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Academic year: 2021

シェア "富士火山東斜面で2900年前に発生した山体崩壊"


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(1)ῒΐ  .3  (,**.)  /  ,-1ῌ,.2 . ῕ ῔.  ,3**


(3)      ,**-  +*  ,  ,**.  2  ,- . A Large-scale Collapse Event at the Eastern Slope of Fuji Volcano about ,3** Years Ago Naomichi MIYAJI῍, Shigeko TOGASHI῍ and Tatsuro CHIBA῍ A large-scale collapse occurred at the eastern slope of Fuji volcano about ,3** years ago, based on calibrated C age of a wood sample collected in the resulting debris avalanche deposit. The collapsed slide deposit, called “Gotemba debris avalanche deposit” (Goda), is distributed on the eastern foot of the volcano covering an area of more than /- km,. The source amphitheater is not preserved because it became covered by younger tephra erupted from the summit crater. This avalanche deposit is overlain by the “Gotemba mudflow deposits” (Gomf) emplaced repeatedly after the avalanche. Some flow units of the Goda and Gomf entered pre-existing rivers and were finally emplaced as fluvial deposits. The Goda is composed of debris-avalanche blocks, showing jigsaw cracks, along with smaller blocks ranging from several tens of centimeters up to + m in diameter. The debris-avalanche matrix is a mixture of smaller pieces of blocks and ash-sized materials due to mainly shearing and fragmentation of large blocks. Igneous rocks include fresh and altered gray basaltic lava, weathered tephra including red scoria and white clay. Petrographical and geochemical data indicate that most blocks were derived from the Older Fuji volcano. The volumes of the Goda and Gomf are about +.*/ km- and *.1+ km-, respectively, based on presently available geological and borehole data. Since the blocks of Goda are composed mostly of the products of the Older Fuji volcano and the older stage lavas of Younger Fuji volcano do not extend to the eastern foot of Fuji volcano, a bulge of Older Fuji volcano must have existed in the eastern flank of Fuji volcano preventing the older stage lavas to flow to the east. This bulge collapsed in the form of three blocks from the foot of the mountain. The abundance of hydrothermally altered deposits in the Goda and the absence of fresh volcanic products within the Goda suggest its origin as a rupture inside the altered deposits possibly triggered by a large earthquake or phreatic eruption. Key words : altered deposits, debris avalanche, Fuji volcano, geochemical data, mudflow +.. +ῌ ῐ ῎ ῑ ῏. "'()!`>()89:a`bc]def-.IJ.  !" #$%&!'()*+,. 89:`g6>K-V  !;<=>$%&. -./!0123.4567389:#;<=> . ]'()!`>()89:*FGH45J89:.  +32+ ; ?@ A +32.B C89:"DE FGHI. Goda KLbIJ89:Khi-. Fig. +B. J89: Gomf : ?@ +30. KLM3 '()!N. Goda !jkV";< eflm efno6p!j. E=>89:OP>QRS#TU23VW. ?@. kVkqjr]stu#P>v]] wx +320 ; ?@. +311B  +32. "XYZ[\]^_ Gomf. ,*** ()yz{|}"~rO"6kB ,3" €. ‚+/0ῌ2//* ƒ„&@ h†‡ˆ -ῌ,/ῌ.* C‰YŠY‹ College of Humanities and Sciences, Nihon University, -ῌ,/ῌ.* Sakurajousui, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo +/0ῌ2//*, Japan. ‚-*/ῌ2/01 ŒŽjqM +ῌ+ῌ+ ‘ 1 ’“”•–—st˜X[\–—™š›œ Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, Central 1, +ῌ+ῌ+. Higashi, Tsukuba -*/ῌ2/01, Japan. ‚,+/ῌ***. žŸfh ¡¢ +ῌ,ῌ, £¤£¥¦ Asia Air Survey Co., LTD., +ῌ,ῌ,, Manpukuji, Asou-ku, Kawasaki ,+/ῌ***., Japan. Corresponding author : Naomichi Miyaji e-mail : miyaji@chs.nihon-u.ac.jp.

(4) o(hl@?m¼@nopq. 238.  

(5) . «G]m Goda 5 6 Gomf C]mN .    

(6)  . O’C•#%.  

(7)  !   "# "$%. 3  Goda CD#E¬^GI:; . & ' &"()*+,-.. <C$F% ([ +\2  2 ([ >Fig. ,A "(. Goda ­   _ ` ) "  k l   ® >debris-. /0 123 45 67. avalanche block ; Ui et al., ,***A. 8  95 6:; <=! . >debris-avalanche matrix ; Ui et al., ,***A a°. Gk l¯<. 3 >?@" +331A% B Goda CD#. ‰C$FGGe  k l®T ­(. E:; <C$FBG H IJ. b±"¬C‘ ¬²G°‰C³% ( [ + . /  - (["( ´ ® H 0 0C12. KCEBGL%G M% IB" &N(' (<$O" P)QR*+.  cT" +2 0 ­I;5. 6:. )*+,-ST,

(8) H -! Goda. ; <C$F% 120(dµ ¶#5. U#V.5. 6U/#C·¸ X O,e >?@" +331A H. 6I/C% W Goda. CD#E:; <C$F . f%. 

(9)  ! 

(10)  !  -

(11)  .  CXY% (I#0V."Z1 C[H2 % 3 +* 4\+.+ 4 ]^57 "( ,.. 4_6 Tn ` >78@4a +310A. -ῌ+

(12) . P"(œ w ¹  S-+., Gomf, S-+/ῌ

(13) 4 >g@. b`cbd Ge . f9:Gg. " +311A% Goda ( Gomf hœ i S-+. C.  >h@" ,**,A% & +.+ 4cb ^5.  Gomf Cº S-+/ῌ % Goda (œ C. 4"(i;jk lC9:3m + fn. j#»k Gomf H»k3BG%. "$ >o( +322A% (&<9:EGpq rsCt#JBE I9:uDCT!EBG( =r>vw x? y@"$% 5  

(14) 5@z{|}~ (A €BC3DEB( e >Ui et al., ,*** ; ‚8@" ,**,A k

(15) >Debris flowA G. !Fƒ(GGk5 6HI6„@ †‡ˆ‰ CŠ‹(ŒH >eJ > @" +31.A  KL"( Goda FƒC i;jk l Ž GE% ,  . ' (<$O P)QR*+ )*+,-ST, H Goda 5 6 Gomf M‘’ “|”‡‘ ’ N O’C•#% W– ' (<$OC P Q—RP ]S˜ /**\+/** m (™"š ' T Goda 5. 6 Gomf ’. >M‘’A C•#% W P)QR*+ Hw. ›(‘U(UC$O Goda •

(16) œV >“|” ‡A GXž&WŸ(UC X“|”‡‘ ’C•#% Y¡¢"(£r>v&¤G¢œ ¥¦)*+,-SC2HWG >Y¡¢( £>vy +32-A% IB" $O>§(™Z3 3* ([ )*+,-$O¨SC©\ ' (<$Oª. Fig. +. Study area and distribution of the Gotemba debris avalanche deposit (Goda). Dotted area shows the distribution of the older stage lava flows of Younger Fuji Volcano (after Miyaji, +322)..

(17)  ŠB³V ,3** d.16%Y¼    . 239. 


(19)  . -ῌ, ῐ῏ῌ῍῎. A : N -/,,῍+/ E +-2/0῍+/  Goda 

(20) . Goda gG| Gomf =>†‡ˆ# ?‰Š.  Goda  , m  /* cm . B@ ‹A`'" ŠBCŠCŒ.  !"#$%&'"() *"+#,. Ž

(21) a() *R Goda *Œ‡. !"-.  2 cm /01234. (uDf /** +*** m ‘E’. 6. 56 789:;<=3>6) ?@. 6 Gomf *"GoBFuDf /** m “”. A *BCD. EF AMS G(. ‘ Goda 3G^

(22) a( Fig. ,). !HI"J ,1+*K./ yrs. B.P. PLD-,,,. L. •–—+HG Goda ˜™š›ῌ ῐV^R /. ) *#3$M% &NAGLO'P3QR d. p˜™š›I&k( Fig. -) Goda 

(23) ‘. CST,+.,U V ,11/K./ yrs.B.P. L) ' (.  Goda œ„IžJ<"KŸL M¡"O. +-. WPXY INTCAL32 Stuiver et al., +332 (W. g+n Goda ¢N¡£”Š¤LGG. PZ[\<] CALIB ..- Stuiver and Reimer, +33-. ¥"() ?* ¦O§¨=

(24) ©ª\«G Goda. 3)^OF_6@A (WP# cal BC 3+/ +s. $ Mk ?P¬$­¡"(*`®QG. (*` cal BC 3.*ῌ23* L) *#+. o% m f^Rœ3M{c¯ Goda $°(˜. +,a(V b-c. !" ,3** d.16. ™š›V+,6) ¢˜™š›$S˜™š›3G. e/I$f^) g hi0+" Goda #3. RGR+Hk(c¯o *GRc¯6. jk12lm( ^n"o(WP3QLO^. w6w˜™š›±V²TU³´a() g Fig.. ^!HI"J#() Gomf p^O q3 ,-0*K+** yrs. B.P. Gak3.-, : 4 +30. V$0+"O^() '  r tu w+. -  Gomf 35jk Gomf GEV3G¥"µ. ¡"O^uDf /** m “”‘ Goda 

(25) ‘ o6). 5svx6 ,.0 yYz^  B : N -/,+῍. *GR–—+H@A-¶k ·˜™š›R. +0, E +-2/1῍+2 G456 Gomf 1!H. ˜™š›ῌ˜™š›῎G¥" ˜™š›῎˜™š. I"J ,/2*K0/ yrs. B.P. N-.*20 L) *. ›῏VῐG¥" ˜™š›῍˜™š›ῐG¥"(. "+2 d +-C #78({$M% &NA. V+,6) !6 ˜™š›῏VῐŽ”¸¹78. 'PgG|(WP}9() !6 ~6. () g KŸL’$ºƒ E.O§. (WPd Goda #V:W6O€(V ‚. ·˜™š›3»a(KŸL,8 Ž”¸¹ . +ƒ Goda .1„ ,** -** ,, Gomf 3. MkL). o+6;<$.16V€+"(). ·˜™š›ŽWX  ,* -* m f¡ / m d„. Fig. ,. Locality of outcrops and geological map of the Goda and the Gotemba mudflow deposits (Gomf). Gomf are subdivided into Gomf-m (mud flow deposit) and Gomf-f (fluvial deposit)..

(26) » ¨²@¼©ª²«¬­. 240.  .  

(27) . y$”$%šY›š|}+’M&z{3œ.  /* m   +* m 

(28)  . Do bGomf-fc  | bFig. ,c }~ Gomf-m .   ./* m  . Goda <žŸ$ 56758--.   !"#ῌ$ %& ' ((.  ¡¢=;<$  G‰£/$2tQ €. )*+,  (*$.  ‚ + ’ “  <    5 o  ;  ƒ  ¤ $ . -$-.. !"#/012 . 3. Gomf-f $-$-„W„o ^&%_^. ' Gomf (44jUpqSk_€.  Goda   +*c m 4 m  567. +) Œ9a"BQ+l  3PƒjUp. 58 (589!" #:;<$. qSOP_ƒ Žf  /Y+* cm $+’“x. 2 $=$>?@A567B%4. jE N q -* Œ9) Gomf-m  ŽfY.  Goda 9C&+D'$2=(= . Ž > f  x E ; ¥ ' ” $  N q  ,* Y /*  )  . Goda (E)*'FG7+H,-./I. Gomf-f  a"$  jUpqSOPy^&. 3(01) JK 23L. %_B• s–$ t&iu^- Gomf-m. 2=()' 44D'FM563NO. ‘ +* m )h&i+†$ Gomf-f ¦œ‡0=. ,-.PQ4 Goda 56758. z[ % &iˆ§  .2 m 3. RSTUV7+8$ 9

(29) :"&JK. bFig. /c. <) W  X ,Y- m . = •W.   M.  4 P. Gomf-f @d4o

(30) ‰wŠ‹‡ ©. Z["\9;]<$2='>^_,. yŒ‰w¨Ž‡0=M$ 9;B. -$ `?aV7)M bFig. .c. %ªM‘=2 ’ œ“$+*'FM. @dA@deBCf*D. «”œD,-. Š‹‡0=M3•. @dgE& bFB : F +30.c h-i=GHIJ. ”$& b– +30-c y¨Ž‡0=¨Ž‡—,. %gj\&/I$ (A@dk@d. -. b¬ +32* ;  +32+c =$¨Ž‡—”$. KL.+lM3m& nN+o1 jUpqS. & b˜  +32.c  Gomf pX2t' bF. OP< QrRSsT_SPJK+UV. +30. ; ™š +320c (=Q) Gomf-f or3. $2t' (^_<JKWuv^' FB +X.  Gomf-f ›œ‰w• .* m &i+†3. wYZx,  A@dKL.. b­ +33.c. 567,-.yz[\,-. Goda t^ { Gomf M ( jUpqSOP FB. . 

(31) . ]C|}%,-.uv2=)~=. 567,-.56758®J. 2 ^&%_€+‚N$2 Goda y Gomf . K^'ž$2 ¯@° a : AŸ±%>fd5. 4`4+a"$  (_ƒ Goda  56758„bcd. ¯@° b : XwYAŸ ¡>fd5 ¯@° c : e ²ƒ%$ mf³´pµ ¯@° d : ƒ%$ >f. 5ye $ †‡ˆ‰4  jUpqSSP. d5 ¯@° e : [$ƒ%$2xE $¨¢f+g3. +f_+g$Šh =,-.‹ij. †‡ˆyd5 / bc |  .5675. = ( ^&%_^' Goda (. 8¶„¯@°KL.4 (_ƒ. 44jUpqSk_€+) Œ9a. ¯@° a ·qˆq£¸¤5=$¥<¹£<¹£. "BQ+l  3Pƒ jUpqSOPŽ>f. ·qˆq£¸¤5 =Q)·qˆq£% . Žf mŽf‰+Hf+g$ QrRSs^. + mm Œ9 <£%  ,Y- mm  ¯@. nopYŠ+83q N q‘ /* Œ. ° b ·qˆq£¸¤57 ·qˆq£% . ]  /Y-* cm $+’“”$&5675. +Y, mm, <£%  .Y/ mm  X. 8or3a"$  jUpqSOPy^&%. ƒ%$2= ¯@° c ·qˆq£¸¤5%³´p. _B• s–$ t&iu^- . µ ·qˆq£%  +Y, mm, <£%. — YvEw  Goda &i -* m Œ].  ,Y- mm ' º W ƒ%$. bFig. /c. 2= t ³´pµ¦³´pµ§d€$. M ‰. Gomf B%Žfe >%=$˜™#%. 2  +* cm )h8+D3)) ¯@° d . šY›š|}+’“\o bGomf-mc  ˜™#yxE. ’¥<¹£·qˆq£¸¤5=$·qˆq£¸¤5.

(32) _`aº  ,3** "j#02a»$¼. 241. Fig. -. Map showing the extent of flow units of Goda, based on landform analysis of aerial photographs. Gomf covering Goda are stripped in this map.. [&\[ C./ b'cdY e' f gh#%& iJK[&\ +*+ῌ jk# JK2lmn&\[.  B- Qop3qQ rCD qs 3 2 #) rCD qs tE u vwQx2 CD q  d y e  ,ῌ Qz{)/  Q|2}~ . 3€ Table +‚ 2 ƒ„)  3 †x rCD qs 3n‡ˆ Fig. .. Outcrop of a hummock of Goda at Loc.-, Kamikobayashi, Gotemba City. Symbols, a, c, d and e show the di#erent types of debrisavalanche blocks.. YA ‰>  =>' fŠ‹$ Œ Table +‚ _`agh# ‰   JKŽ +*ppm „ ‘ _`a8’7“n +** ppm Q”{z3 Š3 •‹# – —˜T‚  ™š%›#œ.    +

(33) , mm,  . **‰ @ž zA. ,

(34) - mm     e .  .  !"#. -'ˆ3|{ f(. #d # ‰Q;Ÿ2. "   +

(35) , mm,    +

(36) , mm $%&'. /  

(37) . ( #)  e *+ ,,-. ›#œ*Q¡WH¢£3¤&. ./0123456789:9;< +*. ¥¦§9¨3©# Fig. 0 ª« +

(38) 2  a

(39). cm =>?*'@A. B*3CD EFGH CD. e ¢'¬­®›#œ* ¯. °@¤&Q±H z¡W¤&o²f›#œ. <IJK#' LM X NJKO P Q. *  ³´T G+

(40) G-  - £ f H#. C#%&  R8STUVWXCY. 5m³´T G+ 2yµ¶·A#.  ZW JK[&\[./ ]K'^

(41) (.  e ' /*ῌ †Q°@ z d '¸!Hn.  _`a%& b '2@ ZW JK.  ³´T G, ¹?8’7“( c ' /*ῌ.

(42) †‡ˆ‰yixŠ‹yŒŽ. 242. Fig. /.. Table +.. Isopach map of the Goda and Gomf based on borehole and field data.. Major and trace element concentration of debris-avalanche blocks in the Goda..  

(43) a, d  e . Zr = Y  OTUVW XYKLFZU[P.  

(44) G-  !"

(45) d . ZrῌY 'A\]^* XY  _`aa. /*ῌ  

(46) c  e . bcC"DdWeY#YFfUgY% hijk. #$% &' ()*+ ,-./ ῌ ῍ . lmn8MN ,.. o;pqg Tn klrOP. 

(47) G+ ,-./῎ ῏

(48) G, ,-./ῐ. stu# ZrῌY  -.* #$Fv!UY. 

(49) G- 

(50) 0"12 !"%.  wixyz +331{% 2MN

(51) a, b, c  ZrῌY Y| -.* #$F. ! } ,.. o;pOP. 0ῌ ῒ῔῎῍ῐῒῑ῏ΐ῕. ~YF€% _

(52) d, e  Zr ῌ Y  -.*. 3450"16780"129:;<. ‚ƒ#$F !} ,.. o;p"YQpmn. =>?@ABCD"EF GH% IJKLMN ZrῌY ;< OPQRS"%. 8FG„! wFig. 1{% ~ijklFhijklmn8# :'MN.

(53) ¦v§ ,3** jlhi !›¨©. 243. SiO,     TiO,  K, O    

(54) Fig. 2,. Sxyz{ |}NqJ.~}eFCob$. Table +    SiO, . 678 a [NqJ.e€‚ )* 678.  !"#$ %&'(& TiO,  K, O . d, e  ZrῌY  SiO,  TiO, <'= K, O o.  )*

(55) +,-$ +331  Goda ./ 01.2. bƒ ,.. „jl l%Ctub1. 345678 a9e :*; SiO,  TiO, <.  678 b, c  ZrῌY ob678 d, e '(&†‡Cm. '= K, O 38>?@ $ +,-

(56) +331 AB. nB1 f!$ pqJ.ˆvwSxy ~}$. 1!C%DE3F1G. |} QRMRSxy `ab1 %‰. H#IC$ 678 a J.$ 678 d,. qJ.ŠHvwSxy‹[Œ}Ž / mm . e %J.KLM$ 678 b, c 678 a. C~}$ QRMRSxy‹[ + mm †|} &. C678 d$ e NOPDEC  <$ QRMRS. 3

(57) rs,-$ +332 C*‘’“3 ;<($. TUVW$ XYZ'([\ T]C^_. ”1b678 b, c ’“•– ;* —˜;$ 6. `ab1 $ -]cd5Cef(^_ gb1. 78 b, c %‰q€‚ )*C. *. ™š !. ./ 01hijk ,3** jlCmnB1FC ob$ 678 a J.N&pqJ.. 1ῌ ῎. ῍.

(58) ++***92*** jl ; rs$ +322 f!NqJ.

(59) ./**9. Goda <'= Gomf ›œ3$ .^žŸ

(60) Fig. , $  . -*** jl ; rs$ +322 Ctub1 pqJ.vw. ¡?@žŸ

(61) Fig. - <'=¢£¤¥Ÿ

(62) Fig. / 3&. Fig. 0. Percentages of debris-avalanche blocks for each type at the studied eight outcrops. Gomf covering Goda are stripped in this map. Types of debris-avalanche blocks ; type-a : fresh and porous lavas (olivine basalt, two-pyroxene basalt), type-b : fresh and dense lavas (olivine basalt), type-c : weakly altered tephra (olivine basalt), type-d : weakly altered lavas (clinopyroxene bearing olivine basalt, olivine basalt), type-e : heavily altered tephra and lavas (clinopyroxene olivine basalt, olivine basalt).

(63) µ=¶·¸&¹(º¸»)¼*. 244. Fig. 1. Zr vs. Y of lavas from debris-avalanche blocks. Data of volcanic rocks from Older and Younger Fuji volcano are after Togashi et al. (+331). Symbols show the types of debrisavalanche blocks..  

(64) Goda  /- km,   +.*/ km-, Gomf  /* km,  *.1+ km  

(65) Goda   -.  

(66)  !"# $

(67) % & '( )*!+,-. Fig. 2. TiO, and K, O vs. SiO, of debris-avalanche blocks in the Goda. Outlined areas of volcanic rocks from Older and Younger Fuji volcano are after Togashi et al. (+331). Symbols show the types of debris-avalanche blocks..  .

(68) Gomf /+012 3 4  &

(69) 5

(70) 6789:6;<=4  >.# + ?@ABCD EFig. -F 78GHIJD EFig. /F. Table ,. Volume of the Goda for all units and types of debris-avalanche blocks.. K

(71) ?@ABL Goda KM ?@ABN#M0+OP

(72) ?@ABN#M0+ #+Q HIKRS0

(73) N#M HI PT&'U&VW#X+YZ ?@AB HIK[ 

(74) ?@AB῎

(75) ῐ \ -*].*ῌ K^$

(76) ?@ABῌ

(77) ῍ +*]+/ῌ K^$

(78) ?@AB῏ ,ῌ M ETable ,F .

(79) % ?@AB_`#_a =b cd  EFig. 0F KefgO_`#Kcd _`#_a hL K . 2ῌ ῒ῎ῐ῍ῑ῏. (0 )i _`# j0_`#_a. )= ŒKY$

(80) .‹ )=bK. "cd!07

(81)   k lmn!.  k

(82) Ž # )=. _`#_a o pq[. #+

(83) ‘’“”.  0

(84) % [erW

(85) ?@ABLZcd. -*** m #— ˜+™=<=$$ % 3. Kst

(86) %Ks0_`#\. _`#4 šK›œ 3%. cd L Ks. "

(87) )ž! 

(88) # )=. •KM

(89) !–" +/**]. %

(90) uvw d x_ *../ km- \. Ÿ!0+-  #+$

(91) ¡ )¢ !. .-ῌ K^$ .

(92) uvw e yzx_. – '( £#¤%¥ ¦§ E,***F ¨. {|}~ *.,3 km-, uvw c x€‚ƒ.  V©lK>ª«¢"ŽK )š0. „  *.,, km- %† ‡

(93) #+. +

(94) E+F «¢K>ªOP

(95) _`#_a’¬. ˆ‰ *!+_uvw a, b Š *.*2. &­®«¯° _{®± ²³>. ‹'. km , *.*+ km -‹"M ETable ,F. ( -‹"

(96) E,F &­®«¢ -*** '´. -. -.

(97) :;<=L ,3** "#$56&'W%. 245. 

(98)  1** m  . W†‡a 2&p ˆY$KL‰Š& xs.    ,**,  ! ,3** "#$. 0(<$

(99) q&‹'ŒV * 2 klm c. %&'($)* +  +,-./012. $(Ž  ‘’“”K  +,. 3 4567'%89(:;<=. + 0f(•q–Gg\ŒV * Goda 4'&'W%„ :; —(. * %! >?894 -*** m @ABCD  01. ,L(2 :;˜™s$56&'š›. 23 EFGHI  >J89KL M L. œ W% $ {?K2{'!nž.  +32** m, N?O H  ,//* m LP +, HῌL. Ÿ&' ¡¢?* :;<$(£2). ( *.+- 2 * Q + km- 4R 0123 HῌL. , ¤ :;¥

(100) EFGnoD * + ¦§qr ¥. S( *.*/T*.+- UV  Siebert et al., +321 W.

(101) ( Mf-, ¨© +311 :;¥

(102) ῌ  +320. F +.*/ km- LP -./0123 /X + HῌL. Y-+,,-- Yª +33, «¬  Yr ¥

(103) ( Mf-. S YZ$P' * K' [? +/**T-*** m 4%\. - ¨© +311 :;¥

(104) ῍  +320 Y-+-- Y. & Fig. , 4$%] F4 2.2* km BC&. ª +33, «¬ * ‰" (qr ¥

(105)  ,..T. ,. + SL +.*/ km- 4^D  %] _`a( ++3. ,.* "# Yr ¥

(106)  +./T+.. "# EFGe. m bc *. C  ­ p ®!2&¯°(0123 EF. #dLeC&'0123 0f g\h %8L. GLP Yª +33,* D2V§:; <=. (>Y!$i:; jGLP klm a no. L(£2) ,..T,.* "# +./T+.. "# ,. & p qr$:;s klm b, c  $. œ W%4g+&' * Goda $( ,.. . p qr$(:;ts klm d, e EF&. "#2&p ˆ# jG”K  +,. 'eC Fig. 3* klm a u)(#v w. Goda 4‰&'% $(+  , œ %L(. i:; xs 0,2 s 0(y)z,. 2,{'<= :;W ®!%&'. &,no&2,{' Fig. +* s.  * :;±]$²³ ´µ=L(. 0<=$|}~no&2,{' &. +.0T+.. "# :;˜™s$W%6¶'. s 04j&' <$:;$h 8. +,$  · ,**+  . €?KP s 0(+ :; W ?. p %/¸(,L(2* + '¹:;±]. K4‚

(107) q&'+ * + $ƒ&. L(K3 {':; W ?K i:. xs 0 „ $(i:; W:; . ; Wq$š›ºŸD  ¡¢(»CL¼2*. Fig. 3.. Schematic profile of Fuji volcano at the time of the landslide about ,3** years ago..

(108) 246. º(;R‚G»w¼‚xy@z. 3 . + defg SS-+*$ ++T$ Odefg SOsT ‹%N.  

(109) .  1P S-3 Kb>.   -   Goda. h$Ž 1>"H -r‹*+.  !"# !ῌ$ ῍ %&'( G+ .  ,qH

(110) ‘ Q5 ,$ -/**‡-*** #. )  ! *+),-. /0. K’aR“Stw)5$v”/,”z$.


(112) 1$ 1 ! /

(113). Ž/,,q 7,8 VW( e ,q,.  234   4567,8. 123• $ >?Œ2TK5•.   !ῌ" !῎$ ῏ %&'( G, .  Q5  $ K5,q,Ir5. )1$ 1  !ῌ$ ῍9. 4U -*** #K1–$v$ V0”/”z. :  ;$ 1<= =%. >$ ,q,Ir1  + $. &'( G- )>?@AB !ῐ,:. 7OW—(“S $ OdefgABV0. CD  !

(114) ,

(115) E. ,qq*˜™X3 SYZ$ ,***T + [. FFG5  H ;1. SZ\‚]$ ,*** ; O[T ,K 1. 5$ 

(116) ,IJ K$ @L. mtš›Š. ,MN;

(117) OP Q, !ῌ$ ῍. œ ^Q,$ K923. :$ R5>?,

(118) . _`ž5V0,q,Ir5 7,. !. ῎$ ῏ :$ @9@4,

(119) .  V0,q>? -sz CD$.  !ῐ:   SFig. 3T 1 -. Ÿa(.0uv1,<= ?


(121)  5 @9

(122) ,@4=H$  !. , 1 ¡ Ga7FG. ῐ UKVW( d ),. bE3 -*** #K’”/b?$ 1”/,G.  .-ῌ !N 

(123) OP. QU0. a

(124) <=k1 K46 S.

(125) KX",YZ[ \]!^_]`a. ¢‚]$ ,**,T Ac S+33*T . +32* #$a54%N SVoight et al., +32+T b$. deK f4*oKb?$. &cdefgVW( c ) ;',%. “SgI£¤5

(126) ,• 7,6. &'( G, *+1$ )0

(127) Kh:d. b$ %&'( G+‡- *+VW( e ),. efg 

(128) ( iGjH . qhi $ %&'(‰5j¥¦Y,%N.  SFig. 3T. n  KD#$ 

(129) ,‡FI§. 

(130) <=k1 Kl?) $ . F,,q,Ir5 ¨K$ G- VW( e. kmn "#@:B*o VW. F, G+ VW( e >?4,q,Ir51,. ( d$ e p

(131)  CD +VW( e ,q. kl ,$ 1ŠKQ ,z© %N. ,Ir51-s56?$ =(./t0u. n . v1>?23 Kl?),p

(132)  CD. /F$ 

(133) 9$ 

(134) / ;mªbn.  +32. #4aw),

(135)  56x7(. [ SGomf-mT tª

(136)  SGomf-fT «z. .y $ jH$ :,89z {|}3,K. CD ;94h¬> Goda ­® $. l?)n S~:$ +321T. 

(137)  ,**‡-** #‰ oR[,gI.  ;:(3<.  CD. 1,=146?$ 

(138) >"€%€$a tO}d! S2‚ƒ„$ +332T %5=. +*

(139) .  $ ?@A†. Gafw)5¯šp 

(140) °. 54 S-+-‡+/ˆ ‰O}d!t. $ (q±q$ r±qs²‚t³´=$ ;. B>KCDh:{|}3, %5=. µ¶`·¸u  1

(141) U ,3** #K. n 1$ 

(142) ^2qqŠC $ . $ 1>?Gaf . -r‹DE .  SGodaT ,$ + $ ;oR«/>?[. /F$ 2  ŒGa$Ž.  SGomfT ,  Z*K Goda  +.*/. ,qH,=I%N J,qH. km-, Gomf *.1+ km- 5$ HῌL *.+- ¹4. -/**‡-*** #K$a{|}56 S-3$ LMN. Goda ' ŒGa,q {|}tv.

(143) 8 ,3** $  

(144)     . 




(148)      -  !"

(149)   #$ %& 

(150) '  Goda 

(151) ()*) +',- Goda 

(152) .

(153)   /  0 123

(154) . 

(155) .

(156)  4 5 !'  

(157) 6"#   %& +.+ $7 %&8 

(158) 89 : ';(2),#<)= *+

(159)    8 + , 

(160)    #(-> ? .

(161) (    @/

(162)  0


(164)  AB C1#0'   )*)D2#EF+ 3  G45&  6"#H 8 . 6, 'I2J789 89:AAG G  ;<=KL

(165)   >M8NAC1#  

(166) A. OP ?A@Q .R7'ASA B 89 ῏. ῎. !"C!A9 DTE8U FGHI VWXY*J#K$Z6

(167)  &   [\W]^_` abc ,#<(!LM abc deN %fO<P

(168) (&gQ$ &  abchijklV5RSI$TUdA mBnVW? XYZF'I $TU$[#S\X

(169)  &  DT(o ]^_p`!"C!9>(Q( )qnV &  rWs(ot*uovY wW Schmincke, H. p` xFa <bN89 y(oczY{!dea f|}ghic zY+Fjka ,l~89€‚-a mnƒoG)q„pq &  r %f†st

(170) r‡A !czˆ. 

(171) / ! +/ $u0 uovuocz.1w3‰2cz B a,c Š‹x'XŒsw`3U4pAyzTŽW. ] ) !   c z‘ aT 5 N : ’ { 6 7 J 7 8 | +/-**-*2c K$

(172) . 247. ῌ ῑ ῐ ῍ }~{k€Gk F 9 a,**,c  )‚ƒ „ †‡ “:ˆuod;o” ,**, $iX(”3nl ῌ*-,ῌP*+/. ‰ Šk<•67kr‹ =k’{67kmFŒk ]Žk–m> a+311c  —ƒz W „ ‘’˜cz +0 21ῌ3*. ]?@7 a+321c A5!%“BE” #•r  ™ 5 2 ++-ῌ+,/. –F * a+30.c Tephrochronology #P —CM ˜% aP + ,c o™ 1- ,3-ῌ -*2 --1ῌ-/*. –F * a+311c šš ›SœD y -., p. –F * a,***c LM›E

(173) 2œ .0žTF( Ÿ“ ,, /*1ῌ/++. –F *kžD- a+310c MAšœŸ G Tn š VPn  uo .0 --3ῌ-.1. –F * k žD- k ]FD- k ’{67 k ‹mBa+32.c ¡¢l ! oœ oczdeA ¡¢l£w *œ ¡C¢ˆ, Š 0¤£dA H

(174) uo_0k¤/uo‘ 20/ῌ3,2. ¥m¦ a+32.c §¥I¦ —ƒ/B5 ˜%  J /1A -1ῌ/0. €¢¨ a+32+c ©!™  !‘ ’˜o” ªl ++ 13ῌ2*. €¢¨ a+32.c  %‚ƒ †‡ a§ªc  ,3 +./. €¢¨ a+322c ‹x% ™ 3. .--ῌ ./,. €¢¨k¨ž^Kk©Fªk«Lk’{67k ¬«€M a+332c {m­UžVWXY*®Œ „  }o'†‡ 8uo}gczYczN ¬ /2 +*/ῌ+,*. DTE9:J a+32-c DTEVWXY*­-Ql Siebert, L., Glicken, H. and Ui, T.(+321) Volcanic hazards from Bezymianny- and Bandai-type eruptions. Bull. Volcanol., .3, .-/ῌ./3. Stuiver, M. and Reimer, P. J. (+33-) Extended +.C database and revised CALIB-.* +.C age calibration program, Radiocarbon, -/, ,+/ῌ,-*. Stuiver, M., Reimer, P. J., Bard, E., Beck, J. W., Burr, G. S., Hughen, K. A., Kromer, B., MacCormac, F. G., van der Plicht, J. and Spurk, M. (+332) INTCAL32 radiocarbon age calibration, ,.,***ῌ* cal BP. Radiocarbon, .*, +*.+ῌ+*2-. ®F¯k°F±kOP ¯kQ{@k°ž R a,**,c vY²k³iY´ +32* $ %&,# <± +32. $ %&µx¶·¸s²$  .1 +ῌ1. S<T¹ a+30-c U³V ,´}‚ƒ P

(175) $5¤  J -0 ,.ῌ.+. FWºk€¢¨k»Tµkžr¶- a,***c  rž·- ˜%  !o” ,*** $¸¼ (”3nl 0/. <¹µ a+32+c º»—ƒ/B ˜% º»¼X%Y.

(176)   2345. 248.  / 3,῍++1.   +32* 


(178)   .+ .῍+-.    +331   !"#$  !%&'()*)

(179)  +, -. !/ 0!1"

(180) 2345*67

(181) 8#+$%& ! ., .*3῍.,+. Togashi, S. (+323) XRF analytical Report +/23, Determination of major elements in igneous rocks using Sc/Mo dual anode tube. Geological Survey of Japan, Open-file Report, +-,, +῍-/. '( ) +33*  !*+ 9

(182) :;<,-./ ,

(183) + : S=,/>Y=++., ?*

(184) @ +0 -῍,2. '( )  01 A     2345  67 8BC901DE#:; +33, F !<=

(185) :;<>G ?*

(186) @ +1 -῍--. Ui, T., Takarada, S. and Yoshimoto, M. (,***) Debris avalanche. In Encycloperia of volcano (Sigurdsson, H., Houghton, B. F., McNutt, S. R., Rymer, H. and Stix, J. eds.), Academic Press, London, 0+1῍0,0. Voight, B., Glicken, H., Janda, R. J. and Douglass, P.M. (+32+) Catastrophic rockslide avalanche of May +2. U.S. Geol.Surv., Prof.Pap., +,/*, -.1῍-11. !HC?@IA?@BAC7DE +31. J KL!FM,GH IN, JK *O ,,* p. !PQ L  ,**+  ! R

(187) STM : NO!PU

(188) 2345*VWQX YR SZ?T[ ,**+ U\VJ[W]X Jn*+2. !PQ L^_C ,**,  !

(189) 8` abM  !, !cd Y W!, ef Y ,. 0.*῍0... !gZ +33. h [

(190) \]

(191) & h. [R,^_` +῍+**. 01DE# +320 iab<= iabc

(192) & ? *

(193) @ +, ,+῍-+. -deAjfk +332 glmno ! +0.* U

(194) !hFp ! .- +-1῍+.2. . .  

(195). q^

(196) +iU r B-

(197) js%tuv wklxm

(198) yz {no|' dpqU} Togashi +323 %ru kl|aur{sm|v XRF %~L!o|' 

(199) b\ €3‚ ƒ%r}t +***„ DUkl M † u% v‡w&M( %~LxmJ( Vƒ% , ˆ

(200) x‡ - ˆ%a(v‡y‰|

(201) \Š‡ wklxmz %z{J( r‹v !oŒ

(202) \Š +**ῌ

(203) ŽM

(204) .} wklxmz wklxm

(205) yz w‘’ X |

(206) ! oyz wsmyz

(207) } u“ %a(. Togashi +323 },-r JB+A {~uv

(208) {T. M| x{JKv - ˆ%|'b\

(209) n€

(210) \Š 32.0-ῌ %I|v ”a(€3 / •{‚ |!o|'. Œ ‚– 32./3ῌ + ,-ƒy *.+/ῌ {„' 

(211)  y%} w‘’ X |

(212) !oyz wklxm

(213) yz wsm yz ‡—DMvu( atdpq

(214) r

(215) !oƒ

(216) JB +A !o} 32.-3ῌ U˜‹' Togashi +323 ‡ JB+A.

(217) ™L |!o%~L„$M' MšM


(219) !o‡ ˆ root mean square #$no M(‰h

(220) !o‡ˆ} + ,-yU *.*2ῌ U˜(. C+ XRF !o%tuv} !o‡ˆ~L›ˆ

(221) y

(222) œ“‡Ju ›ˆ}Tm|#$noU( žŠ8 

(223) ‹ vU˜Ly%JaŸ {Œ¡( SiO,

(224) w‘’ X |

(225) !oz

(226) ›ˆ}žŠ8¢U} + ,-y. U *.,ῌ ˆU˜( Ž%ˆ£¤ˆ#$ Al, O-, MgO, Na, O

(227) ›ˆ

(228) Ÿ ‡Ju ¥¡$M(‡ Ÿ } SiO, ~L u r‹vM$

(229) y{ SiO, ˆ ›ˆ. %~(y

(230) \Š}y‘’{¥“|v , ,-yU *.2ῌ q^ ¦”§$M( D' wsmyz }¨©{. |auªLM$

(231) y~L}(#% u q'

(232)  #$ «•%kl|aur

(233) !oŒ

(234) \Š +**ῌ

(235) ŽM‡ *.2ῌ q'˜‹'b\}

(236) ‹'(.} wklxmz t~¬ wklxm

(237) yz. noU( 'b| 

(238) no}!o

(239) –IU}au # $ dpqU} wklxm

(240) yz

(241) ­{®p|vu( „$M' wyz %}'¯

(242) ›ˆ#$no M(y{ $#%—¡(§

(243) ‡˜°J( $% VCTm|{~ u'CT

(244) !oU˜L #±‹ vt~¬‰x‡™š% ~²³vu(r´

(245) jsU˜(

(246) U zI$a wkl xm

(247) yz &%?J(®p%›v%œ¡(µ{¶ ± at dpq

(248) !o%{'‹v  !ž7‡.Ÿ 8{. |',-r JB- {Vƒ%!o|' 

(249) , -r%±uv§ x{JKv - ˆ%|'b\

(250) n€

(251) \Š} +**.-/ῌ U˜L dpq

(252) r

(253) !oƒ

(254) JB-

(255) \Š!o} +**./.ῌ U˜‹' JB- {}·¸ . !

(256)  ²

(257) r

(258) !o\Š‡. +**ῌ {—¡'{¡|vu(

(259) } . !

(260) žŠ8}. x‡ ² €3‚

(261) ¹

(262) x

(263) º+

(264) Ÿ ‡Ju' ¸U˜( 

(265) %±uv§'¯

(266) ®p ¢\$U˜ ( `X£{ »¼¤.


Fig. . . Outcrop of a hummock of Goda at Loc. - , Kamikobayashi, Gotemba City. Symbols, a, c, d and e show the di # erent types of  debris-avalanche blocks.
Fig. 0 . Percentages of debris-avalanche blocks for each type at the studied eight outcrops
Fig. 1 . Zr vs. Y of lavas from debris-avalanche blocks. Data of volcanic rocks from Older and Younger Fuji volcano are after Togashi et al.
Fig. 3 . Schematic profile of Fuji volcano at the time of the landslide about ,3** yearsago.



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It is suggested by our method that most of the quadratic algebras for all St¨ ackel equivalence classes of 3D second order quantum superintegrable systems on conformally flat

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Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A

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