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Special Issue on Space Dynamics


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Received 18 May 2005; Revised 26 June 2006; Accepted 5 July 2006

It is shown that the space of invariant trilinear forms on smooth representations of a semisimple Lie group is finite dimensional if the group is a product of hyperbolic groups.

Explicit upper bounds are given which are attained in the case of induced representations.

Applications to automorphic coefficients are given.

Copyright © 2006 Hindawi Publishing Corporation. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

LetG=PGL2(R) and letπ1,π2,π3be irreducible admissible smooth representations ofG.

Then the space ofG-invariant trilinear forms onπ1×π2×π3is at most one dimensional.

This has, in different contexts, been proved by Loke [9], Molˇcanov [10], and Oksak [11].

In this paper, we ask for such a uniqueness result in the context of arbitrary semisimple groups. We give evidence that for a given groupG, uniqueness can only hold ifGis locally a product of hyperbolic groups. For such groups, we show uniqueness and for spherical vectors, we compute the invariant triple products explicitly.

By a conjecture of Jacquet’s, which has been proved in [3], triple products on GL2

are related to special values of automorphicL-functions, see also [2,4,6,7]. The con- jecture/theorem says that the existence of nonzero triple products is equivalent to the nonvanishing of the corresponding tripleL-function at the center of its functional equa- tion.

The uniqueness of triple products in the PGL2-case mentioned above has been used in [1] to derive new bounds for automorphicL2-coefficients. This can also be done for higher-dimensional hyperbolic groups, but, with the exception of the case treated in [1], the results do not exceed those in [8]. For completeness, we include these computations in the appendix.

2. Representations and integral formulae

LetG be a connected semisimple Lie group with finite center. Fix a maximal compact subgroup K. LetGandK denote their unitary duals, that is, the sets of isomorphism

Hindawi Publishing Corporation

International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences Volume 2006, Article ID 48274, Pages1–22

DOI 10.1155/IJMMS/2006/48274


classes of irreducible unitary representations ofG, respectively,K. Letπbe a continuous representation ofGon a locally convex topological vector spaceVπ. LetVπbe the space of all continuous linear forms onVπand letVπbe the space of smooth vectors, that is,


vVπ:x−→απ(x)vis smoothαVπ. (2.1) The representationπis called smooth ifVπ=Vπ.

A representation (π,Vπ) is called admissible if for eachτK, the space HomK(Vτ,Vπ) is finite-dimensional. LetGadmbe the admissible dual, that is, the set of infinitesimal iso- morphism classes of irreducible admissible representations. A representationπ inGadm

is called a class one or spherical representation if it containsK-invariant vectors. In that case, the spaceVπKofK-invariant vectors is one-dimensional. This is trivial for principal series representations (see below) and follows generally from Casselman’s subrepresen- tation theorem which says that everyπGadmis equivalent to a subrepresentation of a principal series representation.

The Iwasawa decompositionG=ANK gives smooth maps a:G−→A,

n:G−→N, k:G−→K,


such that for everyxG, one hasx=a(x)n(x)k(x). As an abbreviation, we also define an(x)=a(x)n(x). LetgR,aR,nR,kRdenote the Lie algebras ofG,A,N,Kand letg,a,n, kbe their complexifications.

ForxGandkK, we define

kxdef=k(kx). (2.3)

Lemma 2.1. The rulekkxdefines a smooth (right) group action ofGonK.

Proof. The mapkgives a diffeomorphismAN\GKand the action under consideration

is just the natural right action ofGonAN\G.

Lemma 2.2. For f C(K) andyG, one has the integral formula

K f(k)dk=

Ka(k y)fkydk, (2.4)


K fkydk=

Kak y1f(k)dk. (2.5) Hereρais the modular shift, that is,a=det(a|n).

Proof. The Iwasawa integral formula implies that



Kg(ank)dk dan. (2.6)


Let f C(K) and choose a functionηCc(AN) such thatη0 andANη(an)da dn=1.

Letg(x)=η(an(x))f(k(x)). ThengCc(G) and



K f(k)dk=

K f(k)dk. (2.7)

On the other hand, sinceGis unimodular, this also equals





Kηan(ank y)fk(k y)dank


K ANηan(ank y)dan



K ANηanan(k y)dan



Ka(k y)




Ka(k y)fkydk.


The second assertion follows from the first by replacing f with f(k)= f(ky) and theny


LetMbe the centralizer ofAintersected withK, thenP=MANis a minimal parabolic subgroup ofG. The inclusion mapKGinduces a diffeomorphismM\KP\Gand in this way, we get a smoothG-action onM\K. An inspection shows that this action is given byMkMkxforkK,xG.

3. Trilinear products

Let π1,π2,π3 be three admissible smooth representations of the group G and let᐀: Vπ1×Vπ2×Vπ3Cbe a continuousG-invariant trilinear form, that is,




for allvjVπjand everyxG.

We want to understand the space of all trilinear forms᐀as above. In this paper, we will only consider principal series representations, the general case will be considered later. So we assume thatπ1,π2,π3are principal series representations. This means that there are given a minimal parabolicP=MAN, irredicible representationsσjM, and λjafor j=1, 2, 3. Each pair (σj,λj) induces a continuous group homomorphismPGL(Vσj) by manaλjσ(m), which in turn defines aG-homogeneous vector bundleEσjjoverP\G.

The representationπjis theG-representation on the space of smooth sectionsΓ(Eσjj) of that bundle. In other words,πjlives on the space of allCfunctions f :GVσjwith

f(manx)=aλjσj(m)f(x) (3.2)


for allmM,aA,nN,xG. The representationπj is defined byπj(y)f(x)= f(xy). Every such f is uniquely determined by its restriction toKwhich satisfiesf(mk)= σj(m)f(k), that is, f is a section of theK-homogeneous bundleEσj onM\Kinduced by σj. So the representation space can be identified withVπj=Γ(Eσj). Thus a trilinear form

᐀is a distribution on the vector bundleEσ=Eσ1Eσ2Eσ3overM\K×M\K×M\K.

Heredenotes the outer tensor product.

For f1,f2,f3C(M\K), we write᐀(f1,f2,f3) for the expression








dk1dk2dk3, (3.3)

whereφis the kernel of᐀.

The groupGis called a real hyperbolic group if it is locally isomorphic to SO(d, 1) for somed2.

OnY=(P\G)3, we consider theG3-homogeneous vector bundleEσ,λgiven byEσ,λ= Eσ11Eσ22Eσ33. NextY can be viewed as aG-space via the diagonal action and so Eσ,λbecomes aG-homogeneous line bundle onY.

We are going to impose the following condition on the induction parametersλ1,λ2, λ3. We assume that3j=1εjj+ρ)=0 for any choice ofεj∈ {±1}. In other words, this means that

(i)λ1+λ2+λ3+ 3ρ=0, (ii)λ1+λ2λ3+ρ=0, (iii)λ1λ2λ3ρ=0.

Theorem 3.1. Assume the parametersλ123satisfy the above condition. LetY be the G-space (P\G)3. If there is an openG-orbit inY, then the dimension of the space of invariant trilinear forms on smooth principal series representations is less than or equal to




, (3.4)

where the sum runs over all open orbitsoandMois the stabilizer group of a point in the orbit owhich is chosen so thatMois a subgroup ofM. If all induction parameters are imaginary (unitary induction), then there is equality.

In particular, ifπ123are class-one representations, then the dimension is less than or equal to the number of open orbits inY.

There is an open orbit if and only ifG is locally isomorphic to a product of hyperbolic groups.

ForG=SO(2, 1)0, the number of open orbits is 2, forG=SO(2, 1) orG=SO(d, 1)0, d3, the number is 1. Here SO(d, 1)0is the connected component of the Lie group SO(d, 1).

The Proof is based on the following lemma.

Lemma 3.2. LetGbe a Lie group andH a closed subgroup. LetX=G/Hand letEXbe a smoothG-homogeneous vector bundle. Letbe a distribution onE, that is, a continuous linear form on Γc (E). Suppose that᐀ isG-invariant, that is,᐀(g·s)=᐀(s) for every sΓc (E). Then᐀is given by a smoothG-invariant section of the dual bundleE.


Let (σ,Vσ) be the representation ofHon the fibreEeHand let (σ,Vσ) be its dual. Then the space of allG-invariant distributions onEhas dimension equal to the dimension dimVσH

ofH-invariants. So in particular, ifσis irreducible, this dimension is zero unlessσis trivial, in which case the dimension is one.

Proof. Equation᐀(g·s)=᐀(s), that is,g·=᐀for allgGimplies thatX·=0 for everyXgR, the real Lie algebra ofG. LethRbe the Lie algebra ofHand choose a complementary spacepRforhRsuch thatgR=hRpR. LetX1,. . .,Xnbe a basis ofVand let


. (3.5)

We show thatDinduces an elliptic differential operator onE. ByG-homogeneity, it suf- fices to show this at a single point. So letP=exp(pR). In a neighborhoodU of the unit inG, there are smooth mapsh:UHandp:UPsuch thath(x)p(x)=xforxU.

The sections ofEcan be identified with the smooth mapss:GVσ withs(hx)= σ(h)s(x) forhHandxG. We can attach to each sectionsa map fsonpwith values inVσ byfs(Y)=s(exp(Y)). The action ofXpRon the sectionsis described by

fXs(Y)= d dt


sexp(Y) exp(tX)

= d dt


σhexp(Y) exp(tX)spexp(Y) exp(tX).


LetAX(Y)=d/dt|t=0σ(h(exp(Y) exp(tX))End(Vσ). Then the Leibniz rule implies that fXs(Y)=AX(Y)fs(Y) +X fs(Y). (3.7) The first summand is of order zero and the second is of order one. Moreover, the sec- ond summand atY=0 coincides with the coordinate-derivative in the direction ofX.

This implies that the leading symbol ofDateHisξ12+···+ξn2and soDis elliptic. The distributional equationD=0 then implies that᐀is given by a smooth section.

For the second assertion of the lemma, recall that aG-invariant section is uniquely determined by its restriction to the pointeHwhich must be invariant underH. For the proof of the theorem, we will need to investigate the G-orbit structure of Y =(P\G)3. First note that since the mapMkPk is aK-isomorphism fromM\K toP\G, theK-orbit of every yY contains an element of the form (y1,y2, 1). Hence the P=MAN-orbit structure of (P\G)2 is the same as the G-orbit structure ofY. By the Bruhat decomposition, the P-orbits in P\G are parametrized by the Weyl group W=W(G,A), where the unique open orbit is given byPw0P, herew0 is the long ele- ment of the Weyl group. Note that theP-stabilizer ofPw0P\GequalsAM. This im- plies that theG-orbits inY of maximal dimension are in bijection to theAM-orbits in


P\Gof maximal dimension via the mapPxAM(x,w0, 1)·G. Again by Bruhat decom- position, it follows that the latter are contained in the open cellPw0P=Pw0N. So the G-orbits of maximal dimension inY are in bijection to theAM-orbits inNof maximal dimension, whereAMacts via the adjoint action. The exponential map exp :nRN is anAM-equivariant bijection, so we are finally looking for theAM-orbit structure of the linear adjoint action onnR.

We will now prove that there is an open orbit if and only ifGis locally a product of real hyperbolic groups. So suppose thatYcontains an open orbit. ThennRcontains an open AM-orbit, sayAM·X0. Letφ+be the set of all positive restricted roots on a=Lie(A).

DecomposenRinto the root spaces



nR. (3.8)

On eachnR, install anM-invariant norm · α. This is possible sinceM is compact.

Consider the map



R, x−→




Since the orbit AM·X0 is open, the image ψ(AM·X0) of the orbit must contain a nonempty open set. Away from the set{XnR:α:xα=0}, the mapψcan be chosen differentiable. Since the norms are invariant underM, one gets a smooth map

A−→R|φ+| a−→ψa·X0

, (3.10)

whose image contains an open set. This can only happen if the dimension ofAis at least as big as|φ+|and the latter implies thatGis locally a product of real rank-one groups.

Now by Araki’s table (see [5, pages 532–534]), one knows that these real rank-one groups must all be hyperbolic, because otherwise there would be two different root lengths.

For the converse direction, letGbe locally isomorphic to SO(d, 1). We have to show that there is an openAM-orbit innR. This, however, is clear as the action ofAMonnRis the natural action ofR×+ ×SO(d1) onRd1, hence there are two orbits, the zero orbit and one open orbit.

We will now show that if there is an open orbit, then there are no invariant distri- butions supported on lower-dimensional orbits. For this, it suffices to consider the case G=SO0(d, 1). For simplicity, we only consider the trivial bundle, that is, functions in- stead of sections. The general case is similar. The orbit structure is as follows. Ford=2, the groupM=SO(d1) is trivial, and so there are two openAM-orbits inN=Rin this case. Ifd >2, there is only one open orbit. Since the proof is very similar in the case d=2, we will now restrict ourselves to the cased >2. The open orbit [w0n0,w0, 1], given by somen0N, contains in its closure the orbits [w0,w0, 1] and [w0, 1, 1] which in turn


contain in their closures the orbit [1, 1, 1],

w0n0,w0, 1

w0,w0, 1 w0, 1, 1

[1, 1, 1]


Letᏻ=[w0n0,w0, 1] be the open orbit. Letx1=(w0,w0, 1), then one has [w0,w0, 1]= x1·G. ConsiderA=R×+as a subset ofRsuitably normalized, then one can write


a0x0·am. (3.12)

Let᐀be aG-invariant distribution supported on the closure of the orbit ofx1. Since᐀ isG-invariant, it satisfiesX·=0 for everyXg. Hence the wave front setWF(᐀) TY is aG-invariant subset of the normal bundle of the manifoldx1·G. This implies that᐀is of order zero along the manifoldx1·G. By theG-invariance, it follows that᐀is of the form



dx+R, (3.13)

whereRis supported in [1, 1, 1]. Further,Dis a differential which we can assume to be G-equivariant. ThenD(f)(x1) is of the form

D1(m)fx0·am|a=0, (3.14) whereD1(m) is a differential operator in the variablea. SinceDisG-equivariant, we may replace f witha0f for somea0A. Sincex1a0=x1, we get that the above is the same as

D1(m)fx0·aa0m|a=0. (3.15) This implies thatD1must be of order zero and so᐀is of order zero. Restricted to the orbit x1·G=AM\G, the distribution᐀is given by an integral of the formAM\Gφ(y)f(x1y)d y.

(Note that we use the notation without the dot again.) Invariance implies thatφis con- stant. If᐀is nonzero, then y f(x1y) must be left invariant underAM, which implies thatλ1+λ2λ3+ρ=0, a case we have excluded. So ᐀must be zero. This shows that any invariant distribution which is zero on the open orbit also vanishes onx1·G. The remaining orbits are dealt with in a similar fashion. To prove the theorem, it remains to show the existence of invariant distributions in the case of unitary parameters. For this, we change our point of view and consider sections ofLλno longer as functions onY, but as functions onG3with values inVσ=Vσ1Vσ2Vσ3 which spit outaλ+ρσ(m) on the left. We induce this in the notation by writing f(x0y) instead of f(x0·y). On a given or- bit of maximal dimension, there is a standard invariant distribution which, by the lemma,


is unique up to scalars and is given by

stf =α

Gfx0yd y

, (3.16)

whereαis a linear functional on the space ofMo-invariants. In order to show that this extends to a distribution onY, we need to show that the defining integral converges for all f Γ(Eσ,λ). This integral equals

Gfx0yd y=

Gfw0n0y,w0y,yd y


Gaw0n0yρ+λ1aw0yρ+λ2a(y)ρ+λ3fkx0yd y.


Since f is bounded onK3, it suffices to show the following lemma.

Lemma 3.3. LetG=SO(d, 1)0and letk0=k(w0n0). Then

Gaw0n0yρaw0yρa(y)ρd y <. (3.18) Conjecture 3.4. The assertion of the lemma should hold for any semisimple groupGwith finite center andn0Ngeneric.

The conjecture would imply that ifGis not locally a product of hyperbolic groups, then the space of invariant trilinear forms on principal series representations is infinite- dimensional.

Proof ofLemma 3.3. Replace the integral overGby an integral overANK using the Iwa- sawa decomposition. Sincea(xk)=a(x) forxGandkK, theK-factor is irrelevant and we have to show that

ANak0anρaw0anρaρda dn <. (3.19) Now write w0n0 =ank0. Then k0an=(an)1w0n0an, and therefore a(k0an)= (a)1a(w0n0an), so it suffices to show that

ANaw0n0anρaw0anρaρda dn <. (3.20) Next note thatw0a=a1w0and so we havea(w0an)ρ=aρa(w0n)ρas well asa(w0n0an)ρ= aρa(w0na0n)ρ, wherena0=a1n0a. We need to show that

ANaw0na0nρaw0nρaρda dn <. (3.21) This is the point where we have to make things more concrete. LetJbe the diagonal (d+ 1)×(d+ 1)-matrix with diagonal entries (1,. . ., 1,1). Then SO(d, 1) is the group of


real matricesgwithgtJg=J. Writingg=A b

c d

withAMatd(R), this amounts to AtActc=1,

Atbctd=0, d2btb=1.


The connected component SO(d, 1)0 consists of all matricesg as above withd >0. The maximal compact subgroupKcan be chosen to be

SO(d) 1

(3.23) andMas

SO(d1) 0

1 0

0 0 1

. (3.24)

Further, we can chooseAandNas follows:



α β β α

:α >0,α2β2=1




1 x x

xt 1|x|2

2 D|x|2 2 xt |x2|2 1 +|x|2





where we have written|x|2=x12+x22+···+xd21. Note that the Lie algebra ofAis gen- erated byH=#1

0 1 1 0

$. One derives an explicit formula for theANK-decomposition. In particular, ifg=A b

c d




α β β α

, (3.26)




1 +b12+···+b2d1


. (3.27)


The Weyl representative element can be chosen to be



. ..



1 1

. (3.28)

So that withn=n(x) forxRd1, we have


∗ ∗ x1

∗ ∗ ...

∗ ∗ xd2

∗ ∗ xd1

∗ ∗ |x|2 2

∗ ∗ 1 +|x|2 2




1 +x12+···+xd21 (d1)/2



We choosen0=n(1, 0,. . ., 0) and get witha=exp(tH) that aw0na0nρ=

1 1 +et+x1


+x22+···+x2d1 (d1)/2

. (3.30)

Withn=d1 andaρ=e(n/2)t, our assertion boils down to


Re(n/2)t1 +|x|2n/2#

1 +etv1+x2$n/2dt dx < . (3.31) Consider first the casen=1 and the integral overx <0:



−∞e(1/2)t1 +x21/2#1 +et+x2$1/2dx dt



0 e(1/2)t1 +x21/2#1 +xet2$1/2dx dt



ete(1/2)t#1 +x+et2$1/21 + (x)21/2dx dt.


Thus it suffices to show the convergence of


0 e(1/2)t1 +x21/2#1 +x+et2$1/2dt dx. (3.33)


Settingy=et, we see that this integral equals

0 y1/21 +x21/21 + (x+y)21/2d y dx



x (yx)1/21 +x21/21 +y21/2d y dx.


Since the mapping x−→

x (yx)1/21 +x21/21 +y21/2d y (3.35) is continuous, the integral over 0< x <1 converges. It remains to show the convergence of


x (yx)1/21 +x21/21 +y21/2d y dx


1 x1/2(v1)1/21 +x21/21 +v2x21/2dv dx


1 x1/2(v1)1/21 +x211 +v21/2dv dx <.


Here we have used the substitution y=vx and the fact that fora,b1, one has (1 + a)(1 +b)3(1 +ab).

Now for the casen >1, using polar coordinates, we compute


Retn/2#1 +x2+xr2$n/2


dt dx dxr



Retn/2rn21 +x2+r2n/2(1+)et+x2+r2$n/2dt dx dxr.


As above, we can restrict to the casex >1. We get that this equals

0 y(n/2)1rn21 +x2+r2n/21 + (x+y)2+r2n/2d y dx dr



x (yx)(n/2)1rn21 +x2+r2n/21 +y2+r2n/2d y dx dr,


which equals


1 (v1)n/21xn/2rn21 +x2+r2n/21 +v2x2+r2n/2d y dx dr. (3.39) As above, it suffices to restrict the integration to the domainx >1. So one considers


1 (v1)(n/2)1xn/2rn21 +x2+r2n/21 +v2x2+r2n/2d y dx dr. (3.40)


Choose 0< ε <1/2 and write

1 +x2+r2n/2=

1 +x2+r2εn/21 +x2+r2ε

1 +r2εn/21 +x2ε.


So our integral is less than or equal to

0 rn21 +r2εn/2dr (3.42) times

1 (v1)(n/2)1xn/21 +x2ε1 +v2x2n/2dv dx


1 (v1)(n/2)1xn/21 +x2ε1 +v2n/21 +x2n/2dv dx <.


4. An explicit formula

Letd2 andG=SO(d, 1)0 ifd >2. Ford=2, letG be the double coverSO(2, 1)% o= PGL2(R). ThenK=SO(d),M=SO(d1) ford >2. Ford=2, we haveK=O(2) and M=Z/2Zand in all cases, we haveM\K=Sd1, the (d1)-dimensional sphere. For each λa, leteλ be the class-one vector in the associated principal series representationπλ given byeλ(ank)=aλ+ρ. Letλ,μ,νabe imaginary. Let᐀stbe the invariant distribution onL(λ,μ,ν)considered in the last section. We are interested in the growth of᐀st(eλ,eμ,eν) as a function inλ. First note that the Killing form induces a norm| · |ona.

We write᐀st(λ,μ,ν) for᐀st(eλ,eμ,eν) and identifyingaRtoRviaλλ(H0), we con- sider᐀stas a function on (iR)3.

In this section, we will prove the following theorem.

Theorem 4.1. Forλ,μ,νimaginary,st(λ,μ,ν) equals a positive constant times Γ2(λ+μν)+n/4Γ2(λμ+ν)+n/4Γ2(λ+μ+ν)+n/4Γ2(λ+μ+ν)+n/4

Γ(2λ+n)/2Γ(2μ+n)/2Γ(2ν+n)/2 , (4.1) wheren=d1, so in particular, for fixed imaginaryμandν. Then, as|λ|tends to infinity, whileλis imaginary, one has the asymptotic

st(λ,μ,ν)=cexp π 2|λ|

|λ|(d/2)2 1 +O 1


, (4.2)

for some constantc >0.



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