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ARTUR ELEZI Received 20 December 2001

LetX⊂Ybe smooth, projective manifolds. Assume thatι:X Ps is the zero lo- cus of a generic section ofV+= ⊕iI(ki), where all theki’s are positive. Assume furthermore thatᏺX/Y(V), whereV= ⊕jJ(−lj)and all thelj’s are nega- tive. We show that under appropriate restrictions, the generalized Gromov-Witten invariants ofXinherited fromYcan be calculated via a modified Gromov-Witten theory onPs. This leads to local mirror symmetry on theA-side.

2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 14N35, 14L30.

1. Introduction. LetV+= ⊕iI(ki)andV= ⊕jJ(−lj)be vector bundles onPs withkiandljpositive integers. Suppose thatX Pι s is the zero locus of a generic section ofV+andY is a projective manifold such thatXj Y with normal bundleᏺX/Y(V). The relations between Gromov-Witten theories ofXandYare studied here by means of a suitably defined equivariant Gromov- Witten theory inPs. We apply mirror symmetry to the latter to evaluate the gravitational descendants ofY supported inX.

Section 2 is a collection of definitions and techniques that will be used throughout this paper. In Section 3, using an idea from Kontsevich, we in- troduce a modified equivariant Gromov-Witten theory inPs corresponding to V=V+⊕V. The correspondingᏰ-module structure [4,11,22] is computed inSection 4. It is generated by a single function ˜JV. In general, the equivari- ant quantum product does not have a nonequivariant limit. It is shown in Lemma 4.3that the generator ˜JV does have a limitJV which takes values in HPm[[q, t]]. It is this limit that plays a crucial role in this work.

LetY be a smooth, projective manifold. The generator JY of the pureᏰ- module structure ofY encodes one-pointed gravitational descendants ofY. It takes values in the completion ofHY along the semigroup (Mori cone) of the rational curves ofY. The pullback mapj:HY→HXextends to a map between the respective completions. InTheorem 4.7, we describe one aspect of the relation between pure Gromov-Witten theory ofXj Y and the modified Gromov-Witten theory ofPs. Under natural restrictions, the pullbackj(JY) pushes forward toJV. It follows that although defined onPs,JV encodes the


gravitational descendants ofY supported inX, hence the contribution ofXto the Gromov-Witten invariants ofY.

The only way thatX remembers the ambient variety Y in this context is by the normal bundle, Y can therefore be substituted by a local manifold.

This suggests that there should be a local version of mirror symmetry (see the remark at the end ofSection 4). This was first realized by Katz et al. [15].

The principle of local mirror symmetry in general has yet to be understood.

Some interesting calculations that contribute toward this goal can be found in [6].

InSection 5, we give a proof of the mirror theorem which allows us to com- puteJV. A hypergeometric seriesIV that corresponds to the total space ofVis defined. The mirrorTheorem 5.1states thatIV=JVup to a change of variables.

Hence, the gravitational descendants ofY supported onX can be computed inPs.

Two examples of local Calabi-Yau threefolds are considered inSection 6. For X=P1andV=(1)(1), we obtain the Aspinwall-Morrison formula for multiple covers. IfX=P2andV=(−3), the quantum product ofY pulls back to the modified quantum product inP2. The mirror theorem in this case yields the virtual number of plane curves on a Calabi-Yau threefold.

The rich history of mirror symmetry started in 1990 with a surprising con- jecture by Candelas et al. [5] that predicts the numberndof degreedrational curves on a quintic threefold. In [11], Givental presented a clever argument which, as shown later by Bini et al. in [4] and Pandharipande in [22], yields a proof of the mirror conjecture for Fano and Calabi-Yau (convex) complete in- tersections in projective spaces. Meanwhile, in a very well-written paper [20], Lian et al. used a different approach to obtain a complete proof of mirror the- orem for concavex complete intersections on projective spaces. An alternative proof of the convex mirror theorem has been given by Bertram [3]. In this pa- per, we use Givental’s approach to study the local nature of mirror symmetry and to present a proof of the concavex mirror theorem.

2. Stable maps and localization

2.1. Genus zero stable maps. LetM0,n(X, β)be the Deligne-Mumford mod- uli stack of pointed stable maps toX. For an excellent reference on the con- struction and its properties, we refer the reader to [10]. We recall some of the features onM0,n(X, β)and establish some notation. For each marking pointxi, letei:M0,n(X, β)→X be the evaluation map atxi, andᏸithe cotangent line bundle atxi. The fiber of this line bundle over a moduli point(C, x1, . . . , xn, f ) is the cotangent space of the curveC atxi. Letπk:M0,n(X, β)→M0,n1(X, β) be the morphism that forgets the kth marked point. The obstruction the- ory of the moduli stackM0,n(X, β)is described locally by the following exact sequence:


0 →Ext0






 →H0

C, fT X








 →H1

C, fT X

→Υ →0.


(Here and thereafter, we are naming sheaves after their fibres.) To understand the geometry behind this exact sequence, we note that ᐀M =Ext1(fX C,C) and Υ = Ext2(fX C,C) are, respectively, the tangent space and the obstruction space at the moduli point (C, x1, . . . , xn, f ). The spaces Ext0(C(n

i=1xi),C)and Ext1(C(n

i=1xi),C)describe, respectively, the in- finitesimal automorphisms and infinitesimal deformations of the marked source curve. It follows that the expected dimension of M0,n(X, β) is


A smooth projective manifoldXis calledconvexifH1(P1, fT X)=0 for any morphismf:P1→X. For a convexX, the obstruction bundleΥ vanishes and the moduli stack is unobstructed and of the expected dimension. Examples of convex varieties are homogeneous spacesG/P.

In general, this moduli stack may behave badly and have components of larger dimensions. In this case, a Chow homology class of the expected dimen- sion has been constructed [2, 18]. It is called the virtual fundamental class and denoted by[M0,n(X, β)]virt. Although its construction is quite involved, we mainly use two relatively easy properties. The virtual fundamental class is preserved when pulled back by the forgetful mapπn. A proof of this fact can be found in [7, Section 7.1.5]. If the obstruction sheafΥis free, the virtual fundamental class refines the top Chern class ofΥ. This fact is proven in [2, Proposition 5.6].

2.2. Equivariant cohomology and localization theorem. The notion of equivariant cohomology and the localization theorem is valid for any com- pact connected Lie group. For a detailed exposition on this subject, we suggest [7, Chapter 9]. Below, we state without proof the results that are used in this work.

The complex torusT=(C)s+1is classified by the principalT-bundle ET=




. (2.2)

Letλi=c1i((1)))and λ:=(λ0, . . . , λs). We usei)for the line bundle πi((1)). Clearly,H(BT )=C[λ]. IfT acts on a varietyX, we letXT:=X×T


Definition2.1. The equivariant cohomology ofXis HT(X):=H


. (2.3)


IfX=xis a point, thenXT=BTandHT(x)=C[λ]. For an arbitraryX, the equivariant cohomologyHT(X)is aC[λ]-module via the equivariant morphism X→x.

Letᐁbe a vector bundle overX. If the action ofT onXcan be lifted to an action onᐁ, which is linear on the fibers,ᐁis an equivariant vector bundle and ᐁTis a vector bundle overXT. The equivariant Chern classes ofEareckT():= ck(T). We useE()(ET()) to denote the nonequivariant (equivariant) top Chern class ofᐁ.

LetXT= ∪jJXjbe the decomposition of the fixed point locus into its con- nected components. The componentsXjare smooth for alljandXjis smooth for allj and the normal bundle Nj ofXjinX is equivariant. Letij:Xj→X be the inclusion. The following form of the localization theorem will be used extensively here.

Theorem2.2. Letα∈HT(X)⊗C(λ). Then,



jJ (Xj)T

ij(α) ET

Nj. (2.4)

A basis for the characters of the torus is given byεi(t0, . . . , ts)=ti. There is an isomorphism between the character group of the torus andH2(BT )sending εitoλi. We say thatthe weightof the characterεiisλi.

For an equivariant vector bundleᐁoverX, it may happen that the restriction ofᐁon a fixed-point componentXjis trivial (e.g., ifXj is an isolated point).

In that case,ᐁdecomposes as a direct summi=1µiof characters of the torus.

If the weight ofµiisρi, then the restriction ofcTk()onXjis the symmetric polynomialσk1, . . . , ρm).

Our interest here is forX=Ps. For any action ofT onPs, we denote ᏼ:=HTPs,=:ᏼC(λ). (2.5)

Consider the diagonal action ofT=(C)s+1onPswith weights(−λ0, . . . ,−λs), that is,

t0, t1, . . . , ts


z0, z1, . . . , zs


t0−1z0, . . . , ts1zs

. (2.6)

Then, PsT =P(⊕i(−λi)). There is an obvious lifting of the action ofT on the tautological line bundle ᏻ(−1). It follows thatᏻ(k)is equivariant for all k. Let p = cT1(Ps(1)) be the equivariant hyperplane class. We obtain ᏼ = C[λ, p]/


i(p−λi). The locus of the fixed points consists of pointspj for j=0,1, . . . , s, wherepj is the point whosejth co- ordinate is 1 and all the other ones are 0. On the level of the cohomology, the mapij sendsp toλj. A basis for᏾ as aC(λ)-vector space is given by



k≠j(p−λk)forj=0,1, . . . , s. Also,ijj)=


The localizationTheorem 2.2says that for any polynomialF (p)∈C(λ)[p]/



PsTF (p)=


F λj



. (2.7)

Translating the target of a stable map, we get an action ofTonM0,n(Ps, d). In [17], Kontsevich identified the fixed-point components of this action in terms of decorated graphs. Iff:(C, x1, . . . , xn)→Psis a fixed stable map, thenf (C) is a fixed curve inPs. The marked points, collapsed components, and nodes are mapped to the fixed-pointspiof theT-action onPs. A noncontracted compo- nent must be mapped to a fixed linepipjonPs. The only branch points are the two fixed pointspiandpjand the restriction of the mapfto this component is determined by its degree. The graphΓcorresponding to the fixed-point compo- nent containing such a map is constructed as follows. The vertices correspond to the connected components off−1{p0, p1, . . . , ps}. The edges correspond to the noncontracted components of the map. The graph is decorated as follows.

Edges are marked by the degree of the map on the corresponding component, and vertices are marked by the fixed point ofPswhere the corresponding com- ponent is mapped to. To each vertex, we associate a leg for each marked point that belongs to the corresponding component. For a vertexv, letn(v)be the number of legs or edges incident to that vertex. Also, for an edgee, letdebe the degree of the stable map on the corresponding component. Let



M0,n(v). (2.8)

There is a finite group of automorphismsGΓacting onMΓ [7,12]. The order of the automorphism groupGΓ is



de·Aut(Γ). (2.9)

The fixed-point component corresponding to the decorated graphΓ is

MΓ=Γ/G. (2.10)

LetiΓ :MΓ M0,n(Ps, d)be the inclusion of the fixed-point component cor- responding toΓ andNΓ its normal bundle. This bundle isT-equivariant. Let α be an equivariant cohomology class in HT(M0,n(Ps, d)) and αΓ :=iΓ(α).

Theorem 2.2says that




αΓ aΓEulerT

NΓ. (2.11)


Explicit formulas for EulerT(NΓ)in terms of Chern classes of cotangent line bundles inHT(MΓ)have been found by Kontsevich in [17].

2.3. Linear and nonlinear sigma models for a projective space. Two com- pactifications of the space of degreedmapsP1Psare very important in this paper.Md:=M0,0(Ps×P1, (d,1))is called the degree-dnonlinear sigma model ofPs, andNd:=P(H0(P1,P1(d))s+1)is called the degree-dlinear sigma model of the projective spacePs. An element inH0(P1,P1(d))s+1is an(s+1)-tuple of degreedhomogeneous polynomials in two variablesw0andw1. As a vector space,H0(P1,P1(d))s+1 is generated by the vectorsvir =(0, . . . ,0, w0rw1dr, 0, . . . ,0)fori=0,1, . . . , s and r=0,1, . . . , d. The only nonzero component of viris theith one.

The action ofT :=T×CinPs×P1with weights(−λ0, . . . ,−λs)in thePsfac- tor and(−,0)in theP1factor gives rise to an action ofT inMdby translation of maps.T also acts inNdas follows. For ¯t=(t0, . . . , ts)∈T andt∈C,

(¯t, t)· P0

w0, w1 , . . . , Ps

w0, w1

= t0P0

tw0, w1

, . . . , tsPs

tw0, w1 . (2.12) There is aT -equivariant morphismψ:MdNd. Here is a set-theoretical de- scription of this map (for a proof that it is a morphism, see [11] or [19]). Letqi

fori=1,2 be the projection maps onPs×P1. For a stable map(C, f )∈Md, let C0be the unique component ofCsuch thatq2◦f:C0P1is an isomorphism.

LetC1, . . . , Cn be the irreducible components ofC−C0 and di the degree of the restriction ofq1◦f onCi. Choose coordinates onC0P1such thatq2 f (y0, y1)=(y1, y0). LetC0∩Ci=(ai, bi)andq1◦f=[f0:f1:···:fs]:C0 Ps. Then,

ψ(C, f ):= n i=1




. (2.13)

Letpir be the points ofNdcorresponding to the vectorsvir. The fixed-point loci of theT -action onNdconsists of the pointspir. We writeκfor the equi- variant hyperplane class ofNd. The restriction ofκ at the fixed pointpir is λi+r. The restriction of the equivariant Euler class of the tangent spaceT Nd

atpir is [19]


(j,t)≠(i,r )


. (2.14)

Fixed-point components ofMd are obtained as follows. Let Γdij be the graph of aT-fixed point component in M0,1(Ps, dj), where the marking is mapped topiandd1+d2=d. Let(d1, d2)be a partition ofd. We identifyMΓi

d1×MΓi d2

with a T -fixed point component Mdi

1d2 in Md in the following manner. Let (C1, x1, f1)∈MΓi


and(C2, x2, f2)∈MΓi d2

. LetCbe the nodal curve obtained by


gluingC1withP1atx1and 0P1andC2withP1atx2and∞ ∈P1. Letf:C→ Ps×P1mapC1to the slicePs× ∞by means off1andC2toPs×0 by means off2. Finally, f mapsP1 topi×P1 by permuting coordinates and ψ maps Mdi

1d2topid2∈Nd, hence the equivariant restriction ofψ(κ)inMdi

1d2isλi+ d2. The normal bundleNΓi


of this component in the above identification can be found by splitting it in five pieces: smoothing the nodes x1 and x2

and deforming the restriction of the map to C1, C2, P1. Using Kontsevich’s calculations, Givental obtained [11]

1 ET



= 1


λi−λk 1 ET



1 ET



e1 φi

c1 e1 φi

−c2, (2.15) wherecj,j=1,2 is the first Chern class of the cotangent line bundle onMΓi

dj. 3. A Gromov-Witten theory induced by a vector bundle

3.1. The obstruction class of a concavex vector bundle. The notion of concavex vector bundle is due to Lian et al. [19] and is central to this work.

Definition3.1. (1) A line bundleᏸonXis calledconvexifH1(C, f())= 0 for any genus zero stable map(C, x1, . . . , xn, f ).

(2) A line bundleᏸonXis calledconcaveifH0(C, f())=0 for any non- constant genus zero stable map(C, x1, . . . , xn, f ).

(3) A direct sum of convex and concave line bundles onXis called aconcavex vector bundle.

A concavex vector bundleVin a projective spacePshas the form V=V+⊕V=



, (3.1)

wherekiandljare positive numbers. DenoteE+:=E(V+)andE:=E(V).

Letd >0. Consider the following diagram:

M0,n+1 Ps, d




M0,n Ps, d



SinceV is concavex, the sheaf

Vd:=Vd+⊕Vdn+1en+1 V+

⊕R1πn+1en+1 V

(3.3) is locally free.


Definition3.2. The obstruction class corresponding toVis defined to be Ed:=E


=E Vd+

E Vd

:=E+dEd. (3.4) For aT-action onPsthat lifts to a linear action on the fibers ofV=V+⊕V, letE+:=ET(V+)andE:=ET(V). Assume thatEis invertible.

Definition3.3. The modified equivariant integralωV :᏾C(λ)corre- sponding toV is defined as follows:




E. (3.5)

Consider the trivial action ofT =(⊕iIC)⊕(⊕jJC)onPs. In this case, PsT =Ps×(⊕i∈IP)×(⊕j∈JP)and M0,n(Ps, d)T =M0,n(Ps, d)×(⊕i∈IP (⊕jJP). It follows that=H(Ps,C[λ])and ᏾=H(Ps,C(λ)). Letp de- note the equivariant hyperplane class. TheT-action lifts to a linear action on the fibers ofVwith weights((−λi)i∈I, (−λj)j∈J). Letqiandqjdenote the pro- jection maps onM0,n(Ps, d)T. BothVd+andVdareT-equivariant bundles and




−λi , Vd




. (3.6)

The equivariant obstruction class is Ed:=ET


=ET Vd+


=E+dEd. (3.7) The modified equivariant integral for the trivial action ofT onPsgives rise to a modified perfect pairing in᏾

a, bV:V(a∪b). (3.8)

Let T0=1, T1=p, . . . , Ts =ps be a basis of ᏾ as a C(λ)-vector space. The intersection matrix(gr t):=(Tr, TtV)has an inverse(gr t). LetTi=s


be the dual basis with respect to this pairing. Clearly, Ti=Tmi·E


. (3.9)

This implies that, inH(Ps×Ps)⊗C(λ), we have s



1⊗E E+

, (3.10)


i=0Ti⊗Ts−iis the class of the diagonal inPs×Ps.


Recall that the morphismπk:M0,n(Ps, d)→M0,n−1(Ps, d) forgets thekth marked point.

Lemma3.4. The forgetful morphisms satisfyπk(Ed)=Ed andπk(Ed)= Ed.

Proof. For simplicity, we consider the caseV=(k)(−l)andk=n. The general case is similar. LetMk=M0,k(Ps, d)andMn,n=Mn×Mn−1Mn. Consider the following equivariant commutative diagram:

Mn+1πn+1eµn+1πn, Mn,nαβ Ps, Mn πnMnπn

en, Mn−1.


We compute

πn+1en+1(k)n+1πnen(k)µµαen(k). (3.12) By the projection formula,


. (3.13)

Since the mapµis birational andMn+1is normalµ(Mn+1)=Mn,n, hence µµαen(k)=αen(k). (3.14) Substituting into (3.12) and applying base extension properties (πn is flat) yields



. (3.15) For the case of a negative line bundle, we have


(3.16) We now use the spectral sequence


RqµRp+qπn+1, (3.17) whereᏲis a sheaf ofᏻn+1-modules. The mapµis birational. If we think ofMn

as the universal map ofMn1, then the mapµhas nontrivial fibers only over pairs of stable maps inMnthat represent the same special point (i.e., node or marked point) of a stable map inMn1. These nontrivial fibers are isomorphic toP1. SinceᏲ=en+1(−l), we obtainRqµ=0 forq >0. It follows that this spectral sequence degenerates, giving

R1πn+1en+1(−l)=R1βµµαen(−l). (3.18)


Now, we proceed as in (3.14) to conclude R1πn+1en+1(−l)=πn


. (3.19)

The lemma is proven.

Remark3.5. The previous lemma justifies the omission ofnfrom the no- tation of the obstruction class.

3.2. Modified equivariant correlators and quantum cohomology. Letγi

᏾ for i=1, . . . , n and d >0. Introduce the following modified equivariant Gromow-Witten invariants:


γ1, . . . , γn :=


e1 γ1

∪···∪en γn

∪EdC(λ). (3.20)

Now,M0,n(Ps,0)=M0,n×Ps and all the evaluation maps equal the projection q2to the second factor. The integrals in this case are defined as follows:


γ1, . . . , γn



e1 γ1

∪···∪en γn

∪q2 E(V )

C(λ). (3.21)

The modified equivariant gravitational descendants are defined similarly to Gromov-Witten invariants


τk1γ1, . . . , τknγn




∪e1 γ1


∪en γn

∪Ed. (3.22)

Lemma 3.4is essential in proving that the modified correlators satisfy the same properties, such as fundamental class property, divisor property, point mapping axiom, and so on, that the usual Gromov-Witten invariants do. The proofs are similar to the ones in pure Gromov-Witten theory. As an illustration, we prove one of these properties.

Fundamental class property. Letγn=1 andd≠0. The forgetful mor- phism πn:M0,n(Ps, d)→M0,n1(Ps, d) is equivariant. UsingLemma 3.4, we obtain

e1 γ1

∪···∪en1 γn−1




∪···∪en−1 γn1


. (3.23)



γ1, . . . , γn1,1

= M0,n(Ps,d)

π e1


∪···∪en−1 γn1


= πn(M0,n(Ps,d))

e1 γ1

∪···∪en−1 γn1




The last equality is because the fibers ofπnare positive dimensional. Ifd=0, by the point mapping property we know that the integral is zero unlessn=3.

In that case, ˜I01, γ2,1)= γ1, γ2.

We will now prove a technical lemma that will be very useful later. LetA∪B be a partition of the set of markings andd=d1+d2. LetD=D(A, B, d1, d2) be the closure inM0,n(Ps, d)of stable maps of the following type. The source curve is a unionC=C1∪C2of two lines meeting at a node x. The marked points corresponding toAare onC1, and those corresponding toBare onC2. The restriction of the mapf onCihas degreedifori=1,2.Dis a boundary divisor inM0,n(Ps, d). LetM1:=M0,|A|+1(Ps, d1)andM2:=M0,|B|+1(Ps, d2). Let ex and ˜ex be the evaluation maps at the additional marking in M1 and M2

andµ:=(ex,e˜x). The boundary divisorDis obtained from the following fibre diagram:



ι M1×M2


Ps δ Ps×Ps


whereνis the “evaluation map at the nodex” andδis the diagonal map.

Lemma3.6. For any classesγ1, . . . , γnin,


n i=1

ei γi

Ed= s a=0 M1


ei γi

ex Ta


× M2


ej γj

˜ ex

Ta Ed2

. (3.26) Proof. This lemma is the analogue of [10, Lemma 16]. The proof needs a minor modification. Letα:D→M0,n(Ps, d). Consider the normalization se- quence atx

0 →ᏻC →ᏻC C →ᏻx →0. (3.27) Twisting it byf(V+)andf(V)and taking the cohomology sequence yield the following identities onD:

α E+d

ν E+




, (3.28)

α Ed




ν E

. (3.29)

Combining (3.28) and (3.29), we obtain the restriction ofEd in the divisorD α


Ed1×Ed2 ν

E E+

. (3.30)


Using formula (3.10), we obtain

ιν E


1⊗E E+

µ(). (3.31)



n i=1

ei γi


= M1×M2

n i=1

ei γi


1⊗E E+


= M1×M2

n i=1

ei γi




= m a=0

M1 n1


ei γi

∪ex Ta



M2 n2


ej γj

˜ex Ta



(3.32) The lemma is proven.

The same proof can be used to show that the previous splitting lemma is true for gravitational descendants as well.

Corollary3.7. The following modified topological recursion relations hold:


τk1+1γ1, τk2γ2, τk3γ3, n i=4






τsiωi, Ta


Ta, τk2γ2, τk3γ3,





where the sum is over all splittingsd1+d2=dand partitionsI1∪I2= {4, . . . , n}

and over all indicesa.

Proof. LetAand Bbe two disjoint subsets of{1,2, . . . , n}. We denote by D(A, B)the sum of boundary divisorsD(E, F , d1, d2)such thatE, Fis a partition of{1,2, . . . , n}andA⊂E,B⊂F, andd1+d2=d. The notationD(A, B)reflects neither the numbernof marked points nor the degreedof the maps, but they will be clear from the context. Consider the morphismπ:M0,n(Ps, d)→M0,3

that forgets the map and all but the first 3 markings. Since M0,3is a point, the cotangent line bundle at the first marking is trivial. Butπ(1)=1 D({1},{2,3}); therefore,1=D({1},{2,3})inM0,n(Ps, d). Multiply both sides of the previous equation by3



and integrate. The corollary follows from the splitting lemma for gravitational descendants.


In the process of finding solutions to the WDVV equations, Kontsevich sug- gested the following modified equivariant Gromov-Witten potential:


t0, t1, . . . , tm




1 n!˜Id


, (3.34)

whereγ=t0+t1p+···+tsps andtiC(λ). Let ˜Φijk=∂3Φ/∂t˜ i∂tj∂tk. Definition3.8. The modified, equivariant quantum product on᏾is de- fined to be the linear extension of


m k=0

Φ˜ijkTk. (3.35)

Theorem3.9. The algebraQHVPsT:=(,∗V)is a commutative, associative algebra with unitT0.

Proof. A simple calculation shows that Φ˜ijk=



1 n!˜Id

Ti, Tj, Tk, γn

. (3.36)

The commutativity of the modified, equivariant quantum product follows from the symmetry of the new integrals.T0is the unit due to the fundamental class property for the modified Gromov-Witten invariants. To prove the associativ- ity, we proceed as in [9, Theorem 4]. Let ˜Φijk=∂3˜Φ/∂ti∂tj∂tk. We compute



˜Φijegef˜Φf klgldTd, TiV



˜Φjkegef˜Φf ilgldTd.


Since the matrix (gld)is nonsingular, (TiVTj)∗VTk=TiV(TjVTk) is equivalent to


Φ˜ijegefΦ˜f kl=


Φ˜jkegefΦ˜f il. (3.38)

Equation (3.38) is the WDVV equation for the modified potential ˜Φ. To prove this equation, letq,r,s,tbe four different integers in{1,2, . . . , n}. There exists an equivariant morphism


Ps, d

M0,4=P1 (3.39)



We present an introduction to the geometry of higher-order vector and covector bundles (including higher-order generalizations of the Finsler geometry and Kaluza-Klein gravity)

We present an introduction to the geometry of higher-order vector and covector bundles (including higher-order generalizations of the Finsler geometry and Kaluza-Klein gravity)

As an application, in Section 5 we will use the former mirror coupling to give a unifying proof of Chavel’s conjecture on the domain monotonicity of the Neumann heat kernel for

The Yamabe invariant is a diffeomorphism invariant that historically arose from an attempt to construct Einstein metrics (metrics of constant Ricci curvature) on smooth

On one hand, Freedman’s classification theorem of simply connected, closed topological 4–manifolds could be used to show that various constructions provide homeomorphic

We have now described the prehomogeneous vector spaces of Heisenberg parabolic type and given the definition of a conformally invariant system of differential operators that is

To do so, we overcome the technical difficulties to global loop equations for the spectral x(z) = z + 1/z and y(z) = ln z from the local loop equations satisfied by the ω g,n ,

For the algebraic integrable systems in the generalized sense, the Laurent series solutions contain square root terms of the type t −1/n which are strictly not allowed by the Painlev´