• 検索結果がありません。

Promotive of happiness; pleasant; agreeable; cheering; gratifying

9 聖書に関する語彙

22. Promotive of happiness; pleasant; agreeable; cheering; gratifying

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity. Ps. cxxxiii.

30. Benevolent; merciful; gracious. Truly God is good to Israel, even to such as are of clean heart. Ps. lxxiii.

31. Seasonable; commendable; proper. Why trouble, ye the woman, for she hath wrought a good work on me. Matt. xxvi.

32. Pleasant; cheerful; festive. We come in a good day. I Sam. xxv.

適当な創作用例で済まさないで、その多くを聖書から引用した点に NW の聖 書へのこだわりを示唆し、人にとっての善なるものを神とのかかわりで強く想 起させる役割を果たしている。God の名詞用法も同様である。

GOOD, n.[1.]That which contributes to diminish or remove pain, or to

increase happiness or prosperity; benefit; advantage; opposed to evil or misery. The medicine will do neither good nor harm. It does my heart good to see you so happy. There are many that say, who will show us any good?


5. Moral works; actions which are just and in conformity to the moral law or divine precepts. Depart from evil, and do good. Ps. xxxiv.

6. Moral qualities; virtue; righteousness. I find no good in this man.

7. The best fruits; richness; abundance. I will give you the good of the land.

Gen. xlv.

次に love の用法を名詞用法と動詞用法に分けて提示し、まずは名詞用法から分 析していく。

LOVE, n.[1.]An affection of the mind excited by beauty and worth of any kind, or by the qualities of an object which communicate pleasure, sensual or intellectual. I is opposed to hatred...

We speak of the love of amusements, the love of books, the love of money, and the love of whatever contributes to our pleasure or supposed profit.

The love of God is the first duty of man, and this springs from just views of his attributes or excellencies of character, which afford the highest delight to the sanctified heart. Esteem and reverence constitute ingredients in this affection, and fear of offending him is its inseparable effect.

love を含む用例の中では最後の例(‘the love of God’)が解説付きの長い創作 用例となっていることは、NW の、この語への思い入れの深さを伺わせる。

続いて、Love の動詞用法は以下のようである。

LOVE, v.t. 1. In a general sense to be pleased with; to regard with affection, on account of some qualities which excite pleasing sensations or desire of

gratification. 1 )* We love a friend... 2 ) We love a man who has done us a favor... 3 ) We love our parents and our children, on account of their connection of our affection 4 ) We love to retire ... 5 ) We love a warm room in winter. 6 ) We love to hear an eloquent advocate. 7 ) The Christian loves his Bible. In short, we love whatever gives us pleasure and delight, whether animal or intellectual; and if our hearts are right, we love God above all things, as the sum of all excellence and all the attributes which can communicate happiness to intelligent beings. In other words, the Christian loves God with the love of complacency in his attributes, the love of benevolence towards the interests of his kingdom, and the love of gratitude for favors received. (* 原文にはないが、比較参照を容易にするためあえて用例 に番号を付す。)

10 の引用例中最後の 4 例がキリスト教をめぐる同一文脈内の一連の談話となっ ている。第 7 例の冒頭 ‘The Christian loves his Bible’ の内容を具体的に説明す るために、 ‘In short’ と述べたあと、少しも簡潔でない、それどころか、冗長な 説明を続けつつ、さらに ‘In other words’ と続けて劣らず長い説明するくだり を含む用例の語数の合計は全体の半数を超えている。

Monaghan(1983) は 同 じ 個 所 に 言 及 し な が ら、NW の fundamentalist Christianity への改宗が辞書の定義に影響を及ぼし、それを例証するための例文 の創作にまで及び、その評価を貶めたと、次のように語る。

‘Webster’s conversion to a fundamentalist Christianity affected his work to its detriment. As Rollins(1980:131-38) has demonstrated, it influenced the wording of some of his definitions and is most evident in the sentences that Webster used to illustrate the words he had defined. For the verb love, for instance, Webster wrote, “The Christian loves his Bible”; the noun love is illustrated by “the love of God is the first duty of man”. Moreover, because Webster now took the Bible literally, he accepted the biblical version of man’

s origins, and believed that, just as all mankind had descended from Adam and Eve, so had all languages descended from one single language. Adam’s language itself was, he thought, probably the “immediate gift of God.”’

(Monaghan 1983 :109)

Snyder (2002:258)は 見出し語 ‘love’ に見られる聖書への回帰に傾斜した根 本主義的特徴を ‘rhapsodize’ という誇張的表現を使い、以下のように記してい る :

Love had many applications in Webster’s perspective, but in his explanation of the verb form of the word, he rhapsodized over the Biblical application [...]The noun form also offered an opportunity to spread his message [...] (Snyder 2002:258)

この傾向は、それにとどまらず、以下の例証に見るように、辞書全体を通して 頻繁に現れる傾向であると言えよう。この辞書はそれだけ聖書への依存度が高 い証左である。

9.2 Heart, house

聖書への依存がよりはっきりと姿を現すのは見出し語 ‘heart’ と ‘house’ であろ う。

HEART, n. 4. The seat of the affections and passions, as of love, joy, grief, enmity, courage, pleasure, &c. The heart is deceitful above all things. Every imagination of the thoughts of the heart is evil continually. We read of an honest and good heart, and an evil heart of unbelief, a willing heart, a heavy heart, sorrow of heart, a hard heart, a proud heart, pure heart. The heart faints in adversity, or under discouragement, that is, courage fails; the heart is deceived, enlarged, reproved, lifted up, fixed, established, moved &c.


5. By metonymy, heart is used for an affection or passion, and particularly for love. The king’s heart was towards Absalom. 2 Sam. xiv.

6. The seat of understanding; as an understanding heart. We read of men wise in heart, and slow of heart. Scripture.

7. The seat of the will; hence, secret purposes, intentions or designs. There are many devices in a man’s heart. The heart of kings is unsearchable. The Lord tries and searches the heart. David had it in his heart to build a house of rest for the ark. Scripture.

(4.6.7. については聖書の教えを NW の言葉で簡潔に言い直した創作例文に なっている。)

HOUSE, n. 2. An edifice or building appropriated to the worship of God; a temple; a church; as the house of God.