• 検索結果がありません。

(4) "Has she ever visited Yoshino"? ( ) "No, she has never ( be ) there". (5) Our teacher has ( tell ) us the story many times. ( ) (6) I haven't ( wr


Academic year: 2021

シェア "(4) "Has she ever visited Yoshino"? ( ) "No, she has never ( be ) there". (5) Our teacher has ( tell ) us the story many times. ( ) (6) I haven't ( wr"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



1.次の(   )の中から、正しいものを選び、○で囲みなさい。 (1) I ( am / have been ) in Tokyo since last week. (2) He ( left / have left ) Yokohama last month. (3) My sister ( lived / has lived ) there for five years. (4) Miho ( is / has been ) very busy since yesterday. (5) When ( did you arrive / have you arrived ) here ? 2.次の(   )内に、since か for を入れなさい。

(1) My aunt has stayed Kanazawa ( ) a week. (2) They have lived in this village ( ) 1989. (3) Jane has wanted to visit Japan ( ) a long time. (4) I have known him ( ) ten years.

(5) Has your father been in Paris ( ) last Sunday ?

3.次の(   )内に、下の[   ]の中から正しい語を選んで入れ、日本語の意味を表   す英文を完成させなさい。

(1) 私はニューヨークへ行ったことがありません。 I have ( ) visited New York. (2) 渋谷行きのバスが今来たところです。

The bus for Shibuya has ( ) arrived. (3) あなたはその絵を見たことがありますか。

Have you ( ) seen the picture ? (4) 彼はまだ朝食を済ませていません。

He hasn't eaten his breakfast ( ).

4.次の文の(   )内の語を適切な形に直しなさい。ただし、1語とは限らない。

(1) Have you ever ( drive ) to Kamakura ? (         ) (2) Rice prices have ( rise ) sharply these three weeks. (         ) (3) We ( know ) Mr. Yamaguchi since we were junior high school.

(         ) just / already / ever / never / yet


(4) "Has she ever visited Yoshino" ? (         )  ―― "No, she has never ( be ) there".

(5) Our teacher has ( tell ) us the story many times. (         ) (6) I haven't ( write ) to my friends for a long time. (         ) (7) We ( be ) in this town since 2002. (         ) (8) It ( rain ) since last Monday. (         ) 5.次の文を(   )内の指示に従って書きかえなさい。

(1) I went to Spain. (many times を加えて現在完了の文に)

(2) He has listened to the music once. (否定文に)

(3) Jim has lived in Japan for three years. (for three years を問う疑問文に)

(4) I have been to Okinawa twice .    (twice を問う疑問文に)

(5) I was sick two days ago, and I am sick now.


(6) It is a long time since I saw you last. ( I で始まる同じ意味の文に)

(7) Did you see the TV program ? ( ever を加えて完了形の文に)

(8) She has visited the Chinese restaurant before. (疑問文に)

(9) I have broken the speed limit once. (否定文に)

(10) I have climbed Mt. Fuji three times. (three times が答えとなる疑問文に)

(11) Masao didn't go to that hotel. ( never を用いて完了形の文に)


6.次の文の(   )内に、下のア~エより適切なものを選んで、その記号を書きなさい。 (1) I ( ) that man for five years.

ア. knew イ. know

ウ. have known エ. am knowing (2) How ( ) have you been in Paris ?

ア. much イ. far

ウ. many エ. long

(3) He has been sick in bed ( ) last Friday.

ア. from イ. since

ウ. of エ. for

(4) Masao ( ) in Fukuoka on business for three days. ア. stays イ. has stayed ウ. have stayed エ. has staying (5) Have you finished reading this magazine ? ( ).

ア. Yes, I did イ. Yes, I haven't ウ. No, not yet エ. No, I have

(6) I've visited that place many times ( ) I came to Japan. ア. after イ. since

ウ. whether エ. before (7) He's ( ) that mountain with Hiroshi three times.

ア. climb イ. has climbed ウ. climbed エ. climbing (8) I have been to Nagoya ( ).

ア. two イ. twice

ウ. second エ. twice times (9) Have you ever ( ) Singapore ?

ア. been イ. traveled ウ. gone エ. visited

(10) Though I ( ) nothing last evening, I don't want to eat anything.

ア. eat イ. ate


7.次の各組の2つの英文がほぼ同じ意味になるように、(   )内に適語を入れなさい。 I have ( ) ( ) that village before.


This is my first visit to that village.

I could ski well when I was a boy. I can do it well now. (2)

I ( ) ( ) ( ) at skiing since I was a boy. Mari came to our town last year and she is still in our town.


Mari ( ) been in our town ( ) last year. It's a long time since the man left.


The man ( ) long time ( ). My dog is two years old.


Two years have passed ( ) my dog was born. It hasn't rained since last month.


We have had ( ) ( ) since last month. I broke my leg. So I can't walk now.


I ( ) ( ) my leg. It has snowed a lot this winter. (8)

( ) have ( ) a lot of snow this winter. It began to rain this morning and it is still raining now. (9)

It ( ) ( ) raining ( ) this morning. Hideki went to school and he is not at home now.


Hideki ( ) ( ) to school.

They went to the department store. He is back here now. (11)

They ( ) just ( ) to the department store. Winter has gone and it's spring now.


Spring ( ) ( ).

Mike and Yuki went to the airport to see their friend off and have (13) just come back.

Mike and Yuki have ( ) ( ) the airport to see their friend off.



(1) I have known that man for five years. (    ) ア. My sister hasn't written the letter yet.

イ. He has sold his house.

ウ. I have never seen such a long bridge. エ. How long have you been in Japan ?

(2) He has been to Aomori before. (    ) ア. I have just finished eating my breakfast.

イ. I have known Mr.Yamada since he was a child. ウ. I have never traveled by ship.

エ. She has lost the ticket for the concert.

(3) We have visited Shibuya many times. (    ) ア. I have often been to his office.

イ. Takeshi has just been to the airport.

ウ. The man has been in this town these ten years. エ. My brother has gone to France.

* these = for the last (past)~

9.日本文の意味に合うように、(   )内に適語を入れなさい。 (1) あなたは何回、東京ドームに行ったことがありますか。

( ) ( ) have you been to Tokyo Dome ? (2) 私は以前、大阪にいたことがあります。

I have ( ) ( ) Oskaka ( ). (3) ここ3年ばかり彼女には合っていません。

I ( ) ( ) her for ( ) ( ) three years. (4) 何度その車を運転したことがありますか。

( ) ( ) ( ) have you ( ) a car ? (5) だれ一人そんなものを見たことがなかった。

No one ( ) ( ) seen such a thing. (6) 彼は他の国へ行ってしまってここにはもういません。

He has ( ) to ( ) country. (7) 私は長い間彼について何も聞いていません。

I ( ) ( ) anything about him for long time. (8) 彼はどのくらい学校を休んでいますか。

How long ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) from school ?


(9) 武田先生は3年間私たちの国語の先生です。

Mr. Takeda ( ) ( ) our Japanese teacher ( ) three years.

10.日本文の意味に合うように、(   )内の語句を並べかえなさい。ただし、条件のあ   るものは、その条件に従いなさい。

(1) 人類はとても長い間、地球上でずっと生活しています。 *人類; humanity Humanity ( lived / has / long / for / on / earth / the / very / time / a / .) (2) しばらく会わないうちに、ずいぶん大きくなりましたね、ヒデキ。   (1語不要)

You've ( so much / saw / I / long / since / you / grown ) last, Hideki. (3) いつから君はサッカーに興味を持っていますか。    (1語不要)

( playing / been / long / soccer / interesting / has / how / interested / in / you / ? )

(4) その男は先週から仕事を休んでいます。  (1語不足)

( the / last week / man / absent / has / work / since / been / . ) (5) 彼がアメリカに行ってから、彼女には何の便りもない。

She ( from / he / since / hasn't / him / moved / heard ) to America. (6) 私は今までにカナダへ行ったことがない。  (1語不足)

( have / Canada / I / to / never / ).

(7) 「もったいない」と言う言葉を聞いたことがありますか。

( "mottainai" / the / heard / have / you / word / ever / ? ) (8) もう宿題を終えましたか。     (1語不要)

( you / finished / have / your / yet / homework / already / ? ) (9) 英語で日記を付けたことはありますか。      (1語不要)

( English / diary / you / in / kept / written / have / a / ever / ? ) (10) スペインへ行ったことがないから、どんな所かわからない。

As I ( like / have / tell / is / been / cannot / it / I / never / what / the Spain / you / ,/ . )



(1) We have been building this tower for three years. (2) Why has the baby been crying for a long time ? (3) I have been watching the TV program.

(4) What has he been doing all morning ?

(5) They have practiced baseball for many months so as to take part in national tournament. * take part in ; ~に出場する

(6) We have been surprised at Ichiro's play for the past several year. (7) Have you ever imagined that we were living in another planet ? (8) As I have never climbed Mt. Everest, I cannot tell you what it is like. (9) I'm sure you have seen the man, because you know all about him. (10) John has been to Japan a few times in order to study Japanese culture. (11) Mike hasn't talked to his children about the presents for their birthday yet.


(1) 緑茶は日本では一番人気のある朝食の飲み物ですが、あなたは、飲んだ ことがありますか。

(2) 君は横浜へは何度行ったことがあるの。


(4) その男性について何も悪いことを聞いたことがありません。 (5) これほどすばらしい世界音楽祭を見たことがありません。 (6) 彼らはまだその山に登ったことがないそうです。

  *「~だそうです」; I hear that ~

(7) 私のいとこは高校を出て以来、何の消息もありません。 (8) 午後には雨が上がると言ったのに、まだ止んでいない。

(9) 彼らのほとんどは、まだその町に行ったことがないにちがいない。

(10)  鎌倉に参りましてから2年がたちますが、その時以来山田さん宅に厄介 (やっかい)になっています。



処理区 果重 糖度 酸度 硬度. g %Brix

* Windows 8.1 (32bit / 64bit)、Windows Server 2012、Windows 10 (32bit / 64bit) 、 Windows Server 2016、Windows Server 2019 / Windows 11.. 1.6.2

ら。 自信がついたのと、新しい発見があった 空欄 あんまり… 近いから。

いしかわ医療的 ケア 児支援 センターで たいせつにしていること.

てい おん しょう う こう おん た う たい へい よう がん しき き こう. ほ にゅうるい は ちゅうるい りょうせい るい こんちゅうるい

高さについてお伺いしたいのですけれども、4 ページ、5 ページ、6 ページのあたりの記 述ですが、まず 4 ページ、5

これからはしっかりかもうと 思います。かむことは、そこ まで大事じゃないと思って いたけど、毒消し効果があ
