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中学英語問題 無料プリント 吉倉中学英語・英会話教室 passive2


Academic year: 2017

シェア "中学英語問題 無料プリント 吉倉中学英語・英会話教室 passive2"


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ポイント:SVOOの文型をとる次の動詞には、2通りの受動態が可能なので注意しましょう。 give / tell / show / teach / send / buy

例)My father gave me this watch for my birthday. 1) I was given this watch by my father for my birthday. 2) This watch was given to me by my father for my birthday.

A. 次の英語を日本語にしなさい。 1. He is called D by his friends.


2. The package was sent to the U.S. by air.  *by air 航空便で その小包は航空便でアメリカ合衆国へ送られました。

3. The boy was happy because he was given a present by his parents. 両親からプレゼントをもらって、その少年は嬉しかった。

4. The painting was bought by a rich Chinese.


B. 次の英文を( )の指示に従って書き換えなさい。

1. Every student at Sakura High School likes Mr. Suzuki. (受動態に) Mr. Suzuki is liked by every student at Sakura High School.

2. Japanese language is taught at some high schools in Australia. (疑問文に) Is Japanese language taught at some high schools in Australia.

3. This cake was made today. (いつ作られたかたずねる文に) When was this cake made?

C. 日本語にあうように(  )の英単語を並び替えて英文を作りなさい。

1. 僕たちはコンピューターに興味があります。( are / in computers / we / interested / . )  We are interested in computers. *∼に興味がある be interested in ∼ 2. 昨日、私の誕生日パーティーが開かれました。( yesterday / my / birthday party / held / was /. )

My birthday party was held yesterday.

3. その国では英語は話されてません。( the country / in / English / not / spoken / is / . ) English is not spoken in the country.

4. 日本文化はリサのとって興味深い。( Japanese culture / Lisa / interesting / to / is / . ) Japanese culture is interesting to Lisa.

5. この建物は約200年前の建設されました。( this building / about 200 years ago / built / was /. ) This building was built about two hundred years ago.

No. 302 - 受動態(受け身)2



ポイント:SVOOの文型をとる次の動詞には、2通りの受動態が可能なので注意しましょう。 give / tell / show / teach / send / buy

例)My father gave me this watch for my birthday. 1) I was given this watch by my father for my birthday. 2) This watch was given to me by my father for my birthday.

A. 次の英語を日本語にしなさい。 1. He is called D by his friends.


2. The package was sent to the U.S. by air.  *by air 航空便で その小包は航空便でアメリカ合衆国へ送られました。

3. The boy was happy because he was given a present by his parents. 両親からプレゼントをもらって、その少年は嬉しかった。

4. The painting was bought by a rich Chinese.


B. 次の英文を( )の指示に従って書き換えなさい。

1. Every student at Sakura High School likes Mr. Suzuki. (受動態に) Mr. Suzuki is liked by every student at Sakura High School.

2. Japanese language is taught at some high schools in Australia. (疑問文に) Is Japanese language taught at some high schools in Australia.

3. This cake was made today. (いつ作られたかたずねる文に) When was this cake made?

C. 日本語にあうように(  )の英単語を並び替えて英文を作りなさい。

1. 僕たちはコンピューターに興味があります。( are / in computers / we / interested / . )  We are interested in computers. *∼に興味がある be interested in ∼ 2. 昨日、私の誕生日パーティーが開かれました。( yesterday / my / birthday party / held / was /. )

My birthday party was held yesterday.

3. その国では英語は話されてません。( the country / in / English / not / spoken / is / . ) English is not spoken in the country.

4. 日本文化はリサのとって興味深い。( Japanese culture / Lisa / interesting / to / is / . ) Japanese culture is interesting to Lisa.

5. この建物は約200年前の建設されました。( this building / about 200 years ago / built / was /. ) This building was built about two hundred years ago.

No. 302 - 受動態(受け身)2


