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Received 8 October 2003 and in revised form 9 February 2004

We prove existence and uniqueness results in the presence of coupled lower and upper solutions for the generalnth problem in time scales with linear dependence on theith∆- derivatives fori=1, 2,...,n, together with antiperiodic boundary value conditions. Here the nonlinear right-hand side of the equation is defined by a function f(t,x) which is rd-continuous intand continuous inxuniformly int. To do that, we obtain the expres- sion of the Green’s function of a related linear operator in the space of the antiperiodic functions.

1. Introduction

The theory of dynamic equations has been introduced by Stefan Hilger in his Ph.D. thesis [12]. This new theory unifies difference and differential equations and has experienced an important growth in the last years. Recently, many papers devoted to the study of this kind of problems have been presented. In the monographs of Bohner and Peterson [5,6] there are the fundamental tools to work with this type of equations. Surveys on this theory given by Agarwal et al. [2] and Agarwal et al. [1] give us an idea of the importance of this new field.

In this paper, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the followingnth- order dynamic equation with antiperiodic boundary value conditions:


un(t) +

n1 j=1

Mjuj(t)=ft,u(t), tI=[a,b], ui(a)= −uiσ(b), 0in1.


Here,n1,MjRare given constants forj∈ {1,...,n1}, [a,b]=Tκn, withTRan arbitrary bounded time scale and f :I×RRsatisfies the following condition:

Copyright©2004 Hindawi Publishing Corporation Advances in Dierence Equations 2004:4 (2004) 291–310 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 39A10 URL:http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/S1687183904310022


(H f) for allxR, f(·,x)Crd(I) and f(t,·)C(R) uniformly attI, that is, for all>0, there existsδ >0 such that

|xy|< δ=⇒f(t,x)f(t,y)<, tI. (1.2) A solution of problem (Ln) will be a functionu:TRsuch thatuCnrd(I) and sat- isfies both equalities. Here, we denote byCnrd(I) the set of all functionsu:TRsuch that theith derivative is continuous inTκi,i=0,...,n1, and thenth derivative is rd- continuous inI.

It is clear that for any given constantMR, problem (Ln) can be rewritten as un(t) +

n1 j=1

Mjuj(t) +Mu(t)= ft,u(t)+Mu(t), tI, ui(a)= −uiσ(b), 0in1.


Defining the linear operatorTn[M] :Cnrd(I)Crd(I) for everyuCrdn(I) as

Tn[M]u(t) :=un(t) +

n1 j=1

Mjuj(t) +Mu(t), for everytI, (1.4)

and the set


uCnrd(I) :ui(a)= −uiσ(b), 0in1, (1.5) we can rewrite the dynamic equation (Ln) as

Tn[M]u(t)= ft,u(t)+Mu(t), tI,uWn. (1.6) From this fact, we deduce that to ensure the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the dynamic equation (Ln), we must determine the real valuesM,M1,...,Mn1for which the operatorTn[M] is invertible on the setWn, that is, the values for which Green’s func- tion associated with the operatorTn1[M] inWncan be defined. InSection 2, we present the expression of Green’s function associated to the operatorT1in Wn, whereT is a generalnth-order linear operator that is invertible on that set. This formula is analogous to the one given in [9] fornth-order dynamic equations with periodic boundary value conditions.

InSection 3, we prove a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of solu- tions of the dynamic equation (Ln). For this, we take as reference the results obtained in [3,4], where the existence and uniqueness of solutions of problem (Ln) is studied in the particular caseT= {0, 1,...,P+n}and so (Ln) is a difference equation with antiperiodic boundary conditions. In this case, the classical iterative methods based on the existence of a lower and an upper solution and on comparison principles of some adequate linear


operators, cannot be applied and, as a consequence, extremal solutions do not exist in a given function’s set. Hence, to study the existence and uniqueness of solutions of prob- lem (Ln) in an arbitrary bounded time scaleTR, we use the technique developed in [3,4], based on the concept of coupled lower and upper solutions, similar to the defi- nition given in [10] for operators defined in abstract spaces and in [11] for antiperiodic boundary first-order differential equations. A survey of those results for difference equa- tions can be founded in [8].

Using the results proved in Sections2and3, we will obtain in Sections4and5the expression of Green’s function and a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the dynamic equations of first- and second-order, respectively; likewise, we will give details about the continuous case where a dynamic equation is a differential equation and the discrete case, in which either a difference equation or a q-difference equation are treated.

2. Expression of Green’s function

In this section, we obtain the expression of Green’s function associated with the operator T1 in Wn, whereT is a general linear operator ofnth-order that is invertible on the mentioned set.

First, we introduce the concept ofnth-order regressive operator, see [5, Definition 5.89 and Theorem 5.91].

Definition 2.1. LetMiR, 0in1 be given constants, the operatorT:Cnrd(I) Crd(I), defined for everyuCnrd(I) as

Tu(t) :=un(t) +

n1 i=0

Miui(t), for everytI, (2.1) is regressive onIif and only if 1 +ni=1(µ(t))iMni=0 for alltI.

Theorem2.2. LetMiR,0in1be given constants such that the operatorTdefined in (2.1) is regressive onI (see Definition 2.1). If the operator T is invertible onWn, then Green’s function associated to the operatorT1inWn,G:T×IRis given by the following expression:


u(t,s) +v(t,s), ifaσ(s)tσn(b),

u(t,s), ifat < σ(s)σ(b), (2.2) where, for everys[a,b]fixed,v(·,s)is the unique solution of the problem


Txs(t)=0, t σ(s),b, xsiσ(s)=0, i=0, 1,...,n2,



and for everys[a,b]fixed,u(·,s)is given as the unique solution of the problem



T ys(t)=0, t[a,b],

ysi(a) +ysiσ(b)= −viσ(b),s, i=0, 1,...,n1. (2.4) Proof. First, we see that the functionGis well defined, that is, for everys[a,b] fixed, problems (Qs) and (Rs) have a unique solution.

Since the operatorTis regressive onI, we have, see [5, Corollary 5.90 and Theorem 5.91], that for everys[a,b] fixed, the initial value problem (Qs) has a unique solution.

To verify that the periodic boundary problem (Rs) is uniquely solvable, we consider the following boundary value problem:


wn(t) +

n1 i=0

Miwi(t)=h(t), tI, wi(a) +wiσ(b)=λi, i=0, 1,...,n1,


withhCrd(I) andλiR, 0in1 fixed.

We know that wCrdn(I) is a solution of problem (Pλ) if and only if W(t)= (w(t),w(t),...,wn1(t))T is a solution of the matrix equation

W(t)=AW(t) +H(t), tI, W(a) +Wσ(b)=λ, (2.6) whereH(t)=(0,..., 0,h(t))T,λ=0,...,λn1)T, and


0 1 0 ··· 0

0 0 1 ··· 0

... ... ... . .. ...

0 0 0 ··· 1

M0 M1 M2 ··· −Mn1

. (2.7)

Since the operatorT is regressive onI, we have, by [5, Definitions 5.5 and 5.89], that the matrixAis regressive onI too and so, it follows from [5, Theorem 5.24] that the initial value problem

W(t)=AW(t) +H(t), tI, W(a)=Wa, (2.8) has a unique solution that is given by the following expression:

W(t)=eA(t,a)Wa+ t


t,σ(s)H(s)∆s. (2.9)


If we denote then×nidentity matrix byIn, then we obtain, from the boundary con- ditions, that problem (2.6) has a unique solution if and only if there exists a unique Wa=W(a)Rnsuch that


σ(b),aWa=λ σ(b)

a eA

σ(b),σ(s)H(s)∆s, (2.10)

or equivalently, if and only if the matrixIn+eA(σ(b),a) is invertible.

Now, since the operatorTis invertible onWn, we have that problem (P0) has a unique solution and then there exists the inverse of such matrix. As a consequence, problem (Rs) has a unique solution.

Now, letz:TRbe defined for everytTas z(t)=


a G(t,s)h(s)∆s. (2.11)

It is not difficult to prove, by using [5, Theorem 1.117], thatzis the unique solution

of the problem (P0).

Now, we prove the following properties of Green’s function associated to the operator T1inWn.

Proposition2.3. LetMiR,0in1be given constants such that the operatorTde- fined in (2.1) is regressive onI. IfG:T×IRis Green’s function associated to the operator T1inWn, defined in (2.2), then the following conditions are satisfied.

(1)There existsk >0such that|G(t,s)| ≤kfor all(t,s)T×I.

(2)Ifn=1, then for everysI, the functionG(·,s)is continuous attTexcept at t=s=σ(s).

(3)Ifn >1, then for everysI, the functionG(·,s)is continuous inT.

(4)Ifn=1, then for everytT, the functionG(t,·)is rd-continuous atsI except whens=t=σ(t).

(5)Ifn >1, then for everytT, the functionG(t,·)is rd-continuous inI.

Proof. As we have seen in the proof ofTheorem 2.2, we know that Green’s function asso- ciated to the operatorT1inWnis given as the 1×nterm of the matrix function


eAt,σ(s)eA(t,a)In+eAσ(b),a1eAσ(b),σ(s), σ(s)t,



σ(b),σ(s), t < σ(s), (2.12) whereAis the matrix given in (2.7).

From [5, Definition 5.18 and Theorem 5.23], we know that the matrix exponential function is continuous in both variables and so the functionGis bounded in the compact setT×I.

Now, sinceeA(t,t)=In, ift=σ(s)=s, then the diagonal terms ofF(·,s) are not con- tinuous att.

It is clear that in any other situation, the functionF(·,s) is continuous att.


On the other hand, givent0T, for everys0I such thats0=t0, it follows, from the continuity of the exponential function, that ifss0andσ(s)σ(s0), thenF(t0,s) F(t0,s0).

Hence, sinceG(t,s)(F1,n(t,s)) belongs to the diagonal ofF(t,s) only whenn=1, the

properties (2), (3), (4), and (5) of the statement hold.

3. Existence and uniqueness results

In this section, we prove existence and uniqueness results for thenth-order nonlinear dynamic equation with antiperiodic boundary conditions (Ln).

Suppose that the function f :I×RRsatisfies condition (H f), the operatorTn[M]

is regressive onIand invertible onWnandGis Green’s function associated to the operator Tn1[M] inWn, defined in (2.2).

We define the functionsG+,G:T×IRas

G+:=max{G, 0} ≥0, G:= −min{G, 0} ≥0, (3.1) and so,

G=G+G onT×I. (3.2)

Considering the operatorsA+n[M],An[M] :C(T)C(T) defined for everyηC(T) as

A+n[M]η(t) := σ(b)

a G+(t,s)fs,η(s)+Mη(s)∆s, tT, An[M]η(t) :=


a G(t,s)fs,η(s)+Mη(s)∆s, tT,


the solutions of the dynamic equation (Ln) are the fixed points of the operator

An[M] :=A+n[M]An[M]. (3.4) Note that if condition (H f) holds, then the operatorsA+n[M] and An[M] are well defined.

To deduce the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the dynamic equation (Ln), we introduce the concept of coupled lower and upper solutions for such problem.

Definition 3.1. GivenMRsuch that the operatorTn[M] is regressive onIand invertible onWn, a pair of functionsα,βCrdn(I) such thatαβinTis a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of the dynamic equation (Ln) if the inequalities

α(t)A+n[M]α(t)An[M]β(t), tT,

β(t)A+n[M]β(t)An[M]α(t), tT, (3.5) hold.


Under the conditions of the previous definition, ifαandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions for the dynamic equation (Ln), then defining the operator

B[M] : [α,β]×[α,β]−→C(T) (3.6) as

B[M](η,ξ) :=A+n[M]ηAn[M]ξ, (3.7) and considering the hypothesis

(H) for everytIandα(t)uvβ(t), it is satisfied that

f(t,u) +Muf(t,v) +Mv, (3.8)

we prove the following monotonicity property.

Lemma3.2. Suppose thatMRis a given constant such that the operatorTn[M]is re- gressive onI and invertible onWn,αandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solu- tions of the dynamic equation(Ln)and the function f :I×RRsatisfies hypotheses(H f) and(H). Then,B[M](η,ξ)[α,β]for allη,ξ[α,β]. Moreover, ifαη1η2βand αξ2ξ1β, then



inT. (3.9)

Proof. Letαη1η2βandαξ2ξ1β. It follows, from the definitions ofA+n[M]

andAn[M], that

A+n[M]αA+n[M]η1A+n[M]η2A+n[M]β inT,

An[M]αAn[M]ξ2An[M]ξ1An[M]β inT. (3.10) From the definitions ofαandβ, we obtain that


A+n[M]η2An[M]ξ2A+n[M]βAn[M]αβ inT. (3.11)

This completes the proof.

Now, we obtain a result which gives us a region where all the solutions in [α,β] of the dynamic equation (Ln) lie.

Proposition3.3. Suppose thatMRis a given constant such that the operatorTn[M]is regressive onIand invertible onWn,αandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of the dynamic equation(Ln)and the function f :I×RRsatisfies hypotheses(H f)and (H).

Then, there exist two monotone sequences inC(T),{ϕm}mN, and{ψm}mN, withα= ϕ0ϕmψlψ0=βinT,m,lNwhich converge uniformly to the functionsϕandψ that satisfy

ϕ=A+n[M]ϕAn[M]ψ, ψ=A+n[M]ψAn[M]ϕ inT. (3.12)


Moreover, any solution u[α,β]of (Ln)belongs to the sector [ϕ,ψ]. If, in addition, ϕ=ψ, thenϕis the unique solution of(Ln)in[α,β].

Proof. The sequences{ϕm}mNand{ψm}mNare obtained recursively asϕ0:=α,ψ0:=β and for everym1,


, ψm:=B[M]ψm1m1

. (3.13)

FromLemma 3.2, we know thatα=:ϕ0ϕ1ψ1ψ0:=βinT.

By induction, we conclude that the sequence{ϕm}mN is monotone increasing, the sequence{ψm}mNis monotone decreasing, andϕmψlinTfor everym,lN.

As a consequence, for every tT, there exist ϕ(t) :=limm→∞ϕm(t) and ψ(t) := limm→∞ψm(t).

From hypothesis (H f) and Proposition 2.3, we know that both sequences are uni- formly equicontinuous onIand so, Ascoli-Arzel`a’s theorem, (see [7, page 72], [14, page 735]), implies that such convergence is uniform inT. Now, [13, Theorem 1.4.3] shows that

ϕ=A+n[M]ϕAn[M]ψ, ψ=A+n[M]ψAn[M]ϕ inT. (3.14) Letube a solution of the dynamic equation (Ln) such thatu[α,β]. FromLemma 3.2, we know that

ϕ1:=B[M](α,β)B[M](u,u)=uB[M](β,α)=:ψ1 inT. (3.15) By recurrence, we arrive atϕmuψlinTfor allm,lN. Thus, passing to the limit, we obtain thatϕuψinT.

Finally, ifϕ=ψ, then we have thatϕ=A+n[M]ϕAn[M]ϕ=:An[M]ϕ, that is,ϕ=ψ is a solution of the dynamic equation (Ln) in [α,β]. Since all solutions of (Ln) that belong to [α,β] lie in the sector [ϕ,ψ], we conclude that ϕis the unique solution of (Ln) in


Now, let · be the supremum norm inC(T).

We prove the following existence result, that gives us a sufficient condition to assure that the dynamic equation (Ln) has a unique solution lying between a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of (Ln).

Theorem 3.4. Assume thatMR is a given constant such that the operatorTn[M]is regressive onIand invertible onWn,αandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of the dynamic equation(Ln)and the function f :I×RRsatisfies hypothesis(H f).

If for everytIandα(t)uvβ(t)the inequalities

M(vu)f(t,v)f(t,u)(KM)(vu) (3.16)


are satisfied for someK0such that K·

σ(b) a

G(t,s)∆s<1, (3.17)

then the dynamic equation(Ln)has a unique solution in[α,β].

Proof. Since the first part of the inequality (3.16) is hypothesis (H), we know, by Proposition 3.3, that there exists a pair of functionsϕ,ψC(T) such that for everytT we have


=A+n[M]ψ(t)An[M]ϕ(t)A+n[M]ϕ(t) +An[M]ψ(t)

= σ(b)

a G+(t,s)fs,ψ(s)fs,ϕ(s)+Mψ(s)ϕ(s)∆s +


a G(t,s)fs,ψ(s)fs,ϕ(s)+Mψ(s)ϕ(s)∆s

= σ(b)








σ(b) a



Thus, it follows from the inequality (3.17) thatϕ=ψinTandProposition 3.3allows us to conclude that the dynamic equation (Ln) has a unique solution in [α,β].

Remark 3.5. One can check, following the proofs given in these sections, that we can develop an analogous theory for problem


un(t) +

n1 j=1

Mjuj(t)= ft,u(t), tI=[a,b], ui(a)= −uiσ(b), 0in1.


In this case, we must study the operator T¯n[M]u≡ −un+

n1 j=1

Mjuj+Mu (3.20)

in the spaceWn.

The functionsαandβare given as inDefinition 3.1, withGGreen’s function related with operator ¯Tn[M] inWn.


4. First-order equations

In this section, using the previously obtained results, we give a sufficient condition to ensure the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the first-order nonlinear dynamic equation with antiperiodic boundary conditions


u(t)=ft,u(t), tI=[a,b],

u(a)= −uσ(b), (4.1)

where f :I×RRis a function that satisfies hypothesis (H f) and [a,b]=Tκ, with TRan arbitrary bounded time scale.

As we have noted in the previous section, to deduce the existence and uniqueness of solutions of (L1), we must study Green’s function related with the dynamic equation

u(t) +Mu(t)=h(t), tI, u(a)= −uσ(b), (4.2) withhCrd(I).

As we have seen in the proof ofTheorem 2.2, we know that if 1Mµ(t)=0 for all tIand 1 +eM(σ(b),a)=0, then the operator

T1[M]u(t) :=u(t) +Mu(t), tI, (4.3) is regressive onI and invertible on W1 and the dynamic equation (4.2) has a unique solutionz:TR, defined for everytTas

z(t)= σ(b)

a G(t,s)h(s)∆s. (4.4)

It is not difficult to verify that the functionGis given by the expression



t,σ(s) 1 +eM

σ(b),a, ifaσ(s)tσ(b),


σ(b),σ(s) 1 +eM

σ(b),a , ifat < σ(s)σ(b).


From [5, Theorem 2.44], we know that if 1Mµ(t)>0 for alltI, theneM(t,s)>0 for all (t,s)T×I, so that we only consider such situation.

From the expression ofG, we obtain the following equalities.

(i) IfM=0, then we have that

σ(b) a


2 . (4.6)

(ii) IfM=0, then we have that



G(t,s)∆s= 1eM

σ(b),a M1 +eM

σ(b),a. (4.7)


Therefore, fromTheorem 3.4we obtain the following result that assures the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the dynamic equation (L1) in the sector [α,β], withαand βa pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of (L1).

Corollary4.1. Assume thatMRis such thatM <1/µ(t)for alltI,αandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of(L1), and the function f :I×RRsatisfies hypothesis(H f). If property (3.16) holds for someK0such that

K < 2

σ(b)a, ifM=0, (4.8)


K <M1 +eM

σ(b),a 1eM

σ(b),a , ifM=0, (4.9)

then the dynamic equation(L1)has a unique solution in[α,β].

4.1. Particular cases. Here, we consider differential, difference, andq-difference equa- tions as particular situations.

Differential equations. LetT >0 andT=[0,T]R. In this case, givenu: [0,T]R, it follows from [5, Theorem 1.16] thatuis∆-differentiable att[0,T] if and only ifuis differentiable (in the classical sense) attand, moreover,u(t)=u(t).

Since for everyMRfixed we have that eM


=eM(tt0), t,t0T, (4.10) we know that



1 +eMT, if 0s < tT,


1 +eMT , if 0tsT.


Thus, taking into account that in this case condition (H f) is equivalent to the conti- nuity of the function f inI×R, fromCorollary 4.1we arrive at the following result.

Corollary4.2. Assume that MRis a given constant,α andβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of the differential equation(L1), and the function f :I×RR is continuous. If condition (3.16) is satisfied for someK0such that

K < 2

T, ifM=0, (4.12)


K <M1 +eMT

1eMT , ifM=0, (4.13)

then the differential equation(L1)has a unique solution in[α,β].

Difference equations. Leth >0,P∈ {1, 2,...}andT= {0,h,...,hP} ⊂R.


Given u:TR, it follows from [5, Theorem 1.16] that for every tTκ,u is ∆- differentiable att, moreover, it is satisfied that


h , (4.14)

and for everyMR,M= −1/hfixed, we have that eMt,t0

=(1 +Mh)(tt0)/h, t,t0T. (4.15)

As a consequence, we have that for allMRsuch thatM=1/hand 1 + (1Mh)P=0, the operator

T1[M]u(t) :=u(t+h) + (Mh1)u(t)

h , tI, (4.16)

is regressive onIand invertible onW1.

So, Green’s function is given by the expression



1 + (1Mh)P , if 0s+hthP,


1 + (1Mh)P , if 0tsh(P1),


and we deduce the following result.

Corollary4.3. LetMRbe such thatM <1/h,αandβa pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of the dynamic equation(L1), and the function f :I×RRis such that for everytI, f(t,·)C(R). If condition (3.16) is fulfilled for someK0such that

K < 2

hP, ifM=0, (4.18)


K <M1 + (1Mh)P

1(1Mh)P , ifM=0, (4.19)

then the dynamic equation(L1)has a unique solution in[α,β].

q-difference equations. GivenqR,q >1, andNN,N1; letT= {1,q,...,qN} ⊂R. Ifu:TR, then we know by [5, Theorem 1.16] that for everytTκ,uis∆-differenti- able attand


(q1)t . (4.20)


FixMRsuch thatM= −1/((q1)qk) for everykJN1= {0, 1,...,N1}. Ift=qi ands=qj, then we obtain that the exponential function is given by




1 +M(q1)qk, if 0j < iN,

1, if 0j=iN,




1 +M(q1)qk, if 0i < jN.


Thus, for allMRsuch that M=1/((q1)qk) for everykJN1 and 1 +Nk=01(1 M(q1)qk)=0, we arrive at the following expression for Green’s function





1 +Nk=011M(q1)qk, if 0j+ 1iN,



1 +Nk=011M(q1)qk, if 0ijN1,


where we denote

Ii,j= {0,...,i1} ∪ {j+ 1,...,N1}. (4.23) We obtain, fromCorollary 4.1, the following result.

Corollary4.4. Suppose thatMRis such thatM <1/((q1)qN1),αandβare a pair of coupled lower and upper solutions of(L1), and f :I×RRsatisfies f(t,·)C(R), for everytI. If condition (3.16) is true for someK0such that

K < 2

qN1, ifM=0, (4.24)


K <M1 +Nk=01

1M(q1)qk 1N1


1M(q1)qk , ifM=0, (4.25)

then the dynamic equation(L1)has a unique solution in[α,β].

5. Second-order equations

In this section, by usingRemark 3.5we give a sufficient condition for the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the second-order nonlinear dynamic equation with antiperi- odic boundary conditions



u2(t)= ft,u(t), tI=[a,b], u(a)= −uσ(b),

u(a)= −uσ(b),


where f :I×RRsatisfies hypothesis (H f) and [a,b]=Tκ2, withTRan arbitrary bounded time scale.

In this case, we study the existence and uniqueness of solutions of the second-order linear dynamic equation

( ¯P)

u2(t) +M2u(t)=h(t), tI, u(a)= −uσ(b),

u(a)= −uσ(b),



We know, byTheorem 2.2andRemark 3.5, that if 1M2µ2(t)=0 for everytIand the operator

T¯2[M]u(t) := −u2(t) +M2u(t), tI, (5.3) is invertible onW2, then the dynamic equation ( ¯P) has a unique solution given by ex- pression (2.11).

It is not difficult to verify that ifM=0, then the expression of Green’s function is given by


1 2

1 2


, ifaσ(s)tσ2(b), 1

2 1


σ(b)aσ(s) +t

, ifat < σ(s)σ(b).


Using this expression, for everyt[a,σ(b)], we obtain the following upper bound:




4 =:K0,1, (5.5)

and, ift=σ2(b)> σ(b), then we have that σ(b)


Gσ2(b),s∆s1 2

σ2(b)aσ(b)a+1 2


=:K0,2. (5.6) As a consequence,

σ(b) a


=:K0>0. (5.7)



Inside this class, we identify a new subclass of Liouvillian integrable systems, under suitable conditions such Liouvillian integrable systems can have at most one limit cycle, and

In this work, we present a new model of thermo-electro-viscoelasticity, we prove the existence and uniqueness of the solution of contact problem with Tresca’s friction law by

In Sections 6, 7 and 8, we define and study the convex polytope which is related to higher spin alternating sign matrices, and we obtain certain enumeration formulae for the case

It is well known that the inverse problems for the parabolic equations are ill- posed apart from this the inverse problems considered here are not easy to handle due to the

Inverse problem to determine the order of a fractional derivative and a kernel of the lower order term from measurements of states over the time is posed.. Existence, uniqueness

Shen, “A note on the existence and uniqueness of mild solutions to neutral stochastic partial functional differential equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients,” Computers

In recent work [23], authors proved local-in-time existence and uniqueness of strong solutions in H s for real s &gt; n/2 + 1 for the ideal Boussinesq equations in R n , n = 2, 3

• Using the results of the previous sections, we show the existence of solutions for the inhomogeneous skew Brownian equation (1.1) in Section 5.. We give a first result of