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who follow the virtues mentioned in the Ayah were prevented from attending the Masj id, then what cause for destruction is worse than this Maintaining


Academic year: 2021

シェア "who follow the virtues mentioned in the Ayah were prevented from attending the Masj id, then what cause for destruction is worse than this Maintaining"


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(It is not for t he Mushrikin (polyt heist s), t o maint ain t he Masj ids of Allah while t hey wit ness against t heir own selves of disbelief. The works of such are in vain and in Fire shall t hey abide. The Masj ids of Allah shall be maint ained only by t hose who believe in Allah and t he Last Day; perform t he Salah, and give t he Zakah and fear none but Allah. It is t hey who are on t rue guidance.) (9:17-18) and,











































(They are t he ones who disbelieved and hindered you from Al-Masj id-Al-Haram (at Makkah) and det ained t he sacrificial animals, from reaching t heir place of sacrifice. Had t here not been believing men and believing women whom you did not know, t hat you may kill t hem and on whose account a sin would have been commit t ed by you wit hout (your) knowledge, t hat Allah might bring int o His mercy whom He wills if t hey (t he believers and t he disbelievers) had been apart , We verily, would have punished t hose of t hem who disbelieved wit h painful t orment ) (48:25). Therefore, Allah said here,


















(The Masj ids of Allah shall be maint ained only by t hose who believe in Allah and t he Last Day; perform t he Salah, and give t he Zakah and fear none but Allah). Therefore, if t hose believers


who follow t he virt ues ment ioned in t he Ayah were prevent ed from at t ending t he Masj id, t hen what cause for dest ruct ion is worse t han t his Maint aining t he Masj ids not only means beaut ifying t hem, but it involves remembering Allah, est ablishing His Shari` ah in t he Masj ids and purifying t hem from t he filt h of Shirk.

The Good News that Islam shall prevail

Allah said next ,









(It was not fit t ing t hat such should t hemselves ent er t hem (Allah's Masj ids) except in fear). This Ayah means, "Do not allow t hem - t he disbelievers - t o ent er t he Masj ids, except t o sat isfy t he t erms of an armist ice or a t reat y.'' When t he Messenger of Allah conquered Makkah in 9 H, he commanded t hat someone announce at Mina, "Aft er t he current year, no idolat ors shall perform Haj j , and no naked persons shall perform Tawaf around t he House, except for t hose who have a t reat y. In t his case, t he t reat y will be carried t o t he end of it s t erm.'' This Ayah support s t he Ayah,














(O you who believe! (in Allah's Oneness and in His Messenger Muhammad )! Verily, t he Mushrikun (idolat ors) are Naj asun (impure). So let t hem not come near Al-Masj id-Al-Haram (at Makkah) aft er t his year) (9:28).

It was also said t hat t his Ayah (2:114) carries t he good news for t he Muslims from Allah t hat He will allow t hem t o t ake over Al-Masj id Al-Haram and all t he Masj ids and disgrace t he idolat ors. Soon aft er, t he Ayah indicat ed, no idolat or shall ent er t he House, except out of fear of being seized or killed, unless he embraces Islam. Allah fulfilled t his promise and lat er decreed t hat idolat ors not be allowed t o ent er Al-Masj id Al-Haram. The Messenger of Allah st at ed t hat no t wo religions should remain in t he Arabian Peninsula, and t he Jews and Christ ians should be expelled from it , all praise is due t o Allah. All of t hese rulings ensure maint aining t he honor of Al-Masj id Al-Haram and purifying t he area where Allah sent His Messenger t o warn and bring good news t o all of mankind, may Allah's peace and blessings be on him.

This Ayah also described t he disgrace t hat t he disbelievers earn in t his life, and t hat t he punishment comes in a form comparable t o t he deed. Just as t hey prevent ed t he believers from ent ering Al-Masj id Al-Haram, t hey were prevent ed from ent ering it in t urn. Just as t hey expelled t he believers from Makkah, t hey were in t urn expelled from Makkah,







(and t hey will have a great t orment in t he Hereaft er) because t hey breached t he sanct it y of t he House and brought filt h t o it by erect ing idols all around it , invoking ot her t han Allah and performing Tawaf around it while naked, et c.

Here it is wort h ment ioning t he Hadit h about seeking refuge from disgrace in t his life and t he t orment of t he Hereaft er. Imam Ahmad recorded t hat Busr bin Art ah said t hat t he Messenger of Allah used t o supplicat e,















(O Allah! Make our end bet t er in all affairs, and save us from disgrace in t his life and t he t orment of t he Hereaft er.)

This Hadit h is Hasan.














(115. And t o Allah belong t he east and t he west , so wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne). Surely, Allah is Sufficient (for His creat ures' needs), Knowing.)

Facing the Qiblah (Direction of the Prayer)

This ruling brought comfort t o t he Messenger of Allah and his Companions, who were driven out of Makkah and had t o depart from t he area of Al-Masj id Al-Haram. In Makkah, t he Messenger of Allah used t o pray in t he direct ion of Bayt Al-Maqdis, while t he Ka` bah was bet ween him and t he Qiblah. When t he Messenger migrat ed t o Al-Madinah, he faced Bayt Al-Maqdis for sixt een or sevent een mont hs, and t hen Allah direct ed him t o face Al-Ka` bah in prayer. This is why Allah said,









(And t o Allah belong t he east and t he west , so wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne)).


` Ali bin Abi Talhah said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "The first part of t he Qur'an t hat was abrogat ed was about t he Qiblah. When t he Messenger of Allah migrat ed t o Al-Madinah, which was inhabit ed by t he Jews, he was at first commanded t o face Bayt Al-Maqdis. The Jews were happy, and t he Messenger of Allah faced Bayt Al-Maqdis for some t en mont hs. However, t he Messenger of Allah liked t o face t he Qiblah of Ibrahim (Al-Ka` bah at Makkah), and he used t o look t o t he sky and supplicat e. So Allah revealed,







(Verily, We have seen t he t urning of your (Muhammad's) face t owards t he heaven) unt il,




(t urn your faces (in prayer) in t hat direct ion) (2:144).

The Jews were dist urbed by t his development and said, ` What made t hem change t he direct ion of t he Qiblah t hat t hey used t o face' Allah revealed,





(Say (O Muhammad ): "To Allah belong bot h, east and t he west '') and,






(So wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne)).''

` Ikrimah said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said,







(So wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne)) means, "Allah's direct ion is wherever you face, east or west .'' Muj ahid said t hat ,






(So wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah (and He is High above, over His Throne))


means, "Wherever you may be, you have a Qiblah t o face, t hat is, Al-Ka` bah.''

However, it was said t hat Allah sent down t his Ayah before t he order t o face t he Ka` bah. Ibn Jarir said, "Ot hers said t hat t his Ayah was revealed t o t he Messenger of Allah permit t ing t he one praying volunt ary prayers t o face wherever t hey wish in t he east or west , while t raveling, when in fear and when facing t he enemy.'' For inst ance, Ibn ` Umar used t o face what ever direct ion his animal was headed and proclaim t hat t he Messenger of Allah did t he same, explaining t he Ayah,






(So wherever you t urn (yourselves or your faces) t here is t he Face of Allah).''

That Hadit h was also collect ed by Muslim, At -Tirmidhi, An-Nasa'i, Ibn Abi Hat im, Ibn Marduwyah, and it s origin is in t he Two Sahihs from Ibn ` Umar and ` Amr bin Rabi` ah wit hout ment ioning t he Ayah. In his Sahih, Al-Bukhari recorded t hat Nafi` said t hat whenever Ibn ` Umar was asked about t he prayer during t imes of fear, he used t o describe it and would t hen say, "When t he sense of fear is worse t han t hat , pray while st anding, or while riding, whet her facing t he Qiblah or not .'' Nafi` t hen said, "I t hink Ibn ` Umar ment ioned t hat from t he Prophet .'' It was also said t hat t he Ayah was revealed about t hose who are unable t o find t he correct direct ion of t he Qiblah in t he dark or due t o cloudy skies and, t hus, prayed in a direct ion ot her t han t he Qiblah by mist ake.

The Qiblah for the People of Al-Madinah is what is between the East

and the West

In his Tafsir of t his Ayah (2:115), Al-Hafiz Ibn Marduwyah recorded t hat Abu Hurayrah said t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,














(What is bet ween t he east and t he west is t he Qiblah for t he people of Al-Madinah, Ash-Sham and ` Iraq.)

At -Tirmidhi and Ibn Maj ah recorded t his Hadit h wit h t he wording,








(What is bet ween t he east and t he west is a Qiblah.) Ibn Jarir said, "The meaning of Allah's st at ement ;






(Surely, Allah is Sufficient (for His creat ures' needs), Knowing) is t hat Allah encompasses all His Creat ion by providing t hem wit h sufficient needs and by His generosit y and favor. His st at ement ,


(Knowing) means He is knowledgeable of t heir deeds and not hing escapes His wat ch, nor is He unaware of anyt hing. Rat her, His knowledge encompasses everyt hing.''



























(116. And t hey (Jews, Christ ians and pagans) say: Allah has begot t en a son (children or offspring). Glory is t o Him (Exalt ed is He above all t hat t hey associat e wit h Him). Nay, t o Him belongs all t hat is in t he heavens and on eart h, and all are Qanit un t o Him.) (117. The Originat or of t he heavens and t he eart h. When He decrees a mat t er, He only says t o it : "Be! and it is.)

Refuting the Claim that Allah has begotten a Son

This and t he following Ayat refut e t he Christ ians, may Allah curse t hem, and t heir like among t he Jews and t he Arab idolat ors, who claimed t hat t he angels are Allah's daught ers. Allah refut ed all of t hem in t heir claim t hat He had begot t en a son. Allah said,


(Glory is t o Him.)

meaning, He is holier and more perfect t han such claim;








(Nay, t o Him belongs all t hat is in t he heavens and on eart h,) meaning, t he t rut h is not as t he disbelievers claimed, rat her, Allah's is t he kingdom of t he heavens and eart h and what ever and whoever is in, on and bet ween t hem. Allah is t he Supreme Aut horit y in t he heavens and eart h, and He is t he Creat or, Provider and Sust ainer Who decides all t he affairs of t he creat ion as He wills. All creat ures are Allah's servant s and are owned by Him. Therefore, how could one of t hem be His son The son of any being is born out of t wo comparable beings. Allah has no equal or rival sharing His grace and great ness, so how can He have a son when He has no wife Allah said,



















(He is t he Originat or of t he heavens and t he eart h. How can He have children when He has no wife He creat ed all t hings and He is t he Knower of everyt hing) (6:101).















































(And t hey say: "The Most Gracious (Allah) has begot t en a son (offspring or children).'' Indeed you have brought fort h (said) a t errible evil t hing. Whereby t he heavens are almost t orn, and t he eart h is split asunder, and t he mount ains fall in ruins. That t hey ascribe a son (or offspring or children) t o t he Most Gracious (Allah). But it is not suit able for (t he maj est y of) t he Most Gracious (Allah) t hat He should beget a son (or offspring or children). There is none in t he heavens and t he eart h but comes unt o t he Most Gracious (Allah) as a servant . Verily, He knows each one of t hem, and has count ed t hem a full count ing. And everyone of t hem will come t o Him alone on t he Day of Resurrect ion (wit hout any helper, or prot ect or or defender)) (19:88-95), and,


















(Say: "He is Allah (t he) One, Allah t he Samad (t he Self- Sufficent , upon whom all depend), He beget s not , nor was He begot t en, and t here is none comparable t o Him.'') (112).

In t hese Ayat , Allah st at ed t hat He is t he Supreme Mast er Whom t here is no equal or rival, everyt hing and everyone was creat ed by Him, so how can He have a son from among t hem This is why, in t he Tafsir of t his Ayah, Al-Bukhari recorded t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat t he Prophet said,











































(Allah said, ` The son of Adam has denied Me, and t hat is not his right . He has insult ed Me, and t hat is not his right . As for t he denial of Me, he claimed t hat I am unable t o bring him back as he used t o be (resurrect him). As for his insult ing Me, he claimed t hat I have a son. All praise is due t o Me, it is unbefit t ing t hat I should have a wife or a son.')

This Hadit h was recorded by Al-Bukhari.

It is recorded in t he Two Sahihs t hat t he Messenger of Allah said,



















e(No one is more pat ient when hearing an insult t han Allah. They at t ribut e a son t o Him, yet He st ill gives t hem sust anence and healt h.)

Everything is within Allah's Grasp





(all are Qanit un t o Him).

Ibn Abi Hat im said t hat Abu Sa` id Al-Ashaj informed t hem t hat Asbat informed t hem from Mut arrif, from ` At iyah, from Ibn ` Abbas who said t hat ,



(Qant in) (2:238) means, t hey pray t o Him. ` Ikrimah and Abu Malik also said t hat ,




(and all are Qanit un t o Him.) means, bound t o Him in servit ude t o Him. Sa` id bin Jubayr said t hat Qanit un is sincerit y. Ar-Rabi` bin Anas said t hat ,




(all are Qanit un t o Him.) means, "St anding up - before Him - on t he Day of Resurrect ion.'' Also, As-Suddi said t hat ,




(and all are Qanit un t o Him.) means, "Obedient on t he Day of Resurrect ion.'' Khasif said t hat Muj ahid said t hat ,




(and all are Qanit un t o Him. ) means, "Obedient . He says, ` Be a human' and he becomes a human.'' He also said, "(Allah says,) ` Be a donkey' and it becomes a donkey.'' Also, Ibn Abi Naj ih said t hat Muj ahid said t hat ,




(and all are Qanit un t o Him.) means, obedient . Muj ahid also said, "The obedience of t he disbeliever occurs when his shadow prost rat es, while he hat es t hat .'' Muj ahid's st at ement , which Ibn Jarir preferred, combines all t he meanings, and t hat is t hat Qunut means obedience and submission t o Allah. There are t wo cat egories of Qunut : legislat ed and dest ined, for Allah said,














(And unt o Allah (alone) falls in prost rat ion whoever is in t he heavens and t he eart h, willingly or unwillingly, and so do t heir shadows in t he mornings and in t he (lat e) aft ernoons) (13:15).

The Meaning of Bad ®299 "

Allah said,




(The Badi` (Originat or) of t he heavens and t he eart h.) which means, He creat ed t hem when not hing resembling t hem exist ed. Muj ahid and As-Suddi said t hat t his is t he linguist ic meaning, for all new mat t ers are called Bid` ah. Muslim recorded t he Messenger of Allah saying,







(...every innovat ion (in religion) is a Bid` ah.)

There are t wo t ypes of Bid` ah, religious, as ment ioned in t he Hadit h:











(...every innovat ion is a Bid` ah and every Bid` ah is heresy.)

And t here is a linguist ic Bid` ah, such as t he st at ement of t he Leader of t he fait hful ` Umar bin Al-Khat t ab when he gat hered t he Muslims t o pray t he Tarawih prayer in congregat ion (which was also an earlier pract ice of t he Prophet ) and said, "What a good Bid` ah t his is.''

Ibn Jarir said, "Thus t he meaning of t he Ayat (2:116-117) becomes, ` Allah is far more glorious t han t o have had a son, for He is t he Owner of everyt hing t hat is in t he heavens and eart h. All t est ify t o His Oneness and t o t heir submissiveness t o Him. He is t heir Creat or and Maker. Wit hout creat ed precedence, He shaped t he creat ures in t heir current shapes. Allah also bears wit ness t o His servant s t hat Jesus, who some claimed t o be Allah's son, is among t hose who t est ify t o His Oneness. Allah st at ed t hat He creat ed t he heavens and eart h out of not hing and wit hout precedent . Likewise, He creat ed Jesus, t he Messiah, wit h His power and wit hout a fat her.'' This explanat ion from Ibn Jarir, may Allah have mercy upon him, is very good and correct .










(When He decrees a mat t er, He only says t o it : "Be! and it is.) t hus, demonst rat ing His perfect ly complet e abilit y and t remendous aut horit y; if He decides a mat t er, He merely orders it t o, ` Be' and it comes int o exist ence. Similarly, Allah said,











(Verily, His command, when He int ends a t hing, is only t hat He says t o it , "Be! and it is.) (36:82),











(Verily, Our Word unt o a t hing when We int end it , is only t hat We say unt o it : "Be! and it is.) (16:40) and,







(And Our commandment is but one as t he t winkling of an eye) (54:50)

So Allah informed us t hat He creat ed Jesus by merely saying, "Be!'' and he was, as Allah willed:
















(Verily, t he likeness of ` Isa (Jesus) before Allah is t he likeness of Adam. He creat ed him from dust , t hen (He) said t o him: "Be! and he was) (3:59).



























(118. And t hose who have no knowledge say: "Why does not Allah speak t o us (face t o face) or why does not a sign come t o us'' So said t he people before t hem words of similar import . Their heart s are alike, We have indeed made plain t he signs for people who believe wit h cert aint y.) Muhammad bin Ishaq report ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat Rafi` bin Huraymilah said t o t he Messenger of Allah , "O Muhammad! If you were t ruly a Messenger from Allah, as you claim, t hen ask Allah t o speak t o us direct ly, so t hat we hear His Speech.'' So Allah revealed,











(And t hose who have no knowledge say: "Why does not Allah speak t o us (face t o face) or why does not a sign come t o us'')

Abu Al-` Aliyah, Ar-Rabi` bin Anas, Qat adah and As-Suddi said t hat it was act ually t he st at ement of t he Arab disbelievers:








(So said t he people before t hem words of similar import . ) He said, "These are t he Jews and t he Christ ians.''

What furt her proves t hat t he Arab idolat ors said t he st at ement ment ioned in t he Ayah is t hat Allah said,






























(And when t here comes t o t hem a sign (from Allah) t hey say: "We shall not believe unt il we receive t he like of t hat which t he Messengers of Allah had received.'' Allah knows best wit h whom t o place His Message. Humiliat ion and disgrace from Allah and a severe t orment will overt ake t he criminals (polyt heist s and sinners) for t hat which t hey used t o plot .) (6:124) and













(And t hey say: "We shall not believe in you (O Muhammad ), unt il you cause a spring t o gush fort h from t he eart h for us) unt il,









(Say (O Muhammad ): "Glorified (and Exalt ed) be my Lord (Allah) above all t hat evil t hey (polyt heist s) associat e wit h Him ! Am I anyt hing but a man, sent as a Messenger'') (17:90-93) and,














(And t hose who expect not a meet ing wit h Us (i. e. t hose who deny t he Day of Resurrect ion and t he life of t he Hereaft er) said: "Why are not t he angels sent down t o us, or why do we not see our Lord'') (25:21) and,











(Nay, everyone of t hem desires t hat he should be given pages spread out ) (74:52).

There are many ot her Ayat t hat t est ify t o t he disbelief of t he Arab idolat ors, t heir t ransgression, st ubbornness, and t hat t hey asked unnecessary quest ions out of disbelief and arrogance. The st at ement s of t he Arab idolat ors followed t he st at ement s of t he nat ions of t he People of t he Two Script ures and ot her religions before t hem. Allah said,






















(The People of t he Script ure (Jews) ask you t o cause a book t o descend upon t hem from heaven. Indeed, t hey asked Musa (Moses) for even great er t han t hat , when t hey said: "Show us Allah in public,'') (4:153) and,











(And (remember) when you said: "O Musa! We shall never believe in you unt il we see Allah plainly.'') (2:55). Allah's st at ement ,



(Their heart s are alike. ) means, t he heart s of t he Arab idolat ors are j ust like t he heart s of t hose before t hem, cont aining disbelief, st ubbornness and inj ust ice. Similarly, Allah said,
















(Likewise, no Messenger came t o t hose before t hem but t hey said: "A sorcerer or a madman!'' Have t hey (t he people of t he past ) t ransmit t ed t his saying t o t hese (Quraysh pagans)) (51:52-53).

Allah said next ,






(We have indeed made plain t he signs for people who believe wit h cert aint y.) meaning, We made t he argument s clear, prooving t he t rut h of t he Messengers, wit h no need of more quest ions or proofs for t hose who believe, follow t he Messengers and comprehend what Allah sent t hem wit h. As for t hose whose heart s and hearing Allah has st amped and whose eyes have been sealed, Allah described t hem:



















(Truly, t hose, against whom t he Word (wrat h) of your Lord has been j ust ified, will not believe. Even if every sign should come t o t hem, unt il t hey see t he painful t orment ) (10:96-97).











(119. Verily, We have sent you (O Muhammad ) wit h t he t rut h (Islam), a bringer of glad t idings (for t hose who believe in what you brought , t hat t hey will ent er Paradise) and a warner (for t hose who disbelieve in what you brought , t hat t hey will ent er t he Hellfire). And you will not be asked about t he dwellers of t he blazing Fire.)

Allah's st at ement ;






(And you will not be asked about t he dwellers of t he blazing Fire.) means, "We shall not ask you about t he disbelief of t hose who rej ect ed you.'' Similarly, Allah said,






(Your dut y is only t o convey (t he Message) and on Us is t he reckoning.) (13:40)








(So remind t hem (O Muhammad ) you are only one who reminds. You are not a dict at or over t hem.)(88:21-22) and,














(We know best what t hey say. And you (O Muhammad ) are not t he one t o force t hem (t o belief). But warn by t he Qur'an; him who fears My t hreat ) (50:45).

There are many ot her similar Ayat .


Imam Ahmad recorded ` At a' bin Yasar saying t hat he met ` Abdullah bin ` Amr bin Al-` As and said t o him, "Tell me about t he descript ion of t he Messenger of Allah in t he Torah.'' He said, "Yes, by Allah, he is described by t he Torah wit h t he same charact erist ics t hat he is described wit h in t he Qur'an wit h: ` O Prophet ! We have sent you as a wit ness, a bringer of good news, a warner, and as safe refuge for t he unlet t ered people. You are My servant and Messenger. I have called you t he Mut awakkil (who depends and relies on Allah for each and everyt hing). You are not harsh, nor hard, nor obnoxious in t he bazaars. He does not reward t he evil deed wit h an evil deed. Rat her, he forgives and pardons. Allah will not bring his life t o an end, unt il he st raight ens t he wicked's religion by his hands so t hat t he people proclaim: There is no deit y wort hy of worship except Allah. By his hands, Allah will open blind eyes, deaf ears and sealed heart s.''' This was recorded by Al-Bukhari only.















































(120. Never will t he Jews nor t he Christ ians be pleased wit h you (O Muhammad ) t ill you follow t heir religion. Say: "Verily, t he guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monot heism) t hat is t he (only) guidance. And if you (O Muhammad ) were t o follow t heir (Jews and Christ ians) desires aft er what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. t he Qur'an), t hen you would have against Allah neit her any Wali (prot ect or or guardian) nor any helper.) (121. Those t o whom we gave t he Book recit e it as it should be recit ed (Yat lunahu Haqqa Tilawat ihi) t hey are t he ones who believe t herein. And whoso disbelieve in it , t hose are t hey who are t he losers.) Ibn Jarir said, "Allah said,










(Never will t he Jews nor t he Christ ians be pleased wit h you (O Muhammad ) t ill you follow t heir religion.) meaning, ` The Jews and t he Christ ians will never be happy wit h you, O Muhammad! Therefore, do not seek what pleases or appeases t hem, and st ick t o what pleases Allah by calling t hem t o t he t rut h t hat Allah sent you wit h.' Allah's st at ement ,








(Say: "Verily, t he guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monot heism) t hat is t he (only) guidance'') emeans, ` Say, O Muhammad , t he guidance of Allah t hat He sent me wit h is t he t rue guidance, meaning t he st raight , perfect and comprehensive religion.''' Qat adah said t hat Allah's st at ement ,







(Say: "Verily, t he guidance of Allah (i.e. Islamic Monot heism) t hat is t he (only) guidance) is, "A t rue argument t hat Allah t aught Muhammad and his Companions and which t hey used against t he people of misguidance.'' Qat adah said, "We were t old t hat t he Messenger of Allah used t o say,




















(There will always be a group of my Ummah fight ing upon t he t rut h, having t he upper hand, not harmed by t heir opponent s, unt il t he decree of Allah (t he Last Hour) comes.)

This Hadit h was collect ed in t he Sahih and narrat ed from ` Abdullah bin ` Amr.

















(And if you (O Muhammad ) were t o follow t heir (Jews and Christ ians) desires aft er what you have received of Knowledge (i.e. t he Qur'an), t hen you would have against Allah neit her any Wali (prot ect or or guardian) nor any helper.)

This Ayah carries a st ern warning for t he Muslim Ummah against imit at ing t he ways and met hods of t he Jews and Christ ians, aft er t hey have acquired knowledge of t he Qur'an and Sunnah, may Allah grant us refuge from t his behavior. Alt hough t he speech in t his Ayah was direct ed at t he Messenger , t he ruling of which applies t o his ent ire Ummah.

The Meaning of Correct Tilawah

Allah said,








(Those t o whom We gave t he Book. Yat lunahu Haqqan Tilawat ih.)

` Abdur-Razzaq said from Ma` mar, from Qat adah, "They are t he Jews and Christ ians.'' This is t he opinion of ` Abdur-Rahman bin Zayd bin Aslam, and it was also chosen by Ibn Jarir. Sa` id report ed from Qat adah, "They are t he Companions of t he Messenger of Allah .'' Abu Al-` Aliyah said t hat Ibn Mas` ud said, "By He in Whose Hand is my soul! The right Tilawah is allowing what it makes lawful, prohibit ing what it makes unlawful, recit ing it as it was revealed by Allah, not changing t he words from t heir places, and not int erpret ing it wit h ot her t han it s act ual int erpret at ion.'' As-Suddi report ed from Abu Malik from Ibn ` Abbas who said about t his Ayah (2:121): "They make lawful what it allows and t hey prohibit what it makes unlawful, and t hey do not alt er it s wordings.'' ` Umar bin Al-Khat t ab said, "They are t hose who when t hey recit e an Ayah t hat ment ions mercy, t hey ask Allah for it , and when t hey recit e an Ayah t hat ment ions t orment , t hey seek refuge wit h Allah from it .'' This meaning was at t ribut ed t o t he Prophet , for when he used t o recit e an Ayah of mercy, he invoked Allah for mercy, and when he recit ed an Ayah of t orment , he sought refuge from it wit h Allah.

Allah's st at ement ,




(t hey are t he ones who believe t herein) explains t he Ayah,







(Those t o whom We gave t he Book. Yat lunahu Haqqa Tilawat ihi).

These Ayat mean, "Those among t he People of t he Book who perfect ly adhered t o t he Books t hat were revealed t o t he previous Prophet s, will believe in what I have sent you wit h, O Muhammad!'' Allah said in anot her Ayah,


















(And if only t hey had act ed according t o t he Tawrah, t he Inj il, and what has (now) been sent down t o t hem from t heir Lord (t he Qur'an), t hey would surely, have got t en provision from above t hem and from underneat h t heir feet .) (5:66). The Ayah,

















(Say (O Muhammad ) "O People of t he Script ure (Jews and Christ ians)! You have not hing (as regards guidance) t ill you act according t o t he Tawrah, t he Inj il, and what has (now) been sent down t o you from your Lord (t he Qur'an).'') means, "If you adhere t o t he Torah and t he Gospel in t he correct manner, believe in t hem as you should, and believe in t he news t hey carry about Muhammad's prophet hood, his descript ion and t he command t o follow, aid and support him, t hen t his will direct you t o adhere t o t rut h and right eousness in t his life and t he Hereaft er.'' In anot her Ayah, Allah said,













(Those who follow t he Messenger, t he Prophet who can neit her read nor writ e (i.e. Muhammad ) whom t hey find writ t en wit h t hem in t he Tawrah and t he Inj il.) (7:157) and,




























(Say (O Muhammad t o t hem): "Believe in it (t he Qur'an) or do not believe (in it ). Verily, t hose who were given knowledge before it , when it is recit ed t o t hem, fall down on t heir faces in humble prost rat ion. And t hey say: "Glory be t o our Lord! Truly, t he promise of our Lord must be fulfilled.'') (17:107-108).

These Ayat indicat e t hat what Allah promised for Muhammad will cert ainly occur. Allah also said,







































(Those t o whom We gave t he Script ure (i. e. t he Tawrah and t he Inj il) before it , t hey believe in it (t he Qur'an). And when it is recit ed t o t hem, t hey say: "We believe in it . Verily, it is t he t rut h from our Lord. Indeed even before it we have been from t hose who submit t hemselves t o Allah in Islam as Muslims. These will be given t heir reward t wice over, because t hey are pat ient , and repel evil wit h good, and spend (in charit y) out of what We have provided t hem.) (28:52-54) and,



















(And say t o t hose who were given t he Script ure (Jews and Christ ians) and t o t hose who are illit erat es (Arab pagans): "Do you (also) submit yourselves (t o Allah in Islam)'' If t hey do, t hey are right ly guided; but if t hey t urn away, your dut y is only t o convey t he Message; and Allah is t he Seer of (His) servant s) (3:20).

Allah said,







(And whoever disbelieves in it (t he Qur'an), t hose are t hey who are t he losers), j ust as He said in anot her Ayah,








(But t hose of t he sect s (Jews, Christ ians and all t he ot her non-Muslim nat ions) t hat rej ect it (t he Qur'an), t he Fire will be t heir promised meet ing place) (11:17).

























(By He in Whose Hand is my soul! There is no member of t his Ummah (mankind and Jinns), Jew or a Christ ian, who hears of me, yet does not believe in me, but will ent er t he Fire.)































(122. O Children of Israel! Remember My favor which I best owed upon you and t hat I preferred you over t he nat ions).) (123. And fear t he Day (of Judgement ) when no person shall avail anot her, nor shall compensat ion be accept ed from him, nor shall int ercession be of use t o him, nor shall t hey be helped.)

We ment ioned a similar Ayah at t he beginning of t his Surah, and it is ment ioned here t o emphisize t he import ance of following t he Ummi Prophet and Messenger, who is described for t he People of t he Script ures in t heir Books by his charact erist ics, name, t he good news about him and t he descript ion of his Ummah. Allah warned t hem against concealing t his informat ion, which is among t he favors t hat Allah grant ed t hem. Allah also commanded t hem t o remember t heir daily life and t heir religious affairs and how He blessed t hem. They should not envy t heir cousins, t he Arabs, for what Allah has given t hem, t he Final Messenger of Allah being an Arab. Envy should not incit e t hem t o oppose or deny t he Prophet or refrain from following him, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him unt il t he Day of Judgment .




















(124. And (remember) when t he Lord of Ibrahim (Abraham) t ried him wit h (cert ain) commands, which he fulfilled. He (Allah) said (t o him), "Verily, I am going t o make you an Imam (a leader)


for mankind (t o follow you).'' (Ibrahim) said, "And of my offspring (t o make leaders).'' (Allah) said, "My covenant (prophet hood) includes not Zalimin (polyt heist s and wrongdoers).'')

Ibrahim Al-Khalil was an Imam for the People

Allah is informing us of t he honor of Ibrahim Al-Khalil, who He made an Imam for t he people, and a model t o be imit at ed, because of t he way he conduct ed himself and adhered t o Tawhid. This honor was given t o Prophet Ibrahim when he adhered t o Allah's decisions and prohibit ions. This is why Allah said,






(And (remember) when t he Lord of Ibrahim (i.e., Allah) t ried him wit h (cert ain) commands). This Ayah means, O Muhammad! Remind t he idolat ors and t he People of t he Script ures, who pret end t o be followers of t he religion of Ibrahim, while in realit y t hey do not follow it , while you, O Muhammad, and your followers are t he t rue followers of his religion; remind t hem of t he commands and prohibit ions t hat Allah t est ed Ibrahim wit h.


(which he fulfilled.) indicat ing t hat Ibrahim implement ed all of Allah's orders. Allah said in anot her Ayah,




(And of Ibrahim (Abraham) who fulfilled (or conveyed) all t hat (Allah ordered him t o do or convey)) (53:37)

meaning, he was t rut hful and he was obedient t o Allah's legislat ion. Also, Allah said,










































(Verily, Ibrahim was an Ummah (or a nat ion), obedient t o Allah, Hanif (i.e. t o worship none but Allah), and he was not one of t hose who were Al-Mushrikin (polyt heist s), (He was) t hankful for His (Allah's) favors. He (Allah) chose him and guided him t o a st raight pat h. And We gave him good in t his world, and in t he Hereaft er he shall be of t he right eous. Then, We have sent t he revelat ion t o you (O Muhammad saying): "Follow t he religion of Ibrahim Hanif (Islamic Monot heism t o worship none but Allah) and he was not of t he Mushrikin.) (16:120-123)

















(Say (O Muhammad ): "Truly, my Lord has guided me t o a st raight pat h, a right religion, t he religion of Ibrahim, Hanifan, and Ibrahim (t o worship none but Allah, alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikin.'') (6:161) and,





























(Ibrahim was neit her a Jew nor a Christ ian, but he was a t rue Muslim Hanifan (Islamic Monot heism t o worship none but Allah alone) and he was not of Al-Mushrikin. Verily, among mankind who have t he best claim t o Ibrahim are t hose who followed him, and t his Prophet (Muhammad ) and t hose who have believed (Muslims). And Allah is t he Wali (Prot ect or and Helper) of t he believers) (3:67-68).

Allah said,


(wit h Kalimat (words)) which means, "Laws, commandment s and prohibit ions.'' ` Words' as ment ioned here, somet imes refers t o what Allah has willed, such as Allah's st at ement about Maryam,









(And she t est ified t o t he t rut h of t he Words of her Lord, and (also believed in) His Script ures, and she was of t he Qanit in (i.e. obedient t o Allah)) (66:12).

"Words'' also refers t o Allah's Law, such as Allah's st at ement ,






(And t he Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in t rut h and in j ust ice) (6:115) meaning, His legislat ion. "Words'' also means t rut hful news, or a j ust commandment or prohibit ion. For inst ance, Allah said,







(And (remember) when t he Lord of Ibrahim t ried him wit h (cert ain) Words (commands), which he fulfilled) meaning, he adhered t o t hem, Allah said,





("Verily, I am going t o make you an Imam (a leader) for mankind (t o follow you).'') as a reward for Ibrahim's good deeds, adhering t o t he commandment s and avoiding t he prohibit ions. This is why Allah made Ibrahim a role model for t he people, and an Imam whose conduct and pat h are imit at ed and followed.

What were the Words that Ibrahim was tested with

There is a difference of opinion over t he words t hat Allah t est ed Ibrahim wit h. There are several opinions at t ribut ed t o Ibn ` Abbas. For inst ance, ` Abdur-Razzaq said t hat Ibn ` Abbas said, "Allah t est ed him wit h t he rit uals (of Haj j ).'' Abu Ishaq report ed t he same. ` Abdur-Razzaq also narrat ed t hat Ibn ` Abbas said t hat ,






(And (remember) when t he Lord of Ibrahim (Abraham) (i.e., Allah) t ried him wit h (cert ain) commands) means, "Allah t est ed him wit h Taharah (purit y, ablut ion): five on t he head and five on t he body. As for t he head, t hey are cut t ing t he must ache, rinsing t he mout h, inhaling and discarding wat er, using Siwak and part ing t he hair. As for t he body, t hey are t rimming t he nails, shaving t he pubic hair, circumcision and plucking under t he arm and washing wit h wat er aft er answering t he call of nat ure.'' Ibn Abi Hat im said, "A similar st at ement was also report ed from Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib, Muj ahid, Ash-Sha` bi, An-Nakha` i, Abu Salih, Abu Al-Jald, and so fort h.''



In section 3, we will compare firstly some results of Aulbach and Minh in [2], secondly those of Seifert in [15], with our results... The paper is organized as follows: in Section 2

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