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542 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /-, No.+*, /., /.1 (,**0) 16 Patricia Yuca Hamaguchi E#ect of Propylene Glycol Alginate on the Propertie


Academic year: 2021

シェア "542 Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /-, No.+*, /., /.1 (,**0) 16 Patricia Yuca Hamaguchi E#ect of Propylene Glycol Alginate on the Propertie"


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(1)542. Nippon Shokuhin Kagaku Kogaku Kaishi Vol. /-, No. +*, /.,\/.1 (,**0) »&J¼.  16 .  

(2)        Patricia Yuca Hamaguchi   


(4). E#ect of Propylene Glycol Alginate on the Properties of Edible Film Prepared from Alaska Pollack Surimi WuYin Weng, Patricia Yuca Hamaguchi and Munehiko Tanaka Department of Food Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology, .ῌ/ῌ1 Konan, Minato, Tokyo +*2ῌ2.11 ῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎῎ Propylene glycol alginate (PGA) was incorporated into Alaska pollack-surimi films to improve their mechanical properties. The tensile strength of PGA-surimi films prepared at pH ++ was twice as high compared to surimi films prepared at pH 1. Elongation at break was not a#ected by the incorporation of PGA. The water vapor permeability, film and protein solubility, and protease digestibility of PGA-surimi films were not markedly influenced by pH. The film-forming mechanism of PGA-surimi films was investigated on the basis of the changes in SDS-PAGE patterns and the available lysine content. The results revealed that the formation of cross-linkages between e-amino groups of lysine residues in surimi proteins and mannuronic acid esters of the PGA above pH +* was responsible for the increased tensile strength of films. (Received Feb. +., ,**0 ; Accepted Jun. -*, ,**0).    

(5) . )MNO]^ 79:DŒOz56738 ;.   !"#$%  &'()"#. 79:I>„c$Ž)!`a#S56c$Ž)!. . +,. -. $%  *$')"#$% +,-./0 12ῌ3. *~)‘ ’“$}x”$ PGA , •6–<"#. 2"#$%4ῌ5678 9:;<. $%+TUE=>+—Zs@˜ L)MNO™. =>, ? @ABCDEFGH. šklEs?a67+*8 PGA ,› 3O>. .. /. I/ J0/7

(6) 4+/. @-7, +῍ ]œžŸ„z A@.  3 2K ?!2L)MNO"#$%0 PQ"RL. 3/B.a67++8 Stainsby+* , PGA L)M. )MNO"#$%1 #S"#$%TUVWXY. NO`a#S/03 2 $Z7;</ pH 2 ]‚. %Z7[$/78 %& >, pH /\0 ]^. >L)MNO PGA ‰ -™šklTUm . "#$%TU!_`aEF"#$%+#SEZ. $p)¡‚Es+,a`/08 5a Rhim a+,. 2. 7&b/08 J0 c$W 2'EF"#$%TU. ,s™šC¢+/ c$W 2'> PGA A@. !_> -def)ghijklmgln. mDL)MNO"#$%p)‡2U£/78. EF"#$%o(p)*qr+/7s. -;<>, Jw PGA A@m 12ῌ3 2E. +,a`/08 EF"#$%tn+tu5v. F"#$%p)¡‚+¤¥08 5a PGA A@E. , Jw-"#$%p)+lU*'x(yN"#$%. F"#$%2¦§¨E pH ©ª E«"#$%T. >z TS .{|57/*) }(~) LDPE "#. UEFL)MNO PGA ‰6Š‹Z7. $% ~€$ J>‚ƒ01„ †8. [$/08. 1. L)MNO"#$%p)‡2, 34nL)M NOˆ5 ˆ‰klD6Š‹+pnEm s778 I 3 2"#$%Q8/, L . ·+*2ῌ2.11 G¸¹¸H .ῌ/ῌ1 +Iº Corresponding author mune@s.kaiyodai.ac.jp.     +   SA ¬x­®¯°'EF ?±F 1/῍ ²$³. ®“$ .῍ f´9 .῍ . )! *.-῍ , X(µ¯¶.

(7) ¼ῌm : PGA E#. 17 . 543.  PGA +** ,* cP ,*

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(9) W , jkHIp /*῍ ;.*žž. , 

(10). Q—@EŸRS @T¡ -* B@p ¢U.  2  !" #$%&. V 3 0,*cg, -* k @‚! WXK@ , mol/l NaOH. '()*+ , ,῍ -./.( 0

(11) 1 2 PGA ,'. W£A[p Lowry 4+/  ao ]N;.z_(W. ()*+34565 /*῍ 2 -*῍ 2$789:;<=. YZA5$!'()*+@. ŸRYZZ@†. > #?@ A + mol/l NaOH @. •2 . B pH 1C++  $D PGA 3E. 2 &' !"#()  !". FG *C/*῍ 3HI@JK @L>9M NOPQRS TUV WXY+ZA[. #  Perez-Mateos 3C4+0 . ! . ¤[3'()*. \BW Hybrid Mixer HM-/** ]S^(9. +\Z1#$%& *.0 mol/l NaCl S+  *.0 mol/l. @. NaCl¥+./ mol/l ]R S,  *.0 mol/l NaCl¥2.* mol/l ]. - 

(12). R S-  *.0 mol/l NaCl¥2.* mol/l ]R¥*./ mol/l ,῍¦. " . g @_.`(ab3. z;^'§S S. @ NO +**. / cmc/ cm  de fgfhi H++*K ; !". mg  S+ S, S- S. @¨ +* ml E -*

(13) W ,. j.  @B ,/ *./

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(15)  #$h /* /῍. *+@ Lowry 4+/ . '()*+\Z1. 3fgfhiW A .2 jk`(m_no(-.  S. £'()*+`a›œ. p qr3FGs. 3 *+,#+,-./012 SDS-PAGE. .  . D„@ ,῍ SDS¥. ) ,* mm, *A ./ mm +,3tA@. 2.* mol/l ]R¥,* m mol/l Tris-HCl pH 2.2 ¥,῍ ,῍¦. _u*v9wSO _.Sx No. 1-0* Mitutoyo . z;^'§S 0Z £ SDS-. W 0 -.p y(_z{u|S TTP-/*2Xῌ ':. PAGE  Laemmli 3C4+1  B ©b3‹*.‹ª. ;N/} @B k~ -* mm !01 *./ mm ·. «w 1./῍ )O¬ NPU-1./ L, ‹;S @. W!0G@‚! !0ƒ TS D. B‚! cd *.+῍ *S­_S®..‹(;®S. sec. €+. „!02„3 EAB   ! † 2. R-,/*¥/῍ ¦'§S¥+*῍ Q—FG‚!. /  WVP . d -*῍ ¦'§S¥+*῍ Q—Ww3e¯,Œ. ASTM 4+-  WVP 3.@‚! 5‡3ˆ. 6`f$7°W‚!. ,.0 mm, ‰A 1.2 mm 3L>9ŠQ‹5Œ6l%. +*  3%4 . A[_.w .* g @Ž7p / cmc/ cm 3. NO SDS-PAGE |(z@#7. W5‡@8! 3 25‡3k‘k. 0Z@E ±gW ,. jkHIp ¢U. ,$B8’ \ 9:;<=> RH. V 3 0,* c g, -* k WX@g WX@ ,. +**῍ m_:S'S?ŠQ‹5. mol/l NaOH £'()*+@ Lowry 4+/. @@“ m_:S'S@ -*

(16) 3fgiAB@ + jk. . PGA E#30Z3@›. k~WŠQ‹53”@.! 3 WVP . œ.  3C4†•. ++  56+7!8 . 2. ; . o ; ž ² ( ³ ( 9  M ( — TNBS @  B 7. 0   Gennadios 3C4+.  !. `(m_n. Bubnis 3C4+2 . B '()*+3D´Z. o(-@‹OZP;.<@ *.*,῍ –D#7. .O(@. #$%& NOP 2 mg . *.+ mol/l .(—˜E pH 1.* FG -*

(17) W ,. j. .῍ h—;RP;.<2 *./῍ TNBS @¨ *./ ml E. kHI HIp 3JK@™• . .*

(18) W . jkS A[ 0 mol/l µ—@ +./ ml E. •'()*+@ Lowry 4. +/. W.. p +,*

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(20) W ,. jkLšEM.  O^·^Sy@BiS 3 TNBS 2;.o. l% ’”@. 3'()*+. ;ž¬o oao ‹ª§J@j•k¸ O^·^S. •3D„’•3@  !›œ 2. y@EMk¸p ¹º3» @ -.0 nm W.. 1  !"# $%.  PGA lE#3D´Z.O(@ +**. NOP +** mg  .* m mol/l Tris ˜E pH. 2 PGA E#3D´Z.O(3#$.

(21) <´=µ¶·¶¸¹ > /- º > +* » ,**0 ? +* ¼. 544.  +. PGA *. :5;

(22) ,-. pH. PGA 9:5;

(23) ,-.. 1. ¤75v MPa ¤75¥š4 ῍ ‘¦§8¨$©+*ª+* gῌmª+ῌsª+ῌPaª+ ™/

(24) 4 ῍ BCD E

(25) 4 ῍ «¬¡<4 ῍ 

(26) <4 ῍ $L­C ῍. 1 a.  18 . 2 b. 3 a. +* a. ++ c. /4*®*43 ++243®++41a *413®*4*0a. 14*®*43 0.41®142b +4,0®*4*,b. /40®*41 /142®043b +4,1®*4*,b. /42®*41 /+4+®.43b +4,/®*4*,b. 240®*41 014-®14+b +4++®*4*1c. +*4,®*4/d 3+42®34,c *431®*4*/d. ,34-®+4-a 140®*4.a 2,41®,4*a 2042®+43a +**a. ,34+®+4,a 14+®*40a 2+4,®+4/a 2141®+40a +**a. -*43®*43a 14+®*4-a 2*42®+41a 204.®+43a 314+®+4*a. ,34*®+4,a 043®*4/ab 2*4-®+4-a 2.4+®,4+ab 3/41®+4,a. ,04,®+4,b 04-®*40b 2*4+®+4.a 2*43®+4.b 2343®+4*b. ,14*®*42b .43®*4,c 104*®,4*b 0+4+®+41c 2.4+®+4-c. * 9¯:® c$W;& ~J-

(27) °±² F("8)*3N> p³*4*/. }~*@PO RS(g pH +* ++.  +, . & + PGA 9:5;

(28) ,-. TS 8!$(e9. 

(29)  Excel .   + ?@" :5;BCD E@ PGA F(GH%.  SPSS Statistical Software, USA  Duncan’s multiple-range test. +3.   p*.*/ . . c' :5;

(30) ,-. EAB ( PGA 9(ƒO„ †=8‡3N8 pH (<(ƒO!|>]^")*3 N>2  + pH ++ 

(31) ,-./0

(32) 123 +. 

(33)  +. €8zn&O&$_‚O.  PGA 9:5;

(34) ,-." 2>5ˆ*$ EAB‰. PGA . 3+.2῍ @v TS‰+*., MPa +qŠ ‹a.  ! PGA "#$%&' $( )*#$ %& +

(35) ,-./0

(36) 123 45678  7 #$% PGA 9:5;

(37) ,-."<(= >?@82 A Stainsby. +*. BCD E@ PGA FGH. @ Shih 3. ,*. ". I8J-KL$%&/0M. NO?@PO Q?&RS&" PGA 9. ?@ƒ5 PGA 9@ pH UŒ,8:5;

(38) ,.$WŽ(&{O?@8_‚MN :5;

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(45) ,-./0

(46) 1 pH 8 PGA 9:5;

(47) ,-.. %€(ƒ5

(48) ,-. WVP 8„  Q†=" PGA. YZ$W([\:]^ + (_: $

(49) ,-./0. 9(/0:O?@"32(O – ƒ5.

(50) 1 pH 1 ( PGA BCD E -*῍ `9:O. 1—> PGA 9 TS @ WVP ˜(Ž. @ +MN

(51) ,-. TS " /.* MPa 23 1.* MPa A. &|O"32(:O238{O. &(=a b(cBCD E@ PGA . PGA 9:5;

(52) ,-.™/

(53) 4@BCD E. d& pH J-KL$(:O@ TS "cd pH 2T.

(54) 4([\: pH ]^ + (_: pH 1T3 & +. 3 (e9 ( pH +* ++ & +

(55) ,-.. :5;

(56) ,-./0

(57) 1( PGA 9 /0. /0

(58) 1( PGA 9:O@ TS 89

(59) ,-.. MN

(60) ,-.™/5š(BCD E

(61) 4"m@n. +.1T,.* (e9 f (g $h& +. oc& pH +* ++ &"732„  pH +* ++ &. :5;

(62) ,-./0

(63) 1(ijklBCD E"m@. 63N PGA 9:5;

(64) ,-.™/

(65) 4". no

(66) pqr sWt&

(67) ,-.(45uANO. PGA 9!#BCD E

(68) ,-.+, @.›. *(

(69) ,-.v8?@ M3(

(70) ,-./0

(71) 1.  ??@23 pH +* ++ &:5;BCD E@. pH awO@ijklBCD E

(72) p$8=a :. PGA FGH I/08ϥNO. 2. 5;BCD EF`xV8yzMN

(73) ,-. TS 8 {O !|7>O?@"32( Shih 3. :5;

(74) ,-.BCD E ao ž LŸ C¡<$. " J. (¢:O PGA 9]^ + (_: PGA 9:5;. -KL$%& + PGA 9!#BCD E

(75) ,-..

(76) ,-./0

(77) 1 pH  1T+* (£I

(78) ,-..  TS e9" !#BCD E@ PGA F(GH. BCD E¡<$"m@noc& pH ++ &"732. ,*. I8.

(79) t 19 .  +. »ῌ¼ : PGA =>&'. 545.  ! PGA   "#. S+ : *.0 mol/l NaCl S, : *.0 mol/l NaCl¶+./ mol/l ·@ S- : *.0 mol/l NaCl¶2.* mol/l ·@ S. : *.0 mol/l NaCl¶2.* mol/l ·@¶*./ mol/l ,ῌ¸O ¹ ² WŠ : .  , pH 1$++ %&'() PGA 

(80) * SDS-PAGE + M : PºŠOŠ t-*ž,** kDa.  Ou ,+ 

(81) . JKL%Vy‘

(82) „’ tMHC “

(83) ”. 


(85)  !. ~m9 JKL•–%< PGA  MHC. "#$ pH ++ %&'

(86)  PGA ()*+. „_†‡€9  PGA =>&'. ,-./ 01#

(87) $23. % JKL pH M—2<) MHC. %456 37 $89 pH %:;#. “

(88) ”˜™€9 š) pH +* AB%]{|. < PGA =>&'?@ 1*῍ AB7. ‚ƒ%4& pH ++ % MHC “

(89) ”›œ~m9. % CD#E%FGH9. 73} tu , Œ +**ž+/* kDa “

(90) ”Ÿ9b. PGA 

(91) . 3 NOw% MHC NO ¡¢NŠ£. ,. I2 % &'JKL pH MNO. )¤l4¥¦§¨C©GH9. )

(92) PQ )RSTUNVW. PGA =>&'

(93) C)h. XYZ[ ) \ ]01#^>TU0_. i pH jkM[ + )† b[3 37¤6. &'JK)`#a

(94) bM 3. ) pH M—2

(95) C. ) cd% JK)a


(97) . {|~m9 š) pH ++ %‚ƒ) ! *. (efg)hi PGA =>jkMl m). +,-)¤}#./&'

(98)  MHC  PGA. no

(99) pL)q

(100) . _ª CL)l€97$›—P%4. lMrs tu + PGA =>&'JK. b« . L pH Mv3NOw) xy

(101) 0_. AB01 PGA M=>JKL3. U@0_a

(102) z$23{|%4}. ,/¬ %MgK#$() &'

(103) .  TU0_) F7~m973} . MHC  PGA (*+,- NOwš) pH ++. pH ++ %M:; $89

(104) . %§¨­$bM†#$. pL)<l€97$‚ƒ)^> tu. PGA =>&')®¯

(105)  PGA (. + bb pH ++ %&'

(106)  PGA . *+,-M 3)m 

(107) . „_,-M  ]01^>bM†. 

(108) Mrs t[ + 7® [ + % pH 1 %. ‡#$. :;v

(109)  e-NH, ZM +**῍ . PGA =>&'JKLJK€9. eq°%†#$ v±3 pH M—2.  tu , 

(110) ˆKM SDS-PAGE M$#‰. 

(111) b3 NO.  &'JKL tpH 1 ) PGA M=>#. w% PGA ²³¢Zl€9,, &'

(112) . < SDS-PAGE Š

(113) )‹98 tu , €).  e-NH, Z,-§¨b¯9. pH +* Œ%B€Ž#<%4}  pH ++ . Œ NO) &'

(114) ´µ .

(115) 1 q%‹žƒŸ T /- º T +* » ,**0 U +* ¼. 546. .  -. PGA 

(116)   .  unfolding

(117) PGA .    !"# PGA $%

(118) &'(. )*+. ,-.  + / %

(119) &0123, PGA 4  5 678 9: 

(120) -  . . pH 1;++ #87 %

(121) &'( PGA $?@'(. )<=>%. )A B!CD)EF6G. PGA $H

(122) %

(123) &'(. )*+, I. G J KLMN3'( )/=OPQG  !" pH ++ 9R 6G'( )9/ '( )0 123,S"T1UV  + WXY  + MHC UV 

(124) , 8Z0123,. [\]^6P8_$ 

(125) + ` G   !"9%

(126) &0123 , MHC "T1ab e-NH, b PGA c1de1f gMh 4H

(127) '( )*+,I. ]G ijG  %

(128) &'( )%^ ao klm"Kn1H012 3,oX PGA $ pP?@E]G PQG %

(129) &0123,'( )9: ^ῌWq/ PGA $H

(130) rsP8. `G. tu9v!6G PGA $/ '( ). "#$ q%$&67 +῍ wY8xv!'yE (76zx {|/'( ) TS P-.  PGA $E)7*+SE,-}EF% ./ : tu~0/ 1 €‚ƒ„2- €†3‡ˆ 4‰Š5671 ‹Œƒ Ž8‹tu  9‘ H

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