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2. Yetter-Drinfel’d modules


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New York J. Math. 2(1996)35–58.

Deformed Enveloping Algebras

Yorck Sommerh¨auser

Abstract. We construct deformed enveloping algebras without using gen- erators and relations via a generalized semidirect product construction. We give two Hopf algebraic constructions, the first one for general Hopf algebras with triangular decomposition and the second one for the special case that the outer tensorands are dual. The first construction generalizes Radford’s biproduct and Majid’s double crossproduct, the second one Drinfel’d’s Dou- ble construction. The second construction is applied in the last section to construct deformed enveloping algebras in the setting created by G. Lusztig.


1. Introduction 35

2. Yetter-Drinfel’d modules 36

3. The first construction 39

4. The second construction 47

5. Deformed enveloping algebras 54

References 57

1. Introduction

Deformed enveloping algebras were defined by V. G. Drinfel’d at the Interna- tional Congress of Mathematicians 1986 in Berkeley [2]. His definition uses a system of generators and relations which is in a sense a deformation of the system of gener- ators and relations that defines the enveloping algebras of semisimple Lie algebras considered by J. P. Serre [15] in 1966 and known since then as Serre’s relations.

Serre’s relations consist of two parts, the first part interrelating the three types of generators and thereby leading to the triangular decomposition, the second, more important one being relations between generators of one type. In 1993, G. Lusztig gave a construction of the deformed enveloping algebras that did not use the second part of Serre’s relations [4]. Lusztig’s approach was interpreted by P. Schauenburg as a kind of symmetrization process in which the braid group replaces the sym- metric group [13]. In this paper, we give a construction of deformed enveloping algebras without referring to generators and relations at all.

Received October 30, 1995.

Mathematics Subject Classification. 16W, 17B.

Key words and phrases. Deformed enveloping algebra, quantum group, smash product.

1996 State University of New Yorkc ISSN 1076-9803/96



The paper is organized as follows: In Section2, we recall the notion of a Yetter- Drinfel’d bialgebra and review some of their elementary properties that will be needed in the sequel. In Section3, we carry out the first construction which leads to a Hopf algebra which has a two-sided cosmash product as coalgebra structure.

We show that many Hopf algebras with triangular decomposition are of this form.

As special cases, we obtain Radford’s biproduct and Majid’s double crossproduct.

In Section4, we carry out the second construction which applies to a pair of Yetter- Drinfel’d Hopf algebras which are in a sense dual to each other. In Section 5, we explain how Lusztig’s algebra 0f which corresponds to the nilpotent part of a semisimple Lie algebra is a Yetter-Drinfel’d Hopf algebra and how the second construction can be used to construct deformed enveloping algebras.

2. Yetter-Drinfel’d modules

2.1. In this preliminary section we recall some very well known facts on Yetter- Drinfel’d modules. Suppose thatH is a bialgebra over a fieldKwith comultiplica- tion ∆Hand counitH. We use the following Sweedler notation: ∆H(h) =h1⊗h2. Recall the notion of a left Yetter-Drinfel’d module (cf. [17], [7, Definition 10.6.10]):

This is a leftH-comoduleV which is also a left H-module such that the following compatibility condition is satisfied:

h1v1⊗(h2→v2) = (h1→v)1h2⊗(h1→v)2

for all h∈ H and v ∈V. Here we have used the following Sweedler notation for the coaction: δ(v) =v1⊗v2∈H⊗V. The arrow→denotes the module action.

2.2. We also define right Yetter-Drinfel’d modules, which are the left Yetter- Drinfel’d modules over the opposite and coopposite bialgebra. They are right co- modules and right modules that satisfy:

(v1←h1)⊗v2h2= (v←h2)1⊗h1(v←h2)2

Of course one can also define left-right and right-left Yetter-Drinfel’d modules, but they are not used in this article.

2.3. The tensor product of two Yetter-Drinfel’d modules becomes again a Yetter- Drinfel’d module if it is endowed with the diagonal module and the codiagonal comodule structure (cf. [7, Example 10.6.14], [12, Theorem 4.2]). The left Yetter- Drinfel’d modules, and also the right ones, therefore constitute a monoidal category (cf. [3]). But these categories also possess pre-braidings, which are in the left case given by

σV,W :V ⊗W −→W ⊗V v⊗w7→(v1→w)⊗v2.

The corresponding formula in the right case reads: σV,W(v⊗w) =w1⊗(v←w2).

These mappings are bijective if H is a Hopf algebra with bijective antipode, but we do not assume this.


2.4. Suppose that V is a left Yetter-Drinfel’d module and that W is a right Yetter-Drinfel’d module. We define a Yetter-Drinfel’d form to be a bilinear form

V ×W →K,(v, w)7→ hv, wi

such that the following conditions are satisfied for allv∈V,w∈W andh∈H: (1) hh→v, wi=hv, w←hi

(2) hv, w1iw2=v1hv2, wi

IfV is a finite dimensional left Yetter-Drinfel’d module, then the dual vector space W :=V is in a unique way a right Yetter-Drinfel’d module such that the natural pairing

V ×V→K,(v, f)7→ hv, fi:=f(v)

is a Yetter-Drinfel’d form. The comodule structure is in this case given by the formula:

δV(f) = Xn i=1


wherev(1), . . . , v(n)is a basis ofV with dual basisv(1)∗, . . . , v(n)∗. However, in our main application we consider the infinite dimensional case.

2.5. The transpose of an H-linear and colinear map between finite-dimensional left Yetter-Drinfel’d modules is linear and colinear. If h·,·i1 :V1×W1 →K and h·,·i2:V2×W2→K are Yetter-Drinfel’d forms, then

(V1⊗V2)×(W1⊗W2)→K,(v1⊗v2, w1⊗w2)7→ hv1, w1i1hv2, w2i2 is also a Yetter-Drinfel’d form. The pre-braidings are mutually adjoint with respect to this bilinear form.

2.6. Since we have the notion of a bialgebra inside a pre-braided monoidal cate- gory (cf. [11], [7, p. 203]), it is meaningful to speak of left Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebras (or Hopf algebras). Suppose that A is a left Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra and that B is a right Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra. We say that a Yetter-Drinfel’d form is a bialgebra form if the following conditions are satisfied:

(1) ha⊗a0,∆B(b)i=haa0, bi (2) ha, bb0i=h∆A(a), b⊗b0i (3) h1, bi=B(b),ha,1i=A(a)

for all a, a0 ∈ A and all b, b0 ∈ B. The bilinear form on the tensor products is defined as in Subsection 2.5. IfB is the dual vector space of a finite-dimensional Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebraA, then the natural pairing considered in Subsection2.4 is a bialgebra form. IfAandB possess antipodes, they are interrelated as follows:

Proposition 2.1. If A and B are Yetter-Drinfel’d Hopf algebras with antipodes SA resp. SB andh·,·i:A×B→K is a bialgebra form, we have for all a∈Aand b∈B: hSA(a), bi=ha, SB(b)i.

Proof. This follows from the fact that the mappingsa⊗b7→ hSA(a), bianda⊗b7→

ha, SB(b)i are left resp. right inverses of the mapping a⊗b 7→ ha, bi inside the convolution algebra (A⊗B), and these two inverses must coincide.


2.7. We consider next the situation that the bilinear form is degenerate. We consider the left radical RA ={a∈ A| ∀b ∈B :ha, bi= 0} and the right radical RB ={b∈B| ∀a∈A:ha, bi= 0}of the form:

Proposition 2.2. We have:

(1) RA is anH-submodule and an H-subcomodule.

(2) RA is a two-sided ideal and a two-sided coideal.

Proof. We only prove the subcomodule-property. Suppose thata∈RAis nonzero.

We writeδA(a) = Pk

i=1h(i)⊗a(i)whereδAdenotes the comodule operation. By choos- ingkminimal we can assume that theh(i)’s and thea(i)’s are linearly independent.

We have forb∈B:

Xk i=1

ha(i), bih(i)=ha2, bia1=ha, b1ib2= 0

and thereforeha(i), bi= 0 for alli. Therefore we havea(i)∈RA. Since A(a) =ha,1i, the counit vanishes on the radical. It is now clear that ¯A= A/RA is a Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra.

Of course, one can show similarly that ¯B = B/RB is a right Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra. The induced pairing ¯A×B¯ →K, (¯a,¯b)7→ ha, biis also a bialgebra form.

2.8. The following lemma is often useful in verifying that a certain bilinear form is in fact a bialgebra form (cf. [4, Proposition 1.2.3]).

Lemma 2.3. Suppose thatA (resp.B)is a left(resp. right)Yetter-Drinfel’d bial- gebra. Suppose that B0 ⊂B generates B as an algebra. We further assume that a bilinear formh·,·i:A×B →K is given which satisfies axiom (2)in Subsection 2.6 for all a∈A and allb, b0 ∈B. Now suppose that the other axioms (1), (3) of Subsection 2.6 and(1), (2)of Subsection 2.4 are satisfied for all a, a0 ∈A and all h∈H, but only for allb∈B0. Then the bilinear form is a bialgebra form.

Proof. Since these verifications are rather similar, we only show 2.6 (1). (However, 2.4 (1) and 2.4 (2) must be shown first.) Since among the assumptions we have in 2.6 (3) thatha,1i=A(a), this holds ifb= 1. If 2.6 (1) holds forb, b0 ∈B, it also holds forbb0:

ha⊗a0,∆B(bb0)i=ha⊗a0, b1b011⊗(b2←b012)b02i

=ha, b1b011iha0,(b2←b012)b02i

=ha1, b1iha2, b011iha01, b2←b012iha02, b02i

=ha1, b1iha22, b01iha21→a01, b2iha02, b02i

=ha1(a21→a01), biha22a02, b0i

=h∆A(aa0), b⊗b0i=haa0, bb0i.

Here, the equality of the third and fourth lines follows from 2.4 (1) and 2.4 (2).


2.9. We have already noted in Subsection 2.2 the correspondence between left and right Yetter-Drinfel’d modules. This implies the following correspondence for Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebras:

Lemma 2.4. We have:

(1) If A is a left Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra over H, then the opposite and coop- posite bialgebraAop cop is a right Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra over Hop cop. (2) IfBis a right Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra overH, thenBop copis a left Yetter-

Drinfel’d bialgebra over Hop cop. The proof is omitted.

3. The first construction

3.1. In this section,A(resp.B) is a fixed left (resp. right) Yetter-Drinfel’d bial- gebra over a bialgebra H. ∆A (resp. ∆B) andA (resp. B) denote the comulti- plication and the counit. The aim is to investigate under which circumstances the two-sided cosmash product is a bialgebra.

3.2. We first define the two-sided cosmash product.

Proposition 3.1. A⊗H⊗B is a coalgebra by the following comultiplication and counit:

∆ :A⊗H⊗B→(A⊗H⊗B)⊗(A⊗H⊗B) a⊗h⊗b7→(a1⊗a21h1⊗b11)⊗(a22⊗h2b12⊗b2)

:A⊗H⊗B →K a⊗h⊗b7→A(a)H(h)B(b)

This coalgebra structure is called the two-sided cosmash product.

Proof. This follows by direct computation.

3.3. We now introduce certain structure elements which will be used to turn the two-sided cosmash product into a bialgebra.

Definition 3.2. A pair (A, B) consisting of a left and a right Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra together with linear mappings *: B ⊗A → A, (: B ⊗A → B and ]:B⊗A→H is called a Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra pair if:

(a) A is a leftB-module via *.

(b) B is a rightA-module via (.

and the following compatibility conditions are satisfied:

(1) ∆A(b * a) = (b11* a1)⊗(b12→(b2* a2))

B(b ( a) = ((b1( a1)←a21)⊗(b2( a22) (2) ∆H(b]a) = (b11]a1)a21⊗b12(b2]a22)

(3) b *(aa0) = (b11* a1)(b12(b2]a2)a31→[(b3( a32)* a0]) (bb0)( a= ([b ((b011* a1)]←b012(b02]a2)a31)(b03( a32) (4) b](aa0) = (b1]a1)a21((b2( a22)]a0)

(bb0)]a= (b](b011* a1))b012(b02]a2) (5) H(b]a) =A(a)B(b)

(6) b *1 =B(b)1, 1( a=A(a)1 (7) b]1 =B(b)1, 1]a=A(a)1


(8) (b11* a1)1b12(b2]a2)⊗(b11* a1)2= (b11]a1)a21⊗(b12→(b2* a22)) (b2( a22)1⊗(b1]a1)a21(b2( a22)2= ((b11( a1)←a21)⊗b12(b2]a22) (9) b *(h→a) =h1→((b←h2)* a)

(b←h)( a= (b ((h1→a))←h2 (10) (b](h1→a))h2=h1((b←h2)]a)

(11) (b1* a1)⊗(b2( a2) = (b12→(b2* a22))⊗((b11( a1)←a21) These conditions are of course required for alla, a0∈A,b, b0∈B andh∈H.

3.4. In this situation, we can carry out the first construction:

Theorem 3.3. Given a Yetter-Drinfel’d bialgebra pair, the two-sided cosmash prod- uctA⊗H⊗B is a bialgebra with multiplication

µ: (A⊗H⊗B)⊗(A⊗H⊗B)→A⊗H⊗B (a⊗h⊗b)⊗(a0⊗h0⊗b0)7→

a(h1→(b11* a01))⊗h2b12(b2]a02)a031h01⊗((b3( a032)←h02)b0 and unit element 1⊗1⊗1.

This will be proved in Subsections3.5and3.6.

3.5. We first prove that the multiplication is associative:

((a⊗h⊗b)(a0⊗h0⊗b0))(a00⊗h00⊗b00) =

a(h1→(b11* a01))(h2b12(b2]a02)1a031h01→([((b3( a033)←h03)b0]11* a001))⊗ h3b13(b2]a02)2a032h02[((b3( a033)←h03)b0]12([((b3( a033)←h03)b0]2]a002)a0031h001

(([((b3( a033)←h03)b0]3( a0032)←h002)b00 By condition (2) of Definition 3.2, this is equal to

a(h1→(b11* a01))(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041h01→([((b4( a043)←h03)1b011]1* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a032)a042h02[((b4( a043)←h03)1b011]2

([(((b4( a043)←h03)2←b012)b021]]a002)a0031h001⊗ (([(((b4( a043)←h03)3←b013b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 This is in turn equal to

a(h1→(b11* a01))(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041h01→([((b4( a043)1←h03)1b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a032)a042h02[((b4( a043)1←h03)2b012]

([((b4( a043)2←h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001⊗ (([((b4( a043)3←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 By condition (1) of Definition 3.2, this is equal to

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041h01→([((b4( a0431)←a04321a04331h03)1b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a032)a042h02[((b4( a0431)←a04321a04331h03)2b012]

([((b5( a04322)←a04332h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001


(([((b6( a04333)←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 This equals

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051a061h01→([((b4( a043)←a053a063h03)1b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a032)a042a052a062h02[((b4( a043)←a053a063h03)2b012]

([((b5( a054)←a064h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001⊗ (([((b6( a065)←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 By the Yetter-Drinfel’d condition in Subsection2.2, this is

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051a061h01→([((b4( a043)1←a052a062h02)b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a032)a042(b4( a043)2a053a063h03b012

([((b5( a054)←a064h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001⊗ (([((b6( a065)←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 And this equals

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051h01→([((b4( a03222)1←a042a052h02)b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22(b3]a0321)a03221(b4( a03222)2a043a053h03b012

([((b5( a044)←a054h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001⊗ (([((b6( a055)←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 By condition (8) of Definition 3.2, this is

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051a061h01→([((b31( a032)←a042a052a062h02)b011]* a001))⊗ h3b13b22b32(b4]a043)a053a063h03b012([((b5( a054)←a064h04b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001

(([((b6( a065)←h05b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 By condition (9) of Definition 3.2, this gives

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031→[(b31( a032)*((a041a051a061h01)→(b011* a001))])⊗ h3b13b22b32(b4]a042)a052a062h02b012([((b5( a053)←a063h03b013)b021]]a002)a0031h001

(([((b6( a064)←h04b014b022)b03]( a0032)←h002)b00 By condition (4) of Definition 3.2, this is

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031→[(b31( a032)*((a041a051a061h01)→(b011* a001))])⊗



([(b5( a053)←a063h03b013]](b02111* a002))b02112(b0212]a003)a0041h001⊗ (([((b6( a064)←h04b014b022)b03]( a0042)←h002)b00 By condition (3) of Definition 3.2, this is

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031→[(b31( a032)*((a041a051a061h01)→(b011* a001))])⊗ h3b13b22b32(b4]a042)a052a062h02b012

([(b5( a053)←a063h03b013]](b02111* a002))b02112(b0212]a003)a0041h001⊗ ((([((b6( a064)←h04b014b022)((b031* a00421)]

←b032(b04]a00422)a004231)(b05( a004232))←h002)b00 And this equals

a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031→[(b31( a032)*((a041a051a061h01)→(b011* a001))])⊗ h3b13b22b32(b4]a042)a052a062h02b012

([(b5( a053)←a063h03b013]](b021* a002))b022(b031]a003)a0041a0051a0061h001⊗ ([((b6( a064)←h04b014b023b032)((b041* a0042)]

←b042(b05]a0052)a0062h002)((b06( a0063)←h003)b00

Reading the formulas in this calculation backwards, interchanging a’s and b’s, inter- changing unprimed and doubleprimed symbols and turning around the numeration of the indices — the type of duality discussed in Subsection2.9 — one can show that:

(a⊗h⊗b)((a0⊗h0⊗b0)(a00⊗h00⊗b00)) = a(h1→(b11* a01))

(h2b12(b21]a02)a031→[(b31( a032)*((a041a051a061h01)→(b011* a001))])⊗ h3b13b22b32(b4]a042)a052((b5( a053)][a062h02b012→(b021* a002)])

a063h03b013b022(b031]a003)a0041a0051a0061h001⊗ ([((b6( a064)←h04b014b023b032)((b041* a0042)]

←b042(b05]a0052)a0062h002)((b06( a0063)←h003)b00

By condition (10) of Definition 3.2, this expression equals the last term in the above calculation.

3.6. We show next that the comultiplication is multiplicative. We have:

∆((a⊗h⊗b)(a0⊗h0⊗b0)) =

[(a(h1→(b11* a01)))1⊗(a(h1→(b11* a01)))21h2b12(b2]a02)1a031h01⊗ (((b3( a033)←h03)b0)11]⊗

[(a(h1→(b11* a01)))22⊗h3b13(b2]a02)2a032h02(((b3( a033)←h03)b0)12


(((b3( a033)←h03)b0)2] This equals

[a1(a21h1→(b11* a01)1)⊗(a22(h2→(b11* a01)2))1h3b12(b21]a02)a031a041h01⊗ (((b4( a043)1←h03)b011)1]⊗

[(a22(h2→(b11* a01)2))2⊗h4b13b22(b3]a032)a042h02(((b4( a043)1←h03)b011)2⊗ ((b4( a043)2←h04b012)b02]

By the conditions (1) and (2) in Definition3.2, this is

[a1(a21h1→(b11* a01))⊗a22(h2b12→(b21* a02))1h3b13b22(b31]a03)a041a051a061h01⊗ ((b5( a053)←a063h03)1b011]⊗

[a23(h2b12→(b21* a02))2⊗h4b14b23b32(b4]a042)a052a062h02((b5( a053)←a063h03)2b012⊗ ((b6( a064)←h04b013)b02]

By the Yetter-Drinfel’d conditions in Subsections2.1and2.2, this is

[a1(a21h1→(b11* a01))⊗a22h2b12(b21* a02)1b22(b31]a03)a041a051a061h01⊗ ((b5( a053)1←a062h02)b011]⊗

[a23(h3b13→(b21* a02)2)⊗h4b14b23b32(b4]a042)a052(b5( a053)2a063h03b012⊗ ((b6( a064)←h04b013)b02]

By condition (8) in Definition3.2, this gives

[a1(a21h1→(b11* a01))⊗a22h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051a061h01⊗ ((b41( a042)←a052a062h02)b011]⊗

[a23(h3b13b22→(b31* a032))⊗h4b14b23b32b42(b5]a053)a063h03b012⊗ ((b6( a064)←h04b013)b02]

We now calculate the other side of the equation:

∆(a⊗h⊗b)∆(a0⊗h0⊗b0) =

[a1(a21h1→(b11* a01))⊗a22h2b12(b21]a02)a031a041a051a061h01⊗ ((b31( a032)←a042a052a062h02)b011]⊗

[a23(h3b13b22b32→(b41* a043))⊗h4b14b23b33b42(b5]a053)a063h03b012⊗ ((b6( a064)←h04b013)b02]

Both expressions are equal by condition (11) in Definition3.2. The other bialgebra- axioms are easily verified. Observe that from the conditions (4) and (5) in Definition 3.2we have:

A(b * a) =B(b)A(a) =B(b ( a).



n , 1) maps the space of all homogeneous elements of degree n of an arbitrary free associative algebra onto its subspace of homogeneous Lie elements of degree n. A second

In this paper we develop an elementary formula for a family of elements {˜ x[a]} a∈ Z n of the upper cluster algebra for any fixed initial seed Σ.. This family of elements

In Section 2 we construct the higher rank Askey–Wilson algebra AW(n) as a subalgebra of U q (sl 2 ) ⊗n through different extension processes, which we prove to be equivalent.. Section

It turned out that the propositional part of our D- translation uses the same construction as de Paiva’s dialectica category GC and we show how our D-translation extends GC to

Similarly, an important result of Garsia and Reutenauer characterizes which elements of the group algebra k S n belong to the descent algebra Sol( A n−1 ) in terms of their action

The oriented Sato–Levine invariant [33] is defined for any oriented 2–component diagonal link (meaning pairwise linking numbers vanish) as the self-linking of the curves of

If g is a nilpotent Lie algebra provided with a complete affine structure then the corresponding representation is nilpotent.. We describe noncomplete affine structures on the filiform

In [18] we introduced the concept of hypo-nilpotent ideals of n-Lie algebras, and proved that an m-dimensional simplest filiform 3-Lie algebra N 0 can’t be a nilradical of