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Contact Fondation France-Japon de l EHESS Tel: +33 (0) boulevard Raspail Paris FRANCE Website :


Academic year: 2021

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Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS Tel: +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 54 boulevard Raspail Email : ffj@ehess.fr 75006 Paris FRANCE Website : http://ffj.ehess.fr






EHESS日仏財団(Fondation France-Japon de l'EHESS)は、日仏間の知的交流を促 進し、公共と民間のパートナーシップや国際的専門家ネットワークを通じて日本 の研究を奨励することを目的として、2009年にフランス国立社会科学高等研究院 (EHESS)内に設立されました。EHESSは、世界的に高い評価と知名度を有するフラ ンスの人文・社会科学分野の高等教育及び研究機関です。 日仏財団は、人文社会科学の分野における学際研究および研究者の創出を実 現し、貴重な研究機会を研究者に提供できるよう、官民との連携にも努め、学 術機関、企業、政府、文化機関、社会組織間の産学官連携強化を図ります。


„ „ 欧州研究コミュニティ全体として日本人研究者の参画拡大を推進するために、 日本人研究者および専門家を招いた講演会・セミナー等を開催 „ „ 国際共同研究プログラムを展開 - アジアの資本主義 - 不平等、社会的信念と福祉システム - アジア・アフリカ間の新たな地域編成 -「食」のまなざし - 科学と社会 „ „ 研究者に対して欧州における研究動向や研究者ネットワークへのアクセス が容易となるよう最良な環境を提供するために、フェローシップ及び短期 招聘プログラムを展開。2014年発足のパリ日仏高等研究センター(Centre d’études avancées franco-japonais de Paris、「CEAFJP」)は、東京日仏会 館をモデルとした先端研究開発・招聘プログラム(5ページ参照) „ „ 書籍、研究論文および研究レポートを集成した著作物の出版 „ „ 学術協定及び学生や若手研究者のための支援プログラムを通じ、日仏学術研 究交流を推進する




社会科学高等研究院日仏財団初代理事長、同院教授。 専門は 日本経済学、資本主義の多様性、産業ダイナミクス、不平等の 政治経済学。東京・日仏会館研究員、一橋大学客員研究員、東 京大学客員研究員を経て現職。主著「日本資本主義の大転換」 (岩波書店、2015年)。2013年よりフランス・アジア研究者ネット ワーク所長(GIS ASIE)。



1973年にフランス国立社会科学高等研究院日本研究所を共 同創立、2009年より同院日仏財団副理事長。1999年から2000 年までフランス経済・財政・産業大臣を務め、2008年から2014 年までパリ市副市長、雇用・経済開発・国際関係担当。 法人・団体からのご協力



管理委員会は、財団の運営管理および学術的な活動方針について指針となる決 定を行います。「機関委員」(5席)、「創立委員」(3席)、「外部委員」(5席)、「出資代 表」(3席)の合計4部門16席から構成されています。




日本を初めとしたアジア及び欧米・アフリカの大学で教鞭をとる19名のシニア研 究者及び5名の若手研究者が、財団の研究活動に継続的に参加しています。


財団は、研究機関をはじめ、経済、文化、政治、教育などの多様な分野を代表する 有識者の方々のご賛同・ご支持をいただいております。




日仏財団は、フランス教育法L719-12条に伴い設置された「大学基金」で、フラン ス居住法人・団体には税制上の優遇措置が適用され、寄付金の額の60%を法人 税の課税所得から控除することができます。 2017年6月現在、下記の機関からご支援をいただいております。 寄付のご案内 詳細は下記の財団事務局までご連絡ください。

54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris FRANCE

電話 +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29   メール ffj@ehess.fr パリ日仏高等研究センター




日仏財団は、フランスと日本の研究者の協働を促進し、社会·人文科学における先 端的な研究領域を開拓するために、2014年にパリ日仏高等研究センター(Centre d'études avancées franco-japonais de Paris、「CEAFJP」)を設立しました。 欧州における研究動向や研究者ネットワークへのアクセスが容易となるよう最良 な環境を提供するために、EHESSにおける高等教育及び研究プログラムと協働 し、また官民の資金援助を受けながら、日本人研究者及び日本専門家を対象とし た国際フェローシッププログラムを実施しています。 本研究センターは年間約10名の研究フェローを招聘しています。


エア・リキード フェローシップ 現代日本における消費形態と食糧生産プロセスの進化を欧州 との比較の観点から調査することで、食習慣と健康及び環境へ の影響に関する根幹的な問題に取り組む フランス銀行 フェローシップ 過去30年における日本のマクロ経済動向、日本政府と日本銀行 によって実施された政策のより深い理解に資する研究を促進 する ミシュラン フェローシップ 日本における公共イノベーション政策の目的、制度的構造、実施 手段、およびそれらの軌跡を欧州との比較の観点から明らかに することを目的として創設された ルノー フェローシップ 日本及び欧州における車利用の変容と新しい交通サービスの 影響の理解に努め、モビリティ分野における社会技術的変化を 消費者の需要、メーカーの供給及び仲介者の観点から調査する トヨタ フェローシップ モビリティと社会インフラストラクチャーを主テーマに、技術的 可能性と社会的課題の複雑な相互作用が、2030-2050年にお いて欧州と新興国のモビリティの将来像をどのように形作るか を調査するための一連の研究活動を展開する ヴァレオ フェローシップ 持続可能な開発のための革新技術、特に新世代ロボット工学、 エネルギー問題および高齢化時代のモビリティの拡大に貢献 する可能性のあるアクター、技術および社会的要因を分析する



Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS 電話 +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 54 boulevard Raspail メール : ffj@ehess.fr 75006 Paris FRANCE ホームページ : http://ffj.ehess.fr


About us

About us

A University Foundation Bridging Japan and France

Established in 2009 in Paris, the Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS aims to facilitate and promote intellectual exchanges for the greater presence of Japan in the European research landscape and public debates. The École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) is one of the largest European institutions for higher education in social sciences.

Together with our partners—academia, industry and government in Japan and in France—we seek to contribute to the development of collaborative research in these two countries and in Europe.

Five Main Actions:


„ Organizing seminars, conferences and debates involving Japanese researchers and experts


„ Launching International Joint Research Programs - Asian Capitalisms

- Attitudes Towards Inequality Social Belief and Welfare Systems - New Territorialities Between Asia and Africa

- Scales of Alimentation - Science and Society


„ Providing opportunities for fellowship and short-term invitations programs for Japan specialists with better integration into the French research com-munity through the Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (CEAFJP) (see p. 5)


„ Publishing books, journals, and articles


„ Promoting effective academic cooperation between Japan and France through institutional agreements and supporting programs for students and young scholars





Sébastien Lechevalier is Founding President of the Fondation France-Japon and Professor at the EHESS. Being an expert in Japanese economy, he was previously a visiting researcher at the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and the University of Tokyo. He currently serves as Director of the French Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie).

Vice President

Christian Sautter co-founded the Centre de recherches sur le Japon (formally known as the Groupe de recherches sur le Japon) at the EHESS in 1973 and is Vice-President of the Fondation France-Japon since 2009. He served as French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry from 1999 to 2000, and as Deputy Mayor of Paris between 2008-2014.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees offers administrative and academic guidance to the Foundation. It is composed of sixteen members: five members from the EHESS, three founding members, five qualified persons and three contributors.

Visiting Researchers

The Foundation hosts up to ten visiting researchers for either short-term or long-term periods every year.

Research Associates

The Foundation has nineteen research associates from various universities across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, as well as five doctoral and post-doctoral researchers.

Distinguished Supporters

The Foundation is supported by distinguished personalities coming from academia, administration, diplomacy, and business.

CEAFJP Fellowship




Public and Private Partnerships in Japan and Europe

The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS received approval as university foundation status implemented by Article L719-13 of the Education Code. It allows corporate donors that pay taxes in France to beneficiate from a tax reduction of 60% of the donated amount.

As of June 2017, the following institutions have supported us:

For more information please contact: 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris FRANCE +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 / ffj@ehess.fr

Support the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS


The Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes Avancées Franco-Japonais de Paris, CEAFJP) was inaugurated by the Fondation France-Japon in 2014. It focuses on developping fellowship and short-term invitations programs and is conceived as a functional equivalent of the Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo.

In close collaboration with the research and teaching programs of the EHESS and through supports by public and private sponsors in Japan and France, the Center aims at providing researchers with the best possible access to European research resources and networks.

The Centre invites ten Japanese scholars and Japan experts every year.

CEAFJP Fellowship

Research Fellowship Programs

Air Liquide Fellowship

This program addresses issues related to contemporary dietary habits and their sanitary and environmental impacts, by examining the evolution of consumption modes and food production processes in Japan in a comparative perspective with Europe.

Banque de France Fellowship

The chair holder is expected to contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of Japanese macroeconomic dynamics and the policies implemented by the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan over last three decades.

Michelin Fellowship

The basic rationale behind the creation of Michelin chair program is to highlight the aims, the institutional structure and the means of action in public innovation policies in Japan and their trajectories in comparison with European cases.

Renault Fellowship

Current socio-technological changes in the transportation sector will be addressed from the viewpoint of consumer demand, carmakers’ supply and intermediaries in order to understand the evolution of vehicle use and the impact of new mobility services in Japan, Korea, and European countries. Toyota Fellowship

This program organizes a set of research activities to examine how the complex interactions between technological seeds and societal challenges will shape the future for mobility and social infratsurcture in Europe and in emerging countries with a time horizon of 2030-50.

Valeo Fellowship

The Fellow analyzes the actors, the technologies, and institutional and financial means that may contribute to the emergence of innovative technologies for a sustainable mobility, i.e. a new generation of robotics, energy issues and the extension of mobility in the era of an aging population.



Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS 電話 +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 54 boulevard Raspail メール : ffj@ehess.fr 75006 Paris FRANCE ホームページ : http://ffj.ehess.fr


About us

About us

A University Foundation Bridging Japan and France

Established in 2009 in Paris, the Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS aims to facilitate and promote intellectual exchanges for the greater presence of Japan in the European research landscape and public debates. The École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) is one of the largest European institutions for higher education in social sciences.

Together with our partners—academia, industry and government in Japan and in France—we seek to contribute to the development of collaborative research in these two countries and in Europe.

Five Main Actions:


„ Organizing seminars, conferences and debates involving Japanese researchers and experts


„ Launching International Joint Research Programs - Asian Capitalisms

- Attitudes Towards Inequality Social Belief and Welfare Systems - New Territorialities Between Asia and Africa

- Scales of Alimentation - Science and Society


„ Providing opportunities for fellowship and short-term invitations programs for Japan specialists with better integration into the French research com-munity through the Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (CEAFJP) (see p. 5)


„ Publishing books, journals, and articles


„ Promoting effective academic cooperation between Japan and France through institutional agreements and supporting programs for students and young scholars





Sébastien Lechevalier is Founding President of the Fondation France-Japon and Professor at the EHESS. Being an expert in Japanese economy, he was previously a visiting researcher at the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and the University of Tokyo. He currently serves as Director of the French Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie).

Vice President

Christian Sautter co-founded the Centre de recherches sur le Japon (formally known as the Groupe de recherches sur le Japon) at the EHESS in 1973 and is Vice-President of the Fondation France-Japon since 2009. He served as French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry from 1999 to 2000, and as Deputy Mayor of Paris between 2008-2014.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees offers administrative and academic guidance to the Foundation. It is composed of sixteen members: five members from the EHESS, three founding members, five qualified persons and three contributors.

Visiting Researchers

The Foundation hosts up to ten visiting researchers for either short-term or long-term periods every year.

Research Associates

The Foundation has nineteen research associates from various universities across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, as well as five doctoral and post-doctoral researchers.

Distinguished Supporters

The Foundation is supported by distinguished personalities coming from academia, administration, diplomacy, and business.

CEAFJP Fellowship




Public and Private Partnerships in Japan and Europe

The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS received approval as university foundation status implemented by Article L719-13 of the Education Code. It allows corporate donors that pay taxes in France to beneficiate from a tax reduction of 60% of the donated amount.

As of June 2017, the following institutions have supported us:

For more information please contact: 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris FRANCE +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 / ffj@ehess.fr

Support the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS


The Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes Avancées Franco-Japonais de Paris, CEAFJP) was inaugurated by the Fondation France-Japon in 2014. It focuses on developping fellowship and short-term invitations programs and is conceived as a functional equivalent of the Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo.

In close collaboration with the research and teaching programs of the EHESS and through supports by public and private sponsors in Japan and France, the Center aims at providing researchers with the best possible access to European research resources and networks.

The Centre invites ten Japanese scholars and Japan experts every year.

CEAFJP Fellowship

Research Fellowship Programs

Air Liquide Fellowship

This program addresses issues related to contemporary dietary habits and their sanitary and environmental impacts, by examining the evolution of consumption modes and food production processes in Japan in a comparative perspective with Europe.

Banque de France Fellowship

The chair holder is expected to contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of Japanese macroeconomic dynamics and the policies implemented by the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan over last three decades.

Michelin Fellowship

The basic rationale behind the creation of Michelin chair program is to highlight the aims, the institutional structure and the means of action in public innovation policies in Japan and their trajectories in comparison with European cases.

Renault Fellowship

Current socio-technological changes in the transportation sector will be addressed from the viewpoint of consumer demand, carmakers’ supply and intermediaries in order to understand the evolution of vehicle use and the impact of new mobility services in Japan, Korea, and European countries. Toyota Fellowship

This program organizes a set of research activities to examine how the complex interactions between technological seeds and societal challenges will shape the future for mobility and social infratsurcture in Europe and in emerging countries with a time horizon of 2030-50.

Valeo Fellowship

The Fellow analyzes the actors, the technologies, and institutional and financial means that may contribute to the emergence of innovative technologies for a sustainable mobility, i.e. a new generation of robotics, energy issues and the extension of mobility in the era of an aging population.



Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS 電話 +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 54 boulevard Raspail メール : ffj@ehess.fr 75006 Paris FRANCE ホームページ : http://ffj.ehess.fr


About us

About us

A University Foundation Bridging Japan and France

Established in 2009 in Paris, the Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS aims to facilitate and promote intellectual exchanges for the greater presence of Japan in the European research landscape and public debates. The École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) is one of the largest European institutions for higher education in social sciences.

Together with our partners—academia, industry and government in Japan and in France—we seek to contribute to the development of collaborative research in these two countries and in Europe.

Five Main Actions:


„ Organizing seminars, conferences and debates involving Japanese researchers and experts


„ Launching International Joint Research Programs - Asian Capitalisms

- Attitudes Towards Inequality Social Belief and Welfare Systems - New Territorialities Between Asia and Africa

- Scales of Alimentation - Science and Society


„ Providing opportunities for fellowship and short-term invitations programs for Japan specialists with better integration into the French research com-munity through the Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (CEAFJP) (see p. 5)


„ Publishing books, journals, and articles


„ Promoting effective academic cooperation between Japan and France through institutional agreements and supporting programs for students and young scholars





Sébastien Lechevalier is Founding President of the Fondation France-Japon and Professor at the EHESS. Being an expert in Japanese economy, he was previously a visiting researcher at the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and the University of Tokyo. He currently serves as Director of the French Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie).

Vice President

Christian Sautter co-founded the Centre de recherches sur le Japon (formally known as the Groupe de recherches sur le Japon) at the EHESS in 1973 and is Vice-President of the Fondation France-Japon since 2009. He served as French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry from 1999 to 2000, and as Deputy Mayor of Paris between 2008-2014.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees offers administrative and academic guidance to the Foundation. It is composed of sixteen members: five members from the EHESS, three founding members, five qualified persons and three contributors.

Visiting Researchers

The Foundation hosts up to ten visiting researchers for either short-term or long-term periods every year.

Research Associates

The Foundation has nineteen research associates from various universities across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, as well as five doctoral and post-doctoral researchers.

Distinguished Supporters

The Foundation is supported by distinguished personalities coming from academia, administration, diplomacy, and business.

CEAFJP Fellowship




Public and Private Partnerships in Japan and Europe

The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS received approval as university foundation status implemented by Article L719-13 of the Education Code. It allows corporate donors that pay taxes in France to beneficiate from a tax reduction of 60% of the donated amount.

As of June 2017, the following institutions have supported us:

For more information please contact: 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris FRANCE +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 / ffj@ehess.fr

Support the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS


The Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes Avancées Franco-Japonais de Paris, CEAFJP) was inaugurated by the Fondation France-Japon in 2014. It focuses on developping fellowship and short-term invitations programs and is conceived as a functional equivalent of the Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo.

In close collaboration with the research and teaching programs of the EHESS and through supports by public and private sponsors in Japan and France, the Center aims at providing researchers with the best possible access to European research resources and networks.

The Centre invites ten Japanese scholars and Japan experts every year.

CEAFJP Fellowship

Research Fellowship Programs

Air Liquide Fellowship

This program addresses issues related to contemporary dietary habits and their sanitary and environmental impacts, by examining the evolution of consumption modes and food production processes in Japan in a comparative perspective with Europe.

Banque de France Fellowship

The chair holder is expected to contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of Japanese macroeconomic dynamics and the policies implemented by the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan over last three decades.

Michelin Fellowship

The basic rationale behind the creation of Michelin chair program is to highlight the aims, the institutional structure and the means of action in public innovation policies in Japan and their trajectories in comparison with European cases.

Renault Fellowship

Current socio-technological changes in the transportation sector will be addressed from the viewpoint of consumer demand, carmakers’ supply and intermediaries in order to understand the evolution of vehicle use and the impact of new mobility services in Japan, Korea, and European countries. Toyota Fellowship

This program organizes a set of research activities to examine how the complex interactions between technological seeds and societal challenges will shape the future for mobility and social infratsurcture in Europe and in emerging countries with a time horizon of 2030-50.

Valeo Fellowship

The Fellow analyzes the actors, the technologies, and institutional and financial means that may contribute to the emergence of innovative technologies for a sustainable mobility, i.e. a new generation of robotics, energy issues and the extension of mobility in the era of an aging population.



Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS 電話 +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 54 boulevard Raspail メール : ffj@ehess.fr 75006 Paris FRANCE ホームページ : http://ffj.ehess.fr


About us

About us

A University Foundation Bridging Japan and France

Established in 2009 in Paris, the Fondation France-Japon (FFJ) de l’EHESS aims to facilitate and promote intellectual exchanges for the greater presence of Japan in the European research landscape and public debates. The École des hautes études en sciences sociales (EHESS) is one of the largest European institutions for higher education in social sciences.

Together with our partners—academia, industry and government in Japan and in France—we seek to contribute to the development of collaborative research in these two countries and in Europe.

Five Main Actions:


„ Organizing seminars, conferences and debates involving Japanese researchers and experts


„ Launching International Joint Research Programs - Asian Capitalisms

- Attitudes Towards Inequality Social Belief and Welfare Systems - New Territorialities Between Asia and Africa

- Scales of Alimentation - Science and Society


„ Providing opportunities for fellowship and short-term invitations programs for Japan specialists with better integration into the French research com-munity through the Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (CEAFJP) (see p. 5)


„ Publishing books, journals, and articles


„ Promoting effective academic cooperation between Japan and France through institutional agreements and supporting programs for students and young scholars





Sébastien Lechevalier is Founding President of the Fondation France-Japon and Professor at the EHESS. Being an expert in Japanese economy, he was previously a visiting researcher at the Maison Franco-Japonaise in Tokyo, Hitotsubashi University and the University of Tokyo. He currently serves as Director of the French Network for Asian Studies (GIS Asie).

Vice President

Christian Sautter co-founded the Centre de recherches sur le Japon (formally known as the Groupe de recherches sur le Japon) at the EHESS in 1973 and is Vice-President of the Fondation France-Japon since 2009. He served as French Minister of Economy, Finance, and Industry from 1999 to 2000, and as Deputy Mayor of Paris between 2008-2014.

Board of Trustees

The Board of Trustees offers administrative and academic guidance to the Foundation. It is composed of sixteen members: five members from the EHESS, three founding members, five qualified persons and three contributors.

Visiting Researchers

The Foundation hosts up to ten visiting researchers for either short-term or long-term periods every year.

Research Associates

The Foundation has nineteen research associates from various universities across Asia, Europe, North America and Africa, as well as five doctoral and post-doctoral researchers.

Distinguished Supporters

The Foundation is supported by distinguished personalities coming from academia, administration, diplomacy, and business.

CEAFJP Fellowship




Public and Private Partnerships in Japan and Europe

The Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS received approval as university foundation status implemented by Article L719-13 of the Education Code. It allows corporate donors that pay taxes in France to beneficiate from a tax reduction of 60% of the donated amount.

As of June 2017, the following institutions have supported us:

For more information please contact: 54 boulevard Raspail 75006 Paris FRANCE +33 (0)1 49 54 83 29 / ffj@ehess.fr

Support the Fondation France-Japon de l’EHESS


The Centre for French-Japanese Advanced Studies in Paris (Centre d’Etudes Avancées Franco-Japonais de Paris, CEAFJP) was inaugurated by the Fondation France-Japon in 2014. It focuses on developping fellowship and short-term invitations programs and is conceived as a functional equivalent of the Maison franco-japonaise in Tokyo.

In close collaboration with the research and teaching programs of the EHESS and through supports by public and private sponsors in Japan and France, the Center aims at providing researchers with the best possible access to European research resources and networks.

The Centre invites ten Japanese scholars and Japan experts every year.

CEAFJP Fellowship

Research Fellowship Programs

Air Liquide Fellowship

This program addresses issues related to contemporary dietary habits and their sanitary and environmental impacts, by examining the evolution of consumption modes and food production processes in Japan in a comparative perspective with Europe.

Banque de France Fellowship

The chair holder is expected to contribute to a deeper and broader understanding of Japanese macroeconomic dynamics and the policies implemented by the Japanese government and the Bank of Japan over last three decades.

Michelin Fellowship

The basic rationale behind the creation of Michelin chair program is to highlight the aims, the institutional structure and the means of action in public innovation policies in Japan and their trajectories in comparison with European cases.

Renault Fellowship

Current socio-technological changes in the transportation sector will be addressed from the viewpoint of consumer demand, carmakers’ supply and intermediaries in order to understand the evolution of vehicle use and the impact of new mobility services in Japan, Korea, and European countries. Toyota Fellowship

This program organizes a set of research activities to examine how the complex interactions between technological seeds and societal challenges will shape the future for mobility and social infratsurcture in Europe and in emerging countries with a time horizon of 2030-50.

Valeo Fellowship

The Fellow analyzes the actors, the technologies, and institutional and financial means that may contribute to the emergence of innovative technologies for a sustainable mobility, i.e. a new generation of robotics, energy issues and the extension of mobility in the era of an aging population.



Then the change of variables, or area formula holds for f provided removing from counting into the multiplicity function the set where f is not approximately H¨ older continuous1.

Key words: Benjamin-Ono equation, time local well-posedness, smoothing effect.. ∗ Faculty of Education and Culture, Miyazaki University, Nishi 1-1, Gakuen kiharudai, Miyazaki

It is suggested by our method that most of the quadratic algebras for all St¨ ackel equivalence classes of 3D second order quantum superintegrable systems on conformally flat

As is well known (see [20, Corollary 3.4 and Section 4.2] for a geometric proof), the B¨ acklund transformation of the sine-Gordon equation, applied repeatedly, produces

[18] , On nontrivial solutions of some homogeneous boundary value problems for the multidi- mensional hyperbolic Euler-Poisson-Darboux equation in an unbounded domain,

Since the boundary integral equation is Fredholm, the solvability theorem follows from the uniqueness theorem, which is ensured for the Neumann problem in the case of the

In 1965, Kolakoski [7] introduced an example of a self-generating sequence by creating the sequence defined in the following way..

Next, we prove bounds for the dimensions of p-adic MLV-spaces in Section 3, assuming results in Section 4, and make a conjecture about a special element in the motivic Galois group