• 検索結果がありません。

文の種類 文の構造 1 My mother was not (happy, happiness) in her youth. How does he look? He looks very (sad, sadly). This apple smells (good, well), but it do


Academic year: 2021

シェア "文の種類 文の構造 1 My mother was not (happy, happiness) in her youth. How does he look? He looks very (sad, sadly). This apple smells (good, well), but it do"


読み込み中.... (全文を見る)



問1 次の各文の( )内のうち,正しいものを〇で囲みなさい。 1.My mother was not (happy, happiness) in her youth.

2.“How does he look ?” “He looks very (sad, sadly).”

3.This apple smells (good, well), but it doesn’t taste (good, well).

4.Mary seems (interesting, interested) in world history.

5.Tom was (exciting, excited) about going abroad.

問2 次の英文の( )内に入る適当な語句を選び,記号で答えなさい。ただし,文頭にくる

語も小文字にしてある。また,同じ語を2度以上用いてはならない。 1.( ) the door open, please.

2.Tom ( ) the wall blue now.

3.I ( ) my coffee hot.

4.They ( ) their mother very sad.

5.Please don’t ( ) me alone.

ア.leave イ.like ウ.make エ.keep オ.is painting 月   日




月   日

  問1 ( )内の動詞を適切な形にして,全文を和訳しなさい。 1 I finished (paint) the house.

2 She decided (go) to college.

3 We hope (visit) this place again.

問2 ( )内の語を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。 1 I don’t know ( next / what / do / to ).

  I don’t know .

2 I will have a party this Saturday. I wonder ( invite / to / whom ).

  I wonder .

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文頭


1 私は彼がニューヨーク出身であることを知っています。   I ( New York / from / is / know / he / that ).

  I .

2 花子はそのパーティーに行くと言っていました。   Hanako ( the party / she / go / said / would / to / that ).

  Hanako .

3 彼女が今どこにいるか知っていますか。   ( she / you / now / know / is / do / where ) ?


4 ここから図書館までどれくらいの距離があるのかわからない。   I ( it / is / don’t / from here / how far / know ) to the library.

  I to the library.




月   日   問1 ( )内の日本語を英語になおして文を完成させなさい。 1 Do you remember(私たちが最初どこで会ったか)?   Do you remember ? 2 I know(メアリーが何を欲しがっているか).   I know . 3 I think(彼は本当にお金持ちだと).   I think . 4 I couldn’t understand(その男の子が何を質問しているのか).   I couldn’t understand . 問2 次の英文を和訳しなさい。

1 This light tells you that the machine is turned on.  

2 History teaches us that war is wrong.  

問3 あとに続けるのに最も適切な語句をア∼エから選び,文を完成させなさい。ただし,同


1 The doctor told me (   ) 2 I expect my son (   ) 3 My parents allowed me (   ) 4 I believe his words (   )

  ア to study as hard as he can.   イ to be true.

  ウ to play computer games.   エ not to drink.



問1 次の各文の( )のうち,適当なものを選びなさい。 1 Mr. Smith was ( ア kind イ kindness ) to us.

2 “How did he look ?” “He looked very ( ア happy イ happily ).”

3 This flower smells ( ア sweet イ sweetly ).

4 I am more ( ア interesting イ interested ) in mathematics than world history.

5 The baseball game was ( ア exciting イ excited ).

問2 次の各文の( )内に適切な語を入れなさい。

1 My friend bought a nice camera ( ) me.

2 Santa Claus gave presents ( ) the children.

3 Mr. Kimura teaches English ( ) us.

4 My friend found a taxi ( ) me.

問3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べ換えて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文

頭にくる語も小文字にしてある。 1 彼の友達は今夜ひまだろうか。

( I / his / is / free / friend / if / wonder ) this evening.

2 だんだん日が長くなってきた。

( the days / getting / longer / and / are / longer ).

3 あなたがいつ生まれたか教えてくれませんか。

Would you ( when / you / me / born / were / tell ) ?

4 この薬を飲めば,気分がよくなるでしょう。

This medicine ( make / better / feel / will / you ).

月   日





月   日

  問1 次の各文の( )内の動詞を必要に応じて適切な形にしなさい。 1 I ( belong ) to the volleyball club.

2 While I ( talk ) on the phone, the doorbell rang.  

3 I will put off my departure if it ( rain ) tomorrow.  

4 I thought that she ( be ) happy.  

問2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1 How long will you stay in Japan ?

  How long (     ) you (     ) (     ) stay in Japan ? 2 She never tells us the time of her arrival.

  She never tells us when she (     ) (     ). 3 I came to Okayama three years ago.

  It (     ) three years since I (     ) to Okayama.

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。必要があれ


1 彼はいつもテレビを見ている。   He ( watching / always / is / television ).

  He .

2 私たちは彼が来るまでここで待つつもりです。   We ( wait here / comes / he / will / until ).

  We .

3 きみが料理をしてくれるなら,私が食器を洗おう。   If ( you / I’ll / wash / cook / the dishes ).

  If .



問1 日本文に合うように,次の各文の( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1.明日晴れるだろうか。

I wonder if it ( ) ( ) fine tomorrow. 2.お気に召すといいのですが。

I hope you ( ) ( ) it.

3.ぼくはメアリーをバースデーパーティーに招くつもりだ。 I ( ) ( ) Mary to my birthday party. 4.あなたのご親切は一生忘れません。

I ( ) never ( ) your kindness as long as I live. 5.「電話が鳴っている。」「ぼくが出よう。」

“The phone is ringing.” “I ( ) ( ) it.” 6.男の子というものは,やっぱり男の子だ。

Boys ( ) ( ) boys.

問2 willに注意して,次の英文を和訳しなさい。 1.How will the weather be tomorrow ?

2.Will you have another cup of coffee ?

3.You will be in time for the train if you hurry.

4.Will you pass me the salt ?

問3 日本文に合うように,与えられた語句を並べかえて,正しい英文を作りなさい。 ただし,文頭にくるべき語も小文字にしてある。


{ the way, you, the station, will, to, me, tell } ?

? 2.いつかきっと私の夢が実現すると思う。

{ am, will, true, sure, day, come, some, I, my dream }.

. 3.将来何になるつもりですか。

{ in, going, the, are, you, be, future, to, what } ?

? 月   日




月   日

  問1 次の各文の( )内のうち,最も適切なものを選びなさい。 1 I ( know, am knowing, have known ) Karen for two years.

2 My sister ( wants, has wanted, have wanted ) to study abroad for a long time. 3 My grandfather ( was died, has died, has been dead ) these ten years.

4 He ( left now, has just left, was left ) the office, so he is not here now. 5 Have you ever ( went, been, got ) to Korea ?

6 They ( are married, have been married, get married ) for five years.

問2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1 My sister went out shopping, and she is not at home now.

  My sister (     ) (     ) out shopping now. 2 My mother became sick last week. She is still sick now.   My mother (     ) (     ) sick since last week. 3 We have never had such a heavy snowfall.

  This is the heaviest snowfall that we (     ) (     ) (     ). 4 It is three years since I came to Japan.

  Three years (     ) (     ) since I came to Japan.

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文頭


1 これまでにタイ料理を食べたことがありますか。   ( Thai food / tried / have / ever / you ) ?


2 その映画をもう見ましたか。   ( the film / you / yet / seen / have ) ?


3 私はこんなおいしい料理は今までに食べたことがない。   I ( food / eaten / never / delicious / have / such ).

  I .



問1 次の各文の( )内の語のうち,最も適切なものを選びなさい。 1.Betty ( is, has been, have been, was ) playing tennis since three o’clock.

2.What ( have you looked, were you looking, have you been looking) for since you came home ?

3.My brother ( traveled, has traveled, has been traveling ) in many countries last year.

4.We ( knew, have known, have been knowing ) each other since childhood.

問2 日本語に合うように,各英文の空所に適語を入れなさい。


How ( ) ( ) you ( ) ( ) English ?


( ) ( ) you ( ) our ALT ?

3.私たちはこの20分, ずっとバスを待っている。

We ( ) ( ) ( ) for a bus for the last twenty minutes.


I ( ) just ( ) ( ) the airport to see my friend off.

問3 日本語に合うように,正しい英文を完成しなさい。


Iあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ あago.


Whatあああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ あall the while ?


Whenあああああああああああああああああああああああああああ あat Tokyo Station ? 月   日



問1 次の各文の( )内に入れるべき最も適当なものを,下のア∼エから1つずつ選 びなさい。

1 Jack sent a book ( ) her.

ア at イ to ウ on エ of

2 The teacher told ( ) an interesting story.

ア we イ our ウ us エ ourselves

3 A: Is his name Hiroaki ? B: Yes, but we ( ) him Hiro.

ア say イ call ウ speak エ tell

4 There ( ) much rain here in June.

ア are イ has ウ is エ have

5 It is ( ) warm.

ア having イ getting ウ making エ taking

問2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。

1 Mike is our English teacher. Mike ( ) us English.

2 The students were very happy to hear the news. The news ( ) the students very happy. 3 My uncle gave me a nice pen.

My uncle gave a nice pen ( ) me. 4 My father bought me a video game.

My father bought a video game ( ) me. 5 There are seven days in a week.

( ) ( ) has seven days.

問3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。

1 彼は年齢の割に若く見える。( age / his / he / young / looks / for ).

2 彼女は私たちに泳ぎ方を教えてくれた。( us / showed / to / how / she / swim ).

3 私はその犬をポチと名付けた。( dog / named / I / Pochi / the ).

4 この町には何人の人がいますか。( this / are / how / in / people / there / many ) town ?

月   日



問1 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。 1 I have a good friend living in Canada.

I have a good friend ( ) lives in Canada. 2 My house is near the station.

The house ( ) stands near the station is mine. 3 He wrote this speech.

This is the speech ( ) was ( ) by him. 4 The dog with long ears is mine.

The dog ( ) has long ears is mine.

問2 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。

1 私には泳ぎがとても上手な友達がいる。 I have a ( who / friend / swim / can ) very well.

2 あそこに止まった車は父のものだ。

The car ( there / stopped / is / which / has ) my father’s.

3 私たちが昼食に食べたステーキはおいしかった。 The steak ( we / that / for / was / ate / lunch ) good.

4 私は選手たちの写真がたくさん載っている本を持っている。 I ( which / a lot of / has / a book / have / pictures ) of players.

5 彼が見せてくれた帽子の1つがとてもすてきだった。 One of ( he / was / showed / me / the hats ) very nice.

6 これは私の父が私に買ってくれた辞書だ。 This is the dictionary ( for / father / me / my / bought ).

月   日



問1 次の各文の( )内に入れるべき最も適当なものを,下のア∼エから1つずつ選 びなさい。

1 I have many things ( ) this afternoon.

ア do イ does ウ doing エ to do

2 They went to the store ( ) some food.

ア to buy イ buying ウ bought エ buys 3 I hope ( ) you soon.

ア to see イ seeing ウ saw エ sees

問2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適語を入れなさい。

1 When I got home, I found some food on the table.

When I got home, I found something ( ) ( ) on the table. 2 I’m free this afternoon.

I have ( ) ( ) do this afternoon. 3 Mike told me the good news, so I was glad.

I was glad ( ) ( ) the good news from Mike. 4 Tom always came to school first in the morning.

Tom was always the first boy ( ) ( ) to school in the morning. 5 We went to the park and played baseball there.

We went to the park ( ) ( ) baseball.

問3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べかえて英文を完成しなさい。

1 私は彼が亡くなったという知らせを聞いて悲しく思った。 I felt ( hear / to / the news / sad / of ) his death.

2 何か飲み物を持ってきていただけませんか。 Would you ( drink / me / bring / to / something ) ?

3 この川で泳ぐことは危険だ。

( in / is / to / this / swim / river ) dangerous.

4 私は本を借りるために図書館に行った。 I ( to / to / a book / went / borrow / the library ).

月   日



問 1 次の各文の( )のうち,適当なものを選びなさい。 1 Remember to close the door ( while when ) you go out.

2 Go straight ( till to ) you come to a bridge.

3 ( Once While ) you understand the rule, you can enjoy this game.

4 He was so busy ( as that ) he had no time to read the newspaper.

5 Hurry up, ( and or ) you will be late for school.

問 2 次の各組の文がほぼ同じ意味になるように,( )内に適切な語を入れなさい。

1 He studied painting while he was staying in Paris.

He studied painting ( ) his stay in Paris.

2 I don’t know what I should do next.

I don’t know ( ) ( ) do next.

3 He didn’t go to school because he had a bad cold.

He didn’t go to school ( ) ( ) a bad cold.

4 He left the town, but said nothing to his friends.

He left the town ( ) saying anything to his friends.

問 3 次の日本文に合うように,( )内の語句を並べ換えて英文を完成しなさい。なお,文


1 もし疲れているなら,帰宅してもいいですよ。

If ( you / you / may / tired / , / go / are / home ).

2 彼女は成長するにつれて,ますます美しくなった。

She ( she / grew up / became / beautiful / more and more / as ).

3 彼が家にいるかどうか教えて。

( me / or not / at / he / tell / is / home / whether ).


月   日


月   日 5 10 15 20   次の会話文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。  

Aoto: I really admire your writing, Ms. Diop. But I’ve never had the chance to interview you before. Thank you for speaking with me today.

Eva : ( ア ) I’ve been writing my latest novel for 2 years. So I haven’t left my house much. It’s wonderful to talk to my readers.

Aoto: All of us are eagerly awaiting your new novel. I’ve read that it’s influenced by your own childhood.

Eva : ( イ ) The main character is a girl who dreams of becoming a writer. The novel is about her relationships with her family, especially her grandfather.

Aoto: That’s interesting. There are a lot of parallels with your own biography. Your grandfather was also a famous writer.

Eva : ( ウ ) He always encouraged me to write novels and taught me a great deal about literature. That’s why I dedicated this novel to him.

Aoto:Does your novel explore his influence on your writing ?

Eva :Yes, in part.

Aoto:Your readers will be fascinated to learn more about


Eva :I hope so.

Aoto: You normally write fantasy stories. Your first novel was about a little girl with magical powers. Your second novel featured a talking cat. Are there supernatural elements in this novel, too ?

Eva : Yes. Although the novel is influenced by my own childhood, there are some fantasy elements, too. But I don’t want to give them away.

Aoto:When will the novel be available ?

Eva :Next month. But you can pre-order the book online today.





 本文中の空所( ア )∼( ウ )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,それぞれ下の1∼ 4のうちから一つずつ選び,番号で答えなさい。

  (ア) 1 It’s my pleasure.

     2 It’s your fault.

     3 Me, too.

     4 Thank you all the same.

  (イ) 1 I’m afraid not.

     2 No way.

     3 That depends.

     4 Yes, that’s right.

  (ウ) 1 No, I was independent.

     2 No, I had no interest in novels.

     3 Yes, he was my inspiration.

     4 Yes, he influenced her writing.



月   日 5 10 15 20   次の会話文を読んで,あとの問いに答えなさい。   Mei :Oh no !   Emma:( ア )  

Mei :I’m not wearing my necklace. I must have lost it today.

Emma:( イ ) Wasn’t it your grandmother’s ?

Mei :Yes. It’s a very old piece of jewelry that’s been in the family for generations.

Emma: ( ウ ) First, were you wearing it when we left the apartment this morning ?

Mei :Yes. I distinctly remember putting it on. I had trouble fastening the clasp.

Emma: OK. After that, we rode our bicycles to the university.

⑴I hope you didn’t lose it then.

We’d never find it again.

Mei : No. I was wearing it during my first class.

⑵One of my classmates commented on it. She

admired the necklace and asked me where it came from.

Emma:Hmmm. After that, you went to the gym, right ?

Mei : Yes ! On Tuesdays, I swim after my first class. It helps to clear my mind, and I have a few hours before my second class.

Emma:Do you swim with your necklace on ?

Mei :

⑶Never ! I’m terrified of losing it. So I have a small leather pouch for the necklace. I

put that in a locker with my clothes and backpack.

Emma:OK. Did you put on the necklace again ?

Mei :I was exhausted from swimming, so I don’t remember.

Emma:What about your leather pouch ? Where is it now ?

Mei : I’m checking my backpack. There’s a small pocket with a zipper. But the zipper is open, and the pouch is missing ! Maybe I left it in my gym locker ?


⑷Let’s find out !


 本文中の空所( ア )∼( ウ )に入れるのに最も適当なものを,次の1∼5のう

ちから一つずつ選び,番号で答えなさい。       1 How did you like it ?

      2 Let’s retrace our steps.

      3 That’s terrible.       4 What’s wrong ?       5 Who is to blame ?










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