• 検索結果がありません。

Framework of proposed recommendation approach

Generally, as mentioned in section 2.2.1, recommender systems consist of three main parts: input sources, recommendation method and output recommendations. The framework of learning resources recommendation is shown in Fig.5.1. It consists of the following parts.

(i) Input sources:

According to different part of the proposed framework, input sources consist of two parts: learner profiles and learning resources. Learner profile is made up of (i) keyword map based preference, (ii) learning process based preference (this part consists of learning process and learner rating calculated based on learning process) and (iii) the preference of learner relationships (comparisons) based on analysis of social interactions.

Chapter 5: Recommendation of Learning Resources 83

Learner process Learning resources

Learner keyword map profile


comparison profile

Learner rating profile Content filtering based on

keyword map

Collaborative filtering based on learner’s relationship Hybrid filtering

Recommending Method

Input sources

User interface Output


Fig.5.1 Framework for recommendation of learning resources

Recommendation of learning resources consists of three main parts: input sources, recommending method and output recommendations. Input sources (deep grey) consist of two parts: learner profiles and learning resources. Learner profile is made up of (i) keyword map based preference, (ii) learning process based preference (this part consists of learning process and learner rating calculated based on learning process) and (iii) learners’ comparison based on analysis of social interaction. The recommendation method (light blue) contains three stages: (1) content filtering based on keyword map; (2) collaborative filtering based on learner’s relationship and (3) hybrid filtering. We provide top N recommendation list for output recommendation (green).

Learning resources can be used to help learners to examine their understanding from diverse perspectives, making connections across related concepts, and bridge the gap between their theoretical understanding and practical knowledge [Jeong and Hmelo-Silver, 2010]. On the other hand, learning resources are different from music, movies and etc. and the definition is as follows.

Definition 5.1 : Learning resource means any digital educational resource used within the e-learning environment, it could be a course, a web page, a simulation, i.e. all known formats of digital educational resources regardless their granularity. In our case, learning resource consists of web page, note and comments.

84 Chapter 5: Recommendation of Learning Resources

lr4 lr7 lr1 lr5 lr8 lr12


1 2 3 4 5 6

} , ,

{ a ab abj

b wp note c

lr =

} ,

,..., ,

, , , ,


3 4 3 7 3 1 3 12


= < u lr > < u lr > < u lr > < u lr >



Fig.5.2 Learning resource and learning process

Learning resource consists of web page, note (abstract & remark) and comments. Learning process is sequence of learning resources. For typical learning resources sequence is defined (e.g. book chapters: 1, 2, 3, ... , n). For informal learning resources (e.g. websites) sequence is not defined. Recommender system doesn’t consider this sequence.

Proposal considers and estimates this sequence.

Learning resource consists of web page, note (abstract & remark), comments (Fig.5.2). Learning resource b expresses as follows: lrb={wpa,noteab,cabj}. Where


ais the web page a,


abis the note which relates to web page a, and


abj is the comments which orient to


ab. b is the primary key.

For example (Fig.5.2),


a is the content (地球の環境問題について 地球温暖化、日本、中国の環境問題など……温


廃 棄物 ・ 化学物質な ど 地 球規 模、局地的な 国際環 境条 約な ど) of the web page (http://www.seidokanri.jp).


ab is the content which consists of abstract (地球環境問題とは環境問題の中でも…) and

remark (地球温暖化の原因でもある温室効果ガス…)


abj is made up of 6 comments such as (地球温暖化の原因…温暖化の影響などについて), (工 業化、自動車の普及による…) and etc.

Chapter 5: Recommendation of Learning Resources 85

Learning process is sequence of learning resources. Learning process reflect learners’ learning interests, intents, and experiences. In our research, the definition of learning process is as follow.

Definition 5.2 : Let U ={u1,u2,...,um}denotes the set of all learners and LR={lr1,lr2,...,lro} denotes the set of all learning resources (items). A feature function, fui(LR), represents learner ui’s preference for the learning resources in LR. A learning process is a sequence of tuples


=< i k

ui u lr

lp , . Learning step is the index of tuple in a learning process. Each learner ui may have a learning process LPui to express her/his preferences. Let lpuij denotes the jth learning step of learner ui and in this learning step the learner ui learned learning resource lrk. Then, the learning process of learner ui can be represented as LPui={lpuij}nj=1.

For example, learner u3 has performed 7 learning steps and learning process can be represented as }

, ,..., , , , , ,

{ 3 4 3 7 3 1 3 12

3= <u lr ><u lr ><u lr > <u lr >

LPu . In this learning process, tuple

< u





’s learning step is 1; tuple

< u





’s learning step is 2; tuple

< u





’s learning step is 3;


< u



12 ’s learning step is 7. The same learning resource can be accessed multiple times in separate learning steps (Fig.5.2). In our e-NOTEBOOK system, learning processes are generated after learners wrote note or wrote comment (Fig.3.2).

The learner profile is as follows:

) ,

, ,


i i relationshipi ratingi


LP KeywordMap A A

Learner =

Where, LPi is the learning process of learner i.



=< K


, R



is the keyword map of learner i based on learning process. Arelationship


ri rin


i = ,1,..., , is the relationship of learner i and other learners, and this part is estimated by learners’ comparison. Arating


ri rmi


i = 1,,..., , is the rating which calculated based on the learning process of learner i. n is the number of learner. m is the number of learning resource.

For example,

]) 0000 . 0 ,..., 0276 . 0 , 1638 . 0 [

], 0167 . 0 ,..., 4667 . 0 , 0167 . 0 [

, } 6955 . 0 , , ,...,

2.8627 , , {

}, 51 . 0 , ,...,

72 . 0 , {

}, , ,..., ,


5 4 5 98

















伐採 洪水 ガス

地球 地熱


lr u lr



86 Chapter 5: Recommendation of Learning Resources

(ii) Recommendation method

The recommendation method is the heart of the recommendation of learning resources. It aims to provide both accurate and justifiable recommendations. The recommendation method contains three stages: (1) content filtering based on keyword map, (2) collaborative filtering based on learner’s relationship, and (3) hybrid filtering.

(iii) Output recommendation

Learners interact with e-NOTEBOOK system through its interface. Provided functions for example is meant to help a learner to keep track of the learning process he has performed, record the log data, provide recommendation of learning resources as navigation and etc. Here, we provide top N recommendation list.

The following sections will introduce our proposed recommending methods.