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Select Bibliography All works are published in Tokyo unless othe1wise stated. Abe lso, Shakaishugisha to naru made. Kaizosha, Adams, A.O., A His


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Select Bibliography

All works are published in Tokyo unless othe1wise stated. Abe lso, Shakaishugisha to naru made. Kaizosha, 1932. Adams, A.O., A History of Japan (2 vols). London. 1875.

Akutagawa Ryiinosuke, Seih6 no Hito: Zoku-Seih6 no Hito. Shinchosha Bunko. 1988.

Anzai Shin, 'Newly-adopted Religions and Social Change on the Ryukyu Island (Japan)', Social Compass 23: I (1976).

- - 'lesu no Mitama Kyokai - Okinawa Dendo no Shoso', in Wakimoto Tsuneya, ed., Shukyi5 to Rekishi. Yamamoto Shoten, 1977.

- - 'Iesu no Mitama Kyokai', in Sakurai Tokutaro, ed., Minzoku Shukyi5 to Shakai. Kobunsha, 1980.

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Aono Masaya, ed., Nihonjin no Shukyo lshiki. NHK, 1984. Arai Hakuseki, Arai Hakuseki Zensha, 4: Seiyo Kibun. 1906.

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Ballhatchet, Helen, 'Confucianism and Christianity in Meiji Japan: The Case of Kozaki Hiromichi', Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society 2 (1988).

Banno Junji and Miyachi Masato, eds, Nihon Kindaishi ni okeru Tenkanki no Kenkya. Yamagawa Shuppan, 1985.

Bohner, A., 'Tenchi Hajimari no Koto: Wie Himmel und Erde Enstanden', Monumenta Nipponica I :2 ( 1938).

Boxer, C.R., The Christian Centwy in Japan, 1549-1650. Rev. edn. Manchester: Carcanet Press, 1993.

Breen, John, 'Heretics in Nagasaki: 1790-1796', in Ian Nish, ed., Contemporary European Writing on Japan.

- - 'Emperor State and Religion in Restoration Japan'. (Unpublished PhD dis-sertation, Cambridge University, 1992).

--'Accommodating the Alien: Okuni Takamasa and the Religion of the Lord of Heaven', in P. Kornicki and l.J. McMullen, eds, Arrows from Heaven. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (forthcoming).

Buraku Kaiho Kenkyiijo, ed., Buraku Mandai Gaisetsu. Osaka: Kaiho, 1987. Burnstein, Ira, J., The American Movement to Develop Protestant Colleges for

Men in Japan, 1868-1912. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1967.

Caldarola, Carlo, Uchimura Kanzo to Mukyokai: Shukyo Shakaigakuteki Kenkya. Shinkyo Shuppansha, 1978.

--Christianity the Japanese Way. Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1979.

Cary, Otis, A Hist01y of Christianity in Japan: Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Protestant Missions. Rutland Vt.: Tuttle, 1976.

Cho Takeda Kiyoko, 'Shinkaron no Juyo Hoho to Kirisutokyo', Bungaku 47 (April 1979).


Select Bibliography

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de Sande, Eduardus, De Missione Legatorum laponensium ad Romanam curiam. Macao, 1590 (facsimile edition, Toyo Bunko, 1935).

de Visser, M. W ., 'The Tengu', Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan 26:2 (1908).

de Vos, G. and Wagatsuma, H., Japan's Invisible Race: Caste in Culture & Personality. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966.

Doerner, David L., 'Comparative Analysis of Life After Death in Folk Shinto and Christianity', Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 4: 2-3 (1977).

Doi Akio, Nihon Purotesutanto Kirisutokyoshi. Shinkyo Shuppansha, 1980. Ebina Danjo, 'Seisho Shinkasetsu', Rikugo Zasshi 78 (June 1887).

Ebisawa Arimichi, Nanban Gakuto no Kenkyii. Sobunsha, 1958. - -Nihon Kirishitanshi. Hanawa Shobo, 1966.

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- - Nihon no Seisho: Seisho Wayaku no Rekishi. Nihon Kirisutokyo Shuppankyoku, 1981.

Elison, George, Deus Destroyed: The Image of Christianity in Early Modern Japan. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.

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- - 'Shiikyo to Bungaku', Endo Shiisaku Bungaku Zenshii, 10. Shinchosha, 1975.

- - 'Katorikku Sakka no Mondai', in ibid.

- - 'Nihonteki Kanjo no Soko ni aru Mono: Metafijikku Hihyo to Dentobi', in ibid.

- - 'Watashi no Bungaku', in ibid. - - 'Watashi to Kirisutokyo', in ibid.

- - 'Chichi no Shiikyo: Haha no Shiikyo', in ibid. - -Ningen no Nakano X. Chiio Koronsha, 1978.


'Nihon no Numa no Naka de: Kakure Kirishitanko', in idem, Kakure Kirishitan. Kadokawa Shoten, 1980.

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Farmer, D.H., The Oxford Dictionary of Saints (2nd Ed). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987.

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Select Bibliography

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Acts of Pilate, 69-70

Adam Arakawa, 56, 57

Age of Reason, I 08

Akutagawa Ryunosuke, 163--4 Almeida, Luis de, 124 Ainakusa,54-9,68 Anesaki Masaharu, 104

Arabic Infancy Gospel, 69-70

Arai Hakuseki, 22--4 Arima Harunobu, 55-7

A rima Harunobu-ki, 57 A rima Kiroku, 55

A rima Korii Monogatari, 57

Arima Naozumi, 55-7,58 Arishima Takeo, 163 Ariyoshi Sawako, 167 Tile Assumption, 32, 35 Baba Tatsui, 112 Ballagh, James, I 09 Barreto, Manuel, 11-12, 15-16 Bastian Calendar, 126-7 bateren, 47-53, 59-60 The Battle of Lepanto, 40-1 Beatitudes, 15-16 biija, 96 Bon, 150-1 Brown, Samuel, 26, 109 Buddhist art, 39 Buddhist-Christian Conference, 101-2 Bushido, 143 byiibu, 31, 36, 39--42 Cabral, Francisco, 34 Caldarola, Carlo, 7, 143, 151 Catholicism, 1-2, Chinese, 24-5 Christianity Buddhism and, 67-8

Buddhism in the 1870s and, 86, 89-90

Buddhism in the 1890s and, 94-102 Buddhism in the twentieth century and,


fiunie and, 134

indigenous social forms of, 139-55 Japanese language and, 8-29 literature in Japan and, 156-72 Meiji Restoration and, 75-93

see also Catholicism, Kakure Kirishitan,

Kumamoto Band, Protestant mission, Sapporo Band, Yokohama Band

chiikata, 127-8, 130, 131 Civitates Orbis Terrarum, 33, 42

Clark, W.S., 108

Cleric and Two Children, 39

Conference of Religionists, see

Buddhist-Christian Conference Contemptus Mundi, 21 DaikyiJ Goshui, 88-9 Daiseikai, 146 Darwin, Charles, 99, 107, 114 Date Munenari, 77 Dazai Osamu, 165-7 DeForest, J.H., 98 Doctrina Cristan, 13-14, 15-22, 24, 66, 129 doppelganger, 171 Diishisha, 100, 108, 110, 115 Dostoevsky, Fyodor, 158-9, 169-70 Ebina Danjii, 109-10, 116-17 Ebisawa, Arimichi, 2, 16,26 Ecce Homo, 34 Emperor Meiji, 79, 82, 83-5 Endii Shusaku, 156-61, 167-72 enzetsukai, ll5 Etii Shinpei, 87, 89 Evola Screen, II, 13

evolution, 107-21, see also The Origin of Species Faulds, Henry, 114 Freud, Sigmund, 168 Frois, Luis, 32, 35, 36 Fukaya Katsumi, 54 Fukuba Bisei, 79, 81, 82, 83, 84,87-8, 89 Furuno Kiyoto, 125 Gago, Baltasaar, 10, 12, 17 Gakugei Shirin, 115

Genshi Fukuin (Original Gospel), see Makuya

Gesshii, 96 Gide, Andre, 169

GOdo irei sai, 150-1 goho, 95



Gospel of Nicodemus, 69 Goto, 64, 80, 123-5, 127-8, 134 Goto Shojiro, 82, 89 Green, D.C., 98 Greene, Graham, 157 Gulick, John, 114 Gulick, O.H., 97 Hasegawa Sahyoe, 55-6, 58 Hepburn, J.C., 26

Hidden Christians, see Kakure Kirisllitan

Hirata Atsutane, 25, 83 Holtom, D.C., 142, 151 Honzui Shonin, 57-8 Hori Ichiro, 124 Hosokawa Tadaoki, 51 Huxley, Thomas, 99, 107, 113

le.m 110 Mitama Kyokai (Spirit of Jesus

Church), 140, 144-52 Inoue Enryo, 112, 114 Inoue Hisashi, 167 Inoue Kaoru, 75 lse, 79, 88

lslul Bc}gyo ni tsuki Mikomi, 89

lwakura Tomomi, 76, 78, 80, 87, 89,90 Iwamoto Yoshiharu, 160

Janes, Capt. L.L., 108, 109 Japan Bible Church, 144

Jesuits, 8, 24, 26,31-4,35, 37, 38,68-72, 130 Jingikan, 82-3, 84, 87-8 Joan, Mancio, 37 Joiio, Pedro, 37 Jitsugaku, I 09 Jung, Carl, 168 Kadowaki Shigeaya, 82, 87-8 Kagawa Toyohiko, 167 Kakure Kirislliflm, 3--4,63-74,75-9, 122-36 Index Kato Hiroyuki, 112 Kato Kiyomasa, 55 Kawaguchi, Z., 134 Keene, Donald, 166 Kenkokusaku,81 Kido Koin, 75, 77,78-9,80-1, 86, 87, 89 Kimura, Leonardo, 37 Kirisllitanno Fukkatsu, 131

Kirisllitan, the meaning of, 46-7,48-9 Kirisutokyo Amrai, 148 Kirisutokyo Nenkan, 140 Kishimoto Nobuta, 104 Kitamura Tokoku, 161-2 K ogislw, 81 Komo Zatsuwa, 24-5 Konchiin Siiden, 51 Konishi Yukinaga, 55-6 Kozaki Hiromichi, 110, 115, I 17 Kiikai, 129 Kumamoto Band, 109-10, 114, 116 Kumamoto Yogakko, 108 Kunikida Doppo, 163 KyobushO, 89 Kyodokyoku, 81,90 Lourent;o, Brother, 124

Makuya (Tabernacle of Christ), 140, 143, 144 Mappa Mundi, 42 Martins, Pedro, 36 Masamune Hakucho, 162-3 Mataichi, Domingo, 65 Mater Dolorosa, 32 Matsudaira, Viscount, 101 Matsukura Shigemasa, 55 Matsumura Kaiseki, 114 Maurine, Frant;ois, 157, 169 Meiroku Zasslli, 108 Milford, Algernon, 78 Miura Shumon, 167 Miura Ayako, 167 Monzenyomi, 17-19

differing names used to describe, 63, 122, Morejon, Pedro, 52 132 geography of, 66 location of communities, 122-5 tengu and, 67 unwritten tradition, 128-36 written texts, 126-36

see also orasllio, Tenclli Hajimari no Koto, Urakami Kamei Katsuichiro, 159, 166 Kano Eitoku, 33 Kano Motohide, 31 Kano Pedro, 38 Morse, Edward, 111-13, 115 Mukyokai, 4, 140, 143, 151 Murai Jun. 144-9 Murai Suwa, 145-6 Mushanokoji Saneatsu, 165 Nagasaki, 32, 36, 56, 58, 75, 78, 80, 82-7, 88,97, 113,122-3 Namura Gendo, 25 nanban bijutsu, 31-2

Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture, 105



Naozumi, 55-7, 58

Natara, 134---{) Natsume Soseki, 163--4

NCC Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions, 105

NHK survey on Japanese Religious consciousness, 139 Niccolo, Giovanni, 34, 35-6, 37 Nikkyo, 39 Nishida Kitaro, 94, 104-5 Nishitani Keiji, 94 Nitobe Inazo, 110, 139--40, 151 Niwa, Jacobo, 37 Nobutaka, 37, 39 Oda Nobunaga, 34 Ogawa Kunio, 167 Okamoto Daihachi, 55 Okubo Toshimichi, 80-1, 87 Okuma Shigenobu, 77, 78, 87 Okuni Takamasa, 79, 85 Omura Sumiyasu, 124 OnoJusshin, 81, 84,88 Orcmda Gekaslw, 22 Oranda Jii, 25 Orasllio no S/riori, 130-4 orasllio, 24, 126-8

The Origin of Species, 107 Ouchi Yoshinaga, 10 Ouchi Yoshitaka, 33

Our Lady of the Rosmy, 37-8, 41 painting, Western-style, 80 Parkes, Sir Harry, 76, 78, 80, 86 Pedro Joao, 37 Petit-Jean, Bernard, 64, 65 Pmtuguese, 16, 22--4, 47 proscription, 46-62, 76 removal of, 89-90, 98 Protestant mission, 9, 24-6, 86

Prote.~tant missionaries and the evolution controversy, 107-19 Reader, Ian, 124 Rei Smrka, 149-50 Renan, Ernest, 99 Ricci, Matteo, 23, 25, 42 RikugiiZasslri, 109, 115-16 Romanes, George, 114 Rosary, Tenclri Hajimari and, 66

Ruizoku Arafelme, 60 Russo-Japanese War, 102 Saemon, 57-8 Saido 1·iyaku, 14


saisei itchi, 19, 81, 82, 83, 85, 87

Sanctos 110 Gosagyo, II, 13, 14 Sapporo Band, 109-10, 114 Sapporo Nogakko, 108 The Saviour, 34, 83 Sawa Nobuyoshi, 75, 76, 85-6 Sebastian, 126-7 Seimei 110 Hikari, 144 Seislw Shi11gaku, 147, 149 seminario, 34, 36 Senkyiishi, 82, 84, 85-6, 87-9 Shiga Naoya, 165 Shiina RinzO, 159, 167, 172 Shimabara Rebellion, 47, 50, 52, 53-60 Shimaji Mokurai, 89 Shimao Toshio, 159, 167 Shimazaki Toson, 163-5 Shimazu Takahisa, 33 Shin Bukkyo, 100 Slrinde11sai, 84 Shinkyii Yiishi, 84, 88 Shinri Jppa11, 117 Shinto, 79, 81-8,90

Shirakaba-ha (White Birch Society), 166

slrishOsetsu, 166 Shizuoka, Luis, 37 shrines,82-3,85-6,88 Slriimo11 Aratameyaku, 60 Sino-Japanese war, 100, 102 Sono Ayako, 167 Tagita Koya, 64, 66,67-8,71 Taichiku Mancio, 37 Takado Kaname, 167 TakahashiTakako, 167,171 Tamura Naoomi, 115 Tanabe Hajime, 94 Tanaka Kotara, 167

Tenchi Hajimari 110 Koto, 3, 63-74, 126 Terazawa Hirotaka, 57 terminology, 10, 12, 13-14, 15-17,20-2 Teshima lkuro, 143-4 Tokudaiji Sanenori, 84 Tokugawa Hidetada, 33, 36 Tokugawa Ieyasu, 33, 36, 55 Tokyo Conference, 82 TOkyfJ Seinenkai, 115

Tiiryii De11ki Yiisatsu Nukigaki, 22

Toyo Gakugei Zasshi, 115-16 Toyotomi Hideyoshi, 35, 42, 51,52-3,


True Jesus Church, 145 Tsuji Zennosuke, 96 Tsuruda Yasunari, 59 Tsuwano, 79


Uchimura Kanzo, 4, 109-10, 114, 117-18, 157, 161, 167 Uemura Masahisa, 109, 115, I 17-18, 161, 167 Ukita Kazutami, 116 Urakami, 64, 75-9, 80, 85, 86, 87, 90 Urakawa Wasaburo, 131

Valignano, Alessandro, II, 34 Vatican Council, Second, 94 Verbeck, Guido, 97, 108 Veronica, 68-9

Vicarious Baptism, 149-50

Virgin and Child, 32 Vizcaino, Sebastian, 33

Wartime Conference of Religionists, 103 Wilberforce, Bishop, 113

Woman Playing the Lute, 39


World Council of Churches, 94 World Parliament of Religions, 100 Xavier, St Francis, 8-10, 22, 31, 33, 38 Yajiro, 10 Yakken, 25 Yamada Emonsaku, 37 Yashiro Seiichi, 167 Yasuoka ShOtaro, 167 Yatabe Ryokichi, 108, Ill

Yo go On 'yakusen, 25 Yokohama Band, 109, 114 Y okoi Shonan, 80 Yokoi Tokio, 100 Yuasa Hangetsu, 160 Zen, 105 189



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