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List of Figures Building the Index Master Chronology Index Master Chronology used in other parts of the worl


Academic year: 2021

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6 1 2

List of Figures

Building the Index Master Chronology

Index Master Chronology used in other parts of the worl 1987), after Schweingruber, 1988………

Core specimen extractor and sam pie‑suppor t ………

】ncrement borer and sample‑supporl………

Increnienta】measuring machi。■■■■■■■■■¶■■■■■・

Cross‑dating by skeleton plots


……6 as of




……21 Tree‑ring patterns: standardized (thick tine) and measured ‥‥‥‥‥23 Key‑signature rings (thick lines) and the detection method …‥‥‥‥28

Loca】itywhere samples of living ゐ・okicypress were col]lected……30 Ring patterns taken radial】yin three directions from at the same

level of a tree 32

Ⅲ一3 Comparison of ring patterns taken toward the exterior of a tree

(rings formed in tree'slate life) ・35

Ⅲ−4 Comparison of ring patterns taken in the center of a tree(rings



formed in tree's early life) 35

Ring patterns of Samples No. 2 and N・』4 from Agematsa 上松,

Nagai]o Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥

Ring patterns of a sample 知、Gifu Prefecture


from Agematsu and one from Tsukechi 付

‥‥‥‥‥46 皿−7 Rdationship between distance of two localities where samples weTe     co】】lectedand x value【horizontal axis : distance ; vertica】axis :


Ⅳ−1 1V‑2 1V‑3 rv‑4

Ⅳ−5 V−1

一 一

t values]

Ring patterns according todifferent localities ‑・■・■・■・■・・¶・¶I●I●・

Standard chrono】ogy of a】iving tree: 1>etween 1009 and 1100



Standard chrono】ogy of a living tree: between n00 and 1400 ‥‥‥‥63 Standard chronology of a living tree: between 1400 and 1700 ‥‥‥‥64 Standard chronology of a living tree: between 1700 and 1984 ………65 Key signature rings in Standard Chronology A of living trees ‥‥‥66 Where three different samples were taken on the cross‑section of the

samelree‥‥‥‥‥‥‥ ……95

Standard chronorology derived from six samples o{ hinoM cypress ・97 Basal plate of a funerary urn : site of Castle Town of Asakura

Family of IchijodanijFukui Prefecture 103

V− 4 Preserved lower portion of a pillar: Miyamachi site 、Shiga

Prefecture・‥‥‥・ ・¨・` ………105



V−5 Votive (able or a horse: Higashi‑Ni B6 0n the Nijo Oji^Heijo Capital,     Nara Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥111 V− 6 Main building: Wakamiya Hachiman Shrine,Nagano Prefecture…115 V− 7 Cross ‑ section of the central pillar: Five story pagoda, Horyu‑ji

temple, Nara Prefecture 117

V−8 0verhaul of the Main Hall: Otataneko Shrine, Nara Prefecture‑ ‑‑119 V− 9 Lacquered wooden・benl box of a temple in Kyoto Prefecture………121

V−】O One million minialure Pagodasof Horyu‑ji temple. Nara Prefecture       ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥121

V‑11 Guardian figure in !he South Gate,Todai ‑jitemple ;Nara Prefecture     and its inner structure ………123

V‑12 Seated Amifabha al Hoko‑ji temple, and Standing Virupaksa at     GatsuTin‑ji temple. yamaguchi Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥125

Ⅵ−I Comparison of ring width spectrum over years in Lapknd (1463‑

    1960)[vertical axis: Ting width spectrum: horizontal axis: years]

    (upper) and mean temperature【from Apri】to September) speclrum     over years (1659‑1973)[vertical axis: mean temperature spectrum;

    horizonta】axis: year](lower)‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥129

Ⅵ−2 Moving averaged ring pattern (ten year mean) of hinoki cypress in     the Kiso region [vertical axis: ring width; horizontal axis: year]131

Ⅵ−3 Drastic changes in tree ring width which took place ar・und 1840     【vertica】axis: gap in milltnieters; horizontal axis: tear]…………131

Ⅵ−4 spectrum of tree ring width to which the Lopus filtering has been

applied[horizontal axis: year] 132

Ⅵ−5 F】uct ualion in tree ring width: measured (upper) and standardized     after correcting base line nuctuation (loMyer)[verticalaxis : ring width in millimeters; horizontal axis: year] ■・■■132

Ⅵ−6 Fluciuaiions in ring width of&・・・okicypress year by yezT:measured    [vertical axis: ring width in mil]imeters;horizontalaxis:year]・・134

Ⅵ−7 Fluctuation in ring width of fdnoki cypress: standardized by    smoothing ofthe spline a】gorithm[verticalaxis: ringwidthin milli‑

    meters; horizontal axis: year]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥135

\1―8 Localities i・ Nagano Prefecture where per annum rainy day data     were obtained ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥137

Ⅵ−9 De script!。ns of weather in the Boitto Nik&i 墨翁日記(parentheses in‑

dicate the applicable descriptions.) ‥…137

Ⅵ−10 Comparison between moving averaged per annum rainy days (ten     year mean)[vertical axis: per annum rainy days; horizontal axis:

    year](upper) and moving averaged fluctuationin precipitation(ten


 3 1n this chapter、by per annum rainy days we mean the totalnumber of rainy days from April lo September in each year.


    year mean) in Kiso‑Fukushima【vertical axis: precipitation in     mil】imeters; horizon! al axis: year](lower)………137

VI‑11 Power spectra of ring width (in millimeters) of il ・・oldcypress in the     Kiso region (uppeりof mean tempera!・re (in degrees in centigrade)     in Nagano City (middle), and of per annum rainy days (in days) in     Nagano City 【】owcr)【vertica】axis: power spectrum; horizontal axis:


Ⅵ−12 Cross correlationcoefficient of per annum rainy days and tree ring     width (upper) and cross correlation coefficient of mean temperature     and tree ring width (]。iwer)[vertical axis: cross correlation

coefficient; horizontal axis: year] 142

Ⅵ−13 Fluctuation in mean tcmperat ure in England [vertical axis: tempera‑

    ture in degrees in centigrade; horizonta】axis:year](upper) and riuc‑

    tuatton in frequency of floods or Kamo 鴨, River in Kyoto Basin for     fifty years [vertical axis: number of floods; horizontal axis: year]143

Ⅵ−14 Comparison of per annum rainy days estimated by cross correlation     coefficient and actual data of rainy days【so】id line: estimated; bro‑

    ken line: actual; vertical axis: rainy days; horizontal axis: year]】47

Ⅵ−15 Power spectra of estimated per annum rainy days and of actual dala     of rainy days rso】id line: estimated ; bToken line: actual; vertical

axis: power spectra; horizontal axis: year] 147

Ⅵ−16 Pa Items of per annum rainy days estimated lro加iree‑ring width by     cross correlation coefficient and of actual data of rainy days【solid     line: estimated; broken line: actua】; vertical axis: rainy days; hori‑

zontai axis: year] …147

Ⅵ−】7 Process of the identification of system parameters by an toregressive     moving average coefficients of Kaima.n filtering algorithm[vertical     axis: system parameter; horizontal axis:iteration]………151‑153 VI‑18 Fluctuation in per annum rainy days estimated from tree ring data

[vertica]axis: rainy days; horizontal axis: year] 154

Ⅵ−19 Power spectra of estimated per annum rainy days over years and of     actual per annum rainy days [verticalaxis: power spectrum; hori‑

zontal axis: year] ・・155

VI‑20 Fluctuation of estimated per annum rainy days for one thousand years[vertical axis: rainy days; horizontal axis: year] 156

Ⅶ−1 Ring patterns taken from preserved lower portions of four pi]】ars     discovered at the Mawaki 真脇site of the Jomon Period, Ishikawa

Prefecture 160

Ⅶ−2 Ring patterns taken from three pieces of timber discoiveredat the     PaleolithicTomizawa 冨沢she, Miyagi Prefecture ………161



List of Tables

1]一】I values yor Iwo pairs ofihe cross‑coire】atians of tree‑ring patterns        ………26

Ⅲ−I Localities、where samples of living ゐis。'Idcypress trees were oollecied        ………30

佃−2 Correlation l values of ring patterns taken radially in three direc・

    (ions from the same slmp】e[A1A3: sample numbers; outside of     ihe parenlhesis : l value ; nnmber in the parenthesis : correlation     coeffkien・]………32

Ⅲ−3 Comparison of ring patterns takern in the cenjer ・f a tree (rings     formed in tree's early life)and taken toward the exterior of a tree     (rings formed i・1「ee's」ate】ife)[EDI: ring pattern showing tree's     late life(kst 100 years); ED2: ring pattern of tree's early life (from     ihe center toED幻:bold characters: x values above 3. 5]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥33 皿−4 Correlation l values among samples taken radially in four diretこtions     at two levels of the same tree[A1‑B2: sample number; number in     parenthesis: level ai which each sample was taken]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥36 皿一5 Correlation l values among ring patterns taken at different levels of     the same tree………37

皿一石 Correlation l values among ring patterns taken at different leve】s     and the average ring pattern of samples taken at Agematsu、 Nagano     Prdeclure‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥38

Ⅲ一7 Correlation xvalues among the ring patterns of twenty samp】les taken

at Agematsu, Nagano prefi

Mie Prefecture




Ⅲ−8 Correlation z values among eighteen ring patterns taken at Miura

    浦、Nagano Prefecture ■■・・'¨¨・'・‥‥・'‥'‥・¨'・ ‥‥‥‥‥・'

Ⅲ−9 Correlation l values among six ring patterns taken at Korigase

…41 氷ケ

    ^, Nagano Prefecture ………44

Ⅲ−10 Corre】ation Iva】ues among five ring patterns taken at Komata 小俣,

    Nagano Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥44 皿−】1 Corre】ation x va】ues among seventeen ring patterns taken at     Tsukechi, Gifu Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥42 111‑12 Cone】ation Xvalues among eighteen ring patterns from 150 samples     taken al KosakaObora 小坂大洞,Gjlu Prefecture………43 111―13 Correlation t values among eleven ring patterns from 211 sainlpes     taken at Kosaka‑Obora, Gifti Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥44 1B‑14 Cor re】ation zvalues among six ring patterns taken at Owase 尾鴬,


Ⅲ−15 Correlationz values among two ring patterns taken at Koyasan高野

山, Wakayama Prefecture ………44

Ⅲ−16 Correlationz values among six ring patterns taken at Yanase 魚梁

^, Kochi Prefecture………

Ⅲ−17 Correlation z values among the average ring patterns localities above

44 of the ten


Ⅲ−18 Correlation x values between the average ring patterns of the



Tsukechi samples and of the Yanase samp]les ■■■■ 48 Non‑cypress species and the localities where samples were collected 49 Correlation z values among ten ring patterns of hiba arborvitae taken

at Ohata大畑, Aomori Prefecture 50

Ⅲ‑21 Correlation z values among ten ring patterns ofゐi・6aarbor vitae taken     at Kawauchi jll内, Aomori Prefectjie ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥51 111‑22 Corre】ation t va】ues among ten ring patterns olゐl・ゐaarbor vitae taken

    at Yokohama横浜, Aomori Prefecture ………51 皿−23 Correlation x values among eight ring patterns of &・みa arborvitae

    taken at Masukawa 増川, Aomori Prefecture ………51

‐−24 Cone】atian l values among ten ring patterns of&・fta arborvilae taken     at Imabetsu今別, Aomori Prefecture ………52 11‑25 Correlation x values among eight ring patterns of fttba arborvitae

taken at Kanagi 金木, Aoraori Pref・

taken at the four localitiesabove

Otaki王滝, Nagano Prefecture

Otaki, Nagano Prefecture

Kawauchi, Aomori Prefecture …






Ⅲ−26 Correlation z values among seven ring patterns ofみj・&aarborvitae taken at Kawai 川井, Iwate Prefecture

Ⅲ−27 Correlation x values among the average ring patterns of hiha     arborivitae taken a1 differentloca】ities………53

Ⅲ−28 Correlation l values among te・ring patterns of sugi cedar talcenat     Fujisato藤里, Akita Prefecture ………55

Ⅲ−29 Correlation l values among ten ring patterns of sugicedar taken at     Akita秋田, Akita Prefecture ………56

Ⅲ−30 Correlation Zvalues among nine ring patterns of JWgl cedar taken at     Yanase, Kochi Prefecture………56 1n‑31 Correlation g values among four ring patterns of 5ugi cedar taken in     the Yaku屋久Island, Kagoshima Pretecture ………56 1n―32 Correlation z values among the mean ring patterns of jagi cedar

Ⅲ−33 Correlation x values among eight ring patterns of 加wαra cypress at

Ⅲ−34 Correlation x values among four ring patterns of koyamaki pine at


Ⅲ−35 Correlation r values among three ring patterns of 。&g。αΓaoak at

Ⅲ−36 Correlation x values among three ring patterns of 。汝・・αΓaoak at       181


    Ottomo乙供, Aomori prefecture ………58

Ⅲ−37 Correlation l values among ring patterns of buna beech taken at     threelocalities………59 r\'‑I Correlation l values among ring patterns of Group l of lumber     samples taken from the PrayersHa】Iorthe Nigatsa‑do at Todai‑ji,

Nara prefect 70




r\'‑ 2 Correlation l values among ring patterns of Group n of lumber sam‑

    pies taken from the Prayers Hall of the Ni£:atsu‑do at Todai‑ji, Nara     Prefecture………71

1V− 3 Correlation z values among Ting patterns of Group of lumber sam‑

    pies taken from the Prayers Ha】]of the Nigatsu・d6 at Todai‑ji, Nara     Prefecture………71

n'− 4 Key singnalure rings of Standard Chronology B derived from lumber     of the Prayers Hall of the Nigatsu‑do at Todai‑ji, Nara Prefecture 71 n'−5 Correlation l values among ring patterns of artifacts discovered a.i     the site of the Kiyosu Castle Town ,Aichi Prefecture[* indicates     non‑correlat ion at that point.]………72 1V− 6 Key si^ature rings of Standard Chronology C derived from artifacts     discovered at the site of the Kiyoeu Castle Town, Aichi Prefecture・72 1V− 7 Correlation X values among ring patterns of five nose rings discov‑

    eied ai ihe Kusado Sengen site. Hiroshima Prefecture[りndicates non‑correlation at that point.]

【V−8 Correlation f values amon£ ring patterns of twelve artifacts discover‑

    ed at the Kusado Sengen site. Hiroshima Prefecture [* indicates non‑

    correlation at that point.]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥75

【V− 9 Key signature rings ・f the mean ring pattern of samp]les from the     Kusado Sengen site. Hiroshima Prefecture ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥75 1V‑10 Correlation x values among ring patterns of six arl函c卜s discovered     a1 the Toba Detached Palace site. Kyoto[水indicates non・correia卜ion     at thai poi・・。]………75

1V−】I Key signature rings in Standard Chronology ………76

Ⅳ−12 Key signature rir^B in Standard Chronology E derived from artifacts     discovered in the Heijo Capital ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥76

Ⅳ−13 Correlation x va】ues among ring patterns of six artifacts discovered     in the Heijo Capital, Nara Prefeciure[* indicates non‑correlalion at     that point.]………77

1V 14 Correlation x values among ring patterns derived from artifacts dis‑

    covered in the YEtyoi and Kofun Periods siles [零indicates non・correl‑

    ation at that point.]………78

TV‑15 Correlation i va】ues among ring patterns of six different sp>ecies

grown in Nagano Prefecture ‥

W‑16 Correlation x values among ring patterns of four differentspecies


grown in Aomori Pref(

in different regions


that point.]


bridge, Shiga Prefecti







Ⅳ−17 Correlationl values among ring patterns of differentspecies grown

Ⅳ−18 Correlation g values ainon^:ring patterns taken from artifactsdiscov‑

    ered in Yamj^gata Prefecture[*indicates Don −correlation at that

Ⅳ−19 Correlation x values among ring patterns taken from structuralparts     of architecturein Akita Prefecture[*indicates non ‑correlation at

Ⅳ−20 Correlalion x values among Ting paiierns taken from frames of wells     in Iwate Prefecture [* indicates non‑correlation at thai point.]‥…85

Ⅳ−21 Correlation Xvalues among ring patterns taken from samples exca‑

    vated at the Hotta ItO Saku fort site. Yamsgata Prefecture[* indi‑

cates non‑correlation at that point.]

Ⅳ−22 Correlation f va】liesamong ring patterns taken from artifactsdiscov‑

    ered in Shizuoka Prefecture[* indicates non −coTrelationat that

Ⅳ−23 Correlation f values among ring patterns taken from preserved lower     portions of pil】arsexcavated in the Heijo Palace site and Hokke ‑ji     temple site , Nara Prefecture [* indicates Don −correlatioa a卜that     point.]………90

1V‑24 Correlation x values among ring patterns taken from artifacts dis‑

    covered at the Shijo Kofun burial site. Nara Prefecture【* indicates     non‑corre】ation at that point.]………93

1V‑25 Correlation gvalues among ring patterns taken from a coffin discove‑

    「≪d at the Kariya 雁屋site, Osaka Prefecture [* indicates non‑corre‑

    lation at that point.]………93

V‑1 Dendrochronologica】date: Ochiai l sit*.IiArate Prefecture ………100 V−2 Dendrtxこhronological date: Hotta no Saku fort site. Akita Prefecture       ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・100

V−3 Dendrochronological date: Kurumidate site, Akita Prefecture ‥…100 V− 4 Dend rcxrhra nologic a1 date: Yamagi site.Shizuoka Prefecture……103 V−5 Dendrocごhronoilogical date: Shida Ganga countyoffice site. Shizuoka     Prekctufe‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥103

V−6 Dendrochronological date: Kiyosu Castle Town site.Aichi Prefecture       ‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥105

V−7 Dendrochronological date: Bent of the ancient Seta no Karahashi

………105 V− 8 Dendrochromologica】date: Miyamachi site. Shiga Prefecture……105 V− 9 Dead roch rDnologicaJ date: Shi jo Kofun burial site.Nara Prefecture       ………】09 V―10 Dend roch ronological date: Obaka Kofiui buria】site, Nara Prefecture       】83


v‑n Dendrochronologicaldate: Lower stratum of the

site, Nara Prefecture ・

V‑12 Dendrochronological date: Kusado Sengen





−17 一18

Hokke' ji

site, Hiroshima

109 lemple

…・110 Prefecture


Dendrochronological date: Shimokawazu site. Kasawa Prefecture 113 Dendrochronatogica] date: Hau'shiwake Shrine, Akita Prefecture 115 Dend roch ro nolog ica】date: Gaya‑in temi^e. Hyogo Prefecture ………116 Dendrochrono】ogical date: Otataneko Shrine, Nara Prefecture ■‑119

〔〕lendrochronological date: Hoto‑ji temple, Nara Prefecture ………119 Dendrochrono】ogical date: Lacquered wooden bent‑box at a temple in Kyoto Prefecture ・‥‥‥‥・‥・・・・

V−19 Dendrochronological date : Hyakuman −t5[one million

121 miniature     pagodas]at Horyfi‑ji、 Nara Prefeclure‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥121 V−20 Dend rochronologica】date : Guardian figure in the South Gate     Todai‑ji temple. Nara Preketure‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥

V−21 Dendrochronological date : Seated Amitabha at     Yamaguchi Prefecture・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

V―22 De ndrochr onologic al date : Sealed Amitabha at

Yamaguchi Prefecture・

Ganki ‑ji

…■123 temp】e,

123 Hoko・j' temple ,


Ⅵ一I Number of rainy days from April to September every year between     1813 and 1982 [left column: year; center column: rainy days between     April and September; right columns sources]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥138−139

Ⅵ−2 Square erTors between estimated number of rainy days and the     observed number (determination of d^rees ol夕and 9)【】efl:number     of 9;center:number oり; right:number of n]………146

Ⅵ−3 Square errors between estimated number of rainy days and the     observed number (deierminaticn of degrees oi p and 9)[left: number     oり; center:number oO; right: number ofn]‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥‥150




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