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Japanese periodicals on chemistry and chemical technology of food-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ


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Tech. Bull. Fac. Agr Kagawa Univ.



I n 1970 the author was invited to present an address in the symposium of information and

documentation of the Third International Congress of Food Science and Technology. The

address was made in the afternoon of August 10, 1970, in Washington, D C





some problems were pointed out concerning Japanese periodicals on food science and technology

However, only the 35 most productive periodicals were analyzed and discussed

This paper lists up also the other periodicals on food published in Japan

The object of this

paper is in providing the current data based on the recent examination


Method of Examination

The source materials used were JVzPpon Kagaku Shun (NKS) (Chemical Abstracts of Japan)

and Chernzcal Abrtractr (CA) published in calendar years of 1968 and 1969

NKS has two sections

concerned with food science and technology in a wide sense: Sections


(sugars, starch, and

fermentation industries) and X I (food, beverages, and seasonings)

Some papers abstracted

in these two sections may not be directly connected with food in a narrow sense

I n contrast,

Section 17 (food) of CA is more exacting. For example, Section 16 (fermentations) is separated

and was not surveyed

Each abstract was counted under the title name of the periodical listed alphabetically


periodical was rearranged by the order of productivity, i.e. the number of papers abstracted

Then important periodicals were consulted by use of five lists of scientific periodicals(2-6) a t

hand and by direct inspection of some journals at hand

I n rare cases informations were obtained

after correspondence or telephone calls



of Examination

The total numbers of journal titles and of abstracts are shown in Table 1

Table 1 'The total numbers of journal titles and of papers abstracted in 1968-69

-. -. - -.


Total no of Total no of journal titles papers abstracted

NqFon Kagaki~ S6ran ( N K S ) 203



Chernzcal Abrtractr (CA) 95







The 35 most productive periodicals were reported and discussed previously


Here is re-

produced the list in simpler style as Table


with additional comments


new additional list (Table 3) is provided for the food journals, or periodicals containing pa-

pers relating to food



lists the 35 most productive journals which contained 15 or more

papers abstracted in the two years

Table 3 lists the journals with


or more papers abstracted


Vol 23, No. 2 (1972) 181

Table 2. The 35 most productive Japanese periodicals on chemistry and chemical technology of rood

-- - - .

-This list gives (1) the order of productivity, (2) the no of papers abstracted in NILS in parentheses, (3) the original journal title, (4) the translated journal title abbreviated by the C A system, if the original title is in Japanese, (5) year of the first publication, (6) frequency of publi~ation,~ and (7) languagesb used, if not entirely in Japanese

a : Ordinary abbreviations are used without period - a, annual; bm, bimonthly; irr, irregular; q, quaterly; sa, semiannual; sm, semimonthly

b : Abbreviations are used as in FoodSczence and Technology Abrtractr En, English; De, German; Fr, French, Ja, Japanese; en, English summary; etc


1 (232) Shokuhin KBgyB; Food Ind (Tokyo) 1958, sm


2 (224) Nippon JBzB KyBkaishi; J Soc Brew 1906, m, en


3 (21 7) Shokuhin to Kagaku; Food Sci (Osaka) 1959, m


4 (203) NyQ FQdo Indasutorii; New Food Ind (Tokyo) 1959, m


5 (163) Nippon Shokuhin KBgyB Gakkaishi; J Food Sci Technol (Tokyo) 1953, m, en


6 (104) Agr Biol Chem (Tokyo) 1924, m, En, De, Fr


7 ( 96 ) HakkB Kbgaku Zasshi; J Ferment Technol (Osaka) 1923, m, Ja, En, en


8 ( 68 ) Aichi-ken Shokuhin KBgyB Shikenjo NempB; Ann Rep Food Res Inst, Aichi Pref 1960, a


9 ( 67 ) Nippon NBgei Kagaku Kaishi; J Agr Chem. Soc. Japan 1924, m, en, de #10 ( 53 ) EiyB to ShokuryB; J Japan Soc Food Nutr. 1947, 9/yr, en

#11 ( 46 ) HakkB KyBkaishi; J Ferment Ass


Japan 1943, m

#12 ( 44 ) ChBmi Kagaku; Seasoning Sci 1953, bm, en - Absorbed #35 beginning with 18 (4) (April, 1971)

#13 ( 42 ) Miso no Kagaku to Gijutsu; Sci Technol Miso 1953, m

#14 ( 38 ) Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi; J Food Hyg Soc. Japan 1951, bm, en


1 5 ( 35 ) Kascigaku Zasshi; J Home Econ (Tokyo) 195 1, bm


16 ( 34 ) ReitB; Refrigeration. 1926, m, en

#17 ( 30 ) Rakunb Kagaku no KenkyQ; Tohoku Dairy Chem 1951, bm, en

#18 ( 29 ) KBgyB Kagaku Zasshi; J Chem Soc Japan, Ind Chem Sect 1898, m, en, de, fr - Ceases publication with 74 (12) (Dec



#19 ( 27 ) Kanzume JihB; Canners J 1922, m

#20 ( 25 ) ShinshQ-Miso KenkyQsho KenkyQ HBkoku; Rep Shinshu-Miso Rcs Inst (Nagano) 1959, a #21 (24 ) Yukagaku; J Japan Oil Chem Soc 1952, m, en

#22 ( 2 3 ) Rep Rcs Lab Kirin Brew. Co (Gumma) 1958, a, En

#23 ( 23 ) TByB Shokuhin KenkyQsho Kenkyu HBkoku; Rep. Toyo Jun Col Food Technol Toyo Inst. Food Technol (Hyogo) 1950, a

#24 ( 21 ) Dempun KBgyB Gakkaishi; J Japan Soc Starch Sci 1953, q, en -Japanese title was changed to Dempun Kagaku beginning with 19 (1) (1971)

#25 ( 20 ) Hiroshima-ken Shokuhin KBgyB ShikenjB HBkoku; Rep Food Ind Exp Sta


Hiroshima Pref 1953, irr

#26 ( 20 ) Kagaku to Seibutsu; Chem Biol 1962, m

#27 ( 18 ) Nippon Sembai KBsha ChQb KenkyCsho KenkyQ HBkoku; Sci Pap Cent. Res Inst, Japan Mo- nop Corp 1925,irr,en

#28 ( 18 ) Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi; Bull Japan Soc Sci Fish 1932, m, en

#29 ( 18 ) SeitB Gijutsu KenkyG Kaishi; Proc Res Soc Japan Sugar Refin Technol 1952, sa, en #30 ( 17 ) Ibaraki-ken 5628 Shikenjo HBkoku; Rep Brew Inst, Ibaraki Pref 1954, a

#31 ( 17 ) Nippon Chikusan GakkaihB; Japan J. Zootech Sci 1924, m, en #32 ( 16 ) ReitB KQchB Gijutsu; Tech Refrig Air Cond (Tokyo) 1950, m

#33 ( 16) ShokuryB KenkyCsho Kenkyu HBkoku (NBrinshB); Rep Food Res Inst (Min Agr Forest, Tokyo) 1949, a, en

#34 ( 15 ) DempuntB Gijutsu KenkyC KaihB; J Starch Sweet Technol Soc. Japan 1948, sa, en #35 ( 15 ) Shbyu to Gijutsu; Shoyu Tech 1952,3/m -- Discontinued with No. 678 (March 23, 1971) and


182 Tech. Bull Fac. Agr. Kagawa Univ..

Table 3 The second important group of Japanese food journals (additional 41 titles) The listing is made by the same way as in Table 2

-- -- -. -

-#36 ( 14 ) Engei Gakkai Zasshi; J Japan Soc Hort Sci 1925, q, Ja, En, en

#37 ( 14 ) Hokusuishi GeppB; Mon. Rep Hokkaido Fish. Exp. Sta. 1944, m rPref 1954, a #38 ( 13 ) Tokushima-ken Shokuhin KakB ShikenjB KenkyQ HBkoku; Bull Food Res Inst Tokushima #39 ( 12 ) Kagawa-ken HakkB Shokuhin ShikenjB HBkoku; Ann. Rep Kagawa-ken Ferment Foods Exp

Sta 1905, a

#40 ( 12 ) Shokuhin Eisei Kenkyu; Food Hyg Stud 1951, m

#41 ( 12 ) Tatsuno JBz0 KenkyQkai KaihB; Rep Brew Soc Tatwno. 1951, a #42 ( 11 ) HakkB to Taisha; Amino Acid Nucl Acid 1956, a, Ja, En, en

#43 ( 11 ) Kanzei ChQB Bunseki ShohB; Rep Centr Custums Lab. 1965, sa Tin gener a1 (') #44 ( 11 ) KeisB; Instrumentation 1958, m - Publ by KBgyB Gijutsu Sha, classified under engineering #45 ( 10 ) Ehara JihB; Ehara Times 1952, q


Publ. by Ehara Mfg Co


Tokyo, classified under

mechanical engineering (')

#46 ( 10 ) Eisei Kagaku; J Hyg Chcm 1953, sa, en #47 ( 10 ) Kagaku KBgyB; Chem. Ind (Tokyo) 1950, m #48 ( 9 ) KBryB; Perfumery 1947, q

#49 ( 9 ) KyBto Joshi Daigaku Shokumotsu Gakkaishi; J Food Sci


Kyoto Women's Univ 1957, irr #50 ( 9 ) Mitsubishi Denki GihB; Mitsubishi Denki Tech Rev. 1925, m, en


Electrical engineering.(') #51 ( 9 ) NBgyb oyobi Engei; Agr Hort 1926, m

#52 ( 8 ) Organo Hai Raito; Organo Hi-lites 1952, q - Publ by Japan Otgano Co


Tokyo, dealing chiefly with ion-exchange resins

#53 ( 8 ) Seikatsu Eisei; J. Urban Living Health Ass 195 7, bm

#54 ( 7 ) ChagyB Gijutsu; Tea Tech J 1949, irr-Pub1 by Saitama Pref Tea Technicians' Ass., Saitama. #55 ( 7 ) ChagyB ShikenjB KenkyQ Hbkoku; Bull Tea Res. Sta


Min Agr Forest, Shizuoka. 1962, sa,


#56 ( 7 ) Chikusan no KenkyQ; Anim Husb 1947, m

#57 ( 7 ) EiyBgaku Zasshi; %Japan J Nutr 1941, bm, en rEn, en #58 ( 7 ) Hirosaki Daigaku NBgakubu Gakujutsu HBkoku; Bull Fac Agr


Hirosaki Univ. 1950, a, Ja, #59 ( 7 ) Nihon Daigaku N6jQigakubu Gakujutsu KenkyQ HBkoku; Bull Coll Agr Veter. Med., Nihon

Univ. 1953, irr, en

#60 ( 7 ) Shizuoka-ken KBgyB ShikenjB HBkoku; Rep. Ind Exp. Sta., Shizuoka Pref ?(No 9 (1964)),irr #61 ( 7 ) Yakugaku Zasshi; J Pharm Soc Japan 1878, m, en, de, fr

#62 ( 6 ) Bull Brew. Sci 1955, a, En

#63 ( 6 ) Eisei Shikenjo HBkoku; Bull Nat. Inst Hyg. Sci 1886, a, en

#64 ( 6 ) Kagaku; Chemistry (Kyoto) 1946, m 'Tokyo.

#65 ( 6 ) Kagaku to KBgyB; Chemistry and Chemical Industry 1948, m- Publ by Chem Soc. Japan, #66 ( 6 ) Nippon Sakumotsu Gakkai Kiji; Proc Crop Sci Soc Japan. 1927, q, Ja, En, en

#67 ( 6 ) NyQgikyB ShiryB; Bull Japan Dairy Tech. Ass ? (17 (3) (Sept


1967) ), q

#68 ( 6 ) ShokuryB, sono Kagaku to Gijutsu; Food, Its Sci Techno1 1958; a-Pub1 by Food Res Inst., Min. Agr Forest, Tokyo

#69 ( 5 ) HokkaidB-ritsu Eisei KenkyQ ShohB; Rep Hokkaido Inst Publ Health 1951, a en

#70 ( 5 ) Shimane NBka Daigaku KenkyQ HBkoku; Bull Shimane Agr Coll 1954, a, Ja, En, en


Ceased publication with No. 15 (1967); published as Shimane Daigaku NBgakubu KenkyQ Hbkoku (Bull Fac Agr Shimane Univ ) beginning with No 1 (1967)

#7 1 ( 5 ) Takasago KBr y6 Jih6; Takasago Times 1920, irr - Publ by Takasago Perfumery Co


Tokyo #72 ( 5 ) Yushi; Oils and Fats 1948, m - Pub1 by Saiwai ShobB, Tokyo rShizuoka. #73 (*11) ChagyB Gijutsu KenkyQ; Stud Tea 1949, sa, en


Publ by Tea Res Sta., Min. Agr. Forest., #74 (*8 ) (SuisanchB) HokkaidB-ku Suisan KenkyQsho KenkyQ HBkoku; Bull Hokkaido Region. Fish.

Res Lab


Fish Agency, Min Agr Forest 1951, irr, en

#75 (*7 ) Chikusan ShikenjB KenkyQ Hbkoku; Bull Nat Inst. Anim. Husb 1963, irr, en #76 (*5 ) Bunseki Kagaku; Japan Analyst 1952, m, en


I n case of these 4 journals the no of papers abstracted in 1968-69 was more in CA, than in JVKS. The no shown in parenthese is for CA.


Vol.. 23, No. 2 (1972)



As reported previously,(l) the 35 most productive journals in Table 2 contained 2078 papers


Compared to total numbers of journal titles and of papers abstracted shown in Table

1, it is easily calculated that only 17 2% (out of 203 journals) produced about 80% (out of 2610)

papers abstracted

However, it might be here mentioned, that though the top journals such as

#1, #3, and #4 contained indeed very many papers recorded in NKS, almost all of them were

reviews or explanatory notes containing no new informations

When additional journals up to #72 in Table 3 are summed, these 72 (35 5% of total) journals

provided 2392 papers or about 92% of total.

Abstracting needs time

Sometimes considerable delays may occur from several reasons

Therefore, the examination of this type cannot reflect the truly important (quantitatively)

journals, if it does not cover a considerable length ofperiod

Two years do not suffice


are found in Table 3

The 4 journals (#73-76) were added from the number of papers abstracted

in CA in the same two years

They produced less than 5 papers abstracted in NKS in these years.

Some periodicals issued by universities (mainly faculty of agriculture) appear in Table 3.

They are listed largely by chance. For example, the number of papers relating


food science

appeared in our Technical Bulletin as shown in Table 4

The 76 periodicals (Tables 2 and 3) were classified by the kind of publishers. The result is

shown in Table 5.

Table 4 Number of papers relating to food science which appeared in these five volumes of Kagawa Daigaku NBgakubu Gakuzyutu HBkoku (Tech Bull. Fac Agr


Kagawa Univ )

- - - -- . - - - -- - .--- - -Volume










22 --


Serial No


42, 43 44, 45


46,47 48


49, 50 Year


1966-67 1967-68


1968-69 1970 1971

Table 5 The 76 periodicals classified by publishers The numerals show the no. in Tables 2 and 3 -

--- - -


1) Academicsocieties: 2, 5,6, 7,9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18,21,24,26,28,31,32; 36,42,46, 57,61, 65, 66, and 76 (26 periodicals)

2) Public research institutes (incl universities): 8, 25, 27, 30, 33; 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 49, 53, 54, 55, 58, 59, 60, 63, 68, 69, 70, 73, 74, and 75 (24 periodicals)

3) Private companies and their associations: 12, 15, 19, 20, 22, 23, 29, 34, 35; 41, 45, 48, 50, 52, 62, 67, and 7 1 (17 periodicals)

4) Commercial publishers: 1, 3, 4; 44, 47, 51, 56, 64, and 72 (9 periodicals) No of papers

related to food science

See Table 2 for #1-35, and see Table 3 for #36-76


184 Tech Bull Fac Agr. Kagawa Univ

Original papers appear in 56 journals

Table 6 shows the journals by the number, which do


contain original papers

Table 6 The no (see Table 2 (#I-35) and Table 3 (#36-76) ) of periodicals without original papers

- - -

1, 3, 4, 26, 32; 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 56, 64, 65, 67, 68, 71, and 72 (20 periodicals)

Concerning the contents of the periodicals, the author could not examine directly all of the


However, they are classified tentatively as in Table


The arrangement is made by the

section used in



and Technology Abrtractr

Table 7 Classification of the 76 periodicals according to thc section of Food Sczence and Technology Abrtractr See Table 2 for #I-35 and Table 3 for #36-76


A (Basic food science


chemistry, physics, biochemistry, biophysics) 6, 9, 10, 14, 18, 23, 26, 2 7, 33; 42, 43, 57, 61, 76

A' (General reviews and explanations on food) 1, 3, 4; 64, 65, 68 B (Food microbiology) 7, 11, 30

C (Food hygiene and tokicology) 13; 40, 46, 53, 63, 69 D (Food economics and statistics) none

E (Food engineering) 16, 32 ; 44, 45, 47, 50, 52, 60 F (Food packaging) 19

G (Commodity technologies


general) 5, 8, 25; 38, 49, 51, 58, 59, 66, 70

H (Alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages) 2 (chicfly sake), 22 (beer); 54 (tea), 55 (tea), 62 (beer), 73 (tea)

J (Fruits, vegetables, and nuts) Soybean ptoducts: 12, 15, 20, 35; Others: 36

K (Cocoa and chocolate products) none

L (Sugars, syrups, starches, and candy) 24 (starch), 29 (sugar); 34 (starch)

M (Cereals and bakery products) none N (Fats, oils, and margarine) 21, 72

P + Q + S 31; 56, 75

P (Milk and dairy products incl butter) 17; 67 Q (Eggs and egg products) none

R (Fish and marine products) 28; 37, 74 S (Meat, poultry, and game) none

T (Food additives, spices, and condiments) 48, 71 U (Food laws, regulations, and standards) none


-The Japanese periodicals related to food are arranged alphabetically

This list (Table


contains 76 plus 16



The addition is arbitrary

The directory(4) was also



The authar is much thankful for assistance made by Miss Toshiko


in this examina-



Vol 23, No 2 (1972) 185

Table 8 Alphabetical index of Japanese periodicals related to food science (chiefly chemical) See Table 2 for #1-35 and Table 3 for #36-76 (nop =no original papers)

- - -- ...- - -- -- - -

- - -- - -- -- - ---- -- A

Agr Biol Chem #6 Mitsubishi Denki GihB #50 rHBkoku



Aichi-ken Shokuhin KBgyB Shikenjo NempB #8 Nihon Daigaku NBjQigakubu Gakujutsu KenkyQ

Bull Brew Sci #62 Nippon Chikusan GakkaihB #31

Bunseki Kagaku


76 Nippon JBzB KyBkaishi #2

ChagyB Gijutsu #54 Nippon NBgei Kagaku Kaishi #9

ChagyB Gijutsu KenkyQ #73 Nippon Sakumotsu Gakkai Kiji #66 'HBkoku #27 ChagyB ShikenjB KenkyC HBkoku #55 Nippon Sembai KBsha ChCB KenkyQrho KenkyQ

Chikusan no KenkyQ#56 Nippon Shokuhin KBgyB Gakkaishi #5

Chikusan ShikenjB KenkyQ HBkoku #75 Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi #28

ChBmi Kagaku


12 Nbgy6 oyobi Engei #51

Dempun KBgyB Gakkaishi #24 NyQ FQdo Indastorii #4

DempuntB Gijutsu KenkyQ KaihB $34 NyGgikyB ShiryB #67

Ehara JihB #45 Orugano Hai Raito #52

Eisei Kagaku #46 RakunB Kagaku no KenkyQ #17

Eisei Shiltenjo HBkoku #63 ReitB



EiyBgaku Zasshi #5 7 ReitB KQchB Gijutru #32

EiyB to ShokuryB


10 Rep Noda Inst Sci Res 1957, a, En

Engei Gakkai Zasshi #36 Rcp Res Lab Kirin Brew Co #22

HakkB KBgaku Zasshi


7 Saitama-ken JBz6 ShikenjB HBkoku; Rep Brew.

HaklcB KyBkaishi


1 1 Exp Sta,SaitamaPref 1951,a

HakkB to Taisha #42 Seikatsu Eisei #53

Hirosaki Daigaku NBgakubu Gakujutsu HBkoku #58 Seika Seipan; Baking Confect 1924, m (nop) Hiroshima-ken Shokuhin KBgyB ShikenjB HBkoku SeitB Gijutsu KenkyQ Kaishi #29

#25 r# 74 Shimane NBka Daigaku KenkyQ HBkoku



HokkaidB-ku Suisan KenkyQsho Kenkyu HBkoku ShinshQ-Miso KenkyQsho KenkyQ HBkoku #20 HokkaidB-ritsu Eisei KenkyQ ShohB #69 Shizuoka-ken KBgyB ShikenjB HBkoku #60

Hokusuishi GeppB #37 Shokuhin; Food 1957, m (nop)

Ibaralti-ken JBzB Shilcenjo HBkoku #30 Shokuhin Eiseigaku Zasshi #14

Kagaku #64 Shokuhin Eisei KenkyQ #40

Kagaku KBgy5 #47 Shokuhin 136~6; Food Packaging 1962, m (nop)

Kagaku to KBgyB #65 Shokuhin Kaihatsu; Up-to-date Food Proces.

Kagaku to Seibutsu #26 Shokuhin KBgyB #I ~ 1 9 6 6 , m (nop)

Kagawa Daigaku NBgakubu Gakuzyutu HBkoku; Shokuhin KBgyB Gijutsu; Food Eng Techno1 Tech Bull Fac Agr


Kagawa Univ 1949, irr, Shokuhin to Kagaku #3 L 1962, m (nop) Ja, En, Esperanto, Fr, en, esperanto; cf Table 4 ShokuryB #68

Kagawa-ken HakkB Shokuhin ShikenjB HBkoku #39 ShokuryB Gijutsu; Food Eng


Japan 1957, a, en Kanzci ChQB Bunseki ShohB #43 'bop) ShokuryB KenkyQsho KenkyQ HBkoku #33 Kanzume Gijutsu; Canning Techno1 1960, m ShByu to Gijutsu #35

Kanzume JihB #19 TaitB Kabushiki Kaisha KenkyQsho HBkoku; Rep

Kaseigaku Zasshi


1 5 Taito Co


Res Lab News ?, a

KeisB #44 Takasago KBryB JihB


7 1

Kinki Daigaku Shokuhin Kagaku KenkyQsho Tatsuno JBz6 KenkyQkai KaihB #11 HBkoku; Bull Res Inst Food Sci


Kinki Univ Yakugaku Zasshi #6 1

KBgyB Kagaku Zasshi


18 L1963, a Yamanashi Daigaku HakkB KenkyQsho KenkyQ

KBr yB #48 HBkoku; Bull Res Inst Ferment, Yamanashi

KyBto Daigaku ShokuryB Kagaku KenkyQsho Univ 1954, a, en Hbkoku; Bull Res Inst Food Sci


Kyoto Univ Yukagaku #2 1

1949, irr, en Yukijirushi NyQgyb Gijutsu KenkyQsho HBkoku;

KyBto Joshi Daigaku Shokumotsu Gakkaishi #49 Rep Res L a b , Snow Brand Milk Products Co Mem Res Inst Food Sci


Kyoto Unib 1951, irr, 1950, sa, Ja, En, en


186 Tech. Bull Fac. Agr. Kagawa Univ..


(1) KAWAMURA, S : Problems in Japanese periodi-

cals on food sience and technology Abstracts of Papers, 3rd International Congress of Food Sci- ence and Technology, Washington, D C


August 9-14, No 14 (1970); Proceedings, 146-50 (1971)

(2) BROWN, P


STRAIION, G B (ed ) : World List of Scientific Periodicals Published in the Years 1900-1960, 4th e d , 3 vols., London, But- terworths (1963-1965)

(3) Chemical Abstracts Service: Access, Key to the Source Literature of the Chemical Sciences, 1969 ed


Am Chem Soc. (1969) ; supplemented by

CAS Source Index Quaterly, 1970 ( 4 ) and 1971 (1)

through (3)

(4) Kokuritsu Kokkai Toshokan (National Diet Library, Tokyo): Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu Kan-

kei Chikuji KankBbutsu Mokuroku (Directory of Japanese Scientific Periodicals), Gakujutsu Bunken Fukyitkai, c/o Tokyo Institute of Tech- nology (1967)

( 5 ) Nippon Igaku Toshokan KyBkai (Japna Medical

Library Association) : Nippon Shizen Kagaku Zasshi SBran (Directory of Japanese Periodicals in Science and Technology), Tokyo, Gakujutsu Shuppankai (1 969)

(6) Nippon Kagaku Gijutsu JBh8 Sent2 (Japan Information Center of Science and Technology) : Chikuji KankBbutsu Shoz8 Mokuroku (Catalog of Periodicals Collected), I1 Kokunai Zasshi Hen (Part of Domestic Journals), Tokyo, JICST (1971)


Chemical Abrtractr

t 9&&9$3:aS¶CC




L ,





#1;6lb #35 $~T(%26)1.C=?I/\,TU.?~Tl.C$l%LR'". . 3 H # 3 6 $ 1 b # 7 6


( % 3 6 )


C h b 7 6 @ D % % Q ,


( % 5 6 ) , R $ . 6 i 0 3 @ ( % 6 S ) ,


( % 7 % )






%%SfJn L . r













E % S O % O M % <








#l - #l0 :


El $@Bb&%, &,?A

t #Y,



%%I.Y%%, %BL%&








# l l - # 2 0 :


i%%HY, %fii$DHYtE%, &Ef$?&.Y#%, g&Y#%,







#21- #35:

?&ICY, j?,%&&H%%H%%$?,


(-+B#%H%), JL%J%&,?AI.%%%f8%~,


& a ,




$7kEY&S, Fi%E%IjHR&S, %%J%%g%%%Pl%,,



G%, %%E%IE@i,

&%H%pfiH%%%, BHUE%HR&%,



3 6 , #36 .-


H Z Y G B ~ ~ ,



U E S W ~ ~ J U I . % ~ ~ H % % S ,



aPaR&.WR, G!37@BH%&&%,


t RBf, M&FP&53tfifi%,





%!Zf&,ICY, 4kFI.%, BH,

S $ a k 4 , k Y f

@Y&%, a%%&@%






% E 9 H R , %%?#%, %.%kY&P%%





#61- #76:

%Y%%, #&S%%Wi%,, ICY, ICY t I . % ,




9 H %


E%, JC%B2R&HRpfi%, &BBHkYH%%%, B@BH@%,




t E S % % H R % % , 538TICY.

Table  1  'The  total numbers of  journal  titles and of papers abstracted in  1968-69
Table 4  Number  of  papers  relating  to  food  science which  appeared in  these  five  volumes  of  Kagawa  Daigaku  NBgakubu  Gakuzyutu  HBkoku  (Tech  Bull
Table 6  The no  (see Table 2  (#I-35)  and Table 3  (#36-76)  )  of  periodicals  without  original papers



Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering , Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University; Kanazawa-shi 920 Japan The SN reactions of t-alkyl alcohols with

Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kanazawa University; Kanazawa-shi 920 Japan Calcium, strontium, and barium alkoxides reacted with primary

熱力学計算によれば、この地下水中において安定なのは FeSe 2 (cr)で、Se 濃度はこの固相の 溶解度である 10 -9 ~10 -8 mol dm

Two grid diagrams of the same link can be obtained from each other by a finite sequence of the following elementary moves.. • stabilization

In this paper a mathematical model of tumour angiogen- esis has been described on the basis of the chemical kinetics governing the chemistry of angiogenic factors, protease activity

Standard domino tableaux have already been considered by many authors [33], [6], [34], [8], [1], but, to the best of our knowledge, the expression of the

H ernández , Positive and free boundary solutions to singular nonlinear elliptic problems with absorption; An overview and open problems, in: Proceedings of the Variational

Keywords: Convex order ; Fréchet distribution ; Median ; Mittag-Leffler distribution ; Mittag- Leffler function ; Stable distribution ; Stochastic order.. AMS MSC 2010: Primary 60E05