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令和3年度秋田県公立高等学校入学者選抜 前期選抜学力検査問題 英語


Academic year: 2021

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1 次 の(1),(2)の 問い に 答え な さい 。

(1) 次 の① ~ ⑤ に対 す る応 答 とし て 最も 適 切な も のを, ア~カからそれぞれ1つずつ選んで記号を書きなさい。 ① Where is today’s newspaper?

② My brother will come back to Akita next month. ③ Have you eaten your lunch?

④ Who made this cake?

⑤ Would you like to go shopping together this Sunday? ア I’m sorry, I can’t.

イ My sister did. Do you like it? ウ It’s in my room. I’ll bring it to you. エ Oh, really? I want to see him. オ Yes, it is. I bought it last night. カ Yes. I’ve just finished it.

① ② ③

④ ⑤

(2) 次の①~④の( )に当てはまるものを,[ ]の中からそ れ

ぞれ1つずつ選んで, 適切な形に直して英語1語で書きなさ い。 ① This temple was ( ) about four hundred years ago. ② We have five ( ) today.

③ I ( ) a letter to my aunt in America yesterday.

④ Yoko is fifteen years old. Miho is thirteen years old. So Miho is ( ) than Yoko.

[ send class old build young ]

① ②

③ ④

2 次 の (1)~ (3)は ,Aと Bの 会 話 です 。 会 話 が成 り 立 つ よう に , ( )に 当 て は ま る 最 も 適 切 な も の を , ア ~ エ か ら そ れ ぞ れ 1 つ ず つ 選 ん で記 号 を書 き なさ い 。

(1) A : Tom is one of my best friends. B : How long have you known him? A : ( )

B : I see. So you know him very well.

ア Yes, I have. イ For ten years. ウ Eight years ago. エ Because he is kind. (2) A : I heard your grandfather was a baseball player.

B : ( ) So he often plays with me now. A : Really? Please ask him to play with me, too. B : OK, I will.

ア Yes, he was. イ I don’t know.

ウ Yes, he did. エ I haven’t heard about it. (3) A : Hello. May I help you?

B : Yes. I want to buy a T-shirt.

A : How about this blue one? The color is so nice. B : Great. ( )

ア Help yourself. イ Here’s your change.

ウ I’ll take it. エ I’ll show you another color.

(1) (2) (3) 3 次は , ニ ュ ー ジ ー ラ ン ド (New Zealand) 出身の留 学 生 の ト ム (Tom) が , 友 達 か ら 送 ら れ て き た ビ デ オ メ ッ セ ー ジ を 麻 衣(Mai)に見せながら,手話(sign language) に つ い て 会 話 し て い る 場 面 で す 。 こ れ を 読 ん で , (1)~ (4)の 問 い に 答 え な さ い 。

Tom: Look at this, Mai. I got a video message from my friends. The girl [ ① ] sign language is Jane. She is *deaf. Mai: Do you understand what she is saying?

Tom: Yes. She is saying, “Are you having a good time in Japan?” This is *New Zealand Sign Language. It is called NZSL. I learned it at school.

Mai: That’s great.

Tom: There are different kinds of sign languages in the world. Mai: I didn’t know that.

Tom: Well, NZSL is one of the *official languages in New Zealand. In 2006, New Zealand became the first country to *establish a sign language as an official language in the world.

Mai: Really? That’s interesting.

Tom: We have three official languages. The first one is English, the second one is *Maori, and the third one is NZSL.

Mai: Wow! Do you usually see people who use NZSL?

Tom: Yes, we often see these people. For example, my father and mother use it to *communicate with deaf people. We often see sign language *interpreters on TV, too. We think that it is important to communicate with deaf people.

Mai: I see. Now I am interested in sign languages. I will learn them and help those people.

Tom: That’s nice. Jane [ ② ] to hear that. 【注】 *deaf : 耳 が聞こえな い

*New Zealand Sign Language: ニ ュ ー ジ ー ラ ン ド 手 話 *official language: 公 用 語 *establish: 制 定 す る *Maori: マ オ リ 語 ( ニ ュ ー ジ ー ラ ン ド の 先 住 民 の 言 語 ) *communicate: 情 報 を 伝 え 合 う *interpreter: 通 訳 者 (1) 本 文 中 の [ ① ],[ ② ]に 当 て は ま る 最 も 適 切 な も の を , ア ~ エ か ら そ れ ぞ れ 1 つ ずつ 選 ん で 記 号 を 書 き な さ い 。 [ ① ] ア use イ uses ウ using エ used

[ ② ] ア will be sad イ will be glad ウ was happy エ was surprised

(2) 下線部that が表している内容を,具体的に日本語で書きなさい。 (3) ト ム の 話 を 聞 い て , 麻 衣 は ど の よ う な こ と を す る つ も り だ と

述 べ て い る か , 日 本 語 で 書 き な さ い 。

(4) 本 文 の 内 容 に つ い て , 次 の 《 問 い 》a,bに 対 す る 答 え を , そ れ ぞ れ 主 語 と 動 詞 を 含 む 英 文 1 文 で 書 き な さ い 。

《 問 い 》 a Where did Tom learn New Zealand Sign Language? b How many official languages does New Zealand have?

(1) ① ② (2) (3) a (4) b 受 検 番 号 氏 名

1 問 題 は , 表 と 裏 に あ り ま す 。 2 答 え は , す べ て 解 答 欄 に 記 入 し な さ い 。

令 和 3 年 度

前 期 選 抜 学 力 検 査 問 題

( 3 時 間 目

45分 )

表 合 計 合 計


4 次は,京都で長年続く和傘(Japanese umbrellas) 店の主人である西堀耕太郎(Nishibori Kotaro)さんに ついて紹介している英文です。これを読んで,(1)~(5) の問いに答えなさい。

Nishibori Kotaro was born in Wakayama. He was interested in English and foreign countries. After high school, he studied in Canada. He met many students from other countries there. They told him about their countries and asked him about his country, too. But he ① . Through this experience, he began to think about Japan.

After he came back to Japan, he started working in *Shingu City Hall. He made English websites to tell foreign people the good points of the city.

When Nishibori visited his *wife’s family in Kyoto, he saw Japanese umbrellas for the first time. Her family sold Japanese umbrellas as the*family business for more than 150 years. He*was impressed with Japanese umbrellas. He decided to make them. From Monday to Friday, he worked in City Hall, and on weekends, he went to Kyoto because he wanted to learn how to make them. It took four hours from Wakayama to Kyoto by car. It was hard for him, but he never *gave up. In 2003, he stopped working in City Hall and moved to Kyoto. He joined the family business and started making Japanese umbrellas.

At first, many people bought Nishibori’s umbrellas, but soon, the *sales *went down. Nishibori wanted to keep the tradition of Japanese umbrellas, so he didn’t want to stop the family business. Every day, he thought about making better umbrellas.

One day, he saw the *light through a Japanese umbrella. He was excited to see the light. Its color was very warm and soft. He thought it was good to use the light to make better things. He got an idea. The idea was to make something new with the light. It was difficult, but finally, he made a new kind of *lampshade. We can see the warm and soft light through this lampshade. People neversaw such a lampshade, so they were impressed with it.

Nishibori thinks that to keep Japanese tradition is important, but also, the tradition should change with our life. He is always trying to ②( f ) a new way to make people happy with traditional Japanese things. His*innovation never stops.

【注】 *Shingu City Hall:和歌山県にある新宮市役所 *wife:妻 *family business:家業 *be impressed with:~に感動する *give up:あきらめる *sales:売り上げ *go down:下がる *light:光 *lampshade:照明器具にかぶせる笠 *innovation:革新 かさ (1) 本文中の ① に当てはまる最も適切なものを,次のア~エか ら1つ選んで記号を書きなさい。 ア couldn’t tell them about Japan

イ made many friends from other countries ウ didn’t enjoy food in Canada

エ studied all the subjects hard

(2) 次の《問い》に対する答えを主語と動詞を含む英文1文で書きなさい。 《問い》 Why did Nishibori go to Kyoto on weekends?

(3) 西堀耕太郎さんが,自分の作った和傘が売れなくなっても家業を続 けたいと思った理由は何か,日本語で書きなさい。 (4) 本文中の②に適する英語1語を書きなさい。ただし,答えは( ) 内に示されている文字で書き始めること。 (5) 本文の内容と合っているものを,次のア~オから2つ選んで記号を 書きなさい。

ア When Nishibori was a high school student, he went to Canada to study English.

イ The websites which Nishibori made told Japanese people the good points of Canada.

ウ Nishibori moved to Kyoto in 2003, and he started making Japanese umbrellas as his job.

エ People liked Nishibori’s lampshade because they could see the warm and soft light through it.

オ Nishibori thinks Japanese tradition should not change.

(1) (2) (3) (4)


(5) 5 中学生の佳奈は,スマートフォンアプリ開発者(smartphone app developer)である若宮正子(Wakamiya Masako)さんについて調べた ことを,英語の授業で発表しました。(1)~(3)の問いに答えなさい。 (1) 次 は , 佳 奈 が 作 成 し た メ モ と そ れ を もと に 発 表 し た 内 容 で す。 ( ① ) ~ ( ④ )に入る英語をそれぞれ1語ずつ書きなさい。 〈メモ〉 〈発表した内容〉

I’m going to tell you about Ms. Wakamiya Masako. She began to learn how to use computers when she was ( ① ) years old. She thought that computers were ( ② ) for old people to have communication with other people. So she ( ③ ) old people how to use computers. She also wanted them to enjoy smartphone apps. But there were not ( ④ ) apps for them.

She made the smartphone app “hinadan” in 2017. She was eighty-one years old then. She became famous as the oldest smartphone app developer in the world.

(2) 次は,佳奈が(1)の発表に続けてさらに自分の考えを発表した内容

です。[ a ],[ b ]に当てはまる最も適切なものを,下のア~


I think that she is a wonderful person. From her story, I learned two things. First, [ a ]. Second, thinking about other people and doing something for them is very important. She gave me a chance to think about my future. So [ b ] from now on.

ア I will try a lot of new things

イ she makes good apps for young people

ウ we must stop doing new things when we become old エ it is never too late for people to start learning something (3) 佳奈の発表の後,ALTの先生が,クラスのみんなに次のような質

問をしました。あなたならどう答えますか。《条件》にしたがって書 きなさい。

【質問】What is your future goal and what will you do for it? 《条件》 ・解答欄に15語以上の英語で書くこと。 ・符号( , . ? ! など)は語数に含めない。 ・文の数は問わない。 ① ② (1) ③ ④ (2) a b (3) 60歳のときに コンピュータを 学び始めた 高齢者にとってコンピュ ータは交流の役に立つ

高 齢 者 に アプ リ を楽 しんでもらいたい 高齢者にコンピュー タの使い方を教えた 高齢者向けの簡単な アプリがなかった 20 1 7年 に 8 1歳 で ア プリ 「ひな壇」を作った 世界最高齢のアプリ開発 者として有名になった 裏 合 計



物質工学課程 ⚕名 電気電子応用工学課程 ⚓名 情報工学課程 ⚕名 知能・機械工学課程

I came here on vacation with my family five years ago to Kansai, and my impression of Japan was that people are really nice. We got lost trying to find

エドワーズ コナー 英語常勤講師(I.E.F.L.) 工学部 秋学期 英語コミュニケーションIB19 エドワーズ コナー

第二次審査 合否発表 神学部 キリスト教思想・文化コース

(郵便発送) 入学手続納付金納入締切日 入学手続Ⅰ 入学手続Ⅱ

令和4年3月8日(火) 9:00 ~ 9:50 10:10 ~ 11:00 11:20 ~ 12:10 国  語 理  科 英  語 令和4年3月9日(水) 9:00 ~ 9:50 10:10 ~

○現場実習生受け入れ 南幌養護学校中学部3年 3名 夕張高等養護学校中学部3年 1名