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Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place-Names ; 1


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Some Aspects of the PronunciatiOn of English Place_Names(I). Christopher POweH. Part l The discrepancy between orthOgraphy and prOnunciation is a maior prOblem fOr learners Of English. ― that goes without saying。. One particular area. is harder than the rest, and even causes trouble to native speakers sOmetimes.. This is the prOnunciation Qf prOper names, both of people and places.The difficulty here is ana10gous to the nOtOrious one of In both languages, a combinatiOn of factors―. αι θ J(当 て字)in Japanese. ブ. linguistic evolution, historical. consideratiOns, fOlk etymo10gies, even personal taste―. have led tO certain. names being pronounced in a way different frorn that which we wOuld expect frOΠl the 、 vay. they are writteno The problem can be got round in Japanese. by writing the apprOpriateん απα by the side Of the name or(on the telephone) by explaining the relevant. んαaJij by referring to other wOrdso. Thus, the. place where l live is在 鳥甲 pronOunced`Tsurukabuto',and l can shOw this in 、 vriting by putting down theん. απα equivalent つ そ,か ぶ. the phOne by saying ```kabuto' is written. 2二. or explain it Over. Ⅵrith the character for `k5'. in. `]Rokk5'.'' In]Englishe too, we can solve the problenl, rather less efficiently, in sirnilar 、 vayso. A persOn may. stonehaugh, prOnounced `]Fanshalv'。. name is[:fκ n∫ Э:], spelt F―. 、 vrite in a letter ``My name is Feather―. ''. On the telephOne, he will say ``My. E― A― T― H― E― R― S―. T-0-N― E― H― A― U― G― H。. ''.

(2) 84. Names(1). Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place―. In the case of doubt over the pronunciation of personal names, embar― rassment may arise; h7ith place― names embarrassment is less likely than cOnfusion and even serious inconvenience, as in the legend of the English. tourist who spent a long and fruitless tilYle pOring over the road map trying to find his destination in NorfOlk, [:he・ zbor。 ],He. which he had been told was. waS unaware that it was spelt∬ η ρJsbπ γ」. .. It is with English place― names that this paper will deal.Its obieCt iS. tO list and discuss the most conll■ On cases in which the pronunciation of English place_names cannot be deduced from the spelling. done according to criteria which will shortly be presentedo. however,. 1llis will. be. First of all,. I would like to consider two factors which affect the whole. approach to this very complex subieCt:. 1)Even among native speakers, there are many types of pronunciation, and for any given place― name there may be many different pronunciations in use according to the age, education, social class or locality of the user.. Thus, an aged Sussex countryman may refer to Heathfield as[lhefl]; a Geordie coal― miner will call his hometown[njulkasI](accent on the second. syHable): a wen― educated Northumbrian, speaking Received Pronunciation might say[nju:kα :sl], With a standard vowel but still a stress on the second. syllable: an educated member of the middle class elsewhere in England will probably refer to these places as[lhi:Oflold]and[:ntiu:kQ:Sl], StreSS― ing the first. syllable in both cases.. Plainly any study of place―. name. pronunciation must adopt some standard, which may place a greater or lesser emphasis on local usage. 2)A study of pronunciation will be facilitated by taking into account that place― names can be classified according to their elementsi certain. aspects of pronunciation may become more meaningful if they are related tO these elements. A semantic and etymological breakdown of English place― names yields the fo1lowing categories:. 1)Simplex names; these originate frOm a single word or idea and are mainly monosyllabic, though two syllables are sometimes found. Examples.

(3) Christopher PoweH. θ5. are LcJψ ,Tttπ c,CJtt Racん Jttc(the last appears to have two elements but is prObably derived from a single Old English word meaning`a rookery'). 2)Names having only one word(although it may originally have been set. out as more than one)and with tw0 0r more distinct elements of meaning. Thus,N9γ FO′ た,`home of the North people',θ ttby,`the宙 Hage or hOmestead Of Audi',Bθ αaJJθ a,`the beautiful place',AIcω casι Jθ ,力「ccん jttι οЪ `the enclosure んjdc, probably`the marsh ineasuring thirty hides'。 Of Heca's people', PjddJcι lで πι. 3)Names made up of two or more words, which can be sub―. divided as. fOHOws: i)Cases in which there is a basic name,to which is added a description. Of its size,locatiOn,nature or purposeo This may come first(as inゴ. A壼んαπ, Cん jη j`昭 Cん csん am. %男 cん. ん, ル麟γsん Bα Jdο Ъ Cθ Jご スsん b" ι Jc Gjθttj名 は, ル麟γたcι Bο sッ ογι 二万ι j昭 =market)or afterwards(″ jcた んαπ Mα γλθι οη (OE c8ρ Nθ γι ,. BOJs,Cθ Jη θy〃 αιcん ,Cん αγjtt Cγ θssり .Longer instances are Sι γαι /o僣. 鶴ροη スυοЪ Sι ο θη ι んc Woι d,. ". Elγ ι οηzρ Oη. ι んc reα Jd Moθ γs, Ⅳestο π sapeγ. イαγθ ハ .. ii)Names linked with other names denoting ownership or some other οηAbbθ ι connection with peOple:κ Jη gs Lα 露 ′ θγ,4bbess Rθ Jj露 ,Nθ ωι ,Lγ πc 「αttJcν J′ Jθ .There θπ Poγπι Rθ gJs, Szι ι z, Cο πbθ Rα Jθ jgL Sι οんθル. are a great. many of these cases, and as the personal names concerned are frequently of Norman French origin, there is a high incidence of irregular pronunciatiOn.. Hi)Saints' names, either alone or in coniunction with other elements. Examples are Sι fυ cs, Sι θsyι ん, ハイαγνTαν. y γ Lα ωrc,Tc, lλ ι. St.EUπ z`圧 Is,Sι o Jasι. ". γこ スyθ ″Sι. 助 γι οπ Lcθ. .. `%じ. θι んαJ. jη Rο scJ耐 , LJα πγ. iv)Place_names which do not appear to fit intO any other category:. H醐 ,. Cα ια tt FJaり Jc, cγ θss‐ Jη ‐. Иセsι ωαγご 肋 ノ. The names listed above will reΠ lind us that English place― names are derived from Celtic(Aυ οη),Old English(Nο γFo′ た), SCandinavian(θ ttbν ),. French(Bθ ttJJθ π)and later English(」 陥. "casι. ノ θ).This fact has relevance. in a study of prOnunciation; fOr instance, place―. names on the urelsh border. and of Celtic Origin may be pronounced by some English people using phonemes.

(4) Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(I). θ6. nOt fOund in standard English(eo g.LJα ηγοι んαJ as[laen:rool],and the ori_ ginal. pronunciation. of. place―. names of. Norman French. origin may. influence some of the ways they are pronounced today(e.g.Jθ. γυ Jχ as “ patterns may account fOr. [:d53:VOUl, In cornwall, the old Celtic speech― a tendency to stress many names on the second syllable where a different. stress llight be expected from the habits of standard English: [peni W・. 0],Lθ. eJυ cι. “. [l“ ni.vot],Pθ. 」 Pcη ωjι ん. πZαπ {pen:ansl.. ■ e abOve classification is according to semantic and etym01ogical criteria.. A study of the pronunciation of English place_names must cover the same corpus but not necessarily in the same way.. Bearing these points in. Πlind,. let us fOrmulate criteria for listing. problematic pronunciations of English place_names.. Coverage. lllis survey will cover place― names in England within. the. boundaries established by the Local Government Act,1972, according tO which England was divided int0 46 1arge COunty Authorities. These are as fo1lows, with their abbreviations in this paper in brackets:. Avon(Avon). Gloucestershire Bedfordshire(Beds.) (G10s.). LondOn(Lond。 Merseyside(Mer.). Berkshire(Berks.). NorfOlk(Norf。. ). Greater Manchester. Buckinghamshire(Bucks.). (G.Man.). Cambridgeshire(Cambs.) Hampshire(Hants.) Cheshire(Ches.). Hereford 8こ. (N'hants。. Worcester. (N'hum。. ). Cornwall(Corn.). Hertfordshire(Herts。 )North Yorkshire. Cumbria(Cum.). Hllmberside(Hum。. Derbyshire(Derby.). Isle of Wight(IOW) Nottipghamshire. Devonshire(Dev.). Kent(Kent). Dorset(Dor.) Durham(Dure) East Sussex(Eo Sus.). Essex(Ess.). ). (N.Yorks.) (Notts.). Lancashire(Lancs。. Oxfordshire(Oxon。. ). Leicestershire (Leics。. ). Shropshire*. (ShrOpS.). Lincolnshire(Lincse). SOmerSet(Som.). denoted Sa′ ορ in the Act, the county has nOw reverted by pOpular demand to the old English name of Sん γοpsん jγ c(1980).. *(〕 riginally. ). Northumberland. (Here.). Cleveland(Cleve.). ). Northamptonshire. ).

(5) Christopher PoweH. Tyne&Wear. SOuth Yorkshire (S.Yorks。. θ7. West Sussex. (Tyne). ). (Wo Sus。. (W.Yorks.). (War.). (Staffs.). West Midlands. Suffolk(Suff。 ). Surrey(Sur.). (Wo Mid。. As a general guide,. ). West Yorkshire. Warwickshire. Staffordshire. Wiltshire (Wilts.). ). places have been chosen which appear both in the. BBC Prο ηθπηCJη g五 万cι Jο ηαry οF 3Jι Jsん Naπ cs(1971)and Joん πsι θπand Bα cο π's οl Jηcり (1963),though SOme■ ems Jα s ο Rο 配 スι F Gγ cα ιBγ αJイ 3 πJJes ι Jι. have been taken from Eckwall's Cο ηcJsc θzFoγ d DJCι Nαπcs(1960),. the BJzθ. {3じ Jご. ο」 シばJα ,ガ θι. Jθ ,電. γγοF EttJJsん. P′ α cc―. (1972)and relevant volumes. jο of the LbJJcα ι πs OF ι んc EagJJsん PJα cc― Nαπc Sο cJcty.These works are. henceforth abbreviated as BBC Jο ん JJ,BG and EPNS(fo1lowed ηsι ο η Ecん ωα. by the volume number)respectively.The places listed are mainly cities, towns and villages, but there are a few mountains and rivers and a few buildings(colleges, priories, histOric houses, etc.)have also been included。. The list does nOt pretend to be exhaustiveo Names presenting no problems Of pronunciation to the educated native speaker or proficient foreign student. Of English have been left out, except for a few instances where they have been used for contrast. Pα Jη swJcた. Thus fbsι οcん and HOγ. scρ 00J. dO not appear, but ―ωjcた. dOes, as it is an example of a regular pronunciatiOn of. in contrast with cases in which the w is not pronounced. 10calities have had tO be omitted because,. Some smaller. although l feel doubt. about. their pronunciation, they do not figure in the works l have mentioned and l can get nO clear infOrmatiOn about them. Thus DaJcο ιc, near Wells, does not appear,despite my uncertainty whether it is pronounced[― [― kOUt]・. kDt],[―. kOt]Or. A host of tiny places have been left out because,although they. 」 BC as examples of problematic pronunciation,they do not figure appear in正 〕. in the index to Joん ηsι οη and l have been unable to find them mentioned. anywhere else.Thus yoμ. ん[lvЭ tt b・ c BcJθ ι. l10o],. 口 Cturesque though its. appearance and pronunciation may be, is not in any of the lists which fo110w。.

(6) 88. Some Aspects of the PrOnunciation Of English Place_NameslI). Still, the. cOverage is quite large and the would―. be pronouncer (native. Or foreign)will be able to look up the names of a great many places in England, see ho、v they are pronounced, compare these prOnunciations. vith 、. those of other places of the same name,see how the individual elements are. pronounced in other names and, in certain cases, learn sOmething Of the geographical distribution Of certain pronunciations.. Type of Pronunciation Shown. I〕 arlier in this paper l posed the questiOn. of hO、 v to decide the type Of pronunciation to be listed.. fOHow the criterion given by G.M.ヽ. I have elected to. 4iHer in the intrOduction to BBC:. .¨ 。 。 ¨..place names shOuld be prOnounced as they are locally, 、 vith perhaps “ vhere there is a recognized も rare exceptions 、 national' prOnunciation." It is. presupposed, however, that a standard RIP accent is a desirable basis. My airn has therefore been to show the pronunciatiOn of the educated Englishman ア 、 vay 、 hich can be understood by anOther educated referring to a place in a 、. Englishman and still be felt apprOpriate by the so educated,. local. inhabitant.. 、 vell educated, or even not. It represents a comprornise bet、 veen tra―. dition, cOurtesy to local custOnl, intelligibility and socially acceptable diction.. Although my debt is heavy to BBC, Ecた α , BG and EPNS, especiaHy ttヽ. Jノ. the first Of theser l have drawn extensively on my persOnal knowledge of place―. name pronunciation and that of other native speakers knO、 vn to me.. Excellent as are the、 vorks referred to, they have a number of shortcOnlings.. Some of the spellings in BBC may be incorrect,certain of the pronunciations listed there are (as l shall point out)obsolete and some cOnfusion arises fronl the fact that the cOunties. not specified.. ■'here most of the places are situated are. ア 、 here there are several places Of This is unfortunate, for 、. the same name in different cOunties(or even in the same cOunty)they may have different pronunciations.. In my o、. vn listings l have tried to clarify. these cases. Ecん ηαJJ, who is mainly cOncerned ■'ith etymO10gy, does nOt vrong always shOvv unusual prOnunciations and ■7hen he does sO, he may be 、 (as with Cα ιθγんαπ (Sur.)).The BG is not always clear b)'reason of its. * Except where noted, all prOnunciations are to be found in I〕 」 BC..

(7) ChristOpher PoweH. θ9. inconsistent 、 vay of representing pronunciation. 、 vithout phonetic symbols.. EPNS sometilnes gives 10cal prOnunciations but these may not represent mOdern Or educated usageo ln dOubtful cases l have given the variOus fOrms shO、 vn. in the 、 vOrks mentiOned and made appropriate conllnents.. Phonetic Transcription. All the wOrks referred to above use different. systems for shOwing prOnunciatiOn.BBC and EPArS both use the lnternational Phonetic ハLlphabet, but 正〕 BC)emp10ys a version of Gimson's 」. transcription. while EPArs appears to foHOw Danicl Jones. Ecん 節αJJ uses the figured pronunciatiOn of the Cθ ηcJsc θtFOrd DJcι ブ θηαγν.BG, as stated, uses a very. incOnsistent figured prOnunciatiOn of its Own.. I have reduced all these. systems to the broad transcriptiOn given on pages vi tO ix Of GimsOn's Lι. rθ. (1962), which is almOst. ごacι Jθ η ι θ ォ んθPγ θηzηcJα ι Jθ η ο / EQ6yJJsん. identical tO that used by 正〕 BC.. It is as fO1101vs:. Vowels 。E. D as ln dθ. g. l. //. e. //. bθ ご. U. //. “. //. cal. u:. //. “ ごθ. A. //. cap. 3:. //. bjγ d. α. //. Cα γ. 。. //. sJι. Э:. //. sα 復 ,. 池ι ι. んθγ 1ast vO、vel of οι. Diphthongs el as ln. π αγ. Cl u. as ln. a■. //. mν. IO. //. Э1. //. bθ y. ε0. //. ЭU. //. gθ. tJ O. θπι ηCα γ. ι んθJγ. Consonants p,b,t,d,k,nl,n,1,r,f,v,s,Z,h,ヽ v. as customarily used in English.. Otherwise: g as in gθ ι t∫. //. d5. //. l as in Welsh′. rcん cん π′. 」ι iθ. J伽 (voice_. less O. //. ι んが η. ′ ).

(8) Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(1). 9θ. ё. n 0 1. ク. ∫ as in sん πι. ι んθγθ. as in caι θ η (synabic. //. sJη. ク bο ι ι Jθ. J (sメ hbた. ク. 5. 2 ). πθαSπ γθ. //. 1yCS. J). Mah stress L hdた ated by the symboli preceding the stressed syllable and secondary stress by the symbol:。 Fo1lowing the example of BBC, I have. reserved the use of the syllabic. ′and η to Πlidword positions where they. t10mhoult]. ι[:t∫ 工 爾洗ο′ Jcん α remove ambiguiy,eoge Cん ι Jι. Onder of Presentation. Names will be presented in four alphabetically. arranged lists, according to elements. List A will be of final elements(―. BURY,― HAM,― WORTH,etc。 )and. D where these also win hclude some simplex names(eo g.』 れγ ,Hα 電 7oγ ι り figure conll■. only as final elementse. List B will be of initial elements(AC― , CLAV― , HAIGH― , SHOTTIS― etc.)and will include some simplex names(eo g.〃. gん , 0り )where α , A蝋′ jgん. these also figure conllnonly as initial elements Or have not occurred in the previous list.. As the(very few)phoneticalし prOЫ ematic words indた athg size,purpose, 10catiOn,etc.,win be hcluded h one or Other Of these lists(e.g.3oJs), a10ng with any prOblem names resiSting standard classification(like Hα. JJ― J'―. ι ん'― Wο οd), these two lists will effectively cover the cases classi■ ed. semantically above as types l,2,3(i)and 3(iv). List C Will be of place― names incorporating faΠ lily or personal names Or titles of the type classified above in 3(五 θγ Moπ んογzz Sん jρ ιοπ 正確ガJj,電子 ,. CO爾 めc. )(e.g.Lttc RcgJs,助. Rα Jθ jgん. cた Jα. ナ .. List D will be of place― names incorporating the names of saints, classified above in 3(i五 )(e.go Sι gん 引Fθ γbπ γ. ?d. .腕 c麒、 Nθ ωιοπ Ste. as. Cν γcs, ∬。。 sι. .. )。. Names will appear in those lists appropriate for the part or parts of the name presenting difficulty and consequently a certain amount of duplication. is inevitableo Thus Mθ. Jι. οπ M9ω brtt will appear only in List C and Qη. ,.

(9) Christopher PoweH. 9」. in List B, but Cο πらθRα Jθ Jgん will figure in Lists A,B and C,since Cο πbθ. is a name which can be a silnplex,. a first element or a final element,. offering several pronunciation alternatives, and the persOnal name Rα. Jθ Jgん. als0 0ffers variants of prOnunciation. Likewise, IaJs,cad will be found in. is rendered[hal― l in STEAD is realised sometimes as. List A and List B, since the initial element HAL― some names and[ho:1-l in Others,while― [・. Sted]and SOmetimes as[_stttd]. The breakdown into elements, especially in Lists A and B, will be fOund. to fO110w the vagaries of spelling rather than phOnological or etymological criteria. ―AGE. Thus ワ/αηι α んcrsaθ c and BTcaθ c will all appear under θC, Hα ι. h List A,althOugh of qu託 e dlferent derivatbn and prOnunchtbn.. The first, according to Ecん "α. ′ ′is. frOm OE"α ,"ι J27c. bγ οc, `intermittent. stream',the second from OE′ 通θFcrs― ccg, `ridge of the he― goat'and the third, a silnplex, is prObably an Old COrnish saint's―. name.. However, for. the elucidation Of their prOnunciation(respectively, the endings are[― id5], [―. ettd5]and[― ettg]or[4:9])they. can be conveniently grouped under_AGE,. which is where a reader interested in sounds rather than etymologies would be more likely to 100ko BreagC in List A, inspection(■. The same reasoning lies behind the inclusion of. its Origin as a saint's―. name not being apparent from. also comes in Lists B and D for goOd measure).. In each list, every entry starts with the mOre conll■ on ways in which the element under cOnsideratiOn is pronounced,. the mOst irregular fOrms. being left till last. Thus fOr― ASH, Sα J″ αsん [so:1:ta∫ ]COmes first and Pγ J名. 2sん. [l prttnttd5]laSt・. "LttИ. The fOur lists which make up the bulk of this paper, together with my concluding cOnllnents, will be presented in instalinents.. A full bibliography. will appear at the end Of the final installnent. I would like, however, to thank at this stage the variOus people who have sO far provided information to help me.. It seems invidious to mention only a few, nevertheless l am. specially obliged tO my mOther, Mrs N.B.POwe1l of Carshalton, Surrey (for informatiOn on that place_name),to the Rev.Graham Emery(for data.

(10) SOme Aspects of the PrOnunciation of English Place―. 92. On place―. Names(1). names h Staffordshire,Northumberhnd and elsewhere),to Mr. Edward Light(for details of place―. names chiefly in the West Country),. tO Mr Edward Costigan(for ad宙 ce on place― names in Cornwall)and to Miss Yo Morita of the British Council Kyoto Centre for finding me reference books and helping me look for the locations of 4′. んθγp and スυJsん Oys. ι. With. all this help from books and people, any rnistakes lurking in this paper are acknowledged as my own responsibility.. List A Final Elemen簑 3 and Simplex Names which May Appear as Final. Elements. This is[e・ kO]in Acγ c(Norf。 )and Lο ηg Acγ θ(the street. ―ACtt. in London)(neither in BBC)and in the final in Bcη αcγ θ ι c (Shrops.), [ibene.kЭ ] (Suff。 ), but [― OkЭ ] in Gα αC?‐ Gα ι θαcγ θ (Mer.),both[ig“ tOkЭ ],L Jη αCrc(Cambse). ―AGE. The commonest form appears to be[― ェd5]as in И/。 αgc Grθ θバ Kent) J′. and. ι c(Oxon。 )Other realtatbns are found in Hα ― “ “ tん ε γsage(Derby.)[l httё OSe■ d5],Bγ θagθ (COrn.)[ibre.g]or[ibri℃ ] ″. and ttηcagc(COrn.)[mェ. :nig]Or[m.:ne19].. ―AGERス Jsり θγ (Ches。 )[al:Se.d5el or[lalSOd60]. ―AKE. Sα υcγ mた c(Wilts.)[:sa VOn“ k]. Hα Jπ ttθ γ (We Sus。 )[ih"nOkO]・ (`half an acre') ―AL Gο 側にγsα J(W.Yorks.)[:gbmOSI],WJγ γαJ I Mer。 )[lwlr。 1].. ―AKER. ―ALL. BBC indicates two common pronunciations:[― )l]and[-1]. The first is found in 30ι んαπsα J′ (Notts。 )[lbD6oms。 :l]and EccJcsα. Jノ. (S.Yorks)[:eklzal]the second in Bα Jsα JJ(W.Mid.)[!balsl]Cα mp― sα JJ(Staffs.)[inousl]. sα JJ(N.Yorks.), Cγ z,dJJ(Hants。 ), Gη ο ″αJsα JJ(W.Mid.)is. g市 en as[:walsl,:予 alsal]or[IWasl].(See. alsO ―HALL) ―AM. Usually[― om]: Abγ απ (G.Man.)[iaebrom], Spttθ. ttα π. (Cumb.). Jα π(N'hum.)[lwa・ 10m].In the case of― IAM, [spe・ d:aedom],Mイ ν.

(11) Christopher Powen. 93. the villages Of BOdた 聯π αηJノ Ⅵ)γ ι んたりπ(Eo Sus.)are g市 as[ibo ud・ om,:bDd■ Om〕 and[:no:ё ・ om].Ecん. "α. en by BBC. JJ and EPNS(Ⅶ )g市 e. the first as[:bDd50m]and the second as[!no:d5om]. ―ARD. seems generally tO be[― od].BBC giVes Barπ γd Casι Jc(Dur.) [:bα. nod],ル γγ. Jα. rd(Hants。 )[:her.od]and ttdJα γd Pαγた (Wilts.). Nothing L said about the prOnunciatiOn of Rdyα γ J Lttθ. [:1・ d・ od]。. (Staffs.),however, and in 宙ew of the fact that many people pronounce the name Of Rudyard Kipling(who Was named after the lake)as[irAdjα 硼,it is possible that the place― name also has this pronunciatiOn in some idiolects.. ―ARGH A Lancashire elemOnt, pronounced[― o]in 3γ θι gん o′ ι [ibreね αγ ι lhoult]Gο 「 jπ sα γ gん gん znЭ sno](BBCl,[:9じ οsmγ [:9■ JJり ,Gγ ]f ECん "α. [:gr・ mz。. ―ASH. ](Ecλ. "α. JJ;nOt in BBCl.. As a simplex tllis is[:“ ∫](Joん πsι οπg市 esス sん as the name of two. 10calities in Kent, two in Somerset and one in Surrey).As a final element,the same pronunciation is found in Sα. and″ αγsα sん. Jι. αsん [so:lt:"∫ ]. ,:wa,残 ∫],(note dlferhg stress)both in [lw asλ ∫. Cornwall,but h Pγ ttηasん (Glos.)we fhd[:prln・ d5],(See dso ―WASH) ―ASK. [_ask]in Mα ι sん (NOrf。 Jα. πand Ecん )(sic in Joん ηsι ο. Jα sた c in BBC). 腕 ι. "α. JJ」. spelt. ―AUGH [_o:]in Pcι ι α lり ん (Suff。 ); BcJα ttgん (Norf.)is giVen in BBC as. [lbilc,ibila,ibilou,lbilu]; IttJα ttL alSO Norf。 , as[:ilα ibi:lou :ba■ lQ:,:ba■ lou].(See also― HAUGH) ―AULT. Hα jmaJι. (Ess。. ][:he.nat].. ― AVON As a simplex and as a final element, usually[elvon]: S,γ 鶴pθ π―■ υοη. RJ2,cγ. ,. (War.),の. αυοη. α ι Ford―. (Wilts。 )[:ApeIVOn]. However, the. 4υ ο η in Deve is[:“ von].. ―BACH [― bat∫ ]in Cο πbθ γbαcん [:kAmbObat∫ ]and S″ dbacん (both Ches.) but note Debacん (Suff.)[:deb・ d5]. ―BEAR(E)[―. b■. o]in 4ν ′ csbeα γ c, Sh3bbθ αγand Rο. cん bcα. γc, all Dev..

(12) 94. Names(I). Some Aspects of the PrOnunciation of English Place―. ―BECH. ― BERGH. ″ Jsbecん (Cambs.)[tWttzbi:t∫ ].. BBC has SαJbθ γgん. JJ only (Cumb。 )[isedborsedb.g]; Ecん ωα gives the first of these.BBC g市 es ttγ υ らcttgん (W.Yorks。. ). [:Ora・ bo,:oralboro].. ―BETH. Lα. ―BIGGIN. rfθ. ―BIT. 衝 泌 cι ん (Lond。 )[:l“ mboO]. "b19gル. BBC g市. E(Cumb。 ,Dur.,N'hum.,not in BBC)[lnju:bェ. eS Cο. (Lincs。. "bjι. gttn].. )[:kAb■ t]; BG rather ambiguously. gives the figured prOnunciation `Coubbit'.. ―BOIS. [ibo・ zl. Otherwise. in c姦雰んαπ BoJs(Bucks。 )[it∫ esom:bO工 Zl。. οJs(N'hum.)[lkamos](BBC also BBC and Ecん ωαJJ g市 e Cα ,州 ♭ g市 es[lkam.s])and(]γ θαιand LJι ι Jc Rttι. ―BORN. [―. bο Js(Ess。. )[lhDb工 S].. bon]in H。 ′ π (Lond。 )[:houbon]。 r[lhoulbon]. bθ γ. ―BOROUGH This very conll■ on English element exists as a silnplex in the ん γtt ι んθttγοη ん [:bArO].As old popular name for Sο πι "α. final element it normally has twO weak vowels: [― Jけ. ι ′ θbο γοlり ん (Norf.), Lο lり んbο γοlη ん (Leics.)[:lAfbOrO],. Stα J′ 初. ―BOURNE. a. bor。 ]in. οagん bο γ. (Lhcs.)[:stcl・ Dboro].. There is hes■ ation cs.) [lkeェ bo:nl,. 質 (Lin― πγ between[―banl and[― b・ n]cめ ο. ybο zγ π Cん πγcん and Cο ω ttπ θ c(Glos。. pbο γ γ 貿 [lhAn■ ban].but Sん Й. b・ n]and (Kent)[!∫ ェ. (Norf.) [:weba n]. BBC giVes F職. 腸らοπγ πc. W. ). ybο π γ θ ηc. (Ess.) as. [ifo:b=n]。 r[:faban]. ―BOW ―BROKE. ttγ ttο "(W.Yorks.)[bQ:nibou]. [― bruk]h Lttbγ οんc(Warw.)(given んc Grο υc(Lond.)and Lttbγ ο. as Lttbγ οοんθby Ecん. Pcπbγ οんc. Yorks.)[:kDnISbOro]Masbγ. gん /bο γ ο2ィ ん。. hス ガbγ οagん (Hum.),Cο ηJsbγ θagん 。1ィん. JJ). Cο JJθ gθ (Oxford).. ―BROUGH An East Midlands and Northern version of bzγ Usually[― bro,― borЭ ]as. "α. (S.. (So YOrks.)[:maezbOro].. Further North the prOnunchtbn t[― brAf]in〃 θπjη bγ ο呼 ん (N.YOrks。. )and Nθ "bγ ο呼 ん. (N'加 π.), but MJttJcsbγ ο呼 ん.

(13) ChristOpher PoweH. 95. (Cleve.)is[― brO]. ―BURGH. 助γ クん―Jc― Mα γsん (Lincs。 ) [ibAr0 10. [:bArO]aS a simpleК lmα. gん Hθ α ι ん (Sur.)(also[:b=]);as a final element ∫],助 年. usually[― bor。 ]: 4″ θbπ γ gん gん (Suff.)[:olbor。 ], Graη JJsb■ 年. (Suff.)[:grAndZbOro],sο. zι. んbzγ gん (Norf.:not in BBC), yar_. (Lincs.).This spelling and pronunciation of the. bargん. element,which is cOgnate with― BOROUGH,are bOth common in the East of Englando. Note the irregular pronunciation of. gん (NOrf.)[:bettbo], which BBC shows as coexisting Bawbπ γ. with the regular[:bo:boro].NOte also Wittj″ [!w・ nfrェ Oinjub■. んハ 彪. "bπ. gん (Don) γ. g].In the NOrth of England― BURGH appears. aS[― brAf]h Bttγ gん ―by― Sα tts(Cum.)and Cα γγαωbπ γ gん Foγ ι. (N'hum.)On the Roman Wall; ■ may be pronOunced this way in Other places as well.(See also Lists B and D。 ―BURY. ). As a simメ ex thお お [:berェ ]:助 γy(G.Man。 ),I]“ γy S'0]m― 例 s(Suff。 ), the first voWel weakens in final elements: bzγ y(Sur.)[lalborェ. ―CAR. ],Vesrbπ γy(Wiltse;nOt. A North― eastern fhal element.[― kα ]h EJsccα γ (Wo YOrks.) πscα γ (N.Yorks.), [ielsttkQ:], Rα υθ. ―CASTER. スJ―. h正 開BC).. Redcα γ(Cleve.). A widely― fOund final element(frOm Latin casι. γα;Cf.― CESTER,. ―CHESTER);usually[― kosto]as in L“ ∝αs,cr(Lancs.),ル ra2_ cα sι. θγ(Cum.,. Tttcα stcγ. nOt in BBC),. ス察,α sι θγ (Lincs。. (N.Yorks.)as[!t“ dk“ sto];. ).BBC g市 es. I suspect the[a]. represents Northern rather than RIP usage and it is certainly conll■. on in local prOnunciations of Northern places with. elemento Ecん. "α. this. JJ indicates that― CASTER is only fOund in the. North and East. ―CASTLE. [kQ:sl]as a simplex and as a final element: note that while. ― Ne"casι Jc― π 夕 dθ γ Lyπ c(Staffs)is stressed[inju:kα :sl],Neη _ cα sι Jc―. η π―Tγ πc(Tyne)is locally stressed on the second ,ο. syllableo BBC g市 es it as[:nju:kα :sl]Or[珂 u:lk“ Sl], in defe―.

(14) 96. SOme. Aspects of the PrOnunciation of Enghsh Place― Names ll) B」BC rather surprisingly. rence to the local broad A.. 3oscα sι Jc(Corn)as eithel。 [:bDSkQ:SI]or[:bDSk“. gives. Sl];the lat―. ter is unexpected so far southe ― CAヽVEN. 30scα ωθη (Corn.)[boslkα uOn].. ―CAY. BJJJθ γJcり (Ess。. ―CESTER. Usualし. [―. )[bllolrlkl].. sto]; スJccsι θγ(War.)[:a lsto],BJccsι θγ(Oxon.). γ (Glos.)[1910Sto], [:bl StO], GJο zcesι θ. ccstcγ (Here。 Wο γ. ). γ (Glos。 )[:saloronsesto]or πcsι θ [:WUsto].BBC has CJγ θ [isIS・. tO]and comments:`The latter,although no bnger commonし. heard, has not entirely disappeared from useo For sOme, it is particularly associated with one of the older spellings, Ciceter。. ―CEUX ―CHAMP. ' BL says that it is locally called[:sa10ron].. 霞 (E.Sus.)[lhlstmonisju:]or[th・ Stmonisu]. sι ttπ θ ルγ om] πρRο dJηθ(Ess。 )[:bi:t∫ om:rЭ UdlD];[― ∫ acん α [― JOm]h Bθ α in Bθ Jcん α mp. ο η (Suff。 θι ι. gives the neighbouring [:bel∫. _CHESTER. )[ibel∫. village. omlDtOn].Curiously, BBC. of. 正確ガcん απp Sι . Pα aJs as. omp].It does nOt list BcJcん απp M/α. Jι. cγ. 。. As a simplex,[lt∫ eStO]: Cた stcγ (Ches.),Cん csι cr― Jθ ―Sι γccι (Dure).As a final element,the usual form is[― t∫ I StO]:Cん Jcん c― lt∫ IstO],Poγ cん csι θ γ(Hants。 sι cγ (Wo Suse,nOt in 3BC)[it∫ ,. nOt h BBC), Gγ [:gr"nt∫. απι cん es,cγ. (Cambs。. )[lgrα nt∫ Isto]Or. IstO], ″ Jπ ttsι cγ (Hants.)[:W Int∫ ・ stO]・. Although. BC)does not state this, in many RP idiolects the realisation 正〕 」 is Cん Jcん es,θ γ [:t∫ It∫ osto]etc.Mmん. cstcγ. (Go Man.)is either. [:m“ nt∫・ StO]Or[:mant∫ esto], the second form showing the. influence of. Northern dialect, even though it may be used by. γ(Cambs.)[:gDdmOntt∫ estO]has the sι θ cん θ RP speakers.Gο dπ αη full value to the vowel on account of stress.The Reve G.EInery. tells me that a pronunciation of archaic origin,[lgAmpstO], may exist. or have existed,. and this is borne out by an earlier. form of the name reCOrded in EPNS(Ⅲ ,p.256)..

(15) ChristOpher PoweH _CHIEF. 13θ. 97. f].(This name,which means`beau― mcん JeF(Derby.)[:bit∫ ェ. tiful hi11 0r headland' of Bθ α cリ. in Norman French, is the same as that. J(E.Sus.)[lht∫ ェ ルα ].). _CHILD. Bの cん jガ. ―CLERE. 3rgん c′ cγ c[:b・ klco], 〃なんcJθ γθ [:hattklco],. (Kent)[lbapttalld]・. κjη scJθ γc. DZklCO],all h Hants。 (only the first is h BBC). EccJcs(G.Man。 )[:eklz], Bcccノ θs(Suff.)[ibeklzl(neither in. [lk・. ―CLES. BBC).. _CLEUGH _CLIFFE. Cα ι cJθ agん Sん jπ. [:katklAf]Or[lk“ klttf],ahin h N'hum. t′. ι― BC lists Tγ θ NOrmally[―klttf]as in上 潟 し(Dor.), but正 開 υんcJ″ γ jscJ,臓 (Kent)as[:trot・ skllf]or[ltrod・ ]. ι. ―CLOUGH. A commOn element Or simplex in the North.Usually[klAf]aS in CJο てヵ (N.Yorks。 ),″ ο れscJο 呼 ん (Staffs,not h BBC。 ). BBC gives θttcη cあ ηん(Lancs。 )as[:oukonklju],[:oukonklα u] or[:oukonklAf].(See also List B.) J」. ―COLN. _COMB(E). ILれ cο れ (Lincs.)[:1ェ Dkon].. [lku:m]as a simplex,[― kem]as a final element.Cθ πbe Dο t嶋 Cο πbe. i聡、. 脆 戒ι οη Cο πbc[:mADktOn. Cο πbc FJο γ θν[lku:m lflo:rェ :ral■. ikum],all in Avon,. ]and Cο πbc Rα Jθ なん [lku:m irα :lェ. ,. ]Or[lro:1・ ], bOth in Devon, and many others exemplify. the simplex form.Cん. jJcο ttb(Hants。. Cん ctι Jscο πbc(Dev.)[:tル. t・. ),Bα Jcο πbc(Wo Sus.),. SkOm]or[:t∫ eskom],7jηcん cο πbc. (Glos.)showthe prOnunchtbn of the element h fhal po― JBC. sition. Only the last three of these are given in 正〕. ―COT(T). kot]in cん αγ′ cο ι ι(ShropS。 ),D〃 cο ι(Oxon。 ),Pγ cscθ ι(Lancs.). [―. (none in BBc). ―COTE. kot]h Cο Jjcο ιc(Herts。 )[lkDd lkot]Cο. [―. [lk Dnd■ kOt], M/Jれ. ccο. ι θ (Oxon.). ι c(Staffs.)[:wilnlkot]or[:wttnkot];. but[― kout]hCん αγJcο ι た (War。 c Pα γ. _COTES. ttJcο. ). CS γcο ι θs(N'hants.)[lbevokouts]and soπ θγcο ι [―kouts]in Bcυ θ (Derby。. )[isAmOkOUts]..

(16) 9θ. Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(1). ―COUGH. kЭ u]in. [―. ttγ scο 呼. ん. [ibl skou]and Mン. θγSCο 呼 ん. [:maloskЭ u],. bOth in Lancs. ―DALE. Usually[― de・ l],. as in Lα. Jc(Cum.)and Sω. ?η ご α. αJθ dα Jc(N.. Yorks.)(neither Of these is in BBC).NOte,however,Lο η ― sι. Jθ cc″ α. ), giVen in BBC as[lDD:Slldl]and in EPNS. (Cumb。. (Vol.Ⅷ )as locally[laDisledl].This is a NOrthern place― name element of Scandinavian origin, but sometilnes appears further sOuth apparently ■7ith standard prOnunciation, as in 30ι θsご αJc (Suff。. , nOt in BBC).. ―DEL. [―. ―DEN. Usualし. dl]in ttdθ J(Wo Yorks.)[l“ dl]and ttγ πttθ J(Wo Sus。. [:“. ). rondl]. [―. don]as in Bcι んθγsdcη (Kent)[lbeё Эzden]and Mθ γごθη. (LOnd.).In sOme areas of Kent and E.Suso there is(or used to be)a tendency to give strong stress and a full value tO the. vOwel of― DEN;BBC lists Bcη θ7dcη (Kent)as[lbenondon]Or [benonlden];`the latter is rarely heard nOw。 ' Alsθ Cθ οごθη. (E.Sus.)[lku:don]or[ku:!den], Sπ αγごθη(Kent)[lsmα :dan] or[smα :den].A very irregular case is C加 洲 csdcη (Derby。. ). [:t∫ adzdon]Or[:t∫. ―DESERT. dan]. “. A Norman French elemento Bcat〃. た (Staffs.) θsθ γι Pα γ. also gives Bθ ガθscγ ι[bou:deЮ t,bЭ ud I!zЭ ]. [lbЭ ud・ ttЭ ].BBC. “ or[:bela],but this prObably refers to a village in War.. ―DETH. Bcω α ttθ ι ん(Cum。 )[bju:l“. ―DOCK. [― dok]in 3rattο. cん. ldoo]。. and Lttθ cん (Corn.)but[― d Dk]in 〃の ごθcた. (Mer.) ―DON. [dOn]in the simplex Rjυ θγDο バS.Yorks.)but otherwise[― don] BJttο π(Oxon.,Som.)[:bleldon],VJπ. ―DOR ―DOUGH. ―DOUR. DJη cご ογ(Here。. Sπttdθ 2ィ ん,. bJθ dο. η(Lond.)◆. )[ida.n:dЭ :].. a mOuntain in Cum.[lsnttbdAf] Cり αttθ πγ(Corn.)[l∫ alondQuo,:tね 工OndQuo]..

(17) Christopher PoweH ―DULPH. Bjttπ ゎん(Staffs.)is」 ven as[lb・. 99. dAlf]h BBC but[lb・. dl]h. Ecん υα JJ.Lα ,dπ わん(COrn)is[lκ n ldAlf], With typical COrnish. ―EAT. Bο zθ αι (N'hants.)[:bouzttot](BB(3),[lbou5ot](EPNS(X))。 Eχ ccα ι(Eo. ―EL. Sus.)[!eksit].. Often with syllabic J: Cγ. jcん cJ. Dο ωπ(Dor。 )[l krttt∫ l. TJη ι αgcJ(Corn)[tttnltad51].As[ol]in "jι. んjθ J,both in Corn.,[lDsttW10工. 引/Jι んJθ J. ldα. Un],. 引/Jι んjθ J and Lο sι ―. ol].BBC does nOt mention. y(Som.),but from the der市 ation g市 en in Ecん FJο γ θ. one might expect the pronunciation to be like that of. "α. JJ. the. Cornish examples. ―ERGH. ハイ αηscγ gん [lm“ nzЭ ]and SJzcγ gん. [isaェ zЭ. ], both h Cume The. fOrmer can also be prOnOunced[lm“ nso]or[:m“ ns・. d』 ,accord―. ing to BBC。 ―ERNE. [― ・. n]in crewん θγηθ(Som。 )and PjπPcγ πc(Dor.),but[_on]in. y(Dor。 )[lju:wonlko:tnI]. ∬ η c Cθ %γ ι η θ ―ETER. "cγ. These days appears to be regularし 引/γ θχcι cγ. γ (Dev.), ・to]h」 助cι θ. [―. (Shrops.,nOt in BBC)[:rDkSItO] LLι. (Staffs。 )[jultDkS■. θχθι θγ. tO].BBC also gives the last as[A:tOkSIto]. and[:AkSttto]and sayS `there are other less common variants。 tO]・ Ecん ωαJJ gJVes[:AkSItO]and[:At∫ ■. '. The Rev.Graham Emery,. a Staffordshire man, tells me that now prObably `only a few ancients'use[:At∫ 工tO]・. by a. BC 正〕 」. Apparently the use of[A:tDkSItO]. announcer during the Second World War caused. `headshaking in Staffordshire'but perhaps it has now achieved respectability.. ―ETT ―Dア. 〕 cηzθ ι ι(Ken→ [―. [l brenzttt].. ェ]in Bjη scy(Oxon.)[:bttnzェ. LOndOn Borough. ]and Sarre" but[― eI]in the. Of∬ αγjη cγ [th“ rttDge工 ]・. ーFANT. Rο ωFanι. ―FIELD. Universally[― fttold];I have already mentioned the EPNS(Ⅶ. (Wo Sus.,nOt in BBC)[lroufont]. ).

(18) fθ θ. SOme Aspects of the PronunciatiOn of English Place― Names(I) local pronunciation of Heathfield,. which may still be in use,. thOugh prObably not by speakers Of RP:[:hefl]. ―FOLD. θι d, [― fou曰 ]h4JFo層 [:a lfou回 ,:“ lfЭ uld,:α fould],Cん J洲 Jη √ 動 ηsル 尼 an in Sur。 ,and SJJγ ヵ 燿 (Wo Sus.)(Only the first of these is in 3BC).. ―FOLK. [―. fok]in the county name Abγ わJた and SaFFo腸 , but[―. in the name of the village Of Fγ ―FONT. [―. (Hants。. , not in BBC).. fDnt]in 1/rcん Foη ι(Wilts。 )[:It∫ fDnt]and in Moι ι JsFoπ ι. (Ha nts。. Sι .GJJcs JFoπ ι , nOt in BBC), but weakened in cん α. (Herts.)[:t∫. _FORD. θ cFoJん. fou k]. κlfOnt]Or[l. tfcL:fOnt].. [lfa d]as a simplex:FOγ J(W.Sus.and many other cOunties);. γ FOγ J(LOnd。 );alsO inス 冽θ θ sFο γ d(Gbs。 )[:“ ndouvoz_ υ :d].Otherwise[― fod]as a final element:働 θ ′ πsFoγ ご(Ess.). θtt fЭ. [lt∫. ―FORTH. olmzfod]Or[:t∫ emZfOd],θ χ d(OXOn。 ),Sι げford(Staffs.) わγ. Appears mostly as[― fae]: スπグcFOγ ι ん(N.Yorks.), ScaFoγ ι ん (Mer。 , Spο FFoγ. ―FRACT. nOt in BBC)。 However, EPNS (XXXIV)g市 ι ん(N.YOrks.)[:spDf00].. es. These days,Pο πι θ ルαct(N.YOrks。 )is pronOunced[:pDntifrakt],. but BBC g市 es[:pArnfrlt]Or[:pDmfr■ t]as `an old 10cal fornl, which survives in the name Of the liquorice sweets known. as Pomfret cakes。 ' Ecた りαJJ gives[:pDntlfrakt]`locally [:pAmfrlt].' ―FYLDE. 動 θFbガ θ[lfa・ ld],a district Of Lancs。 ,appears in a number Of local place― names, e.g.Pο πノ οη―′ ι c― 乃 ガθ [lpu:lton lo l falld],動 ογ ο ηι η―Jc― FD7ガ θ。. ―GAN. ″ むm(G.Man.)[:w190n]。. ―GAR. gα γ (Som.) θη αγ(Ess.)is[:Dngα ],but l ttspect that BJη θ. ―GATE(S). gα ι c,both in Kent,have[― gelt],but〃 なん― 脆γ c and Rα πsgα ι. is[ibinogЭ ], though it is nOt mentioned in BBC.. gα ι θ(Lond.)is[lha・. glt]Or[:ha.gelt]. Whether the same.

(19) ChristOpher PoweH. Iθ I. alternative existed for the old LOndon prison Of Nelり ―GEO. gα ι c. l do. not knOw.θ αたθηθαιcs(ShropS。 ,not in BBC)is[loukongelts]. Bcη θθ (Herts.)[lbend5ou].This must sOund strange to Ja― panese people.. ―GER. [―. d5o]in. ИbJπ γ θγ. [lbDv・ nd5。 ].[_go]in. ―GEST. [― d5・. gesι. ―GILL. st]h FJη esι. (Sur.)[l“ b・ nd5。 ]and 39υ J役 7θ γ (Ess.) cJθ んοη cr(″しγθ。)[:klDDgO]。. (Bucks。 )[if・ nd5ェ st]and[-9・ st]in〃 θγ―. Rjdgc(Here.)[lhα. Always[_gll]as h Gα. :g・ St. :r■ d5].. JsgJJJ[!ge・ η ttl]and SJθ. JJノ. [:sl士. g工 1],. “. (only the first is in BBC). ―HALE. FJη cん αJc Pγ jθ γ y(Dur。. ―HALGH. Gγ cc,流 α なん(Lancs.)[:grinh“. )is[!f・ nkl].. (BBC also lists aメ ace― name Fし γ ん α η なん [:flntthAf]or[:f・ n.h“ l∫ ], υ l∫. ]or[:gri:nh。. :1∫ ]。. but l have nOt been able to find whether it is in England.) ―HALL. This element shO、 vs sOme variety in pronunciatione. The H. may Or may not be pronOunced,a preceding S may be pronounced 諄]and sometimes the whole element is elided to a syllabic J. Here are sOme of the principal realisations: [―. hal]: Cん γJsん αJJ(Ess.)[:kr.sho:l], Cθ hants.,in Ecん. "α. Jち. zγ. ι ccttα JJ(N'―. nOt BBC)[:ka tnhal],Mjttcπ ―. んαJJ(Suff。 )[:mttldonho:l]. [― o:1]:. Asι んαJJ(Oxon。 )[l鍵 sto:l], Bcη ι んαJJ(ShropS.) [:bento:l]or[:benO。 :1]B開 めαJJ(Suff.)[lbAkSO:l]。. [-1]. Bcη んαJJ(Suff。 )[lbenl], 3ο agん αJJ(ShropS。. ). Jc Sα 呼 ん αJJ(Ches。 )[:sa kl]. [ibrAfl],Gγ θαιand LJι ι. ―SHALL=[_shal]:. rjυ. sん α J S,。 θι ι. (Suff.)[:t・. gα γ Mα γ θιand Sι e Mα γy. v・ tsho:l].. ―SHALL=[_∫ l]: Cο ggesん α′ J(Ess。 )[ikD9■ ∫l](or[lkDkSl]), Gο πsん α JJ(Sur.). [:9om∫ l] Or [:gAm∫. l],. Ldgθ γsん αJJ(Wilts.)[llAdgЭ ∫l]Or[llAgO∫ 1].

(20) Iθ 2. Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(1). _SHALL=[―「 。1]or[― ∫Э:l]:. ECCJθ sん α′ J(Staffs。 )[!ekl∫ l]or. :l].Coltishall(Norf)is[:koultISl,lkЭ [lekl∫ Э lkЭ. ultlso:1,:kЭ. BBC says that yJJご. ult l∫ 1,. ul sl].. ′ θ?仇 α′. (VVilts.)is sometimes pronounced. [lm ldOnhЭ :l]and sometimes[lmalnЭ :l],in which case it is spelt ハ イJη αノ .. ―HAM. This element offers similar complications to those of―. HALL.. The H is sometimes pronounced, sometimes silent, and pre― The fo1lol■ 7ing analysis is. ceding elements may be modified.. suggested: it is by no means exhaustive.. Simplex:[:h"m]:〃 απ (Dev。 ,Glos。 ,Kent, LOndo near RJcん ― πο配 ,Som。 (Lond。. Final:[―. om]:. ,Wilts.),Lst and wcsI A職. ).. スガθ,仇 απ (Herts.)[!Э :ldnom],A′ たんαπ(Kent) [IЭ. :lkOm]。 r[:o:kom],4sん. [:“ ∫b3:nOm],. bπ γ ηんαηズE,Sus。. ). 3attα π(Londo not in BBC). [:b“ 10m], Poご. Jん. απ (Lancs。. π(Kent,not cstcγ んα. )[lpadIOm],. in BBC)[lWestrom].. "ア α π(N'hum。 ―GHAM=[― fem]:〃α π(Norf.)[lhQ:fOm],υ ″ん rgん α. ). [lAfOm].. _PHAM=[― fOm]:正 勉γgん απ (Sur.,. Ⅵ「 。. Sus., nOt in BBC). π(Lincs.Norf.)[:rヽ [lb3:f)Э In],RccPん α ―PHAM=[― pOm]:Mθ ο ρんαπ. (Kent) [imepOm],. i:fOm].. Vcη んαπ. (W.Sus。 ,nOt in BBC)[:wepOm]. ―PHAM=[― fom]。 r[― pOm]:Dcο ρんαm(NOrf。 )[:di:fomず di:pOInl. ―SHAM=[― som]:ス bbθ ι sん α π (Dev。 ) [l“ botsom], BJsん απ (Bucks.)[:b・ som], SttJcsん α観 (We Sus.) [lsldlSom]。 _SHAl、 1=[― ∫ om]:ス πθγsん απ(Bucks.)[│“ mЭ ∫Эm],. Bθ ιιJsん απ. (Cambs.)[l bDtl∫ Oml,Gα γbθ JdJsん απ (Norf.) [:gQ:bl∫. Om]..

(21) ChristOpher POweH. fθ. ―SHAM=[_∫ olnl or[― sornl; cん csん απ lt∫. eSOInl, Bttι. [lblAnt工. Jsん. (Bucks.)[:t∫ απ. e∫. 3. Om,. (Cambs.). ∫Om,iblAntiSOml.. ―SHAM=[_Ю m]:Bosん απ(Wo Sus。. BG only)[lm3:“. )[lbD"ml,睦 γsん απ (Kent, Inl.. ―THAM=[_toml:施 γsι んαπ(Sur.)[:m・ stoml. ―THAM=loom]:. Gγ αηιんαπ(Lincs。 )[lgr"nOom].. ―THAM=[tOm]or[Oom]:ス ′ ι んαπ(Lancs。 )[la ltom,IЭ :looml, ps 14色 Jι ん BJsん θ απ(Hants。 )[lb・. ∫opS:WO:ltom,. lwalooml,Iダ んθれθι んαπ(Suff.)[wellniOom, !welnetom]. Other irregulars: 4Jι γれcん (″ι(G.Ⅳ hn。 )[IЭ :ltrttDOm], 4υ θγん協. (NOtts.)[lε orom], Bα bγ ttα π (Cambs.) [lbo・. brom],あ π んαπ (Lhcs.)[lbutoml or Bγ θ呼 んαπ (Cum。 )[lbrum], Jι. [:bじ ёom],. 0働απ (Eo. Sus.)[:Э ufom],. A further special category deserves attention: that of place―. names ending in _INGHAMo. There are very many of these and there are. three 、 vays of pronOuncing thenl: η んαπ ・ Oom]:BJγ πブ. [―. (Wo Mid.)[:b・. m・ Oom],. lLcん jη んαπ. (Bucks.)and most other places with this ending, hcludhg Cん JJJJη んαπ (N'hum.). [―. ェnd5om]: Other 10calities in N'hum.,inchdhg Bθ 丘 Jη んα電 Jノ. ι γ りんαtt J名. JJjη んα π. 助 JJη んαπ[legl・ nd5。 m],EJJj呼 んαtt. Nゝ. JJι Jγ. ,. EJ―. ηんαπ .. Spechl case:じ グん ιJη んαπ(Lancs.)[:witlnholnl. Jι. jη The alternative pOpular name for正 〕 Jγ η じ gθ ,η α θんαη, Bγ πηι "0, is sti11 0ccasionally heard and is prOnOunced[lbrAmttd5om]. It is related to. Bγ θ π [ibrDmlt∫ ], "Jcん. and the nOrth_west area of the city is stiH offitiaHy. called lγ csι Bγ θ πωJcん 。. ―HAMPSTEAD. BBcg市. es the simplex as[lh“ mpstttd]Or[lh“ mpSted]:.

(22) fθ 4. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(1) s Hαmpsι c(ガ (Lond。 )e Sattα πps,c(dス bbο ι. and BttJsι θγ. (Berks.)are giVen as[sAl:haempst工 d].The same ap― plies tO ttγ cι θ″ πpstc(ガ (Dev.,not in BBC)[:mO:tOn 'α :hampstld]。 Back in Berks.,note that〃 απpstc(ガ Norγ js. (not h BBC)is neighboured byス sん αη ―HAMPTON. θ配 [l"∫ Omsted].. sι. ::0お mpton]. There is free variation between[nЭ [:naOlhmpton]NOγ ιんαπριοπ んαmpι ο往 (Hants.).In Sο πι. (N'hants。. );. and. similarly for. Other names the H is usually pronoun―. ced: Rο θんαπィ元οπ (Lond.)[rOulh“ mpton], (Gloso not in BBC)[lmlnt∫ ln:h“ mpton].. Mπ んJttα πριοπ. The H is also kept when the name occurs as a silnplex as in スγdθ η(W.Mid.). 2-jη ― Hαπpι οη Cο πγι(Lond。 ),〃 αmpι ο ―HANGER. Bcι. ι csん. "り. θγ (Kent)[lbetsh“. ggθ γ んα?η cγ. Do], 脆. [lmuЭ h“ DO],M/csteη んαηgθ γ (Kent,not 加 η cγ (Dev.)is trad■ bnally[:t∫. 1・. “. h BBC).Cん αdd′ c―. oO](BBC EPNS(Ⅷ. Or the modern spelling― prOnunciat bn[it∫. _HAUGH. (Beds.). dlh“. “. ). oO]・. Both as a simplex and as a final element, this offers di― versities of pronunciation:. s(Tyn→ [:hDfS].The Rev.Graham [hof]: BJり dο ηHα呼ん Emery, WhO now lives in the area, tells me that 上Lι,η sん απgん ,. and perhaps other places in N'hum.,. can have the same pronunciationo BB(3 gives ttLι. ん ん 町 ん [ipa 岬 ん[:hAmZhα tt and Pttθ γ and makes no mention of other N'hum.. ?η s―. pЭ hα. 珂. names of. んαηgん 。]Per― んθγ οηブhИ4ガ L Rο ι this type, such as Bγ ο haps[― hDf]and[― hQ:f]are both possible.. んθγ α 潤 珈 θγ 註叫 ん(S.Yorks。 [haf]: Nθ ι. [ha]: Hα呼 ん (Lhcs.),. A totally irregular pronunciation is that. :man。. Asん πα ttα り ん(Norf。 )[:“ ∫. ). 動 ογ ttα 呼 ん (Cambs。 of. ].(See also List B.). ).

(23) ChristOpher POweH ―HAVEN. Nθ. ―HAVERN. Gθ ο ?焼 α υθγη(COrn.)[gO:n“. ―HAY. H is sOmetimes pronounced,. "ん. α υ θ π(Ec. 5. fθ. Sus。 )[:nju:hettvn].. von,9u:n:h“ Von].. sometimes noto Cο. ι πα,硼 レ αγ. (Notts.)is[:kDtmonhe■ ], FOι んθγJη んの (Cambs。. )is. oheI], but BBC points out that the Castle, where Mary Queen Of Scots was executed,is usually referred to. [lfDё Or■. as[ifDё Orioge■ [:・. ].」. 1ガ. γJθた cん 6てソ(Derby.)is[ia・ drttd5heI]Or ァ. ё seI].」 辟 αι んOy(Lancs., ・. [breェ. Oeェ. Cumb.,nOt in BBC)is. ん。y is ],aCcOrding to Ecた りαJJ`The Cumb.river Rο ι. [:rDOe■ ].. _HAY(E)S. /4υ Jsん の. s(Dev.)[:“. v・. shett Z].BB(3 sayS that while the. histOric hOuse is spelt and prOnOunced in this way, the modern. hOusing. estate. is. usually. spelt. 4υ Jsん αycs. e・ Z]. [:“ vlshe.z]Or[:“ v・ ∫. ―HEAD. The H is apparentし alWays prOnounce■. BJγ んcttθ 配 (Mer。. ). [:b3konthed],cOα Jsん caご (Go Man.)[:kadttzhed], Poγ ιJs― んθOご (AvOn)[lpa t.shed].Ⅳ しαι oご (Norf.)is[:ni tttshed] Jsん θ. to the persOnnel at the RAF Station and[ini:tstttd] to the villagers(BBC). ―HED. The derivatiOn of S版. 3psん cJ(Lancs。. ,Leics.)from`sheep's. head'Ought tO g市 e a pronunciatb{:∫ epShed]Or[│∫ epSed], but l can find nO evidence on the subieCt. ―HEIM. Only fOund tO my knowledge in BJc″ し cJπ Pα Jacc(Oxoh.) [:blenom].. ―HELE. 〃θJθ (Dev。 )[l hil];Cο ι Jθ 」 cん θ 恥 asc(Corn.)[kolti:1,kOtlhi:l].. ―HEY. θχんθν Herts.)[IDkshei].. ―HIDE. PJttJcι γcη ι ん湖c(Dor.)[:p・ dl itrentald].. ―HILL. The H is sOmetimes pronounced, sometimes noto As with. _HALL and _HAM, a preceding S may be assimilated tO give 辟]in pronunciation.. [hll]: all simplexes:MJJJ″ JJJ(LOnよ )etc.AlsO Redん JJJ.

(24) fθ 6. SOme Aspects of the PrOnunciation of English Place_NamesII) (Sur。. ),which Was written Rcご 〃JJJ until early this. century[:redh・ l](not in BBC). [-11]: Asん JJJ(Dev., Norf。 , Som.)[l鍵 ∫Il], Hα υθγんJ〃. (Suff.)[:helVril], Pο 呼 んJJJ(Corn。 )[:pDfll]or [lpAf■ l],Pθ η んJJJ(Dev。 )[lpα ull]. [―. _HITHE _HO(E). hll]or[ll]:Scdbθ ん バ J′. Rο ιんθγん んc(LOnd.,not jι. W ilts。. )[ised5h・ l]or[lsed511].. in BBC)[trDё Эhalё ].. Again,H may or may not be pronounced.In addition,the vOwel may be realised as[Э u]or[u:]. [―. hOu]:. スyttI N'hants。 )[:e・ nhЭ u], [lf・. FJη γJη んθθ (Ess。. Dr.9hoU], Iυ Jη んθθ (Bucks.nOt. ). h BBC). DhOu],WJυ θttθ c(Ess.)['WlvonhЭ U]. Sι αttθ c(Norf.)[lstκ nou]. [:a・ V・. [―. ou]:. [―. hЭ u]or[_Э u]:. Cο gθ 夕 仇οθ (N'hants.) [lkuknou] or [lkOu gOnhou],. Pγ. θθ tガん. (N'hum.). [:prAdOU]Or[:prAdhOU]. んοc(E.Sus.)[!pld inthu](note typical E. [― hu:]: PJttJη θ Sus. final stlヽ ess). ―HOLE. _HOLM(E). c(Corn)[lmQuzl]. ルbascんθ′ This element behaves in a similar fashion to―. HALL and. _HAM and― HILL: [―. hOum]:ス χんοJπ c(Lincs。. ), Bγ οπんθJη 〈Norf。 )[lbrulnhЭ. πc(Lincs。 ),Dθ ttο Jπ c(W.Yorks。 加′ Cα γ [―. om]:. Bα γんοJπ. (Lincs。. MαγんθJπ. um]. ). )[lbarom], Dz夕 仇θJπ c(Lincs。. ),. (Cambs.)[:m“ rom].. )is g市 en by BBC as[:kDnlshOum, zhOum]or[lkDn■ ∫ЭUm]. [:hoult]as a simplex: LJο η's∬ο (Dev。 , not in BBC). Cθ ηJsん θJπ c(Lincs。. :kD n■. _HOLT. Jι. The same in Cん. Jι. ο′ Jθ ん α,″ し ι(Dev)[lt∫・ tlmhOUlt]。 ―SHOLT ι. =[― ∫Эult]in Spα γsん ο (Hants。 )and[― ∫Dlt]in Eυ Jι. (Beds.), according to BBC.EP'VS(Vol.Ⅲ. Jι cγ sん ο. )gives this.

(25) ChristOpher POwell. lθ. 7. 1ast as[ievom:l]。 ―HOPE. Usually[― op]:Ryん ορθ(Tyne)[lra.op]and Sι. α,仇 θρc(Dur。. ). [istanop].. BBC g市 es[lkDnOp]and[lkouvonhoup]as alternatives for Cο υ θttο ρc(Here.). ―HORNE ―HOW. Asん ογηc(ヽVarw.)[l“ ∫ho:n]. Cα γJ初 んοω (W.YOrks。 )[lkα. ―HUISH. [:hju:I∫ ]as a simplex:Jじ. l・. [ltr・. /Jο. pOn。 ]or[ita. "θ. pOnhQu]. Jsん. DhQu],but Ъ γρcttθ "(Cum.). (Dev。. )ヽ ilts.),〃 仇Jsん Cん απρ―. γ (Som。 , not in BBC)[lhju:I∫. :t∫. κmpflauЭ ].. 施γ Jθ η んπJsん (Wilts.)[:hcn.∫ ]and Mθ ttzJsん (Dev。 ,not in BBC as a place_name)[l mell∫ ―HULL. ](EPNS(Ⅸ )).. [lhAl]aS a simplex:島 じJJ(Hum.),thefun name of the city jttJJ(W.Mid.) being κJη sι θπ―zρ θη― 助 JJo The same in Sθ ′ [isoul・. lhAl].However, Mη. sttJJ ttγ. ttη. (Ches.)is. [:m in∫ l iv3:nOn].. ―HULME. 〃πJπ θEη J(Staffs.)[lhju:m,lhu:m],〃 zJπ c(G.Man。 ,Mer). [lhju:m],Lcυ cη sん 鶴Jπ C(G.Man。 )[:levonzhju:m].. ―HUNT. H prOnOunced in Tο. γ π ηι,Mげ θ s and Dα γ c"three ,κ ηなんι 宙1lages in Ess.:[ltoulzhAnt]; op● onal h助 αγん観 ι JJcsん. (Hants.)[lba hAnt]Or[lbDront], Cん ° [itレ dzhAnt]or[:t」 adzAnt]。. 配 sん 協 ι (Warw。. H not pronounced in Cん. ). ηι csん π. (Herts.)[lt∫ esont]。 ―HURST. H nOrmally prOnounced, as in Cγ [lkrЭ uh3 st]and Sι. ttJθ ttγ sι. θωんarsι. (Sur。 ,Eo Sus。. (Kent)(neither Of these can. be fOund in BBC). In spite of misleading spelling, it is. pronounced inス sん zγ sι (Kent)[:“ ∫h3:St].Preceding orth― ographic T sOmetimes g市 es 10](?a spelling prOnunciation) as in Gα ι んzγ sι (Lancs。 )[lg“ Oost]and Goα ι んzγ sι (Som。 [lgOU03:St]. ―INGE. [_■. ). ndd in Lyπ jη θ[ll・ m.nd5]Racん Jη c[lrAklnd5]and. ).

(26) fθ θ. Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place― Names(I) Other place― names in south― east Kent.. _ISLAND. Barん sJα. Js′. α材 (Wo Yorks.)[:bQ:klslond,lbα slond]and Eaγ. JJ―. 材 (Her.)[:〕 dz10nd]both contain an Old Endish geni_. tive ― they are nothing to dO with islands. ―KEARD ―KNOWLE. [―. :kα. :d]in LJsん θαγご(Corn.). [inoul]as a simplex,e.g.κ. ∽ ωJc〃 jJJ(Dor.),but other―. wise in ttη Jttθ ωJc(Dev。 )[:hDnlknOul]and Pしηcん. "ω. Jθ. (Dore)[:pAnl], ―LACH. [llaet∫ ]in. ―LAGH. An lrish element, but found in Londo in Rα. the simplex Lacん. but Sん θcた ノ acん (ShrOps.)[:∫. I〕. θmJs(Ches.)[:lae t∫. Dkl■. :den IS],. t∫ ].. ηc′α7ん Gα γdθ ηs. [lran・ 10].. ―LAM. Weak vowel,as h&Jι. α π(the. [:bedlom]and ttyJα π(N'hum。 )[:wa・. ―LAND. Ospjι α ちLnd。. ). ご(Mer.,nOt in BBCD [-lond]as a final element: LJι んθγJα η αγ ガ (Tyne)[lsAndO10nd] and former [:lttё olond], SaπJcγ ′ Wcsι 観りγJα 潤. ―LAS. んJcπ 10mle「. Old Bcι. (now part Of Cum.)[:Westmolond].. ―LE. Cγ οω′αs(Corn)[lkraulos]. AcJθ (Norf。 )[:e.kl].. ―LEIGH. As a simplex,Ecん ωαJJ. correctly says that`the pronunciation. varies between[lli:]and[llaェ ].' [:laェ ]:. οη (Worcs。 Lcな ん(Dor。 ,Kent, Sur.),Lcな んSjη ι. ). [ili:]: Lcな ん (Go Man.), Cん πγcん Lθ なん(Staffs.), Lcな ん ―ο π―Scα (Ess.), BcsscJs Lcjgん Gγ ceη (Kent),Lθ なん (Oxon。. ). ― η―ハ イ c記 ゎ (Som.). [ilaェ l or[:li]:Lcな ん ο αιand Gγ θ. s(Ess。 )are[lle・ z]. Jθ Lcな ん LJι ι. As a final element,― LEIGH is usually[― ll]: Sι θcん Jθ なん y(G.Ⅳ hn.)[it■ y(Dev.), 7bだ csι θ θ γ θ Eれァ JJSん and Pο π. ldzl・ ]. or[:t工 lzl・ ],Lル 屁bθ γノθな ん (Dev.)[:AmbOII].HOwever,stress. and a full vowel are fOund in lLcた. Fasι. Jθ. なん (Dev.).

(27) ChristOpher Powen [!bAkfQ:Stlli:]and Eα ―LEM. [-lom]inス. sι. lθ 9. Jcな ん (Hants.)[li:stlli:].. 硼ι θπ (Ches.)[ia dlom]and ILγ. s′. θπ (Staffs.). [lb3:Z10m].. _LET ―LIEU. _LISLE. 助 2sJct(Wo Yorks.)[lhAnSl■ t].. BcmJjθ π(Hants。 )[!bjul・ Cα γJJsJθ. ]。. (Cum.)[kQ:llattl]or[lkα :la.l]. BBC sayS `The. first is national usage; the secOnd is preferred 10cally。 一I」 Y. '. In Eo Sus.(and some parts of W.Suse recently transferred frOm E.Sus.)_LY is stressed and pronOullced[― Instances areス γdjη み (Wo Sus.)[lα. llal].. d・ D lla■ ],Cん JttJη み. /csι [lt∫ 9幼 [lhelェ D llaェ ],Eα st andじ 弔 ・ d lDlla■ ],施 JJjγ 婆. 」 肋 αι んり. [ho uOlla.],all in Eo Sus.(FOr last― syHable stress in the region,see―. ―LYE. DEN.). フ ァyり θ(WiLS.)[lwa・ l・ ]. (to be continued).




In Section 4 we present conditions upon the size of the uncertainties appearing in a flexible system of linear equations that guarantee that an admissible solution is produced

But before maximizing the entropy function one has to see whether the given moment values are consistent or not i.e whether there is any probability distribution which corresponds

In order to prove these theorems, we need rather technical results on local uniqueness and nonuniqueness (and existence, as well) of solutions to the initial value problem for

These power functions will allow us to compare the use- fulness of the ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis tests under various kinds and degrees of non-normality (combinations of the g and

While conducting an experiment regarding fetal move- ments as a result of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PWD) ultrasound, [8] we encountered the severe artifacts in the acquired image2.

In this article, using the sub-supersolution method and Rabinowitz- type global bifurcation theory, we prove some results on existence, uniqueness and multiplicity of positive

Then, the construction of the theta monoid is multiradial, i.e., this construction is compatible simultaneously with the Kummer theories and with the link. This follows from the

knowledge and production of two types of Japanese VVCs, this paper examines the use of syntactic VVCs and lexical VVCs by English, Chinese, and Korean native speakers with