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Tokyo Bay Urayasu City Marathon Recruiting Participants


Academic year: 2018

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No. 198

November 1, 2013

http://www.city.urayasu.chiba.jp Published by the City of Urayasu

1-1-1 Nekozane, Urayasu-shi, Chiba 279-8501 047-351-1111

Population: 162,463 Male : 80 ,645 F e m ale : 81,818 H ouse hold s: 7 3,0 65 F ore ig n R e sid e nts: 3,123 ( A s of S e pte m be r 30 , 20 13) Population and No. of

Households in Urayasu

Tokyo Bay Urayasu City Marathon

Recruiting Participants


8-km Division A:

Starting at 9 a.m.

Eligibility: The first 1,500 people to apply who are 15 years of age or older (excludin g j un ior high school studen ts) an d able to complete 8 k m within the listed time limits

Fee: ¥2,500 for adults, ¥1,000 for high school studen ts

8-km Division A Time Limits

C he ck Point T im e L im it F inal T im e

5 k m 30 m inute s 9:30 a.m .

G oal 48 m inute s 9:48 a.m .

8-km Division B:

Starting at 9:50 a.m.

Eligibility: The irst 1,500 people to apply who are 15 years of age or older (excludin g j un ior high school studen ts) an d able to complete 8 k m within the listed time limits

Fee: ¥2,500 for adults, ¥1,000 for high school studen ts

8-km Division B Time Limits

C he ck Point T im e L im it F inal T im e

5 k m 40 m inute s 10 :30 a.m .

G oal 64 m inute s 10 :5 4 a.m .

3-km Division:

Starting at 8:20 a.m. (adults), 8:30 a.m. (junior

h igh sc h ool students), and 8:4 0 a.m. (elementary

sc h ool students)

Eligibility: The irst 1,000 people to apply who are in the ifth grade of elemen tary school or older an d live, work , or go to school in U rayasu C ity

N ote: F or elemen tary an d j un ior high school studen ts, there

Inquiries: Sports Section

W hy n ot participate in the Tok yo B ay U rayasu C ity M arathon as a volun teer an d help with course con trol, reception , or other duties?

Eligibility: Those who are high school studen ts or older

A p p lic ation: C all the S ports S ection by D ecember 13 (F ri. ) .

N ote: I n some cases, volun teers may n ot be assign ed the duties that they req uested.

are team competition s in which the total in dividual times of three people are added together.

Fee: ¥1,500 for adults; ¥500 for elemen tary, j un ior high, an d sen ior high school studen ts


○ A wards for those who place in the top three for each of the 8 - k m A an d B division s

○ A wards for those who place in the top three for each category of the 3- k m division

○ A wards for the elemen tary an d j un ior high school teams


○ C ommemorative gift for all participan ts (origin al T- shirt)

○ C ertiicates for all who complete the run

○ M edals an d commemorative gifts for those who place in the top six of each division

Applica tion

U ra ya su city resid ent priority reception d esk ( 8-km A a nd B, a nd 3 -8-km d ivisions)

F ile an application (available at the S ports S ection [ U rayasu C ity H all No. 2 B ldg. 2F ] , S ports P ark G ymn asium, Chuo M artial A rts G ymn asium, local kominkan (public halls) ,

an d local station - fron t C ity A dmin istration O ffices from November 1 [ F ri. ] ) alon g with your fee at your local J apan P ost B an k or post ofice between November 1 (F ri. ) an d 8 (F ri. ) .

N ote: A fter the priority reception desk closes, application s can be iled at the gen eral reception desk .

G enera l reception d esk

8- k m div isions: A pply via the R un n et website (http: / / run n et. j p) from November 18 (M on . ) .

3- k m div ision: F ile an application alon g with your fee at your local J P B an k or post ofice from November 18 (M on . ) . N ote: I f you live in U rayasu C ity an d would lik e an application form mailed to you, please sen d a req uest to the

S ports S ection (U rayasu C ity H all 27 9 - 8 501) , en closin g a self- addressed return en velope an d postage stamps (¥8 0 for

on e division or ¥9 0 for two or three division s) .

A ref und is giv en to th ose w h o ap p ly af ter c ap ac ity h as been reac h ed, but h andling f ees w ill be subtracted

f rom th e ref und.

Date and Time:

February 2, 2014 (Sun.)


Sports Park and neighboring areas


Volunteer Staff

Keiyo Line Maihama Sta.

Tokyo Disneyland

8km 3km

Sports Park

Starting Line

Finish Line

Water Supply Point Water Supply Point

Toilet Toilet

Note : T he course s m ay chang e be cause of construction cond itions.


Hello to all!

Hideki Matsuzaki, Mayor of Urayasu

No. 198 November 1, 2013

Recyclable Waste Disposal Schedule for November

Collection Area

PET plastic bottlesBottles/Cans/ Newspapers/Magazines

Nekozane, Kitazakae, Todaijima

Every Tue.

Every Mon.

Horie, Higashino, Fujimi, Maihama

Every Wed.

Every Sat.

Kairaku, Mihama, Irifune, Hinode, Akemi

Every Thu.

Every Mon.

Tomioka, Imagawa, Benten, Tekkodori, Takasu, Minato, Chidori

Every Fri.

Every Sat.

* Please put out your garbage between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. It is against the rules to put it out earlier or later than this designated time as it could become a nuisance in your neighborhood.

* Bulky items will be collected separately on request by phone. Call the Bulky Items Reception Center, 305-4000. For inquiries, contact the Garbage-Free Section.

(ext. 1665)

Urayasu International Friendship Association (UIFA) provides a Japanese language program. It’s a once-a-week, 90-minute private lesson for beginners. Tuition for one term of six months (April to September or October to March) is ¥1,800 paid in advance at the time of application.

A new registrant who wants to start in the middle of the term should pay a monthly-calculated tuition (¥300 a month). Application forms are available at the Local Network Section on the fourth loor of the Urayasu City Hall. Current vacancies are shown below. Sign-ups are on a irst-come, irst-served basis.

For up-to-date information, please look at the UIFA homepage or contact the City Hall.

Classes and Vacancies (as of October 16, 2013)

Class Location Time Vacancy

Monday morning Urayasu International Center 10:00–11:30 a.m. 2

Monday night Tomioka Kominkan (Public Hall) 7:00–8:30 p.m. 1

Tuesday morning UIFA Ofice 10:00–11:30 a.m. 1

Tuesday night Todaijima Kominkan 7:00–8:30 p.m. 1

Wednesday afternoon Urayasu International Center 1:00–2:30 p.m. 1

Friday morning Urayasu International Center 10:00–11:30 a.m. 1

Friday night Urayasu International Center 7:00–8:30 p.m. 2

Note: Urayasu International Center is located on the second loor of Shin-Urayasu Il Mare.

Invitation to Japanese Language Program

“Smart W ellness C ity”

I have n ever been so an xious for autumn to come as I was this year. The heat reached record-break in g temperatures. There were 55 so- called “mid- summer days” with temperatures over 30 degrees, 3 “heat- wave” days with temperatures over 35 degrees, an d 30 “tropical n ights” when the lowest temperature was over 25 degrees (as of S eptember 23) . These figures are en ough to mak e on e won der if J apan ’s climate has chan ged from temperate to subtropical.

A lthough I was prepared for severe lin gerin g summer heat, the humidity was low on S eptem-ber 17 , the day after this year’s 18 th typhoon had passed. S o despite the heat, the weather almost felt refreshin g.

I t was after this day that the lon g- awaited

autumn fin ally came. I especially en j oyed the harvest moon in a cloudless sk y while tak in g a brisk walk in the refreshin g autumn breez e on S eptember 19 , the n ight of a full moon .

I first started walk in g with a goal of tak in g 10,000 steps per day on S eptember 1. The reason I started was because I atten ded a “S mart W ell-n ess C ity P roj ect” symposium at the U ell-n iversity of Tsuk uba Tok yo C ampus on A ugust 30 an d 31.

“W elln ess” is n ot a word we are accustomed to hearin g, but it mean s “thin k in g of health n ot j ust in terms of the body, an d pursuin g a gen eral lifestyle of activities that main tain an d improve health in an active an d creative way. ”

A s part of our recovery program from the earthq uak e, U rayasu C ity is aimin g to become a “smart city,” an d we are work in g together with people in the world of busin ess, govern men t, an d

academics to design an “en viron men tally harmo-n ious city. ”

H ealth an d welfare are a part of this city plan , an d the recen t symposium that I participated in was a study meetin g for city mayors on “aimin g to mak e the whole town main tain an d improve health to the maximum,” which is a proposal based on the scien tific research of P rofessor S hin ya K un o of the U n iversity of Tsuk uba. W hile this was my first study meetin g, it was very mean in gful for me than k s to the extremely practical an d in formative presen tation s of un i-versity professors an d city mayors.

A mon g the presen tation s, P rofessor K un o said, “The foun dation of good health begin s with walk in g. This has been medically proven . A good way of preven tin g illn esses would be for 10,000 people to walk 2,000 steps more than usual. This

would lower an n ual medical expen ses by about 4 50 million yen . ”

This talk in spired me to start doin g what I could for my own health. S in ce the followin g day happen ed to be S eptember 1, the start of a n ew mon th, I thought it would be an ideal day to start walk in g regularly. I am n ow en j oyin g the autumn air as I walk for almost 10 k m some-times. I chan ge courses every even in g so that my walk s also help me in spect the city. Now that it has been almost on e mon th, I am seein g first-han d results.

A pparen tly, the gen ius L eon ardo da V in ci said, “The human foot is a masterpiece of en gi-n eerigi-n g agi-n d a work of art. ” Now is perhaps the most comfortable time of the year. W hy n ot tak e advan tage of this opportun ity an d start walk in g for good health?

Urayasu City Art Exhibition

Date and Time: November 18 (Mon.) through 24 (Sun.), 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. (until 12 noon on November 24)

Location: Shimin Plaza

Program: The calligraphy, Japanese painting, western-style painting, crafts, sculptures, and photography of city residents will be on exhibit. Inquiries: Lifelong Learning Section

Fire Department Brass Band

Fire Prevention Concert

Date, Time, and Program: November 10 (Sun.), 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.: Exhibition of fire fighting vehicles and hands-on experience in using an automated external deibrillator

10:45 to 11:30 a.m.: Fire Depar tment brass band concert

Location: Ito Yokado Shin-Urayasu

Note: No reservations are required; simply come to the venue on the day of the event. Inquiries: Fire Prevention Section, Fire Department Headquarters

UFRA Charity Concert

Date and Time: November 30 (Sat.), 4 to 6 p.m. Location: Meikai University

Capacity: 200 people on a come, first-served basis

Program: A mix of blues, rock, and African sounds played on unusual instruments by expert musicians!

Fee: ¥2,000 (¥1,000 for university students and younger people)

Note: Proceeds will be donated to Tohoku school libraries to support recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake.

Application: Call the UFRA Ofice (within the Local Network Section).

Inquiries: Local Network Section

Gamarjobat—Silent Comedy

Japan Tour 2014

Date and Time: February 11, 2014 (national holiday), from 1 p.m.

Location: Culture Hall

Capacity: 1,300 people on a first-come, first served basis

Performer: Gamarjobat (silent comedy duo) Fee: ¥4,000 (All seats are reserved.)

Note: Tickets are available from 10 a.m., November 2 (Sat.) at the Culture Hall and Shimin Plaza.

Inquiries: Culture Hall, Tel: 353-1121 (Lifelong Learning Section)

 Children are being recruited for enrollment in municipal kindergartens in the school year starting April 2014. The Municipal Kindergarten Enrollment Information will be mailed to households with children eligible for the two-year program (middle-grade classes) in late October. Please note that the information will not be mailed to households with children eligible for the three-year program (lower-grade classes).

 For more information, please read the pamphlet Urayasu Kindergarten Information ( av a i l a b l e a t t h e N u r s e r y S c h o o l s & Kindergartens Affairs Section [Urayasu City Hall No. 3 Bldg., 1F], kindergartens, and kominkan and available for download from the Urayasu City website).

Inquiries: Nursery Schools & Kindergar tens Affairs Section


 Preschool children who live in Urayasu City, have completed resident registration, and were born between the following dates:

• Middle-grade classes (two-year program)— Those born between April 2, 2009, and April 1, 2010

• Lower-grade classes (three-year program)— Those born between April 2, 2010, and April 1, 2011

Notes: If the number of applications exceeds the capacity, a lottery will be held. Please call for more information. Recruiting for upper-grade classes (one-year program) will be conducted during the secondar y recruiting period in February 2014.


◯Middle-Grade Classes (Two-Year Program) Date, Time, and Location:

October 31 (Thu.) and November 1 (Fri.), 9:30

a.m. to 3 p.m., at the kindergarten where you wish to enroll your child

November 3 (national holiday), 9 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Health Center

Note: Please br ing along the Municipal Kindergar ten Enrollment Information (a document mailed to you).

◯Lower-Grade Classes (Three-Year Program) Date, Time, and Location:

November 8 (Fri.), 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Culture Hall

November 10 (Sun.), 9 a.m. to 12 noon, at the Health Center

Lower-grade classes

 Aoba, Miakegawa, Horie, Mihama-Minami, and Irifune-Minami Kindergartens offer lower-grade classes (three-year program).

Day Care

 Day care is provided for children in middle-grade and upper-middle-grade classes before and after kindergar ten class hours. You can use day-care service regularly if you work for three or more days a week. If you need day-care service, please submit an application when applying for admission for the FY2014 school year.

• Kindergartens Offering Day Care

Wakakusa, Maihama, Mihama-Kita, and Akemi Kindergartens (Capacity: 50 children each) Minami and Hokubu Kindergartens (Capacity: 25 children each)

Kindergarten Open House

 Open houses for kindergartens are conducted according to the schedule in the chart below. The hours are from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. for all kindergartens.

Note: No reservations are required. Simply go to the kindergarten on the day of the event and bring your own slippers/indoor shoes. Please refrain from going by car.

■Municipal Kindergarten Open House Schedule

Kindergarten Open House Dates

Wakakusa October 16 (Wed.), 18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), 22 (Tue.), and 25 (Fri.) Aoba October 17 (Thu.), 18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), 22 (Tue.), 24 (Thu.), and 25 (Fri.) Minami October 16 (Wed.), 18 (Fri.), 23 (Wed.), and 24 (Thu.)

Shinmei October 16 (Wed.), 17 (Thu.), and 21 (Mon.)–23 (Wed.) Hokubu October 16 (Wed.), 18 (Fri.), and 21 (Mon.)–24 (Thu.) Miakegawa October 17 (Thu.), 18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), and 25 (Fri.)

Horie October 16 (Wed.), 18 (Fri.), 22 (Tue.), 24 (Thu.), and 25 (Fri.) Tomioka October 18 (Fri.), 22 (Tue.), 24 (Thu.), and 25 (Fri.)

Mihama-Minami October 18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), 24 (Thu.), and 25 (Fri.)

Irifune-Minami October 16 (Wed.), 17 (Thu.), 21 (Mon.), 22 (Tue.), and 24 (Thu.) Maihama October 17 (Thu.), 18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), and 23 (Wed.)–25 (Fri.) Mihama-Kita October 16 (Wed.)–18 (Fri.), 21 (Mon.), and 23 (Wed.)–25 (Fri.) Hinode October 16 (Wed.), 17 (Thu.), and 21 (Mon.)–24 (Thu.)

Akemi October 16 (Wed.), 17 (Thu.), 21 (Mon.), 23 (Wed.), and 24 (Thu.)

Preliminary Recruiting for Kindergarten

Enrollment for FY2014



We formalize and extend this remark in Theorem 7.4 below which shows that the spectral flow of the odd signature operator coupled to a path of flat connections on a manifold

Tanaka; On the existence of multiple solutions of the boundary value problem for nonlinear second order differential equations, Nonlinear Anal., 56 (2004), 919-935..

While conducting an experiment regarding fetal move- ments as a result of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PWD) ultrasound, [8] we encountered the severe artifacts in the acquired image2.

In this article we prove the following result: if two 2-dimensional 2-homogeneous rational vector fields commute, then either both vector fields can be explicitly integrated to

Actually it can be seen that all the characterizations of A ≤ ∗ B listed in Theorem 2.1 have singular value analogies in the general case..

Metribuzin 75DF may be tank mixed with Freedom 3 EC for preplant incorporated application to control certain weeds in soybeans. Refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this

Glory FDF may be tank mixed with Freedom 3 EC for preplant incorporated application to control certain weeds in soybeans. Refer to the GENERAL INFORMATION section of this label

This program, at 2 to 4 ounces per acre can be used in the fall to provide residual weed control in fields that will be planted the following spring with field corn, peanut or soybean