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Resolution of non-singularities and absolute anabelian conjecture


Academic year: 2022

シェア "Resolution of non-singularities and absolute anabelian conjecture"


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Resolution of non-singularities and absolute anabelian conjecture

Emmanuel Lepage

IMJ-PRG, Sorbonne Université

2nd Kyoto-Hefei Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry



X,Y: hyperbolic curves over finite extension ofQp

Absolute anabelian conjectureAACpX,Yq:

Isomorphisms of étale fundamental groupΠX »ΠY come from isomorphismsX »Y

(absolute: not given with an augmentation map toGK) Resolution of non-singularities (RNSX):

Every semistable model ofX is dominated by the stable model of some finite étale cover ofX

Main result of this talk:


2nd Kyoto-Hefei Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry 2


relative Grothendieck Anab. Conj. (Isom. version)

Theorem (S. Mochizuki)

X{K , Y{L : two hyperbolic curves over sub-p-adic fields.

ΠXY: étale fundamental groups of X and Y . GK,GL: absolute Galois groups of L and K . Assume following commutative diagram:

ΠX //



such that GK ÑGLis induced by an isomorphism K Ñ L.

ThenΠX ÑΠY is induced by an isomorphism X Ñ Y


absolute Anab. Conj. (Isom version)

Conjecture (AAC(X,Y), S. Mochizuki)

X{K , Y{L : two hyperbolic curves over p-adic fields.

ΠXY: étale fundamental groups of X and Y . Assume we have an isomorphism:

φ: ΠX


ThenΠX ÑΠY is induced by an isomorphism X Ñ Y Proposition

Under the same assumptions,φinduces an isomorphism GK Ñ GL (but not known to be geometric in general)


Neukirch-Uchida + Rel. AC ùñ AAC over Number Fields

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Curves of Quasi-Belyi type


A hyp. curveX is of Quasi-Belyi type if there are maps:






Theorem (Mochizuki)

If X,Y are curves of quasi-Belyi type, then AACpX,Yqis true.


Intermediate steps

Xr “lim

ÐÝpS,s0qÑpX,x0qS: universal pro-finite étale cover ofX. Natural actionΠX ñXr


Letx closed point ofX andx˜PXr a preimage ofx.

D˜x “StabΠXpx˜q ĂΠX: decomposition group ofx Dx “conjugacy class ofD˜x.

An isomorphismφ: ΠX Ñ ΠY is point-theoretic ifDĂΠX is a decomposition group if and only ifφpΠXqis a decomposition group.


Letφ: ΠX Ñ ΠY be point-theoretic, thenφis induced by an isomorphism X Ñ Y

Characterization of decomposition groups viacurspidalization techniques.

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Resolution of Non-Singularities


LetX be a hyperbolic curve over an algebraic closureQpofQp. X satisfies resolution of non-singularities (RNSX) if for every semi-stable modelXofX, there exists a finite étale cover f :Y ÑX such thatf extends to a morphismYÑXwhereYis the stable model ofY.

Y  st.model //

f. ét

Y X semi´st.model//X

LetX be a hyperbolic curve over a finite extensionKofQp.X satisfies resolution of non-singularities (RNSX) if its pullback to an algebraic closure ofK does.


Valuative version of RNS


A valuationv onKpXqis of type 2 if it extends the valuation ofQp and its residue fieldk˜v is of transcendance degree 1 overFp.


IfXis a normal model ofX andZ is a irreducible component of the special fiberXs, thenvz “multZ is a valuation of type 2 onKpXq.

A valuation of this form whereXis the stable model (if it exists) is calledskeletal


X satisfies resolution of non-singularities if and only if for every valuation v of type2on KpXq, there exists a finite étale cover Y ÑX and a skeletal valuation v1 on KpYqsuch that v “v|KpX1 q.

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Example of Curves with RNS

A smooth curve overQpis a Mumford curve if every normalized irreducible component of its stable model is isomorphic toP1. Theorem

Let X,Y be two hyperbolic curves overQpand assume that Y satisfies RNS.

1 If there is a dominant map f :X ÑY , then X satisfies RNS.

2 If there is a finite étale cover f :Y ÑX , then X satisfies RNS.

3 If X is a (punctured) Mumford curve, then X satisfies RNS.

4 If X is of Belyi type, then X satisfies RNS.





Z :hyp.ppuncturedqMumford curve


Main Result


Let X and Y be two hyperbolic curves over finite extensions ofQp

satisfying RNS. Then every isomorphism of fundamental groups φ: ΠX Ñ ΠY is induced by an isomorphism X »Y .


Includes some proper curves, contrary to the quasi-Belyi type result.

Sketch of the proof:

Step 1: One just needs to show thatφispoint-theoretic.

Step 2: Recovery of the topological Berkovich space.

Step 3: Characterization of rigid points.

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Berkovich spaces

LetX be an alg. variety{K non-archimedean field.

IfX “SpecA,

Xan“ tmult.semi´normsAÑRě0,extending norm ofKu topology: coarsest s.th. @f PA,x :“|´pxq|PX ÞÑ|fpxq|PRcont.

X ÞÑXanfunctorial, maps open coverings to open coverings.

ùñ glues together for generalX.

set theor.,Xan“ tpx,|´|q;x PX,|´|:mult.norm onkpxqu Example of points:

ùñ Xcl ãÑXan(rigid points)

XpKˆq ÑXan (type 1 points (Ąrigid points))

IfX is a smooth curve, valuations of type 2 onKpXqinduce points inXan (type 2 points)


Example: the affine line

LetX “SpecpCprTsq “A1Cp. IfaPCp,r PRě0,|ř

iaipT ´aqi|ba,r :“maxip|ai|riq ùba,r PA1,anCp If r=0,ba,r of type 1.

Ifr P|p|Q,ba,r of type 2.

Ifr R|p|Q,ba,r of type 3 (rkp|KpXqˆ|ba,rq “2).

+ points of type 4 corr. to decreasing sequences of balls with empty intersection, completion ofKpXqis an immediate extension of Cp.

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Berkovich curves

X{K: smooth curve over non-archimedean field X: smooth compactification ofX

X{OK: semi-stable model ofX{K

GX: dual graph of the semi-stable curveXs

There is a natural topological embeddingιand a strong deformation retractionπ:

GX  ι //Xan

xx π

XanzιpGXq: disjoint union of potential open disks (becomes a disk after finite extension of the base field).

By taking the inverse limit over all potential semi-stable models, they induce a homeomorphism

XanÑ lim ÐÝ




Sketch of the proof

Step 2: Recovery of the topological Berkovich space.

Theorem (Mochizuki)

Let X{K and Y{L be two hyperbolic curves over finite extensions ofQp

that admit stable modelsX{OK andY{OL. They are naturally enriched as log-schemesXlog andYlog. Then every isomorphismΠX Ñ ΠY induces an isomorphism of log-special fibersφlog :Xlogs Ñ Ylogs .

In particular, it induces an isomorphism of dual graphs of the stable reduction:φG :GX


2nd Kyoto-Hefei Workshop on Arithmetic Geometry 14


IfX satisfies RNS, one gets a natural homeomorphism XranĂXr


:“lim ÐÝ


lim ÐÝ



whereS goes through pointed finite étale covers ofX admitting stable reduction over their constant field (S: smooth compactification ofS).

Apply isom. p´qG to open subgps ofΠX andΠY,ùhomeomorphism φ˜:Xran Ñ Yran

(compatible with the actions ofΠX andΠY andφ). Quotient by actions of the fundamental groups (resp. geom. fund. groups)ù

φan :XanÑ Yan presp. φanCp :Xan


Ñ Yan


Action compatibility ùñ If˜x PXran,φpD˜xq “Dφp˜˜xq

ùTo show point-theoreticity, it is enough to show thatφanmaps rigid points to rigid points.


Does every homeomorphismXan ÑYanpreserves rigid points?

No (cannot distinguish between type 1 and type 4 points).

Need of a stronger property about this homeomorphism.

Step 3: Metric characterization ofCp-points.

LetXbe a semi-stable model ofXCp,x a node ofXs. ThenXétale loc. »SpecOCpru,vs{puv ´aq.

Leteedge of dual graphGXofX.

Setlengthpeq:“vpaqùmetric onGX.

Xp2qan »inj limXVpGXqùnatural metricd onXp2qan. φlog :Xlogs Ñ Ylogs ùñ φanp2q:Xan


Cp,p2qis an isometry.

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Letx0PXp2qan. Proposition Let x PXCan

p, then x is aCp-point (is of type 1) if and only if:



zPUinfp2qdpx0,zq “ `8 where U goes through open neighbourhood of x in Xan

Cp. Sketch:

Metric extends toιpGXqùreduce to the case of a disk inXan


In a disk, explicit description of the metric:

dpba,r,ba1,r1q “|logpprq ´logppr1q| if|a´a1|ďmaxpr,r1q

“ ´2vpa´a1q ´logpprq ´logppr1q| if|a´a1|ěmaxpr,r1q Ifba1,r1 Ñx of type 1,r1 Ñ0 sodpba,r,ba1,r1q Ñ `8.

IfpBpai,riqqiPNis a decreasing seq of balls s.t. Ş

iBpai,riq “ H, ri Ñr ą0.


ùñ φan preserves points of type 1.

Ifx is a point of type 1, thenx is rigid, if and only if the imageppDxqby the augmentation mapp: ΠX ÑGK is open.

ùñ φan preserves rigid points.

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IfX satisfies RNS andΠX »ΠY, doesY satisfies RNS?

Not known in general...

Theorem (Mochizuki )

LetB(curves of Belyi type) be the smallest family of hyperbolic orbicurves over finite extensions ofQp such that:

P1zt0,1,8ubelong toB;

If X belongs toBand Y ÑX is an open embedding, then Y belongs toB;

If X belongs toBand Y ÑX is finite étale, then Y belongs toB;

If X belongs toBand X ÑY is finite étale, then Y belongs toB.

If X belongs toBand Y ÑX is a partial coarsification, then Y belongs toB.

If X and Y are hyperbolic orbicurves such that X PM, then every isomorphismΠX Ñ ΠY comes from an isomorphism X Ñ Y



LetMbe the smallest family of hyperbolic orbicurves over finite extensions ofQpsuch that:

Hyperbolic (punctured) Mumford curves belong toM;

If X belongs toMand Y ÑX is an open embedding, then Y belongs toM;

If X belongs toMand Y ÑX is finite étale, then Y belongs toM;

If X belongs toMand X ÑY is finite étale, then Y belongs toM.

If X belongs toMand Y ÑX is a partial coarsification, then Y belongs toM.

If X and Y are hyperbolic orbicurves such that X PM, then every isomorphismΠX

ÑΠY comes from an isomorphism X Ñ Y

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Sketch of RNS for Mumford curves

LetX{K be a proper Mumford curve.

It is enough to show that the union of images of skeletal valuation by arbitrary finite étale morphisms are dense insideXan.

p-adic Hodge theory ùñ H1pX,Zpp1qqÑpX H0pX,Ω1Xq bK Cp

Local computation in a disk:


If cPH1pX,Zpp1qq, let Yn,c φÑn,c X be the finite étaleµpn-cover corr. to c.

If x PXpCpqs.t.DcPH1pX,Zpp1qqs.t. pXpcq ‰0and multxpXpcqis not of the form pk´1for any k ,

thenDznP pYn,cqKn s.t.φn,cpznn x .


LetX be a hyperbolic curve overK. Letx PXpK1q, whereK1 is a finite extension ofK.

H1pX,Zpp1qq{pKer _ pXq  //

H0pX,Ω1Xq evx //

K1 ĂCp

H1pX1,Zpp1qq{pKerpX1q  //H0pX1,Ω1X1q



whereX1 is any topological finite cover andx1 PX1pK1qis a preimage ofx.

AsgpX1q Ñ 8, dimQpH1pX1,Qpp1qq{pKerpX1q Ñ 8, but dimQpK1 stays finite

ùñ DpX1,x1qandcPH1pX,Zpp1qqzpKerpX1 qs.t. pXpcqpx1q ‰0.

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Includes some proper curves, contrary to the quasi-Belyi type result. Sketch of

We shall refer to Y (respectively, D; D; D) as the compactification (respec- tively, divisor at infinity; divisor of cusps; divisor of marked points) of X. Proposition 1.1 below)

This includes, in particular, hyperbolic curves “of strictly Belyi type”, i.e., affine hyperbolic curves over a nonarchimedean [mixed- characteristic] local field which are defined

Applying the representation theory of the supergroupGL(m | n) and the supergroup analogue of Schur-Weyl Duality it becomes straightforward to calculate the combinatorial effect

These applications are motivated by the goal of surmounting two funda- mental technical difficulties that appear in previous work of Andr´ e, namely: (a) the fact that

As an important consequence of Theorem 1, we deduce in Corollary 3.11 the following prime-to-p version of Uchida’s Theorem on isomorphisms between absolute Galois groups of

following [Andr´ e], Theorem 3.3.2; [NodNon], Corollary 6.4], it is of in- terest to note that this result may also be derived in the context of the theory of the present paper,

Now it follows from a similar argument to the argument used in the proof of [7], Theorem 4.1, that the images in Π X (r+1) of the geometrically pro-l log fundamental groups of