• 検索結果がありません。

Origin of the 6.4 keV line of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE)


Academic year: 2021

シェア "Origin of the 6.4 keV line of the Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE)"


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Origin of the 6.4 keV line of the

Galactic Ridge X-ray Emission (GRXE)

Takeshi Go Tsuru (Kyoto University)


M.Nobukawa, S.G.Ryu, S.Nakashima,

K.Koyama (Kyoto Univ.), H.Uchiyama (Univ. of Tokyo)


0 106 213 320 426 534 640 746 853 960 1066 0.000

2.000 359.000 357.000


6.4 keV line emission from Ridge 2

Sgr D B A C E

Ridge Suzaku found that 6.4 keV line emission

with nearly equal EW uniformly exist.

Key Quesstion.

What is the origin of this 6.4 keV line emission in the Galactic ridge ?

EW map of the 6.4 keV line near GC

extend toward the Galactic ridge.

No region with such high EW has been discovered except the GC.



6.4 keV line flux

Asymmetric Distribution of 6.4keV line

Intensity (K km/s )

10 2

10 3

Galactic longitude l (deg) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2

3 4


) 2 /arcmin 2 Intensity (1e-7 photons /s /cm -1

10 1 10

Galactic Longitude l (deg) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2

3 4

FeI (6.4 keV) l profile @ b=-0.046 pm 0.05 deg

East (left) Ridge GC West (right) Ridge XRN




0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

-3 -2

-1 0

1 2


[6.4 keV]/[6.7 keV]

Galactic longitude (degree) Sgr B2

SgrC Sgr B1


Asymmetric Distribution of 6.4keV line


Suzaku : 6.4 / 6.7keV flux ratio


Suzaku flux ratio between the two lines also shows asymmetric distribution.

Sgr B

Sgr C


ASCA : Fe line center


Fe center energies distribute asymmetrically.

These results suggest the source of the

6.4 keV emission line distribute asymmetrically.


10 -8 10 -7 10 -6

10 -8 10 -7 10 -6 6.4 keV (ph/cm 2 /s/arcmin 2 )

6.7 keV (ph/cm 2 /s/arcmin 2 )


• 6.4 keV line emission has diffuse origin.

• 6.4 and 6.7 keV lines have different origins

• Their fluxes have a

scattered correlation.


6.4 keV flux - 6.7 keV flux

GC and Ridge

|l| = GC 1.5-4°



• The 6.4 keV line fluxes also scatter.

• The expected KP data seem to be on the line of XRNe.


• The correlation is on the natural extension from the GC.

KP ?





EW of 6.4 keV line (eV)

EW of 6.7 keV line (eV)

0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1000

Galactic center




KP (+ Extra)


KP (Single)

Objective 1

See if the plots of EW6.4 and EW6.7 concentrate in a single point or not.

Case A : Single Origin (point source ?)

Case B : + Extra Source (diffuse ?) Start with Case B...

Single Origin ? or + Extra Source ?

Examine if the spatial

distribution of the 6.4 keV

line emission is symmetric or asymmetric with respect to the GC.

• In the GC, the EWs are different from point to point.

• This is because Fe emission lines

are mixture of multiple origins.



6.4 keV line emission correlates with MCs

Intensity (K km/s )





Galactic longitude l (deg) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2

3 4


) 2 /arcmin 2 Intensity (1e-7 photons /s /cm



1 10

Galactic Longitude l (deg) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2

3 4

FeI (6.4 keV) l profile @ b=-0.046 pm 0.05 deg


Intensity (K km/s )

10 10


Galactic longitude l (deg) 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 2

3 4

6.4 keV line flux

13CO (NANTEN, Takeuchi+10)


Strong 6.4 keV line emission from Clump 2



F IG . 2.ÈMaps of the 12 CO J \ 1È0 and 13 CO J \ 1È0 line emission integrated over the velocity range V LSR \ [ 220 to ] 220 km s ~1 . Contours are drawn at every 200 K km s ~1 for 12 CO and at every 100 K km s ~1 for 13 CO. Mapping areas are indicated by solid lines (four beams) and dashed lines (three beams).

(four-beam: solid line ; three-beam: dashed line). We have smoothed the data using a Gaussian weighting function with 60 A full width at half-maximum. The distributions of the two emission lines are basically similar, while 12 CO emission is typically 5 times stronger than 13 CO emission.

The mean 12 CO/ 13 CO luminosity ratio over the 13 CO mapping area is 5.19.

3.2. Intensity Scale

We present all the data in units of antenna temperature corrected for atmospheric attenuation, and rearward (T A *)

spillover and scattering. T A * is related to the intrinsic source brightness temperature averaged over telescope beam, by where is source-coupling effi- S T B T , T A * \ g c S T B T , g c

ciency. The source-coupling efficiency for compact source can be substituted by main-beam efficiency ( g MB ), which is measured by observing point sources, the brightness of which are known. For extended sources, such as molecular clouds, the source-coupling efficiency ( g c ) can be substituted by the forward spillover and scattering efficiency ( g fss ).

shows the intensity correlation plot between the Figure 3

main-beam temperatures (T MB ) by the 1.2 m Southern Millimeter-Wave Telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter- American Observatory (Bitran et al. 1997), and the antenna temperatures (T A *) of the present work smoothed to the 9 @ beam of the 1.2 m telescope. The straight solid line is a least-squares regression to the plot. The slope of the regres- sion line gives an estimate of the forward spillover and scat- tering efficiency of the NRO 45 m telescope, g fss ^ 0.58,

which is close to the main-beam efficiency. The accuracy of this estimation is mainly determined by the absolute accu- racy of the T MB scale of the 1.2 m telescope. The scatter of the data points about the line gives us an estimate of the

F IG . 3.ÈIntensity correlation plot between the main beam tem- peratures (T MB ) by the 1.2 m Southern Millimeter-Wave Telescope at CTIO (Bitran et al. 1997) and the antenna temperatures (T A *) of the present work smoothed to the 9 @ beam of the 1.2 m telescope. Straight solid line is a least-squares regression to the plot, T A *(45 m) \ (0.577 ^ 0.001)T MB (1.2 m).

12CO (Oka+98)

l = 3.2° “Clump 2”

Sgr B

Sgr C


ASCA : Fe line center


l = 3.5° exhibits especially strong 6.4 keV line

Objective 2

Search of correlation with MCs.

Objective 3

Determination of the ionizing particle.


Candidates for the ionizing particles

• 6.4 keV flux ~1e-7 ph/cm2/sec/arcmin2 is expected in the KP observing region  

• XRN (X-ray Reflection Nebula)

• Already seen in the GC.

• Sgr A* Lx(Sgr A*) ~10^41 ergs/s  

• LECRp (Low Energy Cosmic Ray Proton)

• NH ~ 1e+24cm-2 (observed at Clump 2)

• Up > 75eV/cm3 ← equipartition with B > 50μG at R<400pc (Crocker+11) ~0.5e-7 ph/cm2/sec/arcmin2

• LECRe (Low Energy Cosmic Ray Electron)

• cf. Valinia+00

• Ue~1 eV/cm3 x NH 〜 1e+23 cm-2

〜 1e-7 ph/cm2/sec/arcmin2


All the three processes are



EW(6.4) of the 6.4 keV component GC

EWs are different from point to point


EW of 6.4 keV line (eV)

EW of 6.7 keV line (eV)

0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1000

Galactic center

Successfully fit the data with a line.

The emission is resolved into 6.4 keV- and 6.7 keV- related components.


Apply this method to the Ridge data.

1.2keV The intercept is the EW of the 6.4 keV line

emission against the continuum of the 6.4 keV-component.

EW = 1.2keV→ XRN


0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1000

EW 6.7 (eV)

EW 6.4 (eV)

EW of 6.7keV line (eV)

EW of 6.4keV line (eV)

• We are unable to fit the line only with existing data.

EW(6.4) of the 6.4 keV component





KP • Adding the KP data allows us to obtain the correlation line.

obtain ! • Obtain EW(6.4) of the 6.4 keV- component.


• Referring to the value, we

determine the ionizing particle.


Difference between XRN, LECRe and LECRp



2 7.1

X-ray reflection Inci dent

X-ra y Thomson Scatter

N H 〜 10 24 (cm -2 )

EW (keV)

〜 1-1.5

6.4 keV

2 7.1

Electron bombardment


N H 〜 10 21 (cm -2 )

EW(keV) 〜 0.3-0.6



XRN: large EW

& deep absorption

LECR: shallow absorption LECRe 300 - 600 eV LECRp 500 - 3000 eV


Spectral Index

EW ( k e V )

No. 3] Neutral Iron Line from Sgr B2 by Subrelativistic Protons 537

Fig. 1. Cross section of electron and proton bremsstrahlung radiation at the energy 6.4 keV, d! br =dE X (dashed line), and the cross-sections

! K of K˛ production for electron (thick solid line) and proton (thin solid line). Here, E 0 = E e for electrons and E 0 = (m e =m p )E p for protons. Also, ! K equals 0.3 and " is taken to be twice solar. The data for this figure was kindly sent to us by Vincent Tatischeff.

is also generated by different processes: by bremsstrahlung in the collisional scenario and by Thomson scattering in the photoionization scenario.

The cross-sections of bremsstrahlung and K ˛ production by subrelativistic protons and electrons are shown in figure 1.

As one can see from the figure, the cross-section of the proton bremsstrahlung with the energy E p = (m p =m e )E e is completely the same as for electrons with energy E e and for protons, as shown in figure 1 by the dashed line. However, the cross-section ! K of K˛ lines produced by electrons (thick solid line) and by protons (thin solid line) are quite different.

If for electrons the cross-section ! K of the iron line has a sharp cut-off at E = 7.1 keV, that for protons is rather smooth, and a contribution from protons with relatively small energies can be significant.

The photoionization and collisional scenarios can be distin- guished from the equivalent width of the iron line, eW depends on the chemical abundance in the GC, which is poorly known.

Direct estimations of the iron abundance there provided by the Suzaku group (Koyama et al. 2007b, 2009) gave values from 1 to 3.5 solar. Revnivtsev et al. (2004) obtained the iron abun- dance for the cloud Sgr B2 at about 1.9 solar. Nobukawa et al.

(2010) found that the equivalent width of line emission from a cloud near Sgr A requires an abundance higher than solar.

For line emission due to impacts of subrelativistic electrons, the iron abundance in Sgr B2 should be about 4 solar, while the X-ray scenario requires ! 1.6 solar. Therefore, Nobukawa et al. (2010) concluded that the irradiating model seemed to be more attractive than the electron impact scenario. This abundance is compatible with the value " = 1.3 solar esti- mated by Nobukawa et al. (2011) from the iron absorption edge at 7.1 keV.

The eW value for the case of particle impact depends on their spectrum. Its value for the power-law spectra of particles (N / E # ) is a function of the spectral index, # ,

Fig. 2. Equivalent width of the K˛ line for the solar abundance produced by electrons (thick solid line) and protons (thin solid line for injection energy E inj = 80 MeV, dashed line for injection energy E inj = 50 MeV) as a function of the spectral index, # .

and the abundance, ":

eW = "! K



v.E/! K .E/E # dE R


E # Œd ! br . E;E/=dE N X $v.E/ dE = f ."; # / :

(8) For the solar iron abundance the eW for electrons and protons is shown in figure 2. It was assumed here that the proton spectrum has a cut-off (N = 0 at E > E inj , see below).

One can see that the equivalent width of the K˛ line gener- ated by electrons depends weakly on # , and varies from

! 250 eV for the soft spectra to ! 500 eV for the hard elec- tron spectra (see also in this respect Yusef-Zadeh et al. 2007a).

In the case of protons, the width variations are significant, reaching their maximum for very soft proton spectra. As one can see from this figure, the equivalent width weakly depends on the maximum energy of protons, E inj .

Sources of high-energy particles in the Galaxy generate quite a wide range of characteristics of their spectra, though the most effective process in the cosmic space, acceleration by shocks, provides particle spectra with the spectral index, # , close to

" 2. For the case of accretion, we approximated the spectrum of proton injection by the delta-function distribution, which was modified then by Coulomb losses into a power-law spectrum with # = 0.5 (see Dogiel et al. 2009c). We notice, however, that this delta-function approximation is a simplification of the injection process. As shown by Ginzburg et al. (2004) for jets, at first stages of evolution the jet material moves by inertia.

Then, due to the excitation of plasma instabilities in the flux, the particle distribution functions, which were initially delta functions both in angle and in energy, transform into complex angular and energy dependence.

Below we briefly present parameters of the proton spectrum for the case of a star capture by a massive black hole (for details see Dogiel et al. 2009a, 2009c).

-4 -3 -2 -1 0

1 10 10 2


p e



If XRN 13

Reveal the Activity of Sgr A* (SMBH) in 2000 years.

? Clump 2

Past Time (yr)

Light Curve of Sgr A*

Present -100 -10


Sg r A* L umi no si ty (erg s/ s)

10 40 10 39 10 38 10 37 10 36 10 35 10 34 10 33 10 41 10 42

Sgr B, C Sgr A

Direct observation with Chandra

in 10 years



LECRe vs LECRp 14

e - (keV)

σ ∼ 0 eV

p (MeV)

σ ∼10 eV

SXS  (μ-­‐calorimeter)

conclusive evidence Line width

Total amaount of energy of CR,


Spacial distribution

keV              MeV              GeV                TeV GeV/TeV

log (num be r  de nsity)


Cosmic Ray spectrum

EW e or p

ASTRO-H 6.4keV

observe  for  

the  first  Eme


Single Origin = Point Source Origin of 6.4 keV line (apart from 6.7 keV line)


5 6 7 8 9



0.01 0.1

Count s


Energy (keV)



=1−2 dgree b


=0 degree Ridge

235eV 415eV

14 pointings

5 6 7 8 9



0.01 0.1

Counts s


Energy (keV)

Sum of AB stars Active Binaries



7 AB CVs

6.4keV ~110eV 6.7keV ~120eV

16 CVs in Yuasa’s D-Th

(given by Yuasa-san)

6.7keV is from Active Binaries 6.4keV is from CVs

Continuum of ABs reduces

EW of 6.4 keV line from CVs



0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 20 0 40 0 60 0 80 0 1000

EW 6.7 (eV)

EW 6.4 (eV)

EW of 6.7keV line (eV)

EW of 6.4keV line (eV)


ABs & CVs vs Ridge


• Mixture of ABs and CVs can explain only the EWs on the line connecting the two.

Point Source Origin of 6.4 keV line (apart from 6.7 keV line)

Objective 4

Measurement of the Fe abundance gradient toward the GC (along l) and Planes (along b).

• Abundance Measurements near GC

• Giants (old >5x10^9yr) (bulge) 0.6 solar

• Super Giants (young ~10^8yr) (< 12’) 1.3 - 2.0 solar

• X-ray Plasma (ISM present) (< 20’) Fe ~ 1.2 solar (Nobukawa+10) (note: Si, S = 1.9-2.5 solar)



• Simple mixture does not explain.

Fe(Local) x 2-3 is required.


Simulation : Spectrum and Correlation

• CXB and NXB are already taken into account in this simulation.

• ΔEW6.4 = ± 39 eV (90%) ΔEW6.7 = ± 44 eV




0.01 0.1

2 0 2

Energy (keV)

0 200 400 600 800 1000

0 200 400 600 800 1000







Galactic center Galactic ridge AB


100ks simulation


• A simulation of the correlation.

(Scatter the data by hand)

• Can determine EW(6.4) with enough accuracy to distinguish the ionizing particles.

100ksec, Sum of 2FI


“True” Legacy : Serendipitous Discoveries

Line Diagnostics of GCDX Koyama, Hyodo+

Spectrum of Sgr A East Koyama, Uchiyama+

Hard X-Ray Emission the Arches Cluster Tsujimoto+

Diffuse Iron line of the Sgr B Region Koyama, Inui+

Peculiar Hot Star in the GC Hyodo+

A Time Variable X-Ray Echo of Sgr B2 Koyama, Inui+

Diffuse Hard X-ray from the GC Yuasa+

New XRN and SNR in the Sgr B1 Region Nobukawa, Tsuru+

X-Ray Flare of A-type Star HD 161084 Miura+

SNR Candidate G359.79-0.26 Mori, Tsuru+

New X-ray views of the Galactic Center Koyama

X-Ray Observations of the GC Koyama

Variable Neutral Iron Line in Sgr B2 Inui+

Spatial Distribution of the GCDX Koyama, Takikawa+

Suzaku Observations of Sgr D HII region Sawada, Tsujimoto+

SAX J1748.2−2808 Nobukawa+

XRN in the Sgr C region Nakajima, Tsuru+

Dips/Absorption Lines of AXJ1745.6-2901 Hyodo+

Thermal plasma near the Sgr C region Tsuru, Nobukawa+

Iron lines from Galactic Ridge and GC Yamauchi+

Superbubble Mori, Tsuru+

Face-on view of Sgr B2 Ryu, Tsuru+

Foot-Point of the Radio Arc Fukuoka+

Neutral Lines of Light Elements of Sgr A region Nobukawa, Tsuru+

SNR and 6.4keV lines around the Great Annihilator Nakashima+

RRC of G359.1-0.5 Ohnishi+

Structures of Diffuse Emission from GCDX and GRDX Uchiyama+

K-Shell Emission of Neutral Iron Line from Sagittarius B2 Excited by Subrelativistic Protons


Suzaku Discovery of Twin Thermal Plasma from the Tornado Nebula Sawada, Tsuru+

Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Diffuse Iron 6.4 keV Line in the Galactic Center Region Chernysov+

6.4 keV structure around Archies Cluster Sawada+

A Time Variability of XRN in Sgr B2 Nobukawa+

3-D position of the Molecular Cloud of Sgr C in the GC Ryu, Tsuru+

Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Diffuse Iron 6.4 keV Line in the Galactic Center Region Chernyshov, Nobukawa+

Broadband Spectral Decombosiion of the Galactic Ridge Emission T.Yuasa

Published or Accepted 30

In prep. or Submitted 5


Doctor Thesis : 6 Nakajima, Inui, Hyodo, Uchiyama, Nobukawa, Yuasa


S210 M. Sawada et al. [Vol. 61,

Fig. 1. Wide-band (0.7–5.5 keV) smoothed images by the (a) XIS and (b) MOS shown with the logarithmic intensity scale. Overlaid green contours in (a) are an 18 cm radio continuum map from the Very Large Array (VLA; Mehringer et al. 1998). The point source extraction aperture size and background accumulation region for PS2 and PS3 are shown in (b). See subsubsection 3.2.1 for details. For the XIS image, we merged events with the three CCDs, subtracted the non-X-ray background (Tawa et al. 2008), corrected for the vignetting, and mosaicked the two fields with different exposure times normalized. The fields of view are shown with two solid squares with 180in length. For the MOS image, we merged two CCDs and mosaicked the two fields with normalized exposures. The fields are shown with two circles with 300in diameter.

by external X-ray irradiation (Murakami et al. 2000). HII regions are also an emerging class of diffuse X-ray sources with a similar spatial scale. They show a variety of spectral shapes, including soft thermal (Townsley et al. 2003; Hyodo et al. 2008), hard thermal (Moffat et al. 2002; Ezoe et al. 2006), and nonthermal (Wolk et al. 2002; Law & Yusef-Zadeh 2004;

Wang et al. 2006; Tsujimoto et al. 2007; Ezoe et al. 2006) emis- sion. In addition to the X-ray emission, the measurement of the X-ray absorption gives a constraint on the distance and hence the physical scale of extended objects.

Several X-ray observations were reported in the Sgr D region. In a BeppoSAX study (Sidoli et al. 2001), diffuse X-ray emission was significantly detected from the Sgr D SNR and marginally detected from the Sgr D HIIcomplex. In an ASCA study (Sakano et al. 2002), the image was plagued by stray lights from a nearby bright source and was unsuitable to search for diffuse X-ray sources. In an XMM-Newton study (Sidoli et al. 2006), dozens of point sources were identified, but no diffuse emission was detected presumably due to high back- ground. The possible diffuse X-ray detection by BeppoSAX in the Sgr D HIIcomplex has not been confirmed and no spectral information exists for this source.

We conducted X-ray observations of the Sgr D HIIcomplex using the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS: Koyama et al.

2007a) onboard Suzaku (Mitsuda et al. 2007). The low back- ground of XIS makes it particularly well-suited for finding diffuse sources of low surface brightness and yielding their high signal-to-noise ratio spectra. Indeed, a series of XIS

studies in the GC region identified several new SNRs and irradiated GMCs (Koyama et al. 2007b; Mori et al. 2008;

Nobukawa et al. 2008) and reported detailed spectroscopy of an HIIregion (Tsujimoto et al. 2007). Upon the confirmation of the previously claimed marginal diffuse detection in the Sgr D HIIcomplex, we further aim to construct the X-ray spectrum which gives important insights into the origin of the emission and the entire complex.

Here, we present a significant detection of diffuse X-ray emission from the Sgr D HIIcomplex with the Suzaku XIS.

High signal-to-noise ratio spectra were obtained from two different diffuse sources. We discuss their X-ray characteris- tics and their association with sources observed in our study using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and in other archived multiwavelength data sets. Based on these data, we propose a new view of the Sgr D HIIcomplex. In this paper, we supplement the Suzaku data with those taken by XMM- Newton in order to evaluate the contribution of point sources to the diffuse emission. Throughout this paper, we use east and west in the Galactic longitude direction, and north and south in the Galactic latitude direction for simplicity.

2. Observations 2.1. Suzaku

We used two XIS fields covering the Sgr D HIIcomplex in the Suzaku GC mapping project (table 1). We hereafter call the two fields as north and south fields (figure 1a). The north field

7 New SNRe

13 New XRNe


S210 M. Sawada et al. [Vol. 61,

Fig. 1. Wide-band (0.7–5.5 keV) smoothed images by the (a) XIS and (b) MOS shown with the logarithmic intensity scale. Overlaid green contours in (a) are an 18 cm radio continuum map from the Very Large Array (VLA; Mehringer et al. 1998). The point source extraction aperture size and background accumulation region for PS2 and PS3 are shown in (b). See subsubsection 3.2.1 for details. For the XIS image, we merged events with the three CCDs, subtracted the non-X-ray background (Tawa et al. 2008), corrected for the vignetting, and mosaicked the two fields with different exposure times normalized. The fields of view are shown with two solid squares with 180in length. For the MOS image, we merged two CCDs and mosaicked the two fields with normalized exposures. The fields are shown with two circles with 300in diameter.

by external X-ray irradiation (Murakami et al. 2000). HII regions are also an emerging class of diffuse X-ray sources with a similar spatial scale. They show a variety of spectral shapes, including soft thermal (Townsley et al. 2003; Hyodo et al. 2008), hard thermal (Moffat et al. 2002; Ezoe et al. 2006), and nonthermal (Wolk et al. 2002; Law & Yusef-Zadeh 2004;

Wang et al. 2006; Tsujimoto et al. 2007; Ezoe et al. 2006) emis- sion. In addition to the X-ray emission, the measurement of the X-ray absorption gives a constraint on the distance and hence the physical scale of extended objects.

Several X-ray observations were reported in the Sgr D region. In a BeppoSAX study (Sidoli et al. 2001), diffuse X-ray emission was significantly detected from the Sgr D SNR and marginally detected from the Sgr D HIIcomplex. In an ASCA study (Sakano et al. 2002), the image was plagued by stray lights from a nearby bright source and was unsuitable to search for diffuse X-ray sources. In an XMM-Newton study (Sidoli et al. 2006), dozens of point sources were identified, but no diffuse emission was detected presumably due to high back- ground. The possible diffuse X-ray detection by BeppoSAX in the Sgr D HIIcomplex has not been confirmed and no spectral information exists for this source.

We conducted X-ray observations of the Sgr D HIIcomplex using the X-ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS: Koyama et al.

2007a) onboard Suzaku (Mitsuda et al. 2007). The low back- ground of XIS makes it particularly well-suited for finding diffuse sources of low surface brightness and yielding their high signal-to-noise ratio spectra. Indeed, a series of XIS

studies in the GC region identified several new SNRs and irradiated GMCs (Koyama et al. 2007b; Mori et al. 2008;

Nobukawa et al. 2008) and reported detailed spectroscopy of an HIIregion (Tsujimoto et al. 2007). Upon the confirmation of the previously claimed marginal diffuse detection in the Sgr D HIIcomplex, we further aim to construct the X-ray spectrum which gives important insights into the origin of the emission and the entire complex.

Here, we present a significant detection of diffuse X-ray emission from the Sgr D HIIcomplex with the Suzaku XIS.

High signal-to-noise ratio spectra were obtained from two different diffuse sources. We discuss their X-ray characteris- tics and their association with sources observed in our study using the 100-m Green Bank Telescope (GBT) and in other archived multiwavelength data sets. Based on these data, we propose a new view of the Sgr D HIIcomplex. In this paper, we supplement the Suzaku data with those taken by XMM- Newton in order to evaluate the contribution of point sources to the diffuse emission. Throughout this paper, we use east and west in the Galactic longitude direction, and north and south in the Galactic latitude direction for simplicity.

2. Observations 2.1. Suzaku

We used two XIS fields covering the Sgr D HIIcomplex in the Suzaku GC mapping project (table 1). We hereafter call the two fields as north and south fields (figure 1a). The north field

7 New SNRe

13 New XRNe

0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55

l b

359.2 359.4

-0.2 0.0


the Chimney




692 H. Mori et al. [Vol. 61,

Fig. 5. GC mosaic images of He-like sulfur K˛-line (a), and He-like and H-like iron K˛-lines (b). The images were binned by 32!32 pixels and the continuum fluxes were then subtracted (see text) and the images were smoothed with!=10.66. The exposure time and the vignetting effect of the XRTs were corrected. The XIS field of view is indicated by a red polygon. The GC-ring spectrum was extracted from the elliptical arc-like region encircled with solid curves. The background region is shown by a dashed polygon excluding the source-extraction region and an ellipse with a red slash.

normalized by the effective area, and were summed together.

Finally, we subtracted the background spectrum from the ring spectrum, which is shown in figure 6a.

The spectrum clearly shows the Si, S, and Ar emission lines, in addition to a marginal emission line due to He-like Ca. We fitted the spectrum by an absorbed CIE plasma model with the variable abundances of Si, S, and Ar. The best-fit parameters of the absorption column density and the electron temperature

areNH=5.5!1022cm"2andkTe=0.91 keV. The elemental

abundances of Si, S, and Ar are solar or subsolar values. The results are summarized in table 2. We note that all of the best- fit parameters of the absorption column density, the electron temperature, and the elemental abundances are intermediate values between those of G 359.77"0.09 (see subsection 3.1) and G 359.79"0.26 (see table 3 of Mori et al. 2008).

Furthermore, we made a ring spectrum excluding the G 359.77"0.09 and G 359.79"0.26 emission to examine whether the region with the faint K˛-line emission from He-like sulfur (referred as to faint ring hereafter) is related to these two bright clumps. The excluded regions for G 359.77"0.09 and G 359.79"0.26 are the same as that described in subsection 3.1 (see also the solid ellipse in figure 1a) and that described in section 3 of Mori et al.

(2008), respectively. As is shown in figure 5b, the periphery of G 359.77"0.09 shows relatively bright K˛-line emission from highly ionized iron because of its location. Thus, in order to extract the corresponding background spectrum, we removed the area overlapped with the dashed rectangle shown in figure 1a from the background region. We again subtracted the background spectrum after applying the vignetting correc- tion. The X-ray spectrum of the faint ring is shown in figure 6b.

The spectrum shows the K˛emission lines from He-like Si, S, and Ar. This feature is similar to that of the ring spectrum

shown in figure 6a, and indicates that the X-ray emission has a thin thermal plasma origin. We fitted the faint ring spec- trum with an absorbed CIE plasma model. The elemental abun- dances of Si, S, and Ar were allowed to vary again. The best- fit parameters are consistent with those derived from the ring spectrum including the G 359.77"0.09 and G 359.79"0.26 emission; the X-ray emission from the plasma with the temper- ature of kTe = 0.96 keV is attenuated with the absorption of

NH=5.5!1022cm"2. We summarized the best-fit parameters

in table 2. This result strengthens the physical connection of the faint ring emission to G 359.77"0.09 and G 359.79"0.26.

4. Discussion 4.1. G 359.77"0.09

The X-ray spectrum of G 359.77"0.09 clearly shows the presence of a thin thermal plasma (kTe#0.7 keV). The heavy absorption ofNH=6.9!1022cm"2indicates that the plasma is located in the GC. Using the best-fit plasma parameters derived from the G 359.77"0.09 spectral analysis, we can estimate some physical properties. Assuming that the distance to the plasma is 8.5 kpc, the emission measure is estimated to be 6.9

! 1058cm"3. If the plasma is an ellipsoid with dimensions

of 40.9!20.4!20.4, corresponding to 12 pc!6.0 pc!6.0 pc in the GC, the volume of the X-ray emitting plasma is 3.9

!1058cm3. The electron density of the plasma is then derived to be 1.3f"1=2cm"3, wheref is a filling factor.

The elemental abundances of the plasma are consistent with the solar values, which implies that the X-ray emitting plasma has an interstellar medium (ISM) origin. The total mass of the plasma is M = 1.4nempV = 58f1=2Mˇ (mp represents the proton mass), and its thermal energy is estimated to be Eth

= 32M kT"me

p = 1.9f1=2 !1050erg. Here,"represents the mean Sgr A*

Super Bubble

Tornado Chimney

Super Bubble RRC-SNR

5 New Types of objects

Thin Extended 6.4keV line





0.1 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.9


0.5° -1.0°





(1022 cm-2) 40 Gas

NH 25 10





B1 M0.74–0.09





M359.47–0.15 M359.43–0.07


C 300


X-ray Tomography

1994$(ASCA)$   time variable 6.4 keV line 2000$(Chanrda)$2003$(XMM)$$$$$$$$$2005$(Suzaku)

Neutral lines from light elements

4 Unexpected Phenomena New Perspectives


This KP will make many serendipitous discoveries, Many AX J*** were discovered

by the ASCA Plane Survey, which eventually results in Suzaku’s good achievements.

which leads to fruitful

results with Astro-H


Thank you.


Pointing Positions, Exposure Time and Feasibility

• 10 x 100ksec


Counts s




10 10 0.01 0.1

Energy (keV)

1 2 5 10

Energy (keV)

1 2 5 10

Counts s




10 10 0.01 0.1

Max. Stray Light

(l=+2.5°) Typical Stray Light


0.0 1.0


4.0 3.0 1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0

-1.0 1.0

l (deg) b (deg)


6-7 keV band image


• Stray lights from GX3+1 does not affect the Fe-

line studies.


Pointing Positions, Exposure Time and Feasibility


0.0 1.0


4.0 3.0 1.0 -2.0 -3.0 -4.0

-1.0 1.0

l (deg) b (deg)


6-7 keV band image



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