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The Instruction of Noun Phrases in Junior High School Textbooks with a Focus on Prepositional Phrases


Academic year: 2021

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(1)The 1118huction of No皿n Phra8e8in Junior Hig止Schoo1Textbook8               With a FOCu80n Prep08itiOnal Phm8e8                                                       教科・領域教育学専攻                                                              言語系コース.                                                             M07146F                                                                尾西 ヨム子.     This  research  focuses  on  the. high schoo1stuaents,examined from the. understanding of the inner structure of. perspect1ve of grammat1ca1funct1on and. noun phrases,based on,the ana1ysis of the. word order.It is very important for. grammat1ca1 propert1es of both Eng11sh. students  to  understand  the  Eng1ish. ・・dJ・p・・・…T・d・thi・I・・叫・t・d・・. canonica1word order,and sp,this c1ear. ana1ysis of instmctiona1materia1from. difference from Japanese is taught so. textbooks and a fie1d survey of first・grade. repeated1y that most students don’t find it. high schoo1students.. difficu1t to understand.However,when a.      Chapter 1 describes the ana1ysis of. subject and a verb or a verb and an object. the grammat1ca1propert1es of Eng11sh. are separatedbyvariouskindsofmodifiers. compared w1th Japanese It1s common t0. of a noun, students find it difficu1t to. both 1anguages that a constituent of a. understand the structure of the who1e. sentence is a phrase and that phrases have. sentence.Therefore we shou1d conscious1y. a head word which determines the nature. teach the interna1 structure of nouI1. ofthe who1e phrase.However,the position. phrases  containing  various  kinds  of. of the head word is different in Eng1ish. post・head mod1f1ers because of the. and Japanese, that is, Elng1ish  is a. d1fference m word order from Japanese. head・first1anguage,whereas Japanese is a.      Chapter 3 introduces a previous. head−1ast1anguage.Due to this difference. study in which Kanatani et a1.(2006). in the position ofthe head ofa verb phrase,. high1ighted the difficu1ty of unaerstanaing. the canonica1Eng1ish word order SVO is. noun  phrases. They  c1assified  noun. considered  to  be  one  of  the  bigges1二. phrases into five groups noting that the. differences  from  Japanese,  whose. structures   of  noun   phrases   are. canonica1word order is SOV.. hierarchica1. This means that a noun.      Given the fundamenta1aiffe■ences in. phmse with a more basic shucture is. EngIish and Japanese sentence structure. inc1udea in a noun phrase with a more. detai1ed in Chapter1,Chapter2consiaers. comp1icated structure. Based on this. the1mportant grammar pomts for〕umor. hierarchy,they ranked the understanding. 一3!4一.

(2) of noun phrases in order of increasing. students find it difficuh to understand the. difficu1ty: prepositiona1 phrases, “to”. adj ectiva1  function   of  prepositiona1. infinitives,  Particip1es,  and  re1ative. phrases in spite of its simp1e structure. C1auSeS.. (Kanatani et a1.).I be1ieve that one reason.      Chapter4descri1〕es Study1.I first. is the difference in  i1=ユstruction between. investigated the instructiona1format of. prepositiona1 phrases and the others.. noun phrases with post.heaa modifiers in. Through further ana1ysis, I discoverea. junior high schoo1s,by ana1yzing how the. that so皿e students who focused on the. structure of these nouI1phrases is treated. adverbia1function ofprepositiona1phrases. in textbooks,The investigation invo1ved. understood the structures of various kinas. the forms ofpost・head modifiers ofanoun,. ofpost・head modifiers of a noun1ess than. the order of tbe teaching llnateria1s, and. those who inc1inea to use the adjectiva1. the number of times each for血is pI・esented.. funct1on of prepos1t1ona1phrases. Through this ana1ysis,I found that the.      I】=i conc1usion, Chapter 6 suggests. instruction of a noun with a prepositioηa1. tbat  the  leve1  of  difficu1ty  in. phI’ase  is  not  syste1=natic  and  its. understanding the inner structure of noun. exp1anation is aInbiguous despite tbe. phrases varies depeIlding on the teaching. functions of and the ways to use. content・In parti㎝1ar,1eame湘find. PrepOsitiona1   phrases   being   very. difficu1ty in understanding the structure. comp1icated.In contrast,re1ative pr01=ioun. ofnoun phrases with prepositiona1phrases,. c1auses  and  particip1es  are  taught. due to the non・systematic instruction.. repeated1y and co11ective1y as post・head. Despite the co]mp1icated functions of. modifiers of a noun, and the adjectiva1. prepositiona1phrases,teaching the usage. function of“to” infinitive s is aIso tre ated. of them is1eft to each teacher and in order. rep e ated1y  as  one  function  of  “to”. to enab1e  students to  understand  the. infinitives.A11but prepositiona1phmses. structure of noun phrases with post・head. are treated as a target 1anguage i】=i the. modifiers, one of the most important. textbooks.. pI・operties  of  Eng1ish, teachers  are.      Chapter 5 describes Study 2. I. required tO eXerCiSe ingenuity.. attempted to mvest1gate the actua11eve1of understanding of post−head II1odifiers of a. 主任指導教員 今井 裕之. nouI1by junior high schoo1stuaents.I gave. 指導教員今井裕之. a questionnaire to high schoo1 students who had finished the junior high schoo1. cumicu1um.Resu1ts indicated that many. 一315一.




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