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upper-semicontinuous perturbation


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Electronic Journal of Qualitative Theory of Differential Equations 2005, No.11, 1-22;http://www.math.u-szeged.hu/ejqtde/

On a time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusion with a nonconvex

upper-semicontinuous perturbation

S. Guillaume


, A. Syam



D´epartement de math´ematiques, Universit´e d’Avignon, 33, rue Pasteur, 84000 Avignon, France,



D´epartement de math´ematiques et informatique, Universit´e Cadi Ayyad, 618 Marrakech, Maroc,


Abstract. We investigate the existence of local approximate and strong solutions for a time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusion with a nonconvex upper-semicontinuous perturbation.

Keywords. Convex function, Evolution equation, Nonconvex perturbation, Subdifferential, Upper-semicontinuous operator.

AMS (MOS) Subject Classifications. 35G25, 47J35, 47H14

1 Introduction

For a given family of convex lower-semicontinuous functions (ft)t∈[0,T], defined on a sepa- rable real Hilbert space X with range in R∪ {∞}, and a family of multivalued operators (B(t, .))t∈[0,T] onX, we shall prove an existence theorem for evolution equations of type:

u0(t) +∂ft(u(t)) +B(t, u(t))30, t∈[0, T]. (1) For each t, ∂ft denotes the ordinary subdifferential of convex analysis. The operator B(t, .) :XX is a multivalued perturbation of∂ft, dependent on the time t.

When the perturbationB(t, .) is single valued and monotone, many existence, unique- ness and regularity results have been established, see Brezis [3] (if ft is independent of


t), Attouch-Damlamian [2] and Yamada [18]. The study of case B(t, .) nonmonotone and upper-semicontinuous with convex closed values has been developed under some assump- tions of compactness on domft = {x∈ X | ft(x) <∞} the effective domain of ft. For example, Attouch-Damlamian [1] have studied the casef independent of time. Otani [15]

has extended this result with more general assumptions (the convex function ft depends on time). He has also studied the case where −B(t, .) is the subdifferential of a lower semicontinuous convex function, see [14].

In this article, the operator B(t, .) will be assumed upper-semicontinuous with compact values which are not necessary convex, and it is not assumed be a contraction map. Never- theless, −B(t, .) will be assumed cyclically monotone. Cellina and Staicu [7] have studied this type of inclusion when ft and B(t, .) are not dependent on t.

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we recall some definitions and results on time-dependent subdifferential evolution inclusions and upper-semicontinuity of oper- ators which will be used in the sequel. We also introduce the assumptions of our main result. In Section 3 we obtain existence of approximate solutions for the problem (1) and give properties of these solutions. In Section 4 we establish existence theorem for the problem (1). We particularly study two cases where the family (ft)t satisfies more restricted assumptions. Examples illustrate our results in Section 5.

2 Perturbed problem

Assume that X is a real separable Hilbert space. We denote by k.k the norm associated with the inner product h., .i and the topological dual space is identified with the Hilbert space. Let T >0 and (ft)t∈[0,T] be a family of convex lower-semicontinuous (lsc, in short) proper functions on X. We will denote by ∂ft the ordinary subdifferential of convex analysis.

Definition 2.1 A function u: [0, T]→X is said strong solution of u0 +∂ft(u) +B(t, u)30

if 1: (i) there exists β ∈L2(0, T;X) such that β(t)∈B(t, u(t)) for a.e. t∈[0, T], (ii) u is a solution of

u0(t) +∂ft(u(t)) +β(t)30 for a.e. t ∈[0, T] u(t)∈domft for any t ∈[0, T].

The aim result of this article is, for each u0 ∈ domf0, the existence of a local strong solution u of u0 +∂ft(u) +B(t, u) 3 0 with u(0) = u0, when the values of the upper- semicontinuous multiapplication B(t, .) are not convex.

We shall consider the following assumption on (ft)t∈[0,T], see Kenmochi [10, 11]:

1As usual,Lr(0, T;X) (T ]0,]) denotes the space ofX-valued measurable functions on [0, T) which arerth power integrable (ifr=, then essentially bounded). Forr= 2,L2(0, T;X) is a Hilbert space, in which k.kL2(0,T;X)andh., .iL2(0,T;X) are the norm and the scalar product.


(H0): for each r >0, there are absolutely continuous real-valued functions hr and kr on [0, T] such that:

(i) h0r ∈L2(0, T) and k0r∈L1(0, T),

(ii) for each s, t∈[0, T] with s6t and each xs ∈domfs with kxsk6r there exists xt ∈domft satisfying

kxt−xsk6|hr(t)−hr(s)|(1 +|fs(xs)|1/2) ft(xt)6fs(xs) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|fs(xs)|).

or the slightly stronger assumption,see Yamada [18], denoted by(H), when (ii) holds for any s, t in [0, T].

The following existence theorem have been proved in [19]:

Theorem 2.1 Let T >0 and β ∈ L2(0, T;X). Let u0 ∈ domf0. If (H0) holds, then the problem

u0(t) +∂ft(u(t)) +β(t)30, a.e. t∈[0, T] u(t)∈domft , t∈[0, T]

u(0) =u0

has a unique solution u: [0, T]→X which is absolutely continuous.

Furthermore, we have the following type of energy inequality, see [11, Chapter 1]: if ku(t)k< r for t∈[0, T], then

ft(u(t))−fs(u(s)) + 1 2

Z t

s ku0(τ)k2dτ 6 1 2

Z t

s kβ(τ)k2dτ + Z t


cr(τ) [ 1 +|fτ(u(τ))|] dτ (2) for any s6t in [0, T], where cr :τ 7→4|h0r(τ)|2 +|kr0(τ)| is an element of L1(0, T).

Let us add a compactness assumption on each ft by using the following definition:

Definition 2.2 A function f : X → R∪ {+∞} is said of compact type if the set {x ∈ X | |f(x)|+kxk2 ≤c} is compact at each level c.

Denote byL2w(0, T;X) the spaceL2(0, T;X) endowed with the weak topology. Under this compactness assumption on each ft, the map


L2w(0, T;X) → C([0, T];X)

β 7→ u

is continuous and maps bounded set into relatively compact sets following [9, proposition 3.3], β and u being defined in Theorem 2.1.

Recall the definition of upper-semicontinuity of operators.


Definition 2.3 Let E1 and E2 be two Hausdorff topological sets. A multivalued operator B : E1E2 is said upper-semicontinuous (usc in short) at x ∈ DomB if for all neigh- borhood V2 of the subset Bx of E2, there exists a neighborhood V1 of x in E1 such that B(V1)⊂ V2.

Furthermore, if E1 and E2 are two Hausdorff topological spaces with E2 compact and B : E1

E2 is a multivalued map with Bx closed for any x ∈ E1, then B is usc if and only if the graph of B is closed in E1 ×E2. We introduce following conditions on the multifunction B : [0, T]×X−→−→X:

(Bo) : (i) Dom(∂ft)⊂DomB(t, .) for any t∈[0, T],

(ii) there exist nonnegative constants ρ, M such that kx−u0k 6 ρ implies B(t, x)⊂MBX for any t∈[0, T] and x∈Dom∂ft.

(B) :

(i) Dom(∂ft)⊂DomB(t, .) and the set B(t, x) is compact for any t ∈[0, T] and x∈Dom(∂ft),

(ii) there exist a nonnegative realρ and a convex lsc function ϕ:X →R such that kx−u0k6ρ implies B(t, x)⊂ −∂ϕ(x) for any t∈[0, T] and x∈Dom(∂ft), (iii) for a.e. t∈[0, T], the restriction of B(t, .) to Dom(∂ft) is usc,

(iv) for each r > 0, there is a nonnegative real-valued function gr on [0, T]2 such that

(a) limt→sgr(t, s) = 0,

(b) for eachs, t ∈[0, T]witht 6sand eachxs∈Dom∂fsandβs∈B(s, xs) with kxsk ∨ kβsk6r there exists xt ∈DomB(t, .) and βt ∈B(t, xt) satisfying

kxt−xsk ∨ kβt −βsk6gr(t, s).

By convexity, the function ϕ of (B)(ii) is M-Lipschitz continuous on some closed ball u0+ρBX and the inclusion ∂ϕ(x)⊂MBX holds for any x∈u0+ρBX. In fact, we could takeϕwith extended real values andu0 in the interior of the effective domain ofϕ. Thus, (B)(ii) implies (Bo)(ii).

The condition (B)(ii) means that −B(t, .) is cyclically monotone uniformly in t. An example is the multiapplication B(t, .) :RnRn defined by

β = (β1, . . . , βn)∈B(t, x) ⇐⇒ β1

{1} if x1 <0 {−1,1} if x1 = 0 {−1} if x1 >0

and β2 =· · ·=βn= 0

for any x = (x1, . . . , xn) ∈ Rn. When B(t, .) = −∂ψt with ψt : X → R∪ {+∞} a lsc proper function, then ψt is convex if this operator is monotone and (B)(ii) is equivalent to the existence of a real constant αt with ψt = ϕ+αt. In this case we deals with the problem u0 +∂ft(u)−∂ϕ(u) 3 0, see Otani [14] when ft is not dependent on t. This


condition (ii) could be extended to a function ϕt which depends on the time t, and also with a nonconvex function: for example, a convex composite function, see [8].

The condition (B)(iii) is always satisfied if B(t, .) or −B(t, .) is a maximal monotone operator of X, and more generally if they are φ-monotone of order 2.

The condition (B)(iv) is always satisfied if B(t, .) = B : XX is not depending on the time t. It can also be written for any t6s in [0, T]:

t→slime(gphB(t, .)∩rBX2,gphB(s, .)) = 0,

estanding for the excess between two sets. WhenB(t, .) or−B(t, .) is the subdiffferential of a convex lsc function ψt which satisfies (H0), the condition (iv) is satisfied.

3 Existence of approximate solutions

For any realλ >0 andt∈[0, T], the functionfλt shall denote the Moreau-Yosida proximal function of index λ of ft, and we set

Jλt = (I+λ∂ft)−1 , Dfλt−1(I−Jλt).

We first prove the approximate result of existence :

Theorem 3.1 Let (ft)t∈[0,T] be a family of proper convex lsc functions on X with each ft of compact type. Assume that (H) and (Bo) are satisfied. For eachu0 ∈domf0, there exists T0 ∈]0, T] such that u0+∂ft(u) +B(t, u)30 has at least an approximate solution x : [0, T0] → X with x(0) = u0 in the following sense: there exist sequences (xn)n of absolutely continuous functions from [0, T0] to X, (un)n and (βn)n of piecewise constant functions from [0, T0] to X which satisfy:

1. for a.e. t∈[0, T0]

x0n(t) +∂ft(xn(t)) +βn(t)30

xn(0) =u0 and βn(t)∈B(θn(t), un(t)) where 06t−θn(t)62−nT,

2. there exists N ∈N such that for any n >N:

∀t∈[0, T] kxn(t)−u0k6ρ and kβn(t)k6M,

3. (xn)n and (un)n converge uniformly to x on [0, T0], (βn)n converges weakly to β in L2(0, T0;X), (x0n)n converges weakly to x0 in L2(0, T0;X) and x is the solution of x0(t) +∂ft(x(t)) +β(t)30, x(0) =u0 on [0, T0].


3.1 Proof of Theorem 3.1

Lemma 3.1 We can find a set {zt :t∈[0, T]}andρ0 >0such that zt ∈ρ0B, ft(zt)≤ρ0

for every t∈[0, T].

Proof. Letz0 ∈domf0 and r >0 such that r >kz0k ∨ |f0(z0)|. For all t∈[0, T], there exists zt ∈domft satisfying

kzt−z0k6|hr(t)−hr(0)|(1 +|f0(z0)|1/2) ft(zt)6f0(z0) +|kr(t)−kr(0)|(1 +|f0(z0)|).

The lemma holds with ρ0 = (r+kh0rkL1(1 +r1/2) )∨(r+kk0rkL1(1 +r) ).

Lemma 3.2 [18, Proposition 3.1]. Letx∈X andλ >0. The mapt7→Jλtxis continuous on [0, T].

Proof. ¿From Kenmochi [11, Chapter 1, Section 1.5, Theorem 1.5.1], there is a nonneg- ative constant α such that ft(x)>−α(kxk+ 1) for allx∈X and t∈[0, T]. Thus,

fλt(x)− 1

2λkx−Jλtxk2 =ft(Jλtx)>−α(1 +kJλtxk), which implies

kx−Jλtxk2 62λα(1 +kJλtx−xk+kxk) + 2λfλt(x). (3) Since 2λfλt(x)62λft(zt) +kzt−xk2 62λρ0+ (ρ0+kxk)2by Lemma 3.1, we can conclude:

sup{kJλtxk |t ∈[0, T], λ∈]0,1], x∈rB}<∞ sup{|ft(Jλtx)| |t∈[0, T], x∈rB}<∞ for any r >0.

Lett ∈[0, T] andr>kJλtxk. By assumption (H0), for eachs ∈[0, T] with s>tthere exists xs∈domfs satisfying

kJλtx−xsk6|hr(t)−hr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|1/2) fs(xs)6ft(Jλtx) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|).

Since λ−1(x−Jλsx)∈∂fs(Jλsx), we have fs(Jλsx) + 1

λhx−Jλsx, xs−Jλsxi6fs(xs)6ft(Jλtx) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|).

Hence, for any s>t, we have 1

λhx−Jλsx, Jλtx−Jλsxi 6 1

λhx−Jλsx, Jλtx−xsi+ft(Jλtx)−fs(Jλsx) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|) 6 kDfλs(x)k|hr(t)−hr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|1/2) +ft(Jλtx)−fs(Jλsx)

+|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|ft(Jλtx)|).


By symmetry it is true for any s∈[0, T]. In the same way fort, s in [0, T], we have 1

λhx−Jλtx, Jλsx−Jλtxi6kDfλt(x)k|hr(t)−hr(s)|(1 +|fs(Jλsx)|1/2) +fs(Jλsx)−ft(Jλtx) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|fs(Jλsx)|).

Adding these two inequalities we obtain 1

λkJλsx−Jλtxk2 6 [kDfλt(x)k ∨ kDfλs(x)k]|hr(t)−hr(s)|(1 +|fs(Jλsx)|1/2∨ |ft(Jλtx)|1/2) +|kr(t)−kr(s)|(1 +|fs(Jλsx)| ∨ |ft(Jλtx)|).

Since both kDfλt(x)k and |ft(Jλtx)| are bounded, t7→Jλtx is continuous on [0, T].

By [11, Lemma 1.5.3], for r > ku0k+ 1, M1 > |f0(u0)|+αr+α+ 1 and T1 ∈]0, T[ such that

1 +M1exp Z T


|kr0| Z T1



there exists an absolutely continuous function v on [0, T1] satisfying:

* v(0) =u0 and lim supt→0+ft(v(t))6f0(u0)

* kv(t)k6r for any t∈[0, T1]

* for any t∈[0, T1],|ft(v(t))|6M1+M1expRT

0 |k0r| Rt 0 |h0r|

* for almost any t ∈[0, T1],kv0(t)k6h

1 +M1expRT 0 |kr0|i

|h0r(t)|. For r>ku0k+ρ, let us choose T2 >0 such that

|f0(u0)|+M2 2 T2 +

Z T2


cr(τ)dτ 1 +T2exp Z T2




Let r >(ku0k ∨ |f0(u0)|) +ρ+ 1 be fixed. Let us choose T0 >0 small enough in order to have

(1 +r1/2)2T0

Z T0


|h0r|6 ρ2

32 , T0 6T1∧T2 and MT

pT0 + [M +α]T0+

1 +M1exp(

Z T 0 |kr0|)

Z T0

0 |h0r(s)|ds6 ρ 4 where MT = 2h

M1 +M1

expRT 0 |k0r|


0 |h0r(s)|ds+αr+αi1/2


Lemma 3.3 Let β : [0, T] → X be a measurable function with kβ(t)k 6 M for a.e.

t ∈[0, T]. Then,

∀t∈[0, T0] kp(β)(t)−u0k6 ρ 2, the map p being defined in Section 2.


Proof. The curve u = p(β) exists on [0, T] following Theorem 2.1. We have for a.e.

t ∈[0, T0]:

d dt


2ku(t)−v(t)k2 6 ft(v(t))−ft(u(t)) + [M+kv0(t)k]ku(t)−v(t)k 6 1

2MT2 + [M +kv0(t)k+α]ku(t)−v(t)k. We thus obtain for any t∈[0, T0]


2ku(t)−v(t)k2 6 1

2MT2T0+ Z t



Gronwall’s lemma yields for any t∈[0, T0] ku(t)−v(t)k 6 MT

pT0+ Z t


[M +kv0(s)k+α]ds 6 MT

pT0+ [M +α]T0+

1 +M1exp Z T


|k0r| Z T0


|h0r(s)|ds 6 ρ 4. Furthermore,

kv(t)−u0k6 Z t

0 kv0(s)kds6

1 +M1exp Z T

0 |kr0| Z T0

0 |h0r(s)|ds6 ρ 4.

By choice of T0 >0, we obtain ku(t)−u0k6ρ/2 for anyt ∈[0, T0].

For simplicity of notation, we now write T instead of T0. We also assume that ft(x)>0 for any x∈X with kx−u0k6ρ, since we have ft(x)>−α(ku0k+ρ+ 1).

Let n∈N? such that :

α22−6n+ 2−3n+1

r+ (1 +r)(


0 |kr0|+α)

6 ρ2 32. Let us set fnt =f2t3n and Jnt =J2t3n. Let P be a partition of [0, T]:

P ={0 =tn0 < tn1 <· · ·< tn2n =T} where tnk =k2−nT for k= 0, . . . ,2n.

Let us set un0 = Jntn0u0. By assumption (Bo)(i), B(tn0, un0) is non empty and contains an element β0n. Let t ∈ [0, T]. Under the assumption (H0), there exists un,t ∈ domft satisfying

kun,t−u0k6|hr(t)−hr(0)|(1 +r1/2) ft(un,t)6r+|kr(t)−kr(0)|(1 +r).


Using the definition of the Moreau-Yosida approximate, we obtain 23n

2 kJntu0−u0k2 = fnt(u0)−ft(Jntu0) 6 ft(un,t) + 23n

2 kun,t−u0k2+αkJntu0−u0k+α(1 +ku0k) 6 r+ (1 +r)

Z t 0

|k0r|+ 23n

2 (1 +r1/2)2t Z t


|h0r|2+αkJntu0−u0k+α(1 +r).

Thus, by choice of r,T and n we obtain kJntu0−u0k

6 α2−3n+ s

α22−6n+ 2r2−3n+ 2(1 +r)2−3n( Z T

0 |k0r|+α) + (1 +√ r)2T

Z T 0 |h0r|2 6 ρ


In particular,kun0−u0k6ρ/2. Under (Bo)(ii) it followskβ0nk6M. Let us setxn0 =p(β0n).

By Lemma 3.3,

∀t∈[0, T] kxn0(t)−u0k6 ρ 2. Let us setun1 =Jt


n1xn0(tn1) and takeβ1n ∈B(tn1, un1). SinceJt


n1 is 1-Lipschitz continuous, we have

kun1 −u0k6kxn0(tn1)−u0k+kJntn1u0−u0k6ρ.

Next, (Bo)(ii) implies kβ1nk6M. We then set β1n(t) =

β0n if t∈[tn0, tn1[ β1n if t∈[tn1, T]

Let us set xn1 = p(β1n). By unicity and continuity of the curve it follows xn1(t) = xn0(t) if t ∈[tn0, tn1]. Furthermore, kβ1n(t)k6M for any t∈[0, T]. By Lemma 3.3,

∀t∈[0, T] kxn1(t)−u0k6 ρ 2.

Let k ∈ N?. Assume that there exists a map βk−1n : [0, T]→ X which is constant on each [tnk−1, tnk[ withkβk−1n (t)k6M for any t∈[0, T]. Set xnk−1 =p(βk−1n ). Then,

∀t∈[0, T] kxnk−1(t)−u0k6 ρ 2. Let us set unk =Jt


nkxnk−1(tnk) and takeβkn ∈B(tnk, unk). Since kunk−u0k6kxnk−1(tnk)−u0k+kJt




we have kβknk6M. We then set βkn(t) =

βk−1n (t) ift ∈[tn0, tnk[ βkn if t∈[tnk, T]

Let us set xnk = p(βkn). By unicity it follows xnk(t) = xnk−1(t) if t ∈ [0, tnk]. Furthermore, kβkn(t)k6M for any t∈[0, T]. By Lemma 3.3,

∀t∈[0, T] kxnk(t)−u0k6 ρ 2. We then set

xn:=xn2n−1 =




xnk χ[tnk,tnk+1[ and βn:=β2nn−1 =





where χ[tnk,tnk+1[(t) = 1 if t∈[tnk, tnk+1[ , and = 0 otherwise. For all t∈[0, T[, there exists 06k 62n with t∈[tnk, tnk+1[ and we set

θn(t) =tnk and θn(T) =T.

So, xn : [0, T] → X is an absolutely continuous function and βn : [0, T] → X is a measurable map which satisfy for a.e. t∈[0, T]

x0n(t) +∂ft(xn(t)) +βn(t)30

xn(0) =u0 and βn(t)∈B(θn(t), un(t))

where we set un(t) =Jnθn(t)xnn(t)). By construct, there exists N ∈ Nsuch that for any n >N:

∀t ∈[0, T] kxn(t)−u0k6ρ and kβn(t)k6M.

A subsequence of (βn)n, again denoted by (βn)n, converges weakly toβ inL2(0, T;X). By continuity of the mapp, the sequence xn=p(βn) converges uniformly to a curvex=p(β) on [0, T] and a subsequence of (x0n)n converges weakly to x0 in L2(0, T;X).

In other words, the curve x is the solution of x0(t) +∂ft(x(t)) +β(t) 3 0, x(0) = u0 on [0, T].

Letn∈N? and t∈[0, T]. We have

kun(t)−x(t)k6kxnn(t))−x(θn(t))k+kx(θn(t))−x(t)k+kJnθn(t)x(t)−x(t)k. (4) Under the assumption (H0), there existsun,t∈domfθn(t) satisfying

kun,t−x(t)k6|hrn(t))−hr(t)|(1 +r1/2) fθn(t)(un,t)6r+|krn(t))−kr(t)|(1 +r).


Using the definition of the Moreau-Yosida approximate, we obtain 23n

2 kJnθn(t)x(t)−x(t)k2 = fnθn(t)(x(t))−ft(Jnθn(t)x(t)) 6 fθn(t)(un,t) + 23n

2 kun,t−x(t)k2+αkJnθn(t)x(t)−x(t)k+α(1 +r) 6 r+ (1 +r)

Z t


2 (1 +r1/2)2(t−θn(t)) Z t

θn(t)|h0r|2 +αkJnθn(t)x(t)−x(t)k+α(1 +r).


kJnθn(t)x(t)−x(t)k6 α2−3n+


α22−6n+ 2r2−3n+ 2(1 +r)2−3n( Z T

0 |kr0|+α) + (1 +r1/2)22−n Z T

0 |h0r|2 and (Jnθn(.)x)n converges uniformly to x on [0, T]. Since (xn)n converges uniformly to x on [0, T] and x is continuous on [0, T], (4) assures the uniform convergence of (un)n to x on [0, T].

3.2 Properties of approximate solutions

Lemma 3.4 We have kx(t)k ∨ |ft(x(t))| 6 r for all t ∈ [0, T]. Under the assumption (B)(ii), the element β(t) belongs to −∂ϕ(x(t)) for a.e. t ∈[0, T].

Proof. By inequality (2), we have for any s6t in [0, T] ft(x(t))−fs(x(s)) + 1

2 Z t

s kx0(τ)k2dτ 6 1

2M2T + Z t


cr(τ) [ 1 +|fτ(x(τ))|] dτ.

Since kx(t)−u0k6ρ, we have assumed for simplicity that ft(x(t))>0 for any t∈[0, T].

Gronwall’s lemma yields for any t∈[0, T] ft(x(t))6

f0(u0) + M2 2 T +

Z T 0

cr(τ)dτ 1 +T exp Z T



6|f0(u0)|+ρ. (5) by assumption on T.

Next, βn(t) belongs to −∂ϕ(un(t)) with the uniform convergence of (un)n to x on [0, T].

Let us define ˜ϕ :L2(0, T;X)→ R∪ {+∞} by ˜ϕ(u) = RT

0 ϕ(u(t))dt. It is known that ˜ϕ is proper lsc convex and

α∈∂ϕ(u)˜ ⇐⇒ α(t)∈∂ϕ(u(t)) for a.e. t ∈[0, T].

Thus, −βn ∈∂ϕ(u˜ n). Passing to the limit we obtain−β ∈∂ϕ(x). Hence,˜ β(t) belongs to

−∂ϕ(x(t)) for a.e. t ∈[0, T].


Lemma 3.5 For almost anyt ∈[0, T]we have ft(x(t)) = lim inf

n→+∞ ft(xn(t)). Furthermore,

n→+∞lim Z T


ft(xn(t))dt= Z T


ft(x(t))dt and lim


Z T 0

(ft)?(yn(t))dt = Z T


(ft)?(y(t))dt, where we set yn(t) =−x0n(t)−βn(t) and y(t) =−x0(t)−β(t) for a.e. t in [0, T].

Proof. By lower semicontinuity of ft, the inequality ft(x(t))6lim inf

n→+∞ft(xn(t)) holds for any t ∈ [0, T]. The maps v 7→ RT

0 ft(v(t))dt and w 7→ RT

0 (ft)?(w(t))dt are proper lsc convex on L2(0, T;X). So,

lim inf


Z T 0


Z T 0

ft(x(t))dt and lim inf


Z T 0


Z T 0


But, ft(xn(t)) + (ft)?(yn(t)) =hyn(t), xn(t)i for any t∈[0, T], with

n→+∞lim Z T

0 hyn(t), xn(t)idt= Z T

0 hy(t), x(t)idt.

Lemma 3.6 We have the inequality Z T

0 hβ(s), x0(s)ids6lim inf



0n(s), x0n(s)ids. (6) Proof. Let n∈N?. The maps xnn and un are constant on [tnk, tnk+1[,k = 0, . . . ,2n−1.

Hence, Z T

0n(s), x0n(s)ids=




Z tnk+1 tnk





kn, xnk(tnk+1)−xnk(tnk)i. Since βkn∈ −∂ϕ(unk) for any k = 0, . . . ,2n−1, we obtain:


0n(s), x0n(s)ids >





= ϕ(un0)−ϕ(xn2n−1(tn2n)) +




ϕ(unk)−ϕ(xnk(tnk))−Mkunk −xnk(tnk)k

> ϕ(Jn0u0)−ϕ(xn(T))−2M




kunk −xnk(tnk)k.


Since kunk −u0k6kun(tnk)−xn(tnk)k+ρ/26ρ for n large enough, we have ftnk(unk)>0.

Furthermore, inequality (5) assures thatftnk(xnk(tnk))6f0(u0)+ρ 6r. Using the definition of the Moreau-Yosida approximate, we obtain


2 kunk −xnk(tnk)k2 =ft



Thus, kunk−xnk(tnk)k6√

r2−3n+1 and





r2−n+1. Consequently,





kunk−xnk(tnk)k= 0.

By continuity of ϕand convergence of (xn)n tox, we obtain lim inf



0n(s), x0n(s)ids>ϕ(u0)−ϕ(x(T)).

Since β(s) ∈ −∂ϕ(x(s)) almost everywhere, hβ(s), x0(s)i =−(ϕ◦x)0(s) holds for a.e. s

and we obtain the inequality (6) .

4 Existence of strong solutions

We now prove the existence of strong solutions.

4.1 General case

Let us set

Φ(x, y) = Z T

0 hy(t), x0(t)idt−fT(x(T)) +f0(u0)

for any absolutely continuous function x : [0, T] → X with x0 ∈ L2(0, T;X) and any fonction y∈L2(0, T;X).

Theorem 4.1 Let (ft)t∈[0,T] be a family of proper convex lsc functions on X with each ft of compact type which satifies the assumption (H). Assume that for any sequence(xn)n in H1(0, T;X) which converges uniformly to the absolutely continuous function x with the weak convergence of (x0n)n to x0 in L2, and for any (yn)n which converges weakly to y in L2 with yn(t)∈∂ft(xn(t)) for almost all t, there exists nk →+∞ such that

lim inf

k→+∞Φ(xnk, ynk)>Φ(x, y).

Then, for each u0 ∈domf0, there exists T0 ∈]0, T] such thatu0+∂ft(u) +B(t, u)30has at least a strong solution u: [0, T0]→X with u(0) =u0.


Proof. Consider x an approximate solution. We prove x0(t) +∂ft(x(t)) +B(t, x(t))30 for a.e. tin [0, T]. So, we begin by prove that (x0n)nconverges strongly tox0 inL2(0, T;X).

Step 1. - Let us set yn(t) =−x0n(t)−βn(t) andy(t) = −x0(t)−β(t) for a.e. t in [0, T]. It is easy to see that for any n ∈Nand almost any t ∈[0, T]:

kx0n(t)k2+hyn(t), x0n(t)i+hβn(t), x0n(t)i= 0 and kx0(t)k2+hy(t), x0(t)i+hβ(t), x0(t)i= 0.

The sequence (x0n)n converges weakly to x0 in L2(0, T;X). The strong convergence of (x0n)n tox0 in L2(0, T;X) is equivalent to

lim sup



0 kx0n(t)k2dt6 Z T

0 kx0(t)k2dt.

¿From Lemma 3.6 it follows:

lim sup



0 kx0n(t)k2dt 6 −lim inf



0 hyn(t), x0n(t)idt−lim inf



0n(t), x0n(t)idt 6 −lim inf



0 hyn(t), x0n(t)idt− Z T

0 hβ(t), x0(t)idt.

Since RT

0 hβ(t), x0(t)idt=−RT

0 kx0(t)k2dt+RT

0 hy(t), x0(t)idt, it suffices to show that Z T

0 hy(t), x0(t)idt6lim inf



0 hyn(t), x0n(t)idt. (7) Step 2. - Under the assumption on Φ, it follows by lower semicontinuity of fT :

lim inf


Z T 0

hynk(t), x0nk(t)idt>fT(x(T))−f0(u0)+lim inf

k→+∞ Φ(xnk, ynk)>

Z T 0

hy(t), x0(t)idt.

Step 3. - Let N be the negligeable subset of [0, T] such that, for any t ∈ [0, T]\N, we have x0n(t) +∂ft(xn(t)) +βn(t) 3 0, βn(t) ∈ B(θn(t), un(t)) and (x0n(t))n converges to x0(t). Since each ft are of compact type, the sets X(t) := cl{xn(t) | n ∈ N?} and U(t) := cl{un(t) | n ∈ N?} are compact in Dom(∂ft). Let r > M ∨(ρ+ku0k). Under the assumption (B)(iv), for each n > N and t ∈ [0, T] with t 6= θn(t), there exists znt ∈DomB(t, .) and αtn∈B(t, znt) satisfying

kznt −un(t)k ∨ kαtn−βn(t)k6grn(t), t).

When t=θn(t), we simply takeznt =un(t) andαtnn(t). Then, (znt)n converges tox(t) and Z(t) := cl{znt |n ∈N?} is compact in Dom(∂ft).

The restriction of B(t, .) to Dom(∂ft) being usc, the set {B(t, z)|z ∈ Z(t)} is compact in X. Hence, Γ(t) := cl{αtn | n ∈ N?}, and thus cl{βn(t) | n ∈ N?}, are compact. So, Y(t) := cl{yn(t)|n ∈N?} is compact inX.


Let us set Ft(x) = ∂ft(x)∩Y(t) and Gt(x) = B(t, x)∩ Γ(t) for any x ∈ Dom(∂ft) and t ∈ [0, T]. The multimaps Ft and Gt are upper semicontinuous on Dom(∂ft) with compact values in X. Let us denote by e the excess between two sets. We have:

d(−x0n(t), Ft(x(t)) +Gt(x(t))) 6 d(yn(t), Ft(x(t))) +d(βn(t), Gt(x(t)))

6 e(Ft(xn(t)), Ft(x(t))) +kβn(t)−αtnk+d(αtn, Gt(x(t))) 6 e(Ft(xn(t)), Ft(x(t))) +grn(t), t) +e(Gt(znt), Gt(x(t))).

The upper-semicontinuity of Ft and Gt assures that

n→+∞lim d(−x0n(t), Ft(x(t)) +Gt(x(t))) = 0.

Since (x0n)n converges to x0 a.e. on [0, T], the equality d(−x0(t), Ft(x(t)) +Gt(x(t))) = 0 holds for a.e. t∈[0, T] and we obtain by closedness ofFt(x(t)) +Gt(x(t)):

−x0(t)∈Ft(x(t)) +Gt(x(t)) for a.e. t∈[0, T].

Consequently, x is a local solution to x0+∂ft(x) +B(t, x)30 with x(0) =u0.

4.2 Two particular cases

We consider two particular cases for which we can apply Theorem 4.1. These cases contains those of ft not depending on t.


Corollary 4.1 Let (ft)t∈[0,T] be a family of proper convex lsc functions on X with each ft of compact type. Let u0 ∈domf0. Assume that ft =g◦Ft where g is a proper convex lsc function on a Hilbert space Y and(Ft)t∈[0,T] is a family of differentiable maps fromX to Y such that (DFt)t is equilipschitz continuous on a neighborhood of u0 and such that:

1. for each r >0, there is absolutely continuous real-valued function br on [0, T] such that:

(a) b0r ∈L2(0, T),

(b) for each s, t ∈[0, T], supkxk rkFt(x)−Fs(x)k6|br(t)−br(s)|, 2. the qualification condition R+[domg−F0(u0)]−DF0(u0)X =Y holds,

3. for each r > 0, there exists a negligible subset N of [0, T] such that the mapping t 7→ Ft(x) admits a derivative ∆t(x) on [0, T]\N for any x ∈ rBX and ∆t is continuous on rBX for any t∈[0, T]\N,

4. the mapping (t, x) 7→ DFt(x) is bounded on [0, T]×rBX for each r > 0 and it is continuous at t for each x.


Assume that(H)and(B)are satisfied. Then, there existsT0 ∈]0, T]such thatu0+∂ft(u)+

B(t, u)30 has at least a strong solution u: [0, T0]→X with u(0) =u0.

Remark under assumption 1., the mapping t 7→ Ft(x) is absolutely continuous and ad- mits a derivative at a.e. t ∈ [0, T] for each x. With the uniformly inequality 1.(b), we can hope that the almost derivability of t 7→ Ft(x) at t is uniform in x ∈ rBX thanks to the regularity of Ft at x. Illustrate the importance of differentiability of Ft by the following example : F(t, x) = h(t −x) where X = Y = R and the real function h is convex, Lipschitz continuous and non differentiable on [0, T].

Proof of Corollary 4.1. Consider x : [0, T] → X an approximate solution. Let us set yn(t) = −x0n(t)−βn(t) and y(t) = −x0(t)−β(t) for a.e. t in [0, T],zn(t) =Ft(xn(t)) and z(t) = Ft(x(t)) for a.e. t ∈ [0, T]. Then, zn and z are absolutely continuous on [0, T], thus are derivable at a.e. t ∈[0, T] and

zn0(t) = ∆t(xn(t)) +DFt(xn(t))x0n(t) , z0(t) = ∆t(x(t)) +DFt(x(t))x0(t).

Under the qualification condition, we have for any x∈X

∂ft(x) =DFt(x)?∂g(Ft(x)).

Let us writeyn(t) =DFt(xn(t))?wn(t) andy(t) =DFt(x(t))?w(t) wherewn(t)∈∂g(zn(t)) and w(t) ∈ ∂g(z(t)) for almost all t ∈ [0, T]. Hence, g ◦ zn and g ◦ z are absolutely continuous with hwn(t), zn0(t)i= (g◦zn)0(t) for almost allt ∈[0, T]. So,

hyn(t), x0n(t)i= d

dt(ft◦xn)(t)− hwn(t),∆t(xn(t)).

and Φ(xn, yn) = −RT

0 hwn(t),∆t(xn(t))idt.

Let r > kxn(t)k ∨ kx(t)k for any n ∈ N and t ∈ [0, T]. By continuity of ∆t on rBX, (∆t(xn(t)))n converges to ∆t(x(t)) for a.e t ∈ [0, T]. Next, for a.e. t and any x ∈ rBX, we have k∆t(x)k 6 |b0r(t)|. By Lebesgue’s theorem ∆.(xn(.)) converges to ∆.x(.)) in L2(0, T, Y). Since a subsequence of (wn)n converges weakly to w, we can apply Theo-

rem 4.1.

For example, if Ft is the affine mapping x 7→A(t)x+b(t) where A(t) : X →Y is linear continuous and b(t)∈Y, the assumption of Corollary 4.1 becomes :

1. b is absolutely continuous on [0, T] and there is absolutely continuous real-valued function a on [0, T] such that:

(a) a0 ∈L2(0, T),

(b) for each s, t ∈[0, T],kA(t)−A(s)k6|a(t)−a(s)|. 2. the qualification conditionR+domg−A(0)X =Y holds.


3. for eachr >0, there exists a negligible subset N of [0, T] such that A0(t) is contin- uous on rBX for any t∈[0, T]\N.

Second, we use the conjugate of ft.

Lemma 4.1 Let (ft)t∈[0,T]be a family of proper convex lsc functions on X satisfying(H).

Assume that :

for each r > 0, there exists a negligible subset N of [0, T] such that for any t∈[0, T]\N, the mappings 7→(fs)?(y)admits a derivativeγ(t, y)˙ att for any y∈Dom∂(ft)?.

Let x : [0, T]→ X be an absolutely continuous function and y : [0, T] → Y be such that y(t)∈∂ft(x(t)) for a.e. t∈ [0, T]. For almost all t∈[0, T], we have


γ(t, y(t)) + d

dtft(x(t)) =hy(t), x0(t)i. (8) Proof. Let s and t be in [0, T]\N where N is a suitable negligible subset of [0, T]. We have :

(fs)?(y(s))−(ft)?(y(s))6(fs)?(y(s))−(ft)?(y(t))− hy(s)−y(t), x(t)i since x(t)∈∂(ft)?(y(t)). From ft(x(t)) + (ft)?(y(t)) =hy(t), x(t)i, we deduce

(fs)?(y(s))−(ft)?(y(s))6ft(x(t))−fs(x(s)) +hy(s), x(s)−x(t)i. In the same way, for almost every t, s in [0, T] we have

(fs)?(y(s))−(ft)?(y(s))6ft(x(t))−fs(x(s)) +hy(s), x(s)−x(t)i. Changing the role of s and t, we also have:

(ft)?(y(t))−(fs)?(y(t))6fs(x(s))−ft(x(t)) +hy(t), x(t)−x(s)i 6(ft)?(y(s))−(fs)?(y(s)) +hy(t)−y(s), x(t)−x(s)i.

The function t 7→ ft(x(t)) being absolutely continuous on [0, T], see [11, Chapter 1], we

obtain (8).

The existence of ˙γ implies some regularity on the domain of (ft)?. For example, consider (ft)?(y) = h(t − y) where X = Y = R and the real function h is convex, Lipschitz continuous and non differentiable on [0, T]. Then, we can not apply above lemma. The domain of (ft)? changes witht. But, we can apply Corollary 4.1 sinceft(x) =tx+h?(−x).

However, we have the absolutely continuity of s 7→(fs)?(y) in the following sense : Proposition 4.1 Let t ∈[0, T], y ∈Y, η > 0 and r >0 such that if |t−s|6η, the set

∂(fs)?(y)∩rBX is nonempty. Then,s 7→(fs)?(y)is absolutely continuous on]t−η, t+η[.



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