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ドキュメント内 untitled (ページ 54-57)


463 Dunworth/Hood (Eds.): Disarmament Law; Reviving the Field. 2020/ 10. 202 p. (Rout-ledge) - UK. (590734)

ISBN:9781138348332 hardcover ¥27,192 国家内武力行使に対する人道的介入と 政治的支援

464 Fijnaut/Larik (Eds.): Humanitarian In-tervention and Political

Support for Interstate Use of Force. 2020/ 11.

136 p. (Nijhoff Law Spe-cials, 101) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL. (590748)

ISBN:9789004445475 paperback ¥20,674


(パレルモ/2000)署名20周年: 制度・本質的課題

465 Forlati, S. (Ed.): The Palermo Conven-tion at Twenty; InstituConven-tional and Substantive Challenges. 2021. (Brill Research Perspectives) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL. (590385)

ISBN:9789004448407 paperback ¥27,566    国際法における国際組織概念 466 Gasbarri, L.: The Concept of an Inter-national Organization in InterInter-national Law.

2021/ 03. 256 p. (Oxford Monographs in Inter-national Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK.


ISBN:9780192895790 hardcover ¥18,128    国際法における革命:1917年の遺産 467 Greenman/Orford/Saunders/Tzou-vala (Eds.): Revolutions in International Law; Th e Legacies of 1917. 2021/ 02. (Cam-bridge University Press)

- UK. (590451) ISBN:9781108495035 hardcover ¥21,527




   戦後の正義:戦争を平和へ転換する 法の再発見・基礎及び展望

468 Iverson, J.: Jus Post Bellum; Th e Redis-covery, Foundations, and Future of the Law of Transforming War into

Peace. 2021/ 03. (Leiden Studies on the Frontiers of International Law, 8) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL.


ISBN:9789004331020 hardcover ¥39,380

宇宙条約(OST)の利用:1967年発効の宇宙条約に よる宇宙空間の平和利用は持続可能か?

469 Jirik, A.-K.: Use of Outer Space Treaty;

Is the use of outer space according to the Outer Space Treaty (OST) of 1967 sustainable?. 2020/

03. 205 p. (SLW - Schrift enreihe Luft - und Wel-traumrecht, 45) (Carl Heymanns) - DE. (591082) ISBN:9783452296856 hardcover ¥12,601 クリアンサック・キッチャイサレー著: 国際海洋法裁判所(ハードバック版)

470 Kittichaisaree, K.: The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. 2021/ 01. 240 p. (Elements of International Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590971)

ISBN:9780198865292 hardcover ¥15,862 クリアンサック・キッチャイサレー著: 国際海洋法裁判所(ペーパーバック版)

471 Kittichaisaree, K.: The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea. 2021/ 01. 240 p. (Elements of International Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590972)

ISBN:9780198865346 paperback ¥4,528    ジェノサイド後:ジェノサイドの影響に


472 Mulaj, K. (Ed.): Postgenocide; In-terdisciplinary Refl ections on the Eff ects of Genocide. 2021/ 03. 320 p. (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590638)

ISBN:9780192895189 hardcover ¥18,128



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国際刑事司法に関するアフリカ連合の再考 473 Mystris, D.: An African Criminal Court;

Th e African Union’s Rethinking of Interna-tional Criminal Justice. 2020/ 12. 304 p. (Queen Mary Studies in International Law, 42) (Brill/

Nijhoff ) - NL. (590409)

ISBN:9789004444942 hardcover ¥29,338    国際法における必要性と


474 O'Meara, C.: Necessity and Propor-tionality and the Right of Self-Defence in International Law. 2021/ 03. 272 p. (Oxford Monographs in International Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590970)

ISBN:9780198863403 hardcover ¥18,128    

475 Payk/Priemel (Eds.): Crafting the In-ternational Order; Practitioners and Practices of International Law since c.1800. 2021/ 03.

288 p. (Th e History and Th eory of Interna-tional Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK.


ISBN:9780198863830 hardcover ¥18,128



   J.アシュリー・ローチ著: 過度の海洋権益主張・第4版

476 Roach, J.A.: Excessive Maritime Claims.

4th ed. 2021/ 02. (Publications on Ocean Devel-opment, 93) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL. (586859) ISBN:9789004443518 hardcover ¥56,510 再構成された島の制度:


477 Schofi eld, C.: The Regime of Islands Reframed; Developments in the Defi nition of Islands under the International Law of the Sea.

2021/ 01. (Brill Research Perspectives in Inter-national Law) (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL. (590387) ISBN:9789004449466 paperback ¥13,783    国際法上の強行規範(ハードバック版)

478 Shelton, D.: Jus Cogens. 2021/ 01. 144 p. (Elements of International Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590973)

ISBN:9780198865957 hardcover ¥15,862    国際法上の強行規範(ペーパーバック版)

479 Shelton, D.: Jus Cogens. 2021/ 01. 144 p. (Elements of International Law) (Oxford University Press) - UK. (590974)

ISBN:9780198865964 paperback ¥4,528




Th is book seeks to re-appreciate the concept of customary international law as a form of spontaneous societal self-organisation, and to develop the methodological consequences that ensue from this con-ception for the practice of its application. In pursuing this aim, the author draws from three diff erent strands of scholarship that have not yet been considered in connection with one another : First, ge-neral jurisprudential theories of customary law; second, theories of customary international law, es-pecially as they relate to international relations scholarship; and third, methodological approaches to the interpretation of international law. Th is expansive, philosophical layout of the book enables the author to put the conceptual enigmas of customary international law into a broader perspective.

▶ Hardback 9780815382911 (2018)

480 Staubach, P.G.: The Rule of Unwritten International Law;

Customary Law, General Principles, and World Order. Hardback in 2018. 2020/ 08. (Routledge Research in International Law) (Rout-ledge) - UK. (589310)

ISBN:9780367591380 paperback ¥8,380



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インターネットを介した人格権の越境侵害: 万国国際法学会の決議

481 Symeonides, S.C.: Cross-Border fringement of Personality Rights via the In-ternet; A Resolution of the Institute of Interna-tional Law. 2021/ 01. 408 p. (Brill/Nijhoff ) - NL.


ISBN:9789004437630 hardcover ¥42,333    国際法と平和的解決

482 Weller/Retter/Varga (Eds.): Interna-tional Law and Peace

Settlements. 2021/ 02.

(Cambridge University Press) - UK. (590425) ISBN:9781108498043 hardcover ¥50,985

吉村 祥子(YOSHIMURA Sachiko/関西学院 大学国際学部教授)編集:国連金融制裁の 実施と適用に関する洞察力に満ちた視点 483 Yoshimura, S. (Ed.): United Nations Financial Sanctions. 2020/ 11. 217 p. (Rout-ledge Advances in International Relations and Global Politics) (Routledge) - UK. (590735) ISBN:9780367202323 hardcover ¥27,192 多元性による正統性:


484 Henningsen, K.: Legitimität durch Pluralität; Völkerrecht, maritime Migration und individuelle Rechtssubjektivität. 2020/ 12.

345 S. (Internationale Politische Th eorie, 9) (Nomos) - DE. (590842)

ISBN:9783848777020 paperback ¥14,570 パリ平和会議1919-1920:法を介した平和?

485 Kreß, C. (Hrsg.): Paris 1919–1920:

Frieden durch Recht?. 2020/ 11. 98 S. (Köl-ner Schrift en zum Friedenssicherungsrecht - Cologne Studies on International Peace and Security Law - Études colonaises sur le droit de la paix et de la sécurité internationale, 14) (Nomos) - DE. (590655)

ISBN:9783848779734 paperback ¥5,710


排他的経済水域上の海洋空間計画における 航行の自由原則

486 Pesch, S.: Die Schifffahrtsfreiheit in der maritimen Raumplanung der Ausschließ-lichen Wirtschaftszone. 2020/ 12. 308 S.

(Studies in International Law of the Sea and Maritime Law - Internationales Seerecht und Seehandelsrecht, 13) (Nomos) - DE. (590903) ISBN:9783848777945 paperback ¥16,145

487 Beulay/Chaumette/Dubin/Eudes (dir.): Encampés, de

quel(s) droit(s) ?. 2020/

12. 480 p. (Transition &

Justice, 25/1) (Institut Francophone pour la J) - FR. (590881)

ISBN:9782370322616 paperback ¥5,710

ドキュメント内 untitled (ページ 54-57)
