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Non-Constant Positive Steady States for a Predator-Prey Cross-Diffusion Model with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response


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Volume 2011, Article ID 404696,26pages doi:10.1155/2011/404696

Research Article

Non-Constant Positive Steady States for a Predator-Prey Cross-Diffusion Model with Beddington-DeAngelis Functional Response

Lina Zhang and Shengmao Fu

Department of Mathematics, Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China

Correspondence should be addressed to Shengmao Fu,fusm@nwnu.edu.cn Received 13 October 2010; Accepted 30 January 2011

Academic Editor: Dumitru Motreanu

Copyrightq2011 L. Zhang and S. Fu. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

This paper deals with a predator-prey model with Beddington-DeAngelis functional response under homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions. We mainly discuss the following three problems:1stability of the nonnegative constant steady states for the reaction-diffusion system;

2 the existence of Turing patterns; 3the existence of stationary patterns created by cross- diffusion.

1. Introduction

Consider the following predator-prey system with diffusion:


1− u K

fv, x∈Ω, t >0,


1− v δu

, x∈Ω, t >0,

νu∂νv0, x∂Ω, t >0,

ux,0 u0x>0, vx,0 v0x≥0, x∈Ω,


where Ω ⊂ ÊN is a bounded domain with smooth boundary ∂Ω and ν is the outward unit normal vector of the boundary ∂Ω. In the system 1.1, ux, t and vx, t represent the densities of the species prey and predator, respectively, u0x and v0x are given smooth functions onΩ which satisfy compatibility conditions. The constantsd1,d2, called


diffusion coefficients, are positive, r1 and r2 are the intrinsic growth rates of the prey and predator,K denotes the carrying capacity of the prey, and δu represents the carrying capacity of the predator, which is in proportion to the prey density. The function f is a functional response function. The parametersr1,r2,K, andδare all positive constants. The homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions indicate that the system is self-contained with zero population flux across the boundary. For more ecological backgrounds about this model, one can refer to 1–6.

In recent years there has been considerable interest in investigating the system1.1 with the prey-dependent functional responsei.e.,f is only a function ofu. In 5,6, Du, Hsu and Wang investigated the global stability of the unique positive constant steady state and gained some important conclusions about pattern formation for1.1with Leslie-Gower functional responsei.e.,fβu. In 7,8, Peng and Wang studied the long time behavior of time-dependent solutions and the global stability of the positive constant steady state for1.1 with Holling-Tanner-type functional responsei.e.,f βu/mu. They also established some results for the existence and nonexistence of non-constant positive steady states with respect to diffusion and cross-diffusion rates. In 9, Ko and Ryu investigated system1.1 when f satisfies a general hypothesis: f0 0, and there exists a positive constant M such that 0 < fuu ≤ M for all u > 0. They studied the global stability of the positive constant steady state and derived various conditions for the existence and non-existence of non-constant positive steady states. When the functionf in the system1.1takes the form f βu/umvcalled ratio-dependent functional response, Peng, and Wang 10studied the global stability of the unique positive constant steady state and gained several results for the non-existence of non-constant positive solutions.

It is known that the prey-dependent functional response means that the predation behavior of the predator is only determined by the prey, which contrasts with some realistic observations, such as the paradox of enrichment 11,12. The ratio-dependent functional response reflects the mutual interference between predator and prey, but it usually raises controversy because of the low-density problem 13. In 1975, Beddington and DeAngelis 14, 15 proposed a function f βu/1 munv, commonly known as Beddington- DeAngelis functional response. It has an extra term in the denominator which models mutual interference between predator and prey. In addition, it avoids the low-density problem.

In this paper, we study the system1.1withfβu/1munv. Using the scaling


Ku−→u, r1

Kδv−→v, r1−→λ,

r1 β−→β, K


r1 n−→n, 1.2

and takingr21 for simplicity of calculation,1.1becomes


1munv g1u, v, x∈Ω, t >0, vtd2Δvv



g2u, v, x∈Ω, t >0,

νu∂νv0, x∂Ω, t >0,

ux,0 u0x>0, vx,0 v0x≥0, x∈Ω.



It is obvious that1.3has two nonnegative constant solutions: the semitrivial solutionλ,0 and the unique positive constant solutionu, v, where

u λmn−1−β


2mn , vu. 1.4

In the system1.3, the Beddington-DeAngelis functional response is used only in the prey equation, not the predator, and the predator equation contains a Leslie-Gower termv/δu 16. To our knowledge, there are few known results for1.3while there has been relatively good success for the predator-prey model with the full Beddington-DeAngelis functional responses. For example, Cantrell and Cosner 17derived criteria for permanence and for predator extinction, and Chen and Wang 18 proved the nonexistence and existence of nonconstant positive steady states.

Taking into account the population fluxes of one species due to the presence of the other species, we consider the following cross-diffusion system:


1munv, x∈Ω, t >0, vtd2Δ1d3uvv

1−v u

, x∈Ω, t >0,

νu∂νv0, x∂Ω, t >0,

ux,0 u0x>0, vx,0 v0x≥0. x∈Ω,


where Δd2d3uv is a cross-diffusion term. If d3 > 0, the movement of the predator is directed towards the lower concentration of the prey, which represents that the prey species congregate and form a huge group to protect themselves from the attack of the predator.

It is clear that such an environment of prey-predator interaction often occurs in reality. For example, in 19–21, and so forth, with the similar biological interpretation, the authors also introduced the same cross-diffusion term as in 1.5 to the prey of various prey-predator models.

The main aim of this paper is to study the effects of the diffusion and cross- diffusion pressures on the existence of stationary patterns. We will demonstrate that the unique positive constant steady state u, v for the reduced ODE system is locally asymptotically stable ifa11 < 1, wherea11 1/β{mλ−u2βu}. Butu, vcan lose its stability when it is regarded as a stationary solution of the corresponding reaction-diffusion system see Theorem 2.5 and Turing patterns can be found as a result of diffusion see Theorem 3.5. Moreover, after the cross-diffusion pressure is introduced, even though the unique positive constant steady state is asymptotically stable for the model without cross- diffusion, stationary patterns can also exist due to the emergence of cross-diffusion see Theorem4.4. The main conclusions of this paper continue to hold for any positive constant r2. We also remark here that, there have been some works which are devoted to the studies of the role of diffusion and cross-diffusion in helping to create stationary patterns from the biological processes 22–25.


This paper is organized as follows. In Section2, we study the long time behavior of 1.3. In Section3, we investigate the existence of Turing patterns of1.3by using the Leray- Schauder degree theory. In Section4, we prove the existence of stationary patterns of1.5.

We end with a brief section on conclusions.

2. The Long Time Behavior of Time-Dependent Solutions

In this section, we discuss the global behavior of solutions for the system 1.3. By the standard theory of parabolic equations 26, 27, we can prove that the problem 1.3 has a unique classical global solution u, v, which satisfies 0 < ux, t ≤ max{λ,supΩu0}and 0< vx, t≤max{λ,supΩu0,supΩv0}onΩ× 0,∞.

2.1. Global Attractor and Permanence

First, we show thatÊ0 0, λ× 0, λis a global attractor for1.3.

Theorem 2.1. Letux, t, vx, tbe any non-negative solution of 1.3. Then,



ux, tλ, lim



vx, tλ. 2.1

Proof. The first result of 2.1 follows easily from the comparison argument for parabolic problems. Then, there exists a constantT 0 such thatux, t < λεonΩ× T,∞for an arbitrary constantε >0, and thus,


1− v λε

, x, t∈Ω× T,∞. 2.2

Letvtbe the unique positive solution of dw

dt w

1− w λε

, t∈ T,∞,

wT max

Ω vx, T≥0.


The comparison argument yields



vx, t≤ lim

t→∞vt λε, 2.4

which implies the second assertion of2.1by the continuity asε → 0.

Theorem 2.2. Assume thatβ < nλ1, then the positive solutionux, t, vx, tof1.3satisfies


Ω ux, tK, lim


Ω vx, tK, 2.5



K 1

2m m−−1



. 2.6

Proof. Sinceβ < nλ1, there exists a sufficiently small constantε1>0 such thatλnλ−βλ ε1>0. In view of Theorem2.1, there exists aT 0 such thatvx, t< λε1inΩ× T,∞.

Thus we have

utd1Δu≥ −mu2 1−1uλ β


1munλε1 u 2.7

forx, t∈Ω× T,∞. Letutbe the unique positive solution of dw

dt −mw2 1−1wλ β


1mwnλε1 w, t∈ T,∞,

wT min

Ω ux, T>0.


Then, limt→infΩux, t≥limt→ut, where

t→limut 1

2m m−−1−1

m−1−124m λ


λε1 . 2.9 By continuity asε1 → 0, we have limt→infΩux, tK. Similarly, we can prove the second result of2.5.

From Theorems2.1and2.2, we see that the system1.3is permanent ifβ < nλ1.

2.2. Local Stability of Nonnegative Equilibria

Now, we consider the stability of non-negative equilibria.

Lemma 2.3. The semi-trivial solutionλ,0of1.3is unconditionally unstable.

Proof. The linearization matrix of1.3atλ,0is


⎝−λ − βλ 1

0 1

. 2.10

It is easy to see that 1 is an eigenvalue ofJ1, thusλ,0is unconditionally unstable.


Now, we discuss the Turing instability ofu, v. Recall that a constant solution is Turing unstable if it is stable in the absence of diffusion, and it becomes unstable when diffusion is present 28. More precisely, this requires the following two conditions.

iIt is stable as an equilibrium of the system of ordinary differential equations du

dt g1u, v, dv

dt g2u, v, 2.11 whereg1u, vandg2u, vare given in1.3.

iiIt is unstable as a steady state of the reaction-diffusion system1.3.

Theorem 2.4. If a11 < 1, then the unique positive equilibrium u, v of 2.11 is locally asymptotically stable. Ifa11 >1, thenu, vis unstable, wherea111/β mλ−u2βu. Proof. The linearization matrix of2.11atu, vis


a11 a12 a21 a22

, 2.12

where a11 1



, a12−λ−u1mu

1 mnu , a21 1, a22−1. 2.13 A simple calculation shows

detJ2−a11a12 mnu2λ

1 mnu, traceJ2a11−1. 2.14 Clearly, detJ2>0. Ifa11<1, then traceJ2<0. Hence, all eigenvalues ofJ2have negative real parts andu, vis locally asymptotically stable. Ifa11 >1, then traceJ2 >0, which implies thatJ2has two eigenvalues with positive real parts andu, vis unstable.

Similarly as in 23, 29, let 0 μ1 < μ2 < μ3 < μ4. . . be the eigenvalues of the operator−ΔonΩwith the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition, and letibe the eigenspace corresponding toμiinH1Ω. Let{φij:j1,2, . . . ,dimi}be the orthonormal basis ofi, X H1Ω2,Xij{cφij:cÊ2}. Then,



Xi, Xi



Xij. 2.15

Definei0as the largest positive integer such thatd1μi< a11forii0. Clearly, if

d1μ2< a11, 2.16


then 2≤i0<∞. In this case, denote d2min


di2 , di2 d1μidetJ2



. 2.17

The local stability ofu, vfor1.3can be summarized as follows.

Theorem 2.5. (i) Assume thata11 >1, thenu, vis unstable.

(ii) Assume thata11 <1. Thenu, vis locally asymptotically stable ifa11d1μ2;u, v is locally asymptotically stable ifa11 > d1μ2 andd2 < d2;u, vis unstable ifa11 > d1μ2 and d2>d2.

Proof. Consider the following linearization operator of1.3atu, v:


d1Δ a11 a12

a21 d2Δ a22

, 2.18

wherea11,a12,a21, anda22are given in2.13. Supposeφx, ψxTis an eigenfunction ofL corresponding to an eigenvalueμ, then



φa12ψ, d2Δψa21φ

a22μ ψT

0,0T. 2.19




aijφij, ψ


bijφij, 2.20

we can find that

1≤i<∞,1≤j≤dimEμi Li



φij 0, whereLi

a11d1μiμ a12

a21 a22d2μiμ

. 2.21

It follows thatμis an eigenvalue ofLif and only if the determinant of the matrixLiis zero for somei≥1, that is,

μ2PiμQi0, 2.22


Pi d1d2μi−traceJ2, Qi−d2μi


d1μidetJ2. 2.23 Clearly, Q1 > 0 since μ1 0. If a11 > 1, then traceJ2 > 0 and P1 < 0. Hence,L has two eigenvalues with positive real parts and the steady stateu, vis unstable.


Note thatPi >0 for alli≥1 ifa11 <1, andQi>0 for alli≥1 ifa11d1μ2. This implies that Reμ < 0 for all eigenvalueμ, and so the steady state u, v is locally asymptotically stable.

Assume thata11> d1μ2. Ifd2<d2, thend1μi < a11andd2< di2 fori∈ 2, i0. It follows thatQi>0 for alli∈ 2, i0. Furthermore, ifi > i0, thend1μia11 andQi>0. The conclusion leads to the locally asymptotically stability ofu, vagain. Ifd2>d2, then we may assume that the minimum in2.17is attained byk ∈ 2, i0. Thus,d1μk < a11 andd2 > dk2 , so we haveQk<0. This implies thatu, vis unstable.

Remark 2.6. From Theorems2.4and2.5, we can conclude thatu, vis Turing unstable if d1μ2< a11<1 andd2>d2.

2.3. Global Stability of

u, v

The following three theorems are the global stability results of the positive constant solution u, v. In the sense of biology, our conclusion of the global stability ofu, vimplies that, in some ranges of the parametersλ,β,m, andn, both the prey and the predator will be spatially homogeneously distributed as time converges to infinity, no matter how quickly or slowly they diffuse.

Theorem 2.7. Assume thatβ < nλ1 and

β λu

Ku1mu−1mKnK 1mλnλ

<1munv1mKnK. 2.24

Thenu, vattracts all positive solutions of 1.3.

Proof. Define the Lyapunov function



u−2uu2 u



vvvln v v

dx, 2.25


δ1 Ku 1 β


, 2.26

u, v is a positive solution of 1.3. Then E1t ≥ 0 for all t ≥ 0. The straightforward computations give that





u2 utdxδ1


vv v vtdx



1 u

A1u−u2B1u−uv−v C1v−v2 dx,






u3 |∇u|2δ1d2v v2|∇v|2


A1 uu −1 βmv




1munv1munv, C1−δ1.


From Theorems2.1and2.2, there exists at0 0 such thatKε < ux, t,vx, t < λεin Ω× t0,∞for an arbitrary and small enough constantε >0. By continuity asε → 0,2.24 implies that

B1 Ku


× 1munv1mKnK



Ku1munv −1mKnK 1mλnλ



inΩ× t0,∞. Applying the Young inequality to2.27, we have








1 u


4 C1





u δ1−uu

1 β




1 u −3

4δ1βuu1mu 41munv1munv




inΩ× t0,∞. Similarly as in 24,30, the standard argument concludesux, t, vx, t → u, vin LΩ2, which thereby shows thatu, vattracts all positive solutions of1.3 under our hypotheses. Thus, the proof is complete.


Theorem 2.8. Assume thatβ < nλ1,


1mu−1mKnK 1mλnλ

<1munv1mKnK, 2.31

β < λmλn2mn

2 . 2.32

Then,u, vattracts all positive solutions of 1.3.

Proof. Define the Lyapunov function



uu u ln u



Ω vvvln v v

dx, 2.33

whereδ21 β/1munv1mλnλ,u, vis a positive solution of1.3. Then dE2




1 u

A2u−u2B2u−uv−v C2v−v2

dx, 2.34




u3 |∇u|2δ2d2

v v2|∇v|2


A2−1 βmv

1munv1munv, B2δ2β1mu

1munv1munv, C2−δ2.


From Theorems2.1and2.2, there exists at0 0 such thatKε < ux, t,vx, t < λεin Ω× t0,∞for an arbitrary and small enough constantε >0. Thus2.31implies that

B2 1


× 1munv1mKnK



1munv − 1mKnK 1mλnλ




inΩ× t0,∞. On the other hand,2.32guarantees that 2u−u >0 inΩ× t0,∞. Applying the Young inequality to2.34, we have








1 u


4 C2




1 u δ2

1 β




1 u −3






inΩ× t0,∞. Consequently, our analysis confirms that Theorem2.8holds.

Remark 2.9. If we choose the common Lyapunov function


Ω uuuln u u


Ω vvvln v v

dx, 2.38

whereδ3K{1 β/1munv1mλnλ}, we can also derive the global stability of u, vfor1.3under a stronger condition than2.24. Thus, the Lyapunov function defined by2.25is better than2.38in discussing the global stability ofu, vfor1.3.

Remark 2.10. If we choosem1, then2.32holds sinceβ < λn1. It is not hard to verify that the condition2.31in Theorem2.8contains the condition2.24in Theorem2.7. However, if we choosemandnto be sufficiently small, thenuvλ/1βandKλ1β. We can see that the range of parameters satisfying2.24is wider than that satisfying2.32. This means that we can derive various conditions for the global stability ofu, vby choosing different Lyapunov functions.

3. Stationary Patterns for the PDE System without Cross-Diffusion

In this section, we discuss the corresponding steady-state problem of1.3:


1munv g1u, v inΩ,

−d2Δvv 1−v


g2u, v inΩ,

νu∂νv0 on∂Ω.


The existence and non-existence of the non-constant positive solutions of3.1will be given.

In the following, the generic constantsC1,C2,C,C,C, and so forth, will depend on the domainΩand the dimensionN. However, asΩand the dimensionNare fixed, we will


not mention the dependence explicitly. Also, for convenience, we shall writeΛinstead of the collective constantsλ, β, m, n.

3.1. A Priori Upper and Lower Bounds

The main purpose of this subsection is to give a priori upper and lower bounds for the positive solutions to3.1. To this aim, we first cite two known results.

Lemma 3.1maximum principle 25. Letg×Ê1andbjCΩ,j1,2, . . . , N.


Δwx N


bjxwxjgx, wx≥0 inΩ,


∂ν ≤0 on∂Ω,


andwx0 maxΩwx, thengx0, wx00.


Δwx N


bjxwxjgx, wx≤0 inΩ,


∂ν ≥0 on∂Ω,


andwx0 minΩwx, thengx0, wx00.

Lemma 3.2Harnack, inequality 31. LetwC2Ω∩C1Ωbe a positive solution toΔwx cxwx 0, wherecCΩ, satisfying the homogeneous Neumann boundary condition. Then there exists a positive constantCwhich depends only oncsuch that

maxΩ wCmin

Ω w. 3.4

The results of upper and lower bounds can be stated as follows.

Theorem 3.3. For any positive numberd, there exists a positive constantCΛ, dsuch that every positive solutionu, vof3.1satisfiesC < ux,vx< λifd1d.


Proof. Let ux1 maxΩux, vx2 maxΩvx, uy1 minΩux, vy2 minΩvx.

Application of Lemma3.1yields that


1mux1 nvx1 ≥0, λu


βv y1 1mu

y1 nv

y1 ≤0,


ux2 ≥0, 1−v y2 u

y2 ≤0.


Clearly,ux1< λandvx2ux2ux1< λ. Moreover, we have v


vx2ux2ux1, 3.6

v y1

v y2

u y2

u y1

. 3.7

By3.5, we obtain m

u y12



λm u


βλn v


λ≥0. 3.8 Noting thatuy1vy1ux1from3.6and3.7,3.8implies that maxΩux ux1>

C1for some positive constantC1C1Λ.

Letcx d1−1λ−u−βv/1munv. Then,cx ≤ 2βλ/d. The Harnack inequality shows that there exists a positive constantCCλ, β, dsuch that

maxΩ uxCmin

Ω ux. 3.9

Combining 3.9 with maxΩux > C1, we find that minΩux > C1 for some positive constantC CΛ, d. It follows from3.7that minΩvx vy2uy1 > C. The proof is completed.

3.2. Non-Existence of Non-Constant Positive Steady States

In the following theorem we will discuss the non-constant positive solutions to3.1when the diffusion coefficientd1varies while the other parametersd2,λ,β,m, andnare fixed.

Theorem 3.4. For any positive numberd, there exists a positive constantD DΛ, d > dsuch that3.1has no non-constant positive solution ifd1> D.

Proof. For anyϕL1Ω, let

ϕ 1


Ωϕ dx. 3.10


Assume thatu, vis a positive solution of3.1, multiplying the two equations of 3.1by u−u/uandv−v/v, respectively, and then integrating overΩby parts, we have



u2 |∇u|2 d2v v2 |∇v|2


Ωg1u, vuu u dx

Ωg2u, vvv v dx

Ω −1 βmv




1munv1munv v uu



−1 u



From Theorem3.3and Young’s inequality, we obtain


d1|∇u|2d2|∇v|2 dxC2

−1βm n C3



ε− 1


v−v2dx 3.12 for some positive constantsC2 C2Λ, d,C3 C3Λ, d, ε, whereεis the arbitrary small positive constant arising from Young’s inequality. By Theorem3.3, we can chooseε∈0,1/λ.

Then applying the Poincar´e inequality to3.12we obtain







ε− 1


v−v2dx, 3.13

which implies thatuuconstant andvvconstant ifd1> Dmax{C42, d}.

3.3. Existence of Non-Constant Positive Steady States

Throughout this subsection, we always assume thata11 >0. First, we study the linearization of3.1atu, v. Let

Y u, v:u, v∈ C1


, ∂νu∂νv0 on∂Ω

. 3.14

For the sake of convenience, we define a compact operatorF:YY by



g1u, v a11u


g2u, v−a22v

, 3.15


wheree ux, vxT,a11d1Δ−1, and−a22d2Δ−1are the inverses of the operators a11d1Δand−a22d2ΔinY with the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions.

Then the system3.1is equivalent to the equationI− Fe0. To apply the index theory, we investigate the eigenvalue of the problem

−I− FeeΨ μΨ, Ψ/0, 3.16

whereΨ ψ1, ψ2T ande u, vT. If 0 is not an eigenvalue of3.16, then the Leray- Schauder Theorem 27implies that

indexI− F,e −1γ, 3.17

whereγis the sum of the algebraic multiplicities of the positive eigenvalues of−I− Fee, 3.16can be rewritten as






d2Δψ2a21ψ1 μ1



As in the proof of Theorem2.5, we can conclude thatμis an eigenvalue of−I− Feeon Xijif and only if it is a root of the characteristic equation detBi0, where


μ1 a11


d1μi a12





. 3.19

The characteristic equation detBi0 can be written as

μ2 2d1μi

a11d1μiμ −d2μi


d1μidetJ2 a11d1μi


0. 3.20

Note that−d2μia11d1μi d1μidetJ2 Qi, whereQiis given in2.23. Therefore, if 0 is not a root of3.20for alli≥1, we have

indexI− F,e −1γ, 3.21

whereγis the sum of the algebraic multiplicities of the positive roots of3.20.

Theorem 3.5. Assume that the parametersλ,β,m,n, andd1are fixed and 0< a11 <1. Ifa11/d1 ∈ μn, μn1for somen2 and

2≤i≤n, Qi<0dimiis odd, then the problem3.1has at least one non-constant positive solution for anyd2 > d2, whereQi and d2 are given in2.23 and 2.17, respectively.


Proof. The proof, which is by contradiction, is based on the homotopy invariance of the topological degree. Suppose, on the contrary, that the assertion is not true for some d2 d˘2>d2. In the follow we fixd2d˘2. Takingda112in Theorems3.3and3.4, we obtain a positive constantD. Fixedd1D1 andd21. Forθ∈ 0,1, define a homotopy




θd1 1−θd1 Δ−1

g1u, v a11u −a22

θd2 1−θd2 Δ−1

g2u, v−a22v

⎟⎠. 3.22

Then, e is a positive solution of 3.1 if and only if it is a positive solution ofF1;e e.

It is obvious that e is the unique constant positive solution of 3.22for any 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1.

By Theorem3.3, there exists a positive constant Csuch that, for all 0 ≤ θ ≤ 1, the positive solutions of the problem Fθ;e e are contained in BC {e ∈ Y | C−1 < u, v < C}.

SinceFθ;e/e for all e∂BCandFθ;·:BC× 0,1 → Y is compact, we can see that the degree degI− Fθ;·, BC,0is well defined. Moreover, by the homotopy invariance property of the topological degree, we have

degI− F0;·, BC,0 degI− F1;·, BC,0. 3.23

If a11/d1 ∈ μn, μn1 for some n ≥ 2, then i0 n and d2 min2≤i≤ndi2 in 2.17. Since d2 d˘2 >d2, thenQk<0 for somek, 2kn. Letik. Then,3.20has one positive root and a negative root. Furthermore, we haveQi>0 fori1 and allin1. Therefore, when i1 andin1, the characteristic equation3.20has no roots with non-negative real parts.

In addition, if

2≤i≤n, Qi<0dimiis odd, we have

indexI− F1;·,e −12≤i≤n, Qi<0dimi−1. 3.24

By our supposition, the equationF1;e e has only the positive solution einBC, and hence

degI− F1;·, BC,0 indexI− F1;·,e −1. 3.25

Similar argument showsμis an eigenvalue of−I− Fe0;eif and only if it is a root of the characteristic equation

μ2 2d1μi






0. 3.26

It is easy to check that all eigenvalues of3.26have negative real parts for alli≥ 1, which implies

indexI− F0;·,e −101. 3.27


In view of Theorem3.4, it follows that the equationF0;e e has only the positive solution einBC, and therefore,

degI− F0;·, BC,0 indexI− F0;·,e 1. 3.28 This contradicts3.23, and the proof is complete.

Example 3.6. LetΩ 0,1. Then, the parametersλ 2,β 6,m 3,n 0.1,d1 0.0152, andd24.1309 satisfy all the conditions of Theorem3.5. This means thatu, v 2√

159− 4/31,2√

159−4/31is a locally asymptotically stable equilibrium point for the system du

dt 2u−u2− 6uv 13u0.1v, dv

dt v 1−v




but it is an unstable steady state for the system ut−0.0152uxx2u−u2− 6uv

13u0.1v, x∈0,1, t >0, vt−4.1309vxxv

1−v u

, x∈0,1, t >0, uxvx0, x0,1, t >0,

ux,0 u0x>0, vx,0 v0x≥0, x∈0,1.


Moreover, the above reaction-diffusion system has at least one non-constant positive steady state.

3.4. Bifurcation

In this subsection, we discuss the bifurcation of non-constant positive solutions of3.1with respect to the diffusion coefficientd2. In the consideration of bifurcation with respect tod2, we recall that, for a constant solutione,d2;e ∈0,∞×Y is a bifurcation point of3.1 if, for anyδ ∈ 0, d2, there exists ad2 ∈ d2δ, d2δsuch that3.1has a non-constant positive solution close toe. Otherwise, we say thatd2;eis a regular point 27.

We will consider the bifurcation of 3.1 at the equilibrium pointsd2;e, while all other parameters are fixed. From2.23, we define

Q d2;μ

d1d2μ2−d2a11d1μdetJ2. 3.31 It is clear thatQd2;μ 0 has at most two roots for any fixedd2 >0. Noting that detJ2 >0 in the proof of Theorem2.4, if

Rd2d2a11d124d1d2a12>0, 3.32


thenQd2, μ 0 has two different real roots with same symbols. Let Sp!

μ1, μ2, μ3, . . ."

, Σd2 !

μi >0|Q d2;μi

0, d1μi< a11"

, Γ

d2|d2di2 d1μi−detJ2



, μi>0, d1μi< a11

. 3.33

We note that for eachd2 > 0,Σd2may have 0 or 2 elements. The result is contained in the following theorem. Its proof is based on the topological degree arguments used earlier in this paper. We shall omit it but refer the reader to similar treatments in 24,32,33.

Theorem 3.7bifurcation with respect tod2.

1Suppose thatd2/Γ. Then,d2;eis a regular point of3.1.

2Suppose that d2 ∈ Γ and Rd2 > 0. If

μi∈Σd2dimi is odd, thend2;e is a bifurcation point of 3.1with respect to the curved2;e, d2>0. In this case, there exists an intervalσ1, σ2R, where

id2σ1< σ2<andσ2∈Γor ii0< σ1< σ2 d2andσ1∈Γor iii σ1, σ2 d2,∞, or iv σ1, σ2 0, d2,

such that for everyd2 ∈σ1, σ2,3.1admits a non-constant positive solution.

4. Stationary Patterns for the PDE System with Cross-Diffusion

In this section, we discuss the corresponding steady-state problem of the system1.5:


1munv inΩ,

−d2Δ1d3uvv 1−v



νu∂νv0 on∂Ω.


The existence and non-existence of the non-constant positive solutions of4.1will be given.

4.1. A Priori Upper and Lower Bounds

Theorem 4.1. Ifd1, d2d and d3/d2D, whered and D are fixed positive numbers. Then, there exist positive constantsCΛ, d, D,CΛ, d, Dsuch that every positive solutionu, vof4.1 satisfies

C < ux, vx< CΛ, d, D, ∀x∈Ω. 4.2


Proof. We first prove that there exists a positive constantCCΛ, d, Dsuch that maxΩ uCmin

Ω u, max

Ω vCmin

Ω v. 4.3

A direct application of Lemma 3.1 to the first equation of 4.1 gives u < λ on Ω. From Lemma 3.2, we have maxΩuCminΩu for some positive constant CΛ, d, D. Define ϕx d21d3uvandϕx0 maxΩϕ. Applying Lemma3.1again to the second equation of4.1, we havevx0ux0< λ, which implies

maxΩ vd−12 max

Ω ϕ <1d3λλ. 4.4

On the other hand,ϕsatisfies

−Δϕ uv

d21d3uuϕ inΩ,


∂ν 0 on∂Ω.


Denotecx uv/d21d3uu. we have

cx≤ 1

d2 maxΩv d2minΩu ≤ 1

d2 1d3ux0vx0 d2minΩu

< 1

d2 1d3λux0 d2minΩu ≤ 1

d2 1d3λ

d2 ·maxΩu

minΩuCΛ, d, D.


Hence, Lemma3.2implies that there exists a positive constantCΛ, d, Dsuch that maxΩϕCminΩϕ. Moreover, we have


minΩv ≤ maxΩϕ

minΩϕ ·maxΩ1d3u


minΩuC. 4.7

Thus,4.3is proved.

Note that minΩv < vx0ux0 ≤ maxΩu < λ,4.3implies that there exists a positive constantCΛ, d, Dsuch thatux, vx< C, for allx∈Ω.

Turn now to the lower bound. Suppose, on the contrary, that the first result of4.1 does not hold. Then, there exists a sequence{d1,i, d2,i, d3,i}i1withd1,i, d2,i∈ d,∞× d,∞, d3,i∈0,∞such that the corresponding positive solutionsui, viof4.1satisfy

minΩ ui−→0 or min

Ω vi −→0, asi−→ ∞, 4.8


andui, visatisfies

−d1,iΔuiλuiu2iβuivi 1muinvi



1−vi ui


νuiνvi0 on∂Ω.


Integrating by parts, we obtain that






1− vi ui



By the second equation of4.10, there existsxi ∈Ωsuch thatvixi uixi, for alli≥1. By 4.8, this implies that

minΩ ui−→0, min

Ω vi−→0 asi−→ ∞. 4.11 Combining4.3yields

maxΩ ui−→0, max

Ω vi−→0 asi−→ ∞. 4.12 So we have


1muinvi >0 onΩ, ∀i 1. 4.13

Integrating the first equation of4.9overΩby parts, we have




dx >0, ∀i 1, 4.14

which is a contradiction to the first equation of4.10. The proof is completed.

4.2. Non-Existence of Non-Constant Positive Steady States

Theorem 4.2. Ifd2 > 1/μ2 andd3/d2D, whereDis a fixed positive number, then the problem 4.1has no non-constant positive solution ifd1is sufficiently large.



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