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Portfolio Selection with Jumps under Regime Switching


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Volume 2010, Article ID 697257,22pages doi:10.1155/2010/697257

Research Article

Portfolio Selection with Jumps under Regime Switching

Lin Zhao

Department of Mathematics, University of Wales Swansea, Swansea SA2 8PP, UK

Correspondence should be addressed to Lin Zhao,malz@swansea.ac.uk Received 23 February 2010; Accepted 10 June 2010

Academic Editor: Hideo Nagai

Copyrightq2010 Lin Zhao. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

We investigate a continuous-time version of the mean-variance portfolio selection model with jumps under regime switching. The portfolio selection is proposed and analyzed for a market consisting of one bank account and multiple stocks. The random regime switching is assumed to be independent of the underlying Brownian motion and jump processes. A Markov chain modulated diffusion formulation is employed to model the problem.

1. Introduction

The jump diffusion process has come to play an important role in many branches of science and industry. In their book 1, Øksendal and Sulem have studied the optimal control, optimal stopping, and impulse control for jump diffusion processes. In mathematical finance theory, many researchers have developed option pricing theory, for example, Merton2was the first to use the jump processes to describe the stock dynamics, and Bardhan and Chao3 were amongst the first authors to consider market completeness in a discontinuous model.

The jump diffusion models have been discussed by Chan4, F ¨ollmer and Schweizer5, El Karoui and Quenez6, Henderson and Hobson7, and Merculio and Runggaldier8, to name a few.

On the other hand, regime-switching models have been widely used for price processes of risky assets. For example, in9the optimal stopping problem for the perpetual American put has been considered, and the finite expiry American put and barrier options have been priced. The asset allocation has been discussed in10, and Elliott et al.11have investigated volatility problems. Regime-switching models with a Markov-modulated asset have already been applied to option pricing in 12–14 and references therein. Moreover,


Markowitz’s mean-variance portfolio selection with regime switching has been studied by Yin and Zhou15, Zhou and Yin16, and Zhou and Li17.

Portfolio selection is an important topic in finance; multiperiod mean-variance portfolio selection has been studied by, for example, Samuelson18, Hakansson19, and Pliska20among others. Continuous-time mean-variance hedging problems were attacked by Duffie and Richardson21and Schweizer22where optimal dynamic strategies were derived, based on the projection theorem, to hedge contingent claims in incomplete markets.

In this paper, we will extend the results of Yin and Zhou15 to SDEs with jumps under regime switching. After dealing with the difficulty from the jump processes, we obtain similar results to those of Yin and Zhou15.

2. SDEs under Regime Switching with Jumps

Throughout this paper, let Ω,F, P be a fixed complete probability space on which it is defined a standard d-dimensional Brownian motion Wt ≡ W1t, . . . , Wdt and a continuous-time stationary Markov chain αt taking value in a finite state space S {1,2, . . . , l}. Let Nt, zbe as n-dimensional Poisson process and denote the compensated Poisson process by

Ndt, dz

N1dt, dz1, . . . ,Nndt, dzn

N1dt, dz1ν1dz1dt, . . . , Nndt, dznνdzndt,


where Nj, j 1, . . . , n, are independent 1-dimensional Poisson random measures with characteristic measureνj,j 1, . . . , n, coming fromnindependent 1-dimensional Poisson point processes. We assume that Wt, αt,and Ndt, dz are independent. The Markov chainαthas a generatorQ qijl×lgiven by


αt Δ j|αt i

qijΔ oΔ, ifi /j,

1qiiΔ oΔ, ifi j, 2.2

whereΔ>0. Hereqij≥0 is the transition rate fromitojifi /jwhile qii

j /i

qij, 2.3

and stationary transition probabilities pijt P

αt j |α0 i

, t≥0, i, j 1,2, . . . , l. 2.4 DefineFt σ{Ws, αs, Ns,· : 0 ≤ st}. Let| · |denote the Euclidean norm as well as the matrix trace norm andM the transpose of any vector or matrix M. We denote by L2F0,T;Rm the set of all Rm-valued, measurable stochastic processes ftadapted to {Ft}t≥0, such thatET

0 |ft|2dt <∞.


Consider a market in whichd1 assets are traded continuously. One of the assets is a bank account whose priceP0tis subject to the following stochastic ordinary differential equation:

dP0t rt, αtP0tdt, t∈0, T,

P00 p0>0, 2.5

wherert, i≥0, i 1,2, . . . , l, are given as the interest rate process corresponding to different market modes. The other dassets are stocks whose price processes Pmt, m 1,2, . . . , d, satisfy the following system of stochastic differential equationsSDEs:

dPmt Pmt


bmt, αtdtd

n 1

σmnt, αtdWnt n

j 1


t, αt, zjNj

dt, dzj

, t∈0, T, Pm0 pm>0,


where for eachi 1,2, . . . , l,b : 0, T×S → Rd×1,σ : 0, T×S → Rd×d, ρ : 0, T× S×Rn → Rd×n is the appreciation rate process, andσmt, i : σm1t, i, . . . , σmdt, iare adapted processes such that the integrals exist. And each column ρk of thed×nmatrix ρ ρijdepends onzonly through thekth coordinatezk, that is,

ρkt, i, z ρkt, i, zk, z z1, . . . , zn∈Rn. 2.7

Remark 2.1. Generally speaking, one uses noncompensated Poisson processes in a jump diffusion modelsee Kushner23. However, we use compensated Poisson processes in2.6 instead of using noncompensated Poisson processes, this is because firstly, using relationship 2.1we can easily transform a jump diffusion model driven by noncompensated Poisson processes into a jump diffusion model driven by compensated Poisson processes; secondly, using compensated Poisson processes we can keep the Riccati Equation 4.2 similar to that of a diffusion model without jump processes, and thenHt, iin4.3has a financial interpretation.


Define the volatility matrix, for eachi 1, . . . , l,

σt, i:


⎜⎝ σ1t, i

... σdt, i


⎟⎠≡σmnt, id×d,

bt, i


⎜⎝ b1t, i

... bdt, i



ρt, i, z



ρ1t, i, z ... ρdt, i, z





ρmt, i, z

ρm1t, i, z, . . . , ρmnt, i, z

. 2.9

We assume throughout this paper that the following nondegeneracy condition:

σt, iσt, iδI, ∀t∈0, T, i 1,2, . . . , l, 2.10

is satisfied for someδ >0. We also assume that all the functionsrt, i,bmt, i, andσmnt, i, ρmnt, i, zare measurable and uniformly bounded int.

Suppose that the initial market mode α0 i0. Consider an agent with an initial wealthx0>0. These initial conditions are fixed throughout the paper. Denote byxtthe total wealth of the agent at timet≥0. Assume that the trading of shares takes place continuously and that transaction cost and consumptions are not considered. Suppose the right portfolio π0t, π1t, . . . , πdtexists, whereπ0tis the money invested in the bond, andπitis the money invested in theith stock. Then

xt d

i 0

πit d

i 0

ηitPit, x0 x0,


whereη0tis the number of bond units bought by the investor, andηitis the amount of units for theith stock. We callxtthe wealth process for this investor in the market. Now let us derive intuitively the stochastic differential equationSDEfor the wealth process as follows. Suppose the portfolio is self-financed, that is, in a short timedtthe investor does not


put in or withdraw any money from the market. Let the moneyxtchange in the market due to the market own performance, that is, self-finance produces

dxt η0tdP0t d

i 1

ηitdPit. 2.12

Now substituting2.5and2.6into the above equation, after a simple calculation we arrive at

dxt rt, αtxtdtd

m 1

πmtbmt, αt−rt, αtdt


m 1

d n 1

πmmnt, αtdWnt


m 1

n j 1


t, αt, zjNj dt, dzj

, x0 x0>0, α0 i0,


whereπt π1t, . . . , πdtwhich we call a portfolio of the agent. Andπmtis the total market value of the agent’s wealth in themth asset,m 0,1, . . . , d, at timet.


Bt, i: b1t, i−rt, i, . . . , bdt, i−rt, i, i 1,2, . . . , l, 2.14

we can rewrite the wealth equation2.13as

dxt rt, αtxtdtBt, αtπtdtπtσt, αtdWt

Rnπtρt, αt, zNdt, dz, x0 x0>0, α0 i0.


Definition 2.2. A portfolioπ· is said to be admissible ifπ·L2F0, T;Rd and the SDE 2.15has a unique solutioncorresponding toπ·. In this case, we refer tox·, π·as an admissiblewealth, portfoliopair.

Remark 2.3. Most works in the literature define a portfolio, sayπ·, as the fractions of wealth allocated to different stocks. That is,

ut πt

xt, t∈0, T. 2.16


With this definition,2.15can be rewritten as

dxt xtrt, αt Bt, αtutdt

xtutσt, αtdWt

Rnxtutρt, αt, zNdt, dz, x0 x0>0, α0 i0.


It is well known that this equation has a unique solutionsee1, page 10, Theorem 1.19. We can use the same method in18, Example 1.15, page 8to show positivity of the solution of 2.17if the initial wealthx0is positive andutρt, i, z>−1.A wealth process with possible zero or negative values is sensible at least for some circumstances. The nonnegativity of wealth process is better imposed as an additional constraint, rather than as a built-in feature.

In our formulation, a portfolio is well defined even if the wealth is zero or negative, and the nonnegativity of the wealth could be a constraint.

The agent’s objective is to find an admissible portfolioπ·among all the admissible portfolios whose expected terminal wealth isExT ζfor some givenζ∈R1, so that the risk measured by the variance of the terminal wealth

VarxT≡ExT−ExT2 ExT−ζ2 2.18

is minimized. Finding such a portfolio π· is referred to as the mean-variance portfolio selection problem. Specifically, we have the following formulation.

Definition 2.4. The mean-variance portfolio selection is a constrained stochastic optimization problem, parameterized byζ∈R1:

minimize JMVx0, i0, π·: ExT−ζ2, subject to


ExT ζ,

x·, π· admissible.


Moreover, the problem is called feasible if there is at least one portfolio satisfying all the constraints. The problem is called finite if it is feasible and the infimum ofJMVx0, i0, π·

is finite. Finally, an optimal portfolio to the above problem, if it ever exists, is called an efficient portfolio corresponding to ζ; the corresponding VarxT, ζ ∈ R2 and σxT, ζ ∈ R2 are interchangeably called an efficient point, whereσxTdenotes the standard deviation ofxT. The set of all the efficient points is called the efficient frontier.


For more details of mean-variance portfolio selection see 15, 16, We need more notations; letΔijbe consecutive, left closed, right open intervals of the real line each having lengthγijsuch that


0, q12 , Δ13

q12, q12q13 , ...



j 2

q1j, l

j 2





j 2

q1j, l

j 2





j 2

q1jq21, l j 2


, ...



j 2

q1j l−1

j 1,j /2

q2j, l j 2

q1j l

j 1,j /2




For future use, we cite the generalized It ˆo lemmasee1,24,25as the following lemma.

Lemma 2.5. Given ad-dimensional processy·satisfying dyt f

t, yt, αt dtg

t, yt, αt



t, yt, αt, zNdt, dz, 2.21 where f, g,and γ satisfy Lipschitz condition with appropriate dimensions, each column γk of the matrixγ γijdepends onzonly through thekthcoordinatezk.Letϕt, x, iC1,20, T×Rn× S;R, one then has

t, yt, αt Γϕ

t, yt, αt dtϕx

t, yt, αt g

t, yt, αt dWt n

k 1



t, yt γkt, αt, zk, αt


t, yt, αt


t, yt, αt

γkt, αt, z

νdzkdt n

k 1



t, yt γkt, αt, z, αt


t, yt, αtNkdt, dzk



t, yt, α0 h

αt, l


t, yt, αt μ

dt, dl ,




Γϕt, x, i: ϕtt, x, i ϕxt, x, ift, x, i 1


gt,x,ixxt,x,igt,x,i l

j 1

qij’ t,x,j


k 1



t, yt γkt, αt, zk, αt


t, yt, αt

−ϕxt, yt, αtγkt, αt, z νdzk,


whereμis a martingale measure,


i, y

ji, ify∈Δij,

0, otherwise, 2.24

and μdt, dl γdt, dlμdldtis a martingale measure. And γdt, dyis a Poisson random measure with intensitydt×μdy, in whichμis the Lebesgue measure onR.

3. Feasibility

Since the problem2.19involves a terminal constraintExT ζ, in this section, we derive conditions under which the problem is at least feasible. First of all, the following generalized It ˆo lemma25for Markov-modulated processes is useful.

The associated wealth processx0·satisfies

dx0t rt, αtx0tdt, x00 x0 >0, α0 i0,


with its expected terminal wealth

ζ0: Ex0T Ee0Trs,αsdsx0. 3.2

Lemma 3.1. Let ψ·, i,i 1,2, . . . , l, be the solutions to the following system of linear ordinary differential equations (ODEs):

ψt, i ˙ −rt, iψt, i−l

j 1

qijψ t, j

, ψT, i 1, i 1,2, . . . , l.



Then the mean-variance problem2.19is feasible for everyζ∈R1if and only if

: E T


ψt, αtBt, αt2dt >0. 3.4

Proof. To prove the “if” part, construct a family of admissible portfolios πβ· βπ· for β∈R1where

πt Bt, αtψt, αt. 3.5

Assume thatxβtis the solution of2.15. Letxβt x0t βyt, wherex0·satisfies3.1, andis the solution to the following equation:


rt, αtyt Bt, αtπt

dtπtσt, αtdWt

Rnπtρt, αt, zNdt, dz, y0 0, α0 i0.


Therefore, problem 2.19 is feasible for every ζ ∈ R1 if there exists β ∈ R such that ζ ExβT ≡ Ex0T βEyT. Equivalently,2.19is feasible for everyζ∈ RifEyT/0.

Applying the generalized It ˆo formulaLemma 2.5toϕt, x, i ψt, ix, we have


ψt, αtyt

ψt, αtytdt˙ ψt, αt

rt, αtyt Bt, αtπt

dt l

j 1

qαtjψ t, j

ytdtπtσt, αtdWt


k 1


ψt, αt

yt πtρkt, αt, z

ψt, αtyt

−ψt, αtπtρkt, αt, z

νdzdt n

k 1


ψt, αt

yt πtρkt, αt, z

−ψt, αtπtρkt, αt, z

Nkdt, dzk



t, α0 h

αt, l

ytψt, αtyt

μ dt, dl


−rt, αtψt, αtytdt−l

j 1

qαtjψ t, j

ytdt rt, αtψt, αtytdtBt, αtπtψt, αtdt l

j 1

qαtjψ t, j

ytdtπtσt, αtdWt n

k 1


ψt, αtytNkdt, dzk



t, α0 h

αt, l

ytψt, αtyt

μ dt, dl

Bt, αtπtψt, αtdtπtσt, αtdWt n

k 1


ψt, αtytNkdt, dzk



t, α0 h

αt, l

ytψt, αtyt

μ dt, dl



Integrating from 0 toT, taking expectation, and using3.5, we obtain



ψt, αtBt, αtπtdt



ψt, αtBt, αt2dt.


Consequently,EyT/0 if3.4holds.

Conversely, suppose that problem2.19is feasible for everyζ ∈ R1. Then for each ζ ∈ R, there is an admissible portfolioπ· so that ExT ζ. However, we can always decomposext x0t ytwheresatisfies3.6. This leads toEx0T EyT ζ.

However,Ex0T ≡ ζ0 is independent ofπ·; thus it is necessary that there is aπ·with EyT/0. It follows then from3.8that3.4is valid.

Theorem 3.2. The mean-variance problem2.19is feasible for everyζ∈Rif and only if



|Bt, αt|2dt >0. 3.9

Proof. By virtue of Lemma3.1, it suffices to prove thatψt, i >0 ∀t∈ 0, T,i 1,2, . . . , l.

To this end, note that3.3can be rewritten as


ψt, i

−rt, i−qii

ψt, il

j /i

qijψ t, j

, ψT, i 1, i 1,2, . . . , l.



Treating this as a system of terminal-valued ODEs, a variation-of-constant formula yields

ψt, i etT−rs,i−qiids T


ets−rτ,i−qii l j /i

qijψ s, j

ds, i 1,2, . . . , l. 3.11

Construct a sequenceψk·, i known as the Picard sequenceas follows:

ψ0t, i 1, t∈0, T, i 1,2, . . . , l, ψk1t, i etT−rs,i−qiids



ets−rτ,i−qii l j /i

qijψk s, j

ds, t∈0, T, i 1,2, . . . , l, k 0,1, . . . .


Noting thatqij≥0 for allj /i, we have

ψkt, i≥etT−rs,i−qiids>0, k 0,1, . . . . 3.13 On the other hand, it is well known thatψt, iis the limit of the Picard sequenceψkt, ias k → ∞. Thusψt, i>0. This proves the desired result.

Corollary 3.3. If 3.9holds, then for anyζ∈R, an admissible portfolio that satisfiesExT ζis given by

πt ζζ0

Bt, αtψt, αt, 3.14

wherex0andare given by3.2and3.4, respectively.

Proof. This is immediate from the proof of the “if” part of Lemma3.1 ExT ζ

x0T EyT,

ζζ0 EyT E



ψt, αtBt, αtπtdt.


Then one has

πt ζζ0

Bt, αtψt, αt. 3.16


Corollary 3.4. IfET

0 |Bt, αt|2dt 0, then any admissible portfolioπ·results inExT ζ0. Proof. This is seen from the proof of the “only if” part of Lemma3.1

ExT Ex0T EyT

ζ0ψt, αtBt, αtπtdt




0 |Bt, αt|2dt 0.

Remark 3.5. Condition 3.9 is very mild. For example, 3.9 holds as long as there is one stock whose appreciation-rate process is different from the interest-rate process at any market mode, which is obviously a practically reasonable assumption. On the other hand, if3.9 fails, then Corollary 3.4implies that the mean-variance problem 2.19is feasible only if ζ ζ0. This is pathological and trivial case that does not warrant further consideration.

Therefore, from this point on we will assume that 3.9 holds or, equivalently, the mean- variance problem2.19is feasible for anyζ.

Having addressed the issue of feasibility, we proceed with the study of optimality. The mean-variance problem2.19under consideration is a dynamic optimization problem with a constraintExT ζ. To handle this constraint, we apply the Lagrange multiplier technique.


Jx0, i0, π·, λ: E

|xT−ζ|22λxT−ζ ExT λζ2λ2, λ∈R.


Our first goal is to solve the following unconstrained problem parameterized by the Lagrange multiplierλ:

minimize Jx0, i0, π·, λ ExT λζ2λ2,

subject to x·, π·admissible. 3.19

This turns out to be a Markov-modulated stochastic linear-quadratic optimal control problem, which will be solved in the next section.

4. Solution to the Unconstrained Problem

In this section we solve the unconstrained problem3.19. Firstly define

γt, i: Bt, i

σt, iσt, i

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, i, i 1,2, . . . , l. 4.1


Consider the following two systems of ODEs:

P˙t, i

γt, i−2rt, i

Pt, i−l

j 1

qijP t, j

, 0≤tT, PT, i 1, i 1,2, . . . , l,


Ht, i ˙ rt, iHt, i− 1 Pt, i

l j 1

qijP t, j

H t, j

Ht, i

, 0≤tT, HT, i 1, i 1,2, . . . , l.


The existence and uniqueness of solutions to the above two systems of equations are evident as both are linear with uniformly bounded coefficients.

Proposition 4.1. The solutions of 4.2and 4.3must satisfyPt, i > 0 and 0 < Ht, i1,

∀t ∈ 0, T,i 1,2, . . . , l. Moreover, if for a fixed i,rt, i > 0, a.e.,t ∈ 0, T, thenHt, i < 1,

∀t∈0, T.

Proof. The assertionPt, i > 0 can be proved in exactly the same way as that ofψt, i >0;

see the proof ofTheorem 3.2. Having proved the positivity ofPt, i, one can then show that Ht, i>0 using the same argument because nowPt, j/Pt, i>0.

To prove thatHt, i≤1, first note that the following system of ODEs:


dtHt, i − 1 Pt, i

l j 1


t, j!H t, j

Ht, i "

, HT, i 1, i 1,2, . . . , l,


has the only solutionsHt, i ≡1,i 1,2, . . . , l, due to the uniqueness of solutions. Set

Ht, i# : Ht, iHt, i≡1−Ht, i, 4.5

which solves the following equations:


dtHt, i # rt, iHt, i# −rt, i− 1 Pt, i

l j 1


t, j!#H t, j

Ht, i# "

rt, i 1 Pt, i

l j /i

P t, j

⎦#Ht, irt, i− 1 Pt, i

l j 1

P t, j#H

t, j , HT, i # 0, i 1,2, . . . , l.



A variation-of-constant formula leads to

Ht, i # T

t etsrτ,i1/Pτ,i&lj / iPτ,jdτ '

rs, i 1

Ps, i

&l j 1P

s, j#H s, j(

ds. 4.7

A similar trick using the construction of Picard’s sequence yields thatHt, i# ≥0. In addition, Ht, i# > 0,∀t ∈0, T, ifrt, i> 0, a.e.,t ∈0, T. The desired result then follows from the fact thatHt, i # 1−Ht, i.

Remark 4.2. Equation 4.2 is a Riccati type equation that arises naturally in studying the stochastic LQ control problem3.19whereas4.3is used to handle the nonhomogeneous terms involved in 3.19; see the proof of Theorem 4.3. On the other hand, Ht, i has a financial interpretation: for fixedt, i,Ht, iis a deterministic quantity representing the risk- adjusted discount factor at timetwhen the market mode isinote that the interest rate itself is random.

Theorem 4.3. Problem3.19has an optimal feedback control

πt, x, i −

σt, iσt, i

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, ix λζHt, i. 4.8 Moreover, the corresponding optimal value is

π·admissibleinf Jx0, i0, π·, λ

!P0, i0H0, i02θ−1"

λ−ζ22P0, i0H0, i0x0ζλζ P0, i0x20ζ2, 4.9


θ: E T


l j 1

qαtjP t, j

H t, j

Ht, αt2 dt l

i 1

l j 1



P t, j


H t, j

Ht, i2



with the transition probabilitiespi0itgiven by2.4.

Proof. Letπ·be any admissible control andthe corresponding state trajectory of2.15.

Applying the generalized It ˆo formulaLemma 2.5to

ϕt, x, i Pt, ix λζHt, i2, 4.11


we obtain d

Pt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt2 P˙t, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt2dt

2Pt, αtλ−ζxt λζHt, αtHt, αtdt˙ 2{rt, αtxt Bt, αtπt}

×Pt, αtxt λζHt, αtdt


j 1

qαtjP t, j

xt λζH

t, j2 dt


22Pt, αtπt

σt, αtσt, αt


Pt, αtπt


Rnρt, αt, zρt, αt, zνdz

* πtdt 2Pt, αtxt2πtσt, αtdWt


k 1

RPt, αt

2xt λ−ζHt, αtρkt, αt, z ρkt, αt, z2

dNdt, dz


) P

t, α0 h

αt, l!

xt λζHt, α0 hαt,l"2

−Pt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt2 μ

dt, dl Pt, αt



σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, αt, zρt, αt, zνdz πt

2πtBt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt

γt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt

* dt


j 1

qαtjP t, j

H t, j

Ht, i2 dt 2Pt, αtxt2πtσt, αtdWt n

k 1

RPt, αt

2xt λ−ζHt, αtρkt, αt, z ρkt, αt, z2

dNdt, dz


) P

t, α0 h

αt, l!

xt λζHt, α0 hαt,l"2

−Pt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt2 μ

dt, dl


Pt, αtπt−πt, xt, αt

σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, αtρt, αt, zνdz

×πt−πt, xt, αtdt λζ2l

j 1

qαtjP t, j

H t, j

Ht, i2 dt 2Pt, αtxt2πtσt, αtdWt n

k 1

RPt, αt

2xt λ−ζHt, αtρkt, αt, z ρkt, αt, z2

dNdt, dz


) P

t, α0 h

αt, l!

xt λζHt, α0 hαt,l"2

−Pt, αtxt λ−ζHt, αt2 μ

dt, dl ,

4.12 whereπt, x, iis defined as the right-hand side of4.8. Integrating the above from 0 toT and taking expectations, we obtain

ExT λζ2

P0, i0x0 λ−ζH0, i02θλζ2 E



Pt, αtπt−πt, xt, αt


σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, αt, zρt, αt, zνdz

×πt−πt, xt, αtdt.



Jx0, i0, π·, λ

ExT λζ2λ2

P0, i0H0, i0 θ−1λ−ζ2

2P0, i0H0, i0x0ζλζ P0, i0x20ζ2 E



Pt, αtπt−πt, xt, αt


σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, αt, zρt, αt, zνdz

×πt−πt, xt, αtdt.



SincePt, αt > 0 by Proposition4.1, it follows immediately that the optimal feedback control is given by 4.8 and the optimal value is given by 4.9, provided that the corresponding equation 2.15 under the feedback control4.8 has a solution. But under 4.8, the system 2.15 is a nonhomogeneous linear SDE with coefficients modulated by αt. Since all the coefficients of this linear equation are uniformly bounded and αt is independent of Wt, the existence and uniqueness of the solution to the equation are straightforward based on a standard successive approximation scheme.

Finally, since

θ: E T


l j /i

qαtjP t, j

H t, j

Ht, αt2

dt 4.15

andqij≥0 for alli /j, we must haveθ≥0. This completes the proof.

5. Efficient Frontier

In this section we proceed to derive the efficient frontier for the original mean-variance problem2.19.

Theorem 5.1efficient portfolios and efficient frontier. Assume that3.9holds. Then one has

P0, i0H0, i02θ−1<0. 5.1 Moreover, the efficient portfolio corresponding toz, as a function of the timet, the wealth levelx, and the market modei, is

πt, x, i −

σt, iσt, i

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, ix λζHt, i, 5.2 where

λ ζP0, i0H0, i0x0

P0, i0H0, i02θ−1 ζ. 5.3 Furthermore, the optimal value of VarxT, among all the wealth processesx·satisfyingExT ζ, is

VarxT P0, i0H0, i02θ 1−θP0, i0H0, i02


ζP0, i0H0, i0 P0, i0H0, i02θx0


P0, i0θ

P0, i0H0, i02θx02.


Proof. By assumption3.9andTheorem 3.2, the mean-variance problem2.19is feasible for anyζ∈R1. Moreover, using exactly the same approach in the proof ofTheorem 4.3, one can


show that problem2.19without the constraintExT ζmust have a finite optimal value, hence so does the problem2.19. Therefore,2.19is finite for anyζ∈R1. Now we need to prove thatJMVx0, i0, π·is strictly convex inπ·. We can easily get


x21x22 , E2κ1−κx1x2≤E

κ1κx12κ1κx22 , E

κ2x21 1−κ2x222κ1−κx1x2


κx21 1−κx22 , Eκx1 1−κx2ζ2≤E

κx1ζ2 E

1−κx2ζ2 ,


whereκ∈0,1. So, we obtain

Eκx1κζ 1−κx2−1−κζ2≤E

κx1ζ2 E


, 5.6

which proves JMVx0, i0, π· is strictly convex in π·. that Affine space means the complement of points at infinity. It can also be viewed as a vector space whose operations are limited to those linear combinations whose coefficients sum to one. SinceJMVx0, i0, π·

is strictly convex inπ·and the constraint functionExT−ζis affine inπ·, we can apply the well-known duality theorem see26, page 224, Theorem 1 to conclude that for any ζ∈R1, the optimal value of2.19is



π·admissibleinf Jx0, i0, π·, λ maxζ∈R1 inf

π·admissibleJx0, i0, π·, λ ζ, ζ



ByTheorem 4.3, infπ·admissibleJx0, i0, π·, λis a quadratic function4.9inλζ. It follows from the finiteness of the supremum value of this quadratic function that

P0, i0H0, i02θ−1≤0. 5.8 Now if

P0, i0H0, i02θ−1 0, 5.9 then again byTheorem 4.3and5.7we must have

P0, i0H0, i0x0ζ 0, 5.10 for everyζ ∈ R1, which is a contradiction. This proves5.1. On the other hand, in view of 5.7, we maximize the quadratic function4.9overλζand conclude that the maximizer


is given by 5.3 whereas the maximum value is given by the right-hand side of 5.4.

Finally, the optimal control 5.2 is obtained by 4.8 with λ λ.The efficient frontier 5.4 reveals explicitly the tradeoff between the mean return and variancerisk at the terminal. Quite contrary to the case without Markovian jumps 17, the efficient frontier in the present case is no longer a perfect square or, equivalently, the efficient frontier in the mean-standard deviation diagram is no more a straight line. As a consequence, one is not able to achieve a risk-free investment. This, certainly, is expected since now the interest rate process is modulated by the Markov chain, and the interest rate risk cannot be perfectly hedged by any portfolio consisting of the bank account and stocks27, because the Markov chain is independent of the Brownian motion. Nevertheless, expression5.4does disclose the minimum variance, namely, the minimum possible terminal variance achievable by an admissible portfolio, along with the portfolio that attains this minimum variance.

Theorem 5.2minimum variance. The minimum terminal variance is

Varxmin T P0, i0θ

P0, i0H0, i02θx02≥0 5.11 with the corresponding expected terminal wealth

ζmin: P0, i0H0, i0

P0, i0H0, i02θx0 5.12 and the corresponding Lagrange multiplierλmin 0. Moreover, the portfolio that achieves the above minimum variance, as a function of the timet, the wealth levelx,and the market modei, is

πmin t, x, i −

σt, iσt, i

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, ix−ζminHt, i. 5.13 Proof. The conclusions regarding5.11and5.12are evident in view of the efficient frontier 5.4. The assertionλmin 0 can be verified via5.3and5.12. Finally,5.13follows from 5.2.

Remark 5.3. As a consequence of the above theorem, the parameter s can be restricted to ζζminwhen one defines the efficient frontier for the mean-variance problem2.19.

Theorem 5.4mutual fund theorem. Suppose that an efficient portfolioπ1·is given by5.2 corresponding toζ ζ1 > ζmin. Then a portfolioπ·is efficient if and only if there is aμ0 such that

πt 1−μ

πmin t μπ1t, t∈0, T, 5.14

whereπmin ·is the minimum variance portfolio defined inTheorem 5.2.

Proof. We first prove the “if” part. Since bothπmin ·andπ1·are efficient, by the explicit expression of any efficient portfolio given by5.2,πt 1−μπ0·μπ1tmust be in the


form of5.2corresponding toζ 1−μζminμζ1also noting thatx·is linear inπ·.

Henceπtmust be efficient.

Conversely, suppose thatπ·is efficient corresponding to a certainζζmin. Write ζ 1−μζminμζ1with someμ≥0. Multiplying

πmin t

σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, αt

xmint−ζminHt, αt 5.15

by1−μ, multiplying π1t

σt, αtσt, αt

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdz −1Bt, αt

x1t λ1ζ1

Ht, αt


byμ, and summing them up, we obtain that1−μπmin t μπ1tis represented by5.2 withxt 1−μxmint μx1tandζ 1−μζminμζ1. This leads to5.14.

Remark 5.5. The above mutual fund theorem implies that any investor needs only to invest in the minimum variance portfolio and another prespecified efficient portfolio in order to achieve the efficiency. Note that in the case where all the market parameters are deterministic 17, the corresponding mutual fund theorem becomes the one-fund theorem, which yields that any efficient portfolio is a combination of the bank account and a given efficient risky portfolio known as the tangent fund. This is equivalent to the fact that the fractions of wealth among the stocks are the same among all efficient portfolios. However, in the present Markov-modulated case this feature is no longer available.

Since the wealth processesare with jumps, it is more complicated when we solve the unconstrained problem3.19. Firstly, we aim to derive conditions of feasibility. It is not hard to prove feasibility of the constrained stochastic optimization problem2.19, which we get the unconstrained problem3.19from. Then we solve the unconstrained problem3.19.

If we assume that

γt, i: Bt, i

σt, iσt, i−1

Bt, i, i 1,2, . . . , l, πt, x, i: −

σt, iσt, i−1

Bt, ix λζHt, i, 5.17

we have

π·admissibleinf Jx0, i0, π·, λ !

P0, i0H0, i02θ−1"


2P0, i0H0, i0x0ζλζ P0, i0x20ζ2,




θ: E




l j 1

qαtjP t, j

H t, j

Ht, αt2

dt 1

λ−ζ2 Pt, αtπt)

Rnρt, αt, zρt, αt, zνdz

* πtdt

* .


So, we added one item

Rnρt, i, zρt, i, zνdzin optimal feedback controlπt, x, i see 3.19to simplify the calculation.


The author would like to thank Dr. C. Yuan for his helpful comments and discussions. He would like to thank the referees for the careful reading of the first version of this paper.


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