Volume 2009, Article ID 378763,26pages doi:10.1155/2009/378763
Research Article
Global Behavior for a Diffusive Predator-Prey
Model with Stage Structure and Nonlinear Density Restriction-I: The Case in R
nRui Zhang,
1Ling Guo,
2and Shengmao Fu
21Department of Mathematics, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070, China
2Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China
Correspondence should be addressed to Shengmao Fu,fusm@nwnu.edu.cn Received 2 April 2009; Accepted 31 August 2009
Recommended by Wenming Zou
This paper deals with a Holling type III diffusive predator-prey model with stage structure and nonlinear density restriction in the spaceRn. We first consider the asymptotical stability of equilibrium points for the model of ODE type. Then, the existence and uniform boundedness of global solutions and stability of the equilibrium points for the model of weakly coupled reaction- diffusion type are discussed. Finally, the global existence and the convergence of solutions for the model of cross-diffusion type are investigated when the space dimension is less than 6.
Copyrightq2009 Rui Zhang et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
1. Introduction
Population models with stage structure have been investigated by many researchers, and various methods and techniques have been used to study the existence and qualitative properties of solutions1–9. However, most of the discussions in these works are devoted to either systems of ODE or weakly coupled systems of reaction-diffusion equations. In this paper we investigate the global existence and convergence of solutions for a strongly coupled cross-diffusion predator-prey model with stage structure and nonlinear density restriction.
Nonlinear problems of this kind are quite difficult to deal with since the usual idea to apply maximum principle arguments to get priori estimates cannot be used here10.
Consider the following predator-prey model with stage-structure:
X1 BX2−r1X1−CX1−η1X12−η2X13− EX21X3
X2 CX1−r2X2,
X3 −r3X3−η3X23AX3 EX12 1FX12,
whereX1t ,X2t denote the density of the immature and mature population of the prey, respectively, X3t is the density of the predator. For the prey, the immature population is nonlinear density restriction.X3is assumed to consumeX1with Holling type III functional responseEX12/1FX21 and contributes to its growth with rateAEX21/1FX21 . For more details on the backgrounds of this model see references11,12.
Using the scaling u √
FX1, v r2
√F/C X2, w E/r2
√F X3, dτ r2dtand redenotingτbyt, we can reduce the system1.1 to
uβv−au−bu2−cu3− u2w 1u2 ≡f1, vu−v≡f2,
w−kw−γw2 αu2w 1u2 ≡f3,
whereβ BC/r22, a r1C /r2, b η1/r2√
F, c η2/r2F, k r3/r2, α AE/r2F, γ η3
To take into account the natural tendency of each species to diffuse, we are led to the following PDE system of reaction-diffusion type:
ut−d1Δuβv−au−bu2−cu3− u2w
1u2, x∈Ω, t >0, vt−d2Δvu−v, x∈Ω, t >0,
wt−d3Δw−kw−γw2 αu2w
1u2, x∈Ω, t >0,
∂ηu∂ηv∂ηw0, x∈∂Ω, t >0,
ux,0 u0x ≥0, vx,0 v0x ≥0, wx,0 w0x ≥0, x∈Ω,
whereΩis a bounded domain inRnwith smooth boundary∂Ω,ηis the outward unit normal vector on ∂Ω, and∂η ∂/∂η.u0x , v0x , w0x are nonnegative smooth functions on Ω.
The diffusion coefficientsdi i1,2,3 are positive constants. The homogeneous Neumann boundary condition indicates that system 1.3 is self-contained with zero population flux across the boundary. The knowledge for system1.3 is limitedsee13–17 .
In the recent years there has been considerable interest to investigate the global behavior for models of interacting populations with linear density restriction by taking into
account the effect of self-as well as cross-diffusion18–26. In this paper we are led to the following cross-diffusion system:
ut Δd1α11uα13w u βv−au−bu2−cu3− u2w
1u2, x∈Ω, t >0, vt Δd2α22v v u−v, x∈Ω, t >0,
wt Δd3α33w w−kw−γw2 αu2w
1u2, x∈Ω, t >0,
∂ν ∂v
∂ν ∂w
∂ν 0, x∈∂Ω, t >0,
ux,0 u0x ≥0, vx,0 v0x ≥0, wx,0 w0x ≥0, x∈Ω,
whered1, d2, d3 are the diffusion rates of the three species, respectively. αii i 1,2,3 are referred as self-diffusion pressures, andα13is cross-diffusion pressure. The term self-diffusion implies the movement of individuals from a higher to a lower concentration region. Cross- diffusion expresses the population fluxes of one species due to the presence of the other species. The value of the cross-diffusion coefficient may be positive, negative, or zero. The term positive cross-diffusion coefficient denotes the movement of the species in the direction of lower concentration of another species and negative cross-diffusion coefficient denotes that one species tends to diffuse in the direction of higher concentration of another species 27. Forαij/0, problem1.4 becomes strongly coupled with a full diffusion matrix. As far as the authors are aware, very few results are known for cross-diffusion systems with stage- structure.
The main purpose of this paper is to study the asymptotic behavior of the solutions for the reaction-diffusion system1.3 , the global existence, and the convergence of solutions for the cross-diffusion system1.4 . The paper will be organized as follows. InSection 2a linear stability analysis of equilibrium points for the ODE system 1.2 is given. In Section 3the uniform bound of the solution and stability of the equilibrium points to the weakly coupled system 1.3 are proved. Section 4 deals with the existence and the convergence of global solutions for the strongly coupled system1.4 .
2. Global Stability for System 1.2
Let E0 0,0,0 . If β > a, then1.2 has semitrivial equilibriaE1m0, m0,0 , where m0
b24cβ−a −b /2c. To discuss the existence of the positive equilibrium point of1.2 , we give the following assumptions:
α > k, β > a,
α−k < m0, β−a−c 2 b2
8c ≤ b√p1
24c 24
β−a c2 3b24c
, 2.1 wherep19b224cβ−a−c ≥0. Let one curvel1:g1u 1u2 /u β−a−bu−cu2 , and the other curvel3:g3u kγwαu2/1u2 . Obviously,l1passes the pointm0,0 . Noting
thatβ−a−c u2−2bu3−3cu4−βaattains its maximum atu √p1−3b /12c, thus when β−a−c /2b2/8c≤b√p1/24c24β−a c2/3b24cβ−a−c −b√p1 ,g1u <00< u < m0 . l3 has the asymptotew α−k/γ and passes the point
k/α−k,0 . In this case, l1 and l3 have unique intersection u∗, w∗ , as shown in Figure 1. E∗ u∗, v∗, w∗ is the unique positive equilibrium point of1.2 , wherev∗ u∗,w∗ 1u∗2 /u∗ β−a−bu∗−cu∗2 , kγw∗αu∗2/1u∗2 . In addition, the restriction of the existence of the positive equilibrium can be removed, ifβ < ac.
The Jacobian matrix of the equilibriumE0is
−a β 0 1 −1 0 0 0 −k
⎠. 2.2
The characteristic equation ofJE0 isλk λ2 1a λa−β 0.E0 is a saddle for β > a. In addition, the dimensions of the local unstable and stable manifold ofE0are 1 and 2, respectively.E0is locally asymptotically stable forβ < a.
The Jacobian matrix of the equilibriumE1is
a11 β − m20 1m20
1 −1 0
0 0 a33
⎠, 2.3
wherea11 −a−2bm0−3cm20, a33 −kαm20/1m20 . The characteristic equation ofJE1
isλ3A1λ2B1λC10, where
A1−a11−a331, B1a11a33−a33−
a11β , C1a33
a11β , H1 A1B1−C1 a11a33
−a33 1β
a11β .
According to Routh-Hurwitz criterion,E1is locally asymptotically stable fora11β <0 and a33<0, that is,m20α−k < kandm0>
b23cβ−a −b /3c.
The Jacobian matrix of the equilibriumE∗is
a11 β a13
1 −1 0 a31 0 a33
⎠, 2.5
k α−k
O u
α−k γ
l3 E∗
Figure 1
a11−a−2bu∗−3cu∗2− 2u∗w∗
1u∗2 2, a13 − u∗2 1u∗2, a31 2αu∗w∗
1u∗2 2, a33−γw∗.
The characteristic equation ofJE∗ isλ3A2λ2B2λC20, where A2−a11−a331,
B2 a11a33−a13a31−a33− a11β
, C2a33
−a13a31, H2A2B2−C2 a11a33
a11β . 2.7 According to Routh-Hurwitz criterion, E∗ is locally asymptotically stable for a11 β < 0.
Obviously,a11β <0 can be checked by2.1 .
Now we discuss the global stability of equilibrium points for1.2 . Theorem 2.1. (i) Assume that2.1 ,
β−a−bu∗ 22√
1u∗2 >
u∗21u∗2 8u∗21 2 1
8, γ
α> 1 2,
hold, then the equilibrium pointE∗of 1.2 is globally asymptotically stable.
(ii) Assume thatβ > a, m20α−k < k, and
b23cβ−a −b /3c < m0 < 2k/αhold, then the equilibrium pointE1of 1.2 is globally asymptotically stable.
(iii) Assume thatβ≤aholds, then the equilibrium pointE0of 1.2 is globally asymptotically stable.
Proof. i Define the Lyapunov function Et
u−u∗−u∗ln u u∗
v−v∗−v∗ln v v∗
w−w∗−w∗ln w w∗
Calculating the derivative ofEt along the positive solution of1.2 , we have
Et −β u∗
uu−u∗ − u
vv−v∗ 2
−u−u∗ 2
bcucu∗ w∗1−u∗u 1u∗2 1u2
− c
αw−w∗ 2 u−u∗ w−w∗
1u∗2 1u2 − u 1u2
≤ −u−u∗ 2
bcucu∗ w∗1−u∗u
1u∗2 1u2 − u2
21u2 2 − uu∗ 2 21u∗2 21u2 2 uuu∗
1u∗2 1u2 2
− γ
α−1 2
w−w∗ 2.
2.10 When u ∈ 0,∞ , the minimum of 1−u∗u /1u2 anduuu∗ /1u2 2 is−u∗2/2 2√
1u∗2 and 0, respectively; the maximum ofuu∗ /1u2 is u/1u2 are u∗
√1u∗2 /2 and 1/2, respectively. Thus, when 2.8 hold, Et ≤ 0. According to the Lyapunov-LaSalle invariance principle28,E∗is globally asymptotically stable if2.1 –2.3 hold.
ii Let
u−m0−m0ln u m0
v−m0−m0ln v m0
αw. 2.11 Then
Et − β m0
uu−m0 − u
vv−m0 2
bcucm0 u−m0 2 c αw2−w
m0u 1u2 −k
Noting that the maximum ofu/1u2 is 1/2, andm0<2k/α, we findm0u/1u2 −k/α <0.
Therefore,Et ≤0.
iii Let
Et uβv 1
αw, 2.13
Et β−a
u−bu2−cu3−k αw−γ
αw2. 2.14
Thus,Et ≤0 forβ≤a. This completes the proof ofTheorem 2.1.
3. Global Behavior of System 1.3
In this section we discuss the existence, uniform boundedness of global solutions, and the stability of constant equilibrium solutions for the weakly coupled reaction-diffusion system 1.3 . In particular, the unstability results in Section 2 also hold for system 1.3 because solutions of1.2 are also solutions of1.3 .
Theorem 3.1. Letu0x , v0x , w0x be nonnegative smooth functions onΩ. Then system1.3 has a unique nonnegative solutionux, t , vx, t , wx, t ∈CΩ×0,∞
C2,1Ω×0,∞ 3, and
Ω u0,sup
Ω v0,
b24c β−a
−b 2c
Ω w0, αM1 2
γ 1M1
2− k γ
onΩ×0,∞ . In particular, ifu0, v0, w0≥/≡ 0, thenu, v, w >0 for allt >0, x∈Ω.
Proof. It is easily seen that f1, f2, f3 is sufficiently smooth in R3 and possesses a mixed quasimonotone property inR3. In addition,0,0,0 andM1,M2,M3 are a pair of lower- upper solutions of problem1.3 cf. M1,M2,M3 in3.1 . From29, Theorem 5.3.4, we conclude that1.3 exists a unique classical solutionu, v, w satisfying3.1 . According to strong maximum principle, it follows thatux, t , vx, t , wx, t > 0, ∀t > 0, x ∈ Ω. So the proof of the Theorem is completed.
Remark 3.2. When c 0 namely η2 0 , system 1.3 reduces to a system in which the immature population of the prey is linear density restriction. Similar to the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have
! sup
Ω u0,sup
Ω v0,β−a b
w0, αM12 γ
1M12− k γ
Now we show the local and global stability of constant equilibrium solutionsE0, E1, E∗ for1.3 , respectively.
Theorem 3.3. i Assume that 2.1 holds, then the equilibrium point E∗ of 1.3 is locally asymptotically stable.
ii Assume thatβ > a,m20α−k < k, andm0 >
b23cβ−a −b/3chold, then the equilibrium pointE1of1.3 is locally asymptotically stable.
iii Assume thatβ < aholds, then the equilibrium pointE0of 1.3 is locally asymptotically stable.
Proof. Let 0μ1 < μ2 < μ3 <· · · be the eigenvalues of the operator−ΔonΩwith Neumann boundary condition, and letEμi be the eigenspace corresponding toμiinC1Ω . Let
# U∈$
C1 Ω%3
, ∂ηU0, x∈∂Ω
, Xij'
c·φij :c∈R3(
, 3.3
where{φij;j1, . . . ,dimEμi }is an orthonormal basis ofEμi , then
X⊕∞i1Xi, Xi⊕dimEμi
j1 Xij. 3.4
i LetDdiagd1, d2, d3 ,LDΔ FUE∗ DΔ {aij}, where
a11 −a−2bu∗−3cu∗2− 2u∗w∗
1u∗2 2, a12β, a13 − u∗2 1u∗2, a21 1, a22−1, a230,
a31 2αu∗w∗
1u∗2 2, a320, a33−γw∗.
The linearization of1.3 isUt LUat E∗. For eachi ≥ 1,Xi is invariant under the operator L, andλis an eigenvalue of L onXi, if and only ifλis an eigenvalue of the matrix
−μiDFUE∗ . The characteristic equation isϕiλ λ3Aiλ2BiλCi0, where Aiμid1d2d3 −a11−a331,
μid11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11
a11β , Ciμ3id1d2d3μ2id1d3−a33d1d2−a11d2d3
d1a33−d2a11a33−a13a31 d3
a11β a33
HiAiBi−CiP3μ3i P2μ2i P1μiP0,
P3 d1d2 d1d2d1d3d2d3 d23d1d2 ,
P2 d1d2d3 d11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11
−a11d1d2d3 d2d1d3 −a33d3d1d2 , P1d1
a11β a33
−a11a33−1 d11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11 , P0 a11a33
−a33 1β
a11β .
From Routh-Hurwitz criterion, we can see that three eigenvaluesdenoted byλi,1,λi,2,λi,3 all have negative real parts if and only ifAi>0, Ci>0, Hi>0. Noting thata11, a13, a33 <0, a31 >
0, we must havea11β <0. It is easy to check thata11β <0 ifg1u1 <0seeSection 2 . We can conclude that there exists a positive constantδ, such that
Re{λi,1},Re{λi,2},Re{λi,3} ≤ −δ, i≥1. 3.7
In fact, letλμiξ, then
ϕiλ μ3iξ3i Aiμ2iξ2i BiμiξCi ϕ)iξ . 3.8 Sinceμi → ∞asi → ∞, it follows that
ilim→ ∞
) ϕiξ
μ3i ξ3 d1d2d3 ξ2 d1d2d2d3d1d3 ξd1d2d3ϕξ .) 3.9
Clearly, ϕξ ) has the three roots−d1,−d2,−d3. Letd min{d1, d2, d3}. By continuity, there existsi0such that the three rootsξi1, ξi2, ξi3ofϕ)iξ 0 satisfy
Re{ξi1},Re{ξi2},Re{ξi3} ≤ −d
2, i≥i0. 3.10 Let −δ) max0≤i≤i0{Re{λi1},Re{λi2},Re{λi3}}, then δ >) 0. Let δ min{δ, d/2}, then) 3.7 holds. According to30, Theorem 5.1.1, we have the locally asymptotically stability ofE∗.
ii The linearization of1.4 isUtLUatE1, whereLDΔ FUE1 DΔ {aij}, and
a11 −a−2bm0−3cm20, a12β, a13 − m20 1m20, a21 1, a22−1, a230,
a310, a320, a33 −k αm20 1m20.
The characteristic equation of−μiDFUE1 isϕiλ λ3Aiλ2BiλCi0, where Aiμid1d2d3 −a11−a331,
μid11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11 a11a33−a33−
a11β ,
a11β a33
a11β , HiAiBi−CiP3μ3i P2μ2i P1μiP0,
P3 d1d2 d1d2d1d3d2d3 d23d1d2 ,
P2 d1d2d3 d11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11
−a11d1d2d3 d2d1d3 −a33d3d1d2 , P1 d1
−d2 a11β
−a11a33−1 d11−a33 −d2a11a33 d31−a11 , P0 a11a33
a11β .
The three roots ofϕiλ 0 all have negative real parts fora11β <0 anda33<0. Namely,E1
is the locally asymptotically stable, ifm20α−k < kandm0>
b23cβ−a −b /3c.
iii The linearization of1.3 isUtLUatE0, whereLDΔ FUE0 DΔ {aij}, and
a11 −a, a12 β, a130, a21 1, a22−1, a230, a310, a32 0, a33−k.
Similar toi ,E1is locally asymptotically stable, whenβ < a.
Remark 3.4. When c 0, denote E0 0,0,0 . If β > a, then 1.3 has the semitrivial equilibrium pointE1 m0, m0,0 , wherem0 β−a /b. Ifα > k, β > a, kb2<α−k β−a 2<
27b2α−k , then1.3 has a unique positive equilibrium pointE∗ u∗, v∗, w∗ . Similar as Theorem 3.3, we have the following.
i Ifβ > a,α > k, and kb2 < α−k β−a 2 < 27b2α−k namely,α > k,β > a, k/α−k <β−a /b <3√
3 , thenE∗is locally asymptotically stable.
ii Ifβ > aandα−k β−a 2< kb2, thenE1is locally asymptotically stable.
iii Ifβ < a, thenE0is locally asymptotically stable.
Before discussing the global stability, we give an important lemma which has been proved in31, Lemma 4.1or in32, Lemma 2.5.3.
Lemma 3.5. Leta, b be positive constants. Assume that φ, ψ ∈ C1a,∞ ,ψt ≥ 0, and φ is bounded from below. Ifφt ≤ −bψt andψt ≤ K∀t≥ a for some positive constantK, then limt→ ∞ψt 0.
Theorem 3.6. i Assume that2.1 ,
β−a−bu∗ 22√
1u∗2 >
u∗21u∗2 8u∗21 2 1
8, γ
α> 1 2,
hold, then the equilibrium pointE∗of system1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
ii Assume thatβ > a, m20α−k < k, and
b23cβ−a −b /3c < m0 <2k/αhold, then the equilibrium pointE1of system1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
iii Assume thatβ < aand k > αhold, then the equilibrium point E0 of system1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
Proof. Let u, v, w be the unique positive solution of 1.3 . ByTheorem 3.1, there exists a positive constant C which is independent ofx∈ Ωandt ≥ 0 such thatu·, t ∞,v·, t ∞, w·, t ∞≤C, fort≥0. By33, TheoremA2,
u·, t C2αΩ ,v·, t C2αΩ ,w·, t C2αΩ ≤C, ∀t≥t0,∀t0>0. 3.15
i Define the Lyapunov function
u−u∗−u∗ln u u∗
v−v∗−v∗ln v v∗
dx 1
w−w∗−w∗ln w w∗
ByTheorem 3.1,Et t >0 is defined well for all solutions of1.3 with the initial functions u0, v0, w0≥/≡ 0. It is easily see thatEt ≥0 andEt 0 if and only ifuu∗.
Calculating the derivative ofEt along positive solution of1.3 by integration by parts and the Cauchy inequality, we have
Et −
u2 |∇u|2βd2v∗
v2 |∇v|2d3w∗ αw2|∇w|2
u−u∗ f1u, v, w
u βv−v∗ f2u, v, w
v 1
αw−w∗ f3u, v, w w
≤ −
Ωu−u∗ 2
bcucu∗ w∗1−u∗u
1u∗2 1u2 − u2
21u2 2 − uu∗ 2 21u∗2 21u2 2 uuu∗
1u∗2 1u2 2
dx−γ α−1
Ωw−w∗ 2dx.
It is not hard to verify that
Et ≤ −l1
Ωu−u∗ 2dx−l3
Ωw−w∗ 2dx, 3.18 if3.14 hold. ApplyingLemma 3.5, we can obtain
t→ ∞lim
Ωu−u∗ 2dx0, lim
t→ ∞
Ωw−w∗ 2dx0. 3.19
RecomputingEt , we find Et ≤ −
u2 |∇u|2βd2v∗
v2 |∇v|2d3w∗ αw2 |∇w|2
≤ −C
dx−gt .
From3.15 , we can see thatgt is bounded int0,∞ ,t0>0. It follows fromLemma 3.5and 3.15 thatgt → 0 ast → ∞. Namely,
t→ ∞lim
dx0. 3.21
Using the Pioncar´e inequality, we have
t→ ∞lim
Ωu−u 2dx lim
t→ ∞
Ωv−v 2dx lim
t→ ∞
Ωw−w 2dx0, 3.22 whereut 1/|Ω| +
Ωudx, vt 1/|Ω| +
Ωvdx, wt 1/|Ω| +
Ωw dx.Noting that
|Ω||ut −u∗|2
Ωu−u∗ 2dx≤2
Ωu−u 2dx2
Ωu−u∗ 2dx,
|Ω||wt −w∗|2
Ωw−w∗ 2dx≤2
Ωw−w 2dx2
Ωw−w∗ 2dx,
according to3.19 and3.22 , we can see
ut → u∗, wt → w∗ t → ∞ . 3.24 Thus, there exists{tm}, utm → 0 astm → ∞. Applying the boundness of{vtm }, there exists a subsequence of{vtm }, denoted still by{vtm }, such thatvtm → v., On the one hand
Ωutdx-- --tm
|Ω|utm −→0, tm−→ ∞. 3.25
On the other hand
Ωutdx-- --tm
d1Δuf1u, v, w dx--
Ωf1u, v, w dx-- --tm
$βv−v∗ −
abuu∗ c
u−u∗ −duw−w∗ % dx--
. 3.26
According to3.19 to compute the limit of the previous equation and using the uniqueness of the limit, we havev,v∗, and
tmlim→ ∞vtm v∗. 3.27
It follows from 3.15 that there exists a subsequence of {tm}, denoted still by {tm}, and nonnegative functionsgi ∈C2Ω , i1,2,3, such that
u·, tm −→g1· , v·, tm −→g2· , w·, tm −→g3· inC2 Ω
. 3.28
Applying3.19 –3.27 , we obtain thatg1u∗, g2 v∗, g3w∗, and u·, tm −→u∗, v·, tm −→v∗, w·, tm −→w∗ inC2
. 3.29
In view ofTheorem 3.3, we can conclude thatE∗is globally asymptotically stable.
ii Let
u−m0−m0ln u m0
v−m0−m0ln v m0
dx 1
Ωwdx. 3.30 Then
Et −m0
u2|∇u|2βd2 v2|∇v|2
u−u∗ f1u, v, w
u βv−v∗ f2u, v, w
v 1
αf3u, v, w
≤ −
β m0
uu−m0 − u
bcucm0 u−m0 2 γ αw2−w
m0u 1u2 −k
Therefore,Et ≤ −bcm0 +
Ωu−m0 2dx−γ α +
Ωw2dx.It follows that the equilibrium point E1of1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
iii Define
Et 1 2
dx. 3.32
Et −
d1|∇u|2βd2|∇v|2d3|∇w|2 dx
uf1u, v, w βvf2u, v, w wf3u, v, w dx.
Whena > β, k > α,
Et ≤ −
au2βv2 k−α w2%
dx. 3.34
The following proof is similar toi .
Remark 3.7. Whenc0,Theorem 3.6shows the following.
i Assume thatβ > a, α > k,
k/α−k <β−a /b <3√ 3,
β−a−bu∗ 22√
1u∗2 >
8u∗21 2 1 8, γ
α > 1
2, 3.35
hold, then the equilibrium pointE∗of1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
ii Assume thatβ > aand b2k/β−a > max{α−k β−a , bα/2}hold, then the equilibrium pointE1of1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
iii Assume thatβ < aandk > αhold, then the equilibrium pointE0of1.3 is globally asymptotically stable.
Example 3.8. Consider the following system:
12X12, x∈Ω, t >0, X2t−D2ΔX21.4X1−X2, x∈Ω, t >0,
2X23X3 2X21
12X12, x∈Ω, t >0,
∂ηXi0, i1,2,3, x∈∂Ω, t >0, Xix,0 Xi0x ≥0, i1,2,3, x∈Ω.
Using the software Matlab, one can obtainu∗v∗1.1274,w∗0.1199. It is easy to see that the previous system satisfies the all conditions ofTheorem 3.6i . So the positive equilibrium point0.5637,0.5637,0.1199 of the previous system is globally asymptotically stable.
4. Global Existence and Stability of Solutions for the System 1.4
By34–36, we have the following result.
Theorem 4.1. Ifu0, v0, w0 ∈Wp1Ω , p > n, then1.4 has a unique nonnegative solutionu, v, w∈ C0, T , Wp1Ω
C∞0, T , C∞Ω , whereT ≤∞is the maximal existence time of the solution.
If the solutionu, v, w satisfies the estimate
u·, t Wp1Ω ,v·, t Wp1Ω ,w·, t Wp1Ω : 0< t < T(
<∞, 4.1
thenT ∞. If, in addition,u0, v0, w0∈Wp2Ω , thenu, v, w∈C0,∞ , Wp2Ω .
In this section, we consider the existence and the convergence of global solutions to the system1.4 .
Theorem 4.2. Let α11, α22 > 0 and the space dimension n < 6. Suppose that u0, v0, w0 ∈ C2λΩ 0 < λ < 1 are nonnegative functions and satisfy zero Neumann boundary conditions.
Then1.4 has a unique nonnegative solutionu, v, w∈C2λ,1λ/2Ω×0,∞ . In order to proveTheorem 4.2, some preparations are collected firstly.
Lemma 4.3. Letu, v, w be a solution of 1.4 . Then
u, v≥0, 0≤w≤M1, in QT≡Ω×0, T , sup
u·, t L1Ω ,sup
v·, t L1Ω ≤C1T , uL2QT ,vL2QT ≤C2T ,
whereM1max{α/γ,w0L∞Ω }.
Proof. From the maximum principle for parabolic equations, it is not hard to verify that u, v, w≥0 andwis bounded.
Multiplying the second equation of1.4 byaβ , adding up the first equation of 1.4 , and integrating the result overΩ, we obtain
d dt
u aβ
dx≤ −a
Ωv dx
dx. 4.3
Using Young inequality and H ¨older inequality, we have
dx≤C2,1− a aβ
Ωu dx, 4.4
whereC2,1 1/4b βa/aβ 2|Ω|.It follows from4.3 and4.4 that d
u aβ
dx≤C2,1− a aβ
u aβ
dx. 4.5
u·, t L1Ω ,v·, t L1Ω ≤C2,2, 4.6 whereC2,2depends onv0L1Ω ,u0L1Ω and coefficients of1.4 . In addition, there exists a positive constantC1T , such that
u·, t L1Ω ,sup
v·, t L1Ω ≤C1T . 4.7
Integrating the first equation of1.4 overΩ, we have d
Ωu dx≤β
Ωv dx−b
Ωu2dx. 4.8
Integrating4.8 from 0 toT, we have
Ωux, T dx−
Ωux,0 dx≤β
Ωv dx dt−b
Ωu2dx dt. 4.9 According to4.7 , there exists a positive constantC2T , such that
uL2QT ≤C2T . 4.10 Multiplying the second equation of1.4 byvand integrating it overΩ, we obtain
1 2
d dt
Ωd22α22v |∇v|2dx
uv−v2 dx
≤ 1 2
Ωu2dx− 1 2
Integrating the previous inequation from 0 toT, we have
vL2QT ≤C2T . 4.12
Lemma 4.4. Letu, v, w be a solution of1.4 ,w1 d3α33w w, andτ < T. Then there exists a positive constantC3τ depending onw0W1
2Ω andw0L∞Ω , such that w1W2,1
2 Qτ ≤C3τ . 4.13 Furthermore∇w1∈V2Qτ and∇w1∈L2n2 /nQτ .