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ドキュメント内 untitled (ページ 53-56)



456 Ambani, John Osogo: Africa and the Decolonisation of

State-Religion Policies. 2021/ 03.

(Brill Research Perspec-tives in Comparative Dis-crimination Law) (Brill/

Nijhoff ) - NL. (592876) ISBN:9789004446410 paperback ¥14,168

   難民の富:避難民は如何に経済を 構築することができるか

457 Betts, A.: The Wealth of Refugees;

How Displaced People Can Build Economies.

2021/ 04. 432 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (592230)

ISBN:9780198870685 hardcover ¥4,686


社会保障法 価格は、10% 消費税込みの標準価格です。

   国際法における 淡水ガバンス・第2版  458 Boisson de Chazournes, L.: Fresh Water in International Law. 2nd ed. 2021/ 04. 368 p.

(Oxford University Press) - UK.


ISBN:9780198863427 hardcover ¥22,258

より重責を担う国連安全保障理事会に向けて 459 Evans, Carolyn M: Towards a more accountable United Nations Security Coun-cil. 2021/ 02. 262 p. (Legal Aspects of Interna-tional Organizations, 61) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL.


ISBN:9789004444294 hardcover ¥25,704    人質と人権:被害者中心アプローチに向けて 460 Galani, Sofi a: Hostages and Human Rights; Towards a Victim-Centred Approach.

2021/ 04. (Cambridge University Press) - UK.


ISBN:9781108497213 hardcover ¥19,915    国際法における難民保護・第4版


461 Goodwin-Gill, Guy/McAdam, Jane:

The Refugee in International Law. 4th ed.

2021/ 08. 864 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (593118)

ISBN:9780198808565 hardcover ¥29,287    国際法における難民保護・第4版


462 Goodwin-Gill, Guy/McAdam, Jane:

The Refugee in International Law. 4th ed.

2021/ 08. 864 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (593119)

ISBN:9780198808572 paperback ¥11,711

   国際法とグローバル・ガバナンス: 条約体制と持続可能な開発目標の実践 463 Harrington, Alexandra R.: Interna-tional Law and Global Governance; Treaty Re-gimes and Sustainability Development Goals Implementation. 2021/ 03. 206 p. (Routledge) - UK. (592027)

ISBN:9780367235352 hardcover ¥28,116






   アンダース・ヘンリクセン著: 国際法(概説)・第3版  464 Henriksen, Anders:

International Law. 3rd ed.

2021/ 05. 368 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK.


ISBN:9780198869399 paperback ¥8,900

南シナ海における海洋・領土紛争: 中国台頭時代の権力と法の関係

465 Hwang, Yih-Jye/Frettingham, Ed-mund (Eds.): Maritime

and Territorial Disputes in the South China Sea; Faces of Power and Law in the Age of China’s rise. 2021/

03. 230 p. (Rethinking Asia and International Relations) (Routledge) - UK. (593491)

ISBN:9780367476854 hardcover ¥28,116    文化と国際法:2018年10月2日ー3日

インドネシア・マランで開催された 国際法研究センター国際会議議事録


466 Juwana, Hikmahanto/Th omas, Jef-frey/Rusli, Mohd Hazmi Mohd/Puspi-tawati, Dhiana (Eds.): Culture and Interna-tional Law; Proceedings of the InternaInterna-tional Conference of the Centre for International Law Studies (CILS 2018), October 2-3, 2018, Malang, Indonesia. Hardback in 2019. 2021/

04. 502 p. (CRC Press) - UK. (593456) ISBN:9780367776626 paperback ¥10,071    国際法及びタンザニア法に基づく


467 Kahimba, Nicksoni Filbert: Human Traffi cking Under

Interna-tional and Tanzanian Law.

2021/ 05. 518 p. (Internation-al Crimin(Internation-al Justice Series, 27) (T.M.C. Asser Press) - NL. (593537)

ISBN:9789462654341 hardcover ¥26,309




国際公法 ca.== 在庫商品

抑圧のもとでの立法: 国際人道法と国内武力紛争

468 Mantilla, Giovanni: Lawmaking under Pressure; International Humanitarian Law and Internal Armed Confl ict. 2020/ 12. 264 p.

(Cornell University Press) - US. (593428) ISBN:9781501752582 hardcover ¥7,180 スティーヴン・マキャフリイ著:


469 McCaff rey, S.C.: Understanding Inter-national Law. 3rd ed. 2021/ 01. 344 p. (Under-standing Series) (Carolina Academic Press) - US. (587999)

ISBN:9781531019655 paperback ¥8,192    

470 Molnár, T.: The Interplay between the EU's Return Acquis and International Law.

2021/ 04. 272 p. (Edward Elgar) - UK. (593216) ISBN:9781839105227 hardcover ¥21,087    史跡保護に関する異文化外交と

国際法:倫理・法及び文化間対話 471 Niglio, Olimpia/Lee, Eric Yong Joong (Eds.): Transcultural Diplomacy and Interna-tional Law in Heritage Conservation; A Dia-logue between Ethics, Law, and Culture. 2021/

06. 463 p. (Springer) (593519)

ISBN:9789811603082 hardcover ¥22,261    超国家的な法:動態的連携・国家の


472 Pavel, Carmen E.: Law Beyond the State; Dynamic Coordination, State Consent, and Binding International Law. 2021/ 06. 200 p. (Oxford University

Press) - UK. (592861) ISBN:9780197543894 hardcover ¥7,728




航空法に基づく無人航空機システム(UAS)の 国際的な民間運用

473 Pazmiño, L.F.F.: The International Civil Operations of Unmanned Aircraft Sys-tems under Air Law. 2020/ 12. (Aerospace Law and Policy Series, 19) (Wolters Kluwer) - NL. (592225)

ISBN:9789403528540 hardcover ¥30,360 内戦における諸外国の介入:


474 Redaelli, Chiara: Intervention in Civil Wars; Eff ectiveness,

Legiti-macy, and Human Rights.

2021/ 02. 344 p. (Studies in International Law) (Hart Pub.) - UK. (591156) ISBN:9781509940547 hardcover ¥19,915

国際法の法源を根拠とする一般原則: 国際司法裁判所規程第38条1項(c)

475 Saunders, Imogen: General Principles as a Source of International Law; Art 38(1) (c) of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. 2021/ 02. 304 p. (Studies in Interna-tional Law) (Hart Pub.) - UK. (591151) ISBN:9781509936069 hardcover ¥19,915 バングラデシュと国際法

476 Shahabuddin, Mohammad (Ed.): Ban-gladesh and International Law. 2021/ 02. 366 p.

(Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) (Rout-ledge) - UK. (593423) ISBN:9780367618582 hardcover ¥28,116

   ロシアと旧ソ連地域における自決権 477 Socher, Johannes: Russia and the Right to Self-Determination in the Post-Sovi-et Space. 2021/ 05. 304 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (592864)

ISBN:9780192897176 hardcover ¥18,744


国際公法 価格は、10% 消費税込みの標準価格です。


災害後の国際介入における道徳的要請 478 Traczykowski, Lauren: Ethics, Law and Natural Hazards; Th e Moral Imperative for International Intervention Post-Disaster.

2021/ 03. 140 p. (Routledge) - UK. (593492) ISBN:9780367407049 hardcover ¥28,116    国際法における偶発性

479 Venzke/Heller (Eds.): Contingency in International Law; On the Possibility of Dif-ferent Legal Histories. 2021/ 04. 560 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (592580)

ISBN:9780192898036 hardcover ¥22,258    国際組織における倫理的リーダーシップ 480 Vilaça, Guilherme Vasconcelos/

Varaki, Maria (Eds.): Ethical Leadership in International Organizations; Concepts, Nar-ratives, Judgment, and Assessment. 2021/ 05.

(ASIL Studies in International Legal Th eory) (Cambridge University Press) - UK. (593462) ISBN:9781108485869 hardcover ¥19,915    国家主導のサイバー攻撃対策:


481 Watt, Eliza: State Sponsored Cyber Surveillance; Th e Right to

Privacy of Communications and International Law. 2021/

04. 368 p. (Edward Elgar) - UK. (593370)

ISBN:9781789900095 hardcover ¥24,601


482 Xiouri, M.: The Breach of a Treaty;

State Responses in International Law. 2021/ 03.

364 p. (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, 44) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL. (593014) ISBN:9789004361386 paperback ¥32,181


483 Tarchichi, Mariam Hamzeh: Le droit international de la délimitation des fron-tières. 2021/ 01. 506 p. (Logiques Juridiques) (L'Harmattan) - FR. (593379)

ISBN:9782343219455 paperback ¥9,108




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