics teachers from TTC and 4 prinぽmγteachers Supervisor: Hiroaki OZaVif3. irmn 2 attached prima:.ry schools of STTC. Table1: The numbers of participant involved 1n the r:esearch Pre-service teachers were divided Into two groups; gl氾up A and group B. The researcher instmcted group A to use Video analysis method for reflection in the teaching practicewhile group B vvas notinstructed to use video analysis method Ior reflection in. th

e teaching practice. Both groups conducted teaching practice grade 2 and grade .5 classes at two different primaτy schools. 30R~eS1lllnt;ïl ~Jíld C4Jilffifu.dendIou Based on t吐heeXi剖i仁はte問~r叫I groups shown in f立19lじ悶J汀珂fe] beJm. 万杭ヲ bot出hgroups displayed a positive cha泊ngein the procむdur苔eof reflective teaching practice.in grade 2.Student tεachersラwhoused video rdlectionラdispltayed significantly higher professionaJ suggestions than those who did their reflectionsミwithout video. Group A had average ex旧工11of change as 0ラ46 meaning incre:ase of 11.50% whi1e group B had average extent of change as 0,24 meaning increase of 6%ラ representing a deference of 5.50% between both groups. Group B had 3 items that were of negative ウ 4 4 4 つ d


changeラ suchas items 7ヲ 8 and 26ラ and contained many items that were notchanged. Howeverラa11itemsingroup A were of positive change.Most oftheitemsingroupA were more positive changerather thantheitemsin groupB.

C(1ll1pari~ünthe eli!!lut{lf challg~ bel¥'日engmupAandgroupBfurgradl!2













前t-E,\lt明日 oL:lun~()f gr,岬 A -自加。m,y:o:!i!ttlf'iJl:岬s Figure 1: Comparison betweentheextentof changegroups A andB forgrade2 Based on theextentof ch況1ge for bothgroups shown in figure 2 below, both groupsdisplayed a positive change in the procedure01"ref1ective teachingpracticein gr:ade5.Studentteachers who used video ref1ection displayed significantly higher professional suggestions thanthosewho did their ref1eetkms withoutvideo. Group A had average extent of change as 0, 41meaning increaseof 10.25% while group B had average extent of changeas 0, 23 meaning increaseof 7 %. This 1叩resenteda differenceof 3.25%

which was between bothgroups.Group B had

one item negative change, such asitems25,

and contained many Iiems thatwere not

changedラ butgroup A had positive change.

Most of theitems ingroupA had more

positivechange than the items in groupB.





吟 行









州 市

Figure2: Comparison betweentheextentof changeofgroupsA and B for grade5

The resultfrom theinterview shows that the content knowledge of the studentteachers isverylow thatmade itdi伍cultforthe student teacherstosolve some exercisesin primary mathematics textbooks. During teaching practiceinprimaryschool, theyfoundit di百icult to explain mathematics contents

correctlyand f1uently.Howeverヲ theyhad problemswithgood classcontrol and too

much work tobe done at the same time.

The resuH 企omthe interviewshows that

usingvideolessonanalysis forfeedback inthe lesson was an effectivemethod in improving

teaching skills, content knowledge and

methodology and the comments during feedback were more focusedon pedagogy, content knowledge and, constructive criticisms withmore suggestionsthan the one without video analysis. It cangive realand objective picturesof what reallyhappensinthe class. Videolessonshelp pre-service teachers to exploreallaspectsoftheir teachingand also to develop their ability to investigate their ref1ectivethinking skills.Ref1ectiveteaching helps teachers to improve their teaching and

become open・mindedin ordertoleam from otherteachers. 4. Condunsion Mathematics content knowledge is very importantforpre幽serviceteacherstopractice teaching in primary schools, because ithelps them to explain the mathematics lessons

correctly, and makes them feel confident when

they explain any mathematicsconcepts. Video analysisplays a significant role inreflectionof lessons, it can provideclearclasssituationfor discussion.Reflectiveteachingpractice helps teachers to improve their teachingラbecauseit helps to identi命 weaknesses that need improvementsthereby, ensuringthesolidarity in mathematics teachingandleaming. It also improves pre-servicecritical, discussion and ref1ective thinking skills. -3



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