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A tissue-conductive acoustic sensor applied in speech recognition for privacy


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Joint sO c-EUSAI conference. Grenoble. october 2005. A tissue-conductive acoustic sensor applied in speech recognition for privacy Panikos He rαcleous, YoshitakαNαkαrjimα,Hiroshi S.αruwαtariαnd Kiyohiro Shikαno Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan. {paniJωs,yoshi-n,sawa七ari,shikano}@is.naist.jp Abstract In this paper, we present the Non-Audible Murmur (NAM) mi­ crophones focusing on their applications in automatic speech recognition. A NAM microphone is a special acoustic sensor attached behind the talker's ear and abl巴 to capture very qu卜 etly utter巴d speech (non-audible murmur) through body tissue. Previously, we report巴d exp巴吋mental results for non-audible mu口nur recognition using a St巴thoscope microphone in a clean environment. In this papeにW巴 also present a more advanced NAM microphone, the so-called Silicon NAM microphone. Us­ ing a small amount of training data and adaptation approaches, we achieved a 93.9% word accuracy for a 20k vocabulary dic­ tation task. Therefore, in situations when privacy in human­ machine communicatio日is preferable, NAM microphone can be very 巴仔'ectively applied for automatic recognition of speech inaudible to oth巴r listeners near the talker. B巴caus巴 of the na ture of non-audible mu口nur (巴.g., privacy) investigation of th巴 behavior of NAM microphones in noisy environments is of high importance. To do this, we also conduct巴d experim巴nts in real and simulated noisy environments. Although, using simulated noisy data the NAM microphones show high robustness against noise, in real 巴nvironments the recognition performance de­ creases markedly due to the e仔'ect of the Lombard reflex. In this paper, we also repo口 experimental results showing the neg­ ative impact effect of the Lombard refl巴x on non-audible mur­ mur recognition. In addition to a dictation task, we also report a keyword-spotting system bas巴d on non-audible murmur with very promising results. 1.. ments for integrat巴d non-audibl巴 murmur recognition and au dible speech recognition using a NAM microphone [6] In this paper, we also investigat巴 non-audible muηnur recognition in noisy environments using a Stethoscope and a Silicon NAM microphone. However, because of the nature of non-audible murmur (e.g. , privacy), it is of high importance to also d巴al with noisy conditions, such as background speech and offìce noise, in automatic non-audible recognition. We car­ ried out experiments using simulated noisy test data and data recorded under noisy conditions. Although using simulated noisy data th巴 perfo口nance did not decr巴ase signifìcantly com­ pared with that of the clean case, using real noisy data the per­ formance decreased markedly. To investigate this problem, we studied th巴 role of the Lombard reflex [7, 8] in non-audible muπnur recognition and conduct巴d experiments using Lombard non-audible murmur data. Results showed, that the Lombard re­ flex seriously a仔'ects the performance of non-audible mu口nur. Introduction. 一一-.�jIII!品二三人1\ . 照時弘 二郎ι ; �I. Non-Audible murmur (NAM) is very quietly uttered speech that cannot be heard by listeners near the talk巴r. It is captured us­ ing a NAM microphone [1], which is a special acoustic sen­ sor attached behind the talker's ear. Figure 1 shows the de­ sign of Silicon NAM microphone developed by Nakajima et al. in Nara lnstitute 01 Science and Technology, Japan. A NAM microphone is a body-conductive acoustic transducer, in which speech is captur巴d directly from the talker's body through tissue or bone. Thus, such a transducer shows high robustness against noise and can capture voices with a very low intensity. Similar studies have been proposed by Zheng et al. [2], Graciarena et al. [3], and Jou et al [4] for noise robust speech recognition or soft whisp巴r speech recognition. Similarly to whisper speech, non-audible murmur is un­ voiced speech produced by vocal cords not vibrating and does not incorporate any fundamental (FO) fr巴quency. Moreover, body tissue and loss of lip radiation acts as a low-pass fìlter and th巴 high-仕equency components are attenuated. However, the non-audible murmur spectral components still provide suf­ fiCÌent information to distinguish and r巴cognize sounds accu­ rately. To realize this, new hidden Markov models (HMMs) have to b巴 trained using non-audible mu口nur data Pr官viously, we repoれ巴d HMM-bas巴d non-audibl巴 murmur automatic recognition using a Stethoscope NAM microphone with very promising results [5]. We also reported experi-. h. に�� アτーミう r_;. . '1. Figure 1 : Silicon NAM microphone. dB. f\jivvtzrwwfwfhb叫んザー 口 -J\j v. H.. ,.,. 10ò0. Figure 2: Power spectrum of the Japanese syllables Ikini/ cap­ tured by NAM microphone. p.93. - 280ー.

(2) Joint sO c-EUSAI conference. Grenoble, october 2005. |ロs..出o・e・p・.Silicon I. '". 、. 100. = 〈官。 0 0 昌吉E2 [. \ デ川. 旦豆坐生旦笠巴. 1000. ・5ilicon. Figure 3: Power spectrum of the Japanese syllables Ikinil cap­ tured by close-talking microphone. |口Stethoac叩・・Siliconl. Figure 5目 Non-audibl巴 murmur r巴cognition using simulated noisy test data. = 。 〈,. 0 0 ZZE2 [. .. ..,・ .-12. ・Silicon. 'セ. Figure 4: Non-audible murmur recognition using clean t巴st data. 2.. Speaker-dependent non-audible murmur recognition. In this s巴ctior】, we present experimental results for speaker­ dependent non-audible murmur recognition using NAM mi­ crophones. The recognition engine was the Julius 20k vo­ cabulary Japanese dictation Toolkit [9]. Th巴 initial mod­ els were speakeトindependent, gender-independent, 3oo0-stat巴 Phonetic Tied Mixture (PTM) HMMs, trained with the JNAS database and th巴 feature vectors were of length 25 (12 MFCC, 12ð恥1FCC,ðE). The non-audible mu口nur HMMs were train巴d using a combination of supervised 128-classes regression tree MLLR [10] and MAP [11] adaptation methods. Using, how­ ever, MLLR and MAP combination, the parameters are prevト ously transformed using MLLR, and the transformed parame­ teres are us巴d as priors in MAP adaptation. [n this way, during MLLR the acoustic space is shifted and the MAP adaptation perfoηns more accurate transformations. Moreover, due to the use of a regression tree in MLLR, parameters which do not ap­ pear in the training data, and therefore are not transformed dur­ ing MAP, are transformed previously during MLLR. Due to the large di仔巴rence b巴tween the training data and the initial mod巴Is, single-iteration adaptation is not eff,巴ctlV巴 in non-audible mur­ mur recognition. Instead, a multi-iteration adaptation scheme was used. Th巴 initial models are adapt巴d using the training data and intermediate adapted models were train巴d. The interme­ diate models were used as initial models and were re-adapted using the same training data. This procedure was continu巴d un­ til no further improvement was obtained. Results showed, that after 5・6 iterations si伊i自C釦t improvement was achiev巴d com­ pared to the single-iteration adaptation. This training procedure is similar to that proposed by [12], but the object is different 2.1. 10ω. ,.∞. ,ooc. 0100'. ー邸調。. ωω. B Od B -叶 h. 旦坐里坐笠盟i.!.. 7000. Figure 6: Long-term power spectrum of offìce noise used in our expenments. small amount of data and adaptation techniques, we achieved a word performance comparable to normal-speech recognition (96.2% word accuracy). More speci白cally, using a st巴thoscope microphone we achieved an 88.9% word accuracy and using a silicon NAM microphone we achieved a 93.9% word accuracy for non-audible mu口nur recognition. The results also show the 巴仔巴ct of the multi-iteration adaptation scheme. As can be seen, with increasing numb巴r of adaptation iterations, the word accu­ racy was markedly increas巴d 2.2. Non-audible murmur. recognition. using. simulated. noisy test data. In this experiment, offìce noise was played back at different lev­ els (dBA) and recorded using a NAM microphone attached to a female talk巴r. We recorded noises at 50 dBA and 60 dBA levels The recorded noises were then superimpos巴d on 24 clean non­ audible murmur utterances, utter,巴d by the same female speaker, to create the simulated noisy data. The acoustic models wer巴 trained using 100 non-audible muηnur utterances recorded in a clean environment. The results showed that the performance r巴mained almost equal to that of the clean case when noise was superimposed on clean test data and recognition was performed using clean HMMs. More speci自c剖Iy, we achiev巴d 83.7%, 82.9% and 80.9% word accuracies for the clean case, the 50 dBA noise. d・ Stethoscope. 1,. 川 �. . r \ i". . , '. :'/" , ' '' 1 ';. Non-audible murmur recognition using c1ean data. .,・. /" " 主主 ,',へF _ I. .-1'1. Si川lic∞on ---. In this experiment, both training and test data were recorded in a clean environment by a male speaker using NAM micro­ phones. For training, 350 and for testing 48 non-audible mur­ mur utterances were used. Figure 4 shows the achieved results. As the figure shows, the results are very promising. Using a. H旨. s白. 出. 由. 叫. 自. 由. F由. Hl'. Figure 7・Long-term power spectrum of office noise at 70dBA level captured by NAM microphones. p. 94. - 281-.

(3) Joint sO c-EUSAI conference. Grenoble, october 2005. |ロSuperimpOB・d・Reall. [ ー 100. η←一一一一一 一一一一一一一←一一 loI-1�BA�乱 1M巾制ー. i研 j主二二. 60. 勺.G-. 40. Eヨ�. 20. 。. 制均. 01・.n. 50. 00li <<( 唱』. �. 100. No情。lev・1 [dBA]. _. i二二ニι; ',. 二 一一. 〆./. 10/ Clean. H'I.,,:,ト!,.',.ト4イトザん't.''''.',.,/,1み�1(."k今、4メ件トv 伊. ←. 一. -. -�......-._--ア� .・P .,�. τf. ふ. 'tr. 1. �\. ト. ト内i1,\rfir,\t,0,'t!1'1,H.J)'1榊トヤ片怜附寺中1柄拘洲市t;l�11引い伸一一 Figure 11: Wavefonn of cle釦vow巴1/0/ (upper) andLombard vowel/O/. 80 40 20 0. CI..n. 50. 3.. 80. Noiael・v・1 [dBA]. Figure9・Non-Audible mu口nur recogmtlOn usmg vanous types of noise. level, and the 60 dBA noise level, respectively 2.3. -.. Figure 10: Power spectrum of clean vowel /0/ andLombard vowel/O/. |口0何M・C.rロPoater口Crowd I. 80. -. --._- -一一ーー� 一. 句史M健押旬。. 60. Figure 8: Non-Audibl巴 mu口nur recognition using noisy test data (office noise). ... 】 ... o-. ........,-. Non-audible murmur recognition using real noisy test. data. In this section, we repo口 experimental results for non-audible mu口nur recognition using real noisy database. The noisy test data were recorded in an environment, where different types of noise were playing back at 50 dBA and 60 dBA levels, while a speaker was uttering the t巴st data. Four types of noise wer巴 used (office, car, poster, and crowd). For each noise and each level 24 utteranc巴s were recorded. Figure 8 shows the obtained results when using office noise in comparison with the case when the same nois巴 was supenm­ posed on the clean data. As can be seen, using real noisy test data, the perfonnance decreases. Namely, at the 50 dBA nois巴 level the obtain巴d word accuracy was 68.4% and at the 60 dBA noise level 47% Figure 9 shows the word accuracies for the four typ巴s of noise. The results are similar to the previous ones. With in­ creasing noise level, word accuracy decreases significantly. For the clean case we achieved an 83.7% word accuracy, for the 50 dBA noise 1巴vel a 66.9% word accuracy on average, and for the 60 dBA noise level a 53.3% word accuracy on average. In the case of car and crowd noises. the di仔erence between the 50 dBA and 60 dBA perfonnances is not very large. In the case of poster and office noises, the difference is larger. Although, the perfonnance using real noisy data is not markedly low and non-audible recognition is still possible, fur­ ther investigations are necessary. In several studies, a negative Impact e仔'ect of th巴Lombard reflex on automatic recognizers for nonnal speech has been repo口ed. It is possible, ther巴fore, that th巴 degradations in word accuracy for non-audible munnur recognition when using real noisy data, are also related to the Lombard reflex. To realize this. we also addressed theLombard reflex problem.. The role of the Lombard reDex in. non-audible murmur recognition. When speech is produced in noisy environments, speech pro­ duction is modifi巴d leading to the Lombard reflex. Du巴 to the reduced auditory feedback, the talker attempts to increase the intelligibility of his sp巴ech, and during this process several speech characteristics char】ge. More specificaJly, speech inten­ sity increases, fundamental fr巴quency (FO) and fonnants shift, vowel durations increase and the spectral tilt changes. As a re­ sult of these modi自cations, the p巴rfonnance of a sp巴ech r巴cog­ nizer decreases due to the mismatch between the training and testing conditions. To show the effect of theLombard reflex,Lombard spe巴ch is usually used, which is a clean speech utter巴d while the speaker listens to noise through headphon巴s or earphones. Even, though,Lombard speech does not contain noise compo­ nents, modifications in speech characteristics can be realized. Figure 10 shows the power spectrum of a nonnal-speech clean vowel/0/ and aLombard vowel/0/ recorded while listen­ ing to office noise through headphones at 75 dBA noise 1巴vel. The figure clearly shows the modifications leading to theLom­ bard reflex; power increased, formants shifted and sp巴ctral tilt chang巴d. Figure II shows the wavefonns of the clean and Lombard /0/ vowels. As can be seen, the duration and amplト tude of theLombard vowel also increased. Th巴se di仔erences in the spectra cause feature distortions (e.g., 恥1el Frequency Cepstral Coefficients (MFCC) distortions), and acoustic models trained using clean speech might fail to correctly match speech a仔巴cted by theLombard reflex. Figure 12 shows the wavefonn, spectrogram, and FO con­ tour of aLombard non-audible utter加ce recorded at 80 dBA As can be seen, thisLombard non-audible munnur speech has characteristics similar to those of nonnal spe巴ch. Therefore, when non-audible munnur recognition is perfonned in noisy environments, the produced non-audible mu口nur characteristics are di仔erent than those of the non-audible munnur used in the training. As a r巴sult, the perfonnance is degrad巴d, even though the NAM microphone can capture non-audible mu口nur without a high sensitivity to environmental noise. To show the e仔'ect of theLombard reflex on non-audible munnur recognition, we carri巴d out an experiment usingLom­ bard non-audible mu口nur test data. The data were record巴d in an anechoic room, while the speaker was listening to office noise through headphones. Since we used high-quality head-. 円〆U 6 Z J D 吋/ 円〆臼 凸 P 一.

(4) Joint sOc-EUSAI conference. i..... �_. .. Grenoble, october 2005. 100. 且 ι ...... ...... .... r._.. '..ー ' 一一ーーマ. _ 90 宰 Q) 伺. f. ;;_' J 1&; .ヰー品曲目.. 』. E '" ". -Q)Q). 0. 80. /' �� 、 1 -..- Actual scores /' ---一一一 D uration normalized scores I ---.ン 1 '-ーー ノ 70 -r 60. Figure 12: Lombard non-audible murmur r巴corded at 80 dBA. 11. 88.2%. ,. .〆. 〆. 2. 0. 4. 6. 82.3%. 10. 8. False alarms/keyword/hour. 67.3 542. h 0 •. Figure 15: Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROC) for non­ audible murmur keyword-spotter. 475. |ー. 0 4. :ß 80. m E c. 0 60. 60. 、、. S 40. æ 咽. 0. 、. E O Q). 、. 520. Figur巴 13: Non-Audible murmur recognition using Lombard data. -69. -60. -51. -42. 司33. -24. -15. ー6. Word insertion penalty. phones, we assumed that no noise from the headphones was add巴d to the recorded data. We recorded 24 clean utterances, 24 utterances at 50 dBA and 24 utterances at 60 dBA noise levels. The acoustic models used were trained with clean non-audible murmur data using 50 utterances and MLLR adaptation Figure 13 shows the obtained results and the e仔巴ct of the Lombard reflex on non-audible mu口nur recognition. Using clean test data, we achi巴ved a 67.39もword accuracy, using 50 dBA Lombard data a 54.2% word accuracy, and using 60 dBA Lombard data a 47.5% word accuracy. Th巴se results show an analogy between the experiments using real noisy data and the experiment using Lombard data. In both cases, the perfor­ mances decreased almost equally. In non-audible murmur phenomena, the Lombard reflex is also present when there is no masking noise. However, due to the very low intensity of non-audible murmur, speakers might not hear their own voice. To make their voice audible, they increase their vocal levels, and as a result, non-audible murmur. 4.. 、. Lombard印刷。h noisa I・v・I [dBA]. 、、. 50. l. 、. CI・an. 、. 。. 100. Det叫on rate -- R甲山剖e. ,. 80 � 60 � 40 ;20. Figur巴 16: Det巴ction and r句ection rates for non-audibl巴 mur­ mur keyword-spotter. vacy conditions. In some applications, when only a small num­ ber of keywords is required, a keyword-spotting system, with lower complexity and faster decoding, might be more reason­ able than a dictation system In a keyword-spotting approach, not only the keywords, but also the non-keyword intervals must be modeled 巴xplicitly. Our approach, was based on phonemic garbage models [1 3]. Th巴 keywords were modeled using context-d巴pendent HMMs, and monophone HMMs were used to model the non-keyword por­ tions. Both HMM sets were trained with non-audibl巴 murmur data recorded using a silicon NAM microphone. Fourty-thre巴 monophone HMMs were connected as to allow any sequence. The vocabulary consist巴d of 25 keywords randomly selected from JNAS database. Figure 14 shows the grammar used in our expe同ment, which allowed at most one keyword per utter­ ance In our experiment, the following evaluation measures were used:. A keyword-spottiog system based 00 non-audible murmur. In this section, we present a keyword-spotting experiment for non-audible murmur. A non-audible murmur-based keyword­ spottmg syst巴m, however, can be applied to extract a specific number of keywords from unconstrained input speech in pri-. • • •. Detection rale. The percentage of keywords detected. Rejeclion rale. The percentage of non-keywords r句ected Receiver Oper.日li昭Ch日raclerislics (ROC) and Figμre 01 Merit (FOM). The putative hits are sort巴d with resp巴ct to their scores, and the probability of detection at each false alarm is computed. The FOM is calculated as the average probability of detection between 0 and 10 false alarms per keyword. For testing, we used 18 utterances, which included one key­ word, and 24 utterances which did not include any keyword. Figure 15 shows the ROC curves. The figure shows, that by allowing 4 alarms per keyword we achieved 88.2% detect】on. Figur巴 14: Gramrnar used in th巴 keyword-spotter. p. 96. qu no qム.

(5) Grenoble, october 2005. Joint sO c-EUSAI conference. [7] Junqua J-C,“The Lombard Reflex and its Role on Human Listeners and Automatic Speech Recognizers", J Acollst SOC. Am., Vol. 1 pp. 510-524, 1993. rate. The achieved FO M was 85.6'1も, which is promising result The figure also shows, that using duration normalized scores the performance was d巴creas巴d. Figure 16 shows the detection and r句ection rates. To achieve higher detection and rejection rates, a word insertion penalty is tuned to d巴crease the likelihood of the garbage models. Without this tuning, however, a large num­ ber of false rejections (keywords are hypothesized as garbage models) appears, and as a result the detection rate decreases. Wìth word insertio日penalty tuning, we achieved a 82.5% equal rate (equal detection and r吋ection rates). 5.. [8] A. Wakao, K. Takeda, F. Itakura, '‘Variability of Lombard Effects Under Different Noise Conditions", Proceedings ojICSLP, pp. 2∞9-2012, 1996.. [9] T. Kawahara et al., “Free Software Toolkit for Japanese Large Vocabulary Continuous Speech Recognition", Pro­ ceedings ojICSLP, pp. IV-476-479, 2000.. [10] C. J. Leggett巴r, C. Woodland, “Maximum Likelihood Linear Regression for Speaker Adaptation of Continuous Density Hidden Markov Models", Computer Speech and Language, Vol. 9, pp. 171-185, 1995.. Conclusions. In th】s paper, w巴 presented non-audible muηnur recogmtwn ID clean and noisy noisy environments using NAM microphones. A NAM microphone is a special acoust】c device attached be­ hind the talker's ear, which can capture very quietly uttered speech. Non-Audible murmur recognition can be used when privacy in human-machine communication is desired. Since non-audibl巴 murmur is captured directly from the body, it is less sensitive to environm巴ntal noises. To show this, we car­ ried out experiments using simulated and real noisy data. Us­ ing simulated noisy data at 50 dBA and 60 dBA noise levels, the non-audible murmur recognition perfo口nance was almost equal to that of the clean case. Using, however, data recorded in nOlsy envlronm巴nts, the performance decreas巴d. To investigate the possible reasons for this, we studi巴d the rol巴 of the Lom­ bard effect in non-audible muπnur recognition and we carried out an experiment using Lombard data. The results showed that the Lombard reflex has a negativ巴 impact effect on non-audible murmur recognition. Due to the speech production modi白ca­ tions, the non-audible murmur characteristics under Lombard conditions are changed and show a high similarity to normal speech. Du巴 to this fact, a mismatch appears between the train­ ing and testing conditions and the performance decreases. As future work, we plan to investigate methods of decreasing the E仔巴ct of the Lombard reflex on non-audible murmur recog­ nition. A possible solution might be the adaptation of cl巴an acoustic models to several Lombard conditions. In addition to a dictation task, we also reported a keyword-spotting experiment based on non-audible murmur with very promising results. 6.. [11] C.H. Lee, C.H. Lin, and B.H. Juang, '‘A study on speaker adaptation of the parameters of continuous density hid­ den Markov models", lEEE transactions Signal Process­ ing, Vol. 39, pp. 806-814, 1991. [12] P.C. Woodland, D. Pye, M.J.F. Gàles,“Iterative Unsuper­ V1S巴d Adaptation Using Maximum Likelihood Lin巴arRe­ gression", Proceedings ojlCSLP, pp. 1133-1136, 1996. [13] R. C. Rose, D. B. Paul, “A Hidden Markov Model Based Keyword Recognition System," Proc. lCASSP, pages 129-132, 1990.. References. [1] Y. Nak句ima, H. Kashioka, K. Shikano, N. Campbell, “ Non-Audible Murmur Recognition Input Interface Using Stethoscopic Microphone Attached to the SkinぺProceed­ ings 01 JCASSP, pp. 708-711, 2003. [2] Y. Zheng, Z. Liu, Z. Shang, M. Sinclair, J. Droppo, L. Deng, A. Acero, Z. Huang,“ Air- and Bone-Conductive Integrated Microphones for Robust Speech Detection and Enhancement", Proceedings ojASRU, pp. 249-253, 2003 [3] M. Graciarena, H. Franco, K. Sonmez, H. Bratt,“Combin ing Standard and Throat Microphones for Robust Speech Recognition", JEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 10, No 3, pp.72-74, 2003. [4] S. C. Jou, T. Schultz, Alex Weibel,“Adaptation for Soft Whisper Recognition Using a Throat Microphone", Pro­ ceedings ojICSLP, pp. -, 2004. [5] P. Heracleous, Y. Nakajima, A. Lee, H. Saruwatari, K Shikano,“ Non-Audibl巴 Murmur (NAM) Recognition Us­ ing a Stethoscopic NAM microphone", Proceedings oj ICLP, pp. 1469-1472, 2004. [6] P. Heracleous, Y.Nak勾ima, A. Lee, H. Saruwatari, K Shikano,“Audible (normal) speech and inaudible murmur recognition using NAM microphoneぺProceedings ojEU­ SIPCO, pp. 329-332, 2004. p. 97. Aせ 口。 つ臼.


Figure  2:  Power spectrum  of the Japanese  syllables Ikini/ cap­
Figure 7・Long-term power spectrum  of  office  noise  at  70dBA  level captured by NAM microphones
Figure 13  shows  the  obtained  results  and  the  e仔巴ct of  the  Lombard  reflex  on  non-audible  mu口nur recognition



Keywords: Convex order ; Fréchet distribution ; Median ; Mittag-Leffler distribution ; Mittag- Leffler function ; Stable distribution ; Stochastic order.. AMS MSC 2010: Primary 60E05

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