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Deterioration in quality of sleep (QOS) according to aging decreases quality of life (QOL)


Academic year: 2022

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(1)THE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING REVIEW OF DOSHISHA UNIVERSITY, VOL. 51, NO. 1 April 2010. A Trial of Evaluation for Quality of Sleep using a Three Dimension Acceleration Sensor Keitaro NOMOTO*, Ryo MIYAZAKI*, Tsutomu HASEGAWA*, Yoshikazu YONEI* (Received February 18, 2010). Deterioration in quality of sleep (QOS) according to aging decreases quality of life (QOL). It is important to maintain QOS high and healthy in the lifestyle and also from respect of the occupational health. Here, we tried the noninvasive evaluation of QOS by installing wristwatch-type motion sensors for corporate workers. Subjects were 6 male employees (mean age, 50.5 r 2.6 years old) of a machine manufacturer located in Inuyama City who underwent a company-wide medical check-up. They were judged by the health management center the needed lifestyle guidance. Subjects undertook the Anti-Aging QOL Common Questionnaire (AAQol) and QOS analysis by using a three-dimension accelerometer (Actigraph, A.M.I., USA). The sensor was continuously installed in the subject for one week and the body motion measurement was performed. The data was analyzed by software AW2 (A.M.I.) referring to the sleep diary described. Problems were not noted in the subjective symptom or their lifestyle by AAQol. Various sleep parameters were calculated from the continuum movement measurements of one week of each subject. The sleep efficiency was more than 90% and the total sleep time 6 hours or more in all subjects. The difference was noted in the amount of the mean activity and number of awakening episodes during sleep. In a subject accompanied abdominal pain during the observation period, the number of awakening episodes increased and the sleep efficiency decreased to less than 70%, indicating low QOS. The daytime mean activity was low with high frequency of the doze the next day of the low QOS sleep. The monitor of the physical movement for 24 hours by an accelerometer may be useful for the quantitative evaluation of QOS and the activity level in daytime.. -G[YQTFU㧦quality of life (QOL), quality of sleep (QOS), three dimension acceleration motion sensor, industrial health  ࠠ࡯ࡢ࡯࠼㧦↢ᵴߩ⾰㧔QOL㧕 㧘⌧⌁ߩ⾰㧔QOS㧕 㧘 ᰴరടㅦᐲ࠮ࡦࠨ㧘ഭ௛ⴡ↢  . 3 ᰴరടㅦᐲ࠮ࡦࠨࠍ↪޿ߚ‫⹏ޠ⾰ߩ⌁⌧ޟ‬ଔߩ⹜ߺ  ၛᧄᘮᄥ㇢㧘ችፒ ੫㧘㐳⼱Ꮉ ജ㧘☨੗ཅ৻ . *Anti-Aging Medical Research Center, Graduate School of Life and Medical Science, Doshisha University TEL: +81-774-65-6382, FAX: +81-774-65-6394, E mail㧦yyonei@mail.doshisha.ac.jp. ( 28 ).

(2) 3 次元加速度センサを用いた「睡眠の質」評価の試み. 29.  ᣇᴺ. 㧚ߪߓ߼ߦ ⌧⌁ߪ↢ᵴ⠌ᘠߦ߅޿ߡᄢ߈ߥ૏⟎ࠍභ߼ࠆ㧚⌧. QOS ߪ⣨ᤨ⸘ဳਃᰴరടㅦᐲ࠮ࡦࠨ㧔ࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࠣ. ⌁ߩ⾰㧔QOS㧦Quality of Sleep㧕ߩഠൻߪ↢ᵴߩ⾰. ࡜ࡈ Actigraph, A.M.I., USA㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡᣣਛ෸߮⌧⌁. 㧔QOL㧦Quality of Life㧕ࠍૐਅߐߖࠆ㧚⌧⌁ߦ㑐ߔ. ᤨߩ૕േ㊂ࠍ⸘᷹ߒ⹏ଔߒߚ 13,14)㧚૕േ㊂⸘᷹ߦߪ㧘. ࠆ∉ቇߩో࿖⺞ᩏ㧔1997 ᐕ㧕ߢߪ㧘ਇ⌁∝ߪ↵ᕈ. ࠮ࡦࠨ߇ᗵ⍮ߒߚടㅦᐲᄌൻࠍ 2㨪3Hz ߢࡃࡦ࠼ࡄ. 17.3% (14.6㨪20.0%)㧘 ᅚᕈ 21.5% (18.8㨪24.3%)㧘QOS. ࠬߒߚ࠺࡯࠲ߦኻߒ±0.01G ߣ޿߁ᓸᒙߥടㅦᐲᄌ. ૐਅ⠪ߪ↵ᕈ 17.8% (15.3㨪20.3%)㧘ᅚᕈ 20.2% (17.6. ൻࠍ㑣୯ߣߒߡ㧘ߘߩ㑣୯ࠍ⿥߃ࠆ߽ߒߊߪਅ࿁ࠆ. 㨪22.7%)㧘⌧⌁⮎ߩᏱ↪₸ߪ↵ᕈ 3.5% (2.3㨪3.7%)㧘. ᄌൻߩ࿁ᢙࠍᢙ߃㧔zero crossing method㧕㧘Ფಽߩട. ᅚᕈ 5.4% (4.1㨪6.8%)ߢ޽ߞߚ 1)㧚. ㅦᐲᄌൻ࿁ᢙࠍ⸥㍳ߒߚ㧚ߎߩࠃ߁ߦߒߡᓧࠄࠇߚ. ട㦂ߣߣ߽ߦ⌧⌁ߩ⾰ߪૐਅߔࠆ㧚⌧⌁ⷡ㉕࡝࠭. 1 ಽᲤߩᵴേ㊂ᤨ♽೉࠺࡯࠲ߦߟ޿ߡ㧘Cole ࠄߩ್. ࡓ߿⌧⌁᭴▽߇ᄌൻߒ㧘㜞㦂ߦߥࠆ߶ߤኢߟ߈ߦߊ. ቯᑼߦၮߠ߈⌧⌁ⷡ㉕ߩ್ቯࠍⴕߞߚ㧚ᣢႎߦࠃࠇ. ߊ㧘⌁ࠅ߇ᵻߊ㧘ࠃߊ⌁ߞߚߣᗵߓࠆ⌧⌁ᤨ㑆߇⍴. ߫ᧄᴺߩ್ቯ♖ᐲߪࡐ࡝࠰ࡓࡁࠣ࡜ࡈߣᲧセߒߡ. ߊߥࠅ㧘ᣧᦺⷡ㉕࡮ᾫ⌧࿎㔍ߥߤߐ߹ߑ߹ߥ⌧⌁໧. 90%೨ᓟߢ޽ߞߚ 15)㧚. 㗴߇⴫ࠇࠆ. 2,3). ૕േ᷹ቯߪ࠮ࡦࠨࠍ 1 ㅳ㑆ㅪ⛯ⵝ⌕ߒⴕߞߚ㧚࠮. 㧚ஜᐽ㐳ኼࠍ㆐ᚑߔࠆߚ߼ߦߪ QOS 4). 㧚ߒ߆ߒ㧘⌧⌁ߩ. ࡦࠨⵝ⌕ߪⵍᬌ⠪ߩ㕖೑߈⣨ߦⴕ޿㧘ỗߒ޿ㆇേ㧘. 㓚ኂߪ⧯ᐕ⠪ߢ߽ߺࠄࠇ㧘ᄢቇ↢ߦ߅޿ߡ߽᭽‫ߥޘ‬. ౉ᶎᤨߥߤࠍ㒰߈น⢻ߥ㒢ࠅⵝ⌕ߒߚ㧚ⵍᬌ⠪ߦߪ. ࠍ⦟ᅢߦ଻ߟߎߣߪ㊀ⷐߢ޽ࠆ. 5-10). 㧚⡯႐ࡔࡦ࠲࡞ࡋ࡞. ⌧⌁ᣣ⹹ࠍ⸥タߒߡ߽ࠄ޿ࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࠣ࡜ࡈߩ࠺࡯࠲. ࠬߦ߅޿ߡㄭᐕ߁ߟ∛⊒∝੍㒐߇㊀ⷐⷞߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ. ⸃ᨆߩෳ⠨ߣߒߚ㧔Fig. 1㧕㧚⚿ᨐ⸃ᨆߦߪࠕࠢ࠹ࠖ. ߇㧘߁ߟ∛⊒∝ೋᦼߦߪ QOS ૐਅ߇⃻ࠇࠆߎߣ߆ࠄ㧘. ࠣ࡜ࡈ⸃ᨆ࠰ࡈ࠻࠙ࠚࠕ㧔AW2㧘A.M.I.㧘USA㧕ࠍ. QOS ૐਅࠍᣧᦼߦ⊒⷗ߒ㧘ᣧᦼᲑ㓏߆ࠄ߁ߟ∛ߩ⊒. ↪޿ߚ㧚⸃ᨆߪ⊕ᎹࠄߩᣇᴺߦḰߓߡⴕߞߚ 16)㧚. ⌧⌁㓚ኂ߇ႎ๔ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ. ∝੍㒐ߔࠆߎߣߩᗧ⟵ߪᄢ߈޿ 11,12)㧚QOS ࠍૐਅߐ. ᔃりߩ⥄ⷡ∝⁁෸߮⌧⌁ෂ㒾࿃ሶߦ㑐ߔࠆ↢ᵴ⠌. ߖࠆ࿃ሶࠍ⸃᣿ߒ㧘ߎࠇࠄߩᓇ㗀࿃ሶࠍシᷫ࡮ᤚᱜ. ᘠߩ⹏ଔߪ㧘㨬り૕ߩ∝⁁‫ޟߣޠ‬ᔃߩ∝⁁‫ߦޠ‬ಽߌ㧘. ߔࠆ↢ᵴᜰዉߪ߁ߟ∛⊒∝੍㒐ߦ᦭↪ߣ⠨߃ࠆ㧚੹. ᣢႎߩᅤߊ᛫ട㦂 QOL ౒ㅢ໧⸻␿㧔Anti-Aging QOL. ࿁ᚒ‫ߪޘ‬ડᬺഭ௛⠪ࠍኻ⽎ߦ⣨ᤨ⸘ဳ 3 ᰴరടㅦᐲ. Common Questionnaire: AAQol㧕ࠍ↪޿ߡࡐࠗࡦ࠻ 1. ࠮ࡦࠨࠍⵝ⌕ߒ㧘QOS ෸߮ᤤ㑆ߩり૕ᵴേᐲߦߟ޿. 㨪5 ߩ 5 Ბ㓏ߦಽߌߡ⹏ଔߒߚ 17,18)㧚. ߡ㕖ଚⷅ⊛⹏ଔࠍ⹜ߺߚߩߢ㧘ߘߩ⚿ᨐࠍႎ๔ߔࠆ㧚  ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ り૕ᵴേ㊂߆ࠄ▚಴ߐࠇࠆਥߥ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ࠍ. 㧚ኻ⽎෸߮ᣇᴺ. Table 1 ߦ␜ߒߚ㧚ⷡ㉕ᤨᐔဋᵴേᢙߪㆇേᤨߦᱠᢙ.  ኻ⽎ ᧛↰ᯏ᪾㧔ᩣ㧕 㧔ᗲ⍮⋵›ጊᏒ㧕ߦൕ߼ࠆ↵ᕈᓥᬺ. ⸘ߢ⸘᷹ߐࠇࠆᵴേ㊂ߣߩ⋧㑐ࠍ⺞ߴࠆଔ୯߇޽ࠆ㧚. ຬߩ߁ߜᬌ⸻⚿ᨐߦၮߠ߈଻ஜ▤ℂ࠮ࡦ࠲࡯ߦࠃࠅ. ߹ߚ㧘ᱠᢙ⸘ߢߪࠞ࠙ࡦ࠻ߐࠇߥ޿ᓸ⚦ߥേ߈ࠍᗵ. ⷐ↢ᵴᜰዉߣ್ቯߐࠇߚ 6 ฬ㧔50.5±2.6 ᱦ㧕ࠍኻ⽎. ⍮ߢ߈ࠆߚ߼㧘ㆇേએᄖߩり૕ᵴേߩ✚๺ߢ޽ࠆ. ߣߒߚ㧚ᧄ⎇ⓥ߳ߩෳട㧘ਇෳടߪ⥄↱ᗧᔒߢ᳿ቯ. NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) 19)ߩᜰᮡ. ߢ߈ࠆ߽ߩߣߒ㧘৻ᐲෳടࠍ᳿ᗧߒߚ߽ߩߩㇺวߦ. ߣߥࠆน⢻ᕈ߇޽ࠆ㧚⌧⌁ᤨ㑆෸߮ዬ⌁ࠅ࿁ᢙߪ㧘. ࠃࠅㅜਛߢਛᱛߒߡ߽৻ಾߩਇ೑⋉ࠍⵍࠄߥ޿߽ߩ. ዬ⌁ࠅߒߡ޿ߚ߆㧘ዬ⌁ࠅߦ⋧ᒰߔࠆ⒟ᵴേ㊂߇ዋ. ߣߒߚ㧚ᧄ⎇ⓥߦߟ޿ߡߪஜᐽ଻㒾⚵ว⽿છ⠪߆ࠄ. ߥ޿႐วߦ▚಴ߒߚ㧚ᓥߞߡ㧘ᣣਛߩ∋ഭᐲߩᜰᮡ. ߩᛚ⻌㧘↥ᬺක߆ࠄߩᛚ⹺㧘߹ߚหᔒ␠ᄢቇ୶ℂክ. ߣߥࠆน⢻ᕈ߇޽ࠆ㧚⌕ᐥᤨߦ㑐ߒߡ㧘౉⌁ẜᤨߪ. ᩏᆔຬળߦࠃࠆᛚ⹺ࠍฃߌߚ.. ౉ᐥᓟ౉⌁ߔࠆ߹ߢߩᤨ㑆ߣߒߚ㧚⌧⌁ᤨߦ㑐ߒߡ㧘. ( 29 ).

(3) 埜本慶太郎・宮崎. 30. 亮・長谷川力・米井嘉一. Fig. 1  Sleep diary and activity data from actigraph.. Table 1. Sleep parameter by actigraph. Status. Parameter. Explanation. Unit. Daytime mean activity. Amount of mean activity in the daytime. number/min. Awoken time. Time of being awoken. min. Sleeping time. Time to doze. min. Number of doze. Number of doze (> 5 min) while awaking. Sleep latency. Goodness of going to sleep. Awaking. Lying. Sleep efficiency. 㧔Minutes of sleeping time/Minutes of main. number min 㧑. sleeping㧕×100 Number of awakening Sleeping. Marker of awakening during sleep. number. Marker of awakening during sleep. number. episodes (> 1 min) Number of awakening episodes (> 5 min) Mean activity during sleep. Amount of mean activity while sleeping. Total sleeping time. . min. Total activity time. . min. A whole day. number/min. ⌧⌁ല₸ߪ౉⌁߆ࠄ⿠ᐥ߹ߢࠍਥ⌧⌁ߣߒ㧘ߘߩ㑆. AAQol ߦࠃࠆ⥄ⷡ∝⁁ߪ 6 ∝଀ߣ߽ߦ‫ޟ‬ኢߟ߈߇. ߦ಴⃻ߒߚ⌧⌁ᤨ㑆ߩ⚥⸘ߣߒߡ▚಴ߒߚ㧚⌧⌁ᤨ. ᖡ޿‫ޠ‬ ‫ޟ‬ᔃ㈩੐ߢࠃߊ⌁ࠇߥ޿‫ ࠕ߽ࠦࠬࠇߕ޿ߩޠ‬2. 㑆Ꮺߩᵴേ㊂ߪ㧘ਛㅜⷡ㉕ᤨ෸߮⌧⌁ਛߩ૕േᢙߩ. 㧔߶ߣࠎߤߥߒ㧕એਅߢ㧘 ‫߇ࠅ⌁ޟ‬ᵻ޿‫ ࠕࠦࠬߪޠ‬3. ⸘᷹୯ߢ޽ࠆ㧚. 㧔ዋߒ޽ࠅ㧕2 ଀㧘ઁߪࠬࠦࠕ 2 એਅߢ޽ߞߚ㧚↢. . ᵴ⠌ᘠߦߟ޿ߡߪ․ߦ໧㗴ߪ⹺߼ࠄࠇߥ߆ߞߚ㧚 ฦⵍᬌ⠪ߩ৻ㅳ㑆ㅪ⛯૕േ᷹ቯ୯߆ࠄ▚಴ߒߚ⌧. 㧚⚿ᨐ  ฦⵍᬌ⠪ߩ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ߩ▚಴⚿ᨐ. ⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ࠍ Table 2 ߦ␜ߒߚ㧚⌧⌁ߦ㑐ߒߡ㧘⌧. ( 30 ).

(4) 3 次元加速度センサを用いた「睡眠の質」評価の試み. 31. 5 ᣣ㑆ߩᐔᏱ⁁ᘒߩᓟ㧘⣻∩೨ᄛ㧔Day 6㧕ߦ⌧⌁. ⌁ല₸ߪోߡߩⵍᬌ⠪ߦ߅޿ߡ 90%એ਄ߛߞߚ㧚⌧ ⌁ᤨᵴേ㊂㧘෸߮ਛㅜⷡ㉕ߪⵍᬌ⠪㑆ߢᏅ߇↢ߓߚ㧚. ਛᵴേ㊂㧔Fig. 6㧕෸߮ 5 ಽએ਄ߩਛㅜⷡ㉕࿁ᢙ㧔Fig.. ⌕ᐥᤨߦ㑐ߒߡ㧘౉⌁ẜᤨߪⵍᬌ⠪㑆ߢᏅ߇↢ߓߚ㧚. 8㧕߇Ⴧᄢߒ㧘⌧⌁ല₸㧔Fig. 5㧕߇ 70%⒟ᐲߦૐਅ. 24 ᤨ㑆ߦ㑐ߒߡ㧘ోߡߩⵍᬌ⠪߇ᐔဋ⌧⌁ᤨ㑆ߪ 6. ߒߚ㧚⌧⌁ᣣ⹹ߦࠃࠆߣ㧘⣻∩೨ᄛߦߪ⣻∩ߩ⥄ⷡ. ᤨ㑆એ਄ߛߞߚ㧚. ∝⁁ߪ⹺߼ߥ߆ߞߚ㧚 ⣻∩ 1 ᣣ⋡㧔Day 7㧕ߪᤤ㑆ⷡ㉕ᤨߩᵴേ㊂㧔Fig. 3㧕.   ޽ࠆⵍᬌ⠪ߩ⣻∩ᤨ෸߮ᐔᏱᤨߩ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ. ૐਅࠍ⹺߼‫ޔ‬ዬ⌁ࠅ࿁ᢙ㧔Fig. 4㧕߇Ⴧടߒߚ㧚⌧⌁. ࡯࠲ߩ▚಴⚿ᨐ. ⁁ᘒߦ㑐ߒߡߪ㧘 ⌧⌁ല₸߇ 90%ߦᡷༀߒߚ߽ߩߩ㧘. ⷰኤᦼ㑆ਛߦ⣻∩ࠍ⊒∝ߒߚⵍᬌ⠪㧔ID #2㧕ߩ৻. 1 ಽએ਄ߩਛㅜⷡ㉕࿁ᢙ㧔Fig. 7㧕߇Ⴧടߒߚ㧚. ᣣߏߣߩ᷹ቯ⚿ᨐࠍ Fig. 2 ߦ␜ߒߚ㧚৻ㅳ㑆ߩౝ⸶. ⣻∩ 2 ᣣ⋡㧔Day 8㧕ߪᵴേᤨߩዬ⌁ࠅ࿁ᢙ߇ᷫዋ. ࠍ৻ㅳ㑆ᐔဋ㧔Day 1~8 ߩᐔဋ㧕㧘ᐔᏱᤨᐔဋ㧔Day. ߒߚ߽ߩߩ㧘ਛㅜⷡ㉕࿁ᢙ߇ଐὼߣߒߡᐔᏱᤨࠍ਄. 1~5 ߩᐔဋ㧕㧘 ⣻∩೨ᣣ㧔Day 6㧕㧘 ⣻∩ 1 ᣣ⋡ 㧔Day 7㧕㧘. ࿁ߞߚ㧚৻ㅳ㑆ᐔဋߦߟ޿ߡߪ㧘⣻∩ߦࠃࠅ⌧⌁ᤨ. ⣻∩ 2 ᣣ⋡㧔Day 8㧕ߦಽߌ㧘ฦ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ߩ▚. ᵴേ㊂෸߮ਛㅜⷡ㉕࿁ᢙߪჇടߒߚ߽ߩߩ㧘⌧⌁ല. ಴⚿ᨐࠍ Fig. 3㨪8 ߦ␜ߒߚ㧚. ₸ߪ 90%એ਄ߢ޽ߞߚ㧚. Table 2. Sleep parameter in each subject. Sleeping ID #. Number of wakening. Number of wakening. episodes (> 1 min). episodes (> 5 min). Number. Number. Sleep efficinecy %. Mean activity Number/min. 1. 95.4. ±. 5.5. 3.0. ±. 1.8. 1.2. ±. 1.0. 1.2. ±. 5.7. 2. 91.6. ±. 9.4. 9.0. ±. 8.3. 2.0. ±. 2.7. 17.9. ±. 7.3. 3. 98.7. ±. 1.6. 1.8. ±. 1.5. 0.3. ±. 0.5. 9.0. ±. 2.2. 4. 95.8. ±. 3.2. 7.7. ±. 4.1. 1.2. ±. 1.6. 13.6. ±. 2.5. 5. 94.3. ±. 2.9. 7.3. ±. 3.0. 2.3. ±. 0.8. 12.9. ±. 3.0. 6. 90.3. ±. 5.4. 11.7. ±. 7.1. 3.0. ±. 1.9. 3.0. ±. 8.1. ID #. A whole day. Awaking. Lying. Total sleeping time. Mean activity. Sleep latency. Min. Number/min. Min. 1. 441.0. ±. 53.4. 209.2. ±. 19.7. 13.2. ±. 14.3. 2. 405.7. ±. 33.4. 195.9. ±. 19.8. 8.0. ±. 5.1. 3. 481.1. ±. 33.8. 155.3. ±. 35.2. 23.8. ±. 36.1. 4. 441.3. ±. 78.0. 190.8. ±. 45.4. 25.5. ±. 17.3. 5. 402.8. ±. 70.9. 215.4. ±. 27.5. 7.2. ±. 1.7. 6. 379.5. ±. 78.0. 186.4. ±. 10.9. 5.7. ±. 3.0. Data was expressed as mean±SD.. ( 31 ).

(5) 32. 埜本慶太郎・宮崎. 亮・長谷川力・米井嘉一. Fig. 2 Data from actigraph in a case (ID #2).. Fig. 3. Daytime mean activity (ID #2).. Fig. 4  Number of doze in a daytime (ID #2).. Fig. 5 Sleep efficiency (ID #2).. Fig. 6 Mean activity during sleep (ID #2).. ( 32 ).

(6) 3 次元加速度センサを用いた「睡眠の質」評価の試み. Fig. 7 Number of awakening episodes (> 1 min) (ID. Fig. 8. #2).. #2).. 33. Number of awakening episodes (> 5 min) (ID. 㧚⠨᩺. ߎߣ߇․ᓽߢ޽ࠆ㧚ᓥߞߡ㧘᷹ቯᓟߩㅦ߿߆ߥⵍᬌ.  ⌧⌁ߩ⾰㧔QOS㧕ߩ⹏ଔ. ⠪߳ߩࡅࠕ࡝ࡦࠣ߇㊀ⷐߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆ㧚એਅߦ㧘ᧄ. ⌧⌁໧㗴ߪ(1) ⍴ᤨ㑆⌧⌁࡮ਛㅜⷡ㉕ဳ㧘(2) 㐳ᤨ 㑆⌧⌁࡮ਛㅜⷡ㉕ဳ㧘(3) ⌧⌁⁁ᘒ⦟ᅢဳ㧘(4) ౉⌁. ⎇ⓥߩ⚳ੌᓟߦⴕߞߚⵍᬌ⠪߳ߩࡅࠕ࡝ࡦࠣ⚿ᨐࠍ ෳ⠨ߦ㧘ฦ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ߦߟ޿ߡ⠨ኤߔࠆ㧚. ࿎㔍ဳ㧘(5) ⍴ᤨ㑆⌧⌁࡮ᾫ⌁ဳߩ 5 㘃ဳߦಽ㘃ߐ. ⷡ㉕ᤨߩዬ⌁ࠅߪ㧘ⷡ㉕ᤨߩᭂ┵ߥᵴേ㊂ߩૐਅ. ࠇࠆ 10)㧚⌧⌁໧㗴ߩਛߢ߽㧘౉⌁࿎㔍∝⁁ߩ଻᦭߇. ᤨߦ್ᢿߐࠇࠆ㧚ᓥߞߡ㧘ᧄ⎇ⓥߩⵍᬌ⠪ߩ႐ว㧘. ో૕⊛ߥ QOS ૐਅߦነਈߔࠆ㧚⌧⌁ਇ⿷࡮⌧⌁ⷡ㉕. ળ⼏߿࠹࡟ࡆߩⷞ⡬ᤨߦዬ⌁ࠅߣ್ᢿߐࠇߚน⢻ᕈ. ࡝࠭ࡓߩੂࠇߦ㑐ߔࠆ໪⊒ᵴേ࡮౉⌁࿎㔍ߩᣧᦼ⊒. ߇޽ࠆ㧚 ౉⌁ẜᤨߪ㧘శ࠮ࡦࠨࠍ૬↪ߒᶖἮᤨೞࠍ⍮ࠆߎ. ⷗࡮េഥ߇㊀ⷐߢ޽ࠆ㧚 QOS ⹏ଔߦߪ Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). ߣ㧘޽ࠆ޿ߪⵍᬌ⠪⥄りߦࠃࠆᶖἮᤨೞߩᱜ⏕ߥ⸥. ߿ࠕ࠹ࡀ⌧⌁ዤᐲߥߤߩ໧⸻␿߇૶↪ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ. ㍳ߥߤ㧘⌕ᐥᤨೞࠍᱜ⏕ߦ⍮ࠆⴚ߇ᔅⷐߢ޽ࠆ㧚᷹. 10,17,20,21). ቯᓟߦⴕߞߚࡅࠕ࡝ࡦࠣߩ⚿ᨐ㧘࠹࡟ࡆߩⷞ⡬ਛߦ. 㧚ᧄᴺߪ◲ଢߢ޽ࠆ߇᭎⇛ߒ߆ߟ߆߼ߥ޿㧚. QOS ⹏ଔߦߪ⚳ᄛ⌧⌁ࡐ࡝ࠣ࡜ࡈࠖ࡯(PSG)ߦࠃࠆ. ኢߡߒ߹߁㧘᷹ቯེ߇᳇ߦߥߞߡኢઃߌߥ޿ߥߤ㧘. ⌧⌁ࠬ࠹࡯ࠫ⸻ᢿ㧘⣖ᵄ෸߮╭㔚࿑ࠍ↪޿ࠇ߫⹦⚦. ⵍᬌ⠪୘‫ߩޘ‬ᝄࠆ⥰޿ߦࠃࠅ⸃ᨆ⠪߇౉⌁ࠍ್ቯߔ. ߥ⚿ᨐ߇߃ࠄࠇࠆ. 22). 㧚ߒ߆ߒ㧘ⵍᬌ⠪⽶ᜂ߇㜞ߊ㧘. ࠆ㓙ߦ࿎㔍߇ઃ߈߹ߣ߁ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆ㧚. ᬌᩏ⥄૕߇ QOS ߳ᓇ㗀ࠍ෸߷ߔ㧚ㄭᐕࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࠣ࡜. ⌧⌁ല₸ߪ㧘ᵴേ㊂ߩߺ߆ࠄ⌧⌁࡮ⷡ㉕ࠍ್ᢿߔ. ࡈࠍ↪޿ߚ QOS ⹏ଔߦߟ޿ߡ߽ႎ๔ߐࠇߡ޿ࠆ. ࠆᧄᣇᴺߦ߅޿ߡ㧘QOS ߩቯ㊂⊛⹏ଔߦᦨ߽ㆡߒߚ. 23,24). ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆ㧚ᣣਛߣᲧߴߡᄛ㑆ߪฦⵍ. 㧚߹ߛᣣᧄੱߩ∝଀ᢙ߇ዋߥߊ㧘⹏ଔᣇᴺ߽ච. ᬌ⠪ߦࠃࠆ⁛․ߥᝄࠆ⥰޿߇ዋߥ޿ߣ⠨߃ࠄࠇࠆߚ. ಽߦ⏕┙ߒߡ޿ߥ޿㧚. ߼ߢ޽ࠆ㧚⌧⌁ല₸ࠍૐਅߐߖࠆේ࿃ߣߒߡ㧘ਛㅜ ⷡ㉕ߣ⷗ߥߐࠇࠆ߶ߤᄙ޿ᵴേ㊂߇਄ߍࠄࠇࠆ㧚⌧.  ࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࠣ࡜ࡈߦࠃࠆ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ ࠕࠢ࠹ࠖࠣ࡜ࡈࠍ↪޿ߚࡕ࠾࠲࡝ࡦࠣߪ㧘ᵴേ㊂ ߆ࠄផቯߐࠇࠆ⌧⌁࡮ⷡ㉕⁁ᘒߩ್ᢿߩߺߢ޽ࠅ㧘. ⌁ᤨᵴേ㊂߇Ⴧടߔࠆේ࿃ߣߒߡ㧘ኢߙ߁࡮޿߮߈ ߩᖡൻ޽ࠆ޿ߪᄛ㑆ឃዩߥߤ߇਄ߍࠄࠇࠆ㧚. ᖱႎ㊂ߣߒߡߪᩰᲑߦዋߥ޿㧚৻ᣇ㧘หᣇᴺߪⵍᬌ ⠪⽶ᜂ߇ዋߥߊ㐳ᦼ㑆ߩㅪ⛯ࡕ࠾࠲࡝ࡦࠣ߇น⢻ߥ.  ฦⵍᬌ⠪ߩ⌧⌁ࡄ࡜ࡔ࡯࠲ߩ▚಴⚿ᨐ. ( 33 ).

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Standard domino tableaux have already been considered by many authors [33], [6], [34], [8], [1], but, to the best of our knowledge, the expression of the

The SLE-revised (SLE-R) questionnaire despite simplicity is a high-performance screening tool for investigating the stress level of life events and its management in both community

The only thing left to observe that (−) ∨ is a functor from the ordinary category of cartesian (respectively, cocartesian) fibrations to the ordinary category of cocartesian

If condition (2) holds then no line intersects all the segments AB, BC, DE, EA (if such line exists then it also intersects the segment CD by condition (2) which is impossible due

One reason for the existence of the current work is to produce a tool for resolving this conjecture (as Herglotz’ mean curvature variation formula can be used to give a simple proof

Keywords: continuous time random walk, Brownian motion, collision time, skew Young tableaux, tandem queue.. AMS 2000 Subject Classification: Primary:

Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A

Definition An embeddable tiled surface is a tiled surface which is actually achieved as the graph of singular leaves of some embedded orientable surface with closed braid