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Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a singular system via sub-supersolution method


Academic year: 2022

シェア "Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a singular system via sub-supersolution method"


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Existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for a singular system via sub-supersolution method

and Mountain Pass Theorem

Suellen Cristina Q. Arruda


and Rubia G. Nascimento


1Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e Tecnologia, Universidade Federal do Pará, 68440-000 Abaetetuba, Pará, Brazil

2Instituto de Ciências Exatas e Naturais, Universidade Federal do Pará, 66075-110 Belém, Pará, Brazil

Received 3 April 2020, appeared 1 April 2021 Communicated by Gennaro Infante

Abstract: In this paper we show the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions using the sub-supersolution method and Mountain Pass Theorem in a general singular system which the operator is not homogeneous neither linear.

Keywords: p&q-Laplacian operator, sub-supersolution method, singular system, Mountain Pass theorem.

2020 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 35J20, 35J50; Secondary 58E05.

1 Introduction

In this paper we treat the question of the existence and multiplicity of positive solutions for the following class of singular systems of nonlinear elliptic equation





−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u) =h1(x)uγ1 +Fu(x,u,v)inΩ,

−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v) =h2(x)vγ2+Fv(x,u,v)inΩ, u,v>0 inΩ,

u =v=0 on∂Ω,


where Ω⊂RN is a bounded domain with smooth boundary, N≥3 and 2≤ p1,p2 < N. For i = 1, 2, γi > 0 is a fixed constant, ai : R+R+ is a C1-function and hi ≥ 0 is a nontrivial measurable function. More precisely, we suppose that the functions hi and ai satisfy the following assumptions:

(H) There exists 0<φ0 ∈C10()such thathiφ0γi ∈ L().

BCorresponding author. Email: scqarruda@ufpa.br

*Email: rubia@ufpa.br


(A1) There exist constantsk1,k2,k3,k4 >0 and 2≤ pi ≤qi <N such that k1tpi+k2tqi ≤ ai(tpi)tpi ≤ k3tpi+k4tqi, for allt ≥0.

(A2) The functions

t7−→ai(tpi)tpi2 are increasing.

(A3) The functions

t7−→ Ai(tpi) are strictly convex, where Ai(t) =Rt

0 ai(s)ds.

(A4) There exist constantsµi, q1

1 <θs< q1

1 and q1

2 <θt < q1

2 such that 1

µiai(t)t≤ Ai(t), for allt ≥0, with qp1

1µ1< 1

θsp1 and qp2

2µ2< 1


Notice that the functions ai satisfy suitable monotonicity conditions which allow to con- sider a larger class of p&q type problems. In order to illustrate the degree of generality of the kind of problems studied here, in the following we present some examples of functionsai which are interesting from the mathematical point of view and have a wide range of applica- tions in physics and related sciences.

Example 1.1. If ai ≡ 1, for eachi=1, 2, our operator is the p-Laplacian and so problem (1.1)

becomes 



p1u= h1(x)uγ1+Fu(x,u,v)inΩ,

p2v= h2(x)vγ2+Fv(x,u,v)inΩ, u=v =0 on∂Ω,

withqi = pi,k1+k2 =1 andk3+k4=1.

Example 1.2. Ifai(t) =1+tqi


pi , for eachi=1, 2, we obtain




p2v−q2v=h2(x)vγ2 +Fv(x,u,v)inΩ, u=v=0 on ∂Ω,

withk1=k2= k3 =k4=1.

Example 1.3. Takingai(t) =1+ 1


2 pi

, for eachi=1, 2, we get












|∇u|p12∇u+ |∇u|p12∇u (1+|∇u|p1)

p12 p1

= h1(x)uγ1+Fu(x,u,v)inΩ,


|∇v|p22∇v+ |∇v|p22∇v (1+|∇v|p2)

p22 p2

= h2(x)vγ2+Fv(x,u,v)inΩ, u=v=0 onΩ,

withqi = pi,k1+k2 =1 andk3+k4=2.


Example 1.4. If we considerai(t) =1+tqi


pi + 1


2 pi

, for eachi=1, 2, we obtain












|∇u|p12∇u (1+|∇u|p1)

p12 p1

 =h1(x)uγ1+Fu(x,u,v)inΩ,


|∇v|p22∇v (1+|∇v|p)

p22 p2

 =h2(x)vγ2+Fv(x,u,v)inΩ, u=v=0 onΩ,

wherek1 =k2=k4=1 andk3=2.

Remark 1.5. Note that by hypothesis(H)we havehi ∈ L()because



0 φ


0| ≤ khiφ


0 kφ


0. HereFis a function onΩ×R2 of classC1 satisfying (F1) There exists 0<δ< 12 such that

−h1(x)≤Fs(x,s,t)≤0 a.e. in Ω, for all 0≤ s≤δ and

−h2(x)≤Ft(x,s,t)≤0 a.e. inΩ, for all 0≤t≤δ.

It is worthwhile to point out that, since pi <qi and by the boundedness ofΩ,W01,pi()∩ W01,qi() = W01,qi(). Thus, in order to show the existence and multiplicity of solutions to system (1.1), we define the Sobolev spaceX=W01,q1()×W01,q2()endowed with the norm

k(u,v)k= kuk1,q1+kvk1,q2, where

kuk1,qi =



1 qi


Moreover, we say that a pair (u,v) ∈ X is a positive weak solution of system (1.1) if u,v>0 inΩand it verifies







and Z

a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v∇ϕdx =




Fv(x,u,v)ϕdx, for all (φ,ϕ)∈X.

In our first theorem we apply the sub-supersolution method to establish the existence of a weak solution for system (1.1).

Theorem 1.6. Suppose that(H),(F1)and(A1)–(A3)are satisfied. Then system(1.1) has a positive weak solution ifkhik is sufficiently small, for i=1, 2.


Furthermore, we assume the conditions below to prove the existence of two solutions for problem (1.1).

(F2) Fori=1, 2, there exists 1<r <qi = (NNqqi

i) (qi =ifqi ≥ N)such that Fs(x,s,t)≤ h1(x)(1+sr1+tr1) a.e. in Ω, for all s≥0 and

Ft(x,s,t)≤h2(x)(1+sr1+tr1) a.e. in Ω, for allt≥0.

(F3) There exists0,t0 >0 such that

0<F(x,s,t)≤θssFs(x,s,t) +θttFt(x,s,t) a.e. inΩ, for alls≥ s0 andt ≥t0, whereθs andθt appeared in(A4).

Theorem 1.7. Suppose that(H), (F1)–(F3)and(A1)–(A4)are satisfied. Then system(1.1) has two positive weak solutions ifkhikis sufficiently small, for i=1, 2.

Singular problems has been much studied in last years. We are going to cite some authors in last ten years. System (1.1) with Laplacian operator in both equations was studied in [9], where it was investigated the questions of existence, non-existence and uniqueness for solutions. The results in [9] were complemented in [16]. The general operator as we consider in this paper was studied in [5] using continuous unbounded of solutions. The cases with Laplacian operator involving weights were studied in [7] and [11].

In this paper we complement the results that can be found in [5], [7], [9], [11] and [16]

because we consider a general problem with singularity without restrictions in the exponents.

Moreover, we are considering the sub-supersolution method for a system that involves a non- linear and nonhomegeneous operator. The reader can see the generality of the operator in [5].

We would like to highlight that our theorems can be applied for the model nonlinearity F(x,s,t) =h1(x)


r −sδr1

+h2(x) tr

r −tδr1


This paper is organized in the following way. Section 2 is devoted to some preliminary results in order to prove the main results. The first theorem is proved in the Section 3 and the second theorem in the Section 4.

2 Preliminary results

The next lemma provides the uniqueness of solution to the linear problem. The proof can be found in [5, Lemma 1]. However, for the convenience of the reader, we also prove it here.

Lemma 2.1. Assume that the conditions (A1)and(A2)hold. Then, there exists an unique solution ui ∈W01,qi()of the linear problem

(−div(ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui) =hi(x)inΩ, ui =0on Ω,

where hi ∈(W01,qi())0, for all i=1, 2and2≤ pi ≤qi < N.


Proof. Consider the operatorTi :W01,qi()−→(W01,qi())0 given by hTiui,φii=


ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇uiφi dx.

In virtue of hypothesis (A1), we can show that the operator Ti is well defined and it is con- tinuous. Furthermore, by considering the hypothesis(A2), we argument as [8, Lemma 2.4] to obtain the following inequality

Ci|ui−vi|pi ≤ hai(|ui|pi)|ui|pi2ui−ai(|vi|pi)|vi|pi2vi,ui−vii, for someCi >0 and for alli=1, 2. Therefore,

hTiui−Tivi,ui−vii>0, for allui,vi ∈W01,qi()withui 6=vi, which implies thatTi is monotone. Moreover, using(A1)again we get


kuik1,qi ≥k2kuikq1,qi1


and hence



kuik1,qi = +,

which shows that Ti is coercive. Thus, applying the Minty–Browder Theorem [2, Theo- rem 5.15] there exists an unique ui ∈W01,qi()such thatTiui = hi(x).

Our approach in the study of system (1.1) rests heavily on the following Weak Comparison Principle for the p&q-Laplacian operator. The proof of the result below for the scalar case can be found in [6, Lemma 2.1].

Lemma 2.2. LetΩa bounded domain and consider ui,vi ∈W01,qi()satisfying

(−div(ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui)≤ −div(ai(|∇vi|pi)|∇vi|pi2∇vi)inΩ, ui ≤vi onΩ,

then ui ≤vi a.e. inΩ, for all i=1, 2and2≤ pi ≤qi < N.

Proof. Using the test functionφi = (ui−vi)+ :=max{ui−vi, 0} ∈W01,qi(), we get



hai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui−ai(|∇vi|pi)|∇vi|pi2∇vi,∇ui− ∇viidx≤0.

From Lemma 2.1,k(ui−vi)+k ≤0, which implies thatui ≤ vi a.e. in Ω.

Now, using Lemma2.2, it is possible to repeat the same arguments of [13, Hopf’s Lemma]

to obtain the next result

Lemma 2.3. Let Ω ⊂ RN be a bounded domain with smooth boundary and i = 1, 2. If ui ∈ C1()∩W01,qi(), with2≤ pi ≤qi < N, and



div(ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui)≥0inΩ, ui >0inΩ,

ui =0on∂Ω.

Then, ∂u∂ηi <0on∂Ω, where ηis the outwards normal to∂Ω.


We enunciate an iteration lemma due to Stampacchia that we will use to prove the L- regularity of the solutions for this class of p&qtype problems.

Lemma 2.4(See [14]). Assume that φ:[0,∞)→[0,∞)is a nonincreasing function such that if h>

k > k0, for some α> 0, β > 1, φ(h) ≤ C((φ(k))β

hk)α . Then, φ(k0+d) =0, where dα = C2βαβ1φ(k0)β1 and C is positive constant.

Lemma 2.5. Let ui ∈W01,qi()be solution to problem

(−div(ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui) = fi inΩ,

ui =0on∂Ω, (2.1)

such that fi ∈ Lri()with ri > qqi

iqi. Then, ui ∈ L. In particular, ifkfikri is small, then alsokuik is small, for all i=1, 2and2≤ pi ≤qi < N.

Proof. Sinceui is the weak solution to (2.1) we can write Z

ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇uiφi dx =


fiφi dx, ∀φi ∈W01,qi(). Fork>0, we define the test function

vi =sign(ui)(|ui| −k) =



u−k, ifu>k, 0, ifu= k, u+k, ifu<k.

Then, ui = vi+k sign(ui) and ∂u∂xi

j = ∂v∂xi

j in the set A(k) = {x ∈ Ω;|u(x)| > k}, vi = 0 in Ω−A(k) and vi ∈ W01,qi(). By considering the test function vi and using the Hölder inequality, we get





fivi dx≤




1 q





1 ri


1 q





where |A(k)|denotes the Lebesgue measure of A(k). Moreover, applying (A1)and Sobolev inequality we obtain





qi1 q





1 ri


1 q




, (2.2)

whereSis the best constant in the Sobolev inclusion.

Note that if 0<k<h, then A(h)⊂ A(k)and


1 q

i (h−k) =




1 q





1 q





1 q


. (2.3)


It follows from (2.2) and (2.3) that

|A(k)| ≤ 1 (h−k)qi

1 (k2S)

q qii1


q qii1

ri |A(k)|

q qii1


1 q i




Sinceri > qqi

iqi we have β:= qqi


1− q1

i +r1


>1. Therefore, if we define

φ(h) =|A(h)|, α= qi, β:= q



1− 1

qi + 1 ri

, k0=0, we obtain that φis a nonincreasing function and

φ(h)≤ C(φ(k))β

(h−k)α , for all h>k>0.

By Lemma2.4, we conclude thatφ(d) =0 ford= Ckfik

qi11 ri



||βα1 and hence,

kuik ≤C kfik

1 qi1



||βα1, where β,α,SandCare constants that do not depend on fi andui.

Regarding the regularity of the solution of (2.1) the next result hold and the proof can be done repeating the same arguments of [10, Theorem 1].

Lemma 2.6. Fix hi ∈ L(), for all i=1, 2, and consider ui ∈ W01,qi()∩L(), with2 ≤ pi ≤ qi < N, satisfying the problem

(−div(ai(|∇ui|pi)|∇ui|pi2∇ui) =hi inΩ, ui =0on∂Ω,

Then, ui ∈C1,α(),for someα∈(0, 1).

The following result can be found in [12, Lemma 2.6]. The proof is presented for the completeness of the paper.

Lemma 2.7. Let φ,ω > 0 be any functions on C01(). If ∂φ∂ν > 0 in ∂Ω, where ν is the inwards normal to∂Ω, then there exists C>0such that


ω(x) ≥C>0, for all x∈. Proof. Forδ >0 sufficiently small, we consider the following set

δ = {x∈Ω; dist(x,∂Ω)<δ}.

Sinceφ,ω >0 inΩandΩ\δ is compact, there existsm>0 such that φ(x)

ω(x) ≥m, for all x∈ \δ. (2.4)


It follows from ∂φ∂ν >0 in∂Ωthat ∂φ∂η < 0, whereηis the outwards normal to ∂Ω. Further- more, since Ω ⊂ Rn is bounded domain, then ∂Ωis a compact set and consequently, there existsC1 <0 satisfying



≤C1, for allx ∈δ. Sinceω∈C01(), there existsC2>0 such that



≤C2, for allx ∈δ. Consider K0 = inf



∂η <0 and define the function H(x) = αω(x)−φ(x), for allx ∈ δ andαRto be chosen later. Since 0<α< CK1

0 we obtain


∂η =α∂ω(x)


∂ηαK0−C1>0, for allx ∈δ. Now, fix x∈δ and consider the function

f(x) = H(x+sη), for alls∈R.

For everyx ∈ δ, we choose an uniquexe∈ δ so that there existsbs > 0 such that x+bsη= xe∈ Ω. Hence, since H(Ω)≡0 we have

f(bs) = H(x+bsη) =H(xe) =0.

Applying the Mean Value Theorem, there existsξ ∈(0,bs)such that f(bs)− f(0) = f0(ξ)(bs−0),

which implies that

−H(x) = ∂H

∂η(x+ξη)bs>0 in Ωδ. Therefore, H(x)≤0 for all x∈δ and hence,

αω(x)−φ(x)≤0, for all x∈δ, which result in

αω(x)≤φ(x), for all x∈δ. Thus,


ω(x) ≥ α>0, for allx ∈δ. (2.5) By virtue of (2.4) and (2.5), we conclude that there existsC>0 so that


ω(x) ≥C, for allx ∈Ω.


3 Proof of Theorem 1.6

In the proof of Theorem 1.6, we combine the sub-supersolution method with minimization arguments. Before this, we need of the following definition.

We say that (u,v),(u,v) ∈ X form a pair of sub and supersolution for system (1.1) if u,u,v,v∈ L()with

(a) u≤ u,v≤v inΩandu=0≤u,v=0≤von∂Ω, (b) Given(φ,ϕ)∈X, withφ,ϕ0, we have










Fu(x,u,w)φdx, for allw∈ [v,v],






Fv(x,w,v)ϕdx, for allw∈ [u,u]











Fu(x,u,w)φdx, for allw∈[v,v]


a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v ∇ϕdx≥


h2(x)vγ2ϕ, dx+


Fv(x,w,v)ϕdx, for allw∈[u,u].

The next result is essential to provide the existence of a subsolution and a supersolution for system (1.1) whenever we fix the value ofkhikwith i=1, 2.

Lemma 3.1. Suppose that(H),(F1)and(A1)–(A2)are satisfied. Ifkhik is small, for i=1, 2, then there exist u,u,v,v∈C1,α(), for someα∈ (0, 1), such that

i) h1uγ1,h2vγ2 ∈ L(), kukδ andkvkδ, where δ is the constant that appeared in the hypothesis(F1);

ii) kukδandkvkδ, where δis the constant that appeared in the hypothesis(F1); iii) 0<u(x)≤ u(x)a.e. inΩand0<v(x)≤v(x)a.e. inΩ;

iv) (u,v)is a subsolution and(u,v)is a supersolution for system(1.1).

Proof. From Lemma2.1 and maximum principle, there exists an unique positive solution 0<

u∈W01,q1()satisfying the problem below

(−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u) =h1(x)in Ω,

u=0 on∂Ω. (3.1)

Similary, there exists an unique positive solution 0<v∈W01,q2()satisfying (−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v) =h2(x)inΩ,

v=0 on ∂Ω. (3.2)


Sinceh1,h2 ∈L(), it follows from Lemma2.5thatu,v∈ L()and there existC1,C2>

0 such that

kuk≤ C1kh1k


and kvk ≤C2kh2k

1 p21


whereC1andC2are constants that does not depend onhi,uandv. Therefore, we may choose khik sufficiently small, withi=1, 2, so that

kukδ< 1

2 and kvkδ < 1 2.

Moreover, from Lemma 2.6 we have u,v ∈ C1,α(), for some α ∈ (0, 1). Thus, by virtue of Lemmas2.3and2.7, there existC3,C4 >0 such that


φ0(x)γ1 ≤ C3γ1 and v(x)γ2

φ0(x)γ2 ≤C4γ2, for all x∈Ω.

Therefore, by(H)we get

|h1uγ1| ≤C3γ1kh1φ0γ1k and |h2vγ2| ≤C4γ2kh2φ0γ2k, (3.3) implying thath1uγ1,h2vγ2 ∈ L(), which ends the proof of condition (i).

In order to prove (ii), we invoke Lemma 2.1 and maximum principle once again to claim that there exists an unique positive solution 0<u∈W01,q1()satisfying

(−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u) =h1(x)uγ1 in Ω,

u =0 on∂Ω, (3.4)

and there exists an unique positive solution 0< v∈W01,q2()satisfying (−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v) =h2(x)vγ2 in Ω,

v=0 on ∂Ω. (3.5)

Sinceh1uγ1,h2vγ2 ∈ L(), we use Lemma2.5 to obtainu,v ∈ L()and hence, from Lemma2.6 we obtain u,v ∈ C1,α(), for some α ∈ (0, 1). Furthermore, note that using (3.3) we have

kuk ≤C1kh1uγ1k

1 p11


1 p11




3 kφ0kγ1




kvk ≤C2kh2vγ2k







4 kφ0kγ1




So, choosingkhik sufficiently small, withi=1, 2, we obtain kukδ< 1

2 and kvkδ < 1 2.

Now, sincekuk andkvkare small it follows from (3.1), (3.2), (3.4) and (3.5) that

−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u) =h1(x)uγ1 ≥h1(x)kukγ1 ≥h1(x)




−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v) =h2(x)vγ2 ≥h2(x)kvkγ2 ≥ h2(x)


Therefore, applying the Weak Comparison Principle for the p&q-Laplacian operator we con- clude that

0<u(x)≤ u(x) a.e. in Ω and 0<v(x)≤v(x) a.e. inΩ, which proves (iii).

Our final task is to check that the condition(iv)holds. Indeed, we invoke (F1), (i), (3.1) and (3.2) to obtain


≤2h1(x)−h1(x)uγ1 ≤ h1(x)(2− kukγ1)≤0 and

−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v)−h2(x)vγ2 −Fv(x,u,v),

≤2h2(x)−h2(x)vγ2 ≤h2(x)(2− kvkγ2)≤0, which implies that (u,v)is a subsolution for system (1.1). Finally, we use(F1), (ii), (iii), (3.4) and (3.5) to get

−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u)−h1(x)uγ1−Fu(x,u,v)≥h1(x)(uγ1−uγ1)≥0 and

−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v−h2(x)vγ2−Fv(x,u,v)≥ h2(x)(vγ2−vγ2)≥0, which shows that(u,v)is a supersolution for system (1.1).

Following the same idea in [4] (see also [3]), we introduce the truncation operators T : W01,q1()→ L()andS:W01,q2()→ L()given by

Tu(x) =



u(x), ifu(x)> u(x)

u(x), ifu(x)≤ u(x)≤u(x) u(x), ifu(x)< u(x)



Sv(x) =



v(x), ifv(x)>v(x)

v(x), ifv(x)≤v(x)≤ v(x) v(x), ifv(x)<v(x).


It is well that the truncation operatorsTandSare continuous and bounded. Now, we consider the following functions

Gu(x,u,v) =h1(x)(Tu)γ1+Fu(x,Tu,Sv) (3.8) and

Gv(x,u,v) =h2(x)(Sv)γ2 +Fv(x,Tu,Sv) (3.9)


and the auxiliary problem





−div(a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u) =Gu(x,u,v)in Ω,

−div(a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v) =Gv(x,u,v)inΩ, u,v>0 inΩ,

u=v=0 on∂Ω.


Define the energy functionalΦ:X→Rassociated with problem (3.10) by Φ(u,v) = 1

p1 Z

A1(|∇u|p1)dx+ 1 p2




G(x,u,v)dx, ∀(u,v)∈ X,

whereG(x,s,t) =Rs

0 Gξ(x,ξ,t)dξ+Rt


It follows from Lemma3.1(i)–(iii), (3.8), (3.9) and(F1)that

|Gu(x,u,v)| ≤K1 a.e. in Ω, for someK1 >0,∀(u,v)∈ X. (3.11) Similarly,

|Gv(x,u,v)| ≤K2 a.e. inΩ, for someK2>0,∀(u,v)∈X. (3.12) Consequently, we use(A1)to show that the functional Φis well defined and it is of classC1 on Sobolev spaceXwith

Φ0(u,v)(φ,ϕ) =


a1(|∇u|p1)|∇u|p12∇u∇φ+a2(|∇v|p2)|∇v|p22∇v∇ϕ dx




Gv(x,u,v)ϕdx,∀(u,v),(φ,ϕ)∈ X.

Next, consider

M ={(u,v)∈ X;u≤u≤ ua.e. inΩandv≤ v≤va.e. in Ω}.

We claim that Φ is bounded from below in M. Indeed, for all (u,v) ∈ X, we use (A1), (3.11),(3.12)and continuous embeddingW01,qi(),→ L1,qi(), fori=1, 2, to obtain thatΦis coercive inM. Moreover, since(A3)holds andGu,Gv∈ L()we have thatΦis weak lower semi-continuous on M. Thus, as M is closed and convex in X, we use [15, Theorem 1.2] to conclude thatΦis bounded from below in Mand attains it is infimum at a point(u,v)∈ M.

Using the same arguments as in the proof of [15, Theorem 2.4], we see that this minimum point (u,v) is a weak solution of problem (3.10). Indeed, for all φ,ϕ ∈ C0 ()andε > 0, let the functionsuε,vε ∈ M be given by

uε(x) =



u(x), u(x) +εφ(x)>u(x)

u(x) +εφ(x), u(x)≤u(x) +εφ(x)≤u(x) u(x), u(x) +εφ(x)<u(x)


vε(x) =



v(x), v(x) +εϕ(x)>v(x)

v(x) +εϕ(x), v(x)≤v(x) +εϕ(x)≤ v(x) v(x), v(x) +εϕ(x)<v(x).



theorems, the author showed the existence of positive solutions for a class of singular four-point coupled boundary value problem of nonlinear semipositone Hadamard

Our goal is to establish the theorems of existence and multiple of positive entire solutions for a class quasilinear elliptic equations in R N with the Schauder-Tychonoff fixed

Recently, Velin [44, 45], employing the fibering method, proved the existence of multiple positive solutions for a class of (p, q)-gradient elliptic systems including systems

Nonlinear systems of the form 1.1 arise in many applications such as the discrete models of steady-state equations of reaction–diffusion equations see 1–6, the discrete analogue of

We study the existence of positive solutions for a fourth order semilinear elliptic equation under Navier boundary conditions with positive, increasing and convex source term..

Sun, Optimal existence criteria for symmetric positive solutions to a singular three-point boundary value problem, Nonlinear Anal.. Webb, Positive solutions of some higher

Wu, “Positive solutions of two-point boundary value problems for systems of nonlinear second-order singular and impulsive differential equations,” Nonlinear Analysis: Theory,

In recent years, singular second order ordinary differential equations with dependence on the first order derivative have been studied extensively, see for example [1-8] and