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Studies on Ganpi. II. Characteristics and chromosome number of Ganpi plants from the Chugoku-Shikoku region-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Studies on Ganpi. II. Characteristics and chromosome number of Ganpi plants from the Chugoku-Shikoku region-香川大学学術情報リポジトリ"


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香川大学農学部学術報告 第23巻第1号 正誤表 URL



Technical Bulletin of Faculty of Agriculture, Kagawa University Vol.23 No.1 Errata



Vol 23, No. 1 (1971)





Characteristics and chromosome




plants from t h e Chugoku-Shikoku region


I Introduction

Ganpz has been used as a raw material for Japanese paper since olden times. Many people have been trying to cultivate it(61, but are still not successful. It is only experi- mentally cultivated and does not have been successfully cultivated as an agricultural pro-


Ganpi collected from nature has been the only source of supply. Now, collec- tors have begun to place much importance on the characteristics of Ganpz from various geographical regions. As the result, it is often thought mistakenly that different Ganpi were found in various areas. Several areas with different ecological conditions were chosen in the Chugoku-Shikoku region. From these areas Ganpz was collected, and the characteristics were examined comparatively. Not only were the external forms com- pared, but the kinds of anthocyan, which accounts for the different colors on various Ga- npz, were comparatively examined from the view point of chemical classification(l'. Along with this, a few reports on chromosome number of Ganpi are presented. However, differ


ent names are often given for the same species of Ganpi, so which chromosome number is that of which Ganpz, is not clear. Also, the chromosome numder of Ganpi is still not systematically clarified. Thus, the author, for the first time, has confirmed the species of Ganpi, and clarif iedl the chromosome number of each. Putting all the above mentioned together, it became possible to formulate basic data for the recognition of the species and characteristics of Ganpz inhabiting the Chugoku-Shikoku region. This report is based upon the data presented in a lecture by Michihiko TAKAHASHI (2 ')


The author wishes to thank Tatsujiro HATAMORI in Okayama Prefecture, who helped to collect Ganpi. And he thanks Michiyo Kita from the bottom of his heart for her kind help. Thanks are particularly due Drs. A . van NOORD of the URI JI University of the Netherlands and Ir. van de DESSEL of the International Agriculture Center in Wageningen for much useful advice to this study.

II Materials and Methods

Materials were GanPi collected from the Chugoku-Shikoku region, and were classified into 8 groups by their characteristics. By using paper-chromatography, the anthocyan from each Ganpi was analyzed, compared, and recorded. As it was difficult to detect ch- romosomes at the root apex of Ganpi, young leaves were used. considering the morphol- ogical feature, the kinds of anthocyan, and the chrornosomo number, the characteristics of the G a ~ p i species were judged.


18 Tech, Bull. Fac , Agr


Kagawa Univ.

IIP Characteristics of w i l d Ganpi

1. Dzplomorpha szkok~ana(~ 7,

This is a species which is called Ganpi, Hon-ganpi, Kamznokz, Hzyou, Hon-danjz, Hon- hiyou, etc. in Japanese, and has a wide distribution in the Chugoku-Shikoku region, This is the type usually used for making paper.

Silky pubescent shrub; Leaves alternate, densely white-silky pubescent a t sporputing time, thick, mineral-like lustrous, nearly glabrous under the powerful sunshine of summ- er ;Inflorescence in terminal, usually branched racemes; Bark cherry-like brown ; Seeds ovoid fusifor m, wrapped in hard whitish pubescent pod, hard, oily, mostly absent within 5-6years; Seed-coat black-brown; Flowering from late April to May. Growing in coppice.

2. Diplomorpha Ganpic2 7,

This is a species which is called Kusa-ganpz, KO-ganpi, No-ganpz, Inu-ganpi, Kusa- h[you,etc.in Japanese, and has a wide distribution in the Chugoku-Shikoku region. This is usually not used for making paper, but rarely can the bark be obtained because of the influence of the ecological conditions.

Shrub with herbaceous characteristic on the terrestrial part; Leaves alternate, oblong, silky pubescent at sprouting time, but usually sparsely; Branches much-branched above with branchlets; Seeds broadly ovate. hard, oily, excellect fertility: Flowers white-yellow; Flowering from May to June. Light woods.

3. Diplomorpha trzchot~ma(~ ')

This is a species which is called Ki-gan$i, KO-ganpi, Men-hgyou, Men-ganpi, etc. in ,Japanese, and is distributed in the mountains from 500 to 600 meters high. This species is littie used as a raw material for paper.

Glabrous branched shrub with slender reddish or green branch-lets; Leaves opposite, ovate or elliptical membranous, often similar to Diplomorpha szkokiana under the powerful sunshine; Inflorescence a raceme, about ten flowered, with an elongate axis; Seeds bro- adly ovate, hard, oily; Flowering autumn; Flowers yellow; Planted rather easily.

4. Dazsen@ 7,

This is a kind which is called Dazsen-hzyou, Daisen-ganpz. Taka-ganpz, Kawarz-kz-ganpi, etc. in Japanese. This is similar to Dzplomorpha trzchotoma, but differs in that the leaves are alternate and the branchlets are more branched than for Dzplomorpha trichotoma. The habitat is higher and cooler than for Dzplomorpha szkokiana.

Giabrous shrub with reddish or green stems; Leaves alternate, membranous: Infloresc- ence a raceme, about ten flowered; Flowering autumn; Flowers yellow or white-yellow; Seeds mostly absent.

5 . Tatsu@


This is a ~ i n d which is called Tatsu-ganpz, Tatsutonze-ganpi, Akairo-kusa-ganpi, Kawa- n-danji, Hani lst, etc. in Japanese. For this species of Ganpz genus is unknown. This is not suitalbe for making paper. It is morphplogically similar to DiPlomorPha szkokiana, but each branch is extremely similar to that of Dzplomorpha Ganpi.


Fig.1 Characteristics of Diplomorpha sikokiana Fig 2. Characteristics of Diplomorpha Ganpi


20 Tech, Bull. Fac. Agr, Kagawa Univ. Leaves alternate, densely white-silky pubescent in sprouting time, but usually sparsely like Dzplomorpha Ganpz; Arrangement of flowers nearly simi!ar to Dzplomrpha Ganpz; New stems and branches within 1-2 years clearly red in autumn; Flowering from middle June to July; Flowers yellow; Seeds rare.

6. H a r ~ ( ~ 1 ~ )

This is a kind which is called Haru-ganpz, ~arutome-ganpi Oni-ganpi, Bani-ganpi, Hanz 2nd, etc. in Japanese. For this species of Ganpi the genus is unknown. It is not used as a raw material for paper. It is morphologically simliar to Dzplomrpha sikokzana.

A shrub with the fewest leaves of all Ganpz; Leaves alternate, oblong, silky pubescent in sprouting time, but usually sparsely like Dzpl~morpha Ganpi; Inflorescence similar to Dzplomorpha sikokzana, a few flowered; Seeds few; Flowering in July; Flowers white or yellow-white.

7. KazuC2 7,

This is a kind which is called Sukeyuki-ganpi, Kazutome-ganpz", Hanz-houki-danjz Suke- gunpi, Hani 3rd, etc. in Japanese. For this species of Ganpi the genus is unknown. In spite of being poor material for making paper, it is used. It is morphologically similar to Dzplomorpha szkokiana, and the branches are well elongated. In some regions, the peo ple this as Houki-danjz in order to make Houki (Besom in English) with it. Leaves alter- nate; Inflorescence terminal, usually branched racemes like Dzpdomorpha skokzana; Flower- ing in July; Flowers white.

8 . ')

This is a kind which is called Hide-ganpi, Hzdeo-ganpi, Ito-ganpz, etc. in Japanese. For this species of Ganpi the genus is unknown. It is morphologically similar to Diplo- morpha szkokiana, but generally smaller. Leaves opposite, thick ; lnf lorescence like Tatsu-ganpz: Flowering late June; Flowers white or yellow-white; Seeds rare.

9. Kinds and cha~acteristics of anthocyan found in Ganpi

It was observed that the leaves and stems of Ganpi become reddish a t the sprouting time in spring. The kinds of anthocyan in that time were examined for the above named 8 kinds from Rf using paper-chromat~graphg(~'.The results are as shown in Table 1. It was seen that Ganpi contains four kinds of anthocyan. Cyanidin, Delphinidin, P;ionidin, and Malvidin, and Cyanidin is contained in all 8 kinds as the basic pigment of Ganpi. Examination of the various Ganpi showed that, Diplomorpha sikokiuna contains Delphi- nidin and Cyanidin; Diplomo~pha Ganpi' contains Pgonidin and Cyanidin; Dzplomorpha tric- hotoma contains only Cyanidin. Daisen contains only Cyanidin too. Xatsu, Haru, and Kazu are of the same pigment constitution. Ido contains Malvidin which was not found in Diplomo~pha sfkokiana, Diplomo~pha Ganpi, or Dzplomorpha trichotoma.

10. Chromosome number of Ganpi

A few reports on the chromosome number of Ganpi have been reported. But some Ga- npi have different scientifin names in spite of being the same species, so which chromo- some number belongs to which Ganpi species is not clear. And thus, TAKAHASHI clarified


Fig ,, 5 . Characte~istics of Tatsu Fig. 6. Characteristics of Haru


22 Tech. Bull. Fac. Agr ,, Kagawa Univ


kinds R f


0 2 2 0 3 4 0 . 4 3 I 050

Table 1. Kinds of Anthocyan found in young leaves of Ganpi by paper chromatograpy

Diplomorpha sikokiana



Tq anthocyanidin Delphinidin Cyanidin

. .-. - Malvidin

Diplomor pha Ganpi

Paonidin -- -- Diplomorpha tr ichotoma -- - Daisen -. . --


- - Tatsu



I - -. . . - .- . . --- -- -I-+


i- -. . ~ .. .- Kazu










-- - . . . . - Id0







~ . .- ~ Note : -t little





much greater

+ +

t much greatest the chromosome number of each GanPz by examining young leavesC2


lo). Young leaves

can be make to demonstrate chromosomes easier than root tips. The results are as shown in Table 2.

Table 2 Kinds and Chromosome Number of Ganpi --


chro. number I IV Consideration of experimental results

. .






Wild Ganpi in the Chugoku-Shikoku


region are of two groups; one in which Diplomor pha sikokiana

-- the basic chromosome number is n=9,

Diplomorpha Ganpi such as Dzplomorpha szkokzana (2n = 18) or

-- Dzplomorpha trzchotoma (2n=36), the other Diplomorphatrichotoma














16 7-9

in which the basic chromosome number is n=7, such as DiPlomorPha Ganpi (2n = 14)


The former is used for making paper, but the latter is not. The latter is distributed wider than the former in the Chugoku-Shikoku region. Consider- ing the characteristics of these species

Di'plomo~pha tri'chotoma is woody, while

Daplomorpha Ganpi is herbaceous on the terrestrial part, because of mostly drying in winter. Nevertheless, under better


ecological conditions, like a bamboo bush, it is often woody and can be collected and the bark used for making paper, but is not so much as it can be regarded as an ecospecies. With regard to the chromosome numbers, the following was observed: Dzplomorpha sikokzana was 2n=18, while DiPlomorpha trzchotoma was 2n=36, it may be noted that these are in a polyploid relationship. But Dzplomorpha trzchotoma's polyploid never equals that of DzplomorPha trzchotoma. Because their external forms are extremely different. DzplozmorPha trzchtoma, as shown in the scientific name tri-, it is branched in three, and is like a min- iature of Edgeworthza papyrzfera (Mztsumata).

These three species all have different anthocyans at sprouting time. All three species contain Cyanidin, but in addition Dtplomorpha sikokiana and Dzplomorpha trzchotoma contain another pigments.

There are four kinds having both the characteristics of Dzplomorpha szkokzana and Dzp- lomorpha Ganpz. They are Tatsu(2n = 16), Haru(2n = 17), Kazu(2n = 16), and Ido(2n = 16) ;

woody and herbaceous plants, and are presently unclassified. Though they can not be regarded as hybrids judging from their chromosome number. All except Haru (2n=17), have the chromosome number 7+9=16. Also, they are almost steril: the meiosis and the formation of pollen tetrad are a b n ~ r m a ' ~ 7,


Observations on anthocyan, show that all except Ido contain the same pigments as Dzplomorpha szkokzana and Dzplomorpha Ganpz. Dazsen is 2n 36, and quite similar to Dzplomorpha trzchotoma but with alternate leaves and more branchlets. Dazsen inhabits somewhat higher than Dzplomorpha trzchchotoma. Table 3 shows the monthly growth state of these species. Table 9 shows their morphology, woody parts, and herbaceous parts after fall. In summary, in the Chugoku-Shikoku region there are Dzplomorpha szkokzana (2 = 18), Dzplomorpha Ganpz (2n = 14)


Dzplomorpha trzcho- toma (2n=36), and the kinds which seem to be hybrid species. The former three species have an adaptable nature according to the environment, so the forms differ greatly with each environmental condition. Therefore, as a result of the examination of the forms, shape and arrangement of leaves, inflorescence, chromosome number, and kinds of ant


Fig 9 Diagram showing types herbaceous par tc, and woody parts of ganpi

orpha Dlplomoipha





Tech Bull Fac Agr, Kagawa Univ Table 3 The monthly growth state of each Ganpi species











kinds Diplornor pha Diplomor pha

sikokiana Ganpi

dormancy dormancy




budding start


- Diplomorpha trichotoma Daisen dormancy


dormancy - _ _ _ I -__j---_- -




sprouting of leaves efflorescence


budding start budding start


budding start

month \\



u n


fruition sprouting of leaves sprouting of leaves sprouting of leaves



growth stop Jul




efflorescence growth stop efflorescence growth stop growth vigorous - N -- - Dec


dormancy Oct





dormancy growth vigorous -


efflorescence fruition

fall of leaves fall of leaves


fall of leaves






Haru Kazu



month 'l.1, I I I I growth vigorous -- - - - N .Jan. dormancy -- - Feb, N growth vigorous - - -- N N fall of leaves




Dormancy fruition --


dormancy I seeds absent - - I Mar.


// //


N - . - . _.-.-____- A p r ,


N N - coloring of leaves



budding start




budding start


budding start

little coloring of leaves

-- - /


.. - '---

sprouting of leaves .run



sprouting of leaves


budding start


sprouting of leaves



ef f lor escence

sprouting of leaves

J u l





efflorescence efflorescence


growth vigorous

AW seeds absent seeds absent

-- -- --

-- --

growth stop

Oct growth stop growth stop leaves yellowish 1 growth




brownish whole stem red


fall of leaves fall of leaves


fall of leaves


- -- - - - - -- I


v01,23, No. 1 (1971) 25 hocyan, it is clear that they are divided into two groups in addition to the unclassified kinds which are steril and hybrid-like. Also, considering these kinds from the aspect of species, they were divided to three basic species and hybrid kinds.

V Summary

This study clarified the strains of Ganpz inhabiting the Chugoku-Shikoku region based on external characteristics, kinds of anthocyan, and chromosome number. Dzplomo- ypha szkokiaaw (2n .= 18), Dzplomorpha trichotoma (2n = 36), and Dzplomorpha Ganpz (2n = 14) grow naturally as basic species in the Chugoku-Shikoku region.

Dzplomorpha szkokzana contains Cyanidin and Delphinidin; Dzplomorpha trzchotoma con- tains Cyanidin; and DzpZomorpha Ganpz contains Cyahidin and Paonidin. Thus Cyanidin is a common pigment of all. Dzplomorpha szkokia~a is woody, and Dzplomorpha Ganpz is herbaceous. As the kinds having both characteristics, Tatsu (2n = 16), Haru(2n = 17), Kasu(2n=16), and Ido(2n=16) were found. These contain both pigments found in Dzp- lomorpha sikokiana and Dzplomorpha Ganpi. Only Ido contained Malvidin. From their ant- hocyan, form and chromosome number, or from the fact that meiosis is abnorma1,or from the fact that these plants are steril, it was considered that these might be hybrids spe- cies. Dzplomorpha trichotoma (2n=36) is ib a polyploid relationship with Dzplomorpha szkokiana but not with the poly ploid of Dzplomorpha szkokiana. Also, Dzplomorpha trzchotbmana is extremely similar to Daisen (2n =36) except for the character of alternate leaves and the higher elevation habitat. It is here known that in the Chugoku-Shikoku region three kinds of Ganpz exist as basic species, these are divided into two groups of herbaceous and woody plants, the undetermined intermediate Ganpi types.

Literature Cited

(I), SWAN, T : Chemical plant Taxonomy, 388 -395, London Academic press (1963). (2) TAKAHASHI, M : Kinds and Characteristics

of Ganpi found in the Chugoku-Shikoku regi- on, Abstracts zn Bveedzng Soczety,


1,68, (1965)

(3) TAKAHASHI, M , UEHARA, S , HAISUSE, M : About the Method of Chromosome Che- ck on Young Leaves of Some Ganpi Species and Their Chromosome Number, Proceedzngs

o f Shikoku region Breeding Soczety,

1 , 7-8 (1967)

(4) TAKAHASHI, M , MITCHELL, G S , HAISUSE, M , UEHARA, 3 s : Paper-Ch10matography of anthocyan in Several Ganpi species Proceed- zng o f Shzkoku regzon Breedzng Soczety, 1 ,


(51 TAKAHASHI, M , HATAMORI, T : Basic Chromosome Number of Ganpif ound in Chu-

goku-Shikoku region Abstract zn Kansaz regzon

forestr)? Soczety, 4 , 29 (1967)

16) TAKAHASHI, M : Essential condition on the cultuvation of Ganpi. Abstract zn Shzkoku regzon

Crops Soczety, 4 , 29 (1967)


Kinds and from of Ganpi found in Chugoku-Sh ikoku region and their Chromosome number and g growing places Proceedzng o f Shikoku regzon Breedzng Soczety, 1, 9-10 (1967)

18 TAKAHASHI, M : New Schedul for Study of mitotic Chromosome Check of grass plants in roottip Pvoceadzng o f Shzkoku regzon Breeding

Society, 2,19-20 (1969)

(91 TAKAHASHI, M : Studies on Some Ganpi plants with ecology, Character and Chromosome number, Abstract zn Breedzng Soczety, 20-2, 140 (1970)


26 Tech. Bull. Fac., Agr


Kagawa Univ. with enzyme and i t pecularity Proceeding 33 (1970).

o f Shzkoku region Breedzng Soczety, 4 , 25-


Cs 6



e98ftbZK $ & ? 5 jS'YYK*3L\-C, Y\8P%!Em%%, W & % D W ~ E ~ & & % & ; I , ~ B , & Y ~ D

@ g & $ & % N K % % L , ~ ~ " Y Y D @ % D % @ ~ B B & % ~ ~ L K L ~ & D T & ~ %D$kA, $, l!.LlEIit&!i~M, Dzpl-

omorpha sikokiana 2n=18, Diplomorpha trzchotoma 2n=36, Dzplomorpha Ganpz 2 n = 1 4 8 2 @ @ D 2 & @ f j i $

& L - C L \ b Z k ; I , i % b f i ~ k k - > k . L;h%2%%YiSiM%%LTYY'J~7'Y&% Cyanidin & $ @ L T 1 , \ 6 WIIBDipl-

omorpha sikokzana Cyanidin Delphinidin, DzPlomorPha trzchotoma I2 Cyanidin Dzplomorpha Ganpi

Cyaniding ponidin &+% L T 1, \ 5


XDiplomorpha stkokzanaM&&B T & b , DzPlomorPha GanPz YiSiM@&l& D114R73Gj 6 Z W&jfijj+?B & &



*3@@KTatsu 2n=16, Haru 2n=17, Kazu 2n=16, Ido 2n=16fia;82bb;hk + L T , t ; h X D @ % D 7 Y E.


7 Y&% 8E,&j$+$ Diplomorpha szkokzana 2 Dzplomorpha Ganpz Dfifijfj a@,%&@ 7 b\& .is Zdo K 0 % Malvidin i3i:Z& b h k o


%@,i&%k, h%%%%8%%, 7 Y b


7 Y & % E @ L h%D&+??;I,:, & 2 Z X R T

& 6 t k f j ~ b , @ $ ~ d & # ~ T k L ~ f j ~ ~ % % ~ i h 6 ; I , i , Z ih%%@ii?J.k5&KML\jtbkfja7 k

- 2

Dzplomorpha trzc hotoma 2n =36 MDiplomorpha szkokiana 8 @'&W#K h 9 7 L 16 hj, Dzplomorpha

stkokzana cD{$&&TMBL\. 5 L X m L%&$$%Zn=36D Daisen k I @ B m K % % K k,


L1: 1,\5;Si%i3iE&T

Diplomorpha trichotomad: 9 .F?-P%L$hk L /3K $&$&&% L-Z: l , \ Z i o t D & K h ' Y Y K M, &&@t: L TZ@$$%

@ & L , E K L ; h M @ & i & k , *&i%DI*3D3'4 7 K f i % R S ; h 6 . ? L < , Z ; h % D + F d D % G E G & & & @ ? 6 , Tatsu, Haru, Kazu Id0 8@@%, $4 e 9 8 i & 2 V c $ & L Z L \ 6 l ; I , ~ % b f j > k ; F a 7 k

Fig  ,,  5 .   Characte~istics  of  Tatsu  Fig. 6.  Characteristics  of  Haru
Table  1.  Kinds  of  Anthocyan  found  in young  leaves  of  Ganpi  by  paper  chromatograpy
Fig  9  Diagram  showing  types  herbaceous  par tc,  and  woody  parts  of  ganpi orpha Dlplomoipha



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