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On p-Adic Absolute CM-Periods II


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On p-Adic Absolute CM-Periods II


Tomokazu Kashioand HiroyukiYoshida∗∗


In part I of this paper, we studied thep-adic absolute CM-period symbol in the completely split case. We presented a conjecture which predicts the exact value of this symbol with supporting evidences. In this part II, we study the properties of this symbol in the general case and clarify its relation top-adic periods.


LetF be a totally real algebraic number field andK be a CM-field which is abelian overF. We fix an embedding F Cp and letp be the prime ideal of F induced from this embedding. For τ Gal(K/F), the p-adic absolute CM-period symbol is defined by the formula

lgp,K/F(id, τ) =−μ(τ)

2h0 logpα0+ 1



χ(τ) L(0, χ)



Here we put ph0 = (α0) with a totally positiveα0,h0 being the class number ofF in the narrow sense; μ(τ) = 1 if τ = id, μ(τ) =−1 ifτ =ρ andμ(τ) = 0 otherwise, where ρ denotes the complex conjugation; G = Gal(K/F) and G denotes the set of all odd characters of G; f(χ) denotes the finite part of the conductor of χ; Cf(χ)p denotes the ideal class group of F modulo f(χ)p times the product of all archimedean primes;Xp(c) is a certain class invariant which is constructed using the division values of thep-adic logarithmic multiple gamma functions. For details we refer the reader to §4 of part I. When p

Communicated by A. Tamagawa. Received June 28, 2007. Revised September 4, 2008, October 15, 2008.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification(s): 11G15, 11G99, 11S80, 14F30.

Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan.

∗∗Department of Mathematics, Kyoto University, Kyoto 606-8502, Japan.

c 2009 Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University. All rights reserved.


splits completely inK, Conjecture A of part I gives an explicit prediction on lgp,K/F(id, τ) as follows. We extend the embeddingF Cp to an embedding K Cp and let P be the prime ideal of K lying above p induced from this embedding. Put PhK = (α) where hK is the class number of K. Then the conjecture states that

lgp,K(id, τ) = 1 2hK

logpτ−1ρτ−1) +




withaiQ. Heren= [F :Q] and1,. . .,n−1 are generators of the group of all totally positive units ofF. The “correction term” n−1

i=1 ailogpi was also predicted explicitly. The purpose of this part II is to clarify the nature of the p-adic absolute CM-period symbol in the general case.

LetM be a motive over Q. In the complex case, the periods (Deligne’s periods [D]) ofM are defined using the comparison isomorphism


in the usual notation. Shimura’s period symbol can be interpreted in terms of motives (cf. [Bl1]). In thep-adic case, the period is defined by the comparison isomorphism


(For the notation, see the text.) We will clarify the relation of our symbol to thep-adic period in this sense.

In§1 ∼ §3, we study thep-adic period of the motive attached to an al- gebraic Hecke character of a CM-field. In §4, we introduce a certain period invariant Q which is constructed by the action of the Frobenius map on the p-adic period. In §5, we state our main conjecture which relates lgp,K(id, τ) to aQ-invariant. In§6∼ §7, we investigate how far we can recover the p-adic period itself from the Q-invariant. In §8, we present some more supporting evidences for our main conjecture.

This paper has three appendices in which we give proofs of relevant results as promised in part I.

The authors would like to thank Professor Don Blasius for useful discus- sions. The authors would like to thank the referee for his careful reading of the manuscript and useful suggestions.

Notation. For a prime numberp,Qpdenotes an algebraic closure ofQp; Cpdenotes the completion ofQp. We fix an algebraic closureQofQinC. By


an algebraic number field, we understand an algebraic extension ofQof finite degree contained inQ. We denote by ρthe complex conjugation.

LetF be an algebraic number field. The ring of integers and the group of units ofF are denoted byOF andEF respectively. We denote byEF+the group of all totally positive units ofF. The class number of F is denoted byhF. We denote byJF (resp. Jp,F) the set of all isomorphisms ofF intoC (resp. Cp).

For a prime idealpofF,Fp denotes the completion ofF atp. IfF is a totally real algebraic number field of degreen, 1, . . .,n denote all archimedean primes of F. For an integral ideal f of F, Cf denotes the ideal class group modulof∞1· · · ∞n. Fora∈F, a0 means that ais totally positive. By a CM-field, we understand a totally imaginary quadratic extension of a totally real algebraic number field. Throughout the paper, except in§8, we exclusively use the left action of Galois groups.

We refer the formulas and statements of Part I by prefixing I to the num- bers and labels of them. For example, (I.1.6) means the formula (1.6) of Part I, Conjecture I.A means Conjecture A of Part I, etc.

§1. Basic Comparison Isomorphisms

The comparison isomorphisms recalled in this section were conjectured by Fontaine ([Fo1]). They were established by the work of many mathematicians.

See Faltings [Fa], Tsuji [T] for example. The latter paper gives a very nice exposition on the topic.

Let K be a finite extension ofQp contained inCp. Put G= Gal(K/K).

Let BDR and Bcris be the rings introduced by Fontaine [Fo1], [Fo2]; BDR is a complete discrete valuation field and Bcris is a subring of BDR; by vDR, we denote the discrete valuation of BDR. We have actions of Gon BDR and on Bcris. For i Z, put BDRi = {x BDR | vDR(x) i}. Then we have BDRi /BDRi+1=Cp(i) asG-modules. HereCp(i) denotes theith Tate twist.

Let X be a proper smooth algebraic variety (not necessarily connected) defined overK. It is known that there exists a canonical isomorphism

(1.1) IDR:Hetn(X×KK,Qp)QpBDR=HDRn (X/K)KBDR.

The isomorphism isBDR-linear and compatible with the action ofGand filtra- tions. Taking gr0 of the filtrations, we obtain the Hodge-Tate decomposition (1.2) IHT:Hetn(X×KK,Qp)QpCp=na=0Hna(X,ΩaX/K)KCp(−a).


Suppose thatX has good reduction. Letk be the residue field ofK and W(k) be the ring of Witt vectors overk. LetK0 be the quotient field ofW(k).

Then we have a canonical isomorphism1

(1.3) Icris:Hetn(X×KK,Qp)QpBcris=Hcrisn (X/W(k))W(k)Bcris. The isomorphism is Bcris-linear and compatible with the action of Gand the Frobenius map. More preciselyσ∈Gacts asσ⊗σand 1⊗σ on the left and the right-hand sides respectively. Concerning the Frobenius map, let Φcris be the Frobenius endomorphism ofBcris and Φ be the Frobenius map acting on Hcrisn (X/W(k)). Then the action of the Frobenius map on the left-hand side is 1Φcris and ΦΦcris on the right-hand side respectively. In good reduction case,HDRn (X/K) has a K0-structure so that HDRn (X/K)=HDRn (X/K0)K0

K.2 We have another comparison isomorphism

(1.4) I0:Hcrisn (X/W(k))W(k)K0=HDRn (X/K0).

We have the relation

(1.5) IDR= (I0)DR(Icris)DR.

Here (Icris)DRdenotes the isomorphism obtained from (1.3) by takingBcrisBDR and (I0)DRdenotes the isomorphism obtained from (1.4) by takingK0BDR.

§2. The Motive Attached to an Algebraic Hecke Character It is possible to develop the theory of p-adic CM-periods using abelian varieties with complex multiplication. This approach is especially feasible in the ordinary case. However, in general, the problem of the field of definition will make it very difficult to derive precise results. Therefore it is convenient to consider motives attached to algebraic Hecke characters. In fact, even in the complex case, the precise version of Conjecture I.1.3 (cf. [Y4], p. 83, Conjecture 3.10) is formulated in relation to such Hecke characters. By a result of Blasius [Bl2] on ap-adic property of Hodge classes on abelian variety, it is legitimate to transfer the results in§1 to CM-motives.

1We defineHcrisn (X/W(k)) =Hcrisn (Y/W(k)), whereY is a proper smooth algebraic vari- ety overkobtained fromXby reduction. By Gillet and Messing [GM], Corollary B.3.6, Hcrisn (X/W(k)) together with the action of the Frobenius map does not depend on the choice ofY.

2TheK0-structure is defined by the isomorphism of Berthelot-Ogus [BO]:HDRn (X/K0)= Hcrisn (Y/W(k))W(k)K0, whereY is the same as in footnote 1.


LetK be a CM-field of degree 2n. Let fbe an integral ideal ofK. Letχ be a Gr¨ossencharacter ofK of conductorfsuch that

(2.1) χ((α)) =


σ(α)lσ, α≡1 mod×f.

Here lσ are integers such that lσ+lσρ is independent ofσ and ρdenotes the complex conjugation as before. Put

E=Q(χ(a)|a is an integral ideal relatively prime tof), E0=Q(χ((α))|α≡1 mod×f).

ThenE and E0 are algebraic number fields of finite degree; we haveE0⊂E.

Forg∈Gal(Q/Q), we putl(g) =lg|K. Then l defines aZ-valued function on Gal(Q/Q) which is left Gal(Q/E0)-invariant and right Gal(Q/K)-invariant.

There exists a motive M = M(χ) over K with coefficients in E; M is characterized by the property3

L(M, s) = (L(s, σ(χ)))σJE.

The motiveM has the de Rham realizationHDR(M) which is a freeE⊗QK- module of rank 1;HDR(M) has the Hodge filtration{Fm}which is a decreasing filtration byE⊗QK-submodules. Letψmbe the structure function ofFm(cf.

[Y1], §2.3); ψm is a Z-valued function on Gal(Q/Q) which is left invariant under Gal(Q/E) and right invariant under Gal(Q/K). We recall the following characterization of the structure function. Let σ JE, τ JK. Take s, t∈Gal(Q/Q) so thatσ=s|E,τ =t|K. Then the multiplicity ofσin the left regular representation ofE onFmK,τ C is equal toψm(s−1t). We have (cf.


(2.2) ψm(g) =

1 if l(g)m, 0 if l(g)< m.

We note thatM is of pure weight lσ+lσρ,σ∈JK.

For a finite placeλofE,M has theλ-adic realizationHλ(M) which is an Eλ-vector space of dimension 1. We have anEλ-linear action of Gal(K/K) on Hλ(M). It is related to thep-adic realizationHp(M) by

Hp(M) =λ|p Hλ(M).

3It is well known thatχdetermines the motiveM(χ) up to isomorphism. See, for example, [Sc], p. 51.


Take τc JK. By τc, we regard M as a motive over C. We have the Betti realizationHτc,B(M) which is anE-vector space of dimension 1. We have the canonical isomorphism

(2.3) ip:Hτc,B(M)QQp=Hp(M) as freeE⊗QQp-modules of rank 1.

Take τp Jp,K. By τp, we regardK as a subfield of Cp. LetP be the prime ideal ofKinduced by this embedding. We can transfer the isomorphism (1.1) to this situation and obtain theE⊗QBDR-linear isomorphism4

(1.1) IDR:Hp(M)QpBDR=HDR(M)K,τpBDR.

The isomorphism is compatible with the action of Gal(Qp/KP) and filtrations.

Suppose thatχis unramified atP. ThenM has the crystalline realization Hcris(M). (In fact, after tensoring with an Artin motive of rank 1 unramified atP, we may assume thatM(χ) is realized as a factor of a motive generated by the motives attached to abelian varieties with complex multiplication, which are defined overKand have good reduction atτp. We construct the category of motives overKusing absolute Hodge cycles rational overK. Then Theorem 5.3 of Blasius, [Bl2] implies that an idempotent e in Mor0AH(X, X), in the notation of the article of Deligne-Milne in [DMOS], gives the desired crystalline realization of (X, e). HereXis an abelian variety defined overKand have good reduction atτp.) Letk be the residue field of KP and KP,0 be the quotient field ofW(k). We identifyKP,0with the maximal unramified extension ofQp

contained inKP. Hcris(M) is a freeE⊗ZW(k)=E⊗QKP,0-module of rank 1. The isomorphism (1.3) transfers to theE⊗QBcris-linear isomorphism (1.3) Icris:Hp(M)QpBcris=Hcris(M)W(k)Bcris.

The isomorphism is compatible with the action of Gal(Qp/KP) and the Frobe- nius map as noted below (1.3). Letf be the degree ofP overQ. We have (2.4) Φf |Hcris(M) =χ(P)1.

The relation (2.4) seems to be known to specialists. Since we cannot find a reference, let us give a sketch of the proof. If (2.4) holds forM1) andM2), then it holds forM1χ2). Therefore we may assume that the infinity type of

4Here, strictly speaking, regardingKas a subfield ofCp byτp, an algebraic closure of K is taken insideCp. This convention will be applied hereafter, because to mention the choice of an extension ofτp to an embedding of an algebraic closure ofKinto Cp

everytime is cumbersome.


χcorresponds to a CM-type Φ ofK. Let (K,Φ) be the reflex of (K,Φ). We haveE0 =K,K ⊂E. Let (K,Φ) be the reflex of (K,Φ). Then we have K⊂Kand Φ = InfK/K).5 There exists an algebraic Hecke characterχ and a Hecke character of finite orderω ofK such thatχ= (χ◦NK/K)×ω.

We can chooseχso that it is unramified at the prime divisor lying belowP. If (2.4) holds forM), then we see easily that it also holds forM(χ). Therefore we may assume that (K,Φ) = (K,Φ), replacing χ by χ if necessary. We apply Shimura [S2], Theorem 21.4 witha =OK. Let χbe the corresponding Hecke character of KA× to χ. Observe that χ restricted to K×U satisfies the conditions (19.10a) and (19.10b) of [S2], whereU is an open subgroup ofKA× which containsOK×P and the infinite part ofKA×. Then we see that there exist a finite abelian extensionLofK and an abelian varietyAdefined overLwith the following properties. (i) End(A)Q=K, 2 dimA= [K :Q]. (ii)Ais of CM-type (K,Φ) and have good reduction at every prime lying over P. (iii) Let Z(s, A/L) be the zeta function of the motive H1(A), which is of rank 1 and with coefficients inK. We have Z(s, A/L) =L(s, χ◦NL/K). (iv)P is unramified inL/K.

Put ψ = χ ◦NL/K. We have H1(A) = M(ψ). Since the crystalline cohomology calculates the zeta function ofAcorrectly, (2.4) holds forH1(A), i.e.,

(2.5) Φf fL |Hcris1 (A) =ψ(P)1,

where P is a prime factor of P in L and fL is the relative degree ofP over L. By (2.5), we see that Φf fL acts on the crystalline realization by ψ(P) which can be identified with an element of End(A). Call it ΣPe. Since (K,Φ) is primitive, ΣPe is rational overL(cf. [S2], p. 65, Proposition 30). The Frobenius automorphismσPe also acts onH1(A) byψ(P) = ΣPe ∈K, for a prime=p.

Now put B = RL/K(A), where RL/K denotes the restriction of scalars functor of Weil. We regardH1(B) as a motive over K with coefficients in E.

ThenM(χ) is realized as a direct factor of H1(B). Lete Mor0AH(B, B) be the idempotent such thateH1(B) =M(χ). As a Galois module,H1(B) is the induced module fromH1(A). From the endmorphism ΣPe, we can obtain an endomorphism ΣP of H1(B) so that the action of σP on H1(B) is given by ΣP for =p. By (2.5), we similarly see that the action of Φf onHcris1 (A) is given by ΣP. (To see this, we first note that the casefL = 1 is easy. We may assume that Gal(L/K) is a cyclic extension generated byσP. By the form of

5The homomorphism InfK/K fromIK toIK is defined in [S2], p. 197; InfK/K) consists of all extensions of elements in ΦtoJK.


the induced module and using the fact thatA is isogenous toσ(A) overL for everyσ∈Gal(L/K), we see that the action ofσPis given by the action of an (explicitly given) endomorphism ΣP, which is rational overL. We see that ΣP is rational overKusing the fact thatLis abelian overK. A similar argument applies to the crystalline case with the same ΣP sinceHcris(B) is the induced module fromHcris(A) with respect to the action of Φf.) Hence we have (2.6) IcrisP(x)) = Φf(Icris(x)), x∈Hp1(B).

We haveP=χ(P)eonH1(B), which implies

(2.7) P=χ(P)e

onH1(B). Now by (2.6) and (2.7), we have

Φfe(Icris(x)) =f(Icris(x)) =eIcrisP(x)) =PIcris(x) =χ(P)eIcris(x) forx∈Hp1(B). Hence (2.4) follows.

There is a KP,0-structure on HDR(M) K KP which we denote by HDR(M/KP,0). The isomorphism (1.4) transfers to

(1.4) I0:Hcris(M)=HDR(M/KP,0).

§3. Definition of thep-Adic Period

LetK,χ and M =M(χ) be the same as in §2. We chooseτc ∈JK and τp∈Jp,K. LetP be the prime ideal ofK determined byτp.

Now take 0=cB Hτc,B(M). Then ip(cB) is a generator ofHp(M) as anE⊗QQp-module. TakecDR HDR(M) which is a generator ofHDR(M) as anE⊗QK-module. Then we define the periodP(χ;τc, τp) by

(3.1) IDR(ip(cB)1) =P(χ;τc, τp)(cDR1).

We haveP(χ;τc, τp)(EQBDR)×; it is determined up to multiplication of elements of (EQK)×. Here we regard E⊗QK as a subring ofE⊗QBDR bya⊗b→a⊗τp(b). When no confusion is likely, we abbreviateP(χ;τc, τp) to P(χ).

We assume thatχ is unramified atP. We assume that (A) cDRbelongs toHDR(M/KP,0).

This condition is satisfied ifKP=KP,0. Then we can choose a generatorccris ofHcris(M) as anE⊗ZW(k)-module so that

(3.2) I0(ccris1) =cDR1.


We defineP(χ; τc, τp)(EQBcris)× by

(3.3) Icris(ip(cB)1) =P(χ;τc, τp)(ccris1).

SinceBcris⊂BDR, we can regardP(χ;τc, τp)(EQBDR)×. Then, by (1.5) and (3.2), we have

(3.4) P(χ;τc, τp) =P(χ;τc, τp).

In view of this relation, we writeP(χ; τc, τp) asP(χ;τc, τp), or for simplicity as P(χ). (Thep-adic period in the standard sense isP(χ). We can makeBDRde- scend toBcris, which is a crucial observation since the Frobenius endomorphism Φcris can act onBcris.)

Now we apply the Frobenius map on the both sides of (3.3). We have Icris(ip(cB)1) = Φcris(P(χ))(Φ(ccris)1).

Repeating this operationf times and using (2.4), we get Icris(ip(cB)1) = Φfcris(P(χ))(χ(P)ccris1).

Comparing with (3.3), we obtain

(3.5) Φfcris(P(χ))(χ(P)1) =P(χ).

We state two formal consequences of the existence of the motiveM(χ). Let χ1 andχ2 be Gr¨ossencharacters ofK of the type (2.1). LetEbe an algebraic number field which contains the values ofχ1 and χ2. We regardMi) as a motive overKwith coefficients inE. Then sinceM1)EM2) =M1χ2), we obtain

(3.6) P(χ1χ2)≡P1)P(χ2) mod (EQK)×

Next letL be a CM-field which containsK. Since the extension of scalars of M(χ) toLisM◦NL/K), we have

(3.7) P(χ;τc, τp)≡P◦NL/K; ˜τc˜p) mod (EQL)×.

Here ˜τc∈JL, ˜τp∈Jp,L denote (any) extensions ofτc and τp respectively.


§4. The Invariant Q

In this section, we will examine thep-adic periodP(χ) in more detail. We fix an embedding Q Cp. Recall our convention thatQ is a subfield of C.

Takeτc = id,τp= id in (3.1). Since Qp⊂BDR, we have an isomorphism E⊗QBDR=σJp,EBDR.

We write

P(χ) = (P(χ)(σ))σJp,E

according to this decomposition. Takeσ∈Jp,E ands∈Gal(Q/Q) such that s|E=σ. By (2.2) and [Y1], Lemma 2.1, (1), we see that the σ-component of FmK,idQp is nonzero for m l(s−1) and zero for m > l(s−1). Since IDR preserves the filtrations, we have

(4.1) vDR(P(χ)(σ)) =−l(s−1).

Since Hcris(M, W(k))W(k)KP,0 is a free E⊗QKP,0-module of rank 1, we can write

(4.2) Φi(ccris1) =Q(i)(ccris1), 1i∈Z

withQ(i)(EQKP,0)×. Applying the Frobenius mapi-times on (3.3), we obtain

Φicris(P(χ))Φi(ccris1) =P(χ)(ccris1).

Therefore we obtain

(4.3) Φicris(P(χ))Q(i)=P(χ), 1i∈Z.

We putQ=Q(1). Then we have

(4.4) Φcris(P(χ))Q=P(χ).

LetQurp be the maximal unramified extension ofQp and letϕ∈Gal(Qurp /Qp) be the absolute Frobenius map. Applying Φcris on both sides of (4.4) noting that Φcris acts onKP,0 by the absolute Frobenius mapϕ, we get

Φ2cris(P(χ))ϕ(Q) = Φcris(P(χ)) =P(χ)Q−1. Hence we have



Repeating this process, we obtain the relation

(4.5) Q(i)=ϕi−1(Q)· · ·ϕ(Q)Q, 1i∈Z, which can also be derived directly from (4.2). We note that (4.6) Q(f)=χ(P)1(EQKP,0)× which follows from (3.5) (or directly from (2.4)).

§5. The Main Conjecture

Let K, an embedding K Cp, P and χ be the same as before. We assume thatχis unramified atP. Suppose that the CM-fieldKis abelian over a totally real number fieldF as in our construction oflgp,K/F. UsingQ(i), we can predict the nature oflgp,K/F in the general case. Takeτ∈Gal(K/F). We have

Q(i)(EQKP,0)×(EQQp)× =





denote theσ-component ofQ(i)with respect to this decom- position. Letpbe the prime ideal ofF lying belowPand letf0be the degree ofpoverQ. We take a Hecke characterχof the form

χ((α)) = (ρτ(α)/τ(α))l, α≡1 mod×f with 1l∈Z. We can takel andχso thatE⊂K.

Conjecture Q. We assume (A) and that the prime idealpis unramified inK. Then we have

lgp,K/F(id, τ−1) = 1

2llogpQ(f0)(id) +alogpb witha∈Q,b∈K×.

Since P(χ) is determined up to multiplication by elements in (E Q (K∩KP,0))×, Q(f0) is determined up to multiplication by elements of the form ϕf0(c)/c, c (EQ (K∩KP,0))× by (4.3). Here ϕ acts on E⊗Q(K∩KP,0) through the second factor. Therefore the validity of Conjec- ture Q does not depend on the choices ofcB,ccris andcDR.


Suppose thatp splits completely inK. Then f0=f and we have Q(f)= χ(P)1 by (4.6). Since ϕf acts trivially on KP,0, Q(f) is determined inde- pendently of the choices ofcB,ccris andcDR. Put PhK = (α). Take a positive integermso thatαm1 modf. Then we have


2llogpQ(f0)(id) = 1 2lmhK

logp(ρτ(αm)l/τ(αm)l) = 1 2hK


Thus, in this case, Conjecture I.A implies that Conjecture Q holds with an explicitly given termalogpb.

Remark1. Ogus [O] defined Q(i) using results in Berthelot-Ogus [BO]

on crystalline cohomology. According to his results in [O], we can show that Conjecture Q is true whenF=QandK=Q(ζn) withζna primitiventh root of unity, (p, n) = 1. We can apply similar arguments as in [Y4], Chapter III,§2 as follows. In this Remark, we putLQ(τ) = 1

2llogpQ(1)(id) forτ∈Gal(K/F) and for an algebraic Hecke character as in Conjecture Q. We define σ(a) Gal(Q(ζn)/Q) fora∈(Z/nZ)× byζnσ(a)=ζna. Letr, s, tbe integers satisfying 0< r, s, t < n, r+s+t =n, (r, s, t, n) = 1. Then Φr,s,t ={σ(a)|a∈Hr,s,t} withHr,s,t ={a∈(Z/nZ)×| ar+as+at=n}is a CM-type ofQ(ζn).

Here fora∈Z/nZ, we denote by aan integer which satisfies 0≤ a< n, a ≡ a modn. We consider the Fermat curve Fn : xn +yn = 1 and a differential form ηr,s,t = xr−1ysndx on Fn. Let Ar,s,t be the factor of the Jacobian variety ofFnwhich corresponds to differential formsar,as,at| a Hr,s,t}. Then Ar,s,t is an abelian variety defined over Q, which is of CM-type (Q(ζn),Φr,s,t). We denote the algebraic Hecke character of Q(ζn) associated toAr,s,tbyχr,s,t. Thenχr,s,tsatisfies thatlσ = 1 ifσ−1Φr,s,t, = 0 otherwise. We may takeccris=cDR=

a∈(Z/nZ)×ηar,as,at. Note that ηr,s,t is equal toξr

n,ns,nt in [O]. By Proposition 2.4 in [O], fora∈(Z/nZ)× we have


Γp(arnp(asn) Γp(ar+n as)

modQlogpQ(ζn)×. It gives ap-adic counterpart of (2.3) in [Y4], Chapter III. It also gives

logpQ(1)r,s,t)(σ(a)) + logpQ(1)r,s,t)(σ(−a))≡0 modQlogpQ(ζn)×. Note that we haveQ(χ)(i)(τ σ)≡Q(τ◦χ)(i)(σ) for anyχ,i,τ, σsince we may identify theτ σ-component of Hcris(M(χ))KP,0Qp and the σ-component of Hcris(M(τ◦χ))⊗KP,0Qp (cf. (8.2)). Therefore we can write



LQ(σ−1) modQlogpQ(ζn)×.


By the same arguments as for (2.5) in [Y4], Chapter III, we have




Γp(anp(1n) Γp(a+1n )


wherea∈(Z/nZ)×,Ta ={t∈(Z/nZ)× | atn+nt <1}, at= 1 if t∈Ta,

=1 otherwise. Other arguments are the same as for the proof of Theorem 2.6 in [Y4], Chapter III if we replace Γ, L(s, η) by Γp, Lp(s, ωη) respectively.

LetK a CM-subfield ofQ(ζn). For σ∈G= Gal(K/Q), we have LQ(σ−1)


η(σ) [K:Q]

Lp(0, ωη)

L(0, η) modQlogpQ(ζn)×.

Although we do not give the details here, we can replace modQlogpQ(ζn)× by modQlogpK× by further computations.

Remark 2. In thep-adic case, the nature oflgp,K/F(id, τ) would depend heavily on the choice ofF. This is the main difference from the complex case.

Remark 3. Using (3.6), it is easy to see that the left-hand side of Con- jecture Q, taken moduloQlogpK×, is independent of the choice ofl andχ.

§6. Toward the Understanding of thep-Adic Period

Conjecture Q in the previous section gives information on theQ-invariant.

We will investigate thep-adic period itself in relation to this conjecture. We will see that, in the ordinary case, thep-adic period can be recovered from the Q-invariant modulo Q×p in the next section.

Let v be the additive valuation of Cp normalized by v(p) = 1. We fix an embedding Q Cp. Let K be a CM-field and P be the prime ideal of K obtained from the embedding K Q Cp as before. Let e and f be the ramification index and the degree ofPoverQrespectively. We recall our notations. We take a Hecke characterχofK satisfying (2.1). We assume that χis unramified at P. The p-adic periodP(χ) =P(χ; id,id)(EQBcris)× is defined by (3.3). TheQ-invariantQ=Q(1) (EQKP,0)× is defined by (4.2).

Lemma 6.1. PutG= Gal(Q/Q),H= Gal(Q/K). LetP be the prime divisor ofQinduced by the embedding QCp and let Z be the decomposition


group ofP. For σ∈Jp,E, we take s∈Gal(Q/Q) so that s|E =σ. Then we have

(6.1) v(σ(χ(P))) = 1




Proof. Take 0< m∈Zso thatPm= (α),α∈ OK,α≡1 modf. Since χ(P)m=


τ(α)lτ ∈E,

we have

v(σ(χ(P))) = 1 mv




⎠= 1 mv





v(τ(α))>0⇐⇒τ∈ZH, we have

v(σ(χ(P))) = 1 mv




Forτ ∈ZH/H, we havev(τ(α)) =m/e. Hence the assertion follows.

Corollary 1. IfPis of degree1 and unramified overQ, i.e.,e=f = 1, then we have

v(σ(χ(P))) =l(s−1).

The assertion is obvious sinceZ ⊂H.

Corollary 2. If p splits completely in E0, then we have v(σ(χ(P))) = f l(s−1).

Proof. PutH= Gal(Q/E0). Sincepsplits completely inE0, we have g−1Zg⊂H for allg∈G.

Since the functionl is leftH-invariant and rightH-invariant, we obtain, from (6.1),

v(σ(χ(P))) = l(s−1)

e [ZH:H] = l(s−1)

e [Z :H∩Z] =l(s−1)

e [KP:Qp].

This completes the proof.


Hereafter until the end of §7, we assume that pis unramified in E. Let Qurp be the maximal unramified extension ofQpandQurp be the closure ofQurp in Cp. Let ϕ Gal(Qp/Qp) be a Frobenius map which gives the absolute Frobenius automorphism of Gal(Qunp /Qp). We use the same letterϕ for the extension of ϕ|Gal(Qunp /Qp) to the continuous automorphism of Qurp . Since σ(E)⊂Qurp for everyσ∈Jp,E, we have

(6.2) E⊗QQurp =σJp,EQurp .

We writex∈E⊗QQurp as x= (x(σ))σJp,E according to this decomposition.

Similarly, sinceQurp ⊂Bcris, we have

(6.3) E⊗QBcris=σJp,EBcris.

We writex∈E⊗QBcris asx= (x(σ))σJp,E according to this decomposition.

Lemma 6.2. Let x= (x(σ))σJp,E E⊗QQurp , y = (y(σ))σJp,E = (1⊗ϕ)(x)∈ E⊗QQurp . For σ∈ Jp,E, define σ1 ∈Jp,E by σ1|E =ϕ−1σ|E.

Then we have y(σ) =ϕ(x(σ1)). Similarly for x= (x(σ))σJp,E ∈E⊗QBcris andy= (y(σ))σJp,E = (1Φcris)(x)∈E⊗QBcris, we havey(σ) = Φcris(x(σ1)).

Proof. Here we prove only the first assertion. The proof of the second as- sertion is similar. We writeE=Q(θ) and letf(X) be the minimal polynomial ofθoverQ. InQurp [X], we can decomposef(X) as

f(X) =



For h Q[X] and a Qurp , h(θ)⊗a is mapped to (h(σ(θ))a)σJp,E and (1⊗ϕ)(h(θ)⊗a) is mapped to (h(σ(θ))ϕ(a))σJp,E by the isomorphism (6.2).

It suffices to prove the relation when x(σ) = h(σ(θ))a, y(σ) = h(σ(θ))ϕ(a), σ∈Jp,E. Now we have

ϕ(x(σ1)) =h(ϕσ1(θ))ϕ(a) =h(σ(θ))ϕ(a) =y(σ) and the proof is complete.

Lemma 6.3. If x Qurp satisfies v(x) = 0, then there exists y Qurp such thatϕ(y)y−1=x. Moreover y is unique up to multiplication by elements inQ×p.



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