• 検索結果がありません。

Appendix B: Proofs of lemmas and propositions

ドキュメント内 Education, Inequality, and Development in a Dual Economy (ページ 38-42)

a.If FFh0


m)hm and b(wl)≤em at (Fh,Fm) = (Fh0,Fm0)and B =Bb(Fh0+Fm0), Fht+Fmt is constant and the economy converges to SS 3.

b.If FFh0

m0 < (FFh

m)hm and b(wl) em at (Fh,Fm) = (Fh0,Fm0) and B = B(Fh0,Fm0), the following three scenarios are possible depending on details of the initial distribution.

1.The more likely is the same scenario as a.

2. Fht+Fmt rises from the start or after some period and the final state is SS 1.

3.After Fht+Fmt increases for a while, Fht becomes constant, Fmt increases, and the economy converges to SS 2.

The first scenario is more likely as Fh0 and Fm0 are lower, and the second one is more likely than the third one as FFh0

m0 is higher.

c.Otherwise, the same scenarios as 2. and 3. of b. are possible.

Proof of Lemma A2. From the proof of Lemma A1, ϕ(0)≥ϕ(B)>[(FFh

m)hm]1, wfm(>)0 for FFh

m(>)[ϕ(0)]1, and wfh≥wfm for FFh


m)hm from the definition of (FFh

m)hm. Thus, the numerator of (15) and P(Fh,Fm,B) increase with Fh and Fm for FFh



From (15) and ϕ=FFm

h, P(Fh,Fm,B) =θ is expressed as:

1 AT




1(1+ϕ)Fh =θ, (43)

where Fh< 1+ϕ1 . For given ϕ∈[[(FFh

m)hm]1(0)], LHS=A1



1γB(1 +r)B < θ when Fh= 0;

LHS→+ when Fh1+ϕ1 ; and the LHS increases with Fh (AM(ϕ)1α(1+r)(eh+ϕem) = f

wh+ϕwfm>0). Hence, given B, for any FFh

m [[ϕ(0)]1,(FFh

m)hm], there exists a unique Fh (0, 1

1+[FmFh]1) satisfying P(Fh,Fh,B) =θ. When FFh


m)ml,θ and thus wfm(FFh

m)>(<)θAT, atP(Fh,Fm,B) =θ, wfm(FFh

m)>(<)θAT=P(Fh,Fm,B)AT, that is, Fm<(>)ϕ(Fh,B)Fh. Proof of Proposition 1. Since Fh>0, an equilibrium with Lh, Lm>0 always exists from the shape of the production functions. Thus, equilibrium Lh and Lm must satisfy wfh≥wfm (thus LLh


m)hm) andwfm≥wl. Sincewfh=wfm> θAT≥wl at LLh

m= (FFh

m)hm(from Assumption 1) and wfh(wfm) decreases (increases) with LLh

m, equilibrium LLh

m satisfying wfh=wfm=wl does not exist. Hence, when wfh=wfm, wfm> wl, and when wfm=wl, wfh>wfm. In the former case, Lh≤Fh, Lh+Lm=Fh+Fm, and LLh

mFFmh, and in the latter, Lh=Fh,Lm≤Fm, and LLh

mFFmh. (i) wfm =wl is not possible since wfh > wfm and LLh

m = LFh

m FFmh (FFh

m)hm cannot hold together. Thus, wfm> wl, Lh+Lm=Fh+Fm and LLh

m=F Lh

h+FmLhFFmh. When FFh

m= (FFh

m)hm, f

wh>wfm with Lh< Fh (since LLh


m = (FFh

m)hm) and thus Lh=Fh, Lm=Fm, and wfh=wfm in equilibrium. When FFh


m)hm,wfh<wfm with Lh=Fh and thus Lh< Fh and wfh=wfm in equilibrium. Values of Lh and Lm are obtained from LLh

m= (FFh

m)hm and Lh+Lm=Fh+Fm. (ii) If wfh=wfm, as shown above, LLh

m=F Lh

h+FmLhFFmhmust hold, which implies LLh

mFFmh <


m)hm and thus wfh>wfm, a contradiction. Hence, wfh>wfm and Lh=Fh in equilibrium.

When 1γBγ

B(1+r)B≥θAT, the RHS of (15) is greater thanθfor any equilibriumLh andLm (since wei>0), thus P=θ and wl=θAT in equilibrium. Hence, when FFh



m)hm), f

wm> wl and Lm=Fm, and when FFh


m)ml,θ,wfm=wl and LLh


m= (FFh

m)ml,θ. When 1γBγ

B(1 +r)B < θAT, since FFh

m <(FFh

m)hm, from Lemma A1, Fh and Fm satisfying f


m) =P(Fh,Fm,B)AT exist for any FFh

m [ϕ(B)]1 and is expressed asFm=ϕ(Fh,B)Fh, whereϕ(·) is a decreasing function, and from Lemma A2,FhandFmsatisfyingP(Fh,Fm,B) = θ exist for any FFh

m [ϕ(0)]1, where P(·) is an increasing function. Note that (FFh


[ϕ(B)]1[ϕ(0)]1 from (41) and (42) in the proof of Lemma A1 and 1γBγ

B(1+r)B < θAT. (a) When P(Fh,Fm,B)< θ, wfm(FFh

m)> θAT > P(Fh,Fm,B)AT from FFh


m)ml,θ. Hence, Lm =Fm and wfm > θAT > wl =P(Fh,Fm,B)AT in equilibrium. When P(Fh,Fm,B)≥θ,



m) =P(Fh,Lm,B)AT =wl≥wfm(FFh

m) cannot be true since wfm(FFh

m)> θAT from



m)ml,θ. Hence, wfm> wl,Lm=Fm, and P=θ in equilibrium.

(b) 1. From Lemma A1 (see Figure 9 too), for any FFh

m[ [ϕ(B)]1,(FFh

m)ml,θ), there exists Fh < Fh(B) satisfying Fm =ϕ(Fh,B)Fh. When P(Fh,Fm,B)≥θ (then, Fm > ϕ(Fh,B)Fh from Lemma A2) or when P(Fh,Fm,B)< θ and Fm≥ϕ(Fh,B)Fh, wfm(FFh

m)≤P(Fh,Fm,B)AT and thus wfm=wfm(LFh

m) =P(Fh,Lm,B)AT =wl and Lm=ϕ(Fh,B)Fh in equilibrium, where f


m)< θAT from LFh

m =ϕ(F1

h,B)< 1

ϕ(Fh(B),B) = (FFh

m)ml,θ. When P(Fh,Fm,B)< θ and Fm< ϕ(Fh,B)Fh, wfm=wfm(FFh

m)> P(Fh,Fm,B)AT=wl and Lm=Fm in equilibrium.

2. When FFh


m)ml,θandFh≥Fh(B), from Lemma A2 (see Figure 1 too),P(Fh,Fm,B) = P(Fh,[FFh

m]1Fh,B) P(Fh,[(FFh

m)ml,θ]1Fh,B) P(Fh(B),[(FFh

m)ml,θ]1Fh(B),B) = θ. From Lemma A2, whenP(Fh,Fm,B)≥θ,Fm≥ϕ(Fh,B)Fhand thuswfm(FFh

m)≤θAT≤P(Fh,Fm,B)AT. Hence, wfm=θAT =wl, P =θ, Lm= [(FFh

m)ml,θ]1Fh, and wfh=wfh([(FFh

m)ml,θ]1) in equilibrium.

Note thatwfm=wl=P(Fh,Lm,B)AT < θAT (thus LLh



m)ml,θ) is not possible because, from Lemma A2, if LFh


m)ml,θ, wfm(LFh

m)> P(Fh,Lm,B)AT when P(Fh,Lm,B)< θ.

Proof of Proposition 2. (i) From Proposition 1 (i), LLh

m = (FFh

m)hm and thus wfh=wfm = f


m)hm), which is strictly greater thanθAT (thuswl) from Assumption 1. By substituting f


m)hm) and Lh+Lm=Fh+Fm into P (eq. 14) and equating it with θ, γB

1−γB f wm((FFh


1(Fh+Fm) =θAT ⇔Fh+Fm= (1−γB)θAT−γB(1+r)B γBwfm((FFh

m)hm)+(1−γB)θAT. (44) Thus, the result for wl holds. (ii) Straightforward from proofs of Proposition 1 (ii).

Proof of Lemma A3. From the proof of Lemma A2,ϕ=ϕ(Fht,Bt) is a solution to (1−α)AM(ϕ)α(1+r)em= γB



1(1+ϕ)Fht . (45)

where the first term of the numerator of the RHS equals wfht+ϕwgmt > 0 from (11) and (12). Since the LHS decreases with ϕ and the RHS and its denominator increase withϕ, its numerator increases with Bt. Thus, the numerator of the RHS of (37) is positive at Bt= 0 and is increasing in Bt. Further, for anyBt>0,


∂Bt =1γγb




t +(1+r) o

<γ1b(1+rγ )

B <1. (46) Hence, for givenFht,Bt converges monotonically to the unique solution to (38),B(Fht), and when Bt<(>)B(Fht),Bt+1>(<)Bt. From (45) and (38), ϕ=ϕ(Fht,B(Fht)) is a solution to:

(1−α)AM(ϕ)α(1+r)em= γB 1−γB−γb(1+r)


1(1+ϕ)Fht Fht. (47) Thus,ϕ(Fht,B(Fht)) is decreasing inFht and, asFht0,ϕ(Fht,B(Fht))→ϕ(0)[(1(1+r)eα)AM

m ]α1. Finally, dBdF(Fht)

ht >0 is from (24) and Proposition A1 (ii)(b) 1.

Proof of Proposition 3. In a steady state, relative positions of the critical loci determining the dynamics ofFh and Fm and the magnitude relation ofP and θ are illustrated by Figure 5. In the region satisfyingb(wfm)> eh and b(wl)> em of the figure, Fh andFh+Fm increase when Fh <1, thus Fh <1 cannot be a steady state. Hence, (Fh,Fm) = (1,0) is the only steady state (SS 1). Since FFh

m = +∞>(FFh

m)hm and P =θ from the figure, B = Bb(1) holds from (32). In the region satisfying b(wfm)≤eh and b(wl)> em, Fh is constant and Fm increases when Fh+Fm<1, thus steady states are such that Fm = 1−Fh and Fh satisfies b(wfm)≤ehFFmh =1FhF


b eh] (from the paragraph just after Assumption 3) andb(wl)> em⇔Fh> Fh(from eq. 28) [SS 2]. SinceLm= max(Fh, B(Fh)),[(FFh


when FFh

m = 1FhF

h (FFh

m)ml,θ and Lm =Fm when 1FhF

h >(FFh

m)ml,θ from Proposition 1, B = B(Fh) when 1FhF

h (FFh

m)ml,θ from (38) and (40), and B=B(Fh,Fm) when 1FhF


m)ml,θ from P =θ and (36). In the region satisfying b(wfm)> eh and b(wl)≤em, Fh increases and Fm decreases when Fm >0, thus steady states are such that Fm= 0 and Fh satisfies b(wl)≤em⇔Fh

1−γb(1+r) γb em γB


(from eq. 26) [SS 3]. SinceP < θ from the figure, B = Bb(Fh) holds from (30). In the region satisfying b(wfm)≤eh and b(wl)≤em, Fh is constant and Fm decreases (is constant) when b(wfm)< ()em, thus steady states are: Fh and Fm satisfying em ≤b(wfm)≤eh FFmh h



b em],wfm1[1γbγ(1+r)

b eh] i and b(wl)≤em⇔P(Fh,Fm,B(Fh,Fm))AT1γγb(1+rb )em (from eq. 27), and B = B(Fh,Fm) (from eq. 34) [SS 4]; and Fh=Fh, Fm≥ϕ(Fh,B(Fh))Fh (thus FFh

m <wfm1


b em]), and B=B(Fh) (see footnote 26).

In SS 2, from the figure and the result on B, P =P(Fh,Lm,B(Fh))< θ if Fh≤Fh and P =θ otherwise. In SS 3, P =P(Lh,Lm,Bb(Fh)) =1γ γB

Bγb(1+r) g


AT(1Fh) from (15), (30), and wfh=wfm=wfm((FFh

m)hm). Levels of Lh, Lm, and Ll, and wages are from Propositions 1 and 2 and the result onP.

Proof of Proposition A3. (i) From Proposition A1 (i), aggregate net income (NI) and average utility of SS 1 are strictly greater than those of SS 3, and they increase with Fh in SS 3 (B =Bb(Fh) from Proposition 3.). In SS 2, when 1FhF


m)ml,θ, they increase with Fh

from Propositions A1 (ii)(b) and 3 (B =B(Fh)), while when 1FhF


m)ml,θ, they increase with Fh because NI=1γ1

b(1+r){AM(Fh)α(1−Fh)1α(1+r)[ehFh+em(1−Fh)]} (note wfh>wfm) and average utility equals a constant times NI from the proof of Proposition A1 (ii)(a), Proposition 3 (Fm = 1−Fh, B=B(Fh,Fm), and P =θ), and (36). Since NI and average utility of SS 1 equal those when FFh

m= (FFh

m)hm and Fm = 1−Fh, and the above proof of their being increasing in Fh when 1FhF


m)ml,θ applies when 1FhF


b eh],(FFh

m)hm] as well, these variables of SS 2 are strictly smaller than those of SS 1. In SS 4, they increase with Fh and Fm from Propositions A1 (ii)(a) and 3 (B=B(Fh,Fm)). In SS 4, they are

ドキュメント内 Education, Inequality, and Development in a Dual Economy (ページ 38-42)
