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シェア "北海道上川地方旭山の植物誌"


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(1)Title. 北海道上川地方旭山の植物誌. Author(s). 稲垣, 貫一; 松永, 圭朔. Citation. 北海道学芸大学紀要. 第二部. B, 生物学,地学,農学編, 14(2): 91-112. Issue Date. 1963-12. URL. http://s-ir.sap.hokkyodai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/5777. Rights. Hokkaido University of Education.

(2) Vol. 14, No. 2 Journal of Hokkaido Gakuge; University (Section HB) Dec. 1963. Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido 1) by Kan-ichi INAGAKI and Keisaku MATSUNAGA* Biological Institute, Asahigawa Branch, Hokkaiclo Gakugei University. (with 1 Text-figure). ?X-, 1S7l<^M : A%;8±^l.?^?HJ®-fTS/^tS I. Introduction The area of Asahi-yama which has been botanized by the present authors is situated about 5 km east of Asahigawa City, being divided into two parts, i. e., Asahi-yama Park (260 m above sea-level) and Mt. Asahi-yama (295 m above sea-level). Recently, Asahiyama Park has become to attract the attention of citizens of Asahigawa City, for the place is famous for 'Yezo-yama-zakura {P'l'HMiis sargentii REHDER)' in spring and for the NHK Television Tower set up there. To the authors' regret, however, any reports concerning the taxonomy of plants of the present area have not yet been published ; the writers therefore venture to make a taxonomical list of the plants growing there. The authors wish to express their sincere thanks to the staff of Higashi-Asahigawa Town Office for kind aids,. II. Description of the Vegetation The present area is geologically very complicate being constructed of andesite, two pyroxene-andesite, Schalstein, Clay slate, etc. But the vegetation of this area is not appearing exclusively and is very similar to each other between Asahi-yama and Asahi-yama Park.. Excepting the artificial forests ot Larix leptolepis and Picea excelsa, etc. (P. 112), in the present areas develop mixed forests consisting mainly of the following species : Qnercns mongolica var. grosseserrata, Ulmn.s laciniata, Bef.ula platyphylla var. japonica, Cercidiphyllicm japoniciim, Sorbus almfolia, Acer mono f. heterophy llwn, A. japoniciim, Kalopanax pictus, Carpinus erosa, Ostrya japonica, M.agnolia kobus var. borealis, Tilia japonica, Alnns ti'nctoria var. vehitinn, Qnercns dentata, Sali.x hultenii var. angusii.folia, Juglans s.ieboldiana and Cornns controversa are found at different places. Styrax obfissia, Alnus cr'/'spa var. maximoiuiczii and Acanthopanax divaricat'us are found rather rarely in the area. M'ain shrubs are Rubus idaens var. melanolasms, Daphm.phyllum macropodiwn var. himrile, Aralia elata, Enonymns alaius f. striat'us, Vibitrmnn furcaium, Sa.mbi.icus sieboldiana, var. miqnelii, etc. 1) Basic part of the present work was carried out by the junior author, K. Matsunaga, as a graduation thesis of the Bachelor Course of Hokkaiclo Gakngei University under the superintendence of the senior author, K. Inagaki. * Present address : Botanical Institute, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan. (. 1. ). 91.

(3) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido Further, Vib'urmcm sargentii f. intermedinm, Etionymzis oxyphyllus, and Syringa reticii-lataaxe found there, but Hitgeria japonica, Palii-ra chi'nensis f. pilosa, Vaccinium smallii, Rosa acicidaris, R. marretii, etc. are not so common. The main lianas, Rhzis ambigna, Hyclrangea petiolaris var. ovalifolia, Actinidia argnta, Vitis coignetiae, etc. are very commonly found there. Within the present area the community of Sasa paniculata is remarkably developed. On the summit of Asahi-yama and its neighbors Sasa paniculata is very densely growing. As main herbs, the following species are found there : Pteridizim aqnilimim var. lati'itscuhim, PolysUchnm tripteron, PolysticJwpsis standishi, Dryopteris crassirhizoma, Dispo•mm sessile, Paris verticillata, Maianthe'imim dilatatnm, Trill'ni.m kamtschaticum, Polygonatnm maximoiuiczii, Tricercandra japonica, Moehringia lateriflora, Anemone flaccida, Corydalis ambigua var. glabra, Impatiens noli-tangere, Cardamine lencantha, Tiarella polyphylla, Agrimonia pilosa var. japonica, Geitm aleppicitm, Desmodwm racemositm, Viola knsanoana,. Hydrocotyle -ramiflora, Aspernla odorata, Gynostemma pentaphyllnm, Adenophora triphylla var. japonica, En.patorwm glehni, Petasites japonicns subsp. gigantens and Cacalia hastata subsp. orientalis. The following species are often found mixed with the above-mentioned plants : Athymim vidalii, A. pterorachis, Polystichiim bra'unii, P. retrorso-paleaceiim var. ovatopaleacenm, Asplenium incisum, Osmnnda japonica, Milmm effti.s-um, Arisaema peninszilae, Asarum heterotropoides, Thalictritm minus, T. sachalinense, Tripterosperimim japoniciim and Adoxa moscfzatellma. But, Athymim vidalii var. yamadae, Dryopteris austnaca, Anemone yezoensis, Paeonia obovata, P. japonica, Viola kiisanoana f. pnbescens, Pyrola japonica, Orthilia secunda, etc. are somewhat rarely found there. Calanthe nipponica, Gagea hdea, Lespedeza cuneata, Polygala japonica and Pneraria thnnbergiana are very rarely found in the upper portIon of Asahi-yama. Japonobotrychitim virginiami.m, Corriopteris cremtlatoserrulata, Cremastra variabilis f. laiifolia, Calanthe ni.pponica, Neoiiia nidns-am.s var. manshtirica, Tfillinm tschonoskii f. giganteiim, Disporum smilacinnm, Diphylleia cymosa subsp. grayi, Achlys tripliylla subsp. japonica, Waldsteinia ternata and Rubia chinensis var. glabrescens are also very rarely found on the slopes along the dales scattered in the present area.. III. Enumeration of plants. PTERIDOPHYTA Lycopodiaceae 1. Lycopodium serratum THUNB., Pl. Jap. 341, 1784. Th V^?/ I' ^ y'fc:/-; Center of Asahiyama Park ; southern slope of Asahi-yama Park : confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale. (A); slopes 1, 2 and 3 of deep dale (B). Equisetaceae 2. Equisetum arvense L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 1061, 1753. ^^-t- Common all over. 3. E. palustre L., Sp, Pl.ed.1, 2: 1061, 1753. -< ? ^^'^- Wet place at the confluence of deep. dale (A). 4. E. hyemale L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 1062, 1753. 1- y -V- Eastern foot of Asahi-yama Park : rather common in dales.. Botrychiaceae. 92. (. 2. ).

(4) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. 5. Japonobotrychium virginianum (L.) NISTODA ex TAGAWA in J. J, B. 33 : 202, 1958. -t 'y y -'^9 7 b" Center of Asahi-yama Park ; rare on slope at bridge Shimidzu. Osmundaceae. 6. Osmunda japonica THUNB. in Nov. Acta Reg. Soc. Ups. 2 : 209, 1780. -^V-r^ Slope 1 of deep dale (A) ; in forest of n. part of private land. 7. Osmundastrum cinnamomeum (L.) PR. var. fokiense (COP.) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 17 : 697, 1941. -^-7 K'y -y'y-y^ Slope at Bridge Shimiclzu.. Pteridaceae 8. Pteridium aquilinum (L.) KUHN var. latiusculum (DESV.) UND. ex HALLER, Cat. N. Am. ed. 3, 17, 1909. 97^" Common all over.. 9. Adiantum pedatum L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 1095, 1753. ^ i>^ f '> f' Center of the park;. slope of deep dale (A) ; slopes 1, 2 and 3 of deep dale (B) ; at the vicinity of rifle range where Sasa panicnlata was cut down. 10. Coniog-ramme intermedia HIERON., Heclwig. 57: 301, 1916. "f '7 jf^ -\£'w^ Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. Aspidiaceae 11. Matteuccia struthiopteris (L.) TODARO, Syn. Pl. Sicil. 30, 1866. f -t V T'y Common all over.. 12. ML orientalis (HOOK.) TREV., Atti 1. Yen. 3 ; 14 : 586, 1889. ^ ^ A" '^ Y ^ Center of the park ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; slope of dale at the bridge ; s. slope. of the park ; slope 1 of deep dale (A) ; slopes 2 and 3 of deep dale (B). 13. Onoclea sensibilis L. var. interrupta MAXIM., Prim., Pl. Amur. 337, 1859. =< r>-^ •7 5 b." E. foot of the park ; wet place at the confluence of deep dale (A), 14. Athyrium pterorachis CHRIST in Bull. Herb. Boiss. 4 : 668, 1896. :t ^ ^ •> f" Roadside from. Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; slope of dale at the Bridge. 15. A. conilii (F. & S.) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 14 : 104, 1938. * ^ ^ '> ir •> f" Wet place at the. confluence 1 and 3 of deep dale (A); slope 2 of deep dale (B). 16. A. pycnosorum CHRIST in Bull. Herb. Boiss, 10: 827, 1902. ^ -\7 -? 'V 'r '> f<" Slope of. dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 17. A. brevifrons NAKAI ex KITAGAWA in Rep. 1st. Sci. Exp. Manch. 4, 2 : 75,1935. s-'/ /< -y fi" Center of the park ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; slope 2 of. deep dale (B). 18. A. deltoidofrons MAKING in B. M. T. 28 : 178, 1914. -+<- 1' ^ -V ft" Center of the park; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from the bridge to N. H. K. broadcast; con-. fluence 1 and 2 of deep dale (A). 19. A. vidalii (F. & S.) NAKAI in B. M;. T. 39 : 110, 1925. -V-7 ^f 7- 9 7 b' Center of the. park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; slopes 1, 2 and 3 of deep dale (A); slopes 1 and 2 of deep dale (B). Some individuals from the present area agree well with var. yamadae, because pinnulae of these are more pinnate-partite and acute or apiculate than those of Athyrmm v'idalii var. vidalii-. (. 3. ). 93.

(5) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 20. A. vidalii var. yamadae (MIYABE et KUDO) MIYABE et TATEWAKI in Trans. Sapporo Nat. Hist. Soc. 16 : 77, 1940. -=-'/< ? 9 7 fc" Slope 2 of deep dale (A). 21. Polystichum tripteron (KUNTZE) PR., Ep. Bot. 55, 1849. fy=t- 9 -& 'y^'yf Commn all over.. 22. P. retrorso-paleaceum (KODAMA) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 13: 187, 1937. -^••^f'^ ^ -f' Center of the park ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzn to N. H. K. broadcast ; confluence of 1 and 2 of rl°ep dale (A). 23. P. retrorso-paleaceum var. ovato-paleaceum (KODAMA) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 13 : 187, 1937. '>' y-)~'>-i /T' Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 24. P. braumi (SP.) FEE, Gen. Fil. 278, 1850-52. --fr V -i / T2' Common all over. 25. Polystichopsis standshi (MOORE) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 33 : 95, 1958. }) a ^ ^ V'V /'' Common all over Asahi-yama.. 26. P. miqueliana (MAXIM.) TAGAWA in J. J. B. 33: 94, 1958. ^-7-1" •> ^ Center of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 27. Dryopteris crassirhizoma NAKAI, Cat. Sem. Hort. Bot. Univ. Tokyo 32, 1920. ^ •> f° Common all over Asahi-yama.. 28. D. monticola (MAKING) C. CHR., Ind. 278, 1905. ^ ^-r^.^.'y f" Roadside from rifle range to Bridge Shimidzu ; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 29. D. austriaca (JACQ.) WOYNAR ex SCHINZ et THELL. in Viertelj. Nat. Zurich 60 : 339, 1915. ~> :7 ^' t7 7 bf Center of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from the bridge to N. H. K. broadcast. 30. Cornopteris crenulatoserrulata (MAKING) NAKAI in B. M. T. 45 : 95, 1931."f '> '-H V ri 7 fc" Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu (rare). Blechnaceae 31. Struthiopteris niponica (KUNTZE) NAKAI, Rep. Veg. Daisetsu 15, 1930. '^'^A"'^7 Center of the park ; southern slope of the park ; vicinity of rifle range where Sasa paniculata was cut clown.. Aspleniaceae 32. Asplenium incisum THUNB., in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2 : 342., 1794. h 9 ^ ^r •> ^"Rather common. 33. Phyllitis scolopendrium (L.) NEWM., Hist. Brit. Ferns ed. 2, 10, 1844. ^1 f =- 7 ^ y Center of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; slope 1 of deep dale (A) ; confluence. of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A); slope 3 of deep dale (B).. SPERMATOPHYTA Taxaceae. 34. Taxus cuspidata SIEB. et Zucc., Fam. Nat. 2 : 108, 1846. -i =f- -1" Center of the park. (cultivated). Cephalotaxaceae 35. Ceplialotaxus harringtonia K. KOCH var. nana (NAKAI) REHD. in J. Arnold Arb. 4 : 107, 1923. ^ '7^f ? A"-^ Rare, on slope 3 of deep dale (A). Pinaceae 36. Pinus silvestris L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 1000, 1753. a - p 'y ^7 ^-^ ~y Center of Asahiyama Park.. 94. (. 4. ).

(6) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. 37. P. nigra ARNOLD sudsp. laricio (POIR) PALIBIN Coste, t. 3341. a ~ W ^<f p -v -y Between. 2 and 3 of deep dale (A); between dale 1 and 2 (cultivated). 38. Abies sachalinensis (PR. SCHM.) MASTERS in Gard. Chron. n. s. 12: 588, 1879. 7 is h I'" -? ~y Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle rang (cult.). 39. Picea excelsa LINK in Linnaea 15: 517, 1841. K'-T '> h '> b- Southern slope from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama (cult.). 40. Larix leptolepis GORD., Pinet. 128, 1858. :* -7 -<' 'V In the forest of northern part of private land, cultivated. Typhaceae 41. Typha latifolia L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2 : 971, 1753. if-^ Rare, wet place at the eastern foot of Asahi-yama Park; confluence of 1 and 2 of deep dale (A). Gramineae 42. Sasa paniculata MAKING et SHIBATA in Bot. Mag. Tokyo 15: 25, 1901. f -^ ^ -*/-'-^ Comman all over. The present species is growing very densely in the forest of eastern part of steep slope of Asahi-yama Park. 43, Agrostis palustris HUD., Fl, Ang. 27, 1762. 3 ? YA-y- Roadside of Asahi-yama. 44. A. hiemalis BRITT, STERNS et POGG, Pr. Cat. N. Y. 68. 1888. ^-'/? A ^ Common all over.. 45. Calamagrostis epigeios (L.) ROTH, Tent. Fl. Germ. 1: 34, 1788. -f -^ 7 9 Center of the park; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Larix leptolepis, 46. Milium effusum L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 61, 1753. ^ 7'^r-^ ti 4< Common all over. 47. Hierochloe odorata (L.) BEAUV., Ess. Agr. 164, 1812. ^ 1> ^ ^ Plane place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. 48. Agropyrum repens BEAUV., Agrost. 146, 1812. '^.^A^' Roadside of Asahi-yama. 49. Dactylis glomerata L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 71, 1753. A -e A'-^ Center of the park; east. part of slope of Asahi-yama Park; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama; roadside of north. part of private land. 50. Poa annua L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 68, 1753. ^X/< / A ^ fc"7 Common all over. 51. P. palustris L,, Syst. ed. 10, 874, 1759. ? -7 ^ ^ ^"'^ ^ ^ Roadside of Asahi-yama, 52. P. pratensis L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1 ; 67, 1753. ^-A"/^"-y- Comi-non all over.. 53. Glyceria lithuanica LINDMAN m Bot. Jahrb. 44 : 45, 1900. ^ 7 7 \~ K'i> a <> y ^ ^'Common. 54. Melica nutans L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 66, 1753. ^ ^ A'-V Southern part of slope of Asahiyama Park; east. part of steep slope of the park; slope 4 of deep dale (A). 55. Brylldnia schmidtii OHWI ; OHWI, Fl. Jap. 125, 1953. ^ A"^- y ^'-V In forest of east. part of steep slope of Asahi-yama ; east. part of the center of Asahi-yama Park. 56. Phragmites communis TRINIUS, Fund. Agrost. 134, 1820. ^ 9- a •> Wet place of the east. foot of the park ; common, wet place at the confluence of deep dale (B). 57. Miscanthus sinensis AND. in Vet. Akad. Stockh. 188, 1856. /^ ^. ^ N. part of rifle range where Sasa paniciilata was cut down; vicinity of Kuranuma shrine ; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Larix leptolepis; roadside of n. part of private land. Cyperaceae. (. 5. ). 95.

(7) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 58. Carex breviculmis R. BR., Prodr. Fl. N. Holl. 243, 1810. 7^-^'r Roadside from N.H.K. broadcast to the summit-^of Asahi-yama where rifle range is near; confluence of. 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 59. C. insaniae KOIDZUMI, Fl. Symb. Or.-As. 44, 1930. fc p/^^y' Slope of dale of Bridge. Shimidzu ; slope 1 of deep dale (A); confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 60. C. longerostrata C. A. MEY. in Mem. Sav. Etr. Petersb. 1 : 220, 1831. -<">'-? s-7> V North.. part of rifle range where Sasa paniciilata was cut down ; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 61. C. lanceolata BOOTT in PERRY, Jap. Exp. 2 : 326, 1857. fc A 'r ^ V~ Forest of east. part of steep slope of Asahi-yama Park. 62. C. oxyandra KUDO, Rep. Veg. N. Saghal. 72, 1923. b ^ 7- V Roadside from N.H.K. broadcast to the summit of Asahi-yama. 63. C. mollicula BOOTT, 111, 4: 192, 1867. fc ^ -V^^V' Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ;wet place of roadside of n. part of private land. 64. C. japonica THUNB., Fl. Jap. 38, 1784. t ='" y -^ Center of Asahi-yama park; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama. 65. C. rhynchophysa C. A. MEY., Ind. Sem. Hort. Petr. 9, suppl. 9, 1844. -^ •^ ^ ^ 7> V All over. deep dale (A). 66. C. miyabei FRANCH. in Bull. Soc. Phil. Paris 7 : 52, 1895. fc" P ^ K'^, y Wet place of 1 of. deep dale (A). 67. C. latisquamea KOM. in Acta Hort. Petr. 18: 447, 1901. ^y^.y-.'r Center of Asahi-yama Park. Araceae. 68. Arisaema peninsulae NAKAI in B. M. T. 43; 547, 1929. ^ r> 7 ^ 7- 'y-j- y'^ a ^ Center of the park; south. part of slope of Asahi-yama Park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimiclzu ;. slopes 1, 3 and 4 of deep dale (A); slope 1 of deep dale (B). 69. Lysichiton camschatcense SCHOTT in Oesterr. Bot. Zeit. 7 : 62, 1857. < X/;'' '^ a '> Wet place of 1 of deep dale (A); confluence of deep dale (A); wet place at the confluence of. deep dale (B). 70. Symplocarpus foetidus SALISB. in Nutt., Gen. 105, 1818. -<f-tz>'y^ Wet place of deep. dale (A). Commelinaceae 71. Commelina communis L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 41, 1753. 'y 3- ^ -9- Roadside from Kuranuma. shrine to afforestation place of Picea e.vcelsa; ridgeside between rice-fields. Juncaceae. 72. Luzula capitata (MIQ.)MIQ. apud KOM., Fl. Pen. Kamts. 1 : 288,1927. ^ X/; / J? II Center of Asahi-yama Park ; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Picea excelsa. 73. Juncus effusus L. var. decipiens BUCH. in Bot. Jahrb. 12 : 229, 1890. ^ Wet place at the surroundings of Kuranuma shrine ; ridge between rice-field on the side of north. road for P6pan. Liliaceae. 96. (. (?).

(8) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. 74. Veratrum g-randiflorum (MAXIM.) LOESN. f. in Verb. Bot. Ver. Prov. Brand. 68: 135, 1926. --"< fr^ V ^ Slope 1 of deep dale (A); sl. 2 of dale (B). 75. Hemerocallis middendorffii TR. et M:EY., Pl. Ochot. 94, 1856. s-'/ A >''/ ^ Found in only one place at the confluence of 1 and 2 of deep dale (A). 76. Gagea lutea (L.) KER-GAWL. in Bot. Mag. t. 1200, 1809. ^-^^-f- / 7-?^- Rare, roadside from Asahi-yama Health Center to deep dale (A). 77. Allium victorialis L. subsp. platyphyllum HULT., Fl. Karat. 1: 239, 1927. ^ a v> 'y\ =. 'y =. y Common all over.. 78. Lilium cordatum KOIDZ. var. glehni OHWI, Fl. Jap. 305, 1953. 7}-7i-t>-^3- ') Common all over Asahi-yama.. 79. L. medeoloides GRAY, Bot. Jap. 415, 1859. f ^-r^- i; Center of the park; south. part of slope of Asahi-yama ; in afforestation places of Picea excelsa, and of Lari.v leptolepis;. slopes 1-3 of deep dale (A); slope 2 of deep dale (B). 80. Erythronium japonicum DENCE in IINUMA, Somoku, Dzusetsu, ed. 3, 1: 441, 1907. A 9 ^ y Common all over Asahi-yama.. 81. Polygonatum maximowiczii FR. SCHM., Pl. Sachal. 185, 1868. st-Ti-7-7 I'" =i pa Rather common throughout the present area.. 82. Smilacina japonica GRAY in PERRY, Jap. Exp. 2: 321, 1857. a-^-y"-^ Slope of dale at. Bridge Shimidzu: in and near deep dales (A) and (B). 83. Maianthemum dilatatum (WOOD) NELS. et MACBR. in Bot. Gaz. 61: 30, 1916. -? ^ X/i/ y i> Common all over Asahi-yama.. 84. Disporum sessile DON, Prod. Fl. Nep. 50, 1825. * i> f- -^ f V ^ Deep dales (A) and (B). 85. D. smilacinum GRAY in Perry, Jap. Exp. 2: 321, 1857. -f-^'^-y Deep dales (A) and (B) (comparatively rare). 86. Paris verticillata 1VL BIEB., Fl. Taur.-Cauc. 3. 287, 1819. V ^-1 ^ ~y P ^^ V ^ Common. all over the park; dales (A) and (B). 87. Trillium kamtschaticum PALL. ex PURSH, Fl. Am. 1: 246, 1814. ^-^r^^i- / x.'^v^ y ^ Common all over Asahi-yama.. 88. T. tschonoskii MAXIM, in M61. Biol. 11: 863, 1884. ^ ^^a- y v/{ y i> Slope of southern. part of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; confl. of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 89. T. tschonoskii MAXIM, f. giganteum INAGAKI et MATSUNAGA, forma nov. ^-^-^-^-7-1-. yi/-/f y '> Planta gigantea; caule 60-90 cm alto, ca 1 cm in diametro ; foliis 12X20 cm in magnitudine ; petalo obovoideo 2 X 2.5 cm in magnitudine. Slope of dale near bridge Shimidzu. Typus : Asahi-yama (K. INAGAKI-SAP). Orchidaceae 90. Coeloglossum viride (L.) HARTM. var. bracteatum (WILLD.) RIGHT., Pl. Eur. 1: 278, 1890. ~f^~^ V y Center of the park; in the forest of east. part of slope of the park; slope of. dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; dales (A) and (B). 91. Neolindleya camtschatica (CHAM.) NEVSKI in Pl. URSS 4: 646, 1935. ^ ^^cf- h" y Slopes. of 1, 3 and 4 of deep dale (A); confluence of 2 and 3 of the dale (A).. (. 7. ). 97.

(9) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaiod 92. Gastrodia elata BLUME in Ann. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 174, 1856. ~^ =- -/ -^ *' 7 Rare in the. afforestation place of Picea excelsa in north, part of Kuranuma shrine. 93. Cephalanthera longibracteata BLUME, Orch. Archip. Ind. 188, 1858. +-y--^ ^ V 7 ^ Center of Asahi-yama Park ; slope of south, part of the park ; rare, in afforestation place of Picea excelsa in north, part of Kuranuma shrine.. 94. Epipactis papillosa PR. et SAV., Enum. Pl. Jap. 2: 519, 1879. -x.y"^,X7^ Rare, in afforestation place of Picea excelsa in north, part of Kuranuma shrine. 95. Neottia nidus-avis (L.) RICH. var. manshurica KOM. in Acta Hort. Petr. 20 : 528, 1901. -9~ tl ^- 7 './ Rare, wet place of 3 of deep dale (A). 96. Liparis kumokiri F. MAEKAWA in J. J. B. 12 : 95, 1938. V -& + 11 V ^ Rare. Slopes 1. and 2 of deep dale (A); slopes 1-3 of deep dale (B). 97. L. kumokiri f. atropurpurascens MAKING, 111. Pl. Jap. 688, 1940. ^ P ^ -& V •> Slopes 1. and 2 of deep dale (A); slopes 1-3 of deep dale (B). 98. Calanthe nipponica MAKING in B. M. T. 13 : 123, 1899. ^ >/-b< 7 V Rare, in afforestation place of Picea excelsa in north, part of Kuranuma shrine. 99. C. tricarinata LINDL. in WALL., Cat. n. 7339. x-'/x- b"^ Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from the bridge to NHK TV. broadcast; north. part of place where Sasa paniciilata was cut down; dales (A) and (B). 100. Cremastra variabilis (BLUME) NAKAI f. latifolia INAGAKI in Jour. Gakugei Univ. B, 11 : 44, 1960. b P/^ / -y-/f ^^-\ 7 >" Center of Asahi-yama Park; east. part of slope of Asahiyama Park. Rare.. 101. Oreorchis patens (LINDL.) LINDL. in Jour. Linn. Soc. 3: 27, 1859. ^ /r ^ 7 V Center of. the park; dales (A) and (B); slope of dale at Bridge Shimiclzu. Chloranthaceae 102. Tricercandra japonica NAKAI, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 18: 14, 1930. ^ 1- D •>'X* Common all over Asahi-yama.. 103. Chloranthus serratus (THUNB.) ROEM. et SCHULT., Syst. 3: 461, 1818. 7 f- y ~y-A-h Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; east. part of slope of Asahi-yama ; slope 1 of deep dale (A). Salicaceae 104. Populus maximowiczii A. HENRY in Gard. Chron. Ser. 3, 53 : 198, 1913. h" P ^ ^ Dale of Bridge Shimidzu ; entrance to deep dale (A). 105. Salix hultenii FLOD. var. angustifolia KIMURA in Jour. Fac. Agr. Hokk. Imp. Univ. 26 : 415, 1934. 3-•/'//< •Y 3-V^-^' Occasionally found in the area.. Juglandaceae 106. Juglans sieboldiana MAXIMOWICZ, Diagn. Pl. Nov. Jap. et Mandsh. 12 in Bull. Acad. Imp. St-Pgtersbourg 18 : 60. 1873. ^- •=- y'^ s. Center of Asahi-yama Park; in the forest of. north, part of private land. Betulaceae 107. Carpinus erosa BLUME in Ann. Lugd.-Bat. 1 : 308, 1850. -^ 7 •y^ In the forost of east. part of steep slope of Asahi-yama Park; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu; north, part of. 98. (. 8. ).

(10) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. slope of Asahi-yama Park; slopes 3 of deep dale (A); slope 1 of deep dale (B). 108. Ostrya japonica SARG. in Gard. & For. 6; 383, 1893. 7 -V- f" Center of Asahi-yama Park; east. part of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 109. Betula platyphylla SUKATCHEV var. japonica (MIQ.) HARA in J. J. B. 13: 384, 1939. 'y 7 ~h 'Y--^ Common all over Asahi-yama.. 110. Alnus tinctoria SARG. var. velutina HARA in B. M. T. 48; 80, 1934. ^-^-7^y/+ At. the confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A) ; slope of dale (B). 111. A. crispa (AIT.) PURSH var. maximowiczii (CALL.) HULT., Fl. Kamt. 2: 34, 1928. ^ 'V -^ •"• y ' + Slope 1 of deep dale (A) ; at the confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). Fagaceae 112. Quercus mongolica FISCHER var. grosseserrata REHD. et WILS. in WILSON. Plantae Wilsonianae 3: 231, 1917. ^ X^~7 Common all over Asahi-yana. 113. Q. dentata THUNB., Fl. Jap. 177, 1784. A •> 9 In the forest at the vicinity of the summit of Asahi-yama ; in north. part of the forest from Asahi-yama Health Center to deep dale. (A); Rare. Ulmaceae 114. Ulmus davidiana PLANCH. var. japonica NAKAI, Fl. Sylv. Kor. 19: 26, 1932. ^^=- v Center of Asahi-yama park. 115. Ulmus laciniata (TRAUTV.) MAYR, Fremd. Wald. 523, 1906. ^- k a i> Center of Asahiyama Park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama; roadside. from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; slopes 1 and 3 of deep dale (A) ; slope 3 of deep dale. (B). Moraceae. 116. Morus bombycis KOIDZ. in B. M. T. 29: 313, 1915. -^ -7 V 9 Slope of dale at Bridge. Shimidzu ; slope 4 of deep dale (A); slope 1 of deep dale (B). Urticaceae 117. Laportea bulbifera (S. et Z.) WEDD., Monogr. Urt. 139, 1856. A ^ 3-/f 7 ^ -^ Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from rifle range to the Summit of Asahi-yama; slope 1. of deep dale (A); at the confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A) ; slope 3 of deep dale (B). Aristolochiaceae 118. Asarum heterotropoides FR. SCHM., Fl. Sachal. 171, 1868. -^V x-'f^-^ '> y Center of the park ; forest of east. part of the park ; slopes 1 and 4 of deep dale (A). Polygonaceae 119. Rumex acetosella L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 538, 1753. b^ 7>^ ^ Roadside from Asahi-yama Health Center to deep dale (A); pasture of n. part of private land; pasture of s. part of private land. 120. R. obtusifolius L. subsp. ag'restis DANS. in Ned. Kr. Arch. 424, 1925. -x-'/ / ¥ 'V^ -V Common all over Asahi-yama.. 121. Polygonum aviculare L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 362, 1753. i^--^-^^' Cehter of Asahi-yama park ; roadside of south. part of private land ; pasture of n. part of private land; roadside of north, part of private land.. (. 9. ). E.

(11) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 122. Persicaria perfoliata GROSS in Bot. Jahrb. 49 : 275, 1913. -i '> ^ ^ ri Roadside from NHK TV, broadcast to rifle range ; roadside, n. part of private land. 123. P. thunbergii (SIEB. et Zucc.) GROSS var. thunbergii (PR. et SAV.) GROSS., ex LOESENER Pflanzenwelt Kiautschou-Gebietes, 114, 1920 (Beih. Bot. Centr., 37, 2 Abt.) i •/y/:; Wet. place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu; deep dale (A). 124. Reynoutria sachalinensis NAKAJ, Rep. Veg. Dagelet.18, 1919. ^-±^ 9- V ') Roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama; vicinity of Kuranuma shrine; roadside of northern part of private land. Chenopodiaceae 125. Chenopodium album L. var. centrorubrum MAKING in B. M. T. 24: 16, 1910. 7 A -*f Roadside from Asahi-yama Health Center to deep dale (A); roadside of north, part of private land ; vicinity of Kuranuma shrine. Caryophyllaceae 126. Moehringia lateriflora (L.) FENZL, Vers. Alsine 18 et 38, 1833. ^-±-V -? 7 7. -^ Common all over Asahi-yama.. 127. Cerastium caespitosum GILIBERT var. ianthes (WILL.) HARA m J. J. B. 17, 19, 1940. ^ ^ •f~ y~J4~ Center of Asahi-yama Park.. 128. Malachium aquaticum (L.) FRIES, Nov. Fl. Suec. ed. 2, 122, 1828. ^ ->^n--< Center and s. slope of the park ; pasture of s. part and forest of north, part of private land. 129. Stellaria media (L.) VILLARS var. minor MAKING in J. J. B. 3 : 2, 1926. =' ^ =I -^ Center of the park ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to NHK TV. broadcast; north, part and pasture of south, part of private land. 130. Cucubalus baccifer L. var. japonicus MIQ., Prol. Fl. Jap. 142, 1866-67. ^ 'v^'' V''" =' -^. Rare, roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range. Cercidiphyllaceae 131. Cercidiphyllum japonicum S. et Z., Fam. Nat, 2: 238, 1846. A 'V 7 Center of the park; dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; slope 1 of deep dale (A); forest of n. part of private land. In the park, there is an old tree having a circumference of 9.65 m. at breast height. Ranunculaceae. 132. Anemone debilis FISCH. ex TURCZ. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 27, 2: 274, 1854. b ^ ^ ^ V' Center of the park; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park ; slopes of deep dale. (A) and (B). 133. A. yezoensis KOIDZUMI in B. M. T. 31: 138, 1917. ^- '/-1' -?-V~ At the eastern part of the. foot of Asahi-yama Park. 134. A. flaccida FR. SCHM. Pl. Sachal. 103, 1863. =- '} ^ V <> Common all over the park. 135. Ranunculus repens L. var. major NAKAI in B. M. T. 42: 23, 1928. 1928. ^^ ^ y^-> V In a sunny wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside for Pepan. 136. R. ternatus THUNB. var. quelpaertensis (LEV.) OHWI, Pl, Jap. 526, 1953. -^ -? 4- •> ^ / ^ y 'y Wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu; wet place of slope of deep dale (A) ; wet place of n. part of roadside for P6pan. 137. Adonis amurensis REGEL et RADDE ex RGL. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 34 : 35, 1861. 7 f 100. (.10-).

(12) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. sy a- V >> Center of the park; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; slope 2 of. deep dale (A). 138. Thalictrum minus L. var. hypoleucum (SIEB. et Zucc.) MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 3, 4, 1868. 7+A 7 -? •>' Center of the park ; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; etc.. 139. T. sachalinense LECOY. in Bull. Soc. Bot. Belg. 24; 152. 1885. x-'/A y-f ~y Common all over Asahi-yama.. 140. Aconitum yezoense NAKAI in B. M. T. 22: 136, 1908. ^. •/ h y ^ -f ^ Center of Asahiyama; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 141. Actaea asiatica HARA in J. J. B. 15: 57, 1939. ^^ a fy .^3 1^-7 Slope of dale at Bridge. Shimidzu; slope 2 of deep dale (A). 142. Cimicifuga shnplex WORMSK. in B. M:. T. 30: 146, 1916. -K- 7 '>i~'y a -> -<• Asahi-yama. Park; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; deep dale (B). 143. Paeonia obovata MAXIM,, Prim. Fl. Amur. 29, 1859. -;^-/•::->--V-? -^-V y -^ y Center of. the park; forest of east. part of steep slope of Asahi-yama Park. 144. P. japonica (MAKING) MIYABE et TAKEDA in Gard. Chron, ser. 3 ; 43 ; 366, 1928. ^-?'> ~V y •V P Rare, on slopes 1, 3 and 4 of deep dale (A). Berberidaceae 145. Caulophyllum thalictroides (L.) MICHX. subsp. robustum (MAXIM.) KITAM. ex KITAMURA and MURATA, Col. 111. Herb. Pl. Jap. 2: 200, 1961. /^-^ 3 ^ ^ f- '^ Center of Asahi-yama Park; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ;. slopes 1 and 2 of deep dale (A). 146. Diphylleia cymosa MICHAUX subsp. grayi (MAXIM.) KITAM., 1. c. 199, -9->/A a r> Rare, slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 147. Achlys triphylla DC. subsp. japonica (MAXIM.) KITAM., 1. c. i-'V-7'^^ Rare, slope 2. of deep dale (A). Magnoliaceae 148. Magnolia obovata THUNB. in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2: 336, 1794. * 4- / + Forest of east, part of steep slope of the park; center of the park; deep dales (A) and (B); forest at the vicinity of the summit of Asahi-yama. 149. M. kobus DC. var. borealis SARG., Trees and Shrubs 2: 57, 1908. ^-ft^W Rather common all over Asalu-yama.. 150. Schizandra chinensis (TURCZ.) BAILL., Hist. Pl. 1: 148. 1868. =f- a i> -fc v-^ \ -> Center and forest of east. steep slope of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; confluence. of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). Papaveraceae. 151. Chelidonium majus L. subsp. asiatica HARA in J. J. B. 23: 43, 1949. f -^- / ^r^ Center and forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; south, part of slope of the park; slope 1 of deep dale (A); pasture of n. part of private land; forest of Larix leptolepis afforested. 152. Corydalis ambigua CHAMISSO et SCHLECHTENDAL var. glabra TAKEDA f. genuina TAKEDA (.11'). 101.

(13) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido in B. M. T. 24: 7, 1910. ^-y"-r.'y s'-y-^ Common all over Asahi-yama. 153. Corydalis ambigua var. glabra f. lineariloba TAKEDA. 1. c. 8. '-h V •'^ -/ 3- '/3- '> 3"-9~ V. Comparatively rare, center of Asahi-yama Park. Cruciferae 154. Cardamine impatiens L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 665, 1753. ^"^=-'Wv East. part of forest from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama (rare). 155. C. scutata THUNB. subsp. regeliana (MIQ.) HARA in J. Fac. Sci Univ. Tokyo sect. 3, 6 : 59, 1952. ^~± f ^- 'y >r^ -)- Wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; east. part of slope of the. park; wet places of deep dales (A) and (B). 156. C. leucantha (TH.) SCHULZ in Bot. Jahrb. 32: 403, 1903. -a V f 'W> Common all over Asahi-yama.. 157. Nasturtium sublyratum F. et S., Enum. 2: 277, 1876. -1" ? If 7 '> Center of the park; pasture of s. part and roadside of n. part of private land. 158. Rorippa islandica (OEDER) BORBAS var. fernaldiana BUTT. et ABBE in Rhodora 42: 25, 1940. 7>^i~> 9- ='''-S'r> Center of the park ; roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahiyama. 159. Capsella bursa-pastoris (L.) MED., Pfl.-Gatt. 1: 85, 1792. ^-X^- Wet place of roadside for Pepan; wet place, east. foot of the park. Saxifragaceae 160. Chrysosplenium flagelliferum FR. SCHM., Pl. Sachal. 134, 1868. '> >^^ => ^ /i ^ '> Wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; wet place 1 of deep dale (A); wet places 1-3 of deep. dale (B). 161. C. grayanum MAXIM, in Bull. Acad. Sf-P6t. 23 : 348, 1877. ^a / .< y^ Wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 162. Tiarella polyphylla DON, Prodr. Fl. Nep. 210, 1825. X^'-^^'^a- Common all over. 163. Hydrangea paniculata SIEB. var. floribunda RGL. in Gartenfl. 16 : 2, 1867. ^ V ^ -V ^. Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 164. H. petiolaris SIEB. et Zucc. var. ovalifolia FR. et SAV., Enum. 1: 154, 1875. 'y^7^-V/f Common all over Asahi-yama Park. Rosaceae. 165. Aruncus dioicus FERNALD in Rhodora 41: 423, 1939. •V •^ 7'-^ '> a <> -? Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu to : roadside from Bridge shimdzu to rifle range. 166. Potentilla fragarioides L. var. sprengeliana MAXIM, in M6\. Biol. 9: 160, 1873. + i> A 'y P Vicinity of Kuranuma shrine; roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama ; confluence of 1 and 2 of deep dale (A). 167. P. freyniana BORUM. in Mitt. Thuer. Bot. Ver. n. s. 20 : 12, 1904. ^ ~> -^ 'V sf- f 'J Asahi-. yama Park ; deep dales (A) and (B), etc. 168. Waldsteinia ternata (STEFH.) FRITSCH in Verh. K. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien 1889, Sitzungsber. 69. ^^-'y^^^ Rare, dale at Bridge Shimidzu. 169. Geum aleppicum JACQ., 1c. Pl. Rar. 1: 10, 1781. ±^~f'^ 3 y y ^ Rather common at various localities in Asahi-yama and Asahi-yama Park. 102. C-?2).

(14) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Kelsaku Matsunaga. 170. G. aleppicum var. sachalinense (KOIDZ.) OHWI, Pl. Jap. 636, 1953. A 7 7 h ^"'1' 3 y y i> Center of the park; slope of dale at Bridge Shlmidzu. 171. Rubus idaeus L. var. melanolasius FOCKE in Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen 13: 472-3, 1896. 3- •/' ^ ;3- =!•' Common all over Asahi-yama.. 172. R. parvifolius L. var. triphyllus NAKAI, Veg. Apoi 11, 1930. ^- 9 •>' P ^ -f- =i" Slope of dale. at Bridge Shimidzu ; slope 2 of deep dale (A). 173. Filipendula kamtschatica (PALL.) MAXIM, in Acta Hort. Petr. 6: 248, 1879. ^ ^ •>--&';/'>-. Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu; deep dale (A) ; private land. 174. Agrimonia pilosa LEDEB. var. japonica NAKAI in B. M. T. 47: 245, 1933. -JrV<Xk.Jr Common all over Asahi-yama.. 175. Rosa acicularis LIND,, Ros. Monogr. 44, 1820. ^-^-^A^-'<7 Rare, roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. 176. R. marretii LEV. in FEDDE, Rep. 8; 281, 1910. A 7 7 h -\ ^!- 7 Rare in north, part of private land where Sasa panicnlata was cut down, 177. Prunus sargentii REHD. in Mitt. Deut. Dendr. Ges. 17: 159, 1908. ^- 'f^fff 7 Common all over Asahi-yama Park. 178. P. ssiori FR. SCHM., Pl. Sachal. 124, 1868. 'V >> f -f 9 7 Center of Asahi-yama park; slope. of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; forest from Bridge to rifle range; slope of deep dale (A). 179. Sorbus commixta HEDL., Monogr. Sorb. 38, 1901. ^-^-A-? K' Center of the park. 180. S. alnifolia K. KOCH in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 1: 249, 1864. 7X^'^-'^ Common all over Asahi-yama. Leguminosae. 181. Maackia amurensis RUPR. et MAXIM, var. buergeri (MAXIM.) C. K. SCHN., 111. Handb. Laubh. 2: 76, 1912. '1' y.x.V^a. In all over Asahi-yama.. 182.Lespedeza bicolor TURCZ. in Bull. Soc. Nat. Mosc. 13: 69, 1840. x-'/^-f^^ Rather common at various localities.. 183. Desmodium racemosum (TH.) DC., Prodr. 2: 337, 1825. 5< 7> b" h -^ ^ Common. 184. Vicia cracca L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 735, 1753. f -^ 7 •^ Asahi-yama park ; roadside from rifle range to the summit ; between Bridge Shimidzu and rifle range ; south, part of roadside for Pepan; In the forest of northern part of private land. 185. Lespedeza cuneata G. DON, Gen. Hist. 2: 307, 1832. /< V-'-'^ In the forest of northern part of private land, 186. Pueraria thunbergiana BENTH. in Jour. Linn. Soc. 9: 122, 1867. f X Rare, near NHK TV. broadcast.. 187. Robinia pseudacacia L., Mant. 1: 101, 1767. ^ 'J ^yi>3- Center of the park. 188. Trifolium pratense L. f. sativa SER. in DC., Prodr. 2: 195, 1825. 7.* V ^ f -9- Common all over Asahi-yama Park. 189' T. repens L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 767, 1753. '> W ^ f -t Fairly common all over. Polygalaceae 190. Polygala japonica HOUTT., Handl. 10 ; 89, 1779. fc. ^ •'>Jf! Rare, roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. (.13-). 103.

(15) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. Oxalidaceae 191, Oxalis fontana BUNGE, Enum. Pl. Chin. Bar. 87,1833. a-y^^A^/^ ^ comparatively common all over. Rutaceae. ] 92. Phellodendron amurense RUPR. in Bull. Phys.-Math. Acad. St.-Pet. 15 ; 353, 1857. b P ^ y s^- /^ ^?" Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu; slope 1 of dale (A). ^.93. Skimmia japonica THUNB. var. repens (NAKAI) OHWI, Fl. Jap. 711, 1953. "//i-'y^S.. Slope 3 of deep dale (A); Slopes 2 and 3 of deep dale (B). Euphorbiaceae 194. Daphniphyllum macropodium MIQ. var. humile (MAXIM.) ROSENTHAL m ENGL., Pfl.-reich, 4-147a, Ht. 68: 11, 1919. ^•/'^.-/i; ^ Slopes 1 and 3 of deep dale (B). ; confluence of 1. and 3 of deep dale (A). Buxaceae. 195. Pachysandra terminalis SIEB. et Zucc. in Abh. Miinch 4 (2) M. 2, 1846. 7 '^+ V i> Common all over Asahi-yama,. Anacardiaceae 196. Rhus ambigua LAY., Arv. Segre. 54, 1877. '> f- '> ^- •> Asahi-yama Park; at some loca-. lities in Asahi-yama ; dales (A) and (B). 197. R. trichocarpa MIQ. in Ann. Lugd.-Bat. 2:84, 1865. -^-? ^ iv ~y All over.. Aquifoliaceae 198. Ilex crenata THUNB., Fl. Jap. 78, 1784. -T v- -V 'f~ All over Asahi-yama. Celastraceae. 199. Celastrus orbiculatus TH., Fl. Jap. 42, 1784. ~y ^^ ^ -e V^- East. slope of Asahi-yama ; roadside from rifle range to NHK TV. broadcast; Kuranuma shrine. 200. Euonymus alatus (TH.) SIEB. f. striatus (TH.) MAKING, 111. Fl. Jap. ecl. rev. 362, 1949. 3 -? a- ^ Center of the park ; forest of east. slope of deep dale of the park; roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panictilata was cut down ;. slopes 1 and 3 of deep dale (B). 201. E. fortune! (TURCZ.) HAND.-MAZZ., Symb. Sin. 7, 3: 660, 1933. ^/t/-7-V-+ Place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicnlala was cut down. 202. E. oxyphyllus MIQ. in Ann. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 86,1865. -^ y /^ Center of Asahi-yama Park; east. part of the park ; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A) ; slope 2 of deep dale (B). Aceraceae 203. Acer japonicum THUNB., Fl. Jap. 161, 1784. ^ r> -9- 7 ^ •^•T1' Common all over.. 204. A. mono MAXIM, f. heterophyllum NAKAI in J. J. B. 25: 133. 1950. -< ^ -^ ^ ^.T' Common all over Asahi-yama.. Balsaminaceae 205. Impatiens noli-tangere L., Sp. P:. ed. 1, 2: 938, 1753. ^'>> i; 7^. Slope of dale at Bridge. Shimidzu ; slope 1 of deep dale (A); confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). Vitaceae 206. Vitis coignetiae PULL. ex PLANCH. in Vigne Amer. 7 : 186, 1883. -\7 -? 7" h" i> Common 104. (.14-).

(16) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Kelsaku Matsunaga all over Asahi-yama.. 207. V. coignetiae f. glabrescens (NAKAI) HARA, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 3 : 138> 1954. ^ >r ~'v -\' -77" K r> Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; south. part of slope of Asahiyama Park; roadside for P6pan. 208. V. coig-netiae f. sinuata INAGAKI et MATSUNAGA, form nov. + ^/<-^-7 7" ]•"'> Folia margme smuata.. Rare, roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range. Typus : Asahi-yama (K. INAGAKI-SAP). 209. Ampelopsis brevipedunculata (IVTAXIM.) TRAUTV. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 8 : 176, 1883. / 7' F' f7 Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to NHK TV broadcast; forest of the northern part of the private land. Tiliaceae 210. Tilia maximowicziana SHIRASAWA in Bull. Coll. Agr. Tokyo Univ. 4: 158, t. 18, 1900. 3t~7h/-s ^ y~ ^ sy a- Common all over Asahi-yama.. 211. T. japonica (MIQ.) SIMONK. in Math. Termgsz. Kozl. 22: 326, 1888. 'Vi- ^ Jr Center of Asahi-yama Park; forest of east. part of the park; deep dales (A) and (B). Actinidiaceae 212. Actinidia arguta (S. et Z.) PLANCH. ex MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 3 : 15, 1867. ^^ -)~ -y Dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; between Bridge Shimidzu and NHK TV broadcast; between. the bridge and the rifle range; slope 1 of deep dale (A). 213. A. kolomikta (MAXIM, et RUPR.) MAXIM., Prim. Fl. Amur. 63, 1859. ^ J?-7-7 ft ft b" Dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; between the bridge and NHK broadcast. Hypericaceae 214. Hypericum ascyron L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 783, 1753. l'-&^-y^ At the vicinity of Kuranuma shrine ; forest near the summit of Asahi-yama. 215. H. erectum TH., Fl. Jap. 296, 1784. ^- h =¥ }) V <> Center of Asahi-yama Park ; near Kuranuma shrine ; forest near the summit of Asahi-yama ; forest of north, part of the private land,. Violaceae 216. Viola mandshurica W. BECKER in Bot. Jahrb. 54, Beibl. 120 : 179, 1917. 7. ^ V Center of the park; forest of north, part of the private land. 217. V. selkirkii PURSH ex GOLDIE in Edinb, Phil. Jour. 6: 324, 1822. 5. J?-^ 7. ^ V Common all over Asahi-yama Park. 218. V. acuminata LED., Pl, Ross. 1: 252, 1842. s-'/ / f^^'V ^^ 5. V Rare, in center of Asahiyama Park.. 219. V. kusanoana MAKING in B. M. T. 26: 178, 1912. ^-^^ y-?-4^ ^ V Common all over Asahi-yama Park.. 220. V. kusanoana f. pubescens (NAKAI) MIZUSHIMA m Sci. Res. Ozegahara 450, 1954. •V 7t- --h ff-'y !^7. 5. V Rare, in the center of Asahi-yama Park.. 221. V. verecunda A. GRAY. Bot. Jap. 382, 1859. '> ^ 7. ^ V Center of Asahi-yama Park; forest of north, part of private land. Thymelaeaceae. (75). 105.

(17) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 222. Daphne kamtschatica MAXIM, var. jezoensis (MAXIM.) OHWI, Pl. Jap. 802, 1953. •±=-v? X In a locality between rifle range and the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa pani ctilata was cut down. Alangiaceae 223. Marlea platanifolia SIEB. et Zucc. var. triloba MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Bot. Lugd.-Bat. 2 : 159,. 1865. "> y ^ + Slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; slope 1 of deep dale (A). Onagraceae. 224. Epilobium angustifolium L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 347, 1753. -\r^-:^'7 'V Common all over Asahi-yama.. 225. Circaea cordata ROYLE, 111. Bot. Himal. Mts. 211, t. 43 (l), 1839. ^ •>/^^T V ^ Southern part of slope of Asahi-yama Park. 226. C. erubescens FR. et SAV., Enuin. 1: 170, 1875. f =• 9- -f East. part of foot of Asahi.yama. Park ; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama. 227. Oenothera parviflora L., : HISAUCHI, Kikashokubutsu, 185, 1950. 7 L/^--? ^ 3< ^"-^ Common all over Asahi-yama Park. Araliaceae 228. Aralia data (MIQ.) SEEM. in Jour. Bot. 6; 134, 1868. 9- 5 / ^- Common all over Asahiyama Park.. 229. Aralia data var. canescens (PR. et SAV.) NAKAI in Jour. Am. Arb. 5: 31, 1924. ^ fC 7 Rare, south, part of the park; forest near the summit of Asahi-yama. 230. A. cordata THUNB., Pl. Jap.127,1784. I> h" Wet place at the confluence of deep dale (A). 231. Acanthopanax divaricatus (SIEB. et Zucc.) SEEM. in Jour. Bot. 5: 239, 1867. lr ^ -^ r> =! ^ Rare, at the confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 232. Kalopanax pictus (TH.) NAKAI, Pl. Sylv. Koreana 16: 34, t. 8-10, 1927. -" II ^ f Common all over Asahi-yama.. Umbelliferae 233. Hydrocotyle ramiflora MAXIM, in Bull. St.-Petersb. 31: 46, 1886. ^---h-^ h" ^ Common all over Asahi-yama.. 234. Sanicula chinensis BUNGE, Enum. Pl. Chin. Bor. 106, 1833. '>-<•/ 5. ~y ^< Center of the park; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; roadside of north, part of the private land. 235. Osmorhiza aristata (TH.) MAKING et YABE in B. M. T. 17; 14, 1903. -\7 -f =- v'y y Roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama ; from rifle range to the summit where Sasa panicurata was cut down. 236. Torilis japonica (HOUTT.) DC., Prodr. 4: 219, 1830. -V7'i>7 ^ Center of Asahi-yama Park ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to the summit of Asahi-yama ; slope of dale at Bridge. Shimidzu ; slopes of 2 and 3 of deep dale (B). 237. Anthriscus sylvestris (L.) HOFFM." subsp. nemorosa (BIEB.) KOSO-POLUANSKY in Acta Hort. Petrop. 36: 103, 1920. '>'J? f Roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summite of Asahi-yama.. 238, Cryptotaenia japonica HASSK. in Retzia 1: 113, 1855. ^ '^/•''-tfll Center of Asahi-yama. ioe. (^6).

(18) Kati-lchi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. Park; south, part. of slope of Asahi-yama Park; slope 1 of deep dale (A); forest of north. part of the private land. 239, Oenanthe javanica (BLUME) DC., Prodr. 4: 138, 1830. -b '; Slope 1 of deep dale (A); forest of north, part of the private land. 240. Angelica g-enuflexa NUTT. ex TORR. et GRAY, Fl. N. Amer. 1: 620, 1820. x-V y ^-^^ -t y^-a- r"7 Forest of east. part of steep slope of Asahi-yama Park; slope of dale at Bridge. Shimidzu ; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 241. A. nrsina (RUPR.) MAXIM, in Bull. Acad. St.-Pgtersb. 22: 258, 1842. j.'/=.n-i> Roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. 242. A. anomala LALLEM. in Incl. Sem. Hort. Petrop. 9 : 57, 1842. ^- '/ ^ a P -1' ^"-V- Common all over Asahi-yama.. 243. Heracleum lanatum MICHX. var. asiaticum (HIROE) HARA in Jour. Fac. Sci. Univ. Tokyo, sect. 3, 6: 92 in adn. 1952. -^~^^^1~"f7 1-" Center of Asahi-yama park; slope of dale at. Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from Bridge Shimizu to the rifle range. Cornaceae. 244. Cornus controversa HEMSL. ex PRAIN in CURTIS, Bot Mag. t. 8261 in textu. 1909. ? X+ Center of the park; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; (comparatively rare). Pyrolaceae 245. Pyrola japonica KLENZE ex ALEF. in Linnaea 28: 57 in nota. 1856. < ^ ^ ^ V I> Center of Asahi-yama Park; south. part of slope of Asahi-yama (rare). 246. P. renifolia MAXIM., Prim. Fl. Amur. 190, 1859. ^'Y a ^ < -^ -t7 f V ^ East. part of the center of the park; south, part of the park; roadside of north. part of NHK TV broadcast ; forest of Picea excelsa of north, part of Kuranuma shrine ; slope 3 of deep dale (B). 247. Orthilia secunda (L.) HOUSE in Amer. M'idl. Nat. 7 : 134, 1921. =» ^ ^--V ? V ^ East. part of slope of cent. of the park; forest of Picea e.welsa in north, part of Kuranuma shrine. The species is to be found comparatively rare in the present area. 248. Ghimaphila japonica MIQ. in Ann. Mus. Lugd.-Bat. 2 : 162, 1866. r> ^ /V-^- V r> Center of the park ; south. part of slope of Asahi-yama park ; forest of P-icea excelsa of north. part of Kuranuma shrine ; forest of north, part of private land, Ericaceae. 249. Vaccinium smallii A. GRAY, Bot. Jap. 398 in adn. 1859. --}--+< /^ / ^ Forest of east. part of steep dale of the park; east. part of slope of the park ; at the vicinity of the NHK TV broadcast. 250. Hugeria japonica (MIQ.) NAKAI, TR. & SHR. Jap. ed. 2,227,f. 109, 1927. ~7 y -V^ Forest of east. part of steep dale of the park; south. part of roadside from rifle range to Kuranuma shrine.. Primulaceae 251. Lysimachia davurica LED. in M6m. Acad. St.-PiSt. 5:523,1812. ^-tH^^"-? Center of the park; south, part of slope of the park; roadside from the NHK TV broadcast to the summit of Asahi-yama.. 252. L. japonica THUNB. var. thunbergiana F. MAEKAWA ex HARA, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 86,. (.17). 107.

(19) Flora of Asalu-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido 1949. ~i~ if 3- 3 1- 7^ \£ From rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama.. Symplocaceae 253. Palura chinensis (LOUR.) KOIDZ. f. pilosa (NAKAI) HARA, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 1: 108, 1949. -y-9 7 ^ ^ Rare, on slope 1 of deep dale (B). Styracaceae. 254. Styrax obassia SIEB. et Zucc., Pl. Jap. l: 93, t. 46, 1835. -'> V 1> 'y^f South, part of slope of Asahi-yama Park; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; slopes 2 and 3. of deep dale (A). Oleaceae 255. Syringa reticulata (BL.) HARA in J. J. B. 17: 21, 1941. ^•"> K'-T Cent. of the park; east. part of foot of Asahi-yama Park. 256. Fraxinus mandshurica RUPR. var. japonica MAXIM, in Bull. Acad. St.-P^tersb. 20: 432, 1873. -y-9L^"-& Dale at Bridge Shimizu ; forest of northern part of the private land. Gentianaceae. 257. Tripterospermum japonicum MAXIM, in Bull. Acad. St.-P^tersb. 20 : 435 in textu. 1875. 'y /^ y y h" i> East. part of center of the park; east. part of steep dale of the park; place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicnlata was cut down. 258. Gentiana zollingeri FAWCETT in Jour. Bot. 21: 183, 1883. 7 T~ y V h" i? Center of Asahiyama Park ; place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicnlata was cut down; slopes 2, 3 and 4 of deep dale (A). Asclepiadaceae 259. Metaplexis japonica (THUNB.) MAKING m B. M. T. 17: 87, 1903. *'A"-1' ^ Center of the park ; place where Sasa panicnlata was cut down ; roadside of north, part of the private land. 260. Cynanchum macranthum (MAXIM.) NAKAI in B. M. T. 28: 334, 1914. -V P ^-)-ts -& / ^^ Center of Asahi-yama Park. Boraginaceae. 261. Myosotis palustris LAM., Pl. Fr. 2: 283, 1778. '7 ^ v-T y^ Wet place of north, part of the private land ; north. part of path for P<5pan. Labiatae 262. Ajuga yezoensis MAXIM, ex FR. et SAV., Enum. 2 : 467, 1877. =- -> Jr ='" F' ^ Comparatively rare in the center of Asahi-yama.. 263. Scutcllaria pekinensis MAXIM, var. ussuriensis (RGL.) HAND.-MAZZ. in Acta Hort. Gotob. 13 : 339, 1939. -x- •/ f 'y i~ < V '> Center of the park ; east. foot of Asahi-yama Park; from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama ; slopes 1 and 2 of deep dale (A); forest of northern part of the private land. 264. Glechoma hederacea L. var. grandis (A. GRAY) KUDO in Jour. Coll. Sci. Univ. Tokyo 43-8: 20, t. 1, f. 13, 1921. -h^- y^^ Forest and pasture of north, part of the private land. Seemingly naturalized. 265. Prunella vulg-aris L. var. alentica FERALD in Rhodora 15 : 185, 1913. ^ -\7 -? 1> •> ^ f'-VVicinity of Kuranuma shrine; forest of north, part of the private land. 266. Stachys riederi CHAMISSO var. liispida (LED.) HARA in B. M. T. 51: 144, 1937. s- •/< 108. (.18).

(20) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. y. 3' -? East. part of roadside of Asahl-yama Park; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 267. Lamium album L. var. barbatum (SIEB. et Zucc.) PR. et SAV., Enum. l; 380, 1875. ± h" y 3 y i> Roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama ; forest of north, part of the private land. 268. Lycopus uniflorus MICHX., Pl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 14, 1803. j-•/'•>-P^ Wet place of dale at. Bridge Shimidzu. 269. CIinopodium sachalinense (PR. SCHM.) KOIDZ. in B.M.T. 43: 387, 1929. i -^-7 h r>^^ Roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu. Scrophulariaceae 270. Mimulus inflatus (MIQ.) NAKAI in B. M:. T. 33: 209, 1919. ^ •/*'?X+ Wet place of. dale at Bridge Shimidzu; wet places of 1 and 2 of 2 of deep dale (A); confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 271. Veronicastrum sibiricum (L.) PENNELL var. yezoense HARA in J. J. B. 16: 161, 1940. s-'/'/ f •h'^ y t? Wet place at the conflueace of deep dale (A); roadside of north, part of the private land; roadside of south, part of the Asahi-yama Park. 272. Veronica arvensis L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1; 13, 1753. ^^ ? ^ 7 Yy Forest of north, part of the private land. 273. V. persica POIR., Encycl. Meth. 8: 542, 1808. + --h < ^ / 7 f" <} Forest of north, part of the private land. Phrymaceae 274. Phryma leptostachya L. var. asiatica HARA, Enum.Sperm. Jap. 1: 297, 1949. ^^3- F' f V r>. Wet place of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; wet places of deep dales (A) and (B). Plantaginaceae 275. Plantag'o asiatica L. var. densiuscula PJLGER in Notizbl. Bot. Gart. Berlin-Dahlem 8 : 107, 1922. 7i-7h/-<~3 Center of the park; roadside from the Asahi-yama Health Center to deep dale (A); roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama ; pasture of north. part of the private land. 276. P. lanceolata L., Sp. Pl. ecl. 1, 1: 113, 1753. ^7^7h/?3 Center of Asahi-yama Park; roadside from Bridge Shimiclzu to rifle range ; vicinity of Kuranuma shrine; forest at the vicinity of the summit of Asahi-yama ; pasture of south. part of the private land. Rubiaceae 277. Rubia chinensis REGEL et MAACK var. glabrescens (NAICAI) KITAGAWA, Lin. Pl. Mansh. 405, 1939. -^-r^^-^ f V i? Rare, on slope 2 of deep dale (A). 278. Galium trifloriforme KOM. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 18: 428, 1900. -^ V ^^-^A ^"7 Slope. of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; slope 2 of deep dale (A). 279. G. pseudo-asprellum MAKING in B. M. T. 17: 110, 1903. :t--h^'^ J? x- A '/=7 Vicinity of north, part of the entrance to Bridge Shimidzu. 280. Asperula odorata L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 103, 1753. '> ^-r^^V i> Common all over Asahiyama.. Caprifoliaceae. (75). 109.

(21) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 281. Sambucus sieboldiana BLUME var. miquelii (NAKAI) HARA in J. J. B. 26: 280, 1951. ^- '/ ^. 9 h 3 Common all over Asahi-yama.. 282. Viburnum sargentii KOEHNE f. intermedium (NAKAI) HARA, Enum. Sperm. Jap. 2: 60, 1952. A '•/ rf- f Center of Asahi-yama; south. part of slope of the park; slope 2 of deep. dale (A). 283. V. furcatum BLUME ex MAXIM, in Bull. St.-Pgtersb. 26: 483. 1880. A -> ^ 1) Common all over Asahi-yama. 284. V. wrighttii MIQ. in Ann. Lugd.-Bat. 2: 267, 1866. ^ -f "•' A""'' X < Forest of east. part. of steep slope of Asahi-yama ; at the confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). Adoxaceae 285. Adoxa moschatellina L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 1: 267, 1753. v ^ 7° ^ V •> Center of the park ; slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; slope 1 of deep dale (A). Valerinaceae 286. Patrinia scabiosaefolia FISCH. ex TREV,, Ind. Sem. Hort. Vrat. 2: 2, 1820. ^-^^-^'^ Roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the place where Picea excelsa was afforested. Comparatively rare.. Cucurbitaceae 287. Gynostemma pentaphyllum MAKING in B. M. T. 16: 179, 1902. 7 -f ^ -V "/ ^ Common all over Asahi-yama. Campanulaceae. 288. Adenophora triphylla (TH.) DC. var. japonica (RGL.) HARA in J. J. B. 26: 281, 1951. 'y y if ^ =- 'y->>'y Common all over Asahi-yama.. 289. Codonopsis lanceolata (SIEB. et Zucc.) TRAUTV. in Acta Hort. Petrop. 6 : 46, 1879. V ^ =- y i> y North. part of the entrance to Bridge Shimidzu. Compositae 290. Anaphalis margaritacea (L.) BENTH. et HOOK. var. angustior (MIQ.) NAKAI in B. M. T. 40: 148, 1926. -V -r^^ ^ Forest of Larix leptolepis afforested at the vicinity of rifle range ; roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. 291. Carpesium cernuum L., Sp. Pl. ed. 1, 2: 859, 1753. -V 7" ft ^ ^ Roadside from the NHK TV broadcast to rifle range ; east. part of foot of Asahi-yama Park. 292. Leibnitzia anandria (L.) NAKAI in J. J. B. 13: 852, f. 2, 1937. -by^'^-Vp Roadside from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama. 293. Eupatorium lindleyanum DC., Prodr. 5 : 180, 1836. -V- r7 k a K II Roadside of south, part of Asahi-yama Park ; roadside of north, part of the private land. 294. E. glehni FR. SCHM. ex TRAUTV. in Acta Hort. Petrop. ^: 432. 1883. a -y.^'b a Ky Common all over Asahi-yama.. 295. E. chinense L. var. simplicifolium (MAK.) KITAM. in J. J. B. 24: 79, 1949. fc a K D ^<-)Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range. 296. Solidago virgaurea L. subsp. leiocarpa HULTEN, Fl. Aleut. 315, 1937. ^ A"^' ^ 9 Center of Asahi-yama Park; forest of east. part of steep slope of the park; forest near the summit. no. (20).

(22) Kan-ichi Inagaki and Keisaku Matsunaga. of Asahi-yama; forest of north. part of the private land; roadside from NHK TV broadcast to the summit of Asahi-yama. 297. Erigeron annuus (L.) PERS., Syn, Pl. 2: 431, 1807. b ^ ^ a ^r V Common all over Asahiyama,. 298. Aster scaber THUNB., Fl. Jap. 316, 1784. •>/ 7 -V -'• :¥ f South, part of slope of Asahi-yama Park; place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicitlata was cut down; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Picea excelsa: 299. A. glehni FR. SCHM., Fl. Sachal. 146, 1868. -a-'/ ='" -<• -^ Roadside from east. part of. Asahi-yama; slope 3 of deep dale (A). 300. Petasites japonicus MAXIM, subsp. giganteus (FR. SCHM.) KITAM., Corn. Jap. 3 : 164, 1942. ~7'^St~7JT Common all over Asahi-yama.. 301. Senecio cannabifolius LESS. in Linnaea 6: 242, 1831. ^ V ='" '•/ Y r> Roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Picea excelsa; slope 3 of deep dale (A). 302. Cacalia hastata L. subsp. orientalis KITAM. in Acta Phytotax. Geobot. 7; 244, 1938. 3 7"^,-? y i> Common all over Asahi-yama.. 303. Artemisia japonica THUNB., Fl. Jap.310,1784. ^ I- 3 a -& ^ Vicinity of Kuranuma shrine ; roadside, north, part of private land; roadside from Asahi-yama Health Center to deep. dale (A). 304. A. montana (NAKAI) PAMP. in Nuov. Gior. Bot. Ital. n. s. 36: 461, 1930. ^-^- a ^^ East. foot of Asahi-yama park; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama park; roadside from. Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to the summit of Asahi-yama ; forest where Larix leptolepis was afforested; roadside of north, private land. 305. Cirsium pendulum FISCH. ex DC., Prodr. 6: 650, 1837. ft -h 7^ ? Roadside from NHK TV broadcast to rifle range ; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama Park. 306. C. kamtschaticum LEDEB. ex DC., Prodr. 6: 644, 1837. s-'/' a -& =¥ Roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama; place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panictllata was cut down. 307. C. pectinellum A. GRAY, Bot. Jap. 395, 1859. -=.'/ ^ + T7 7 -V-' ^ Center of Asahi-yama ;. slope of dale at Bridge Shimidzu ; roadside from Bridge Shimidzu to rifle range ; south, part of slope of Asahi-yama Park ; slope 1 of deep dale (A); place from rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicnlaia was cut down; roadside of north, part of the private land. 308. Youngia japonica (L.) DC., Prodr. 7:194,1838. f =- ft b:' 7 ^ Center of Asahi-yama Park; roadside from NHK TV broadcast to rifle range. 309. Picris hieracioides L. subsp. japonica (TH.) KRYLOV, Fl. Alt. 3 : 727, 1904. 3 I> '/ D i" Center of Asahi-yama Park; south, part of slope of the park; roadside from the NHK TV broadcast to rifle range. 310. Taraxacum officinale WEB. ex WIGG., Prim. Fl. Holsat, 56, 1780. -te-1' a >> ff. v^^s Comman all over the park. 311. T, hondoense NAKAI ex H. KOIDZUMI in B. M. T. 47; 119, 1933. s. '/ ft y--h°-+" East. part. of slope of the center of Asahi-yama. (.21-). 111.

(23) Flora of Asahi-yama, Kamikawa District, Hokkaido. 312. Hieracium umbellatum L. var. japonicum HARA in B. M. T. 52: 72, 1938. ^•^•^9 ^ .-H ^ Center of Asahi-yama ; place from. rifle range to the summit of Asahi-yama where Sasa panicnlata was cut down ; roadside from Kuranuma shrine to afforestation place of Picea excelsa; forest of Picea excelsa afforested. 313. Ixeris stolonifera A. GRAY, Bot. Jap. 396, 1859. < r> =- If ^~ Center of Asahi-yama Park; south, part of slope of the park; confluence of 2 and 3 of deep dale (A). 314. I. dentata (TH.) NAKAI var. amplifolia KITAM. m B. M. T. 49:285, 1935. ^-)-=.-){-)-. Center of Asahi-yama; forest of Picea excelsa afforested; forest of Larix leptolepis afforested. 315. Lactuca raddeana MAXIM, var. data (HEM.) KITAM. in J. J. B. 21: 52, 1947. -V-^ =--)f~)'. Roadside from NHK TV broadcast to rifle range. 316. Sonchus oleraceus L., Sp. Pl. ed.1,2: 794,1753. / 'r'V In the center of Asahiyama Park.. A vegetation map of Asahiyama. Deep_ /. \ dale B;. ,V"7"^--.. \. For p epan. Legend : A ; Forest of Larix lepfolepis (cultivated). B ; Forest of Picea cxcelsa (cultivated).. C ; Forest of Finns siluestris (cultivated). D ; Forest of P. n'tgra ssp. laricio (cultivated). Forest mainly investigated. Path.. 112. (22). For Pepan.




2, the distribution of roots of Ehrhart polynomials of edge polytopes is computed, and as a special case, that of complete multipartite graphs is studied.. We observed from

The (strong) slope conjecture relates the degree of the col- ored Jones polynomial of a knot to certain essential surfaces in the knot complement.. We verify the slope conjecture

Keywords: continuous time random walk, Brownian motion, collision time, skew Young tableaux, tandem queue.. AMS 2000 Subject Classification: Primary:

The main problem upon which most of the geometric topology is based is that of classifying and comparing the various supplementary structures that can be imposed on a

We now show that the formation of the Harder-Narasimhan filtration commutes with base change, thus establishing the slope filtration theorem; the strategy is to show that a

Then, after clarifying the behavior of the maximum degree of the colored Jones polynomial for cables of certain knots in Propo- sition 3.2, we record an explicit proof of the

This paper presents an investigation into the mechanics of this specific problem and develops an analytical approach that accounts for the effects of geometrical and material data on

While conducting an experiment regarding fetal move- ments as a result of Pulsed Wave Doppler (PWD) ultrasound, [8] we encountered the severe artifacts in the acquired image2.