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The 2nd


Academic year: 2023

シェア "The 2nd"


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The team also recommended certain institutional arrangements for enhancing cooperation and security partnership between Japan and ASEAN countries. Therefore, the participants discussed six possible areas of cooperation between Japan and ASEAN in the field of security: (1) counter-terrorism measures, (2) export controls and transnational crime, (3) military modernization and weapons of mass destruction ( WMD), (4) maritime security, (5) PKO (including joint training and exercises) and (6) regional security frameworks (ARF, ASEAN+3).

Project Costs

On the Japanese side, Masashi Yamano (Major, JASDF and Deputy Director of the Asian and Oceanian Affairs Bureau, MOFA), Haruka Matsumoto (Research Fellow, JIIA) and Yuji Ikegami (Secretariat, JIIA) were responsible for organizing the event. On the Singaporean side, Kwa Chong Guan (Head of External Programs, Institute for Defense and Strategic Studies [IDSS]) and Hiro Katsumata (Postdoctoral Fellow, IDSS) were responsible.




Ambassador Barry DESKER

Ambassador Yukio SATOH

Brunei Darussalam

HE Pegiran Dato Paduka Haji YUSOF bin Pengiran Kula

Mr. Mahadi MAIDIN

Lt-Col Raeemi MALIK Defence Adviser


Mr. HAM Samnang

Mr. OUK Sarindy

Mr. Bun Vuth SIENG


Mr. Gary JUSUF



Mr. Yoshitaka TOI

CDR Hiroshi ITO

Prof. Tsutomu KIKUCHI

Mr. Koichi KAWAGOE Deputy General Manager

Japan-ASEAN 2 nd Security Symposium 2004

October 27–28, Singapore

Mr. Masashi YAMANO



Capt. Ki CHANHTHAVONGSA International Cooperation Division,

Mr. Vilavong VIRRAVONG Counsellor, Embassy of the Lao PDR


Dato’ Mohamed JAWHAR bin Hassan Director-General, Institute of Strategic and


Mr. Abdul Malek ABDUL AZIZ Deputy High Commissioner


Dr. Maung Aung MYOE

Col. Maung Maung NYEIN Head of Department

Col. Than MYINT


Dr. Carolina Galicia HERNANDEZ

Col. Noel PATAJO


Mr. Barry DESKER

Mr. KWA Chong Guan


Dr. TAN See Seng





Mr. NGUYEN Van Tho First Deputy Director-General

Ms. HOANG Thi Ninh

Mr. Mohamad Alias SERBINI


Ms. Borom BAN

Mr. Lanang SEPUTRO

Dr. Rizal SUKMA

Mr. Shuichi IWANAMI

Col. Kazuya KADOTA

Lt-Col Yoshikazu AKIMURA

Mr. Junichi OTAKA

Japan-ASEAN 1 st Security Workshop 2004

August 27–28 in Tokyo, Japan

Mr. Afifi Siddiq RASWAN DEAN

Mr. Mushahid ALI

Mr. Premjith SADASIVAN Deputy Director/ Southeast Asia

Dr. Hiro KATSUMATA Academic Seminar Coordinator

Lt. General Vaipot SRINUAL Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Col. Thoranit ROJANASUWAN Army Attache, Royal Thai Embassy

Mr. Cao Phong PHAM

Ms. Alina Bte ABANG HAJI OMARZUKI Civilian Research Officer

Lt-Gen. Nem SOWATH

Lt-Gen. Agus WIDJOJO

Capt. Shinji MARUZAWA Defense Attache

Mr. Koichi KAWAGOE Deputy General Manager,

Japan-ASEAN 2 nd Security Workshop 2004

October 3–4, Singapore


Mrs. Khamphao ERNTHAVANH

Mr. Sadtasin LEUSA

Mr. Ilango KARUPPANNAN Principal Assistant Secretary

Major Neptali BIOLENA

Mr. Daljit SINGH Senior Research Fellow

Ms. Rohaiza Bte AHMAD ASI Research Assistant (ICPVTR)

Ms. Catherine Zara RAYMOND Associate Research Fellow

Associate Prof. Chaiwat KHAMCHOO Department of International Relations

Ms. Luan Thuy DUONG

Ms. Trinh Hai YEN

WE, the Heads of State/Government of Japan and the Member Countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), gathered in Tokyo, Japan on December 11 and 12, 2003, for the Japan-ASEAN Commemorative Summit, note with deep satisfaction that the countries have fostered a close and cooperative relationship over the past thirty years, contributing to the peace, stability, development and prosperity of the region. RECOGNIZING the importance of rich Asian traditions and values ​​that will serve as a rallying point for our determined efforts to seize the opportunities and meet the challenges of the new millennium;. CONVINCED that the heart-to-heart understanding fostered between the peoples of Japan and the countries of Southeast Asia, and based on mutual trust and respect, has developed into the partnership of "acting together, progressing together", which is the foundation for our future relations;.

RECALLING the joint statement of the meeting of the Prime Minister of Japan and the ASEAN Heads of State/Heads of Government, Kuala Lumpur, 7 August 1977, and the joint statement of the meeting of the Prime Minister of Japan and the Heads of State/Heads of Government of the Member States of ASEAN, Kuala Lumpur, December 16, 1997, which laid the foundation for a comprehensive Japan-ASEAN cooperation and strengthened the determination to further advance this partnership in the 21st century;. CONSIDERING the Joint Declaration of the Leaders of Japan and ASEAN on the Comprehensive Economic Partnership signed in Phnom Penh on 5 November 2002 and the Framework for Japan-ASEAN Comprehensive Economic Partnership signed in Bali on 8 October 2003 to reduce barriers and deepen economic links, lower business costs, increase intra-regional trade and investment, improve economic efficiency, create a larger market with greater opportunities and greater economies of scale for the businesses of both Japan and ASEAN, and increase our attractiveness for capital and talent;. TAKES NOTE of the Final Report with Recommendations for Vision 2020: Japan-ASEAN Consultative Conference on the Ha Noi Action Plan of October 2002 to facilitate the realization of the ASEAN Vision 2020 and to promote dynamic and deeper Japan-ASEAN cooperation; .

RE-EMPHASIZES full support for the implementation of the ASEAN Concord II Declaration signed in Bali on October 7, 2003, which leads to the creation of a more integrated ASEAN Community consisting of the ASEAN Security Community, the ASEAN Economic Community.


INSPIRATION for significant progress in relations between Japan and ASEAN, covering the political and security, economic, social and cultural fields, as well as the fields of development cooperation;. APPRECIATING Japan's significant contribution to the economic development and prosperity of ASEAN countries over the past three decades, particularly Japan's official development assistance (ODA) to ASEAN, which accounted for approximately 30% of Japan's total bilateral ODA over the past ten years and accounted for the largest share of ODA aid, reflecting the special importance Japan attaches to ASEAN; DETERMINED to continue deepening and expanding cooperation within the framework of the strategic partnership between Japan and ASEAN to ensure peace, stability and prosperity in the region;.


Fundamental Principles and Values

Japan and ASEAN will further deepen and broaden their relations, their natural economic complementarity and their social and cultural affinities, including the desire for closer people-to-people contacts and exchanges. Japan and ASEAN will strengthen their cooperation through closer consultation and observance of the principles enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations and international law, and commend the purposes, principles and spirit of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia , including respect for national sovereignty and territorial integrity, refraining from the threat or use of force, peaceful settlement of disputes and non-interference; Japan and ASEAN will contribute to the creation of an East Asian region where countries and peoples can live at peace with each other and with the world at large in a just, democratic and harmonious environment;

Japan and ASEAN will forge common visions and principles, including respect for the rule of law and justice, pursuit of openness, promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of all peoples, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Vienna. Japan, through its development assistance and support programs, will give high priority to ASEAN's economic development and integration efforts as it strives to realize the ASEAN Community; Japan and ASEAN will jointly promote the development of regional and trans-regional frameworks, especially the ASEAN Plus Three process, the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF), the Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD), the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), the Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM), the Forum for East Asia-Latin American Cooperation (FEALAC) and sub-regional cooperation programs in the Southeast Asian region; And.

Japan and ASEAN will address regional and global issues while taking into account their special relationship based on equality, mutual respect and mutual benefit.

Common Strategies for Action

Create a transparent and liberal investment regime by strengthening trade investment procedures and measures to promote and facilitate trade and investment, conducting trade and investment policy and business dialogues, improving the business environment, facilitating the mobility of businessmen and skilled labor, cooperation on standards and compliance, and other measures to strengthen economic ties; To create cooperation in many areas of mutual benefit, especially in science and technology, including research and development, the industrial and tourism sectors and the transport sector, including the provision of safe and efficient transport networks; Strengthen support and cooperation for the development of the Mekong region in order to reduce the gaps between the new member states and other ASEAN member states based on the common view that the development will contribute to the strengthening of regional integration and lead to self-sustaining economic growth through an integrated approach of economic cooperation and trade promotion and investments with due consideration of environmental preservation;.

Continue to expand and deepen cooperation in capacity building, particularly in human resource development, the development and strengthening of ASEAN institutions, the improvement of public health and social security, and the transfer of skills and management knowledge;. Improve cooperation in the areas of counter-terrorism, anti-robbery and in combating other transnational crimes through the ARF, ASEAN Plus Three process, ASEAN Ministerial Meeting on Transnational Crime Plus Three as well as other regional and international fora; and. Enhance cooperation in the area of ​​disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery and related materials.

Cooperate actively to address global issues, such as the fight against terrorism, the intensification of disarmament and non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery, the promotion of cooperation in United Nations peacekeeping operations, the promotion of rules-based international frameworks, which the United Reference I strengthen.

Institutional and Funding Arrangements for the Implementation of the Declaration

Forging economic partnerships as well as promoting education, human resource development and institutional capacity building). Strengthening cooperation in the areas, including human and institutional capacity building for law enforcement authorities). In consultation and coordination with ASEAN member countries, Japan will increase support for human resource development through technical cooperation from Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Association for Overseas Technical Scholarship (AOTS), Japan Overseas.

In response to actual needs, Japan's cooperation covering these human resource development issues and relevant fields over the next three years for ASEAN member countries is expected to exceed US$1.5 billion, with various human exchange programs involving approximately 40,000 people.


  • Common Strategies for Actions
  • Reinforcing Comprehensive Economic Partnership and Financial and Monetary Cooperation
    • Bilateral and Regional Initiatives
    • Financial and Monetary Cooperation
    • Customs Procedures
    • Cooperation in Intellectual Property Right
    • Development of Standards and Conformance
    • Competition Policy
    • Small and Medium Enterprises
    • Automobile and Auto Parts Industry
    • Cooperation on Transportation
    • Tourism
    • Mobility of Skilled Labour and Business People
    • Information and Communication Technology
    • Japan-ASEAN Centre
  • Consolidating the Foundation for Economic Development and Prosperity
    • Initiative for ASEAN Integration (IAI)
    • Mekong Region Development
    • Brunei-lndonesia-Malaysia-Philippines East ASEAN Growth Area (BIMP- EAGA)
    • Economic Cooperation Strategy among Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar and Thailand
    • Initiative for Development in East Asia (IDEA)
    • Human Resource Development in Health and Social Welfare Services
    • Industrial Human Resource Development
    • Promotion of Trade and Facilitation of Foreign Direct Investment
    • Skills and Management Know-how
    • Human Resource Development in Science &
    • Energy Cooperation
    • Human Resource Development in Agriculture
    • Food Security
    • Food Safety
  • Strengthening Political and Security Cooperation and Partnership
  • Promoting Human Resource Development, Exchanges and Social and Cultural Cooperation
    • Youth Exchanges
    • People-to-People Exchanges
    • Intellectual Exchanges
    • Enhancing Cultural Exchanges
    • Preservation of Cultural Heritage
    • Cooperation in Information Dissemination and Public Relations
  • Deepening East Asia Cooperation
  • Cooperation in Addressing Global Issues
    • Combating Infectious Diseases
    • Protecting the Environment
    • Advancing the Multilateral Trading System
    • Cooperation in Disaster Reduction
    • Jointly Addressing Other Global Issues
    • Establishment of Flagship Projects
    • Cooperation for Rules-Based Multilateral Frameworks
    • Institutional and Funding Arrangements for the Implementation of the Plan of Action

Strengthen efforts to develop regional bond markets through which high savings in the region will directly finance long-term investments for the sustainable development of ASEAN member states. Conduct seminars and workshops managed by the Japan-ASEAN Center in relevant ASEAN Member States to train travel industry personnel and other service providers in dealing with Japanese visitors. Initiate consultations to reform the Japan-Asia Center to strengthen its functions and expand and deepen its scope of activities, including mutual cooperation in the industrial sector, tourism and SME activities.

Participate in the deployment of investment study missions to CLMV countries consisting of member companies of the Japanese Chambers of Commerce in ASEAN member countries and potential ASEAN companies interested in CLMV countries; and. Work closely to further strengthen the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) to promote peace and stability in the region; Japan will continue to host trainees from ASEAN Member States in law enforcement, immigration and aviation security, and extend support to ASEAN Member States to improve their counter-terrorism capabilities;

Japan will strengthen bilateral and multilateral cooperation and assistance through the United Nations and other sources to assist ASEAN member states, especially in the Golden Triangle, in an effort to address the illicit drug problem in the region; In order to attract more ASEAN students to the schemes, Japan will strive to improve the environment conducive to ASEAN students staying in Japan; Continue to support the activities of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria and participate in the containment of communicable diseases in the ASEAN region;



3.4 Genre • taehyeng1 “2nd person pronoun used to address the hearer honorifically between friends, in letters” • pwulhyo-ca “1st person pronoun used to address oneself

The Republic of Koreaʼs policy to spread the Korean language as Public diplomacy ― Focusing on the Korea Education Institution and the King Sejong Institute in Japan― HISADA