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An inductive approach to Coxeter arrangements and Solomon’s descent algebra


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DOI 10.1007/s10801-011-0301-9

An inductive approach to Coxeter arrangements and Solomon’s descent algebra

J. Matthew Douglass·Götz Pfeiffer· Gerhard Röhrle

Received: 4 April 2011 / Accepted: 13 June 2011 / Published online: 20 July 2011

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2011

Abstract In our recent paper (Douglass et al.arXiv:1101.2075(2011)), we claimed that both the group algebra of a finite Coxeter groupWas well as the Orlik–Solomon algebra ofW can be decomposed into a sum of induced one-dimensional represen- tations of centralizers, one for each conjugacy class of elements ofW, and gave a uniform proof of this claim for symmetric groups. In this note, we outline an in- ductive approach to our conjecture. As an application of this method, we prove the inductive version of the conjecture for finite Coxeter groups of rank up to 2.

Keywords Coxeter groups·Reflection arrangements·Descent algebra·Dihedral groups

1 Introduction

LetWbe a finite Coxeter group, generated by a setSof simple reflections. If|S| =r, thenWacts as a reflection group on Euclideanr-spaceV. The reflection arrangement ofW is the hyperplane arrangement consisting of the reflecting hyperplanes inV of all the reflections inW. The Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W )ofW is the cohomology

J.M. Douglass

Department of Mathematics, University of North Texas, Denton, TX 76203, USA e-mail:douglass@unt.edu

G. Pfeiffer

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, National University of Ireland, Galway, University Road, Galway, Ireland

e-mail:goetz.pfeiffer@nuigalway.ie G. Röhrle (


Fakultät für Mathematik, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, 44780 Bochum, Germany e-mail:gerhard.roehrle@rub.de


ring of the complement of the complexified reflection arrangement. It follows from a result of Brieskorn [3] that the algebraA(W )is aW-module of dimension|W|. For some history of the computation ofA(W )as aW-module, see the introduction of our recent paper [4].

In [4], we claimed that both the group algebra CW of W (affording the regular characterρW) as well as the Orlik–Solomon algebra A(W ) (affording the Orlik–

Solomon characterωW) can be decomposed into a sum of induced one-dimensional representations of centralizers, one for each conjugacy class of elements ofW, in the following interlaced way.

Conjecture A LetRbe a set of representatives of the conjugacy classes ofW. Then, for eachwR, there are linear charactersϕwandψw ofCW(w)such that




W(w)ϕw, ωW=




are sums of induced linear characters. Moreover, for eachwR, the charactersϕw andψwcan be chosen so that


whereis the sign character ofW, andαw is the determinant on the 1-eigenspace ofw.

WhenWis a symmetric group, the formula forρW has been proved independently by Bergeron, Bergeron, and Garsia [1], Hanlon [6], and Schocker [14]. The formula forωWfollows from work of Lehrer and Solomon [9], who also checked the identity forωWin the case of a dihedral groupW. Conjecture 2.1 in [4] is a graded refinement of ConjectureAand the main result in [4] is a uniform proof of this refined conjecture for symmetric groups.

The details of the proof of Conjecture 2.1 in [4] for symmetric groups rely on properties of these groups not shared by other finite Coxeter groups. However, the underlying strategy of the proof using induced characters both generalizes and admits a “relative” version, for pairs (W, WL), where WL is a parabolic subgroup of W. In Sect.4, we formalize this notion in ConjectureC, show how it leads to a proof of Conjecture A, and describe a two-step procedure that can be used to prove this relative conjecture. Prior to that, in Sects.2and3we review some notation and basic facts about the descent algebraΣ (W )and the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W ). In the final section, we apply the methods from Sect.4and prove ConjectureCfor all pairs (W, WL)whereW is arbitrary and WLhas rank at most 2. As a consequence, we deduce that Conjecture Aholds for Coxeter groups of rank 2 or less.

2 Minimal length transversals of parabolic subgroups

The descent algebra of a finite Coxeter groupW encodes many aspects of the com- binatorics of the minimal length coset representatives of the standard parabolic sub- groups ofW. In this section, we provide notation and summarize useful properties of these distinguished coset representatives following Pfeiffer [12].


ForJS, let


wW: (sw) > (w)for allsJ .

ThenXJ is a right transversal of the parabolic subgroupWJ= JofW, consisting of the unique elements of minimal length in their cosets. If we set




then, by Solomon’s Theorem [15], the subspace Σ (W )= xJ :JSC

is a 2r-dimensional subalgebra of the group algebraCW, called the descent algebra ofW.

ForJS, denote


xXJ :JxS .

The action ofWon itself by conjugation partitions the power set ofSinto equivalence classes ofW-conjugate subsets. We call the class

[J] =

Jx:xXJ of a subsetJSthe shape ofJ, and denote by


[J] :JS

the set of shapes ofW. The shapes parametrize the conjugacy classes of parabolic subgroups ofW, since two subsetsJ, KS are conjugate if and only if the corre- sponding parabolic subgroupsWJ andWK are conjugate. We say that a parabolic subgroup ofW has shape[J]if it is conjugate toWJ inW.

Furthermore, forJS, we define NJ =

xXJ:Jx=J .

ThenNJ is a subgroup ofW and by results of Howlett [7], the normalizer ofWJ in Wis a semi-direct productNW(WJ)=WJNJ.

An elementwWis called cuspidal in casewhas no fixed points in the reflection representation ofW. Thus, forJS, an elementwWJis cuspidal in the parabolic subgroupWJ ifwhas no fixed points in the orthogonal complement of Fix(WJ)inV, where Fix(WJ)is the fixed point subspace ofWJ inV. Ifw is a cuspidal element inWJ, then the quotientCW(w)/CWJ(w)is isomorphic toNJ (see [8]).

We consider the characterαJ ofNW(WJ), defined, forwNW(WJ), as αJ(w)=det(w|Fix(WJ)).

Note thatWJ is contained in the kernel ofαJ and soαJ(un)=αJ(n) foruWJ, nNJ.


Lemma 2.1 LetJS. For nNJ denote by σJ(n) the sign of the permutation induced onJby conjugation withn. Then

σJ(n)=(n)αJ(n), for allnNJ.

Proof Denote byVJ the orthogonal complement of Fix(WJ)inV. ThenVJ affords the reflection representation of the parabolic subgroupWJ, and the decomposition V =VJ⊕Fix(WJ)isNW(WJ)-stable. FornNJ, the matrix ofnonVJ is equiv- alent to the permutation matrix of the conjugation action ofnonJ and thus has de- terminantσJ(n). The matrix ofnon Fix(WJ)has determinantαJ(n), by definition.

Consequently, the determinant ofnonV is(n)=σJ(n)αJ(n).

Pfeiffer and Röhrle [13] callWJ a bulky parabolic subgroup ofW ifNW(WJ)is isomorphic to the direct productWJ ×NJ, or equivalently, if NJ centralizesWJ. Notice thatWJ is bulky wheneverWJ is a self-normalizing subgroup ofW. Suppose WJ is bulky inW. Then σJ(n)=1 for all nNJ. Consequently, for uWJ and nNJ, we have

(un)αJ(un)=(u). (2.2)

Thus, the characterαJ =J×1NJ ofNW(WJ)=WJ×NJ is the trivial extension of the sign character ofWJ.

Here and in the remainder of the paper, we denote the restrictions of the trivial and the sign character ofW to a subgroupU ofW by 1U andU, respectively, or by 1J andJ, ifU=WJ for someJS. If no confusion can arise, we denote the restrictions of the characters 1S andS ofW to any of its subgroups simply by 1 and, respectively.

Following Bergeron et al. [2], we decomposeΣ (W )into projective indecompos- able modules, using a basis of quasi-idempotents, that naturally arise as follows. For L, KS, we define


|XKXL|, ifLK,

0, otherwise.

Then(mKL)K,LSis an invertible matrix, and consequently, there is a basis(eL)LS

ofΣ (W )such that




forKS. Define, forλΛ, elements eλ=



Then{eλ:λΛ}is a set of primitive, pairwise orthogonal idempotents inΣ (W ). In particular,




Thus, if we set

Eλ=eλCW, then



Eλ (2.3)

is a decomposition of the group algebra into right ideals. We call the right idealE[S]

the top component ofCW.

ForλΛ, denote by Φλ the character of the W-moduleEλ. Furthermore, for LS, denote byΦLthe character of the top component of the group algebraCWL. Notice that forλ= [L],Φ[L]is a character ofW whereasΦLis a character ofWL. IfL=S, thenWL=W andΦ[S]=ΦS. In general, the charactersΦ[L]andΦLare related in the following way.

Proposition 2.4 [4, Corollary 3.13] LetLS. Then the characterΦLofWLextends to a characterΦLof the normalizerNW(WL)=WLNLsuch that



Remark 2.5 IfWLis a bulky parabolic subgroup ofW, then, by [4, Lemma 3.7]ΦL is the characterΦL×1NLofNW(WL)=WL×NLand soΦ[L]=IndWW

L×NLL× 1NL).

3 The reflection arrangement and the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W )

A finite Coxeter group of rankr acts as a reflection group on Euclidean spaceRr. Here it is convenient to regard this as an action on the complex spaceVC=Cr. Let

T =

sw:sS, wW

be the set of reflections ofW. FortT, denote byHt the reflecting hyperplane of t, i.e., the 1-eigenspace of t. The set of hyperplanesA= {Ht :tT}is called the reflection arrangement ofW; for details see [11, Chap. 6]. Examples of (the real part of) reflection arrangements in dimension 2 are shown in Figs.1and2.

The lattice ofAis the set of all possible intersections of hyperplanes L(A)= {Ht1∩ · · · ∩Htp:t1, . . . , tpT}.

ForXL(A), the pointwise stabilizer

WX= {wW:x.w=xfor allxX}

is a parabolic subgroup ofW. We define the shape sh(X)ofXto be the shape ofWX, i.e., sh(X)= [L] ∈ΛifWXis conjugate toWLinWfor someLS. The groupW acts onT by conjugation and theW-action onT induces actions of W onAand


Fig. 1 Hyperplane arrangements of typeI2(m),m=3,5,7,9

Fig. 2 Hyperplane arrangements of typeI2(m),m=4,6,8,10

L(A). Orlik and Solomon [10] have shown that the normalizer ofWX inW is the setwise stabilizer ofXinW, that is,

NW(WX)= {wW:X.w=X}.

Consequently, the orbits ofW on the latticeL(A)are parametrized by the shapes of W. We denote byαX:NW(WX)→Cthe linear character ofNW(WX)defined by


for wNW(WX). Then, for wW, we have αw =αX, where X=Fix(w), the fixed point subspace of w in V. Moreover, for LS, we have αL=αX, where X=Fix(WL).

The Orlik–Solomon algebra ofW is the associativeC-algebraA(W ), generated as an algebra by elementsat,tT, subject to the relations

atat = −atat for allt, tT, and

p i=1

(−1)iat1· · ·ati−1atiati+1· · ·atp=0,

where the hat denotes omission, whenever{Ht1, . . . , Htp}is linearly dependent. The action ofW on the hyperplanes extends to an action onA(W )via



fortT,wW. The algebraA(W )is a skew-commutative, graded algebra A(W )=



where the degreepsubspaceApis spanned by those monomialsat1· · ·atpinA(W ) with dimHt1. . .Htp=rp. Clearly,Ap=0 forp > r. We call Ar the top component ofA(W ). We need a refinement of this decomposition, due to Brieskorn [3]. For a subspaceXL(A)of codimensionp, define a subspace

AX= at1· · ·atp:Ht1. . .Htp=X

ofA(W ). ThenA{0}=Aris the top component ofA(W ). Note thatAXis an embed- ding of the top component ofA(WX)intoA(W ). ForwW, we haveAX.w=AX.w and soAXis anNW(WX)-stable subspace.

We have

A(W )=



and if we set




forλΛ, then

A(W )=



is a decomposition ofA(W )intoW-modulesAλ. Note thatA[S]=A{0} is the top component ofA(W ).

ForλΛ, denote byΨλthe character of the componentAλof the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W ). Furthermore, forLS, denote byΨLthe character of the top com- ponent of the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(WL)of the parabolic subgroupWL ofW. Notice that forλ= [L],Ψ[L] is a character ofW whereasΨLis a character ofWL. IfL=S, thenΨ[S]=ΨS. In general, the charactersΨ[L] andΨL are related in the following way, analogous to Proposition2.4.

Proposition 3.1 [9, §2] LetLS. Then the characterΨLofWLextends to a char- acterΨLof the normalizerNW(WL)=WLNLsuch that



Remark 3.2 Suppose that WL is a bulky parabolic subgroup of W and set X= Fix(WL). If codimX=p and t1, . . . , tp are in T withX=Ht1 ∩ · · · ∩Htp, then t1, . . . , tp are in WL and so, since NL centralizes WL, we have at1· · ·atp.n= atn

1 · · ·atpn=at1· · ·atp, fornNL. Thus,ΨLis the characterΨL×1NLofNW(WL)= WL×NLand soΨ[L]=IndWW



4 The inductive strategy

Before stating our relative Conjecture C, we briefly review the proof of Conjec- ture 2.1 in [4] and describe how it leads to a proof of ConjectureA. We first showed that the characters of the top components ofCWandA(W )are related as described in the following conjecture which makes sense for any finite Coxeter group. To this end, letCbe the set of cuspidal conjugacy classes ofWand, forLS, letCLdenote the set of cuspidal conjugacy classes inWL. For a classCinCorCL, we denote by wCCa fixed representative.

Conjecture B For each classCC, there exist linear charactersϕwC andψwC of the centralizerCW(wC)such that the following hold:

(i) ΦS= C∈CIndWC

W(wC)ϕwC; (ii) ΨS= C∈CIndWC

W(wC)ψwC; (iii) ψwC=ϕwCfor allCC.

Remark 4.1 If it is known thatΨS=ΦSS, then choosingψwC orϕwC in such a way thatψwC=ϕwC, we have that part (iii) in the above ConjectureBholds and that (i) and (ii) are equivalent statements.

WhenWis a symmetric group, every parabolic subgroupWLofWis a product of symmetric groups and so ConjectureBholds for the groupWL. Thus, forwCCCL, we obtained linear charactersϕwC andψwC ofCWL(wC)such that the characters ΦLandΨLofWLdecompose as




WL(wC)ϕwC and ΨL=




We know from Propositions2.4and3.1thatΦLandΨLextend to charactersΦLand ΨLofNW(WL). The next step in [4] was to show that eachϕwC andψwC extend to charactersϕwC andψwC ofCW(wC)in such a way that




W(wC)ϕwC and ΨL=



W(wC)ψwC, (4.2) and moreover thatψwC =ϕwCSαL for all CCL. Finally, we applied IndWN


to (4.2) and summed over the set of shapes [L] ∈Λ. Conjecture Athen followed immediately by transitivity of induction.

Motivated by (4.2), we make the following general conjecture.

Conjecture C LetLS. Then, for eachCCL, there exist linear charactersϕwC andψwC ofCW(wC)such that the following hold:

(i) ΦL= C∈CLIndNCW(WL)

W(wC)ϕwC; (ii) ΨL= C∈CLIndNCW(WL)

W(wC)ψwC; (iii) ψwC=ϕwCSαLfor allCCL.


Remark 4.3 If it is known thatΨL=ΦLSαL, then choosing ψwC orϕwC in such a way thatψwC=ϕwCSαL, we have that part (iii) in the above ConjectureCholds and that (i) and (ii) are equivalent statements.

ConjectureBis known to hold in the following cases:

1. Wof typeA(see [4, Theorem 4.1]);

2. Whas rank 2 or less (see Lemmas5.1and5.2, Theorem5.11).

ConjectureCis known to hold in the following cases:

1. Wof typeA; allL(see [4, Theorem 5.2]);

2. Warbitrary;WLis bulky and satisfies ConjectureB(by Theorem4.7);

3. Warbitrary;|L| ≤2 (see Corollary5.3, Theorem5.18).

If ConjectureCholds for allLS, then ConjectureAis true forW.

Theorem 4.4 Suppose that Conjecture Cholds for all subsetsLS. Then for each win a setRof representatives of the conjugacy classes ofW, there are linear char- actersϕw andψwofCW(w)such that

(i) the regular character ofW is given byρW= w∈RIndWC

W(w)ϕw, (ii) the Orlik–Solomon character ofWis given byωW= w∈RIndWC

W(w)ψw, and (iii) ψw=ϕwαw for allwR.

Proof ForLS, letRL be a set of representatives of the classesCL. For a class CCL, denote bywCRL its representative. LetLbe a set of representatives of shapes, soΛ= { [L] |LL}. Then, by [5, Theorem 3.2.12], we may assume without loss that



RL= {wC:CCL, LL}.

Then, by ConjectureCthe equality in (iii) holds. By (2.3) and Proposition2.4, we have











as desired. The formula forωWfollows in the same way.

Notice that in the case whenL=S, ConjectureCis simply a restatement of Con- jectureB. In general, ConjectureCforLSimplies the validity of ConjectureBfor the groupWL, as follows.

Proposition 4.5 Suppose that ConjectureCholds for a subsetLS. Then the re- strictions


WL(wC)ϕwC and ψwC=ResCCW(wC)

WL(wC)ψwC are linear characters that satisfy ConjectureBforWL.


Proof By Mackey’s theorem, we have ResNWW(WL)


W(wC)ϕwC =IndWCL


WL(wC)ϕwC, sinceNW(WL)=WLCW(wC)(see [8]), and therefore,

















The formula forΨLfollows in the same way. The conclusion thatψwC =ϕwCfor

CCLis easily seen to hold.

Remark 4.6 Although Conjecture BforWLformally follows from ConjectureC, as in [4], the charactersϕwC andψwC ofCW(wC)arise in practice as extensions of charactersϕwC andψwC ofCWL(wc)that satisfy ConjectureBforWL. In particular, if ConjectureBis known to hold forWL, then using Remark4.3, to prove Conjec- tureCforLS, it suffices to prove that eachϕwCextends toCW(wC)in such a way that ConjectureC(i) holds and thatΨL=ΦLSαL.

WhenLSis such thatWLis a self-normalizing subgroup ofW(e.g., ifL=S), thenNLis the trivial group and ConjectureBfor the groupWL vacuously implies ConjectureCfor the subset Lin this case. More generally, whenever the comple- mentNLcentralizesWL, i.e., whenWLis bulky inW, ConjectureBforWLimplies ConjectureCforLS, as follows.

Theorem 4.7 Let LS. Suppose that ConjectureB holds for the groupWL and thatWL is a bulky parabolic subgroup ofW. Then ConjectureCholds withϕwC = ϕwC ×1NL andψwC=ψwC×1NLfor each cuspidal classCofWL.

Proof As observed in the remark above, it suffices to show that eachϕwC extends to CW(wC)in such a way that ConjectureC(i) holds and thatΨL=ΦLSαL.

BecauseNL centralizesWL, we have that the centralizerCW(wC)is the direct product ofCWL(wC), and NL and soϕwC is indeed a linear character ofCW(wC) that extendsϕwC. Thanks to Remark2.5,ΦL=ΦL×1NL. Thus, by ConjectureB(i), we have










WL(wC)×NLwC ×1NL)




W(wC)ϕwC. Hence ConjectureC(i) holds.

By Remark3.2, ConjectureB(iii), Lemma2.1, and Remark2.5, we have ΨL=ΨL×1NL=ΦLL×1NLσL=L×1NLL=ΦLSαL,

using the fact thatWL⊆kerαL, whence we are done.

Combining Theorem4.7with the results in [4], we see that ifWLis a product of Coxeter groups of typeAand is a bulky parabolic subgroup ofW, then Conjecture Cholds forLS. For example, if WL is of typeA1×A3 andW is of typeE6, then the charactersϕwC andψwC constructed in [4] satisfy Conjecture Band so, by Theorem4.7, they extend toCW(wC)and Conjecture Cholds. Note, however, that the property of being a bulky parabolic subgroup depends in a fundamental way on the embedding ofWLinW. IfWLis of typeA1×A3andW is of typeE7, thenWL is not bulky and Theorem4.7cannot be applied.

5 ConjecturesA,BandCfor Coxeter groups of rank up to 2

In this section, we show that Conjecture Cholds for LS for anyS as long as

|L| ≤2. Note that because the type of the ambient Coxeter groupWis arbitrary, even for typesA1×A1 andA2Conjecture Cis a stronger statement than is proved in [4] for such parabolic subgroups. The strategy we use is to first prove that Conjec- ture B holds forW when the rank of W is at most 2 and then use the procedure outlined in Remark4.6. Combining Conjecture Cwith Theorem4.7, we conclude that Conjectures A, B, and Call hold in case the rank ofW is at most 2.

The top components of Coxeter groups of rank 0 or 1 almost trivially satisfy Con- jectureB. For later reference, we record this explicitly in the following lemmas.

Lemma 5.1 The top component characters ofW are Φ=1 and Ψ=1. Moreover,Wsatisfies ConjectureBwithϕ1=1andψ1=1.

Lemma 5.2 SupposeW is a Coxeter group of rank 1, generated byS= {s}. Then the top component characters ofW areΦS=SandΨS=1S. Moreover,Wsatisfies ConjectureBwithϕs=S andψs=1S.

Proof In this case, the non-trivial conjugacy class{s}is the unique cuspidal conju- gacy class inW. From the definitions we havee[S]=eS=12(1s)and it follows that


Wacts on the top componentE[S]=e[S]CWwith characterΦ[S]=S. Moreover,W acts trivially on the basis{as}of the top componentA[S]ofA(W ), which therefore affords the trivial character. Thus,Ψ[S]=1S and soΦ[S]=Ψ[S]S. Setϕs =S and ψs=1S. Thenϕsandψs obviously satisfy the conclusions of ConjectureB.

In any finite Coxeter groupW, parabolic subgroups of rank 0 and 1 are always bulky. We may thus conclude from Lemmas5.1and5.2and Theorem4.7that Con- jecture Cholds forLSwith|L| ≤1.

Corollary 5.3 Suppose thatLShas size|L| ≤1. Then ConjectureCholds.

As a consequence of the corollary,W acts trivially on both the componentE[∅]

of the group algebraCW(with characterΦ[∅]=Φ=1S) and the componentA[∅]

of the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W )(with characterΨ[∅]=Ψ=1S), as one can easily establish directly.

Moreover, the degree 1 component ofA(W )is a direct sum of transitive permuta- tion modules, one for each conjugacy class of reflections ofW. This agrees with the description of the degree 1 component ofA(W )as the permutation representation of Won its reflections, that can easily be obtained directly.

Next we consider the case whenW has rank 2. Until further notice, we assume that


s, t:s2=t2=(st )m=1 .

ThenWis a Coxeter group of rank two and is of typeA1×A1, orI2(m)form≥3, with Coxeter generatorsS= {s, t}. For convenience, we regard typeA1×A1as type I2(2), noting that the general results of this section remain true form=2.

To prove ConjectureBforW, we first compute the characterΦS of the top com- ponentE[S]of the group algebraCW, and verify that it is a sum of induced linear characters. Then we compute the characterΨS of the top component A[S] of the Orlik–Solomon algebraA(W )and verify thatΨS =ΦSS. Conjecture Bthen fol- lows as observed in Remark4.1.

As usual, denote byw0the longest element ofW. Furthermore, we define Av(U )= 1




for a subgroup U of W. Recall that Av(U )u=Av(U ) for all uU and that Av(U )CW is the permutation module ofW on the cosets ofU.

Lemma 5.4 eS=Av(w0)−Av(W ).

Proof By Solomon’s theorem [15], the elements

x=1+s+t+st+t s+ · · · +w0, xs=1+t+st+t st+ · · · +w0s, xst =1, xt=1+s+t s+st s+ · · · +w0t form a basis of the descent algebraΣ (W ). Note thatxt+xs=x+1−w0.


ForLKS, the numbersmKL= |XKXL|are easily determined as



2m . . .

m 2 . . m . 2 .

1 1 1 1

⎥⎦, (mKL)1=




2m . . .

14 12 . .

14 . 12 .


2m1212 1



Hence the idempotentseLare (cf. [2]) e= 1

2mx, es=1

2xs−1 4x, est =1−1



2m x, et=1 2xt−1


Fromxt+xs =1+xw0, it follows thates+et =12(1w0), and hence that eS=12(1+w0)e=Av(w0)−Av(W ), as required.

As an immediate consequence we obtain the character of the top component of CW.

Corollary 5.5 TheW-moduleE[S]affords the characterΦS=IndWw

0(1)−1S. Next we identify linear characters of centralizers of cuspidal elements. Note that the groupWconsists ofmreflections andmrotations. Denote the rotation subgroup of W by W+= st. The centralizer of a rotation w is W+, unless w is central inW. The cuspidal classes ofW are exactly the classes of nontrivial rotations, rep- resented by the set{(st )j :j =1, . . . ,m2}, containingw0=(st )m/2 in case mis even. The groupW+is a cyclic group of ordermand it hasmlinear charactersχj, j=0, . . . , m−1, defined by

χj(st )=ζmj

for a primitivemth root of unityζm. In the following arguments, we make frequent use of the fact that the sum of all the nontrivial charactersχj of W+ equals the difference of its regular and its trivial character,

m1 j=1


which obviously follows from mj=01χj=IndW{1}+(1)andχ0=1W+. We distinguish two cases, depending on the parity ofm.

Proposition 5.6 Suppose thatm=2kwithk >0. Let ϕ(st )j=

χ2j, 0< j < k, S, j=k.


Thenϕ(st )j is a linear character ofCW((st )j), forj=1, . . . , k, and k



W((st )j)(st )j)=S+




Proof Note thatCW((st )j)=W+andw0lies in the kernel of the charactersϕ(st )j= χ2j, for allj=1, . . . , k−1. Hence theχ2j can be regarded as a full set of nontrivial irreducible characters of the quotient groupW+/w0, whence their sum kj=11χ2j

equals the difference of its regular and its trivial characters. Thus, as a character of W+, we have




0(1)−1W+. Therefore

S+IndWW+ k1




where the penultimate equality holds because IndWW+(1)=1S+S. Proposition 5.7 Suppose thatm=2k+1 for somek >0. Forj=1, . . . , k, let

ϕ(st )j =χj.

Thenϕ(st )j is a linear character ofCW((st )j), forj=1, . . . , k, and k



W((st )j)(st )j)= k j=1


Proof We haveCW((st )j)=W+and ResWW+(IndWW+j))=χj+χmj for allj= 1, . . . , k. Hence






m1 j=1


=ResWW+ IndWw



It follows that

ΦS= k j=1


since the restrictions of both characters to the subgroupw0ofWalso coincide.



In the special case of a Boolean algebra, the resulting SJB is orthogonal with respect to the standard inner product and, moreover, we can write down an explicit formula for the

We give a Dehn–Nielsen type theorem for the homology cobordism group of homol- ogy cylinders by considering its action on the acyclic closure, which was defined by Levine in [12]

In a well-generated finite complex reflection group, two reflection factorizations of a Coxeter element lie in the same Hurwitz orbit if and only if they share the same multiset

Similarly, an important result of Garsia and Reutenauer characterizes which elements of the group algebra k S n belong to the descent algebra Sol( A n−1 ) in terms of their action

This paper presents an investigation into the mechanics of this specific problem and develops an analytical approach that accounts for the effects of geometrical and material data on

Under this general setup, of an inclusion of a C ∗ -algebra into a von Neumann algebra intertwining automorphism groups, we show that the graphs of the analytic generators, despite

It is worth noting that the above proof shows also that the only non-simple Seifert bred manifolds with non-unique Seifert bration are those with trivial W{decomposition mentioned

Thus no maximal subgroup of G/P has index co-prime to q and since G/P is supersolvable, this gives, by using a well known result of Huppert, that every maximal subgroup of G/P is