• 検索結果がありません。


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of goshajinkigan in comparison with that of tiaramide hydrochloride for lumbago in the elderly.

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of goshajinkigan in comparison with that of tiaramide hydrochloride for lumbago in the elderly.

... To evaluate the efficacy and safety of goshajinkigan ( 牛車腎気丸 ) in comparison with that of tiaramide hydrochloride for lumbago in the elderly. 2. Design Randomized controlled trial using sealed envelopes for ...


To evaluate the efficacy and safety of TSUMURA Rikkunshito for treating gastritis in a comparison with cetraxate as a control.

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of TSUMURA Rikkunshito for treating gastritis in a comparison with cetraxate as a control.

... In the present paper, the clinical utility of TSUMURA Rikkunshito in comparison with that of cetraxate (the control) is determined as treatment for gastritis. It was a multicenter controlled trial, similar to that ...


A critical examination of the linguistic analogy of morality: Through a comparison with emotional theory of morality Senji TANAKA and Hisashi NAKAO ab

A critical examination of the linguistic analogy of morality: Through a comparison with emotional theory of morality Senji TANAKA and Hisashi NAKAO ab

... 田中 泉吏 ∗ ・中尾 央 † Senji TANAKA and Hisashi NAKAO abstract The aim of this paper is to critically examine the theory of linguistic analogy of morality by Mikhail, Harman, Hauser, and Dwyer through a comparison with ...


五 azuhiro Takeyasu Y parameters, paper, deteri Ol ation detection, comparison, Thus, evaluated, vibration, function, kurtosis, moment, far, (Bolleter,

五 azuhiro Takeyasu Y parameters, paper, deteri Ol ation detection, comparison, Thus, evaluated, vibration, function, kurtosis, moment, far, (Bolleter,

... Title Comparison of Absolute Deterioration Factor of 6th Order Momen in a B road Sense for the Case of Affiliated Impact Vibration. Author(s) Takeyasu, Kazuhiro; Higuchi, Yuki[r] ...


To evaluate the efficacy of  of maoto (麻黄湯) and Shosaikoto (小柴胡湯) for the treatment of influenza A infection, in comparison to oseltamivir.

To evaluate the efficacy of of maoto (麻黄湯) and Shosaikoto (小柴胡湯) for the treatment of influenza A infection, in comparison to oseltamivir.

... Yaegashi H. Efficacy of coadministration of maoto and shosaikoto, a Japanese traditional herbal medicine (Kampo medicine), for the treatment of influenza A infection, in comparison to oseltamivir. Nihon Hokan ...


Material flow analysis of mercury at an industrial coal-fired boiler and international comparison of mercury management.

Material flow analysis of mercury at an industrial coal-fired boiler and international comparison of mercury management.

... atmospheric mercury, as well as the largest coal producer and consumer in the world. The results showed that approximately 99% of Hg in the feed coal turned into gaseous Hg after the combustion process. More than 90% of ...


To evaluate the efficacy of  in puerperal care in comparison with  maleate by conducting a metaanalysis.

To evaluate the efficacy of in puerperal care in comparison with maleate by conducting a metaanalysis.

... To evaluate the efficacy of kyukichoketsuin ( キュウ帰調血飲 ) (KCL) in puerperal care in comparison with methylergometrine maleate (MME) by conducting a meta-analysis. 2. Data source Articles in Igaku Chuo Zasshi ...


Studies on the comparison of different symptom assessment scales for multiple system atrophy

Studies on the comparison of different symptom assessment scales for multiple system atrophy

... 学 位 論 文 内 容 の 要 旨 博士の専攻分野の名称 博士(医 学) 氏 名 松 島 理 明 学 位 論 文 題 名 Studies on the comparison of different symptom assessment scales for multiple system atrophy (多系統萎縮症の症状評価スケールの比較検討に関する研究) ...


ゲーム業界での当社位置付け ゲーム業界での当社位置付け Capcom's position in the video game industry 2002/3 期業績比較 FY2001 Financial Results comparison among the Japanese game soft

ゲーム業界での当社位置付け ゲーム業界での当社位置付け Capcom's position in the video game industry 2002/3 期業績比較 FY2001 Financial Results comparison among the Japanese game soft

... ※出所: メディアワークス「2002年度上半期 ゲーム市場白書」 Source:The Analysis of Consumer Video Games 1st Half of 2002 published by Media Works ◆2002/3期 業績比較 FY2001 Financial Results comparison among the Japanese game software companies. ...


1. 1) Gross NJ; Co E; Skorodin MS. Cholinergic bronchomotor tone in COPD: estimates of its amount in comparison with that in normal subjects. Chest 19

1. 1) Gross NJ; Co E; Skorodin MS. Cholinergic bronchomotor tone in COPD: estimates of its amount in comparison with that in normal subjects. Chest 19

... COPD のガイドラインは 1995 年に米国胸部疾患学会(ATS) 1) と欧州呼吸器学会(ERS) 2) ,1997 年 に英国胸部学会 3) から公表され,国内では 1999 年 3 月に日本呼吸器学会 4) から発表された(その後, 2004 年 4 月に第 2 版が発表されている) 。また,2001 年 4 月には,米国国立心肺血液研究所と世界保 健機構による[r] ...


RIETI - 日本経済の情報化と生産性に関する米国との比較分析IT investment and productivity growth of Japan economy and comparison to the United States

RIETI - 日本経済の情報化と生産性に関する米国との比較分析IT investment and productivity growth of Japan economy and comparison to the United States

... 1.はじめに 90 年代米国において見られたインフレなき長期的経済成長は、情報技術の進展によ って経済構造が大きく変化したことによるものとするニューエコノミー論の一方で、 2000 年後半以降、情報化投資の急激な落ち込みと米国経済の後退を根拠に 90 年代の隆 盛は IT バブルであったという見方も存在する。好調であった米国とは対照的に、1990 年代の日本経済は[r] ...


Powered by TCPDF ( Title Proustの文体における 比較 (comparaison) について Sub Title On the comparison in the style of Proust Author 岡本, 善孝 (Okamoto,

Powered by TCPDF ( Title Proustの文体における 比較 (comparaison) について Sub Title On the comparison in the style of Proust Author 岡本, 善孝 (Okamoto,

... Proust はサロンで知り合った画家達, 又 Ruskin によって知らされた絵画,或は執 劫な程に訪れた種々の美術館などによって,多くの絵を見,愛好したのであるが,彼は 又P 作品中の殆どすべての人物の外観を肖像画から借りて来たのである。.. を思い起こすであろう。然も Proust は,単に色と匂いと音のみでなく,あらゆるもの を比較によって交感し合わせたのである[r] ...


DISCUSSION PAPER No.104 日本の新規開業企業における 研究開発 イノベーション パフォーマンス : 成熟企業との比較分析 R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison

DISCUSSION PAPER No.104 日本の新規開業企業における 研究開発 イノベーション パフォーマンス : 成熟企業との比較分析 R&D, innovation, and business performance of Japanese start-ups: A comparison

... In this paper, we empirically examined the differences between start-ups and established firms with respect to determinants of R&D and innovation and the relationship between innov[r] ...


Disciplines on the Application of Antidumping Measures in Regional Economic Integration: A Quest of prerequisites for introducing disciplines through horizontal comparison (Japanese)

Disciplines on the Application of Antidumping Measures in Regional Economic Integration: A Quest of prerequisites for introducing disciplines through horizontal comparison (Japanese)

... Government of Canada [2000] Government Response to the Report of the Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade on “The Free Trade Area of the Americas: Towards a He[r] ...


J. JSNDS 県別 市町村別の人身雪害リスクの比較 上村靖司 1 高田和輝 2 関健太 2 A risk comparison of snow-related accidents on each prefecture or municipalities Sei

J. JSNDS 県別 市町村別の人身雪害リスクの比較 上村靖司 1 高田和輝 2 関健太 2 A risk comparison of snow-related accidents on each prefecture or municipalities Sei

... Snow-related personal fatality risk was 1.8 to 3.2 times larger than that for industrial accidents, and FAFR, which is a risk index per labor hour, of snow-related injury reached 20 to[r] ...


JGAAP-IFRS comparison P43-64

JGAAP-IFRS comparison P43-64

... IFRS Outlook 隔月刊 IFRS の最新動向や企業が考慮すべき論点などを、 専門家としての見解を交えてお伝えしています。 IFRS Developments 不定期刊 公開草案や新基準、審議会の状況など企業に重要な影 響を及ぼす案件の解説をタイムリーに提供していま す。 IFRS 保険アラート 新たな基準の公表に向けてプロジェクトが進行中の 保険契約について、[r] ...


The Ecological Society of Japan (Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology) 19 : (2014) 1, * 2, ** A comparison of wetland plant species

The Ecological Society of Japan (Japanese Journal of Conservation Ecology) 19 : (2014) 1, * 2, ** A comparison of wetland plant species

... Abstract: As part of a program for the conservation of wetland plants in Japanese lowland paddy regions, we compared plant species richness and taxonomic compositi[r] ...


5. Alimujiang Kasimu and Ryutaro Tateishi, GLCNMO global urban mapping, validation and comparison with existed global urban maps, Journal of The Remot

5. Alimujiang Kasimu and Ryutaro Tateishi, GLCNMO global urban mapping, validation and comparison with existed global urban maps, Journal of The Remot

... 11. Shin-ichi Kaneta, Cui Yu, Itaru Okada, Tamio Takamura and Yoshiaki Honda, Radiative characteristicsofheavilyloadedaerosolsobservedatMandalgobi,Mongolia2002,Pr[r] ...


Japan–France–US comparison of infant  weaning from mother’s viewpoint

Japan–France–US comparison of infant weaning from mother’s viewpoint

... The aim of the present study was to examine the rela- tion between feeding and weaning practices, reasons for weaning choices, mothers ’ perception of breast milk and formula, and their [r] ...


Vol.38 , No.1(1989)088Shigeho OKADA 「“prabheda” in the Abhidharmasamuccaya (AS)-in comparison with those in the Yogacarabhumi -」

Vol.38 , No.1(1989)088Shigeho OKADA 「“prabheda” in the Abhidharmasamuccaya (AS)-in comparison with those in the Yogacarabhumi -」

... Here both the definitions are based on the absence of vijnana, and resem- blance to itself (or vijnana for sabhaga), of indriya.. 33), that the AS and the Jnanapras[r] ...


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