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1 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. //, No.,, -3.2 (,**2) The Mechanism of Soymilk and Tofu Formation from Soybean, and the Factors A# e


Academic year: 2021

シェア "1 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. //, No.,, -3.2 (,**2) The Mechanism of Soymilk and Tofu Formation from Soybean, and the Factors A# e"


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(1)Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. //, No. ,, -3.2 (,**2) :%&;.

(2) 1 .

(3). 39. ῌ !"#$%&

(4) '

(5) ()*+,-./012.345

(6)  +3 

(7)  c ,  Z \\]S'\^_`. The Mechanism of Soymilk and Tofu Formation from Soybean, and the Factors A#ecting the Formation Tomotada Ono United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Iwate University, Ueda -ῌ+2ῌ2, Morioka, *,*ῌ2/** ῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎. +    . &<  @ () a$F-.$b& +33* *+ L 9.'^_*,&.9'< c,+- .  d-F.C/e-f0g1 23. GH$F-JGH!. C4& Ih@@. i  5$j*,64*,k'<  l. mno N!OPQ@WICpB. 0q+N!OPQC7$K

(8) -/῍ *+$. &-C8krs'< t@  m@N. Mfq-.@uvwxy1q-z"!C9:$K5. !OPQRSGH$F- -. &- < {@'s;0N!OPQ|}~&.M@f. m.+N!OPQ ! €‚ƒ„<@I$. t $†&  ‡ˆ@‰/g1f. -C$+.$'< { @N!OPQI. =>k'< *+$ l0

(9) ,*῍ KŠ .  .*+** nm @k* $F[?h@N!OP. g1 . @‹ŒA1q-zy1C7$. Q.+pB*, B$N!OPQ@CDCEs-. KŽFB$G,&- 12Co&q-<. C$+.$'< {@HB Utsumi +/ ‘I'. . 7@JKLŒA1$../+0 MNB. N!OPQ@tB-’I“SO<$ ++. jP8Q'23 ‰8 12$R”s. S •–—z!

(10) ++S @˜™šP›œž 1S •–—z. Ÿ=q dF =@‡ˆC¡7k'< 23. !

(11) 1S @ b ¢—£¤š¥C7K5&'< *+$ . +.   . C¦§¢!SŒ¨T8'SŒ  $FO. !"#$%&'(%)$*+*,&-$../+0. <@IN!OPQt©-$+.$9'0< t. 123456

(12) $ 7-89&-,<. .+$F6@FA$mN!OPQ2. 7@ 8@ ῌ  Yª f4.  -@. Guo +1 $A B@. «U@DCEs&-<  > j$†o-B. 2CD'< Fig. + $EFA$ @. V¬­4@®$¯4$‰-^_? @HB°W. GH-IJ$KL,-.+ ++ S. q9' > .+ ῌ tB-±²{,$³´. CM'@N!OPQRS&-.. CX7-µ¶I? $‰%&-<. -< TC UV 0/1/ N!OPQ@W. , . ·4@ $b&8QP@^_57¸*,& - &/¹- 4@ $b&@^_”s~ . *,*ῌ2//*   -ῌ+2ῌ2 

(13) Corresponding author tomon@iwate-u.ac.jp.  ! XJ$WY, *+$TC U 3* Z N!OPQ0,456@" [#. $-$+.9'< @J Kamat +2 ŒQ N!OPQC±ºB$»­9'@ ¼  Y½J@$F9tB-@q  {@N!OPQHB.+€‚ƒ„O5@@3.


(15)    //   ,  ,**2  , . 40. .  2 . !"#$%& b '!(. )*+,-./ .* +** nm -%012. 345! 1S -6 7  - b 89:5;<(345!. =- + >?@A7B

(16) CD>EFGHI !". ++S -6 7  -JK4;#LMNOPQRST. #$- 0*ῌ &UVU4! -& BX+ BX, .  ++ S WB 3* XY+* Z72=[-\. @3 ]=> ++S, 1S. _= -+ >?Z7-`a5bcP Ono. --

(17) CD& Udefgh UVU4!-.  i?j Guo  -Pk> Fig. , >lmGHn. oEF >2> ++S, 1S EFGZ\_=. B p)*

(18) Cqr>sGA%&t- ++S P.  u> .>?@v1Gw

(19) C%&. -. 1. EFGHI 0/ 1/ -+ %-Wx@. !"#$G

(20) CD-z-[-[ ^ 2> 2/ XY{|} -JK4;#LMN O~B% !"#$-Z7\_=. .** nm. !"#$EFGH^HI. !"#$  %& 2* nm yu. HI Toda /2 ,**1 XY-& ++ S, 1 S. !"#$P  -q  >EFGUdefgh. Udefgh. % %. !"#$i?j{|. !"#$P67 B€G z\_ = $&Udefgh %% !"#$. !&"a3‚cƒ-„ †ePSTz+ >{ | !"#$‡Gz -ῌ ΐ῔῎ῐΐ῕῏ῑῒ. &ae4‚c ˆ( 4‚cdU!ƒ-#+‰ pH Š‹>?@ŒB Žq>Œ2$aKO. PZ7B ‘$’>%FG&$-$PZ72 “-QR-”•@ ]=>–IH&—˜-™ š++ P›HIœ^I ' $-Z7>–IH&. t !"#$-žeZ7 -Ÿ (‡2= $ [že-q‘GH¡@¢£=H^. !"#$-že. Z7Ÿ >–IH&¤-™š+, P¥¦Iœ^I 2 Fig. + Lipid quantity in the particulate, soluble, and floating fractions of unheated soymilk at elevated temperature The unheated soymilk was heated at a specific temperature for / min and cooled to ,*. Particulate (), soluble (), and floating (  ) fractions were obtained by centrifugation at +/0 *** g for -* min. (Guo et al.1, +331). H ?R§|¨-©& ŒGHaKOPZ7 G 2>ªP)«GHNKb¬+2= ­3K& žeaKO&I žeaKO-®I& ž e& %ƒ¯G*oFHªP+^°±œZ²³ ´µ ¶·&ªP)«GH¸¹B4 3K4ºPx 2I aKO& % 72=»t ¼½ '. Fig. , Schematic diagram of Soymilk formation from raw soymilk by heating, which was induced from Ono et al.-῍ (+33+) and Guo et al.1῍ (+331).


(22)  : ῌ . 3 . Fig. -. 41. E#ects of Calcium on Protein Solubility in Soymilk. Particulate protein (  ) dispersed in ultrafiltrate, soluble protein (  ) and soymilk (  ). This figure was prepared from Fig.+ of Ono et al.++ (+33-)..   !"#$%&'()*+,- .' /01234)562 7!8%79':;< = >2?) @AB CDE&FGH 'IJ-1 ;KL @MN2@GOP%2?)Q RS TU V'P%VWXYZ[@ +33* \]42 K^Z Ono L+- @ '<)CD. E&F'Q SCDE&F+ _ PN7`a+b <)cdS'eZ Fig. - +f<*+ CDE&F @Q SCDE&F*ghijkPN7`alD2c. Fig. .. Changes in protein solubility and floating fraction ratio in dispersions of floating and particulate fractions (a) and floating and soluble fractions (b) at various concentrations of calcium chloride. (  ) protein solubility ; (  ) floating fraction ratio ; (  ) newly formed particulate fraction ratio (Guo et al.+,, +333). d<);

(23) LK+G^Z ;;@ +c3m' n/Zo pqCDE&FcdKLr4);' s WU) ;;2tZ 2@ CDE&F. < AB@ u2@lNvwx2?)2. Q SCDE&F yz{|^WU)2 CD. +l}l7DCDE&F'~ cd<);GO€. E&F ‚ƒ/Zc3mjk2 uCDE&F. „2?) c3m n†‡)lD u.  cdW*U@q2?) K @y1. †‡ ABˆg+CDE&F ,-Z‰"&. cd‚GK^Z ;‡LCDE&F Š ‹. 2o Œ-QRG) +;‰"& !"#$%. U@  AB. ŽWU);2?) ;2 Guo. &‘+.'o012,-  V†‡W’O . @ ABQ SCDE&F “*”AB. n†‡Zc3m •–+’o—Z) Q SCDE&F. CDE&F ˜™'(g ‡š‡2c3m+b<)C. KLV†‡ZCDE&F †L+!"#$%&. DE&Fcd“*”AB›œ'žZ Fig. . a. +,- ^KgZ P%. L. +.. 2o);+G. +f<*+CDE&Fcdh+ABŸ. ) AB@lNvwxCDE&F l}l7. h:;^WU); K^Z = Q SCDE&F. D CDE&F †L+Q SCDE&FKLV†.  -@ Fig. .b +f<*+ ?)=„c3mjk. ‡ZCDE&F¡¢CDE&F+4‡ £¤'. 42CDE&F“*”Acd¥Ÿ@:;LGU. ¦_+OU§¨W€„GV+G^WU); K) ©. Q SCDE&FKLCDE&F =„ª«¬). @8­%N£+® £¤†‡¯U2?) ¡¢. cd :;); K^Z ;‡L;KL . CDE&F+*)®0®2  €•2€„G°+. V@ +c3m' n<)pqCDE&F. G^WU); ; VKL±2o). AB²,-2r4g +Q SCDE&F †L+ ,-W³’<)´/L‡) ;‡L'µ+W

(24). . 

(25) . +/+0 @¶U V·wN'¸¹Z Fig. / +. + . KL . F@ +©oO¼½<) @U)©. UK+WV†‡)K º»'f.



(28)   //   ,  ,**2  , . 42. Fig. /.  4 . Formation of Tofu Curd from Soymilk (Speculation)+/)+0ῌ An OB particle is packed with oleosin proteins.. Fig. 0. IR Spectra of Soymilk and Its Components. IR spectra were measured from . *** to 2** cm+ with a FT-IR spectrophotometer equipped with an ATR apparatus. IR spectra of soymilk, soy-protein, soy-lipid, and soy-sugar are shown in order, from upper site. (Nakasato et al.+0, ,**.).   !"#$%&. '( )* +$ ,-./012$33 ATR 4. 56*789:* -.$;<=>-.=>?@A. BCDE'F*G$, HIJKL ML NLO&. PQRE'ST,U*& HIJKL ML NL@. + 4 VWXY,Z[E'ST,U*. A\  $!O -.]^_$QRE'`a,U. ,ῌ ῎ῐ῏῍ῑΐῒ. * b  HIJKL$E' ML/cX$ ,. -.$d

(29) !,U*HIJKLe) f*7 gh. ij- Bradford +1 /k F*$&lmn,Uo M. $p$q-X]^(o-./4 7(rs(otu. LvwKxyz/ )o{| ,UP NLHIJK. HIJKL=>&})-.~A)-&,j*+7&€. LῌML/(‚) ƒ„*X †N$',ƒ„*. : )*,,,- (X(@& ‡;ˆ 2$. )W:(‰[Š$XX*E',U* -.7-$‹Œ. /Ž)D@)‘Gg),. 2+,+:$’/r. /“”F*o„ -.!$QRE'&S•,U. –F* q-pŠ$—/h( Z6-.,H. * Nakasato . +2.  ˜™š / )o-.›d

(30) !. IJKL=>$f&œ(o-./]^F*

(31) &U*. $QR' /ž(o +$ Ÿ ¡¢£E'. Nakasato ,/ }R¤¥/ ). ATR 4 B/ )  4 /2$33§¨,E'F*. _ ©™‰ªPHIJKL=>$]«/¬) 2:.  , gh$§¨ ,k +3,+ &€:. /­®!F*+7PHIJKL=>$f&¯@*-. )*. -.X¦/. Fig. 0 -.°±2$HIJKL ML NL!$›. ./]^(o 2:/ ) -.$HIJKL=>&}. ˜™²$¢£/³F HIJKL´µ¶¢£· ML. h@*~A-$¸¹º&}h@P h@*+7/. »x¼½$¢£ NL C-O C-C $¢£·/ ) E. X(o.

(32) 1 :  ῌ

(33) +,2345%.  5 . 43. - . 67"8 &'(6 9:0;<' =>0- ?"8 6 =>0*

(34)  6@A  #$*">0 B,0,2 C 8" =>0D


(36)  6O+.+/  !PG0Q/R % -S CT8&'( "U FV - C C W"XY ZV[\J - C  ]^ &'( _ 8`C% a bcde !W" XY7

(37)  f $! W"XYZV[ \JK) ghC i ,3  (Jj 6=kY = "#$ GDL  *   l=kY =h#$mn. B8" C ="]o. Fig. 1. b PG0Q/R% D

(38)  p   ZV[\Jq

(39) de-!_8" "r. Comparisons of protein particle content in soymilk and the breaking stress of tofu curds prepared by mixture glycinin-rich and b-conglycinin-rich soybeans (Guo and Ono-3, ,**/). #stuC8" fC ?v 6  wx"n yz$%{aN|!n & '8  b PG0Q/R% (. -. ++Sῌ1S ) D   +- *} )~€ ++Sῌ. =f wx‚+, N Nakasato ,/ ƒ-. 1S ). †1234"8 nb23 5h.  C-/ *}‡ )~ ++Sῌ1S )ˆ. 82‰ Š,  fC  &'(. v D ]v  6 2)5‹Œ _. N%qY Ž*

(40)  fC). a

(41) Xx‘ ") ghC. ’)*“”  •–.

(42) )./„' &  * 08". & ++Sῌ1S ) a D  0 *} 4"8. fCe&'( 78Œ KU.  9)~| ++S ") . FV&'( cdc : —  . %&'( 

(43)   . ” "UFVf ) ; ”

(44)  &'(.  C-0 Yagasaki -1  <˜= . ˆva>2  Œ— ghC. ++S, 1S ™Uš›V[ œ? 4 ++Sῌ1S.  @A ZV[\J-  6&'(. ) D  ῌK

(45) €ž_ ++Sῌ1S ). Ÿ '¡ ¢,N Bn _. a"#$*  ` 1S "   £C

(46)   K

(47) ¤" $. .   ++Sῌ1S

(48). &'(¥ kY ¥ "#$  ©ª C. ,,,-,/.  *} D +«)&. Guo -2  ++S ¦V§ 1S ¦V§ ¨Y ++ Sῌ1S ) D  K

(49)  ++S "#$%&'(. '(ˆv¬h " ­DC8" .  

(50)    . &'( ® 2 ++ S ¯FU¦' ¯¦°›.   Guo  Ono-3  Fig. 1  ! ++S . '  1S ¯FU¦' b E'¯¦°›' n  1S ?. "#$%&'(  ) *. ± ++S ¯FU¦'¦V§ E²n GDL F

(51) >0.   +,- ./0+/+0 Fig.. K ++ S ¦V§ & *">0K . / nGBa - PG0Q/R% . C  fC ++S H3 SH  "#$* . b %&'( XY³`Œ %. n SS XY 0 ´C8"-+ ` ++S ¦V§. &'( (=b&'(

(52) µ . &  I0°¶j)BnC. ·ˆUFV - C fC W"XY8.   n C 9&'(E²7"8. ZV[\J aŒ¸I ,J . XxN

(53)  ¹ 7"8 n_ Skurray. /   . .  +/ } 7"8  * ++ Sῌ1 S ). ++S ¯FU¦' ¯¦°›' ? ± 1S ¯FU¦' b. º».{  f ¼1  e|. E'¯¦°›' K; ™Uš›V[2%n . 0 & a" & ++S, 1S =. LC8" 1S ¯FU¦' a a῍ b - } ™U.   ++ S ") ½n*" a. š›V[ LC8".* ++S ¯FU¦' / } ™. ,.. -*. -,. --.

(54)  %&'&()

(55) // *

(56) , + ,**2 , ,. 44.  6 . -./012  34 + 56   7  839:; ῌ A+aB, ; A+bB+b ; A,B+a 9:;῍a A/A.B- 9:. ;῍b A-B. !34<=.+., >? @=< 1S A-./0183BC?  a a῎ b D #234<=.- E  9FG/ H=< Nakamura 3.../ 2῍a ?  

(57)  ῍b 

(58)  3  Nishinari 3.0 ῍a A-./01I<=   83=  2"JK Tezuka 3.1 L4M4 A-./01 b N9FG/  OP QRS9TGUV>W>?B  L   Dῌ ῍b ῍a D#C  43?"X  Y# L" L4. Fig. 2 Breaking stress of tofu curds prepared from soy milks with identical levels of glycinin content. Values are means  standard deviation, n1 per group. Tofu curd containing +-.*῍ solids was prepared by adding magnesium chloride from the mixture of soybeans having group I (Group I), IIa (Group IIa), and IIb (Group IIb) and soybean having a low content of glycinin. (Tezuka et al..2, ,***). M4 A-./01ZC=<ῌB. [\  ]῍a ῍ b ῌ D#   ^ D#C.2 Fig..  !_"=`#"#=aW34 43 H=<. 2 8 L4M4 ?" ῌ. 3#b$2%&"X Liu  Chang// 'c. ῍b ῍a D"X .1  deY#C<= . fg(" hij]k) lmn ++Sῌ1S. o=? o=aW34 *+p .  +q" Ca ,2

(59) -K Guo . ] r.#s2

(60) t:uB. Ono-3  ++Sῌ1S  Y#=<  "J. 83 /#? v01"w4#=. ]2 ++S  2 cx &c.   ῍b 2y&. fg("^3#$# Fig. 1 z4 ]. #{- ῍a |\S}~ 5=<= L. r. €<6cfg(""cx. < I  4|$#2 A , ; 5$. ‚+- ]27$#ƒs6cfg("". 2 A + S}~ 5 $z 4   de. cx # Kao 3/0  cfg("8W. Nakamura 3. K<= Poysa 3. .3. .0. ?"„Cde.  9 :]†;‡ˆ<83‰^ŠE"=>#6ZH. E?<= 3  Poysa 3. N9FG/". cfg("‰'cfg("<‹‚<= Ono 3/1.  a῎@ ^ 2$#K A-./012.  ++Sῌ1S  Y#83cfg("8W<. 8R(" ++Sῌ1S #s^8R. B  A BCD^ 9 :]†;‡. .../.  Nishirari 3. .3. #s83ŒE ["JŽF B82GH. „= L43

(61) I‘ A2JKL. #aW34  ] [-3 #. #8’M"‰^ŠE"=>#6#  ++Sῌ1S 2. s^ + H NaW34. J=ƒsL M6cfg("“”O  . 0 . 3 cfg("212PQ2 T01.    ++Sῌ1S  !"#$. •: –J$# BCD26— 43 . cfg("^J$

(62) - ˜R ‚ 'Scf. 83'cfg("‰^=>#6# !™T. g(" šC<Y#234<=< L ‹. , 8’M XaW34 L4‰cfg(". '› @=<y&#UB EH"X cfg(. Y#A"X28C %œ^=>#62‰. "‹ :VW" 8’M83žN  ŸXY". ^ !™T2 $#=  ¡ dPTBC. ¢ ‰1Z[£¡83žN/+ \]+"¤*. T ¥ GH8^4#= 43 ^83 . J2_WM83¦§N/,/- #s2a¨4<=. 3#©ª2«`4. /*.  ¬ ­83a [bP. 1 


(64) . cfg("=8 8 šC<Y#2a.  B < c®¯°t±=. W342 ²³ ²´"Ed (""[<=. <>eµ N c®¯¶>^ \·. 27= Toda 3/.  0 ­ ¸= MgCl, (". >µ N2X ¹º  "B34<=. 8W<BC\  šC<‰ !_". ƒ»s2>µ N"B34<= >µ N. #("2Y#‘=  ¼ . 2=2"J234<= >µ. (" f

(65) Xcfg("½1 #3#=‘3. N"°t2>£ Oº83 °t83g. 4#=<= 'cfg("2%œ^‰. §482 

(66) aW34 hi.

(67) M :  ῌNLOP QRSTU.  7 . Fig. +*. Fig. 3. 45. E#ect of Soymilk Phytate Concentration on GDL Tofu Hardness. Soymilks containing *.,*, *.-*, and *..*῍ phytate were prepared by adding potassium phytate (pH 1.*) in soymilk preparation. (Ishiguro et al.00, ,**0). E#ect of Soymilk Phytate Concentration on CaSO. Tofu Hardness. Soymilks containing *.,*, *.-*, and *..*῍ phytate were prepared by adding potassium phytate (pH 1.*) in soymilk preparation. (Ishiguro et al.00, ,**0). 

(68)   /2. VWX@IYZ[?

(69) \] Basic 1S )$^. _\Z[` `,\ % , abZ[`


(71)    !"#$%&'( !")*+,'

(72) !"#$-./ 0. %dE NdE. 1% 23 45678

(73)  !"#$ 1%7.  @e %dE Ca fV$ Basic1S ghi. 9:7 ;

(74) <=> Toda. j$ k &'(U)$^_\1%?

(75) @l8. 0/. . /3. @c Toda . 0*.  0m]nop5

(76) - q@87!". J VWX%Z[`

(77)  , Ca fV. #$r ,

(78) QR@s tu. $ U)$^_\1%%dENdE'. vwxyz !"#$r k8 {.. E D5

(79) |T<

(80) }78

(81)  5~U)$^. 45

(82)  tuvwH5

(83) B€. _\1% Ca fV$. ,D`,78

(84). ‚ƒ €. 5. 67858. „?

(85). -3. ++Sῌ1S M`8uvw@k. q †<E ‡5uvw%B. 2ῌ ῏῍῎ῐῑῒ. €.  ˆ\  ‰Š_h*‹!@Œx E!. !"#$r @Ž uvw@7@. ‹)V*‹ X!"*‹5.Vj‘<

(86) . C6 = Fig. 3 ,’?'>, v5

(87) ,. ‚ƒ?

(88) . ,56 Ishiguro 00. “"#, $”•QR :58  j$–@. !"#$r k8 {.uvw k% ?

(89) . —6<

(90) !"#$– f‰˜*™ 0 j$–. @. ˆ, +-῍  . . , Ca ] Mg fV$5

(91) uvw. *.+*.-῍ rš j$. !"#$k8{.Bj$–“•z,‚&`

(92). –“›%`

(93) uvw zœ'<

(94) . x 

(95)   pH uvw<

(96) GDL.  ,!"#$.  Fig. +* ,’?'>, ;žl !"#. @%?

(97)   45

(98) 0 1% uŸ. $k8 GDL ,'

(99) pH (

(100) x . )  ¡*,5

(101) @l8J Ono +- ¢+-0. D`,£?

(102) , 'Ek GDL @%  !". x5QR

(103)  Saio 0+.  uvw%!"#$, Ca ,fV$z?

(104) . #$. pH  ,¤?

(105) ¡¥C @ ¦ . . Y§fV$ - [ E  pH   ?

(106) . 56 `, .n Y/0¨.©1 ,1 q.  W*ª«L,!"#$¬52­@®¯78

(107). !"#$r @° = .n Y/0¨.r. @±3 ˆ!"#$. -* abF`. p5

(108) q :58q<6 !". 

(109) !")*+,'E-`9:?

(110)  ,. #$r :5©1.²r p5

(111)  C.  ³´F,'

(112) C›'. E48 µ¶78

(113) qk !"#$r H©. `. 0,0-. F,'E!"#$5·. 1.²r ,:58q, 67q 7. ,9:?

(114) @A

(115)  B@C6 . 878

(116) ¸$i‰h¹ º$»f VV‹¼,r. =0 9: 23 D56  !")*+. š78   !"#$r 8 u. !"#$@- @C

(117)  0 1%. vw% ½@4 @CE4?

(118) |T. 23 45E F,'

(119)  G. + ¦ 

(120) . 

(121)  Hou Chang. 0.. 56 HIF  !"#$JK5L.


(123) A 0 1 // B 1 , 2 ,**2 3 , C. 46.  8 . 3 

(124) . ,/; $%*! 3* 4DE%FG5!;H. $ !$%"#$%&'(&)' *+. I?,=> J@K$%LMN,!O%PQ. $(,)-./"#$%&012$(,)3. RS)Q!67!8T* 595)UR6. 4*+56 )* "#$%' ! 789:. 7!:'VW;E%FG! 34*+5*;X. !. </Y%;=>8T'=ZU[)\>I =. ,8-.;</=>?+@ Thompson  Erdman. 01. +32, 3)J>]*,8-.'?^_@I AV(&Q. :)7' /BC',8&Z` !E%FG;\. -.I? -῍ TCA+*῍ Na,SO. *DED F GH. >I LMN,;I=> 8T!YaYb% . J.*HJ=c@V' +.,῍ HCl * dI@V''. ;E%FG ` !E%FG* - K)=]> =:). /-.'LeI@ f-.!F  Makwer .02 M. 7'NgOh*iK? Q$(Q fU[)$(. j .Pgf;*+ =:)HJ.*HJ'. !E%FG;kQ)

(125) >I7'NgOhl

(126) *. dIRSdDmnop%oqM.*?TU/-. R $)&]>VrW'X/1. ls*Q8 2E%. .. 03. MVPe=>@ t- AOAC .I?VYRZu:. >@Y%{|L}~' -.. 1*. *! n%[\]. FGVvw=cQ xqbMvy

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H ernández , Positive and free boundary solutions to singular nonlinear elliptic problems with absorption; An overview and open problems, in: Proceedings of the Variational

Keywords: Convex order ; Fréchet distribution ; Median ; Mittag-Leffler distribution ; Mittag- Leffler function ; Stable distribution ; Stochastic order.. AMS MSC 2010: Primary 60E05

In Section 3, we show that the clique- width is unbounded in any superfactorial class of graphs, and in Section 4, we prove that the clique-width is bounded in any hereditary

By interpreting the Hilbert series with respect to a multipartition degree of certain (diagonal) invariant and coinvariant algebras in terms of (descents of) tableaux and

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Greenberg and G.Stevens, p-adic L-functions and p-adic periods of modular forms, Invent.. Greenberg and G.Stevens, On the conjecture of Mazur, Tate and

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