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シェア "デファイナブルC^r群上の代表デファイナブルC^r関数について"


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Representative definable C


functions on definable C



Tomohiro Kawakami

Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Education, Wakayama University,

Sakaedani Wakayama 640-8510, Japan


Partially supported by Kakenhi (23540101)


Let G be a compact affine definable Cr group and let r be ∞ or ω. We prove that the

representative definable Cr functions on G is dense in the space of continuous functions on G.

2010 M athematics Subject Classif ication. 57S15, 03C64.

Keywords and P hrases. O-minimal, definable Cr groups, definable CrG manifolds.

1 . Introduction.

Let M = (R, +, ·, <, . . . ) be an o-mini-mal expansion of the standard structureR = (R, +, ·, <) of the field R of real numbers. Everything is considered inM, every defin-able map is assumed to be continuous and the term “definable” is used throughout in the sense of “definable with parameters in M”unless otherwise stated. We assume that r denotes ∞ or ω.

General references on o-minimal struc-tures are [1], [2], also see [13].

Definable CrG manifolds and definable

G sets inM are studied in [8], [7], [6]. Let G be a definable Crgroup and Defr(

G) denote the space of definable Cr

func-tions. Left translations in G induce an ac-tion of G defined by f : G→ R �→ L(g, f) = f (g−1x) : G → R. A function f on G is

representative if the functions {L(g, f)|g ∈ G} generate a finite dimensional subspace of


Theorem 1.1.

Let G be a compact affine definable Cr group. Then the representative

definable Cr functions on G is dense in the

strong topology in the space of continuous functions on G.

Let X be a definable CrG manifold. We

say that the action of G on X is def inably Cr linearizable (resp. Cr linearizable) if

there exist a definable Cr representation of

G whose representation space is Rn, a

defin-able CrG submanifold Y of Rn and a

defin-able CrG diffeomorphism (resp. Cr

diffeo-morphism) from X to Y .

Theorem 1.2.

Let G be a compact affine definable Cr group and X a compact

defin-able CrG manifold. Then the action is Cr


Remark that if M = R, then for any positive dimensional compact connected C∞

Representative definable Cr functions on definable Cr groups



和歌山大学教育学部紀要 自然科学 第62集(2012)


G manifold, it admits uncountably many nonaffine definable C∞G manifold structures

([10]). In Theorem 1.2, we cannot replace Cr

linearizable by definably Cr linearizable.

Locally definable Cr manifolds are

de-fined in [9].

Theorem 1.3.

Let G be a connected lo-cally definable Cr group and ( ˜G, π) the

uni-versal cover of G. Then ˜G can be equipped uniquely with the structure of a locally defin-able Cr group such that π is a locally

defin-able Cr group homomorphism.

A locally Nash case of Theorem 1.3 is proved in [5].


Preliminaries and proof

of results

Let X ⊂ Rn and Y ⊂ Rm be definable sets.

A continuous map f : X → Y is definable if the graph of f (⊂ X × Y ⊂ Rn× Rm) is a

definable set.

We say that a group G is a def inable group if G is a definable set and the group

operations G × G → G and G → G are


A Hausdorff space X is an n-dimensional def inable Cr manif old if there exist a

fi-nite open cover{Ui}ki=1of X, finite open sets

{Vi}ki=1ofRn, and a finite collection of

home-omorphisms {φi : Ui → Vi}ki=1 such that for

any i, j with Ui∩Uj �= ∅, φi(Ui∩Uj) is

defin-able and φj◦φ−1i : φi(Ui∩Uj)→ φj(Ui∩Uj) is

a definable Cr diffeomorphism. A definable

Crmanifold X is af f ine if X is definably Cr

diffeomorphic to a definable Crsubmanifold

of some Rn.

A definable Cr manifold (resp. An affine

definable Cr manifold) G is a def inable Cr

group (resp. an af f ine def inable Crgroup)

if G is a group and the group operations G× G→ G, G → G are definable Cr maps.

A subgroup of a definable Cr group is a

def inable subgroup of it if it is a definable Cr submanifold of it. Note that every

defin-able Cr subgroup of a definable Cr group is

closed ([12]) and a closed subgroup of a de-finable Cr group is not necessarily definable.

Let G be a definable Cr group. A group

homomorphism from G to some On(R) is a

def inable Cr representation if it is a

de-finable Cr map. A def inable Cr

represen-tation space of G is Rn with the orthogonal

action induced from a definable Cr

represen-tation of G. A def inable CrG submanif old

means a G invariant definable Cr

submani-fold of some definable Cr representation

space of G.

Let G be a definable Cr group. A def

in-able CrG manif old is a pair (X, φ)

consist-ing of a definable Cr manifold X and a

de-finable Cr action φ : G× X → X on X of

G. For abbreviation, we write X instead of (X, φ). A definable CrG manifold is af f ine

if it is definably CrG diffeomorphic to a

de-finable CrG submanifold of some definable

Cr representation space of G.

P roof of T heorem 1.1. Since G is compact and affine, there exists a definable CrG

dif-feomorphism f from G to a definable CrG

submanifold G� of some definable Cr

repre-sentation space Ω of G.

Let r : G → R be a continuous func-tion. Applying Polynomial Approximation Theorem to r ◦ f−1 : G → R, we have a

polynomial function q : G� → R approxi-mating r◦ f−1. Since f is equivariant and

G acts orthogonally on Ω and by P107 [11], q ◦ f : G → R is a representative on G which is a definable Crfunction

approximat-ing r.

By a way similar to the proof of results of [10], we have the following result.

Theorem 2.1.

Let G be a compact affine definable Cr group and X a compact CG

manifold. Then X is C∞G diffeomorphic

to a definable CrG submanifold Y of some

representation space of G.

P roof of T heorem 1.2. We only have to prove the case where r = ω. By Theorem 2.1, there exist a representation space Ω of a definable Cr representation of G, a definable

CrG submanifold Y of Ω and a CG

diffeo-morphism f : X → Y . By [P 233 [4]], any Whitney neighborhood of a C∞G map to a

representation space contains a CωG map.

Thus we can approximate f by a CωG map

h : X → Ω. Therefore we have a required G imbedding.

A Hausdorff space X is an n-dimensional locally def inable Cr manif old if there exist

a countable open cover{Ui}∞i=1of X,

count-able open sets{Vi}∞i=1ofRn, and a countable

collection of homeomorphisms i : Ui

Vi}∞i=1 such that for any i, j with Ui∩ Uj �=

∅, φi(Ui ∩ Uj) is definable and φj ◦ φ−1i :

φi(Ui∩ Uj) → φj(Ui∩ Uj) is a definable Cr

diffeomorphism. We call the (Ui, φi)�s the

def inable charts of X.

Note that locally definable (C0)

mani-folds are considered in [3].

Let X, Y be locally definable Cr

mani-folds with definable charts (Ui, φi)i∈I, (Wj,

ψj)j∈J respectively. A continuous map f :

X → Y is a locally definable Cr map if for

every finite subset I� of I, there exists a fi-nite subset J� of J such that f (


∪j∈JVj and that f| ∪i∈I Ui : ∪i∈IUi

∪j∈JVj is a definable Cr map.

A bijective locally definable Cr map f

between locally definable Cr manifolds is a

locally def inable Crdif f eomorphism if f−1

is a locally definable Cr map.

A locally definable Cr manifold X is

af f ine if X is locally definably Cr

diffeo-morphic to a locally definable Cr

submani-fold of someRn.  Note that for any positive

integer s, a locally definable Cr manifold is

locally definably Cs imbeddable into some

Rl (1.3 [9]).

A locally definable Crmanifold (resp. An

affine locally definable Cr manifold) G is a

locally def inable Crgroup (resp. an af f ine

locally def inable Cr group) if G is a group

and the group operations G× G → G, G → G are locally definable Cr maps.

P roof of T heorem 1.3. By the construction of the universal cover ˜G of G, ˜G is a Crgroup

whose charts are countable and π is a Cr

map. Since G is a locally definable Crgroup,

every transition function is definable.


[1] L. van den Dries, Tame topology and o-minimal structures, Lecture notes series 248, London Math. Soc. Cambridge Univ. Press (1998).

[2] L. van den Dries and C. Miller, Geomet-ric categories and o-minimal structures, Duke Math. J. 84 (1996), 497-540.

[3] M.J. Edmundo, G.O. Jones and

N.P. Peatfield, Invariance results for definable extension of groups, Arch. Math. Logic 50 (2011), 19–31.

[4] P. Heinzner, A.T. Huckleberry, F. Kutzschebauch, A real analytic version of Abels’ theorem and com-plexifications of proper Lie group actions. Complex analysis and geome-try, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 173, Dekker, New York, (1996), 229–273.

[5] E. Hrushovski and A. Pillay, Groups de-finable in local fields and pseudo-finite fields, Israel J. Math. 85 (1994), 203– 262.

[6] T. Kawakami, Definable Cr groups and

proper definable actions, Bull. Fac. Ed. Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 58 (2008), 9–18.

[7] T. Kawakami, Definable G CW com-plex structures of definable G sets and their applications, Bull. Fac. Ed. Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 54 (2004), 1–15.

[8] T. Kawakami, Equivariant differential topology in an o-minimal expansion of the field of real numbers, Topology Appl. 123 (2002), 323–349.

[9] T. Kawakami, Locally definable CsG

manifold structures of locally defin-able CrG manifolds, Bull. Fac. Ed.

Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 56 (2006), 1–12.


Representative definable Cr functions on definable Cr groups


G manifold, it admits uncountably many nonaffine definable C∞G manifold structures

([10]). In Theorem 1.2, we cannot replace Cr

linearizable by definably Cr linearizable.

Locally definable Cr manifolds are

de-fined in [9].

Theorem 1.3.

Let G be a connected lo-cally definable Cr group and ( ˜G, π) the

uni-versal cover of G. Then ˜G can be equipped uniquely with the structure of a locally defin-able Cr group such that π is a locally

defin-able Cr group homomorphism.

A locally Nash case of Theorem 1.3 is proved in [5].


Preliminaries and proof

of results

Let X ⊂ Rn and Y ⊂ Rm be definable sets.

A continuous map f : X → Y is definable if the graph of f (⊂ X × Y ⊂ Rn× Rm) is a

definable set.

We say that a group G is a def inable group if G is a definable set and the group

operations G × G → G and G → G are


A Hausdorff space X is an n-dimensional def inable Cr manif old if there exist a

fi-nite open cover{Ui}ki=1of X, finite open sets

{Vi}ki=1ofRn, and a finite collection of

home-omorphisms {φi : Ui → Vi}ki=1 such that for

any i, j with Ui∩Uj �= ∅, φi(Ui∩Uj) is

defin-able and φj◦φ−1i : φi(Ui∩Uj)→ φj(Ui∩Uj) is

a definable Cr diffeomorphism. A definable

Crmanifold X is af f ine if X is definably Cr

diffeomorphic to a definable Cr submanifold

of some Rn.

A definable Cr manifold (resp. An affine

definable Cr manifold) G is a def inable Cr

group (resp. an af f ine def inable Crgroup)

if G is a group and the group operations G× G→ G, G → G are definable Cr maps.

A subgroup of a definable Cr group is a

def inable subgroup of it if it is a definable Cr submanifold of it. Note that every

defin-able Cr subgroup of a definable Cr group is

closed ([12]) and a closed subgroup of a de-finable Cr group is not necessarily definable.

Let G be a definable Cr group. A group

homomorphism from G to some On(R) is a

def inable Cr representation if it is a

de-finable Cr map. A def inable Cr

represen-tation space of G is Rn with the orthogonal

action induced from a definable Cr

represen-tation of G. A def inable CrG submanif old

means a G invariant definable Cr

submani-fold of some definable Cr representation

space of G.

Let G be a definable Cr group. A def

in-able CrG manif old is a pair (X, φ)

consist-ing of a definable Cr manifold X and a

de-finable Cr action φ : G× X → X on X of

G. For abbreviation, we write X instead of (X, φ). A definable CrG manifold is af f ine

if it is definably CrG diffeomorphic to a

de-finable CrG submanifold of some definable

Cr representation space of G.

P roof of T heorem 1.1. Since G is compact and affine, there exists a definable CrG

dif-feomorphism f from G to a definable CrG

submanifold G� of some definable Cr

repre-sentation space Ω of G.

Let r : G → R be a continuous func-tion. Applying Polynomial Approximation Theorem to r ◦ f−1 : G → R, we have a

polynomial function q : G� → R approxi-mating r◦ f−1. Since f is equivariant and

G acts orthogonally on Ω and by P107 [11], q ◦ f : G → R is a representative on G which is a definable Crfunction

approximat-ing r.

By a way similar to the proof of results of [10], we have the following result.

Theorem 2.1.

Let G be a compact affine definable Cr group and X a compact CG

manifold. Then X is C∞G diffeomorphic

to a definable CrG submanifold Y of some

representation space of G.

P roof of T heorem 1.2. We only have to prove the case where r = ω. By Theorem 2.1, there exist a representation space Ω of a definable Cr representation of G, a definable

CrG submanifold Y of Ω and a CG

diffeo-morphism f : X → Y . By [P 233 [4]], any Whitney neighborhood of a C∞G map to a

representation space contains a CωG map.

Thus we can approximate f by a CωG map

h : X → Ω. Therefore we have a required G imbedding.

A Hausdorff space X is an n-dimensional locally def inable Crmanif old if there exist

a countable open cover{Ui}∞i=1 of X,

count-able open sets{Vi}∞i=1ofRn, and a countable

collection of homeomorphisms i : Ui

Vi}∞i=1 such that for any i, j with Ui ∩ Uj �=

∅, φi(Ui ∩ Uj) is definable and φj ◦ φ−1i :

φi(Ui∩ Uj) → φj(Ui∩ Uj) is a definable Cr

diffeomorphism. We call the (Ui, φi)�s the

def inable charts of X.

Note that locally definable (C0)

mani-folds are considered in [3].

Let X, Y be locally definable Cr

mani-folds with definable charts (Ui, φi)i∈I, (Wj,

ψj)j∈J respectively. A continuous map f :

X → Y is a locally definable Cr map if for

every finite subset I� of I, there exists a fi-nite subset J� of J such that f (


∪j∈JVj and that f| ∪i∈I Ui : ∪i∈IUi

∪j∈JVj is a definable Cr map.

A bijective locally definable Cr map f

between locally definable Cr manifolds is a

locally def inable Crdif f eomorphism if f−1

is a locally definable Cr map.

A locally definable Cr manifold X is

af f ine if X is locally definably Cr

diffeo-morphic to a locally definable Cr

submani-fold of someRn.  Note that for any positive

integer s, a locally definable Cr manifold is

locally definably Cs imbeddable into some

Rl (1.3 [9]).

A locally definable Crmanifold (resp. An

affine locally definable Cr manifold) G is a

locally def inable Crgroup (resp. an af f ine

locally def inable Cr group) if G is a group

and the group operations G× G → G, G → G are locally definable Cr maps.

P roof of T heorem 1.3. By the construction of the universal cover ˜G of G, ˜G is a Crgroup

whose charts are countable and π is a Cr

map. Since G is a locally definable Crgroup,

every transition function is definable.


[1] L. van den Dries, Tame topology and o-minimal structures, Lecture notes series 248, London Math. Soc. Cambridge Univ. Press (1998).

[2] L. van den Dries and C. Miller, Geomet-ric categories and o-minimal structures, Duke Math. J. 84 (1996), 497-540.

[3] M.J. Edmundo, G.O. Jones and

N.P. Peatfield, Invariance results for definable extension of groups, Arch. Math. Logic 50 (2011), 19–31.

[4] P. Heinzner, A.T. Huckleberry, F. Kutzschebauch, A real analytic version of Abels’ theorem and com-plexifications of proper Lie group actions. Complex analysis and geome-try, Lecture Notes in Pure and Appl. Math., 173, Dekker, New York, (1996), 229–273.

[5] E. Hrushovski and A. Pillay, Groups de-finable in local fields and pseudo-finite fields, Israel J. Math. 85 (1994), 203– 262.

[6] T. Kawakami, Definable Cr groups and

proper definable actions, Bull. Fac. Ed. Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 58 (2008), 9–18.

[7] T. Kawakami, Definable G CW com-plex structures of definable G sets and their applications, Bull. Fac. Ed. Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 54 (2004), 1–15.

[8] T. Kawakami, Equivariant differential topology in an o-minimal expansion of the field of real numbers, Topology Appl. 123 (2002), 323–349.

[9] T. Kawakami, Locally definable CsG

manifold structures of locally defin-able CrG manifolds, Bull. Fac. Ed.

Wakayama Univ. Natur. Sci. 56 (2006), 1–12.


和歌山大学教育学部紀要 自然科学 第62集(2012)


[10] T. Kawakami, Nash G manifold struc-tures of compact or compactifiable C∞G

manifolds, J. Math. Soc. Japan 48 (1996), 321–331.

[11] A.L. Onishchik (Ed.), Lie groups and algebraic groups. Springer-Verlag, (1990).

[12] A. Pillay, On groups and fields definable in o-minimal structures, J. Pure Appl. Algebra 53 (1988), 239-255.

[13] M. Shiota, Geometry of subanalytic and semialgebraic sets, Progress in Mathematics 150, Birkh¨auser, Boston, (1997).



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