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@ ø æ As a well-known author, many people have asked me about the process I use to write one of my spy* novels. Here is an example of my usual routine


Academic year: 2021

シェア "@ ø æ As a well-known author, many people have asked me about the process I use to write one of my spy* novels. Here is an example of my usual routine"


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1   限   目


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マーク例 心理科学 医療福祉 看護 保健医療 工 薬 臨床心理 コミュニケーション 感性デザイン 医療福祉 医療経営 看護 診療放射線 臨床工 理学療法 薬 機械ロボティクス 情報通信 住環境デザイン 建築 志望の学部・学科名 選択科目名 英 語 数学ø・A 数学ø・A・¿・B ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ ○ ○ ○ × ○ × × × × ○



英  語



次の英文を読み,問1∼問7について,それぞれ ∼ から最も適切なものを一つ選 び, ∼ に入れなさい。 (28点)

As a well-known author, many people have asked me about the process I use to write one of my spy* novels. Here is an example of my usual routine.

Once I have a basic story idea in my head, I literally go in search of the main characters. I visit public places where I find lots of people ---- train stations, shopping centers and parks. I then watch for people who may fit my story idea. I take note of how they walk, how they speak and what they are wearing. After a few hours, I come home with plenty of ideas. I give the characters names, think up backgrounds and family details for them, and write their details into a notebook.

Next, I expand on my story by drawing a diagram*. Some people may know this as a “mind map.” In the middle of a large sheet of paper, I write the working title of my novel in a circle. Then I draw lines out from the title, and in more circles I write the names of the locations and main events that I want to create in the novel. Then I pin up the character notes I wrote earlier on a board.

Now you might think I would actually start writing, but I don’t! At this stage, I always go for a long walk. I take a voice recorder with me. As I walk, I visualize* the events of my novel as if it were a movie, and talk into the recorder to help record the most vivid* images. Sometimes, I even suggest which famous actors I would choose to play each of the main characters.

Once I return from my walk, I sketch some of the important scenes I visualized. Once I finish drawing, I then try to forget about my plans for the novel for about a week. Then, when I get back to my desk, I can consider everything with a fresh eye. I always feel that this week off is worth it.

æ ∏


Now I begin writing! I work on a computer with a large screen so I can see two A4 pages at a time. I don’t write my novels in order because I find that idea quite difficult. Instead, I write the most exciting scenes first; the ones I can visualize most clearly. This helps to keep me interested. I only have one rule ---- I always write the ending last. This is because I almost always change my original ending while I am writing.

Once I have written all the scenes, I then put them in order. This is a long and tedious task. I really don’t enjoy this aspect of creating a novel, but it is the price I pay for writing out of order! Once it is together, I read it through. I don’t allow myself to make any changes on this first reading, but I make notes on a separate sheet of paper as ideas occur to me.

After this stage, it is time for editing*. This takes me several months. Then, finally, the story is sent to my publisher. I keep my fingers crossed that they, and my readers, will like it!

出典:Brenda Gurr, Comprehension Strategies Primary 6’, 2008, Learners Publishing

(注)*spy: スパイ  *diagram: 図表  *visualize: 視覚化する  *vivid: 鮮明な *edit: 編集する

問1 What is the author’s occupation? designer

novelist painter publisher

問2 The author goes to stations, shopping centers and parks . to talk with people

to draw pictures of people to interview people to observe people

問3 By drawing lines and circles, the author creates . a board a mind map characters details ∫ π ∏


問4 The author carries a voice recorder . to create a movie with famous actors

to record conversations with famous actors to record conversations with people

to record his own ideas

問5 The author can consider everything with a fresh eye by . drawing a diagram

observing people taking one week off visualizing the events

問6 Which of the following is the closest in meaning to the underlined word tedious?

happy surprising tiring visualizing

問7 Which of the following is the correct order of the author’s writing process?

start writing ⇒ edit ⇒ observe people ⇒ visualize the events ⇒ take one week off observe people ⇒ visualize the events ⇒ start writing ⇒ edit ⇒ take one week off observe people ⇒ visualize the events ⇒ take one week off ⇒ start writing ⇒ edit start writing ⇒ observe people ⇒ visualize the events ⇒ take one week off ⇒ edit

次の各文の空所 ∼ に入れる語句として最も適当なものを,それぞれ ∼ から一つ選びなさい。 (18点)

1 Jack thought that it was safe and his guard down.

let lets let’s letting

2 Miranda the progress of the game over coffee last night.

watches is watched has watched was watching

3 Please wait. I the details at another time.

will explain have explained am explained explain ¡ ¿ ø – ø


æ Ω º ª


4 I am too busy with my job a good rest.

take taking to take will take

5 They used a lot of money to save the company but up with a huge loss. broke ended took stepped

6 You can come and see me you need to.

however whatever whenever whoever

7 Be careful you think your opponent is weak.

but so that whichever even though

8 I tried to go on a diet, failed. I couldn’t stop eating ice cream.

as but so therefore

9 I don’t want to get wet, so I’ll go home it rains.

and before but therefore

10 My father was born the 18th of April.

at in on with

11 I shook Ron the shoulder.

at by in on

12 The driver fell while she was driving.

asleep sleep to sleep sleeping

13 The export of arms .

bans banned is banned is banning

14 The storm us from going out.

appeared prevented provided repaired

15 John the business from his father.

took in took on took out took over

16 This is the chicken that I’ve ever had.

bad badly worse worst

17 speaking, I don’t like her.

Honest Honestly Honesty More honest

18 I’d like to buy of wine or two.

a bottle a piece bottles pieces – œ Œ Õ Ã À   … » « ∆ ≈ ƒ √ ¬


次の会話文A∼Cの空所 ∼ に入れるのに最も適当な英文を,それぞれの 解答群の ∼ から一つ選びなさい。 (18点)

会話文A A:

B: Yes, my wife gave it to me. A: I’d like one for myself. B: No. Shall I ask her for you? A:

B: Sure. I’ll ask tonight.


Did you get that shirt for your birthday? Did you buy that shirt for yourself? Didn’t I give you that shirt last year? Where did you get such a nice shirt?


Did she tell you where she bought it? I wonder where she bought it. Where did she say she bought it? Would she buy me one, do you think?

”の解答群 Don’t worry.

I can ask her myself. What can you ask her? Would you, please? ” “ — Ÿ —



会話文B A:

B: Not yet, but I’m thinking of the dance club. A:

B: Not really. A:

B: There’s a good-looking boy in the club.


What club have you joined?

Have you decided which club to join? Have you joined the dance club? What club are you going to join?


Have you joined? Why the dance club? Are you going to join? Do you like dancing?


Who will join the club? I like dancing, too. I hope you enjoy yourself. Then why do you want to join? ÷

’ ‘


会話文C A:

B: They’re really dirty. A:

B: Really? What about tomorrow? A: You can wash them then.


What do you say to washing the windows? Why did you wash the windows?

Why are you washing the windows? Why don’t you wash the windows?


But it’s been raining all day long. But it’s going to rain later today. But they’re not really that dirty. But you washed them yesterday.


Tomorrow is a work day. Tomorrow should be a nice day. Tomorrow will be too busy. Tomorrow will be worse. Ÿ

ÿ ◊


次の A ∼ D の各問いに対し,その解答を ∼ に入れなさい。 (16点)

A 次の1∼4の各英文の下線部と同じ意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ ∼ から一つ選び なさい。

1 George would never cause anyone any harm.

respect impact trouble impression

2 Linda’s broken arm will probably require surgery.

need refuse avoid delay

3 The country is governed by elected representatives of the people.

supported made spoiled ruled

4 My initial reaction was to accept the offer.

final first only strong

B 次の1∼4の各英文の下線部と反対の意味を持つ単語を,それぞれ ∼ から一つ 選びなさい。

1 The room was filled with artificial flowers.

beautiful lovely arranged natural

2 Will you hold the bottom of the ladder for me?

top middle surface base

3 If no one objects, I will put off a conclusion until the next meeting.

cares opposes agrees believes

4 I’m interested in the history of ancient Rome.

perfect modern amazing old

C 次の1∼4につき,それぞれ ∼ のなかで,下線部の発音が他と異なる単語を一つ 選びなさい。

1 heaven deaf cheat thread

2 routine council mouse outline

3 cause otherwise advise defense

4 sir mirror bird first  ‰ „ ‚ · ‡ fl fi › ‹ ¤ ⁄ È ⁄



D 次の1∼4につき,それぞれ ∼ のなかで,最も強いアクセントのある音節の位置 が前から数えて他と異なる単語を一つ選びなさい。

1 ho・tel an・gel charm・ing tri・umph

2 her・it・age to・bac・co ac・cu・rate jour・nal・ist

3 de・part・ment ex・am・ine es・tab・lish ar・ti・cle

4 end・less a・gain wel・fare no・tion

次の1∼10の日本語に合う最も自然な英文になるように,それぞれの語群の英単語を並べ 替え, ∼ に入る語を一つ選びなさい。ただし,文頭にくる語も小文字で書 かれている。それぞれ2語が共に正しい場合のみ正解とする。 (20点)

1 私の出した結論は間違っていたようです。

I’m afraid ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

wrong drew I conclusion the

2 余分の金を少し持ち合わせている。

I have a ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

spare certain cash amount of

3 その犬はいつも彼女のお供をしていた。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) companion.

constant dog her the was

4 成績が良かったほうびに自転車を買ってもらった。

I got a bicycle ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) good grades. my a for reward as

5 この文章にはジョンの個性がよく出ている。

This ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

shows John’s personality passage really

6 お尋ねの本は在庫がありません。

The book you ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) .

require stock not in is ı Ù Û Ú Ò  Ô Ó Ì Ï Î Í @ Í



7 ジェイソンはその人たちの慣習を注意深く観察した。

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the people’s customs.

observations careful of Jason made

8 オーストラリアは他の世界とは離れた大陸だ。

Australia is a continent ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) the world. the separate of rest from

9 ジェニファーは社会福祉についての講義に出席した。

Jennifer ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) welfare.

on attended the lecture social

10 ローラは僕の話を最後まで聞かないで早合点してしまった。

Laura jumped to her ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) me out. before conclusion heard own she

@ ¸ ˚ ˙ ˘ ¯ ˜ ˆ


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