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PDF singular de Rham algebra and spectral sequences in diffeology


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A singular de Rham algebra and spectral sequences in diffeology

Katsuhiko Kuribayashi (Shinshu University)

6 June 2021 Global Diffeology Seminar

Online on Zoom



§1. A stratifold – As a diffeological space –

§2. The singular de Rham complex in diffeology

§3. The de Rham theorem and its applications

– Chen’s iterated integral in Diff, the Leray–Serre spectral sequence and the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence –

§4. Future prospective:

With functors aroundDiff and the singular de Rham functor


Diffeological spaces Differential spaces and Stratifolds

§ 1. A stratifold as a diffeological space

The embeddingC( ) :MfdR-Alg Definition 1.1 (Sikorski (1971).)

Adifferential spaceis a pair(S,C)consisting of a topological spaceS and anR- subalgebraCof theR-algebraC0(S)of continuous real-valued functions onS, which is assumed to belocally detectableandC-closed.

Local detectability : f ∈ C if and only if for anyx S, there exist an open neighborhoodU ofxand an elementg∈ C such thatf|U =g|U.

C-closedness : For eachn 1, eachn-tuple(f1, ..., fn)of maps inC and each smooth mapg :Rn R, the compositeh : S Rdefined byh(x) = g(f1(x), ...., fn(x)) belongs toC.

ForxS,TxS : the vector space consisting of derivations on theR-algebra Cx

of the germs atx(tangent space).


Diffeological spaces Differential spaces and Stratifolds

Definition 1.2 (Kreck (2010))

Astratifoldis a differential space(S,C)such that the following four conditions hold:

1. S is a locally compact Hausdorff space with countable basis;

2. theskeletaskk(S) :={xS |dimTxS k}are closed inS;

3. for eachx S and open neighborhoodU ofxin S, there exists abump functionatxsubordinate toU

4. thestrataSk :=skk(S)skk1(S)arek-dimensional smooth manifolds such that restriction alongi : Sk , S induces an isomorphism of stalks i:Cx


C(Sk)x for eachxSk.

▶ The ‘cone’ is a stratifold.

▶ Aparametrized stratifold(p-stratifold) is constructed from a stratifold at- taching other finite manifolds with boundaries.

A continuous mapf : (S,C)(S,C)is amorphism of stratifoldsif ϕf ∈ C for anyϕ∈ C. We denote byStfdthe category of stratifolds.


Diffeological spaces Differential spaces and Stratifolds

Proposition 1.3 (Aoki–K (’17))

There is a functork :StfdDiff defined byk(S,C) = (S,DC)andk(f) = f for a morphismf :S S of stratifolds, where

DC :=


u:U S

U :open inRq, q0,

ϕu C(U)for any ϕ∈ C }


LetM be a manifold and(S,C)a stratifold. Then the functork :StfdDiff induces a bijection

k:HomStfd((M, C(M)),(S,C)) = HomDiff((M,DC(M)),(S,DC)).

Mfd fully faithful

j //

:fully faithful

((Stfd k //Diff






Observe that the functork above is nothing but the functorΠin the sense of Batubenge, I-Zemmour, Karshon and Watts (’17).


The de Rham complex due to Souriau The original one due to Chen (1977), Souriau (1980)

§ 2. The de Rham complex due to Souriau

For an open setU ofRn, letDX(U)be the set of plots withU as the domain andde Rham(U)the usual de Rham complex ofU. LetOpenbe the category consisting of open sets of Euclidian spaces and smooth maps between them.

p(X) :=


 Openop

DX **

pde Rham


ω Sets

ω is a natural transformation



with the cochain algebra structure induced by that ofde Rham(U).

Remark 2.1

LetM be a manifold anddeRham(M)the usual de Rham complex ofM. Re- call thetautological mapθ : ΩdeRham(M)(M)defined by

θ(ω) ={pω}p∈DM.

Then it follows thatθ is an isomorphism of cochain algebras.


The de Rham complex due to Souriau The original one due to Chen (1977), Souriau (1980)

Iglesias-Zemmour (Canad. J. Math. 65 (2013)) has introduced an integration map of the form ∫ IZ

: Ω(X)−→Ccube (X) to the cubic cochain complex.

For the irrational torusTγ2=R/(Z+γZ),(γ: irrational ) with the quotient diffeology. We see that

(Tγ2)= ((R1), d= 0) and thenH1(Ω(Tγ2))=R1.

On the other hand, by the Hurewicz theorem inDiff enables us to conclude that H1(Ccube (Tγ2))=R2.

▶ One might expect a new de Rham complex for which the ‘de Rham theorem’

holds. (For connecting de Rham calculus and homotopy theory. )


The singular de Rham complex A new de Rham complex

§ 3. The singular de Rham complex

▶ The cubic de Rham complex (Iwase – Izumida ’19)

▶ The singular de Rham complex (K ’20) An:={(x0, ..., xn)Rn+1 |n

i=0xi= 1}: a diff-space with subdiffeology of the manifoldRn+1

Define a simplicial DGA(ADR) as follows.

For eachn0,(ADR)n:= Ω(An)and define a simplicial set SD(X) :={{σ:An X |σ : C–map}}n0

Moreover, we have a simplicial map

SD(X)SD(X)sub:={{σ : ∆nsubX |σ is a C-map}}n0

induced by the inclusionj : ∆nsubAn.


The singular de Rham complex A new de Rham complex

Letbe the category which has posets [n] :={0,1, ..., n}forn0as objects and non-decreasing maps[n][m]forn, m0as morphisms. By definition, a simplicial set is a contravariant functor fromtoSetsthe category of sets.

ADR(SD(X)) :=


 op




44 ω Sets

ω: a natural transformation



Definition 3.1 (For connecting new de Rham to the original one.) Thefactor mapα: Ω(X)ADR(SD(X)) is defined by

α(ω)(σ) :=σ(ω).

Variations of thesingular de Rham complexADR(SD(X))are considered.


The singular de Rham complex A new de Rham complex

The simplicial DGA(CP L ):=C(∆[]), where∆[n] =hom(,[n])is the standardn-simplicial set.

▶ We define an integration map∫

p : (ApDR)pRby





whereθ : ΩdeRham(Ap) −→= (Ap)is the tautological map mentioned above.

▶ Define a mor. of simpl. DG modules∫

: (ADR)(CP L )=C(∆[]) by


γ)(σ) =



whereγ (ApDR)n,σ :Ap An is the affine map induced byσ : [p] [n]. Then we have a commutative diagram of simplicial sets

(CP L )

= **

φ //(CP LADR)

mult(1 )


oo ψ


(CP L ).


The singular de Rham complex Our main theorem

The de Rham theorem in diffeology

Theorem 3.2 (K (2020))

For a diffeological space(X,DX), one has a homotopy commutative diagram C(SD(X)sub)

= ((

φ //(CP L ADR)(SD(X))

mult(1 )


oo ψ

an “integration”



α the factor mapoo



C(SD(X)sub) Ccube (X)

oo l

in whichφandψ are quasi-isomorphisms of cochain algebras and the integra- tion map

is a morphism of cochain complexes.

Moreover, the factor mapα is a quasi-isomorphism if(X,DX)is a finite di- mensional smooth CW-complex in the sense of Iwase–Izumida, or stems from a p-stratifold via the functorkmentioned above.


The singular de Rham complex Applications

Chen’s iterated integrals in diffeology

M : a diff-space,ωi pi(M)for each1ikandq:U MI a plot of the diff-spaceMI. gωiq := (idU ×ti)qωi, where q :U ×IM is the adjoint toqandti : ∆kI denotes the projection in theith factor.


ω1· · ·ωk)q :=



ω1q ∧ · · · ∧ωgkq. Then by definition, Chen’s iterated integralIthas the form

It(ω0[ω1| · · · |ωk]) =ev(ω0)g(

ω1· · ·ωk), where∆ :e LM MI is the lift of the diagonal mapM M×M.

Theorem 3.3 (K (2020))

LetM be a simply-connected diff-space,dimHi(ADR(SD(M))) < for eachi0. Suppose that the factor map forM is a quasi-isomorphism. Then

αIt: Ω(M)B(A)(LM)ADR(SD(LM)) is a quasi-isomorphism of(M)-modules.


The singular de Rham complex Applications

The Leray–Serre spectral sequence in diffeology

Theorem 3.4 (K (2020),A(X) :=ADR(SD(X)) )

Letπ :E M be a smooth map between path-connected diffeological spaces with path-connected fibreL which is

i)a fibration in the sense of Christensen and Wu or

ii)the pullback of the evaluation map(ε0, ε1) : NI N ×N for a connected diffeological spaceN along an embeddingf :M N ×N.

Suppose further that in the caseii)the cohomologyH(A(M))is of finite type.

Then one has the Leary–Serre spectral sequence{LSEr,, dr}converging to H(A(E))as an algebra with an isomorphism

LSE2, =H(M,H(L))

of bigraded algebras, whereH(M,H(L))is the cohomology with the local coefficientsH(L) ={H(A(Lc))}cSD0(M)


The singular de Rham complex Applications

The Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence in diffeology

Theorem 3.5 (K (2020))

Letπ : E M be the smooth map as in Theorem 3.4 with the same as- sumption,φ : X M a smooth map from a connected diffeological spaceX for which the cohomologyH(A(X)) is of finite type andEφthe pullback of π alongφ. Suppose further that M is simply connected in case ofi)andN is simply connected in case ofii). Eφ //

E fe //




X φ //M

f //N×N

Then one has the Eilenberg–Moore spectral sequence{EMEr,, dr}converging toH(A(Eφ)) as an algebra with an isomorphism

EME2, =TorH(A, (M))(H(A(X)), H(A(E))) of bigraded algebras.


The singular de Rham complex Applications

On the proofs.

▶ For the case i), Dress’ construction for the Leary-Serre spectral sequence is applicable to our setting.

▶ For the case ii), the spectral sequences are constructed by considering a smooth lifting problemwith an appropriatehomotopypullback.

Definition 3.6 (Christensen–Wu (2014))

A morphismX Y inDiff is a fibrationif SD(X) SD(Y)is a (Kan) fibration inSetsop.


▶ Any diffeological bundle (i.e. the pullback for every global plot is trivial ) with fibrant fibre (for example, a diffeological group) is a fibration [C–W].

▶ For a diff-groupGand a subgroupH with the sub-diffeology, the smooth mapG G/His a diffeological bundle with fibreH [Iglesias-Zemmour].

Then it is a fibration in the sense of C–W.


The singular de Rham complex Applications

Computational examples

T2:={(e2πix, e2πiy)|(x, y)R2} ⊃Sγ :={(e2πit, e2πiγt)|tR}, whereγ R\Q. Then theirrational torusTγ is defined by the quotientT2/Sγ

with the quotient diffeology.

In the categoryDiff,Sγ T2π Tγ : a principal diffeological fibre bundle.

By using the Leray–Serre s.s., we have H(A(Tγ)) π


//H(A(T2)) HDR(T2)= (x1, x2)

= factor mapoo


The singular de Rham complex Applications

Recall the ˇCech-de Rham spectral sequence due to Zemmour:

▶ A first quadrant spectral sequence

E2p,q =Hq(HHp(RMop,(NX)), d),

Er,=H(TotC,)=HH(RMop,map(G,R)) =: ˇH(X)

▶ Comparing the spectral sequences forΩ(X)andA(X), we have a commu- tative diagram

H1(Ω(X))E31,0 Θ

= //H1(A(NX)M)AE31,0 Hˇ1(X;R).


= 33




In particular, we see

Θ :H1(Ω(Tγ))E1,02 = H1(A(Tγ))


The singular de Rham complex Applications

Corollary 3.7 (K ’21)

There exists an isomorphismH(A(Tγ)) = (Θ(t),Θ(ξ))of algebras, where t H(Ω(Tγ)) = (t)is a generator andξ Fl(Tγ) = Ris a flow bundle overTγ with a connection1-form, which is a generator of the groupFl(Tγ).

▶ Letf :M Tγ be a smooth map from a diffeological space M. Then via the pullback construction along the mapf, (*) : Sγ M ×Tγ T2 π M : a principal diffeological bundle

▶ Then the Leray–Serre spectral sequence in Theorem 3.4 for the fibration (*) allows us to deduce that

(π):H(A(M)) = //H(A(M×Tγ T2)) of algebras, whereA() :=ADR(SD()).


The singular de Rham complex Applications

▶ Suppose further thatM is simply connected. Then the comparison of the EMSS’s in Theorem 3.5 forLM andL(M ×Tγ T2)allows us to obtain an algebra isomorphism

():H(A(LM)) −→= H(A(L(M ×Tγ T2)).

By Theorem 3.3 (On the compositeαIt), we have Assertion 3.8

IfH(A(M)) = H(A(S2k+1))as an algebra withk 1and the factor map forM is a quasi-isomorphism, then

H(A(L(M ×Tγ T2)))=(αIt((π)(ω)))R[αIt(1(π)(ω))]

as anH(A(M))-algebra, whereα is the factor map andωdenotes the vol- ume form ofM.


Further prospects Toward rational homotopy theory for non simply-connected diff-spaces

§ 4. With functors and a model structure on Diff

Assertion 4.1 (With the simplicial DGA(ADR)= Ω(A)))


: embedding


U: forgetful



embedding //Stfd k //Diff

SD( )

tt D


| |D


| | ** Top

S( )

jj COO

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A. G´omez-Tato, S. Halperin and D. Tanr´e, Rational homotopy theory for non-simply con- nected spaces, Transactions of AMS,352(2000), 1493–1525.

H. Kihara, Smooth homotopy of infinite-dimensionalC-manifolds, to appear in Memoirs of the AMS, 2021,



Theorem 4 Let $\pi$ : $Xarrow S$ be a smooth projective family \‘of projective. varieties over a connected complex manifold $S$ and let $L$ be