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Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place-Names ; 4


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(1)Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐ Names(IV). Christopher Powen Some lnteresting Cases of A■ omalous Pronunciation An analysis of the cases so far presented in these lists will show that from the pronunciation aspect English place‐. names fan. into the fonowing categories: 一 Names pronounced entirely according to the conventions of πg (Sur.) English phonetics and orthography,e.g.Dο γカグ γ ι b%γ π (N'hum.)E.DtOb3:n]. [ldЭ :klo],0′ ′ 一 Names pronounced regularly,but with an element which inay. be pronounced diferently in another context, c. g. Cα. θ″b%η π′. グ (Oxon。 ),where[bOrl]and EfOd],While showing (Kent),0巧 あγ the weak vowel expected in this context, contrast with Eiberl] and EfЭ :d]fOr」 Bπ γ ソ(Lancs.)and fbγ グ(Wo Sus.)respeCtiVely. These two categories ofer no real pronunciation problem and. are only mentioned in these lists, if at an, as examples of standard pronunciation in contrast with irregular forms. 一 Names. with two possibilities of pronunciation which are in. θπ (N'hants.)and Sο λα″ πク′ Nbγ ′ free variation, eo ge 」. οη %ι ttα π夕′. (HantS.)Where[・ hamptЭ n]and Elampton]are bOth possible. 一Names belonging to several places,one or more of which inay. use a direrent pronunciation from the rest, although both.

(2) 2. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place_Names(IV). forlms fo1low the norms of English pronunciation in relation to orthography,eo g.Gグ 〃ルzg力 απ (Klent)Eld611100m],Cf gグ π and Gグ JJグ πg力 απ. (Dor.)[igIIIDOm],cf g′. .. 一 Names belonging to several places,one or more of which inay. have a standard pronunciation while the other(s)have a non― ′ and ιθjgん. standard one,e.g.Lθ jgλ (Kient)[laI] Cf sJθ `gん. (Ess.)[li:],nOn_standard。. ― Names with varying degrees of non― standard pronunciation, θbπ ,り (Shrops.)[lkllbЭ eo ge C′ ι. H](irregular irst element). D″ zttθ Jπ θ(Lincs.)E.dAnOm](irregular inal element) グ ′ ′ sε ο C力 θ πbθ (Dev.)sOmetimes Elt∫ eskЭ m](middle element omitted) - 7b′ 1夕 θη力οω (Cunl)[trI'peno](total general irregularity).. In addition, one must add the cases where a standard and accep―. ted pronunciation goes hand in hand with an irregular one which is still used by older local people,in inost cases this irregular form being. practicany extinct.Here we can class Dα υθπ″ り,(N'hants。 )['davЭ ntrI] OnCe[・ delntrI], Cグ γθ%θ θs″ θγ (Suf。 )EilЭ ustDft/1lЭ ustOf].. (Glos。 )[isalЭ rensestЭ /islsltЭ ],. 二ο″θS″ の″. In a few cases the number of local people. who use the irregular alternative may be considerable (as fOr πg力 απ ,which may even be spelt ['brAmld30m],a10Cal version of Bグ γπグ. out as βγπη %αttη2), and there are also instances where the owners z′. of historic houses and their friends use a direrent pronunciation from that of other people, as a class-lnarker, ee go Hα γιωθοグ (W。 Yorks。 )E:hε ЭWud]but[lha:WUd]inヵ しγθωθθグ 肋 πsθ. .. Before continuing List B I would like to examine one or two particularly interesting cases of irregular pronunciation,which show both the tenacity of old, non― spening pronunciations and also how easy it is for the popular mind to generate lnyths about such things. ″″ Jsλ α Js′ ι αグ (Beds.)3BC πs′ θαグ/″ グ. gives the longer form as. Js′ θ αグ It then lists the two the main entry, adding `also spelt ″ グ pronunciations E'W11∫ Эmsted]and['WIISted]. Ec力 ωαノ ′gives only the '。. long speHing and the short pronounced form.. EPNS III does the.

(3) Christopher Powel1. 3. same and then lists the various appearances of the name in writing from the earliest records. The earliest instance of the short form αグ is Js′ θ ″グ. shown as 1780, and it is unclear whether the contracted. α s π'S Rθ αグ4″ ′ πs″ θ α グ ι s′ α π JSλ Jα s (1980)have 7グ. form existed in speech much earlier. Both」. aλ. α Rθ αグ 」 (1963)and the G)θ θgγ α夕カグ gα ″ αグ %ハ イα zグ πθ for August, 1978 has a short article (p。 Iπ Bγグ L′. .. 19). stating that Ordnance Survey maps once used the longer version, but changed them to match the short form of the road signs in the. area. At the same tilne the village decided to change the road signs to match the map,so now the road signs have the longer,and OS maps the shorter, form. The article describes the parish council as `changing the name' of the village and this rather suggests that. in the popular mind the two forms are regarded as tWO names rather than one name having a longer written form and a COntracted. pronunciation,a not unconllnon phenomenon of which examples are π sλ α ググ bθ ′ JJ(Esse), nOW ElkDgI∫ l]but Once ElkDkSl], Gα γ Cogysλ α. γ(Glos.)E'glDStЭ (Norf.)E.gα :bl∫ om],GJθ %“ s′ θ. ]。. ThiS impression is. Hbγ οJagy, απ」 グ σ%α γグ conirmed by a letter in a quite diferent ield(■ π″. Volume 9, Number 8, September 1976, page 938)Where an eighteenth πs‐ Jsλ α century clockmaker is described as lnarrying a resident of`フ アグ θαグ ′. ..。. "now caned 7″ Js′ θαグ'. In fact it is quite likely that in. the clockmaker's tilne the pronunciation was already E'WIISted],eVen. though the longer spening Was usedo What is interesting is that whereaS in many cases of contracted pronunciations with 10nger spellings the modern trend is for the spoken form tO adapt itself to the spelling(aS in modern Dα υθπ′ 7 (N'hants。 )[ldavЭ ntrI], Cοg― gθ s力 α (Ess.)[:kDgl∫ 1]in the present case the spelling is adapting J′. though the old spening is prOving hard itself to the pronunciation一 ― to eradicate. g′ θ π(Glos。 )β BC π Ebγ ′. gives the modern pronunciation E.ebr10-. ton], but mentions the older one [liAbOtOn]。 (lrhis is rendered E.jabЭ ton]in EPNS XXXVHI。 )ThiS pronunciation appears to go back %, ι θ π or Ebα γ ′ θ to an earlier version of the village's name, Ebbθ γ.

(4) 4. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐. Names(IV). which does not appear in the records after 1700, so it is remarkable that the spoken form [・ jAbЭ tOn]has persisted intO this century. BBC calls it a `strictly local'pronunciation and it is interesting that]Daniel. g Dグ ε S力 乃rο π Jones,in his Eπ Jグ グ θ ππθ グ π ″ グ ο παη mentions this name with the modern forim of pronunciation only. Bグ γ ηε ′ πgλ αηc(Wo. b3:mIDЭ m].EPNS. Mid.)′ rhe standard spoken form is Of cOurse. XHI g市 es. an interesting comment on the well― known local pronunciation[ibrAmld30m]・ `Occasional metathesis Of [・. γ,giving forims with initial Bγ 一, is found from an early date. Later. this established itself as the regular local pronunciation'。. It then. explains how in the 13th century the medial ―πg― came to be pronounced[nd3]and then [d6], and this gave rise to the form [!brAΠ lld30m]. in Which the in■ uence Of the nearby place― name. Bγ ο πωグ 力 brDmlt∫ ]has been important.Another local pronunciation ε given by EPNS is E;b3:nlgOm],but this is deinitely not R.P. [・. Lθ Roグ グ ηgs(E)ss。 ) The grOup of eight villages known as Thθ 「 天:θ ググ πgs are now an pronounced[lrЭ udlo],but BBC says that the old. fOrm [・ ru:ё 10]has. `nOt entirely succumbed'.. It is preserved in the. written form Roθ ″ カグ πg for the civil parish and, sOmetilnes, in the name of just One of the villages, WLグ ′ g or Rθ ο θRθ ググ π g.Daniel ノ ヵグ π Jones, Writing in 1917, gives the pronunciation as `locany generany ru:dID]', and adds that `the pronunciation ['rЭ. udlo]is being en… couraged by the local county council,and will doubtless becOme the [・. accepted form before long.' That the spening Roο ′カグπg, which dOes not appear in any of the old records according to Ec力 zυ αJJ, has at last appeared as an encouragement to the traditional pronunciation, is another example of the tenacity of the older forms. Sα ωbγ グ α γ ′ 力 (Hertse)is ttω θ. given in 3BC as E.sЭ :brld3w00]and. alSO ElSapswoO].EPNS XV has`θ ノ グ π [iSaps(w)oO]'and the written form Sα 夕sω ο γ ノ カCan be found in 1565. Another form,Elsapsed],is. said to have existed at least early this century, as the fOnowing quaint rhyme, fOr which l no longer have the reference, shows:. There Once was a young man of Sawbridgeworth,.

(5) Christopher Powen. 5. Who threw half a brick at a Chawbridgeworth; He was given in charge, And he won't be at large Until several months have lElawbridgeworth! If the last words of the nrst,second and last lines are pronounced. as if written Sα 夕sθ グ, εttα 夕's. (力 )θ αグ. and. θ′ α夕sタ グ respectively, the. meaning becomes clear. Mr Michael Horne, of Nagoya University, who knows the area of Sawbridgeworth, tens me that he has never heard of any other pronunciation than EiSЭ :brld3w00]・. If['sl犯 pswoO]Or[lSIttpSed]are. still used at an, they must be lilnited to the oldest residents. πgθ γ (Ess.)at Bθ bbグ 、 tω ογ″力 Or Bθ υグ. irst sight appears to be a genuine case of a village having two distinct names, cf fω θγπθ θπ (Dor.)HOWever,the Cο %γ ′ πθノor S力 γοι. existence of such intermediate. %γ (1511),the phonetic similarity of b and ο forms as Bο lン πグ υ , and ― gθ gθ ωο γ ι 力 changing to― γ as in 4bグ π cases of(01d English γ (Sur。. ). show us that the two forims are in fact related, though it is inter― esting that they appear to have existed together for a long tilne,and. rdnance. certainly since the 16th century. EPNS XII says thatthe(Э Survey l″ map gives the name Boυ 6″. グ πgθ γ to. a locality shown on the. map asこ ろ″夕ιγBο bbグ πgω θγノ カ Gγ θιπ,the main village being Bθ bbグ πg―. tt in both cases. ωθγι. Adding to the complication is. 3C's infOr‐ β」. mation that the Post(Э ttce at thls village is caned Boυ グ πttγ ,though it is ilnplied that the more cominonly used name for the place is Bο bbグ πgω θγ″ λ。ル カπSノ θπ's Rθ αグ ス″ ノ αs. only has Bθ. gω θγ′ 力 bbグ π. more recent lGθ θyα タカグ α fOnOws the convention of the l″. ,but the. OS map.. BBC gives the pronunciations ElbDbloW3:0]and EibDVInd30], While EPNS only has ElbDVInd60], ilnplying that this is the local pronun‐ g"θ γ ciation of the written forn1 3obbグ π ′ 力 .. The above six interesting cases are only a sman fraction of the. instances of doubt over the spening and pronunciation of English place― names;. they show us that even though spening pronunciations. are becoming commOn they do not always win the day..

(6) 6. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place_Names(IV). B, covering the irregular pronunciations of initial elements. t d s  n i T ﹀  a. The remainder of this instalinent win comprise the end of sirnplex names.. List B(COntinued). QUA―・. 力 Hills(Som。 )[lkWDntDk]and θ θ [kWD]in Oπ απ″ J頻,γ グ (Shrops, Oπ α. not in 3BC.)ElkWDtfЭ d], but. π″ θ π(BuCkS。 ′ πg(Lincs。 )and O%α ′ [kWeI]in oπ αグγ γ γ4bbι ッ (IoW) [kWЭ :]iS fOund in the simplex Oπ α Jの γ ルS(Norf。 )[kWЭ :lZ]and Oπ αγ and in Oπ α '(Hants.)。. )。. QUE―. πg力 (Leics.)[lkwenlbOro]and bο γ θ EkWe]in Oπ θπグ πgノ θ π (Glos.)but[kA]in π′ Oπ θ. グ (Wilts.) πθ Oπ θ ηらγ. ['kAmOfOd].. QUERN一. [kWЭ :]Or[kWα :]in O%θ γηπογθ (Lancs.)[lkwЭ :mO/ 'kwα :mЭ ].. QUETH一 一. ′ ル カグ θ θ Oπ θ [・. QUORN. (Corn)can be[lkweё lk], ElkWeolk]or. kWIё lk]aCCOrding to BBC.. This simplex,given as EkWЭ :n]in 3BC and[kЭ :n] in BG gives its name to the Oπ θγπ ttπ ″and takes. π 肋 %sθ (Leics.)L The nearby its name from Oπ θγ village is O%ο γπグθπ [lkWЭ :ndOn].. QUY. [kWaI]iS the name of a stream near Cambridge and was formerly that of a railway station,now defunct。. The village has long since merged with its neigh―. RAA― RAL一. bour to form the village of S″ θ επ%-Oη "― kAm'kWaI]。 γ(BuckS。 )iS Erelnz]. πs Mcπ ο Rα α. [lStЭ U. g力 in the names Cθ Jα ″ π θ BBC gives ElrЭ :lI]for Rα ルグ. Rα Jθ な力. and. g力 (Dev.). Eθ 力 ″α θ グ ″夕λν σ θ πbθ Rα ′. J′. gives the same pronunciation for this name. I have heard the vinage of c。. ,“ bθ. Rα ルjgん. (Dev.)prOnounced. in this way and also as E.r:犯 lI]and E'rα :ll],all three versions being accepted pronunciations of the name of.

(7) Christopher Powen. 7. the famous Elizabethan explorer,Sir Walter Raleigh. BBC suggests that ElrЭ :h]was the fOrm most likely. _used by Raleigh's contemporaries, so this may also be the traditional pronunciation of the places,though. it is not certain from the evidence that they and the family are connected.. RANE一. Jsι α(Lond.)are E'ranllЭ πs,C力 ι グι Rα π θ Jα g力 Gα γ. ].ThiS. is of course an lrish name, the gardens having been made in the 18th Century by Richard JoneS,. πα,り ガθ 3rd Viscount Ranelagh(Dグ σ gγ α夕り. (プ. ‐ πα′Bグ θ θ 」 Mα ガ. ,VOl.X)There are now a number of other. streets and areas in and around London with the same name, and it is at least probable that some of them are pronounced locally[irelnlo], a nearer ap― proxilnation to the spelling.. RAPH一 RAUGH― RAUNDS RAVEN一. θ ′fbγ 力(Lond。 )is Eirelfl]. 天 クカα π島診αグ (Cum。 )is E'ralftЭ n]or ErDftOn]. Rα%g力 ′ ο lα. Rα %π グ s(N'hants。 )is ErЭ :ndz].. πグαル υ ι θ π Rα υ Jttα ss(Cum.)and Eα SJ Rα γ υ θ π sσ α (N.Yorks., not (Hum。 )EirelvЭ nde11]alsO Rα [ireIVЭ n]in. π (BedS.) πSαθ ι in 3BC)EirelvЭ nskα :],Erα :nz]in Rαυ [:ra:nzdOn]. πgttα π Rα υθπグ. (Norf.)Can be [lrav(Э n)IoOm]or. [:ranloOm],and BBC points to the latter form as πg力 α that usual for」 Rα υθπグ. Hα″ .. `“. グαJι (Cum.)E:rasOndell], πθ ,zs′ θ θ Eras]iS used for Rα υ not in 3BC,but in 3G.EPNS V gives E're:nzOrop] as a local pronunciation of Rα υθπsJλ θγ夕ι Maπ ογ「 the vowel‐ sound here is plainly that of Yorkshire dialect so it is a question whether local RP speakers. say[irelnzOrop]. Neither BBC, 3え. &力. "α. JJ nOr. EPNS have anything to say about the pronunciation of the places named Rα υθπs′ 力θγ夕θin W・ Yorks. and.

(8) Some Aspects of the Pronunciation of English PlaceoNames(IV) N'hants., so it iS probably ['reIVOnzOЭ. RAW―. 0%′. :p].. andの 夕θγRα ωεJ笏 ル (Lancs, not in 3BC)are. [:rЭ :kllf].[rЭ :]iS. alsO found in Rα ωγ θJλ (Ess.)[lrЭ :roO]. and the Rグ υ 力の (Cum。 )but Rα θπs″ α〃 (Leics。 ) θγRα ω″ "′ can be either E・ rЭ :tЭ nsb:l]or EirDtOnSb:l].. REA. There are several rivers and streams with this name.. Bβ C gives EreI],but nOt whether the Cambs.,Shrops., Here., or War. rivers are an pronounced in this way。. REDEN― REEP―. Rθ αθ π力α〃. (Norf.)[iredonhЭ :1].. Both places caned Rcθ タカαπ,in Norf.and Lincs。 ,are [lri:fom]aCCOrding to BBC.. REI―. θη [raI]in Rθ ′ ♂グθ (Sur.)[lralglt],but[ri:]in Rθ グ ♂わノ (N.Yorkse)[iri:tOn].. REVES― REYMER―. Rθ υ θ s妙 (Lincs.)Eiri:vzbI].. RIE― RIMING― ― RIP一 RIS―. RIVEL― ROCH. Rり πθγs′ θπ (Norf.)[・ remЭ ston]. Abbey(N.Yorks。 )can be. Rグ θ υ απJχ. Rグ πグ πgノ οπ. Eiri:vЭ u]or[iHvЭ Z].. (Lancs.)['HmlotЭ n].. Rゎ θ π(N.Yorks.)['HpЭ n].. ′グ sJay(Derby.)ElrlzlI]. y(S.Yorks.)is EIHV011n]. υ ι πBγ グ α. Rグ. Jグ. The silnplex Roσ 力 (G. Man.)and the silnilar form Rο ε 力θ(Corn)are. カグαル (G.Man.), bOth[rЭ ut∫ ]. Rο ε Rθ ε ttι s″ θ γ (Kent)are aH pro― わわγグ (Ess。 )and Rθ ε nounced with[rDt∫ ].. ROD―. 力θRοググ πgs (Kent)[irDdmЭ ∫Эm], but ′ 力 ″ ο ss,ヵ γ π′ γ s, f力 g力 (Ess。 )(4bbθ ,3θ α%θ ttα 解ク,3θ ″ 夕θ γ Rθ グ πθ sttα 解. ,. 二θαグθπ,Ma'蓼γθ′and Whグ ′ πg)are [irЭ Udlη ]. θRο ごグ. The last of these is still sometilnes written Whグ ′ θ Rθ ο ′ カカ ag. ROLLES一. [rЭ UIZ]in. and prOnounced['ru:ё. loコ ,accOrding. to BBC。. Rθ Jル S妙 (Norf.)and ErЭ uls]in Rθ Jル sι θ π. (Leics.,Notts.and Stars。 ,and RoJル s′ οπθ (Wilts。 ),aH EirЭ ulstЭ n]。. ROLVEN― ―. π (Kent)[!rDlVOndon].Anciently Rο Jυ θ παθ. this was.

(9) 9. Christopher Powe■. no doubt EirDlVЭniden], aS With other Kentish place―. names ln一 α θ π。. ROM―. Rο ′ 笏わγグ (Lond.)is EirDmfЭ d]Or EirAmfOd].BBC also gives these pronunciations for the same place― name. described as being in Kent. However, the maps do not show one,but there is another Rom/aγ グin Dorset。. Perhaps this is meant. Rθ πsの E'rЭ. π妙 (N.Yorks.)is (Hants.)is ElrAmZI].Rθ πα umonbI],and Eθ力ωα〃 gives Rθ παπsル なん(Dev.). aS ElrAmZII].. ROTH―. Rο ′ 力α%s″ θ グ(Herts。 )EirD00mSted].[rDO]iS. for Rθ ″ 力ωθ〃 (Lincs.,Wo Yorks。 )and. alsO fOund. Rθ J力 ωθJJ(N' The ″ 力 is. hants.), which last can also be EirOuЭ l].. voiced in Rθ ′ 力θ Jグ (Eo Sus。 )and Rθ ι 力θ グθ り. and ■かかαγグ (OXOn。 ),. Jグ. Gγ(7s. 力θ ″ λαπ (Se Yorks.) alsO Rθ ′ DrOrOm]and the Rグ υ γ Rο ′ 力 γ ι θ E!ё ,a common river― name in half a dozen counties.BBC gives Rθ ′ 力Jり. aS EirЭ uolI]and. 'ι. Ec力 ωα conirims this as the pro‐ J′. nunciation for the place of that name in Leics. For カJの Rο ノ. (N'hum.)I can ind no evidence,but Eθ 力ωα′J's. silence suggests the possibility of ElrD011コ. ROUGH一. Rθ %g力 α π (Norf.)and. .. tt Gγ ι θ π(Sur.)are bOth Rθ %gλ α. ElrAfOm].Rθ %gλ ルθ(Lancs。 )is EOrAfili:].[rau― ]is. uSed. for Rθ %gλ ′ gh ttγ (Dev.) ο π (Norf。 ,Shrops.)and Rθ ん. ο π (Lincs.)is Eiru:ton]. Elrau:わ :],but天:θ %gλ ″. ROUS一. π (Dev.), Eraus]Or Erau∫ [ru:Z]or[rauZ]in Ro%sグ ο. ]. in Rο %s力 α π (Oxon.)and Eraus]in Rθ %s Lθ πε 力(Here.) [irausilent∫ ]. ROUTH ROW一. This simplex is ErauO]in Rθ. %′. λ(Hum,notin 3BC). Usually Erau]aS in Rθ ωα 力(Derby.)Elrau00],Rο ωαθ γ ′. ωαJJ gives EirOud]),Rθ (Wilts.)(thOugh Eθ 力. π(Ches., θ π θ "α γ ι Rθ ωルagc(sur.)E.raulld3], Rθ ωπ "″. Shrops.(3)),Rθ ωs″ θ π(Dev。 )Rθ π (Lincs。 ),Rθ ωαθ Dθ ωπ (Wilts。 ),.

(10) 10. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐. (HantS.)Rθ ErЭ u]iS. and Pθ. ′ αy "γ. (Dev。 )and Paω. fOund in Rο "sJの. Names(IV) sλ απ. (Bucks.).. ♂ Иiル at Newmarket(Sur.). "Jり. ′ (Derby.). Rθ ωttθ agc. (Ess.)can be. αカ EirOuhed6]or[iraUhed3],accOrding to BBCo Rο ω″ (Cum,not in BBC。 )is Elru:rЭ ].acCOrding to Eθ 力 〃。. RUAR一 RUG一. R%α γttα π (Glos。 )[lruЭ di:n]. Rん か (Stars.)is EirAgbI], but Rπ J照 ″ノ. "α. (Stars。 )is. Eiru:d611].. RUIS一. SJわ (Lond.) π (Som.)[iruI∫ ton]but Rπ グ ο R%グ sλ ′. RUSH一. Rπ sλ θJttθ. [traISIIp].. RUS一. カ ε (G.Man.)is EirA∫ hЭ Um]* and P%Sλ ο k]。 (Here。 (2),not in 3BC)EirA∫ Э π グ 夕 (N. [rAZ]in Rπ SJα (Cum.)and ErAS]in Rπ Sω αγ ωαJJ gives as Elru:zЭ p], Yorks。 ),[irASЭ pコ whiCh Eε 力 with the local dialect vowel.. RUTH一. RUY一. [rAO]in Rπ ″λωαグ′θ (Cum.)[irAOWelt/.rA00t]. 猥躍 s(Shrops。 )E;ralton π― θ θ π― Eル υ 鳥げ′ “. lllevЭ. n!taunz]. ′ αs) α ス′ is given in some authorities(3G,Gθ οgγ α夕λ′. Xr-7bω πs. θπ― as R%ソ ι. RYAR一 RYD一 SA一 SAC― SAIGH― SAINT. 民. sλ. (Kent)is E'ralα. :∫. ].. Rν "γ dα J(Cum.)[・ raldl]. ESeI]in Sα εοπbθ (Herts.)and 『. Sα λα解 ■賜の. (Norf。 ). Se10m itЭ unl].. Sα εγ′ θπHeugh(Dur.),a hin,is Sα グg力 ′οπ (Ches.)[iseltЭ n]. s′. ElSakrlstЭ. n]。. Places With names which consist of or include saints' names as their initial element are in List]De. SAL― 一. This initial elelment has two colmmOn realisations and some irregular ones:. E":l]in Sα たοπbθ. (Dev。 ),. also ElSDlkOm], Sα たの. * ]Daniel Jones,hOWever, says this is `rare' and gives EOrA∫ the usual pronunciation.. Omコ aS.

(11) Christopher Powe11 Fa″ ιs″. 11. (N'hants。 ), Sα Jグ Sb%`り (WiltS.)[.sЭ :lZbЭ rI]or. E!SЭ :lzbrI],Sα Jル. (Norf。. αノand ), also spelt Sα Jみ Gγ θ. ιグ ′ ″ ル Sα J力 θ′ グ (Cum。 ),and places beginning Sα πsθ Sα J″ λθ Sα J′ Jの. ′ παγs力 θ (Norf。 )Sα ′. J′. ― ,as. (Hum, nOt in 3BC),. ′ θ (W.Mide)(but see below,Sα ′ ′θ 妙).ESal]. in Sα J/aγ Js(Sur.). ωグ 力(Lancs。 E.Salfodz]and Sα ′ ε. ). EiSallk]or[!Salwlk]. Sα J/aγ グ(Lancs.)is. EiSDlfOd], but the place of the. same name in Bedse is E'SafOd]in 3BC(Eε 力ωα bソ (Lincs.)can and EPNS ffr have E.Sα :fod]。 Sα %ο π ノ θ be either[:SamOnbI]or ElSalmonbI]. Sα J′θ 妙 inCs.)in now usuanシ [isЭ :ltfli:tbI] aCCOrding to (■ ′ J′. J′. BBC,which also gives the alternative EisD10bI], un_ noticed by Eε 力 ωαJJ。. SAM[LES一. Sα πルsb%7(Lancs.)is. SAND一. g力 α 解 グ π ESand]in sα πグλ%γ sι (Berkse, Kient), Sα πグγ San(d)WIt∫ π ω グ 力 グ ε (Kent)[。 (Norf.)and Sα ],but ESC:n] in Sα π γ αθ s″ θ αグ(Sur。 )['Sα :ndostld].. SARIS一. Sα γグ sbπ γノ (Hants.)can. EiSamzborI]Or[isα :mzborI]. be E'Sα :ZbOrI] Or EiSε ЭZbOrI]. according to BBC.. SAUGH― SAV一 SCA―. Gγ θ α′and. ι夕′ ′ θSα πgλ αJJ(Ches。 )are E'sЭ. :kl].. γ πα力θ(WiltS.)[isaVOnak]. Sα υ θ. 厖〃*」 RI力 ι(Cum。 )[iSkЭ :fel ipalk]ESkε ESkЭ :コ in sθ の. Э]. zbrlk] and ESkα :] in in Sε α 力(Lancs。 )EiSkε Э γ ′ sbγ ′ ε 力θ (Hume), γ′ Sε α. alsO Spelt Sε αγJλ οθ (both ル カπS′ θπ. gγ α α haVe the forimer). and(Gθ ο ρカグ. SCAL一. Sε. α′ タ ノ(Hum.,N.Yorks.)can be[iSkЭ. :lbI]or EiSkЭ :bI],. according to BBC.The same omission of El]iS pOSS‐ ible with Sε α J/aγ グ(Leics。 )[iskЭ :(1)fOd].. SCRAIN一. Sθ. グ(N'hum。 )is γ αグ πωο ο. ωαJJ(not E'Skα :nwud]in Eσ 力. in 3βC). * the stress is on both synables EiSb:.fel]when 2カ θis omitted。.

(12) 12. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of EngHsh Place‐ Names(IV). SCREVE― Sε γθυθ″θπ (Notts.)[iskrevlton]or[!Skri:ton]. υ Jsby(Lincs.)E'SkHVolzbI]or['Skri:lzbI]. SCRIVELS― Sε γグ θ. SEAV一 SEBERG― SEEND SEIGH― SEIS一 ―. SEL― SELMES一. Sθ αυ″πg′ οπ (Som.)[:SeⅥ Oton]。 g力 α π (Cum)E'SebЭ rom]. 彫bθ γ. Sθ θπグ (WiltS.)['Si:nd]. Sθ うgゅ γグ (Staffs。 )[iSalfOd]. Sグsグθπ (Stars.)[.Si:Zdon]. Sθ J力 απ (Wo Sus。 )[isi10m]Or[ise10m]. π (E.Sus.)is EiSelmzton]in 3“ but Sθ Jπ θ θ s′. ['SImSOn] in Eε 力ωαJJ.The former is perhaps a recently adopted spelling pronunciation.. SELS― 一. βBC. rather curiously gives Sθ. Js(ッ. (Wo Sus。 ) as. 正JJ, the nearby headland, as. EiSelzI] but Sθ JSの. rグ. E'SelzI]or[iSelsI].. SEWER一 SEZIN―. SHAKE― SHAL―. &り θγ妙 (Hum.)[iSuobI]. Sθ zグ πσο″θ (Glos。 )[isi:ZOnkЭ t]. Sλ α力θγJの (Lancse)[l∫ akЭ II]. BBC says that both places called S力 αJ/aγ グ (Ess。. ,. π Gγ ι θ π (Hantse) and Sur.)are El∫ a〕 lfЭ d]. S力 αJグ θ ″ο π (D)ev.)Can S力 α. SHAUGH SHEEP一. :1]Or[∫ Dl]. be[∫ Э. Sλ α%g力. γ(Dev.)is E;∫ Э :'praIЭ ]. 』 ング θ Sλ θ りψαsλ (Dev., N'hum。 )are nOt in βBC but I have found no evidence to contradict the obvious rendering[0∫ tpWD∫ ].S力 θ %bθ (Glos.),hOWever, ¢ 夕sθ ο iS E'∫ epskom].Eckwall. SHEP一 ‐. E∫ ep]in [!∫. spells it Sλ. sε. `ψ. ο πbθ・. S力 ¢ ググ πθ(Avon) タカα〃(H[erts.)['∫ epl],Sね ″減形γ. epOdaln] and S力 ¢ 夕Sttθ グ (Leicse, not in BBC),. formerly E・ ∫ epsed]but nOw usuany [:∫ ep∫ edコ. S力 ゎbθ πγπι(Kent)E:∫ Ib3:n]. g(Hants。 滋π(Kent)and S力 ο π SHOL一 [∫ Эul]in sλ ο′ %(Norf.)[1∫ DtSЭ m). θ s力 α SHOTES― S力 οノ ′ グ s力 α π (Sur.)[!∫ DtSOm]. SHOTTIS一 g笏 ′ πθ(Shrops。 )El∫ reIWodaln]. SHRA― Sλ γαωαγググ. .. SHIP一. Jグ. )..

(13) Christopher Powen. SHREWS―. 13. (Shrops.)El∫ rЭ uZbЭ H]Or[i∫ ru:zbЭ rI].BG. ωsb%,り θ S力 γ. says that the irst of these is the preferred local pronunciation.. SHRO―. θ π(Dor.)E'∫ rOutOn].ThiS Sλ γθ′. Village is also known. π勾ソ[lju:3:n'kЭ :tnI]. θ γ πιCθ %γ ″ as fし υ. SIBLE. Sグ bル. f形 ググ πg力 α. m].Eθ 力ωα〃gives (Ess.)['SIbl'hedlη Э. `“. the pronunciation of the second part as Elhlnlη gom].. SIDE T SIDLES― SIMON―. Sグ グθsJγ απグ (Norf.)[isaldStrand],alSO E'Saldlstrand]. Sグ グルsttα π (W.Sus.)[:SIdlsom]. [islmOn]in Sグ %θ πsbα ″力 (Som.)and Sグ πθ%s′ οπθ (Lancs.)[lslmЭ nstЭ un]but[iSalmOn]in Sグ ποπSω θOグ. (Mere)and S力 ποπSグ グι (N'hum.). SIS― 一. π(Avon)iS EISalston] ['saIZ]in sグ SJα πグ(Su∬ .)but Sグ S′ ο Or E'SalsЭ n]. SKELM― S力θJπ θγsグαル (Lancs.)[iskelmЭ zdell]Or EiSkemЭ zde11]. SKEY― Sた のι θ π(Norf。 )[iSkaltЭ n]. SLAITH一 Sノ αタカωα夕θ(W.Yorks.)[islaOWelt]or EiS10ult]. γ γSJα %g力 ′ θ γand ttθ ωθ SLAUGH― Usually ESlЭ :]aS in 切リ タθ (Glos。 )and. SLEIGHTS. π rfoγ グ(Wilts.),but note SJα %gλ α %gカ ノ θ Sノ α. (W.Sus.)['SlafOm]or[iSlα :fom]. gλ ′ βBC gives Sル ′ s(N.Yorks.)as ESlalts],but EPNS V haS ESlelts]。 CuriOusly,Daniel Jones,in his Eπ. g. fレ θ ποπηε グ π. Ec力. SNETTIS一. "α. 五θ ′ グ θπαり, has the )グ. former,. gJグ sカ. while. ′gives the latter. ′. s力 α π (Norf.)Can be[isnetSOm],E'Snetlsom]Or Sπ θ″グ. m]. EiSnet∫ Э. SOMER一. Apparently invariably['SAmЭ. ],aS in sθ. πθ γ 妙 (Leics". Lincs。 ), Sθ πθ θs(Derby。 )['sAmekЭ Uts], γsθ ノ ,Sθ πθγεθ′ Sο πθ γJη ′ θπ. SOMPT― SONN― SOUR一. SOUTH―. (Sur.)[,sAmOleltЭ n].. Sο 解夕′グπg(W.Sus.)['sAmptlη ]or[:SDmptlη Sο ππグπg(Berks.)[isAnlη ]Or[iSDnlη ]. Sο %γ ノοπ (Dev.)[iSЭ Iton]. Sometimes ESauo]and sOmetimes ESAё ].The■ rst ]。.

(14) 14. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐ Names(IV). λα〃 (Lond.), Sο π″ λαπタノ θ π (HantS.) 力 α(HantS.), %′ Sθ ESauO'hampton]or ESau10ampton],Sο ωο Jグ 7igた (Dev.)[iSau001i:](alsO E.Sα UII]),Sο %′ λ 及 Sο %″ λ. is used for Sθ. %′. ληε グ πs″ θγ (Ess.). (Su任 .)and Sο π″. The second is used ,(Lincs.)['sAё λ γル (Lond.) rI], Sοπ′ 力γ(り for Sο π′ "α. 力ωθ 〃 (Notts。 )E:SAbl] and Sθ %″ λωグ カ θ EiSA60k], Sθ π′ (N'hants.)[iSAOIk]。. 力 ε Sθ π″ ル(Hants.,IoW)can be "グ. either ESAё ]Or. ESauo],but BBC says that in the Hampshire case[.SAIIk]iS the more common pro―. nunciation.. SOWER一. γ レグ Saω θ な 妙 正. (W.Yorks。 ). For Sο ωθ γ lン (N.Yorks。. iS EiSЭ UЭ bI]Or[iSauЭ bI].. BBC gives EiSauЭ bI].. ). Daniel Jones giVes[:":Э bI] as an obsolete version of thise. SPARS― SPETIS― SPITAL―. 助)α γSλ θJ″ (HantS.)EiSpa:∫ Эult]. Sbπ η (Dor。 )['SpetsbЭ rI]. グ シ θ″ 力θ‐ Sノ γ θ θJ(Lincs.)and≦ 秒夕αJり θJα S(Lond.)are グ π― ′ Qρ ′″α′‐ bOth EiSpltl].. SPON一一. SPROUGH一 SPROWS一 STAL――. π (Derby.)[lspDndЭ nコ Or EiSpu:ndon]. ο παο 助り π (Su“ .)[lsprO:tЭ nコ ο sク γ ばん″ “ γοωS′ Oπ (Norf.)[;sprЭ ustOn]. .. 勢. S″ αJλ απ (Norf。 )and. ′ αKent)are EStal],but S″α 〔 ジθ αルγ グ agc(Dor.)iS E!StЭ :lbrld3]. γ %gλ (Lincs.)E'Stα :llη borЭ ]. 〃グ π θ S″ α ψο dgc(G.Man.)ElSteIIIbHd5]. Sノ α ″bγ グ Usually EStam]aS in s″α4/aγ グ (Lincs.),but nOte Oγ グ λαπ (N'hum.), stin sOmetimes EiStanoton] S″ α 隔∫ Jグ. S″. STALL― STALY― STAM一. according to BBC,otherwise[iStamfodom].. STARE― STAUGH一 STAVE―. π(War。 )EiStα :ton]. αγ ″ ο θ gλ ′ ル α′Sι απ ο π (Cambs.) and ニタ″ EStЭ :] in Gγ θ g力 ′ ο π S′ α π (Beds.). θ υ S′ α θ ″ (Cum.) ″ (Derby.)is E!StelvII], but s′ αυ S′. E.StelvЭ II]..

(15) Christopher Powen. STAVER一. 15. γ π(Glos。 )iS EiStavotonコ , but Eε ルωαJJ says αυ ι ″ ο that the place of the same name in N'hantso is ton].ThiS is probably obsolete by now.BBC EiStε Э S′. gives the same as for Glos.. STEV一. STEYN―. υ πα ι π(Beds.)is E'Sti:vonton]and S″ θ θ υ θ π′ ο 多 (Herts。 g′ θ π υ ′ π (BedS.,Ess.)is E.Stevlη ton]. E'Sti:vЭ nld3]. S′ θ in 3BC,but Eε 力 JJ has ElStefnton]fOr Beds。 "α TんθSιcν π ι ,a Street in Brighton(Eo Sus.)is EISti:n], g(Eo Sus。 )is EiStenlη ヨ πグ曜 but SJι ッ “ Sノ 笏 磁の (Norf。 )iS now[lstlfki:],but formerly it was S′. ). .. STIFF―. E;St(j)u:kI],a prOnunciation which survives in the name of its famous cockles, `Stewkey Blues'(』 (〕 ).. STIP― STIS一 STIVI一. STOG― STON一. πι γ s(Shrops.)[lstalpostЭ unz]. S″ ο ′ 夕θ グ(Ess.)ElStalstld]. Sガ sノ ι :1]. グ λαJJ(Wo Mid.)[lStalt∫ l]or E'Stalt∫ Э υ ε S″ グ Sι. S′. ag%π bθ γ (Som.)E'StЭ UlgAmbЭ コ Or E'StDgOmbЭ. ]。. ■,pα JJ(sur.), %λ α πλαπ (Ess.), S″ θ EStDn]in S″ θ `“ π (SOm。 、 πθ α s′ θ γ (Oxon。 )[iStDnЭ ]and S′ θ πθ S″ ο π S′ ο aλ κ π and both」 s′ ο π ο ι Eα ωαJJ Spells this S″ (Eε 力 %ι “ gγ θ πEαsι ο )EStЭ Unコ in S′θ 九 わ グ αhave Sι θ and{Gθ θ 響 λ %多 ο θ π θ UnlI] and S″ ルigλ (Sur.) EiStЭ (WiltSe) %。. EiStЭ Unihend3]。. STOUGH一. ο π(Sur.) %gλ ′ EStau]in sι θ gλ ′ π(SOm.) ο π π(Leics。 , Wo Sus.). Eσ 力″αJJ has ο %gλ ′ EStЭ U]in s″ θ. ESb:]in ttS′ EiStα Uton]fOr. STOUL一 STOUR一. π S″ ο %J′ ο. SJο. the last of these.. (Here。 )['StЭ UltЭ n].Eθ 力ωαJJ gives EiStЭ Uton].. As a simplex,is a common river namec. ln Su任. .. and Ess。 ,the pronunciation is EStUЭ コ,in〕 Kent EStUOコ. πο %″ λ πγ or EStauЭ ], but Sι θ , on the river in that. HantS。 county, is usuany E'Stauomα uOコ .The Dor。 ‐ sJ υ ο %γ fレ ο θ can be EStauЭ ]or EStUЭ ], but sι θ πγor S′ ο ″Rο ω,in Dor。 ,are both EStauЭ ]. and S′ ο S″ %γ. "θ.

(16) 16. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐. Names(IV). ― γ ′ θ γ π(Hlere。 )has EStα uЭ ]or EStuЭ ], but ο πγ η― Sθ υ θ クθ bγ グ グ♂θ(W. Mid.)has E'StauЭ ]or[istЭ uЭ ].[st3:] S′ θ πγ is used for S″ θ πγ ′ θ π (W. Yorks.) and EStЭ :] fOr S″. θπ Cα ππグノ S″ θ πγ″ θ. (Dor.)but either can be used for. θπ (WiltS。 ). S′ θ%γ λθαグ S′ θ πγノ. [iSt3:hed]Or['stα. STOW. 肋 πsθ (Wilts.)is either. UЭ hed].. BBC gives this as EStau],Without specifying whether it applies to all the places of this name in Corn., Lincs., N'hants。 ,Shrops.and Starso S′ θω_。 π― ′ 力θ―WOJグ. ω Bθ グθ π (Norf.)。 (Glose)iS Certainly EStЭ u].SO iS S′ θ ['StЭ U. STOWE STOWT一 STREAT―. S″. lbi:don].. ωθ(BuckS。 )EStЭ u]. ο g(Kent)[iStautlη ].. ωガπ S′ θ. α′ 力απ (Lond。 )['StretOm]and s″ θ Jay α′ EStret]in S″ θ Jay(Berks。 )is E'Stri:tlI]. θ α′ (Beds。 ),but S′ γ. STROUD STROX― SWA一 SWAL―. S″ θπグ (Glos.,Hants.)['straud].. π(Lincs。 )[istrЭ :sOn]or E!StrЭ uson]. γ ο χ′ ο lつ (Lincs.)['swelbI]and sω グ θ ノ グ(Norf.). EsWeI]in sω α S"α たノ笏ル (OxOn。 )is EiSWelkllf]but sω αノωθ′J(Tyne) S″. iS E;SWDlWel].. SWARDES― SWARKES― SWAT― SWAYTH― SYM―. S″ αγ グθs′ οπ (Norf。 )[iswЭ :stOn]. Sω αγ力θ π (Derby)[:sWЭ :kstЭ n]. s″ θ. θπ (Lincs。 )[:swelton]。 S″α′ 力′ グ πg(HantS,nor Sω αノ′. E;SImOnzijat]。. SYRE一. γ 解 θ S力 α 助ソ. ZグSb%η シ π ο′. (N'hants。 )is. ″α〃 as E:SISЭ Eσ 力 !salrosЭ. SYS一. in 3BC。 )[isWelё llη ].. πグ'S yα ′(Here.)(somes 助 解ο. π yα ″ spelt≦ シπο )is, `お. (Dor.)is ElSImOnzbЭ H].. not in 3BC, but given by. m].EPⅣ S. X has E!salsom,!s3:SOm,. m].. Sν οη(Leics。 ,Lincs.)is EiSalston].BBC does not s″. give the pronunciation of the town of ttsο π妙 (Leics.) but the baronetcy of the name is EISalzЭ nbI].. TACOLNES―. ‐ inzε oJπ θs″ θπ (Norf。 )is in both BBC and Eε 力. "α. 〃. as.

(17) Christopher Powen. 17. [itaklStOn].. TAL― TAM―. 物 Jカ グ π(Cum.)E't3:km]. 物 παγ ,the river between Dev.and Corn.,is E!telmЭ 助 πωο γ ″ λ(Stars。 )[itam3:0]Or[itam00コ. ].. .. 物 πθγ′ θπ FaJグ θ″(Dev.)[itamЭ tЭ n'fЭ ullot].. TARDE― TARPOR― TAS― TAT―. 猥zγ ttbi解. (Here。 )Eita:dЭ blg].. ■Zγ夕θγJの (Ches.)[ita:pOII]. ■zsb%rgh(Norf.)[iteIZbOrO]. 7b′ θ πカグ JJ (Stars。. ) Eiteltonhll].. απ (Lancs.) 7b′ λ. [iteltЭ m].. TAUN一 TAV―. 乃 %″ θ π (Some)ib:ntOn].A local form is Eita:nton]. ″ 力α% (Norf.)Eitelvorom]andル 物η [teIV]in ■zυθ ■zυ γand fセ ′ θ γコ 物η (Dev。 )E!telvI]・. TEIGH TEIGN―. 2′gん. (Leics。 )[ti:].. The Rグ υθγ l彫 亀「π (Dev。 )is[ti:n]Or[tln]aCCOrding. to BBC.ratη πθ%′ ヵ (Dev.)may be pronounced with either a short or long vowel, but the forΠ l[itlnm00]. is preferred.The same may hold for 能なπ遷 ″α “ (Dev。 ),as. this is given as Eiti:ngrels]by BBC and ωαJJ,and EPNS IXo Eθ 力ωαJJ gives Eltlngrels]by Eθ 力. グ. 7ン gπ ttθ. αグ(Dev。 )aS Eitlnld], and pOints out that the. derivation is quite diferent from that of the others, meaning`ten hides'。. It occurs not by itself, but in. ― αグEiStЭ Uk ln itlnld] the combinations S″ θ 力 θ れ-lR7jttλ ι αグ[lku:m m itmld].Dγ θ なπ― なπ力θ "S彪 `ル πand θ ι θ π,near Okehampton(Dev.)and なπ′ クs″ θ Bグ Sλ σ. and Cο πbθ ― グ π. Й πgs′ θ ttgπ ′ Oπ ,near Newton Abbotin the same county, are all pronouncd with Eiteln],accOrding to BBC. rグ. TEISE TERL― TEST一. The Rグ υ θ γl彫 グ sθ (Kent)is Elti:Z]. g(Ess.)is Eita:llη ]or Eit3:llη ]. グ η 2γ ′ η夕 sJο π. (Kent)[iti:Zon].Any connection with the. sθ (see abOVe) WOuld be name of the frグ υθγ 7ン グ. curious, as that river ■ows into the Medway, on.

(18) 18. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place_Names(IV). which the village stands, some miles upstream.. TEYN― THAME THAM[ES THELNET― THREEK一. ■りπλα解 (Kent)[!tenЭ m]or[itemOm].. 2α πι(Oxon.)Etelm]. απθ s Pグ υ γl爾 ι θ. Etemz].. λα解 (Sur.)[oelini:00m]. ″ 動θ ′ πθ カグ πgλ απ (Lincs.)is 2γ θ θ. m].Eθ 力ωαJJ and E'Oreklη Э. πghα π, but the more πbOth spell it rhγθ σ ヵグ 」a力 πS″ ο αhas the older spening. recent(Gθ agγ α タカグ. THROUGH― THROW― THURNS一 THURSTON―. 動γ θ πgλ απ (Glos.)E;OrAfЭ m]. 2γ θ (Kent)[.OrЭ ulI]or E'OraulI]. "Jの. TLπ γ πsε θ θ(So Yorks.)['03:nSkЭ u].. π′θ ′ グ(Cum.) 7カ π γ sJο π(Su任 .)is E1031StOn],but 7物 %γ S′ θ E'OrAStЭ nflold].. TIDE― TIDEN― TIDES― TIV― TODMOR― TOLLES―. T′ 己 C∫Oγ グ (Corn)[itldlfЭ d].. πλαπ (Glos.)[!tldOnЭ m]. π 滅夕. 〃 (Derby)Eitaldzwel]Or[itldZl]. η θ sω θ 'α :l]。 Js力 α ′ J(Norf。 )['tIVIt∫ Э θ θ γ ′ π(Dev.)[itIVЭ tЭ n].T′ υ r′ υ θ γ αθ π(W.Yorks.)[itDdmOdOn]or E'tDdmЭ :don]. 勤グπθ gttJs, 」 γand D'4γ り (Ess.) И″θ ′ 雲θ ルs力 %π ″ 娩 ′ E'tЭ. UlzhAnt'nalts,imeld3o, 'da:sI].Also ttθ. Jル sbπ. γ ノ. (Ess.)[;tOUlzbori].. TOL一. Jg%JJθ ω (Corn) ググル (Dor.)and τ♭ γ ′ λ(Sur.)can haVe either[tDl] EtD19gA10U]but 7bル 〃ο. [tDl]in 7b″. )π. Or[tЭ Ul].. TON一 TONGE. 己gc(Kent)['tAnbrld3].勤 πωθJノ (Herts。 )[itAnl]. 勤 πb″ グ 7bπ gθ. (lKent, sometilnes spelt Toπ g), 7bπ F― ε%η. gλ ′ 解θ″['tDη 3γ θ′. kAm ibreltmot](G.Man.)andコ %π gθ. (Leics.)are an[tDη ].. TOPPES一. z―. TORPEN― TOT一. Jグ (ESS。 )[itDplsflold]or[itDpsfIЭ ld]. 勁 クク デθ “ π力ο″ (Cum.)[trI'penЭ ]or[ib:pOnhau]. 勤 ゅθ 雲〆2s(Dev.)「 tDtnIS].物′ 物′(Derby.)『 tDtlI].. TOV―. J(Kent)['tDVIl]Or['tDVl] 7bυ グ. οπ (Notts。 )[itЭ UtOn]. 勤 ′.

(19) Christopher Powell. TOW一. 物 "ε. γ(N'hants。 )is θ s′ θ. 19. EitЭ UStЭ ]in. 3BC and Eθ 力 〃 "α. ,. ル θ who also gives EitaustЭ ]as an alternativeo Ta%,ι dπα (COrn)EtЭ U'Wednak].. 物ωLα. .. "(Dur.)iS Eltau9b:コ πグ(Corn。 )iS E.taunzlend]. 助ω%sλ θ. TRE一. This typical Cornish prenx is usuany [trI] With λα (not stress on the fonowing Synable:thus 7レ θbα γ″. in 33C)[trllbα :Oo]arθ bα γω夕λ %%α EtrI:蒼 enЭ ], 7レ θbθ 力θγ 7レ agaπ π πg EtrI'gDnlη グ. [trI'bα. :W10], 7レ θ ″― 遷. [trlibIЭ ], 7レ agaJJs. EtrI'gDlZ],. ― ′ 力 [trliVeolk] 7レ θ υ θ λグ ε ], 7ン θ. ωグ グJα %グ [tHiWIdlond].In sOlme polysynabic names,. however, it becomes Etre]and the stress fans on ― gc′ θ γ γ απ [tregЭ ld3DrOn], 7レ θ the third syllable: 7レ θ. πグ απ [tregO'■ llnIOnコ 7レ agα グ `“ λα ル ago%θ ″. gα υ 力απEtrego'veOon], θ ″. ,. ル agesθ αJ [tregЭ islol] Or ['tregЭ isi:1], [tregЭ 'neOo],■ rι gο πJssの [trego'nlsI]。. Other excep―. ωθ θ % EitruЭ nヨ π [itremOtOn], 2レ θ tibns are 7レ ι πα″ θ and T″ agaηノE'tregonI]。. ,. γ[trezimIЭ ]. sπ θ θ Note alsoル ι. ¨is stressed in arθ bθ γ 。 %gλ Outside Cornwall, 2レθ ι ].I have heard η ガγ (Here.)pronunced as Eitri:taIЭ ],but do not know if. (SOm.,not in BBC)E:tri:bЭ. rθ. rЭ. this is the only accepted pronunciation.. 7レ ιαJθ s. (Lancs。 )is E'trellz].. TROTTIS一. Trottisclife(Kent)is E'trDtISkllf]or EitrDSII]in 3BC. In lssac′ raylor's Worグs. απグ PJα εθs(London,. 1888), only the second of these is given,he spens it ル θι ′ θγsε Jグ ル. TROW―. .. ル οωbγ グ agc(wilts。. )and. θπ (Norf。 )bOth ル οωSι Attω ″. haVe[itrЭ u]. 7レ οa'θ JJ(Notts。 )can be EtrЭ uЭ l]but inOre. usually['trauЭ l]according to BBC。. TRUS―. EtrAS]in'レ. %Sλ α %(Dev.)EitrASOm],alSO. Eitrlsom].. Also EtrAS]in gレ %SJの (Derby,not in 3BC。 )EitrASII] ο and 7レ %s′ 力 θ(Lincs.)[itrASOЭ :pコ ィ ク .. TRYS一. ミ 、 、s%JJ(Stars。 )is E!tHSl]or EitHZlコ. ..

(20) 20. SOme. Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place・. TUD―. [tAd]in. 物 グカθθ (Dur.)[itAdЭ. U].物. Names(IV) αθノ の. (Kent)is. Eitju:dlI]or[itu:dlI].. TWIZ―. r″ グ z″ Bγ グ 崚多 (N'hum。 )is EitWalzl].It iS SOmetimes zθ 〃 spelt r″ グ .. TY―. [tI]in. Э. Jα θ Sノの. (G.Man.)[itlldZII]or[itllZII]and. in 7ン π ″ Sttθ ′ グ(Avon)[itlntsfIЭ ld]. ι. ‐ γ グγ α″ 力(Corn.)[itaIWЭ 'dreO]and ttη θ θ [taI]in ttω α πθ %ノ カ (Tyne), Eitalnmα uO] WhiCh can also be EitlnmoO].. UG一. 力θ ″ EAg]in υを′ ρθ (N.Yorks.)[:AgOЭ :p]and 〕 さぃ (Ess。 )[IAgII].EPNS XH gives for the latter an alternative name Oα 力′ の which it describes as 'a. modern euphemism for which there is no etymolo‐ gical iustinCation.'. I have heard Eiju:glI]suggested. as a possible eupherrlistic pronunciation.*. ULCE―. There are two places called υJθ θ妙 , in Lincso and Hum。 ,and BBC does not specify whether it is one or both of them which can be pronounced EIAISbI] Or[lu:SbI].. ULGH― UTTOX―. UtgLα π (N'hum.)[:AfOm].. ′ γ(Stars。 )can be[ju:'tDksltO]or EAitDkslto] ′ ο χι θ じ′ according to BBC, which also gives EIAkSItЭ ], a variant mentioned by Eθ 力 JJ along with[iAt∫ ItЭ ]. "α. See my comments in List A under― ETER。. VOGUE. I commented in the lntroduction to this study(Kο gc ι Wo%θ η's Cο ′ θ. παη. Rcsθ αγε力ιS, Vol. 17, p. 78)that I. had been unable to locate フbgπ θBc′ θノ カ, although it. was mentioned in 3BCo My friend Mr Gordon G}r00s of Jeddah University has kindly come to my. rescue and teus me that it is in Cornwan. The * a facetious note:the local W. I.is reported to style itself. ルs″ グ ″ πι ιa/. 確. J“. ぃ ッ rather than 3さ. ″ θπθπ'Sル S′ グ ″ ″θ .. Ⅳo%θ π's.

(21) Christopher Powen. 21. pronunciation is[ivЭ ug bI:lDO].. WADE― WAL― WALK―. agc(corn.)['weldbHd3]. Waαθbγ グ. Walwick(N'hum.)[lwDllk,lwЭ :lwlk].. The. ― is pronounced in IP′ υιγ ⅣαJカ カα22z(lDev.) J―. [iWЭ :lkЭ m]but. WALL―. an。 )[iwЭ :kdOn]. nOt in WaJ々 αικ(G.Ⅳ 【. and. γ,ル πググJι WaJJグ πgノ θπ (Lond.)[iWDllη tЭ n];Ne′ 力θ. ″ Oυ θ 「. 17レ. ″物′ あ夕 (Hants.)Eineё O, πグ(Tyne)[IWЭ :lZlendコ. imldl, iЭ uvЭ lwD10p].. .. `zJJsθ. WALSING一 ― ″ ノ πg力 απ (Norf。 )[iWЭ :lZIη Эm]. α WALTHAM 力απ (Hum。 ),Иイ With[0],E'WЭ :10om]fOr″ sグ. `α. lα Jι. Cγ θss. J″. 力α解. % Sノ (HertS.)Waノ ′λαηι ■bb〔 η′ (E)ss。 ), WaJ′ 力α夕. 力 ιαωγθπεθ (Berks。 ), No″ ′. Wal′ 力α222(Hants.) and. ―Wo′ グs(Leics.);alsO fOr Wa′ ′ 力απs′ θ″ J力 θ WaJ′ 力αηz‐ οπ―. (Lond.)[iWЭ :100mstЭ u].. With[t],EIWЭ :ltom]fOr Gγ θα′ and. 力απ ′ ι夕′ ル "ζαノ. (Ess.).. WAR―. 力(N'hants.)[iWЭ :kWЭ O] ωο γ ′ Usually EWЭ :],aSin waγ 力. and Waγ. Jθ. απ (Corn)EWЭ :llegon].An important. aガ θ 力(War.)EIWDrlk]。 exception is“ Ⅳαγ. WATH. γ Dι α πι (Se π‐ 力‐ π夕θ Wath(N.Yorks。 )is EWDO]. Ⅳα″. WATTIS―. Yorks.)can be either EWDO]or EWa0 0pDn ld3:n]. π (Su任 。 Sλ α Ⅳα″グ sデ Jグ (Su任 .). [;WDtIS] in Wa″ グ ;θ. [lw. WAVEN―. ). m]. DtI∫ Э. (Norf.)E'WelvЭ nI], but Иζαυθπグοπ 力ωα〃 gives EIWDndOn]fOr ndon].Eε (BuCkse)EIWavЭ Rグ υιγ l〃 αυιπ(7. this one.. WAVER―. EIWelvЭ. ]in. ttυ θ γ Jの И. (Sur。. ″ γ ′ θ θ (Mer。 )and 7α υθ. ). ElWelvЭ tri:].. WAWNE. This simplex(also spelt WagLθ π)is the nalme of a village in Humberside. It is pronounced EWЭ. WEA―. :n].. αS′ θ(G.Man。 )EWi:St]. αε ″ι θ πbθ (Som.)[!Wi:kom]。 l鷹 ι )EIWi:Zenom]IMθ αυθγttα π (Ches.). 物 αsθ π力απ (Norf。. E:Wi:VЭ ham]..

(22) 22. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐ Names(IV). WEAR― WEDNES一. γフ ルαγ(Tyne),inフ ルαγ グαル θ EWIe]in the simplex Rグ υ γ θGttbγ グ(Dev。 )[:WIЭ ld31fOd]. (Dur.)and in Иセα Jグ and形 グ πθ sbπ 7(Wo Mid.)can be pro― 形 グπ優デθ nounced with either EWenz]Or EWed3].Eθ 力 ωα″gives EWed3]aS the preferred form for both of them.. WEIGH― WELLES一 ― WEO―. π(Hum。 )iS θ ル診γ 力 α N硫ま ′. EIWi:ton].. Иセ〃θsbο πγ,解 (War.)[IWelZbЭ :n]. ″ θbJの is the name of two localities,in Hereo and `θ. Shrops.Both are['WeblI].″. υθ′ の Cα s″ θ (Wo Mid。. ). iS E!Wi:Э II].. WESTHOUGH一 WESTLE― WESTMIN―. ″レs″ ル″ θπ (Sur.)[iweslton].. WESTMOR一. Jα π ″υs″ πθ γ 4 the Old County now incorporated in. 力θ%ψ ′ οπ (Go Man.)[:weSザ hЭ :ton]. ″あ ′ πs″ θγ (Lond.)E.Wes(t)mlnstЭ ]. ″ンs″ πグ. Cum.,is E:Wes(t)mЭ. IЭ. nd].. WEY― ―. EWeI]in ttπ θ λ (Dor.)['WelmoOコ but EWe]in. WHAL一 WHEAT一. Weybourne(Norf。 )E'WebЭ n]. ″λαルγBγ グ 4影 (Derby.)['weIIIibrld5]. "物 θα″ ′ αι αε γ ι の (Oxon。 , Ess.)E.Wi:tlI], but "物 ι 力απps′ θ ″ αグ (Herts。 )is (Norf.)['WItЭ kЭ ].ⅣLθ α. %″. E!WetOmsted]or[iWi:tomsted].. W(H)ELNET一 ‐Gγ ια′and Lグ ″ ′ ル Whθ Jπ θ 力απ (Sur.)can alSO be ″ 力απ ,and this is the form appearing in spelt WeJπ ι′ gγ ″ α Gθ ο ・ タカグ. [!WelnetЭ. The prOnunciation is EWelin10om]Or. m].. WHIL7カ グ g力 (E.Sus。 )['wallaI]. Jグ (Go Man。 ),7λ 夕 WHITE一 力αJJ(the θ EWalt]in l〃 蒻れβθ J′. street. in London), and Whグ ′ θs′ οπι (Here。 ), but WLグ ′ θs″ θπι (Dev.)iS E'WItSton]. WIB一. WIDE―. ″ あ. sの (W.Yorks.)[iwlpSI]Or PWIbZI].. ― πθ π′ λ Bの (Corn),EWIdI]in ″グ αθ αθ EWId]in l〃 グ ‐ ― 力θMoο γ(Dev。 )E'WIdlkom ln ёЭimuЭ ]and ο π′ ε πbθ グ αθO夕 ι π (Tyne). EWald]in ″グ.

(23) Christopher Powen. WIDNES WIGHT―. 23. 7グ グ πθ s(CheS.)EiWIdnls].. ωグ γ Ⅳtまノ ε 力Maπ θ ,the historic house in Wo Mid., is 。 The rsル a/Ⅳ、 ま ″and ⅣtまJο π (Norf。. EIWItlkコ. ). are both pronounced with EWalt].. WILBAR一 WILBUR一 WILDER一 WILLES一. γ %(N'hants.)is EW1libα 7グ ルα s′ θ. Jα θ γ力9夕 θ (ShrOps。 )[!WIldЭ hЭ up]. ″グ ′ ルsbθ γο%g力 (Kent, ″′ Jル sグθ %(Lend。 )['WIIZdOn]and″「グ. not in BBC)['WIIZbЭ. WILLIAMS― WILMS― WILNE― WILSHAM―. :ston]。. Jbπ γ ″ア グ ′ θ π(Cambs。 )EWIllb3:tOn].. 7グ ′Jグ απ. sσ ο″. ″′ グ Jπ sJθ. rЭ ].. (OXOn.)EIWIISkot].. )EIWI(1)mzloU].. "(Ches。 (War.)['WIInlkOt]or['WIη ket].. ″「グ Jπ θσ θ″ θ. ″グ Js力 α πs′ θαグ (BedS.)['WIl∫ Эmsted]or['WIISted]. αグ. See above, フアグ Js′ θ. This place is sometilnes spelt ル′ θγθsガ πg. Sθ πθ. Cα sθ s. 「 ″. 4π θπαあ%s nroπ %π. _. α′ グ θπ εグ .. WINLA― WIS一. 7グ π Jα ″ ο π(Tyne)EWInilelton]or['WIn10ton].. EWIS]in 7グ S′ αsι θπ (Ches。 )[iwIStOSton], フ/″ sJθ π (W. SuS.) EIWISton] or E'WISOn] and WtS′ θπ (Sur.) EIWISton].BBC States that this last can be spelt 7グ ssグ πg″ οπ,although. the pronunciation is apparently. usuany as given above.. Only the longer fornl of. α the name is to be found inル カπs″ θπ and Gθ οgγ αタカグ .. EWIZ]in 7グ Sbιελ (Cambs.)E'WIZbi:t∫. コ and. 7グ sJη. (Sur.)['wIZII].. WITH―. m], γフ/タ カαπ (Lincs.)E!WIё Э θ Normally EW10],aSin Rグ υ πgJθ π (Go Man。 ′ λ′ グ nsi:],И 区 んθ 7グ ′ γ %sι α (Hum。 )E:WIё Э θ %bθ ″ θ Glos., Ches., Here。 ), 1″ 多 勿ノ EIW161kom irЭ :lI],. 力απ フ/グ ′ 均′. ,. gλ (Dev.) Rα ル′. (Eo Sus。. )EW161!ham],. now sometimes E'WIё lom]. JJ Lancs.)[lwIOnOl]. θ EW10]in Wit力 π λα解 』 ング αη α π (Esse)['WItOm]and 7グ ′ [WIt]in wttλ (Som。 ),whiCh. Can also be['wlё Om]..

(24) 24. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of EngHsh Place‐ Names(IV). WIVEL-. 7Jυ θ. IIskЭ m]or E!WIISkЭ m]. πbθ (Sem。 )is E:WⅣ Э sθ θ Jジ θ ノ ″グ υ θ グ (E.Suse)is E'WIVelzfIЭ ld].EPNS VH Jグ. giVeS E'WIISfЭ. WIVEN一 WIVE―. ″グ υθπ力θθ (Ess。 )['WIVЭ nhЭ u]. ア ″グ υθγ″ θπ (Notts.)['waIVЭ tOn]or['W3:tOn]。 (Norf。. WO一. l]or['WulsfЭ l]as loCal versions.. "%わ. )['WIV(I)tOn].. πγπ (Beds。 )[lwu:b3:n].″ lθ ′ λογ夕θ (N'hants). [iWAё Э:p]Eε 力ωαJ′ )and['wAbep](EPNS. WOK―. 7グυθ′ οπ. X).. κg(Sur。 )['WЭ Uklη ],И /ο たグ ″ θカグ πgttα π (Berks。. ). [:WЭ Uklη Эm].. WOL―. g力 π θ EWul]in "ζ οルογ sグ. (Dev.),. Иζ θ π(Norf.), Иζ θ θ J/aγ ″. πg力 α%(Dur.)['WUIZIη Эm]and. J‐. l″ θ′υθγ力απ夕′θπ (W。. Mid.)[:wulVЭ hampton]. ノ πg力 απ (Sur.)['WЭ Uldlη Эm]. ググ EWЭ Ul]in "ζ ο. WOLL一 WOM一. Иζ 〃α′ οπ (Notts)['WulЭ ten]. θ π (Stars.)[lwDmbЭ :n],И%π bγ Jα多 (Shrops。 И%π bθ πγ. ). [IWAmbrld5], 7ο πb″ α′ (S.Yorkse)[!wu:mwel]。 ι κs"θ Jグ (Kent)can be [iWImmzwЭ uld] or. "%π. E'WImzwЭ uld].. W00DNES―. θ%g力 (Kont)can be EIWUdnlzbЭ sbθ γ ″ οグηθ. rЭ ],. `θ. WOR―. ['WUnZbЭ rЭ ]or E'WInzbЭ. rЭ ].. EW3:]in 7θ γbα γγθω B彎 (Dor.), フ陶グ θJグ γ θπ War。 %ル なん′ 7θ /Jθ (Avon)EW3:l],″ θ (¬. (Shrops。. ),. ). λJπ g(W. 力 (Wo Sus。 )and И%γ ′ [lW3:milelton]″ ″′ γ sJの (Go Man。 )is EIW31SII]in 3Bc bur 〃θ Sus.)。 lθ. ['WUSII]in Eθ 力″α〃 .. [WЭ :]in. ttγ クルsグθπ (Sur.)[!wЭ :plzdon].. EWtJ]in "ζ θ/s″ θαグ (Norf.)EIWUStld]and "%γ (Here.)[iwUStЭ ]. WOTT一. WOUGH― WOULD―. s′. θγ. “. ― JJ Eαgc(Glos。 )is EIWUtЭ n].Ec力 ωα γ π― θ ππごθ ″初ノ giVeS E'WUtЭ n]for ⅣOt′ θ π (Sur。 ). ― G/θ θ π (Bucks.)is EIWuftonコ 。 ′ 力θ θ π‐ θ π‐ πg力 ″ ″θ グカαπ (Kent)EIWUldom]. π′ ″θ. also.

(25) Christopher Powen. WREA―. WREK― WROT―. [reI]in [rIЭ ]in. γθα Gγ θθπ (Lancs。 Иζ. 25 ). l″ γθの (Cum.).. 力 %ノ θ π(Tyne)E'reklnton]. θ θ [rek]in l〃 γ πEiri:kln]a hill in Shropse ヵグ [ri:k]in rLθ NΥθ ′ θ の (Stars.)[irDtSII]. ErDt]in″ γο′ sノ. [ru:t]in″「γο′力απ (Kent)[iru:tom]. W「 ROUGH― WY―. WYBER一 WYBUN― WYCH― WYK― WYM―. ″lγ θπgttJθ π (Wilts.)[irЭ :tOn]. 臨ま. 駒. bι. θttbι (BuckS。 )[ihaliwlkЭ m]. 駒 ε. γ′ οπ (Lincs。 )E'WIbЭ ton].. 均 b%%b%7(Ches.)['WIbOnbrI]。 EWIt∫ ]in "フ εtt Cγ θss(E.Sus.)inこ ゎ夕θγand ttθ ωθγ N、θ ttθ 力ωθ θグ 」 牝″θ sノ (Oxon.). (Here。 ),and Nり θ И夕θ 力 (Herts.) 力 θ (ShrOps。 ,Sur.,W.Yorks.)are an EWalk]e SO 駒 iSレ 均′ 力θRcgグ s(Dor.)[iWalk iri:d31s].″ レカθ 力α%(N. Yorks.)[:walkЭ m]。 EWIm]in Tり πθγグπg(Hants).['wlmOrlη ]and Iリ ー EWalt∫ ]in」 %g力. g′ ο πグ π π(Beds。 )[:WImlη ton].EWalm]in "シ πθ ωο Jグ πグJの (HertS.) (Leics.)ElWalmzwЭ uld], 駒 πθ πグカαπ (Leics.) [iWalmOndlI],alsO in ttπ θ. S―. [IWalmЭ ndЭ m].HoWever,. both BBC and BG give. 物θ πグカαπ (Norf.)as[lwndOm].. WYRARDIS―. "り. ″ αγ ググ sb%η (Berks.)is usually spelt ″γ ″夕 のsb%η. these days; the prOnunciation is ElrelzbЭ. WYTH―. rI].. EWalt]in″ ンノカα2(Oxon。 )[:WaltЭ m]. カb%γ π (Cume), Which can also be pro― EWalё ]И タノ nunCed E'Walb3:n]. Ⅳυ″ 力θ 夕 (Cum.)['WIё Эp]and n∫ Э :]. (Go Man。 )EIWIё Э [WIё ]in. YAL― YEAD一. Nυ ″ λθ πs力 αωθ. y″. g(Kent)[ijЭ :ldlη ]. Jグ グ π g(Lond.)圧 :jedIり ],but 】 И夕 α ググ π ルαグθ 夕 z(W.Yorks.). [iji:dOn].. YEAL― ―. И夕 α′ απグCθ ′ γ S(Lancs.)Eije10nd!kDnjЭ Z]. ηθ. ・.

(26) 26. SOme Aspects of the Pronunciation of English Place‐ Names(IV). YEALM―. π(Dev.) π″ο π (Dev.)Eiam]and ttα ′ Rグ υθγ И笏′ [ij121:)mtonコ .. YEAR―. ル αγ妙 (Clevee)E:i3:bI].. YEAV一 YEO―. πg(N'hum。 )EljevЭ rlη ]. γ ′ Иttυ θ υ ″ ′(Som。 )EijЭ UVIl]and lttθ Jπ bγ グ ルο ぬ θ(Dev.) E:jЭ. ZEL… 一. Umbrld3].. α力(Corn.)E:Zi:lЭ ]. Z診 ′.




Keywords: continuous time random walk, Brownian motion, collision time, skew Young tableaux, tandem queue.. AMS 2000 Subject Classification: Primary:

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Here we continue this line of research and study a quasistatic frictionless contact problem for an electro-viscoelastic material, in the framework of the MTCM, when the foundation

Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A

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In section 4 we use this coupling to show the uniqueness of the stationary interface, and then finish the proof of theorem 1.. Stochastic compactness for the width of the interface