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Independent Relative Pronoun with the Feature[+Human] and its Equivalents in Shakespeare's Plays


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Title. Independent Relative Pronoun with the Feature[+Human] and its Equ ivalents in Shakespeare's Plays. Author(s). 水野, 政勝. Citation. 北海道教育大学紀要. 人文科学・社会科学編, 51(2): 33-51. Issue Date. 2001-02. URL. http://s-ir.sap.hokkyodai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/860. Rights. Hokkaido University of Education.

(2) . 北海道教育大学紀要 (人文科学・社会科学編) 第51巻 第2号. 平成 13 年 2 月. ) VO I i ISc i i韻es紅1 dsoc lofHo も出血do Uni i方 of Educa錠on (Htman Journa a ences vers .2 . 51, No. Februa r y, 2001. ive Pronoun wi 垣dePendent Relat t組re[十Hum斑1 ] ththe Fea ▼ P1 ts Equivalentsin sh紬【espeを廷e s ays andi. izuno M[asakatsu N1 i DepamヒmentofEng五shLを t c s 江 ュ停1 agez 江ldLing匝s Ho 声霊園do Uni iけof8duca錠onatSapporo vers. 1 1 1立oduc口onI ‐1. A relaロve clausein官oduced by anindependentrela錠ve pronoun2such as whatis basic頭ly a noun phrase 3 lementi = r la鐘vec lause ( h lonl in副re t t s merged 晒 値i s 組tecedent (故epl ase e mod皿edby 釧ーa swh‐ , exceptl山ati lythe sanQe 2) be l lement ) -See(1) md( e ch hasapproぬlnat ‐e ow.ln(2) whi chi sre免nedto by 伍e wh , whi lausei la伝vec 1) in副re t slhat me棚趣gas( 1 ・ ecedentofl故eadnoni ,位ea. ( 1 )( PE) leat[NpINp whadl 地e]- 4 ( 2 )(PE) エea 山a 赴 く tl twmchll e ‐ 〈節ml副〉. l = r Such reladve clauses czm even re定rto persons, asin(3) ln zm be p i虹apl ased by a not , where 伍e c ause c. ininganounhead 江口hgenera 【 lreたrence mod土巨edbyare l lause a a錠vec phrasecont ・. ( 3 )( PE) [Np{NP Whoetた凋 did mat]shouldadlmtit官 皿 虹y‐ ‘“] 5 /1 t‐ t eperson whodid ma .. 1ndependentre la甑vec lauses(e lclauses(e ecedent s mth me adnomina .gり whaりas wen as 値e ant .gり 街鑑 ion as asubject(S),an object(0),a prepos i iona lobject(PO),asubject t which),therefore,can funct 6 劉he wh lement may a l l compl ement(Sの,oran ob jectcomplement(OC). ‐e so 無ロcdon m 出血 値ec ause as a 7 ) t( j s sub ec ,an object(o),subjectcomplement(sc),objectcomplement(oc),ora preposi□onalobject(po)‐ Some examQplesareshow・be low‐ロコenota錠onofs‐ l l s me zms 街atmere a誼vec ause 魚nc甑onsasasub ject(S)in the sentence andtherelat lause 和nct ive pronoun in the c ions as asub lowing are some t(s)‐ Thefol jec 8 la壮▽ec l l隈ロveexa ingre represen unplesw匝ch we W辺 addressindi scuss auses .. ( 4 )(ss ) (07 1 H‐ 3 3 ) whosteales mypurse,ste副es官ash: 157 - ‐ ) (SHRm.1 ) Heisnolessethen whatwes卸 hei ( 5 )(PO- 71 s sc ‐ . ( 6 ) (0-o) (CYM 5‐4‐101) whom bestlloue ; ,工crosse 7 l ( )(ヱ品65 ) Be whatmouwi 3 45 t . ‐ ‐ ,伍ouim myphsoner ) (H= ( 8 uM2 2 l dscapewhipping:vsethem )(0‐ 530p) and w肋 shou s . ‐. 紙eryourovm Honor 狐dDi卯iげ.. 9 ( )(PO- ) (催す5.4‐ 8) 由]dspe紬血gi t ookdon me s ,he ms日yl ,/As wぬoshoulds卸,工would mou wert 仕l e man 33.

(3) . N 1 t as滋【 a su Mi zねno. ( 1 の (SC ) (兄34 ) Totormred1ee 街e more,being whatthouを直, 4 108 ‐ sc . . ) (嵐84 ) Whds位a ? QI )(Ss 1 heScep 38 t放射bea t r est e r ‐ .. ion are 官eated ln di ingtherel i ion ofthi ve clausesin each sect s paper, some 加Pe scuss at sofconstruct ) l l ) 6 ) ) and(9 )above te野 立om odl advec ause may ers n(5 separa . 四here . 四hey arecasessuch asseeni ,( ,(7 ,(8 lause l thal tena=on,asin(5) sc紙edre aロveconca somedmesbeconcatenatedorinterwoven wi lo批erc .血 ‐T粒si lausein官oducedby whom someb曲esprecedes 値everb whi independentre l tasi t t jec ch govemsi sob a霞vec ,as ) l in(6 i iary 隣刀 andi 7 th an auxi ) ve whatoccurs wi s preceded by a verb. The .ln( ,theindependentrelat 8) IPronounsuchas 故em,asin( l lause maysome日脚esberesumedbyapersona 7 het mdependentre 図Pe a錠vec .1 ‘ ldsay as w五oshou. 9) ice×press wasa お m1ul 1 on a . ,asin(. te i t l pstoi 励i nvesdga spapera. labve pronouns independentre i紙y moseref r i ngt o persons (e eh .g . , ,espec. ly compared wi ), what(ever)),in orderto see how they are dist ical ibuted syntact ththei r r who(ever hat w超ch).ExamQples are la誼vec lausesof 鉱esamet鷺Pe (e lent hat( hat ) z equi va s e ‐g‐ ‐ ‐ ,z ,i ,dependentre ,z ’ i idered necessanvtoc teexamQpl ti tones (abbr es をom o位er scons m…血l s y 官om shz氷espeareshi . H). Wheni. ) ) are T ragedies ( rom other plays (comedies (C) andt rabsencein H,casesf plays because ofthei ) h ive pronouns (e‐g‐ ing the use oftheindependentrelat addressedJn di scuss , who and what andt e la錠ve ) th ref ionsofthere dependentrelahve pronouns (e erenceto persons .g. ,the 垣nct ,zhator which wi labvepronoun m me ) h dthen1nchonsof値ere heantecedent ( S clauseort ,0,P0,SC,orOC int esentencean laロve what(soe肥り, we 顕1 la l ider l idered. When we 官ea tthere so cons c ause (s ,o,po ,sc,oroc) are cons hen we d l l t i a錠ve pronouns ti - scuss 位e 節dependentre a故lbu口ve野.VV sused a打mbu錠ve whe化l eri y ornon , 山ey ) i汎dedintol加o forms:s無〕ple,andcompound.F立stwe Winaddressthesimpleforms (who c ared ‐ , whaもet. 肌. 1 laddress mecompound l ′ i伍 thedependentre ons2 and2 a錠vepronouns companson頓 ‐1茸 ‐ Then we頓互 r ,山 secb 角 mqs (wぬa Jev雑 wぬoG t60. ),insec錠ons3and3 e陀ち etc .1畳 . .. hoamdy hのれ l F Z t Z 2 1 “h a口vePronounsV 1 1 l eSi pleRe ・. 2 1 IV ho ( ) 5oexs ‐ . - ’ ladve The mdependentre la社ve whoi espl ays era snowadays 嶺ch鑓cor錠t l t yS However , mere ,in sh効くespe額「 lsenses ( i 面corgenera ZhePersonZhaち ( he w五o,or ti ] 企spec w五oi sused m no s qmt ecommon . Norm 紙yi l osmce 仕l l l la錠ve whoseemst ause ein PE, e whoc o beacommonre adveun皿【 whoe t だめ-Theindependentre lob idona dm 無ncdons as asub tcompl t (S),an ob ject (PO)紅 ject (0),asub jec jec ement (SC),oraprepos 1 lause as asub ive pronoun funct ionsin the c ject (s),an object (o),orasubject other ways‐ Therelat ‘. fto i i e jec霞ve who (PO- on as whoshouldsay ( s), 伍e 角rn〕ul頭cexpress compl ement (sc).ln 廿l esub . ‐ , asi ’ l bme usphrasewaseddendycommon m sh証【 そ虹esb espe ar野 立equent野‐Tr occurspardcul s zw )1 ‐. 34.

(4) . l t l tRe 十Hum組} e[ ur aロvePronoun 暁m meFea ndependen l 1 di i l t t va espe z 紅e sP ays a 1 ・ sEqu en si nsh紬【. l 2 1 ject (S): (C:6 ausesasasub ; ‐ ‐1(1) Whoc. 11 ;H:6). ( ) subjec位ve who (s): (C:6;T:11;日:6) i (a ) sub jecdve wぬo (C :. ) 10 : ;H:4. iuesl鉱eadrul ldshi ) Whobui 9899 lken s 回 (兄33 4 shopein a z汐leron )汀eofyourgood 〕)okes ‐ ‐ ,/L 92 ) 172 t 5 9 a Mas es :ZNI ;3品65 ‐3 ‐ .1 . ‐ ‐ ‐ ,4 , (omerexamnpl ) (Ss): (C:0 (b) whoc lauses m m aresu c 〕mp憧vepronotm (he ;T:0 ;H:2) . ,et ther 1の ( ( 18 ) Whohateth him,紅1dhonorsnotmsFa 2脚64 8 16 ‐ ‐ ‐ ,/ Hemγ 故e 歳ち matmade辺 Frmce ) h窓ehehi D 〔mar l 276 tvs toqu紬【e sweapona :/N1 y ‐1 ‐ ‐ . (SP ,紅1dpasseby ,/S ‘ ’ ( ;T:1 (c) met 夕 「 Pe : 能kto茸 ;H:①: ,who m甘 C:1 7orcm and wheredle lausecon溢血sim a期 説aryverbsuch as W” 無 位i st 列Peofexpression,where 位e whoc 1 2 ble l i ewh‐ sposs re a錠vePronouni sprecededbyaverb,onl pronouni y 廿l ‐ l□ whoc 2 29 ) /A meme mostmezmly, mdin Vshem]g/ Mendhi 328 zm: 回 Cf ‐ - (LLL5 - - nas 出eysay 2 207p) t Q9 Cf aはto茸 ‐ . (TROI . . ,merebehacks , whowl. lauseasanob 2 1 1(2) whoc ) t(0) j ec :1 : (C :4 ;T ;H:1 , ,. ( i ) subjec壮ve who (○‐ s): (C:1 ;T:4 ;日:1) (a) sub ) (C ) jecdve w力o (0‐ s :○ ニ2 ;T ;日:○ ’ lyned官om me Q◎ Cf ad yshunn d . (ROM 1 ‐ ‐1 ‐130) Aロdgladl , whogl (b) 伍ecaseofaresu広I ) (0- s): (C:1 P菖vePronoun (カカね,etc ;T:2 ;H:1) .. The whoclausesinoの, 鰯 mdQ9 as m objectofaverbprecede化lei rverbs ‐ 回. ’ nbehold/ The Roy紙 Capにl i neof化] i lk 5 i 鐙54.pr.2831) o now, who Wi srum d Bzmd / Wa ng をo Wr t tch,丘om TenttoTen亡/ Le thim c l領 Wァ a cht o÷ a 1. ( 1 ◎ Cf ) whoIP1oweshim‐ 3 334 35 se匝eabragg細 り]肥thin2f ‐ eare mi s ;/ ‐ (AWW4 . . ) Cf ◎ ( 2 530p) whoshould scape whipping:vsethem af t =8 er yourown ‐(丑札M2 . .. Honor and. Di iげ. gn. 2 3) Whoc lausesasasub jectcompl ement (SC): (C:0 ;T:1 ;H:1) ‐1 ‐1(. ( ) whoa i ) ) t(SC j sanob ec ‐ o : (C:0 :0 ;T ;H:1 ) Whomouwi ⑩ QN5 6 9 l t : ‐ ‐ ( 豆 ) w力oa sc): (C:0 sasubjectcomplement (SC‐ ;T:1 ;日:○) をU VCI ) 反ti ti 3 80 tbe whoi s : . . 2 1( ) whoclausesas 孤 objectofapreposiせon (Pの : (C:6; 4 ‐1 .. 7 ) ;日:4. ( ) whoa ) i ) t (P0‐ j sasub ec s : (C :5 :7 ;T ;H:4. ( ) subjec社ve who (P0‐s): (C:2;T:3;日:0) a 35.

(5) . M 1 su M面qno as紬隙t. 物 Cf.(Wr3.2-41‐42) fore/ Whopleasetocome,andheare./ ‘ ) ) (C:3 l ds却’ (PO- ( ) metype b s :4 : as whoshou ;T ;H:4. d Dea位 bene French, dh ipkes ) Poor をめ ( 7 27 28 ヱ嵐64 ‐ eBoy,heSpines ‐ ‐ ,as w肋 shoulds勾,/ Ha , me ) 7 94p 4 8 (=9). 4 dIen DeadIhaddyedtod湖. (odIerexamQpl :ヱ嵐61 es ; 駕25 . . ‐ ‐ . .93 ,2獅64. ) ) whoa (辻 t(PO- ) j o :(C :1 :0 sanob ec ;T ;H:0 dおnow‐ i ) makePr l賃es/ofwhoshebu tb 1 108109 鈎 Cf ose . (WT5 . .. ): (C ;T i ) ) whoclausesresuぱnedbyapossess 2 1 1( 5 s veprono皿 (hi :1 ;H:1 , .. ) ) ( ) sub i j ec位vewho ( s : (C :○ :1 ;T ;日:1 回 (乙団6 4.8.1冬15) Wholoues 故e Kmg,鑓1dwini鴎】bracehispi狂don,/F1mg 叩 hiscap,紅ldsay,God iesけ. sauehi s Ma i ) Whod証esnots醜Qdhi 回 Cf 2M5 3 60 end : sFr sFoe . . ,nebe五i . (CY. ) 2 1 2 whom (12exs . . -. )in m 組 値eexamnples ofdleindependentrela錠ve whom,dlatpronoun 免じロc錠onsasan objectofaverb ( o 伍eclause‐ 四herela錠veclause may h1ncdon asasubject (S),anobject (0),orapreposi恒onalobject (PO). imes precedesi ts governing verbin the けpe (0-o) below‐ Therei The clause somet s no example ofa resuヱnp憧vepronounsucha she . , 街emin 由Jscase. ) 2(1)w力om clausesasas 2 1 t (S) j :(c:○ :○ ub ec ;T ;日:2 - -. ) ( ) ob i j : (C ;T ;H:2 ecdvewhom (so) f i f ) Not whom we wiu,but whom his Graceaf ◎ (ヱ月鯵 5 5 57 58 ect s s ‐ ,/ Mustbecompmion o h . . ) Nup億皿 bed e 加マ oexa dnpl esofw五om‐ . (Here額r. l ) 2 2(2)whom c 1 t (0) ausesasanob j :3 : (C :2 ec ;T ;H:2 , ‐. ( ) objec憧vewhom (0‐o):(C:2;T:3;日:2) i ingverb (0- ) lausepreced旗gi t ( ) 坪Peofwhom c o) (C ;T sgoven] :1 a ;H:1 inah訓oWdVerge ) whom weerayse,/ Wee win makefast晒せ] 21 ◎ (2馴61 4 22 ‐ . ‐ ‐ 4 t11 ) Cf ◎ (;5 oue ; . ・101) whom bes ・ (c 琢45 ,1crosse. ( b). lausef ingverb (○-o): (C:2 ngi t sgoven] onowi 朝Peofwhom c ;T:2 ;H:1). )lcannotiustdie whom me]錠wcondemnes ◎ (2馴62 3 16 : . .. ) lauseasaprepos lob i菖ona 3 2 1 2( )whom c ject (PO- o): (C:2 ;T ;H:1 . .. ( ) objecぼve whom i. (PO- o). , tswotnetochedshanddef ) whom dhou was ◎ ( 」 R31 4 208 end . ・ ・ 36.

(6) . l l t u re[ l tRe 十Ht lman a憧vepr ono tm 帆菌 仇eFea ndependen ▼ 1 i t t SEqu ays andi v副e l si nShakes re sP 1 pea. ’ ) lh;賜ardedd1elosseofwf 岡 Cf 1 131 zom llou d . . . ‐ (服役1. l 2 2 Re ) t(68exs adve▽ha . .. l l as non‐Persons‐ ExamーP1es of Persons are ive whatca TheindePendentrelat 」 1 1 refer to Persons as we ヒ l 1bu憧ve ヒロbu憧veoraは1 lowaccord山gtowheせl 道us l b ÷ tedbe ‐ab snon er日 eusei a .. ) 2 2 . ‐ ‐INolra誼ibu丘veuse (67exs. i桓on (PO), l血ve clause 垣nchonsasasub ”コere t (0),anob terare) ,anob jectofaPrePos jec ject (S)(qui l ) oraPrePosi恒on jectofaverb ( orasub jectcomP1ement (SC). ”コere a誼vePronoun m 卸 加nc恒onasanob o (po) (qui terareinbo値),asub tof値ecases me jectcomP1 jectcomP1ement (sc),oranob ement (oc)‐ln mos l l lause re a錠vePronoun 無ncdonsas (sc) in mere a丘vec ‐. 1) Whatc l 2 2 1( ) 2exs ) t(S ausesasSub j :( ec ‐ ‐ ‐. ( i ) wf jectcomP1 z atasasub ement (Ssc) : (C:0 ;T:2 ;H:0) ine t 士 iest 修めCf 3 131 2) Whatla皿 官uly/ls口l ocomm md : - yPooreCoun ‐ (肋男C4 . . ,紅ld 立l. 2 2 1(2) Whatc l ) t (○) ausesas o団ec :9 :6 : (C ;T ;H:6 . ‐. The w力atc l I ingverbamdi t jectofaverbsome億nesPrecedesi ause as an ob sgove 1 l 1 sresumedbyaPersona l l ◎- L niもasi Pronou. ( i ) wha ) ta sasubjectcomplement (0-sc): (C: T :5 ;H:6 (a ) 朝PeofwむatclausePreced超gi t ) sgoven]mgverb (0- sc): (C:1 ;T ;H:1 i鱒oeto deam,i 回 (2H6 3‐1‐333‐334) or wぬatmou an;/ Res ti s not wol値 垣 enioyiog: (Here me lauseal lpronouniD ti whatc sonlnc錠onsasasub ject (S) andi sresumedbydIepersona. 岡 Cf 149P) 伍ough whatla 5 un,lcannotauoide ; ‐ (Wry3 . . l ( b) 朝Peofwhatc ngi t ) ausef onowi sgovemingverb (0- sc): (C :8 : H:5 ;T. ◎ (兄3 4‐4.97) Decm]ean 曲ds and see wぬatnow mouim. (S出立l l 414 ) 3 138 ar y:兄34 ; 彫23 ‐4 ‐ . . . ,414 ,139 (a) Whatas 孤 ob t (0‐ ) jec o : (C ;T:1;日:○). 修め Cf jM3 ) Meet whatlwouldhauewen, 紙di 2 221 tdes l 匡oy : . ‐ ‐ (亙A. lausesas PrePos i恒ona lob 2 2 1( 3 ) whatc t (PO) jec : (C:2 ; ‐ -. 12 ) ;H:6. ( i ) wha ) ta sasubjectcomp1e=lent (Posの: (C:1;T: 日:6 fyou do censure me ◎ (ヱ i H6 5 97 )l 5 98 ‐ o ‐ ‐ ,by whatyou were ,/ Not w力鑑 you 鑓e , (Here 鑓e 如マ fwhat) examnP1eso 37.

(7) . Mas 2氷a t su M加l no. ) 19 2 110 (0位ers 4 :R3 4 ;彫 5 ; 息8 5 ‐1 . . . . , .84 ,88 ,107 lause (P0‐ (旦) what加 aconca C:1 tena tedc ) ;日:○ sc):( ;T:2 qlewlwas ・鵠 Notwhathel ◎ Cf ‐ ‐ ( UVT3-13・143) harPingon whatla. ) /Heisnolessethen whatwesayheis ) Cf 71 回 ( =5 ‐/ .(S自費 m l - lob idona ) ( ) whata i u t(PO- j =(C :0 saprepos ec ;T:1 ;H Po. ). h h f ’ dt l k ) To絹d lm U) @ 1 )Cf 3 98 ue .(OZ翌1 . ‐ ,mm w ats e ez虹 o oo eon;. l 4) Whatc 2 2 auseasi m objectofbo故 VerbandPreposi複on - ‐1(. ( ) whatasasubjectcomplement (o,Po‐sc): (C:1;T:0;H:0) i i tesyoutoconce ) /1コhe Dukeishu ue ◎ Cf Z ン1 2 26667 s 山 deede/ Moresui u に norous , ‐ (AY , whathei ‐ ‐ menltosPe欲にeof ) andaprepos遁on( ive lause m 湖 beanob dsexamQpl tofaverb (conce lnd1 jec ethe whatc. .. ) 2. 2 l 1(5) Whatc l t(SC) tComp :6 ausesasSub j : (C :7 emen ec ;H5 ;T .. ( ) whata i l エ ー ent (SC‐ sc): (C:7 ;T: sasubjectcomp1e. 日:3 ). i mg what化l ] r t ) Totor t ゴ ロre 故eethe more ) (R34 ◎ ( 4 108 oua =10 , - ・ ,be 2 (omerexamplesJ 旦45 137 82) 4 ; 息85 ‐ ‐ . .. (a ) whata :1;H san objectcomplement (SC-ocた (C:0 ;T. ). thadgonewen: ) HadourGenerau/Bin whathelmew himse旋,i ▽T3 10 25 6 ◎ Cf ‐ . 仏z . . ‘ ) ) (m)t het tmeyWm’ (SC - : (C ;T ;H:2 sc : Bewha 柳Pe ) f 1 1 i (c)- l Pgthere m 出ef onoWI a錠ve whati sused 面 m ana凹 面aw verb: (c .2 . . . ’. ) (Be what[cf lthey mn) lhe額dl ◎ (嵐82 1 65 orgi ue em; yf ‐onions . . ,=whoever ) Be whatthou wnt 回 ( ヱ鳳65 45 3 . . . ,値ou…痕 mypnsoner. lausesas ob 2 2 1(6) Whatc l t(OC) tComp j : (C : emen ec . .. ( ) whata i sasubjectcomplement (OC‐sc): (C:4;. ) 0 ;H:0. 0 ;H. ). fyou doet e stol eth江口shew 3 57 akeatheef 59p) me mostpeaceableway 量) AD0 3 ryou - ◎ Cf ,i ,i . . .( h江口 ‐ se強e whathei s ,. ( ) whata u jectcompl ement (OC‐ oc): (C:1 ;T:0 ;H:0) smob St 士 l 3 57p) Si ◎ Cf ou d額÷ r :c副lme whatt ‐ ‐ . (mGV 2. 2 2 2A故ibu口veuse (lex) - -. 1 3 amceocc terare e (をom C): “コepersonalwhatin 故iscaselsqui ・ U r s o旦owingexamnpl . oneinsロ ,inthef ’ 述e r▽冠e 回 Cf ) T鑓【 ]you Wmtobed 70 9 =wom鑓ュ e whatWi , . (MV2 ‐ -. 38.

(8) . l l tRe 十Human} a憧vepr ono ndependen tm 雨龍 値eFea観re[ 1 1 di i t t si そ 虹e sP ays a 1 ・ sEqu v頭en ns殻由es pe. 2 ) 3 1ndependentRe l a錠vet刀嫉む(19exs ‐ ‐. ) TI コ f n wmg をom aproverbi There ladvezhatc i san zm Lbeusedindependendy ( e ‐ ‐ , m mout 組 孤tecedent- e o o la壮ve 街aた i t edin日he mdependentre exa lnpl eo仕enc (Proverb) H mdso dso lnedoes 1mei s 街 欲hz 江 l ‐ ‘ According to Curme (1931 :184),this proverb can be paraphrased as Handsomeis he who does ’1 4 m 仕l handsome l la l l la壮vec l ruc錠on wherewe五Pdani ted 街頭f ause econsb so o owedbyare eword 街頭can y- ,せl 1 5 ken k ) la i bet t teds誼csof ve a rademons立a錠vepronounF硫化l outare echa l r ac L . 1n mostofdhecases ,せl ,however lud無gunce巾 血 cases) ingtheuseof品 姓 鑓lexa inc 仕 l unpl esof街 嶺 ( epronoun 故欲 紙enotce中Um.ln discuss l lbet lauseint ion as an independentrelat ive pronoun 品at The c wi reatedin thissect roduced bythe independentrel lob idona a桓ve 街aican n1ncdon asasub ject (S),an ob ject (0),a prepos ject (PO) ,or a thy 晒 値 thi l tcomplement (SC).工 ti ti toぼ tcm occur m me 坪Pe ‘始k’ jec sub snot ewor a鐘ve pronoun 故a sre , ’ h n la位veoccurs→ ldi wぬowi ーa醐 通a ewh- re wi位 an sprecededbyaverb‐ 1γa1 y 廿l ,w ereusu紙l. 2 3(1) 刀脳tc l 1 tC ausesasSub j ec ause (S) : (C:3 ; ‐. ) 3 ;H:1. ( ) subjec牡vezhar(S‐s): (C:2;T:1;H:1) i r 41) Yes もの (猛8 5‐1‐39 i ‐ r 打コomas ,yes ,S ,/ □here are 童 鑑 Dare , 紅1dl myse比e hauevenm d/To に ke広l indeofhi spea l l ln : yl. ( ) met卵e i i ha ) twm (S :M 凝r ‐ s : (C :1 :0 yz ;T ;H. ). 61hatwi 〔 Penaresobra も 1 ) Cf ide 2 73 74 ) SmceFrench= n,1丘eu mddi id ‐ ea Ma :/ ry1 ‐ (AWW4 . ‐ ,/ M組F (Cf l 1 1( 1 )( i )( ) above ) ~Pe m m w力re a錠ve m2 c .dIesameセ . . ‐. (m) objec憧vezhat(S‐o): (C:0;T:2;H:0) ◎ Cf ) Whoiszhatmeyfonow,.“ JM5 1 218 ‐ (豆A ‐ ‐ 2 lauseas m ob 2 )77脳tc 3( ject (0) : (C :0 :2 ;T ;H ‐. ). ( i ) zhatasそ釦ーob ject (0- o): (C:0 ;T:1 ;H:0). 回 Cf 7T2 ] 阻c ie ) ‘Tispo 1 10冬5 t ageme mustdoe/{疑 獄youa f f t【=‘a lm aゼ1 ec - (Z - ‐ - - , mds官a ,‐ ( ) 放電a 亘 sasubjectcomplement (0-sc): (C:0;T:1 ;H:0) 回 Cf iM2 2 7 ) normeinward m m Resembles 故ati twas ‐ (丑A . ‐ ‐. 2 3(3) 万脳tc lauseasSub jectCompl ement (SC): (C:3 ;T:5 ;H:1) .. ( i ) zhatasasub t (SC- jec s. (C. ;T:1 ;H:0). もめ Cf 3 98) Were仕l ey 故atm mdredour E mperours Bromer . (ゴロ空 5 - - , ( i i ) 故a ta sasubjectcomplement (SC-sc): (C:3;T:4;H:1) ’tt b hatmouhop ◎ (2臼鯵3 ) Bez 333 1 s o e - . , ‐ 14445 ) l i 7 ものCf ibleheshould]卿ow w無theei p s tposs s s - (AW邪V4 ‐. . , 孤dbezh貯 hei. 39.

(9) . N【 z l as紬はt su M危 u l no. lob 4)C1 ) 2 i錠ona 3( ject (PO): (C:1 auseasaPrepos ;T ;H:0 .. ( ) zha【asapreposi複onalobject (PO-po): (C:1;T:0;H ) i ) andlethersportherse於 / Wi放 免 欲sheごsbig m m, ◎ Cf 1 6061 . ‐ .(WT2. 24. 1 ha友江 l DependentRe ldV▽hi ch a社vePronouns7. ) 2 4 1:靴 欲 (6exs ‐ ‐ .. idtohそwebeenrarei i l誼vezhatm 出 航em・ 劉bedependentre lsh曲espe tecedent 鉱 翁 ( z紅es l ssa e . . ,zh頭 放aのi. ft h J Qceso heexa day tudy ‐ y づ Pe (S s) occurs sseem to be oo u ゴ ロplesare qmte 熊winthi ss .lns銘= ‐ only 位eb .1l ,t ‘ ’ ?‐ l lyi ロ f ia D口beD terroga錠vesentenceofthe 加Pe ▽ を鱒rp ロー oundespec ‐ ‐. ) )Ant ) 2 t(S j :2 ecedentasaSub ec : (C :2 ;T ;H:2 ‐4(1. ( ) subjec口vemat(ss): (C:2;T:2;日:2) i ’ d tzhatbearestheSce ter? ) (瓦84 ) Who 69 ( 1 38 =11 sI a p . . ) ( 迂鍵l S中日 3 10 :3馴64 y ‐ . ‐ ) 2 87 回 Cf . . ‐ (TGV4. hatspakeP/ ハ肩hoi tz sma. ? 162) Wa $ ・ )Cf 1 tmyFame rzhatwenthencesofast sd 1 a ‐ (ROMI . .. ・ ) 2 Wm 13exs 2 4 ch ( . . . la誼ve pronoun whi tecedent 街頭 occ □コe dependentre I U r s more 官equendy 値an dlet 図Pe 品欲 l ch Wi値 伍e al tofaverb ( aぽious wayssuch asasub t (S),anob 0) 衝嶺 above jec jec .四heantecedent may n1nc錠oninv ,or a la錠ve pronoun which hInc錠onsasasub ject ject (o),asub ject (s),an ob jectcomplement(SC).There sub l ( ) 1l h t d t・桶m medependentre b f id a加e w粒chseems ) compl ement ( sc ,or 孤 o jecto aprepos on po . ean ece en f l l usi z at ided espec i a鐘vepronotm Z tobe 卸o sa sothecase 覇 m medependentre any m 街 met卵e (PO… po).Tr の 副mough 位elat i t ar more 位mteds erhasaf z坪, mere ~中廟c韻ct卵e ofl故esamet卵e ( .S官angetos .e . , 放縦 故a , i紙l iロgtodo m m euphony ”s mayhavesomed〕 tudy i y eofsuch a 塚Pein 品jss snoexamQpl .Tr ,espec ,in mecase endency hasbeen ) of (P0‐ po , 値esamet ‐ln mecaseoftherela誼ve pronotu・s m m re熊renceto no1rpersons ) observed (see M 加」no ,1999 ‐. ) 2(1 )Ant ) 2 4 t(S : (C :1 :3 ecedentasaSub j ec ;T ;H:1 . ‐. ( ) subjec錠vewhiCh (Ss): (C:1;T:3;H:1) i h縦 which of metype (Ss) seemsto belargelyres恒ctedto 街einterroga位vesentenceof 四he expression z ’ la牡ve 街縦i nus官a tedin 街eabovesecdon 仇et柳Pe‘Wh f … orm … ? aswesawin 山ecaseofmere .lnsむ鎖cesare l ow: show丁 .be 40.

(10) . lndependentRe l組vePr et 十Human] lm 緬伍 伍eFeamr ono i 1 l i nShakes t sP a andi sEqu va ent si re ys Pea. 回 (3嵐6 2‐6‐42) Whosesouleis 茄at w顔 喧 園keshirheauyleaue? 回 Cf. (肌肋rl.4‐6) Vvho’smatw顔chcals? 2 ) Wha t扇山ei 5 41 twhichdoth mnch 位ehそmd/ ofyonderKmght? 回 Cf ‐ s故a - (ROM1 ‐ ‐ 2 2( 2)Antecedent t(0) sas ob j ec : (C ; -4 ‐. ) 3 ;H:3. ( i ) sub ) iec鐘ve w超ch (○- s): (C:0 ;T ;H:1 tothe Wormes ) Gi ◎ (2野44 116 17 5 :/ P1ucke dovのne my o伍cers ‐ ue 故碇 whiぬ gaue 値ee 旺e , . . ,w1 breakenQy Decrees ;. ( u) obiec誼ve wmch (○‐o): (C:0;. ) 0 ;H:1. i l ◎ ( ヱ品64 ) ohno おrbeare 7 49 50 :For 品atwmch wehauened/ Dulmgthe 顔e ‐ . . , etvsnotwrong t dead.. ‘ m $◎ above the antecedent 故atasan ob t jectofaverb (○) precedesi s goveming verb wrong 組dis , に 1pronoun 比 resuエnedbyapersona. ( ) i n. tcomplement (o‐ jec whi chasasub sc): (C:0 ;. ) 2 ;H:0. ◎ Cf fyourAf 五ance weredeepl 165 )lhauespoke 品jsto]b]owi 6 yrooted ‐ (Cmイ1 ‐ ‐ ,andsh組 make し)rd snow,new ore: your] ,Thatwmに五hei $◎ Cf 3 21) ロコa t w翫chyouare scannotせanspose ; ‐ (肋凶C4 ‐ ‐ ,my 仇ought. m回 above,wecm seeanexamQpleof m objectclauseprecedingitsgoven]mgverb‐ idona lob ( ) whi i ) ) t(0- v j chasaprepos ec : (C :0 po ;T ;H:1 142) We mayouトm me/By 汎ol 回 (H8 1‐1‐141 ‐ ents浦山messe 故at whi ch we mn 姓. ( ) v. labveconcatenabon (o- chinare whi o): (C:0 ;T:1 ;H:0). 回 Cf ) lhere do giue 伍ee 位at mm 組 myhe 3 193 95 a直,/ W版chbutthou hast 漣ready, ‐ .(OTH1 ‐ ‐ 面than myheaぽt/lwouldkeepe 貴om 故ee .. 2 2( 3)Antecedent 4 tComplement (SC): (C ;T:1 jec sasSub ;H ‐ -. ). ( ) ob i ) ) C ;T:1;H:0 j ec萱vew超ch (SC ‐ :( o 2 7 )‘ ion dwel lin 6 Ti ◎ Cf ‐ ssafer,to bethat which we destroy,/ Then by destruct ‐ (MAC3 - - doubt垣1 lioy .. 2 4 2( 4)Antecedentas ob tComp1e jec lment (o の: (C:1 ; . ‐. 0 ) ;日:0. ( i ) w超Chasasubjectcomplement (OC‐sc)二 (C:1;T:○;日:○) 回 Cf 4 68) Come ‐ ‐ (WT 4 . .67 ,quench your blushes ,and presentyourse強e /÷nlat w力ich youare , ’ ’ 饗五s t i r i soth Feast .. 2 3 whom ( lex) .4 . 41.

(11) . . 酵 【 2 浅 く t I no 則 as a suハ伍Z. lant l ly Widh化l ia コ 豆 ThedePendentrela丘ve Pronoun whom seemstober ecedent 故at 垣 ロ ePersona z u r eespec s i st瑠Pe 就 航 出e w顔ch case (0‐ …虹e me whom ofd1 s観dy onecaseoccursin (Spo) 塚Pe po) . We may comp i lat i ionin there (cf iv) above) both of which occur as the objectofa prePos t ve clause. The ‐2‐4 ‐2‐2 ( , l ladvein 伍ecaseof whom, l i錠on goven] ing 位ere t jecti nthec ausePrecedes 故ere sob a誼ve whom asi prepos . l la鐘ve w超. l i観on govenl i t whereas 伍eprepos ows 化 ch お1 sre ngi erela錠ve w顔chin theclause‐Thisseemsto i専 ofexamQples = rasezhatwhi ttha tthe whol on‐Becauseofasc z甘c sugges epl chi ssomehow a 範{ed combinab r , however no口浅口gde行軍 la誼vepronouns dt thersmdyof仕口s maybeneeded. i esere ei sob〆 ousin 廿l euseof仕l .Fur ,. 2 3 の AロtecedentasaSub ) 4 t(S) j : (C:0 ec ;T ;日:1 ・ ・. idona lob ) ( ) whoma t (S‐ i jec saprepos ;T ;H:1 po) (C:0 hi h t / ○f whom you seemeto haue so ) My レ) 6 65 66 回 (3 一 目6 4 ‐ rd ofso1merset . . , , whatYout st a tendercare?. l IDependentをmd mdependentRe 2 5 SummaryofPersona abmbu誼ve) advePronouns (Non- .. □コef l ng際b o旦oWi eshows 伍edismbudonofperson司independentnonrabbibu誼verela壮vepronouns(who 廟ノ , ) accordapgto 値eh1nc誼onin dlesentence (S, ) 嶺1ddependentre l zhaも wmCh c advepronouns ( wh線 etc ‐ ‐ ,et l l 0,P0,SC,紅IdOC) 組din mere advec ause (s , 狐doc)- ,o ,Po ,sc. TableI. IFunc亘ons budonofPersona lmdependentをmdDependentPronounsAccord無gto Gra Di t r i lmma誼ca s. C T H. 2. 0 1 + 2十 1 +. # 1. n 乙 .▲ .▲. 0 1. ★ 21 2. l. 6. 0 0 0 0. 0. ^ ‘^ ‘っ ム. t l Sub t o a. C T H. 打コ紙批a t. 0 0. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0. 1l c. 4 l. l. 2★. 6. 5l 0 0 0 4 l 2 0 01. 0 0 l 16 3 0. 3. 0 l. 4 l. 0 3 0. l 9 2c. 5 1十 1 0 18 2 1 0 l. 2 0 0 0. .▲QV イ ー. C T H. C T H. t副 Sub t o TOTAL. 5. l. 4 1. 5. 2 0 0 0 81 #1& 1炊. l. 0 0 0 2 0. 0 l 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0. “ / 十に リハ ベ リ. 2. 0 0. ー ▲. # 1. 1 0 5. 0 0 2 0 0. l. 2. Sub t 頭 t o. Tha twhom. 0 0 5 11 l 0. 0 0 2. 2. l l. 4 f. 4. ) C 1(An OC t ‐. SC ) t ‐C1(An. Coc oc S 0 PO S C oc S 0 POS Co c S 0 POS ・ fl 23 34 f. 励a t. Sub t a ユ t o. S C. PO. ^ ア ム. 92 2 2 0 0 0 0 2 1. t頭 Sub t o. h Tha i twh c. 42. 4. 1g 2十1g. t司 Sub t o. C T H. W1 t a. S. ★ 51 ★ 1 01. C T H. Whom. Sub t 頭 t o C T H. 靴o. c 0 POS Co. S. P0‐C1(An ) t. OC 1(山暗). ) SC 1(Ao t. l. l. 0. 0 0 l. 0 0 l. 0 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. 4 l. 0 0. 0 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 0. 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 l. l. # I 11 C 1 +l. 0 0 0 0 l. 2 l 1 1. l 0. 0 0 0. 0 0. 0 l 0 0 00 0 0 l 0. l 0 0 l 0 0 34 3 2 2 2 3 2 0 3. 0 8 7. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4l 0 0 0 5 l 63 0 1 2 2 02 5 l 20 3 1 0 5 11 4 2 1.

(12) . l l tRe 十Human} aロvePronoun 駈伍 位eFeamr e[ ndependen 1 1 di l t t ays a ・ sEqmva en si nsh轟く espe z 虹e sP 1. Notes :. lause (orthe 組・ ) assub t tecedent I S (0 P0,SC OC)- ) deno C 1(魚Q jec t t ethe mnc檀onsof merela誼vec , , , lob idona jecもsub jectcomP1 jectcomplement emenもorob ject ob . ,Prepos 2 S (o ) denotethe云lnchonsofl出erelabvePronounin 位eclauseassubjecも objecも Preposi複onal ,Po ,sc,oc 1ement tcomP tcomP1ement ject jec jec ob . ,orob ,sub ’ 3 Figl :七兆 to茸,who 鞘証‐ res「 wi伍 伍esymbol★show 伍e 朝Pe i The五gureVdth 十showsacaseofaresumP丘ve Pronounsuch as heor 故e lm‐ 4. l hecaseofaconca 刊he鎗罫l tena tedre adveclause‐ est re mm (c) denot. t 5 “he鎗 1re 面 出 #isdlecasewhere 位erelabveclauseas m object (0) Precedesi sgoven]血gverb. 6 Fi隊・ res m 伍. ) show 鉱eformul鑓cexPression‘as wぬoshoulds2ザ’. ( f. i )‐ lausesareresumedbyaPossess 7 Fi隊i vePronoun (hi res 隙th (g) denotethecase where whoc s 8. ロコeiguie 駈 伍 &i lausei i観on (0 紅Idpo). jectofbom verbandPrePos s 街ecasewhere me w力霧c s m ob. [dbu口veuse 9 1he賃gureF P i th★★ meamsacaseofab -. From 日h i a Jgener a dt i stabl esever endenc escanbeobserved :. heindePendentreladveclauseinせoducedby whonInc錠onsinseveralwayssuch ass,0,P0,SC‐of )( ) 17 1 a. 値e 無ncbons (exclud匝ロg 値et図Pe‘鎧k’to茸, who wm’紅1dtheexPression. ‘ ’ as whoshoulds zw ) m me. lause ) 無nc憧on as mera恒o hereshows ti c jec錠ve (s :s33 s 副so ‐l , whousu…my has 値esub ,o 2 ,sc l lear をom 街d t 位esub c jecロvePronomin頭f jectofaverb‐Usu紙ythe s 位a orm wぬocm occurasdleob. la#ve whohasi teornonsPec近c mezmmg‐ re m mdefmi. ( ) “]eexPression‘as whoshouldsay7isalmostaformul組cone‐lnevely genreofsh証【esPeare’sPI卸sit b i l sf ound m near ythesame 官equency (C:3 ;T:4 ;H:4).. ( ) □コe whoclauseczm beresumedbysomePerson副 pronow・s(e h d ft c s鯛Peare .g. ,he ,zhem)-□hecaseso おundin3outof20examP1 ) md4outof6 (○‐ i es (Ss veperson副 pronotm s)‐lncon官asも 位ePossess (hi ) czm beusedasaresumP位vePronounin 値esub s jec丘ve who( s2)‐ ’ laロvePronouni to茸 ( d ) □he 鯛pe‘鎧k’ susedand 値ere sPrecededbya , who wm, where m a期 蓮 町7verbi dh仕l LdePendentre la口ve who verb,canoccurWi e印 -. )( 2 ) □コeindependentrela社ve whom clause (theobjec丘vefornーof who) also nInc錠onsin several ways, a l位ough 伍erei i茸erenceof丑equencyofeach 朝Pe such as s ladve sad .□he 魚nc檀onofthere ,0,P0,a w五omi sin an Casesasan ob jectofaverb,. ( b) The wぬom. imes Precedetheverb which govemsi t t clause can some s case therei s no ,butin thi. l exa jnP1 eof仕l eresump丘vePronounasseenin 化l ere abve w力oabove .. )( ) TheindePendentreladve w五atcan occurin reference to Persons as wen as no卦Persons‐ The 3 a lause 無ncbonsi c n vanous waysi n. what. mesentencerang1 0g 廿om sto OC (see Tabl e l)‐ However , 伍e. ’ 無ncbonofthere l lause (exc ludmg met弾e‘Be what位ey 縦1 1 a誼ve whatmthec , md位econsbnuc=on ive concatenat ion) seemsto berest icted to a Parhcular むPe ive whatwi ofrelat ththe r ‐ Therelat n1nchon o fasub jectcompl ementoccurspredo出血 皿凸y :sc58 ,as 位era檀ohereshows ,oc2 ,ol ,POI).. la前econca ( b) 汀heconsbmc亘on of‘ tena甑on’i re sf oundinthree ms畑Qces (PO- scl sc2). ,P0‐ 43.

(13) . N [ Do t as漣【 a su Mi 2i. ( ) 四betめPe‘Be whatthey 断証 czm befoundin 弾マoexamQples. c ( ) The abmbutive use of 伍eindependentrel組ve d. he whatoccurs in one instance. Here t. wね欲 goup. nlnc恒onsas 値eob jectofaverb‐. ) “heindependentrela誼veclauseof 品 欲 免じロchonsas s,0,P0,SCin mesentence,al値ough mereis a 4 )( a lauseareseenins lause i血 伍ec bu霞onofeach 辱Pein 出ec d i舷erencei i t 士 i n 故ed s .The 無血cdonsof街at , o,po,at Idsc.. ’ h ( b) □コet瑠Pe‘M額ry 街 鑑 Win, w ere an a醐 通a s 1y verb occmr. la錠vepronot口li sprecededby a md 値ere. amce verb,czm bef ound m one msむ ‐. ) 5. i h頭 街頭) has qui te alow ive pronoun zhatwi th the antecedent 放 射 ( The dependentrelat ‐e‐ ,t incei ions t r i ti d 官equency tedtoapardcul証 塚Peofe oml sf c yP eofpl=raseseemstoberes )のress .筆抗st ’ ‘ f la錠vein mec lausei inthe mte s orm . ] けoga錠vesent ence 面 m me 危 mQ wh- . .?.The 無血cdonoft粒sre m 紙 S‐ s ‐. ikethe dependentre lat i )( ) Unl 6 ve pronoun a. ld hi h ( i の h hatwhi 街欲 ( i ch) . ‐e .e . ,t ,Zhatzha ,t erea ve w c. SC ld OC.1l heb塵eP0i l垣nc i t tecedent snotf omld 噴 出 occursinsever a onsofmea l ・ .ロコeyares ,0, ,al 品jsre l s 位es紙ne mm 伍ezhatzhatabove)‐ a錠vepronoun (me maはeri t tecedent 放 射 precedesi ( b)1he case where 伍e 鑓I sc sf otmdin o-o md o- s goveming verbi ‐The case. 面m aresump錠vepronoun (io. occursinoneexamnple (0…○).. ( ) Theconsbmc位onofarelaロveconcatena恒onczm befotmd 面 値 街dsrela誼veinoneexamnple (0-○)‐ c 7). tecedent 街at(品at…of whom) occursin one one case of廿 l 」m m m me 鑓] e dependentrela蝕ve who lowsthe prepos i ion which governsi t i t tis instance (S‐po).ln thiscase,therelat ve whom fol .l d i ive which ( interest ing to note herethatthesa.net コ ′pe oftherelat .e. , o-po) has a postpose l thersmdy may be i観on 超 the clause‐ Hence d heresul t antf ause orm 鉱at whi chinthec prepos ‐FWt i茸erencehere i ed requ redtoexaロロneせl .. 3 CompomIds 魚- Some防er so eveち‐ ,-. imesan adverbi須 Thecompoundf ormsin ‐e犯n or‐so(mJe犯r may 短nc観on asanoun p脳aseorsomet 1 8 ing 伍euseofl故em‐ l l = r scuss ーあ mnsin mec ause arenotedin di asein mesentence p ‐ 四he 飽nc錠onsofme wカ ion as a subject (s),an object (o), asubjectcomplement (sc),ora The wh‐compounds may funct l l la壮▽ec i甑on司 ob t (po) in mere ass近edaccordingto whe位er 伍ey 口・dsarec jec ause prepos .四he whatcompot ‘ lentt l l bロibu錠ve l va o al sinde鏡山te are useda yone ‐ y yorno正abmbuロve .□he me細jぬg ofl山esepronounsi ,equi. i伍 -e砿eち ‐soe防en ‐someueち or‐soarerecorded.□コe 節 m 面 位 -sooccwsless 官equendythそm 伍e 刀]eforms w 1 1 ) arerecorded l i :1 eり whoso orms esoft粗s 鱒ー皿 ( o位erf ythreeexamQpl .Accord』QgtoJespersen (1940 . , ‐on 3 n Modem Eng員sh‐ ‐62),街dswasnotve坪 官equenti. ) 3 ICompoundsof Whoin- e陀ror‐ so (24exs . ‐. ) ) ( ) sub i :2 j s :6 ecdvewho ( : (C ;H:8 ;T -ever (C:6 ;T:1 ;H:5) :. 44.

(14) . i l 十Ht l tRe e[ 1man a謹vepr ono tm 面伍 位eFea観r ndependen 1 1 di i t t z 狂e sP ays si lsh証【 espe a l ・ sEqu v頭en l. 同. UN5 19) Whoeuerspokei ti 5 ti stれue my 幼rd . . . 2 335) 2 133 2 107 (0故ers :ヱ封6 1 ;R3 2 ;ヱN3 ;3H6 2 ‐1 ‐ ‐ ‐146 ‐ . . .. 同 Cf ‐ (E肥25.1.340) Whoeuerbo・口ldhdm,l m mosehisbonds, k . 47) open 加 ckes 岡 Cf ‐1 ‐ . (M姓C4 , whoeuerlロloc es ‐ so (C:0 ;T:1 ;H:2): i iesthem,/ By so much 61sthe ) and who so empt r hemts mth deadl ◎ (形ヲ2 2 130 131 y hate ‐ ‐ . .. 4 ) 39 (S出遊a r専:ヱ品63 ‐ ‐ ‐ te ) 伍a shas 1 209 10 twhosoplease/TostopAj鉱chon,lethim 園kehi 同 Cf ;… ‐ . (江M5 ‐ . - soe陀r (C:0 ;日:1): ;T:0 innesf f 位ou do pardon whosoeuerpr卸,/ Mores sf orgiuenesse prosper 83 84)l or 故i 回 (彫ヲ5 3 ‐ ‐ ‐ P 1ay‐ I. ) ( a ) ob :1 j :1 ecdvewho ( o) : (C ;H:1 ;T ‐ e tだr (C:1 ;T:1 ;日:1) : 江 坑ldei面pl dn…mins閉じ ndy wi ng 燈uours 回 (鼠8 2.1.47‐49) w五oe口er me Ki oy コ = Dent ,/And ,/The C鑓÷ farreenough #om Cou tt l oo .. lsb前e ] 短1 l 観)Cf 4 40 42) /1 ‐ edomーybest/To woeyour]〕ldy:yetabarre ,my ,/ Who 獅elwoe - - .(℃NI l f sW遁e se ewouldbehi ./ 盤]dat協ch‐ 3 173) Goso 回 Cf ]meofyou . . - (ROM 5 , who 鋭宅you. ( i a) whoa sasubjectcomplement (sc): (C:1;T:1;H:3) ‐ e tだr (C:1 ;T:1 ;日:2): Z ぬoerehebe ) VF ヱ i H61 3 7 回 ( et血. . . ,you m 卸 notbel l (S鍵】韮ar ) 4 37 :ヱ方錘 5 y ‐ ‐ . ’ d d :/ 回 Cf LLL4‐1.4) / Who飢「 eawas .( ,ashew a motm 誼]g min e. rd your i 回 Cf ) Who ere he be,thatinthisfoule proceeding / Haththusbe 3 65 66 - ≦ 夢 u ‐ (OT翌1 . . Daughterofherse l fe ” ,‐ - soe tだr (C:0 ;T:0 ;日:.} ’ r th’○佳endors ) To doome 値’○掻endors 回 (尺33 65 4 :( ; ‐ ‐ , whosoere Fヱ , E立教NS , whosoe ethey be. 1 9 化l t ) 6 eo鐘enderswha soeuerQヱ ‐. ) 2A前ibu恒vecompoundsofwhosein- 3 soe陀r (2exs ‐ ‐. ( i ) whosecompoundasas ) t( j ub ec s : (C:0 :○ ;T ;日:2). ) Do notproue meso:/ Yetla ◎ QN4 3 9092 ln none se ‐ Whosetonき副esoerespe誠【es 魚l ‐ ‐ ,/ Not 225 ) l 轟 くes l 官「 ue : (S出国l ar :尺3 4 yspez y ‐4 ‐ ‐. 3 3Compoundsof Wha士in…eueち …soe防ez .. ) 3 3 soje陀r (9exs . ‐INolra故ibu錠ve What( ‐. l i誼on whi f t h -evi t Thecompound 角nn Wi ls 化 t erca L n ha ‐ s ve onl ch goverl e wh- onn asi y a pos posed prepos 45.



2.A.E C.本邦のバーキットリンパ腫は高頻度に Epstein-Barr ウイルス(EBV)陽性である. 4.C.D

The range of the projector matrix product operator P k plays an important role in theory of two-dimensional topological order, and we identify it with the higher relative commutant A

To this aim, we propose to use categories of fractions of a fundamental category with respect to suitably chosen sytems of morphisms and to investigate quotient categories of those

Standard domino tableaux have already been considered by many authors [33], [6], [34], [8], [1], but, to the best of our knowledge, the expression of the

The following corollary to the proof of Theorem 1 says that the Jones polynomial V and the polynomial Y are the only common specializations of H and F in the sense above (compare

The edges terminating in a correspond to the generators, i.e., the south-west cor- ners of the respective Ferrers diagram, whereas the edges originating in a correspond to the

We present sufficient conditions for the existence of solutions to Neu- mann and periodic boundary-value problems for some class of quasilinear ordinary differential equations.. We

A permutation is bicrucial with respect to squares if it is square-free but any extension of it to the right or to the left by any element gives a permutation that is not