• 検索結果がありません。

お知らせ(英語) 悪質・危険な自転車運転者に対して、講習の受講が義務付けられます!(平成27年6月1日から)|岡山市|くらし・手続き|安全・安心なくらし


Academic year: 2018

シェア "お知らせ(英語) 悪質・危険な自転車運転者に対して、講習の受講が義務付けられます!(平成27年6月1日から)|岡山市|くらし・手続き|安全・安心なくらし"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)




The traffic rule of riding bicycles and the obligation of “Class for

bicycle riders” due to a revision of the Road Traffic Law (Notice)

Although bicycle is a convenient vehicle to ride easily, it can be also a dangerous vehicle, and accidents by bicycles occur frequently in Okayama City. If an accident happens, a compensation for damage may occur. In preparation for an accident, let’s get the insurance that compensation is received. (About the insurance, please ask insurance companies.)

Attendance of the class for vicious and dangerous bicycles riders has now been obliged since June 1, 2015 due to a revision of the Road Traffic Law. When driving a bicycle, please keep the traffic rules, and make absolutely sure of the safety of around to ride.

1, 5 Bicycle Safety Laws

① Cycle on the road, sidewalk is an exception ② Cycle on the left

③ Pedestrians have priority, stay road-side and cycle slowly ④ Observe the safety rules

○Do not drink and drive, cycle with 2 people on the same bicycle, or ride side-by-side with another cyclist.

○Use lights when cycling at night(cycling without lights is prohibited).

○At intersections, comply with traffic lights and pause and check it is safe proceed.

○Do not use mobile phones or umbrellas when cycling.

⑤ Children should wear helmets

2, A revision of the Road Traffic Law and Class for bicycle riders

Please see the attached sheet.


Flow of the class system

A bicycle rider repeats a dangerous


Twice or more within 3 years

To prevent traffic hazards, Prefectural Public

Safety Commission orders the bicycle rider to

take a class

Taking a class

Class hours hours

Class fee yen

The violation of the order to take a class

A penalty of less than 50,000 yen

For particulars, apply to the nearest police station or

Traffic Planning Division in Police Headquarters.


OKAYAMA PREFECTURAL POLICE Dangerous violations that objects to taking the class are

Disregard for traffic signals

Failure to stop in designated places

Riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol

Riding a bicycle without proper brakes

Entering a railroad crossing inhibited by a crossing gate etc.

If you repeat a dangerous violation while riding a bicycle,



死亡保険金受取人は、法定相続人と なります。ご指定いただく場合は、銀泉


本事業における SFD システムの運転稼働は 2021 年 1 月 7 日(木)から開始された。しか し、翌週の 13 日(水)に、前年度末からの

県) が総務大臣杯の栄冠に輝きました。優勝が発表 された瞬間、張り詰めた空気から一転、客席から歓 声が沸き起こりました。優勝したおおむら太鼓連く じら太鼓は、12

今回の SSLRT において、1 日目の授業を受けた受講者が日常生活でゲートキーパーの役割を実

「カキが一番おいしいのは 2 月。 『海のミルク』と言われるくらい、ミネラルが豊富だか らおいしい。今年は気候の影響で 40~50kg

【その他の意見】 ・安心して使用できる。

Amount of Remuneration, etc. The Company does not pay to Directors who concurrently serve as Executive Officer the remuneration paid to Directors. Therefore, “Number of Persons”