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» «(When the evildoer dies, it is a relief for the people, the land, the trees and the animals.) Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded that Abu Qahdham said:


Academic year: 2021

シェア "» «(When the evildoer dies, it is a relief for the people, the land, the trees and the animals.) Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded that Abu Qahdham said:"


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The Effects of Sin in this World

Ibn ` Abbas, ` Ikrimah, Ad-Dahhak, As-Suddi and ot hers said: "What is meant by Al-Barr here is t he empt y land or wilderness, and by Al-Bahr is t owns and cit ies.'' According t o a report narrat ed from Ibn ` Abbas and ` Ikrimah, Al-Bahr refers t o t owns and cit ies which are on t he banks of rivers. Ot hers said t hat what was meant was t he usual meaning of t he words, i.e., land and sea. Zayd bin Rafi` said:

び⊥キゅ∠ジ∠ヘ∇ャや ∠ゲ∠ヰ∠ニぴ

(Evil has appeared) "The rain is wit hheld from t he land and t his is followed by famine, and it is wit hheld from t he sea, adversely affect ing t he animals which live in it .'' This was recorded by Ibn Abi Hat im, who said: "Muhammad bin ` Abdullah bin Yazid Al-Muqri' t old us, from Sufyan from Humayd bin Qays Al-A` raj from Muj ahid:

び͡ゲ∇エ∠ら∇ャや∠ヱ あゲ∠ら∇ャや ヴ͡プ ⊥キゅ∠ジ∠ヘ∇ャや ∠ゲ∠ヰ∠ニぴ

(Evil has appeared on land and sea) "Evil on land means t he killing of t he son of Adam, and evil on t he sea means piracy.'' According t o t he first opinion, t he phrase,

ン͡ギ∇Α∠ぺ ∇ろ∠ら∠ジ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ͡ゲ∇エ∠ら∇ャや∠ヱ あゲ∠ら∇ャや ヴ͡プ ⊥キゅ∠ジ∠ヘ∇ャや ∠ゲ∠ヰ∠ニぴ


(Evil has appeared on land and sea because of what t he hands of men have earned, ) means t he short fall in t he crops and fruit s is because of sins. Abu Al-` Aliyah said: "Whoever disobeys Allah in t he eart h has corrupt ed it , because t he good condit ion of t he eart h and t he heavens depends on obedience t o Allah.'' Hence it says in t he Hadit h which was recorded by Abu Dawud:


∇ラ∠ぺ ∇リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰ͡ヤ∇ワ∠ぺ ヴ∠ャ͡ま ぁょ∠ェ∠ぺ ͡チ∇ケ∠ほ∇ャや ヶ͡プ ⊥ュゅ∠ボ⊥Α xギ∠エ∠ャ

ゅ⇔ェゅ∠ら∠タ ∠リΒ͡バ∠よ∇ケ∠ぺ やヱ⊥ゲ∠ト∇ヨ⊥Α


(Any prescribed punishment which is carried out in t he land is bet t er for it s people t han if it were t o rain for fort y days.) The reason for t hat is t hat if t he prescribed punishment s are carried out , t his will det er t he people -- most or many of t hem -- from violat ing t he prohibit ions of Allah. If t hey give up sin, t his will be a cause of blessings in t he skies and on t he eart h. So, when ` Isa bin Maryam, peace be upon him, comes down at t he end of t ime, he will j udge according t o t his Shari` ah at t hat t ime, and will kill t he pigs and break t he cross and abolish t he Jizyah. He will accept not hing except Islam or t he sword. When Allah dest roys t he Daj j al and his followers, and Ya'j uj and Ma'j uj during his t ime, it will be said t o t he eart h, bring fort h your blessing. Then groups of people will eat from one pomegranat e, and will seek shade beneat h it s skin, and t he milk of one pregnant camel will be sufficient for a group of people. This will only be because of t he blessings t hat will result from applicat ion of t he Shari` ah of Muhammad . The more j ust ice is est ablished, t he more t he blessings and good t hings will increase. It was report ed in t he Sahih: h



⊥キゅ∠ヤ͡ら∇ャや∠ヱ ⊥キゅ∠ら͡バ∇ャや ⊥ヮ∇レ͡ョ ⊥ウΑ͡ゲ∠わ∇ジ∠ゎ ∠れゅ∠ョ や∠ク͡ま ∠ゲ͡ィゅ∠ヘ∇ャや zラ͡ま

ゆや∠ヱzギャや∠ヱ ⊥ゲ∠イzゼャや∠ヱ


(When t he evildoer dies, it is a relief for t he people, t he land, t he t rees and t he animals.) Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal recorded t hat Abu Qahdham said: "At t he t ime of Ziyad or Ibn Ziyad, a man found a clot h in which were wrapped grains of wheat which were as big as dat e st ones; on it was writ t en: ` This grew at a t ime when j ust ice prevailed.'''


び∇やヲ⊥ヤ͡ヨ∠ハ ン͡グzャや ∠ヂ∇バ∠よ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠ボΑ͡グ⊥Β

(t hat He may make t hem t ast e a part of t hat which t hey have done,) means, He t ries t hem wit h t he loss of wealt h, souls and fruit s as a t est and as a punishment for what t hey have done.

び∠ラヲ⊥バ͡ィ∇ゲ∠Α ∇ユ⊥ヰzヤ∠バ∠ャぴ

(in order t hat t hey may ret urn.) means, from disobedience. This is like t he Ayah,

び∠ラヲ⊥バ͡ィ∇ゲ∠Α ∇ユ⊥ヰzヤ∠バ∠ャ ͡れゅ∠ゃあΒzジャや∠ヱ ͡ろ⇒∠レ∠ジ∠エ∇ャゅ͡よ ∇ユ⊥ヰ⇒∠ル∇ヲ∠ヤ∠よ∠ヱぴ

(And We t ried t hem wit h good and evil in order t hat t hey might t urn.) (7:168). Then Allah says:


∠ラゅ∠ミ ∠ブ∇Β∠ミ ∇やヱ⊥ゲ⊥ヌ∇ルゅ∠プ ͡チ∇ケxΙや ヴ͡プ ∇やヱ⊥ゲΒ͡シ

び⊥モ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ⊥る∠ら͡ボ⇒∠ハ

(Say: "Travel in t he land and see what was t he end of t hose before (you)!'') meaning, t hose who came before you.

び∠リΒ͡ミ͡ゲ∇ゼぁョ ∇ユ⊥ワ⊥ゲ∠ん∇ミ∠ぺ ∠ラゅ∠ミぴ

(Most of t hem were idolat ors. ) means, so see what happened t o t hem when t hey rej ect ed t he Messengers and were ungrat eful for t he blessings.

zΙ ∀ュ∇ヲ∠Α ∠ヴ͡ゎ∇ほ∠Α ラ∠ぺ ͡モ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ͡ユあΒ͡ボ∇ャや ∠リΑあギヤ͡ャ ∠マ∠ヰ∇ィ∠ヱ ∇ユ͡ホ∠ほ∠プぴ

∠ラヲ⊥ハzギzダ∠Α ∃グ͡ゃ∠ョ∇ヲ∠Α ͡ヮzヤャや ∠リ͡ョ ⊥ヮ∠ャ zキ∠ゲ∠ョ

-∠ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ リ∠ョ


-リ͡ョ ͡ろ⇒∠エ͡ヤ⇒zダャや ∇やヲ⊥ヤ͡ヨ∠ハ∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥レ∠ョや∠¬ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠ン͡ゴ∇イ∠Β͡ャ

び ∠リΑ͡ゲ͡ヘ⇒∠ム∇ャや ぁょ͡エ⊥Α ∠Ι ⊥ヮzル͡ま ͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ツ∠プ

(43. So, set you your face t o t he st raight and right religion, before t here comes from Allah a Day which none can avert . On t hat Day men shall be divided.) (44. Whosoever disbelieves will suffer from his disbelief, and whosoever does right eous good deeds, t hen such will prepare a good place for t hemselves.) (45. That He may reward t hose who believe and do right eous good deeds, out of His bount y. Verily, He likes not t he disbelievers.)

The Command to follow the Straight Path before the Day of


Here Allah commands His servant s t o hast en t o obedience t o Him and t o hast en t o do good deeds.

zΙ ∀ュ∇ヲ∠Α ∠ヴ͡ゎ∇ほ∠Α ラ∠ぺ ͡モ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ͡ユあΒ͡ボ∇ャや ∠リΑあギヤ͡ャ ∠マ∠ヰ∇ィ∠ヱ ∇ユ͡ホ∠ほ∠プぴ

び͡ヮzヤャや ∠リ͡ョ ⊥ヮ∠ャ zキ∠ゲ∠ョ

(So, set you your face t o t he st raight and right religion, before t here comes from Allah a Day which none can avert .) The Day of Resurrect ion, for when Allah want s it t o happen, no one will be able t o avert it .

び∠ラヲ⊥ハzギzダ∠Α ∃グ͡ゃ∠ョ∇ヲ∠Αぴ

(On t hat Day men shall be divided.) means, t hey will be separat ed, wit h one group in Paradise and anot her in Hell. Allah says:

∇Β∠ヤ∠バ∠プ ∠ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ リ∠ョぴ

⇔ゅエ͡ヤ⇒∠タ ∠モ͡ヨ∠ハ ∇リ∠ョ∠ヱ ⊥ロ⊥ゲ∇ヘ⊥ミ ͡ヮ

∇やヲ⊥ヤ͡ヨ∠ハ∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥レ∠ョや∠¬ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠ン͡ゴ∇イ∠Β͡ャ ∠ラヱ⊥ギ∠ヰ∇ヨ∠Α ∇ユ͡ヰ͡ジ⊥ヘル6Κ∠プ

び͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ツ∠プ リ͡ョ ͡ろ⇒∠エ͡ヤ⇒zダャや

(Whosoever disbelieves will suffer from his disbelief, and whosoever does right eous good deeds, t hen such will prepare a good place for t hemselves. That He may reward t hose who believe. and do right eous good deeds, out of His bount y.) meaning t hat He may reward t hem from His bount y, in ret urn for one good deed, he will get t he reward for t en, up t o seven hundred like it , as much as Allah wills.


(Verily, He likes not t he disbelievers.) yet He is st ill j ust wit h t hem and does not oppress t hem.

∇ユ⊥ム∠ボΑ͡グ⊥Β͡ャ∠ヱ ∃れ∠ゲあゼ∠ら⊥ョ ∠ウ⇒∠Αあゲャや ∠モ͡シ∇ゲ⊥Α ラ∠ぺ ͡ヮ͡わ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ∇リ͡ョ∠ヱぴ

∇イ∠わ͡ャ∠ヱ ͡ヮ͡わ∠ヨ∇ェzケ リあョ

リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ピ∠わ∇ら∠わ͡ャ∠ヱ ͡ロ͡ゲ∇ョ∠ほ͡よ ⊥マ∇ヤ⊥ヘ∇ャや ∠ン͡ゲ

∠ラヱ⊥ゲ⊥ム∇ゼ∠ゎ ∇ユ⊥ムzヤ∠バ∠ャ∠ヱ ͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ツ∠プ

-∠マ͡ヤ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤ∠シ∇ケ∠ぺ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱ

∠リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヨ∠ボ∠わルゅ∠プ ͡れゅ∠レあΒ∠ら∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ワヱ⊥¬べ∠イ∠プ ∇ユ͡ヰ͡ョ∇ヲ∠ホ ヴ∠ャ͡ま ⇔Κ⊥シ⊥ケ

∠リΒレ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ゲ∇ダ∠ル ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ⇔ゅ∂ボ∠ェ ∠ラゅ∠ミ∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥ョ∠ゲ∇ィ∠ぺ ∠リΑ͡グzャや

(46. And among His signs is t his t hat He sends t he winds as glad t idings, giving you a t ast e of His mercy, and t hat t he ships may sail at His command, and t hat you may seek of His bount y, in order t hat you may be t hankful.) (47. And indeed We did send Messengers before you t o t heir own peoples. They came t o t hem wit h clear proofs, t hen, We t ook vengeance on t hose who commit t ed crimes; and it was incumbent upon Us t o help t he believers.)

Among the Signs of Allah are the Winds

Here Allah ment ions t he favor He does for His creat ures by sending winds t o t hem, as harbingers of His mercy, meaning t hat t hey will be followed by rain. Allah says:

び͡ヮ͡わ∠ヨ∇ェzケ リあョ ∇ユ⊥ム∠ボΑ͡グ⊥Β͡ャ∠ヱぴ

(giving you a t ast e of His mercy,) t hat is, t he rain which will come down and revive people and t he land.

び͡ロ͡ゲ∇ョ∠ほ͡よ ⊥マ∇ヤ⊥ヘ∇ャや ∠ン͡ゲ∇イ∠わ͡ャ∠ヱぴ

(and t hat t he ships may sail at His command,) means, on t he sea, for t hey are driven by t he wind.

び͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ツ∠プ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ピ∠わ∇ら∠わ͡ャ∠ヱぴ

(and t hat you may seek of His bount y,) means, by t rading, earning a living and t raveling from one count ry t o anot her, one region t o anot her.


(in order t hat you may be t hankful.) means, t hat you may give t hanks t o Allah for t he innumerable favors He has done for you, bot h visible and hidden. Then Allah says:

∇ユ͡ヰ͡ョ∇ヲ∠ホ ヴ∠ャ͡ま ⇔Κ⊥シ⊥ケ ∠マ͡ヤ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヤ∠シ∇ケ∠ぺ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

び∇やヲ⊥ョ∠ゲ∇ィ∠ぺ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ヨ∠ボ∠わルゅ∠プ ͡れゅ∠レあΒ∠ら∇ャゅ͡よ ユ⊥ワヱ⊥¬べ∠イ∠プ

(And indeed We did send Messengers before you t o t heir own peoples. They came t o t hem wit h clear proofs, t hen, We t ook vengeance on t hose who commit t ed crimes;) These are words of consolat ion from Allah t o His servant and Messenger Muhammad . They t ell him t hat if many of his people and of mankind disbelieve in him, t he previous Messengers were also rej ect ed, despit e t he clear signs t hat t hey brought , but Allah punished t hose who rej ect ed and opposed t hem, and saved t hose who believed in t hem.

び∠リΒレ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ゲ∇ダ∠ル ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ⇔ゅ∂ボ∠ェ ∠ラゅ∠ミ∠ヱぴ

(and it was incumbent upon Us t o help t he believers.) This is a dut y which Allah t ook upon Himself as a blessing and a favor t o t hem. This is like t he Ayah,

び∠る∠ヨ∇ェzゲャや ͡ヮ͡ジ∇ヘ∠ル ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∇ユ⊥ムぁよ∠ケ ∠ょ∠わ∠ミぴ

(your Lord has prescribed mercy for Himself) (6:54). Ibn Abi Hat im recorded t hat Abu Ad-Darda', may Allah be pleased wit h him, said: "I heard Allah's Messenger saying:


ゅzャ͡ま ͡ヮΒ͡カ∠ぺ ͡チ∇ゲ͡ハ ∇リ∠ハ ぁキ⊥ゲ∠Α ∃ユ͡ヤ∇ジ⊥ョ ∃¬ン͡ゲ∇ョや ͡リ͡ョ ゅ∠ョ

∠ュ∇ヲ∠Α ∠ユzレ∠ヰ∠ィ ∠ケゅ∠ル ⊥ヮ∇レ∠ハ zキ⊥ゲ∠Α ∇ラ∠ぺ ͡ぶや ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ゅ6ボ∠ェ ∠ラゅ∠ミ



(No Muslim man defends t he honor of his brot her except t hat t here would be a right upon Allah t o defend him from t he fire of Hell on t he Day of Resurrect ion.) Then he recit ed t his Ayah:

び∠リΒレ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ゲ∇ダ∠ル ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ⇔ゅ∂ボ∠ェ ∠ラゅ∠ミ∠ヱぴ

(and it was incumbent upon Us t o help t he believers.)''

∇ゲ⊥Α ン͡グzャや ⊥ヮzヤャやぴ

⊥ヮ⊥ト⊥ジ∇ら∠Β∠プ ⇔ゅよゅ∠エ∠シ ⊥ゲΒ͡ん⊥わ∠プ ∠ウ⇒∠Αあゲャや ⊥モ͡シ


⊥¬べ∠ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ ͡ヮ͡よ ∠ゆゅ∠タ∠ぺ へ∠ク͡み∠プ ͡ヮ͡ャ∠Κ͡カ ∇リ͡ョ ⊥ァ⊥ゲ∇ガ∠Α ∠ベ∇キ∠ヲ∇ャや

∠ラヱ⊥ゲ͡ゼ∇ら∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∇ユ⊥ワ や∠ク͡ま ͡ロ͡キゅ∠ら͡ハ ∇リ͡ョ

-リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ラ͡ま∠ヱ

zゴ∠レ⊥Α ラ∠ぺ ͡モ∇ら∠ホ

∠リΒ͡ジ͡ヤ∇ら⊥ヨ∠ャ ͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ら∠ホ リあョ ∇ユ͡ヰ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ∠メ


∠ギ∇バ∠よ ∠チ∇ケxΙや ͡ヴ∇エ⊥Α ∠ブ∇Β∠ミ ͡ヮzヤャや ͡る∠ヨ∇ェ∠ケ ͡ゲ⇒∠をや∠¬ ヴ∠ャ͡ま

あモ⊥ミ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや ͡ヴ∇エ⊥ヨ∠ャ ∠マ͡ャ∠ク zラ͡ま べ∠ヰ͡ゎ∇ヲ∠ョ

∀ゲΑ͡ギ∠ホ ∃¬∇ヴ∠セ

-⇔や∂ゲ∠ヘ∇ダ⊥ョ ⊥ロ∇ヱ∠ぺ∠ゲ∠プ ゅ⇔エΑ͡ケ ゅ∠レ∇ヤ∠シ∇ケ∠ぺ ∇リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱ


び ∠ラヱ⊥ゲ⊥ヘ∇ム∠Α ͡ロ͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ

(48. Allah is He Who sends t he winds, so t hat t hey raise clouds and spread t hem along t he sky as He wills, and t hen break t hem int o fragment s unt il you see rain drops come fort h from t heir midst ! Then when He has made t hem fall on whom of His servant s as He wills, lo, t hey rej oice!) (49. And verily, before t hat -- j ust before it was sent down upon t hem -- t hey were in despair!) (50. Look t hen at t he effect s of Allah's mercy, how He revives t he eart h aft er it s deat h. Verily, t hat shall indeed raise t he dead, and He is able t o do all t hings.) (51. And if We send a wind, and t hey see it t urn yellow -- behold, t hey t hen would become unt hankful (disbelievers).)

The Revival of the Earth is a Sign of the Resurrection

Here Allah explains how He creat es t he clouds t hat rain t he wat er.

び⇔ゅよゅ∠エ∠シ ⊥ゲΒ͡ん⊥わ∠プ ∠ウ⇒∠Αあゲャや ⊥モ͡シ∇ゲ⊥Α ン͡グzャや ⊥ヮzヤャやぴ

(Allah is He Who sends t he winds, so t hat t hey raise clouds) eit her from t he sea, as was ment ioned by more t han one (of t he scholars), or from what ever Allah wills.

び⊥¬べ∠ゼ∠Α ∠ブ∇Β∠ミ ͡¬べ∠ヨzジャや ヴ͡プ ⊥ヮ⊥ト⊥ジ∇ら∠Β∠プぴ

(and spread t hem along t he sky as He wills,) means, He spreads t hem and causes t hem t o increase and grow. From a lit t le He makes a lot , and creat es t he clouds t hat look like shields. Then He spreads t hem out unt il t hey fill t he horizon. Somet imes t he clouds come from t he sea, heavy and full, as Allah says:


∇ン∠ギ∠Α ∠リ∇Β∠よ ⇔ンゲ∇ゼ⊥よ ∠ゥゅ∠Αあゲャや ⊥モ͡シ∇ゲ⊥Α ン͡グzャや ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱぴ

∃ギ∠ヤ∠ら͡ャ ⊥ヮ⇒∠レ∇ボ⊥シ ⇔Ιゅ∠ボ͡を ゅ⇔よゅ∠エ∠シ ∇ろzヤ∠ホ∠ぺ へ∠ク͡ま ヴzわ∠ェ ͡ヮ͡わ∠ヨ∇ェ∠ケ


(And it is He Who sends t he winds as heralds of glad t idings, going before His mercy. Till when t hey have carried a heavy-laden cloud, We drive it t o a land t hat is dead) unt il:

び∠ラヱ⊥ゲzミ∠グ∠ゎ ∇ユ⊥ムzヤ∠バ∠ャ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲヨ∇ャや ⊥ァ͡ゲ∇ガ⊥ル ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミぴ

(Similarly, We shall raise up t he dead, so t hat you may remember or t ake heed.) (7:57) Allah says here:

⊥ヮ⊥ト⊥ジ∇ら∠Β∠プ ⇔ゅよゅ∠エ∠シ ⊥ゲΒ͡ん⊥わ∠プ ∠ウ⇒∠Αあゲャや ⊥モ͡シ∇ゲ⊥Α ン͡グzャや ⊥ヮzヤャやぴ

び⇔ゅヘ∠ジ͡ミ ⊥ヮ⊥ヤ∠バ∇イ∠Α∠ヱ ⊥¬べ∠ゼ∠Α ∠ブ∇Β∠ミ ͡¬べ∠ヨzジャや ヴ͡プ

(Allah is He Who sends t he winds, so t hat t hey raise clouds and spread t hem along t he sky as He wills, and t hen break t hem int o fragment s) Muj ahid, Abu ` Amr bin Al-` Ala', Mat ar Al-Warraq and Qat adah said, "This means pieces.'' Ot hers said t hat it means ` piled up,' as Ad-Dahhak said. Ot hers said t hat it means black, because t hey cont ained so much wat er, and somet imes t hey are heavy and close t o t he eart h. His saying:

び͡ヮ͡ャ∠Κ͡カ ∇リ͡ョ ⊥ァ⊥ゲ∇ガ∠Α ∠ベ∇キ∠ヲ∇ャや ン∠ゲ∠わ∠プぴ

(unt il you see rain drops come fort h from t heir midst !) means, ` so you see t he drops, i.e., t he rain, which come from t he midst of t hose clouds.'

∇ユ⊥ワ や∠ク͡ま ͡ロ͡キゅ∠ら͡ハ ∇リ͡ョ ⊥¬べ∠ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ ͡ヮ͡よ ∠ゆゅ∠タ∠ぺ へ∠ク͡み∠プぴ


(Then when He has made t hem fall on whom of His servant s as He wills, lo, t hey rej oice!) They rej oice at t he rain when it comes t o t hem because of t heir need for it .

͡ヮ͡ヤ∇ら∠ホ リあョ ∇ユ͡ヰ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ∠メzゴ∠レ⊥Α ラ∠ぺ ͡モ∇ら∠ホ リ͡ョ ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ラ͡ま∠ヱぴ

び ∠リΒ͡ジ͡ヤ∇ら⊥ヨ∠ャ


(And verily, before t hat -- j ust before it was sent down upon t hem -- t hey were in despair!) The people t o whom t his rain came were in despair, t hinking t hat it rain would never fall, j ust before it came t o t hem. When it came t o t hem, it came at t he t ime of great est need, so it was a t remendous event for t hem What t his means is t hat t hey were in need of it before it fell, and t here had been no rainfall for a long t ime, so t hey were wait ing for it at t he t ime when it was due, but it did not come t o t hem at t hat t ime. The rain was lat e, and a long t ime passed. Then t he rain came t o t hem suddenly, aft er t hey began t o despair, and aft er t heir land became dry and barren, it was st irred t o life, and it swelled and produced every lovely kind of growt h. Allah says:

び͡ヮzヤャや ͡る∠ヨ∇ェ∠ケ ͡ゲ⇒∠をや∠¬ ヴ∠ャ͡ま ∇ゲ⊥ヌルゅ∠プぴ

(Look t hen at t he effect s of Allah's mercy,) meaning, t he rain.

∇ケxΙや ͡ヴ∇エ⊥Α ∠ブ∇Β∠ミぴ

びべ∠ヰ͡ゎ∇ヲ∠ョ ∠ギ∇バ∠よ ∠チ

(how He revives t he eart h aft er it s deat h.) Thus Allah draws at t ent ion t o t he revival of people's bodies aft er t hey have died and disint egrat ed int o not hing.

びヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや ͡ヴ∇エ⊥ヨ∠ャ ∠マ͡ャ∠ク zラ͡まぴ

(Verily, t hat (Allah) shall indeed raise t he dead.) means, t he One Who does t hat is able t o raise t he dead.

び∀ゲΑ͡ギ∠ホ ∃¬∇ヴ∠セ あモ⊥ミ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ヮzル͡まぴ

(and He is able t o do all t hings.)

リ͡ョ ∇やヲぁヤ∠ヌzャ ⇔や∂ゲ∠ヘ∇ダ⊥ョ ⊥ロ∇ヱ∠ぺ∠ゲ∠プ ゅ⇔エΑ͡ケ ゅ∠レ∇ヤ∠シ∇ケ∠ぺ ∇リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

び ∠ラヱ⊥ゲ⊥ヘ∇ム∠Α ͡ロ͡ギ∇バ∠よ

(And if We send a wind, and t hey see it t urn yellow -- behold, t hey t hen would become unt hankful (disbelievers).)

びゅ⇔エΑ͡ケ ゅ∠レ∇ヤ∠シ∇ケ∠ぺ ∇リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

(And if We send a wind,) means, a wind which dries up t he crops which t hey have t ended and cult ivat ed and which have mat ured, and t hey see t hem t urn yellow, and st art t o rot , if t his were t o happen, t hey would become ungrat eful, i.e., t hey would deny t he previous blessings t hat t hey were given. This is like t he Ayah,


び ∠ラヲ⊥を⊥ゲ∇エ∠ゎ ゅzョ ユ⊥わ∇Α∠¬∠ゲ∠プ∠ぺぴ

(Then t ell Me about t he seed t hat you sow in t he ground.) unt il:

び ∠ラヲ⊥ョヱ⊥ゲ∇エ∠ョ ⊥リ∇エ∠ル ∇モ∠よぴ

(Nay, but we are deprived!) (56:63-67)

∠¬べ∠ハぁギャや zユぁダャや ⊥ノ͡ヨ∇ジ⊥ゎ ∠Ι∠ヱ ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや ⊥ノ͡ヨ∇ジ⊥ゎ ∠Ι ∠マzル͡み∠プぴ

∠リΑ͡ゲ͡よ∇ギ⊥ョ ∇や∇ヲzャ∠ヱ や∠ク͡ま

-リ∠ハ ͡ヴ∇ヨ⊥バ∇ャや ͡キゅ∠ヰ͡よ ∠ろル∠ぺ べ∠ョ∠ヱ

ラ͡ま ∇ユ͡ヰ͡わ∠ヤ⇒∠ヤ∠ッ

∇ユ⊥ヰ∠プ ゅ∠レ͡わ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒͡よ ⊥リ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α リ∠ョ zΙ͡ま ⊥ノ͡ヨ∇ジ⊥ゎ

び ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ∇ジぁョ

(52. So verily, you cannot make t he dead t o hear, nor can you make t he deaf t o hear t he call, when t hey show t heir backs and t urn away.) (53. And you cannot guide t he blind from t heir st raying; you can make t o hear only t hose who believe in Our Ayat , and have submit t ed (t o Allah in Islam).)

The Disbelievers are like the Dead, Deaf and Blind

Allah says, ` j ust as you are not able t o make t he dead hear in t heir graves, or t o make your words reach t he deaf who cannot hear and who st ill t urn away from you, so t oo you cannot guide t he blind t o t he t rut h and bring t hem back from t heir misguidance.' That is a mat t er which rest s wit h Allah, for by His power He can make t he dead hear t he voices of t he living if He wills. He guides whom He wills and sends ast ray whom He wills, and no one but He has t he power t o do t his. Allah says:

び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ∇ジぁョ ユ⊥ヰ∠プ ゅ∠レ͡わ⇒∠Αゅ∠⇒͡よ ⊥リ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α リ∠ョ zΙ͡ま ⊥ノ͡ヨ∇ジ⊥ゎ ラ͡まぴ

(you can make t o hear only t hose who believe in Our Ayat , and have submit t ed (t o Allah in Islam).) means, t hose who are humble and who respond and obey. These are t he ones who will list en t o t he t rut h and follow it ; t his is t he st at e of t he believers; t he former (being deaf and blind) is t he st at e of t he disbelievers, as Allah says:

⊥ユ⊥ヰ⊥ん∠バ∇ら∠Α ヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや∠ヱ ∠ラヲ⊥バ∠ヨ∇ジ∠Α ∠リΑ͡グzャや ⊥ょΒ͡イ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ゅ∠ヨzル͡まぴ

び ∠ラヲ⊥バ∠ィ∇ゲ⊥Α ͡ヮ∇Β∠ャ͡ま zユ⊥を ⊥ヮzヤャや


(It is only t hose who list en will respond, but as for t he dead, Allah will raise t hem up, t hen t o Him t hey will be ret urned.) (6:36) ` A'ishah, t he Mot her of t he fait hful, may Allah be pleased wit h her, used t his Ayah --

びヴ∠ゎ∇ヲ∠ヨ∇ャや ⊥ノ͡ヨ∇ジ⊥ゎ ∠Ι ∠マzル͡まぴ

(So verily, you cannot make t he dead t o hear) as evidence against ` Abdullah bin ` Umar when he report ed t hat t he Prophet had addressed t he slain disbelievers who had been t hrown int o a dry well t hree days aft er t he bat t le of Badr, rebuking and reprimanding t hem, unt il ` Umar said, "O Messenger of Allah, are you addressing people who are dead bodies'' He said:


͡ジ∇ヘ∠ル ヵ͡グzャや∠ヱ

⊥メヲ⊥ホ∠ぺ ゅ∠ヨ͡ャ ∠ノ∠ヨ∇シ∠ほ͡よ ∇ユ⊥わ∇ル∠ぺ ゅ∠ョ ͡ロ͡ギ∠Β͡よ ヶ

ラヲ⊥らΒ͡イ⊥Α ゅ∠ャ ∇リ͡ム∠ャ∠ヱ ∩∇ユ⊥ヰ∇レ͡ョ


(By t he One in Whose Hand is my soul, you do not hear what I say any bet t er t han t hey do, but t hey cannot respond.) s` A'ishah int erpret ed t his event t o mean t hat t he Prophet was making t he point t hat now t hey would know t hat what he had been t elling t hem was t rue. Qat adah said: "Allah brought t hem back t o life for him so t hat t hey could hear what he said by way of rebuke and vengeance.''

∠ッ リあョ ∇ユ⊥ム∠ボ∠ヤ∠カ ン͡グzャや ⊥ヮzヤャやぴ

͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ ∠モ∠バ∠ィ zユ⊥を ∃ブ∇バ

⇔る∠ら∇Β∠セ∠ヱ ⇔ゅヘ∇バ∠ッ ∃りzヲ⊥ホ ͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ ∠モ∠バ∠ィ zユ⊥を ∃りzヲ⊥ホ ∃ブ∇バ∠ッ

び ⊥ゲΑ͡ギ∠ボ∇ャや ⊥ユΒ͡ヤ∠バ∇ャや ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱ ⊥¬べ∠ゼ∠Α ゅ∠ョ ⊥ペ⊥ヤ∇ガ∠Α

(54. Allah is He Who creat ed you in weakness, t hen gave you st rengt h aft er weakness, t hen aft er st rengt h gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creat es what He wills. And He is t he All-Knowing, t he All-Powerful.)

The Different Stages of Man

Here Allah point s out how man passes t hrough different st ages of creat ion, one phase aft er anot her. He is originally creat ed from dust , t hen from a Nut fah, t hen from a clot , t hen from a lump of flesh. Then he becomes bones, t hen t he bones are clot hed wit h flesh, t hen t he soul is breat hed int o him. Then he emerges from his mot her's womb, weak and t hin and powerless. Then he grows up lit t le by lit t le, unt il he becomes a child, t hen he reaches t he st age of pubert y, t hen he becomes a young man, which is st rengt h aft er weakness. Then he st art s t o get older, reaching middle age, t hen old age and senilit y, weakness aft er st rengt h, so he loses his resolve, power of movement and abilit y t o fight , his hair t urns grey and his charact erist ics, bot h inward and out ward, begin t o change. Allah says:


ゅ∠ョ ⊥ペ⊥ヤ∇ガ∠Α ⇔る∠ら∇Β∠セ∠ヱ ⇔ゅヘ∇バ∠ッ ∃りzヲ⊥ホ ͡ギ∇バ∠よ リ͡ョ ∠モ∠バ∠ィ zユ⊥をぴ


(t hen aft er st rengt h gave (you) weakness and grey hair. He creat es what He wills.) He does what soever He wills and cont rols His servant s in what ever way He want s.

び⊥ゲΑ͡ギ∠ボ∇ャや ⊥ユΒ͡ヤ∠バ∇ャや ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱぴ

(And He is t he All-Knowing, t he All-Powerful.)

∇ボ⊥Α ⊥る∠ハゅzジャや ⊥ュヲ⊥ボ∠ゎ ∠ュ∇ヲ∠Α∠ヱぴ

∇やヲ⊥ん͡ら∠ャ ゅ∠ョ ∠ラヲ⊥ョ͡ゲ∇イ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ユ͡ジ

∠ラヲ⊥ム∠プ∇ぽ⊥Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミ ∃る∠ハゅ∠シ ∠ゲ∇Β∠ビ

-∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠メゅ∠ホ∠ヱ

ヴ∠ャ͡ま ͡ヮzヤャや ͡ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ ヴ͡プ ∇ユ⊥わ∇ん͡ら∠ャ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ ∠リ⇒∠ヨΑ͡Ηや∠ヱ ∠ユ∇ヤ͡バ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ

∠Ι ∇ユわレ⊥ミ ∇ユ⊥ムzレ͡ム⇒∠ャ∠ヱ ͡ゑ∇バ∠ら∇ャや ⊥ュ∇ヲ∠Α や∠グ⇒∠ヰ∠プ ͡ゑ∇バ∠ら∇ャや ͡ュ∇ヲ∠Α


-∇ユ⊥ヰ⊥ゎ∠ケ͡グ∇バ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∠ニ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ⊥ノ∠ヘレΑ zΙ ∃グ͡ゃ∠ョ∇ヲ∠Β∠プ

び ∠ラヲ⊥ら∠わ∇バ∠わ∇ジ⊥Α ∇ユ⊥ワ ∠Ι∠ヱ

(55. And on t he Day t hat t he Hour will be est ablished, t he criminals will swear t hat t hey st ayed not but an hour -- t hus were t hey ever deluded.) (56. And t hose who have been best owed wit h knowledge and Fait h will say: "Indeed you have st ayed according t o t he decree of Allah, unt il t he Day of Resurrect ion; so t his is t he Day of Resurrect ion, but you knew not .'') (57. So, on t hat Day no excuse of t heirs will avail t hose who did wrong, nor will t hey be allowed t o ret urn t o seek (Allah's) pleasure.)

The Ignorance of the Disbelievers in this World and in the Hereafter

Here Allah t ells us of t he ignorance of t he disbelievers in t his world and in t he Hereaft er. In t his world t hey worship idols, and in t he Hereaft er t hey will also display great ignorance. They will swear by Allah t hat t hey did not even st ay for one hour in t his world. They will mean t hat t here was not enough t ime given t o est ablish proof against t hem which would leave t hem wit h no excuse. Allah says:


∠ユ∇ヤ͡バ∇ャや ∇やヲ⊥ゎヱ⊥ぺ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠メゅ∠ホ∠ヲ∠ルヲ⊥ム∠プ∇ぽ⊥Α ∇やヲ⊥ルゅ∠ミ ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミぴ

び͡ゑ∇バ∠ら∇ャや ͡ュ∇ヲ∠Α ヴ∠ャ͡ま ͡ヮzヤャや ͡ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ ヴ͡プ ∇ユ⊥わ∇ん͡ら∠ャ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ ∠リ⇒∠ヨΑ͡Ηや∠ヱ

(t hus were t hey ever deluded. And t hose who have been best owed wit h knowledge and Fait h will say: "Indeed you have st ayed according t o t he decree of Allah, unt il t he Day of Resurrect ion...'') The believers who have knowledge of t he Hereaft er will respond t o t hem, j ust as t hey est ablished t he proof of Allah against t hem in t his world. When t hey swear t hat t hey did not st ay even one hour in t his world, t hey will say t o t hem:

び͡ヮzヤャや ͡ょ⇒∠わ͡ミ ヴ͡プ ∇ユ⊥わ∇ん͡ら∠ャ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャぴ

(Indeed you have st ayed according t o t he decree of Allah,) meaning, t he Book of deeds,

∇バ∠ら∇ャや ͡ュ∇ヲ∠Α ヴ∠ャ͡まぴ


(unt il t he Day of Resurrect ion;) means, ` from t he day when you were creat ed unt il t he day you were resurrect ed. '

び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠ゎ ∠Ι ∇ユわレ⊥ミ ∇ユ⊥ムzレ͡ム⇒∠ャ∠ヱぴ

(but you knew not .) Allah says:


(So, on t hat Day) meaning, t he Day of Resurrect ion,

び∇ユ⊥ヰ⊥ゎ∠ケ͡グ∇バ∠ョ ∇やヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∠ニ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ⊥ノ∠ヘレΑ zΙぴ

(no excuse of t heirs will avail t hose who did wrong,) means, t heir excuses for what t hey did.

び∠ラヲ⊥ら∠わ∇バ∠わ∇ジ⊥Α ∇ユ⊥ワ ∠Ι∠ヱぴ

(nor will t hey be allowed (t hen) t o ret urn t o seek (Allah's) pleasure.) means, t hey will not be allowed t o ret urn t o t his world. This is like t he Ayah,

び∠リΒ͡ら∠わ∇バ⊥ヨ∇ャや ∠リあョ ユ⊥ワ ゅ∠ヨ∠プ ∇やヲ⊥ら͡わ∇バ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ラ͡ま∠ヱぴ

(and if t hey seek t o please (Allah), yet t hey are not of t hose who will ever be allowed t o please (Allah)) (41:24).



あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ͡ラや∠¬∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ͡プ ͡サゅzレヤ͡ャ ゅ∠レ∇よ∠ゲ∠ッ ∇ギ∠ボ

∇ラ͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zリ∠ャヲ⊥ボ∠Βzャ ∃る∠Αゅ∠⇒͡よ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠わ∇ゃ͡ィ リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱ ∃モ∠ん∠ョ

∠ラヲ⊥ヤ͡ト∇ら⊥ョ zΙ͡ま ∇ユ⊥わル∠ぺ

-͡ゆヲ⊥ヤ⊥ホ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ヮzヤャや ⊥ノ∠ら∇ト∠Α ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミ

∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや

-や ∠ギ∇ハ∠ヱ zラ͡ま ∇ゲ͡ら∇タゅ∠プ

∠Ι∠ヱ xペ∠ェ ͡ヮzヤャ

び ∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ホヲ⊥Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠マzレzヘ͡ガ∠わ∇ジ∠Α

(58. And indeed We have set fort h for mankind, in t his Qur'an every kind of parable. But if you bring t o t hem any sign or proof, t he disbelievers are sure t o say (t o t he believers): "You follow not hing but falsehood and magic.'') (59. Thus does Allah seal up t he heart s of t hose who know not .) (60. So be pat ient . Verily, t he promise of Allah is t rue; and let not t hose who have no cert aint y of fait h discourage you (from conveying Allah's Message).)

Parables in the Qur'an and how the Disbelievers do not learn from


あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ͡ラや∠¬∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ͡プ ͡サゅzレヤ͡ャ ゅ∠レ∇よ∠ゲ∠ッ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱぴ


(And indeed We have set fort h for mankind, in t his Qur'an every kind of parable.) means, ` We have explained t he t rut h t o t hem and have made it clear t o t hem, and have set fort h for t hem parables so t hat t hey may underst and t he t rut h and follow it .'

∇ユ⊥わル∠ぺ ∇ラ͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zリ∠ャヲ⊥ボ∠Βzャ ∃る∠Αゅ∠⇒͡よ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠わ∇ゃ͡ィ リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ͡ト∇ら⊥ョ zΙ͡ま

(But if you bring t o t hem any sign or proof, t he disbelievers are sure t o say (t o t he believers): "You follow not hing but falsehood and magic.'') If t hey were t o see any kind of sign, whet her it was at t heir own direct ion or ot herwise, t hey would not believe in it and t hey would t hink t hat it was magic and falsehood, as t hey said when t he moon was cleft asunder, et c., as Allah says:

∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α ∠Ι ∠マあよ∠ケ ⊥る∠ヨ͡ヤ∠ミ ∇ユ͡ヰ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ∇ろzボ∠ェ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zラ͡まぴ

-∠ユΒ͡ャxΙや ∠ゆや∠グ∠バ∇ャや ∇や⊥ヱ∠ゲ∠Α ヴzわ∠ェ ∃る∠Αや¬ ぁモ⊥ミ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∇ゎ∠¬べ∠ィ ∇ヲ∠ャ∠ヱ


(Truly, t hose, against whom t he Word of your Lord has been j ust ified, will not believe. Even if every sign should come t o t hem, unt il t hey see t he painful t orment .) (10:96-97). Allah says here:

∠Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや ͡ゆヲ⊥ヤ⊥ホ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ヮzヤャや ⊥ノ∠ら∇ト∠Α ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミぴ


びxペ∠ェ ͡ヮzヤャや ∠ギ∇ハ∠ヱ zラ͡ま ∇ゲ͡ら∇タゅ∠プ

(Thus does Allah seal up t he heart s of t hose who know not . So be pat ient . Verily, t he promise of Allah is t rue;) meaning, ` bear t heir st ubborn opposit ion wit h pat ience, for Allah will fulfill His promise t o grant you vict ory over t hem and cause you and t hose who follow you t o prevail in t his world and in t he Hereaft er.'

び∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ホヲ⊥Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠マzレzヘ͡ガ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∠Ι∠ヱぴ

(and let not t hose who have no cert aint y of fait h discourage you (f rom conveying Allah's Message).) ` Remain st eadfast in t he mission wit h which Allah has sent you, for it is t rut h in which t here is no doubt . Do not t urn away from it , for nowhere else is t here t rut h which is t o be followed; t he t rut h rest s exclusively in t he Message wit h which you have been sent .'

Reports concerning the Virtues of this Surah and that it is

recommended to recite it during Fajr

Imam Ahmad recorded from a man among t he Companions of t he Prophet t hat t he Messenger of Allah led t hem in Faj r prayer and recit ed Ar-Rum in t he prayer, but he became confused in his recit at ion. He said:


∇ユ⊥ム∇レ͡ョ ゅ⇔ョや∠ヲ∇ホ∠ぺ zラ͡み∠プ ∩∠ラへ∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ザ͡ら∇ヤ∠Α ⊥ヮzル͡ま

∠ギ͡ヰ∠セ ∇リ∠ヨ∠プ ∩∠¬ヲ⊥ッ⊥ヲ∇ャや ∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ジ∇エ⊥Α ゅ∠ャ ゅ∠レ∠バ∠ョ ∠ラヲぁヤ∠ダ⊥Α

¬ヲ⊥ッ⊥ヲ∇ャや ͡リ͡ジ∇エ⊥Β∇ヤ∠プ ゅ∠レ∠バ∠ョ ∠りゅ∠ヤzダャや ⊥ユ⊥ム∇レ͡ョ


(We have become confused in our recit at ion of Qur'an, because some people among you are praying wit h us but t hey have not performed Wudu' properly. Whoever at t ends t he prayer wit h us, let him perform Wudu' properly.) This has a Hasan chain of narrat ion, t he t ext it self is Hasan. It cont ains amazing informat ion, t hat t he Prophet was affect ed by t he fault y Wudu' of some of t hose whom he was leading in prayer. This indicat es t hat t he prayer of t he person who is praying in t he congregat ion is connect ed t o t he prayer of t he Imam. This is t he end of t he Tafsir of Surat Ar-Rum. Allah's is t he praise and t hanks.

Parables in the Qur'an and how the Disbelievers do not learn from



あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ͡ラや∠¬∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや や∠グ⇒∠ワ ヴ͡プ ͡サゅzレヤ͡ャ ゅ∠レ∇よ∠ゲ∠ッ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱぴ


(And indeed We have set fort h for mankind, in t his Qur'an every kind of parable.) means, ` We have explained t he t rut h t o t hem and have made it clear t o t hem, and have set fort h for t hem parables so t hat t hey may underst and t he t rut h and follow it .'

∠⇒͡よ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠わ∇ゃ͡ィ リ͡ゃ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

∇ユ⊥わル∠ぺ ∇ラ͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zリ∠ャヲ⊥ボ∠Βzャ ∃る∠Αゅ

び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ͡ト∇ら⊥ョ zΙ͡ま

(But if you bring t o t hem any sign or proof, t he disbelievers are sure t o say (t o t he believers): "You follow not hing but falsehood and magic.'') If t hey were t o see any kind of sign, whet her it was at t heir own direct ion or ot herwise, t hey would not believe in it and t hey would t hink t hat it was magic and falsehood, as t hey said when t he moon was cleft asunder, et c., as Allah says:

あよ∠ケ ⊥る∠ヨ͡ヤ∠ミ ∇ユ͡ヰ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ∇ろzボ∠ェ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zラ͡まぴ

∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α ∠Ι ∠マ

-び ∠ユΒ͡ャxΙや ∠ゆや∠グ∠バ∇ャや ∇や⊥ヱ∠ゲ∠Α ヴzわ∠ェ ∃る∠Αや¬ ぁモ⊥ミ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∇ゎ∠¬べ∠ィ ∇ヲ∠ャ∠ヱ

(Truly, t hose, against whom t he Word of your Lord has been j ust ified, will not believe. Even if every sign should come t o t hem, unt il t hey see t he painful t orment .) (10:96-97). Allah says here:

∠ラヲ⊥ヨ∠ヤ∇バ∠Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや ͡ゆヲ⊥ヤ⊥ホ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ヮzヤャや ⊥ノ∠ら∇ト∠Α ∠マ͡ャ∠グ∠ミぴ

びxペ∠ェ ͡ヮzヤャや ∠ギ∇ハ∠ヱ zラ͡ま ∇ゲ͡ら∇タゅ∠プ

(Thus does Allah seal up t he heart s of t hose who know not . So be pat ient . Verily, t he promise of Allah is t rue;) meaning, ` bear t heir st ubborn opposit ion wit h pat ience, for Allah will fulfill His promise t o grant you vict ory over t hem and cause you and t hose who follow you t o prevail in t his world and in t he Hereaft er.'

び∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ホヲ⊥Α ∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠マzレzヘ͡ガ∠わ∇ジ∠Α ∠Ι∠ヱぴ

(and let not t hose who have no cert aint y of fait h discourage you (f rom conveying Allah's Message).) ` Remain st eadfast in t he mission wit h which Allah has sent you, for it is t rut h in which t here is no doubt . Do not t urn away from it , for nowhere else is t here t rut h which is t o be followed; t he t rut h rest s exclusively in t he Message wit h which you have been sent .'


Reports concerning the Virtues of this Surah and that it is

recommended to recite it during Fajr

Imam Ahmad recorded from a man among t he Companions of t he Prophet t hat t he Messenger of Allah led t hem in Faj r prayer and recit ed Ar-Rum in t he prayer, but he became confused in his recit at ion. He said:


∇ユ⊥ム∇レ͡ョ ゅ⇔ョや∠ヲ∇ホ∠ぺ zラ͡み∠プ ∩∠ラへ∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ⊥ザ͡ら∇ヤ∠Α ⊥ヮzル͡ま

͡ジ∇エ⊥Α ゅ∠ャ ゅ∠レ∠バ∠ョ ∠ラヲぁヤ∠ダ⊥Α

∠ギ͡ヰ∠セ ∇リ∠ヨ∠プ ∩∠¬ヲ⊥ッ⊥ヲ∇ャや ∠ラヲ⊥レ

¬ヲ⊥ッ⊥ヲ∇ャや ͡リ͡ジ∇エ⊥Β∇ヤ∠プ ゅ∠レ∠バ∠ョ ∠りゅ∠ヤzダャや ⊥ユ⊥ム∇レ͡ョ


(We have become confused in our recit at ion of Qur'an, because some people among you are praying wit h us but t hey have not performed Wudu' properly. Whoever at t ends t he prayer wit h us, let him perform Wudu' properly.) This has a Hasan chain of narrat ion, t he t ext it self is Hasan. It cont ains amazing informat ion, t hat t he Prophet was affect ed by t he fault y Wudu' of some of t hose whom he was leading in prayer. This indicat es t hat t he prayer of t he person who is praying in t he congregat ion is connect ed t o t he prayer of t he Imam. This is t he end of t he Tafsir of Surat Ar-Rum. Allah's is t he praise and t hanks.

The Tafsir of Surah Luqman

Chapter - 31)

Which was revealed in Makkah

び ͡ユΒ͡ェzゲャや ͡リ⇒∠ヨ∇ェzゲャや ͡ヮzヤャや ͡ユ∇ジ͡よぴ

In t he Name of Allah, t he Most Gracious, t he Most Merciful.


-∠リΒ͡ボzわ⊥ヨ∇ヤあャ ン⇔ギ⊥ワ ͡ヮΒ͡プ ∠ょ∇Α∠ケ ∠Ι ⊥ゆゅ∠わ͡ム∇ャや ∠マ͡ャ∠ク

-ゅzヨ͡ョ∠ヱ ∠りヲヤzダャや ∠ラヲ⊥ヨΒ͡ボ⊥Α∠ヱ ͡ょ∇Β∠ピ∇ャゅ͡よ ∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α ∠リΑ͡グzャや

͡ヘレ⊥Α ∇ユ⊥ヰ⇒∠レ∇ホ∠コ∠ケ

∠ラヲ⊥ゎ∇ぽ⊥Α∠ヱ ∠りヲ∠ヤzダャや ∠ラヲ⊥ヨΒ͡ボ⊥Α ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠ラヲ⊥ボ

ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺ ∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ホヲ⊥Α ∇ユ⊥ワ ͡り∠ゲ͡カxΙゅ͡よ ユ⊥ワ∠ヱ ∠りヲ∠ミzゴャや

び ∠ラヲ⊥エ͡ヤ∇ヘ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ユ⊥ワ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺ∠ヱ ∇ユ͡ヰあよzケ リあョ ン⇔ギ⊥ワ


(1. Alif Lam Mim.) (2. These are Ayat of t he Wise Book.) (3. A guide and a mercy for t he Muhsinin.) (4. Those who perform t he Salah and give Zakah and t hey have fait h in t he Hereaft er wit h cert aint y.) (5. Such are on guidance from t heir Lord, and such are t he successful.) At t he beginning of Surat Al-Baqarah we discussed t he let t ers such as t hose t hat appear at t he beginning of t his Surah. Allah has made t he Qur'an a guidance and healing and a mercy for t he Muhsinin, who are t hose who do good deeds in accordance wit h t he Shari` ah. They est ablish t he obligat ory prayers in t he proper manner and at t he correct t imes, and follow t hat wit h regular, opt ional and supererogat ory prayers; t hey pay t he Zakah t o t hose who deserve it ; t hey uphold t he t ies of kinship wit h t heir relat ives; t hey have cert ain fait h t hat t here will be rewards and punishment s in t he Hereaft er, and t hey seek t he reward wit h Allah; t hey do not show off or seek a reward or t hanks from ot her people. Whoever does t his is one of t hose of whom Allah says:

び∇ユ͡ヰあよzケ リあョ ン⇔ギ⊥ワ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺぴ

(Such are on guidance from t heir Lord,) meaning, t hey follow His guidance wit h clear underst anding.

び∠ラヲ⊥エ͡ヤ∇ヘ⊥ヨ∇ャや ⊥ユ⊥ワ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺ∠ヱぴ

(and such are t he successful.) in t his world and in t he Hereaft er.

リ∠ハ zモ͡ツ⊥Β͡ャ ͡ゑΑ͡ギ∠エ∇ャや ∠ヲ∇ヰ∠ャ ン͡ゲ∠わ∇ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ ͡サゅzレャや ∠リ͡ョ∠ヱぴ

∠ピ͡よ ͡ヮzヤャや ͡モΒ͡ら∠シ

∇ユ⊥ヰ∠ャ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺ ⇔やヱ⊥ゴ⊥ワ ゅ∠ワ∠グ͡ガzわ∠Α∠ヱ ∃ユ∇ヤ͡ハ ͡ゲ∇Β

∀リΒ͡ヰぁョ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ

-ヴzャ∠ヱ ゅ∠レ⊥わ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ͡ヮ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ヴ∠ヤ∇わ⊥ゎ や∠ク͡ま∠ヱ

⇔やゲ∇ホ∠ヱ ͡ヮ∇Β∠ル⊥ク⊥ぺ ヴ͡プ zラ∠ほ∠ミ ゅ∠ヰ∇バ∠ヨ∇ジ∠Α ∇ユzャ ラ∠ほ∠ミ ⇔やゲ͡ら∇ム∠わ∇ジ⊥ョ

び ∃ユΒ͡ャ∠ぺ ∃ゆや∠グ∠バ͡よ ⊥ロ∇ゲあゼ∠ら∠プ

(6. And of mankind is he who purchases idle t alk (Lahw Al-Hadit h) t o mislead from t he pat h of Allah wit hout knowledge, and t akes it by way of mockery. For such t here will be a humiliat ing t orment .) (7. And when Our Ayat are recit ed t o such a one, he t urns away in pride, as if he heard t hem not -- as if t here were deafness in his ear. So announce t o him a painful t orment .)

The Doomed are preoccupied with Idle Talk and They turn away

from the Ayat of Allah

When Allah ment ions t he blessed -- who are t hose who are guided by t he Book of Allah and benefit from hearing it , as He says:


∠ヶ͡ルゅ∠んzョ ⇔ゅヰ͡ら⇒∠ゼ∠わぁョ ⇔ゅら⇒∠わ͡ミ ͡ゑΑ͡ギ∠エ∇ャや ∠リ∠ジ∇ェ∠ぺ ∠メzゴ∠ル ⊥ヮzヤャやぴ

⊥リΒ͡ヤ∠ゎ zユ⊥を ∇ユ⊥ヰzよ∠ケ ∠ラ∇ヲ∠ゼ∇ガ∠Α ∠リΑ͡グzャや ⊥キヲ⊥ヤ⊥ィ ⊥ヮ∇レ͡ョ ぁゲ͡バ∠ゼ∇ボ∠ゎ

び͡ヮzヤャや ͡ゲ∇ミ͡ク ヴ∠ャ͡ま ∇ユ⊥ヰ⊥よヲ⊥ヤ⊥ホ∠ヱ ∇ユ⊥ワ⊥キヲ⊥ヤ⊥ィ

(Allah has sent down t he Best St at ement , a Book, it s part s resembling each ot her (and) oft -repeat ed. The skins of t hose who fear t heir Lord shiver from it . Then t heir skin and t heir heart soft en t o t he remembrance of Allah) (39:23). He connect t hat wit h ment ion of t he doomed, t hose who t urn away from t he Qur'an and do not benefit from hearing t he Words of Allah. Inst ead, t hey t urn t o list ening t o flut es and singing accompanied by musical inst rument s. As Ibn Mas` ud comment ed about t he Ayah:

∇ャや ∠ヲ∇ヰ∠ャ ン͡ゲ∠わ∇ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ ͡サゅzレャや ∠リ͡ョ∠ヱぴ

リ∠ハ zモ͡ツ⊥Β͡ャ ͡ゑΑ͡ギ∠エ

び͡ヮzヤャや ͡モΒ͡ら∠シ

(And of mankind is he who purchases Lahu Al-Hadit h t o mislead (men) from t he pat h of Allah), he said, "This -- by Allah -- refers t o singing.''

リ∠ハ zモ͡ツ⊥Β͡ャ ͡ゑΑ͡ギ∠エ∇ャや ∠ヲ∇ヰ∠ャ ン͡ゲ∠わ∇ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ ͡サゅzレャや ∠リ͡ョ∠ヱぴ


び∃ユ∇ヤ͡ハ ͡ゲ∇Β∠ピ͡よ ͡ヮzヤャや

(And of mankind is he who purchases Lahw Al-Hadit h t o mislead (men) from t he pat h of Allah wit hout knowledge, ) Qat adah said: "By Allah, he may not spend money on it , but his purchasing it means he likes it , and t he more misguided he is, t he more he likes it and t he more he prefers falsehood t o t he t rut h and harmful t hings over beneficial t hings.'' It was said t hat what is meant by t he words

び͡ゑΑ͡ギ∠エ∇ャや ∠ヲ∇ヰ∠ャ ン͡ゲ∠わ∇ゼ∠Αぴ

(purchases idle t alks) is buying singing servant girls. Ibn Jarir said t hat it means all speech t hat hinders people from seeing t he signs of Allah and following His pat h. His saying:

び͡ヮzヤャや ͡モΒ͡ら∠シ リ∠ハ zモ͡ツ⊥Β͡ャぴ

(t o mislead (men) from t he pat h of Allah) means, he does t his t o oppose Islam and it s followers.


(and t akes it by way of mockery.) Muj ahid said, "This means mocking t he pat h of Allah and making fun of it .''

び∀リΒ͡ヰぁョ ∀ゆや∠グ∠ハ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠ャ ∠マ͡ゃ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ⊥ぺぴ

(For such t here will be a humiliat ing t orment .) Just as t hey showed no respect t o t he signs and pat h of Allah, so t hey will be shown no respect on t he Day of Resurrect ion, and t hey will be subj ect ed t o a painful, ongoing t orment . Then Allah says:

∇ユzャ ラ∠ほ∠ミ ⇔やゲ͡ら∇ム∠わ∇ジ⊥ョ ヴzャ∠ヱ ゅ∠レ⊥わ⇒∠Αや∠¬ ͡ヮ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ヴ∠ヤ∇わ⊥ゎ や∠ク͡ま∠ヱぴ

∠ほ∠ミ ゅ∠ヰ∇バ∠ヨ∇ジ∠Α

び⇔やゲ∇ホ∠ヱ ͡ヮ∇Β∠ル⊥ク⊥ぺ ヴ͡プ zラ

(And when Our Ayat are recit ed t o such a one, he t urns away in pride, as if he heard t hem not -- as if t here were deafness in his ear.) means, when t hese Qur'anic verses are recit ed t o one who is fond of idleness and play, he t urns away from t hem and does not want t o hear t hem. He t urns a deaf ear t o t hem as if he can hear not hing, because it annoys him t o hear t hem since he gains no benefit from t hem and has no int erest in t hem.

び∃ユΒ͡ャ∠ぺ ∃ゆや∠グ∠バ͡よ ⊥ロ∇ゲあゼ∠ら∠プぴ

(So announce t o him a painful t orment .) i.e., on t he Day of Resurrect ion, which will hurt him j ust as much as list ening t o t he Book of Allah and it s verses hurt him.

⊥ろ⇒zレ∠ィ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠ャ ͡ろ⇒∠エ͡ヤ⇒zダャや ∇やヲ⊥ヤ͡ヨ∠ハ∠ヱ ∇やヲ⊥レ∠ョや∠¬ ∠リΑ͡グzャや zラ͡まぴ


-∇ハ∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ∠リΑ͡ギ͡ヤ⇒∠カ

⊥ゴΑ͡ゴ∠バ∇ャや ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱ ⇔ゅ∂ボ∠ェ ͡ヮzヤャや ∠ギ

び ⊥ユΒ͡ム∠エ∇ャや

(8. Verily, t hose who believe and do right eous good deeds, for t hem are Gardens of Delight .) (9. To abide t herein. It is a promise of Allah in t rut h. And He is t he All-Might y, t he All-Wise.)

The Good Destiny of the Believers

Here Allah ment ions t he dest iny of t he right eous in t he Hereaft er, t hose who believe in Allah and His Messenger and do right eous deeds in accordance wit h t he Laws of Allah.

び͡ユΒ͡バzレャや ⊥ろ⇒zレ∠ィ ∇ユ⊥ヰ∠ャぴ

(for t hem are Gardens of Delight .) means, t here t hey will enj oy all kinds of delight s and pleasures, food, drink, clot hing, dwelling-places, means of t ransport at ion, women, a light of beaut y and delight ful sounds, which have never crossed t he mind of any human being. They will st ay t here forever, never leaving and never desiring change.


びゅ6ボ∠ェ ͡ヮzヤャや ∠ギ∇ハ∠ヱぴ

(It is a promise of Allah in t rut h.) meaning, t his will undoubt edly come t o pass, for it is a promise from Allah, and Allah never breaks His promise, because He is t he Most Generous Best ower Who does what He wills and is able t o do all t hings.

び⊥ゴΑ͡ゴ∠バ∇ャや ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱぴ

(And He is t he All-Might y,) Who has subj ugat ed all t hings and t o Whom all t hings submit ,


(t he All-Wise.) in what He says and what He does, Who has made t his Qur'an a guidance t o t he believers.

∠Ι ∠リΑ͡グzャや∠ヱ ∀¬べ∠ヘ͡セ∠ヱ ン⇔ギ⊥ワ ∇やヲ⊥レ∠ョや∠¬ ∠リΑ͡グzヤ͡ャ ∠ヲ⊥ワ ∇モ⊥ホぴ

びヴ⇔ヨ∠ハ ∇ユ͡ヰ∇Β∠ヤ∠ハ ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱ ∀ゲ∇ホ∠ヱ ∇ユ͡ヰ͡ルや∠クや∠¬ ヴ͡プ ∠ラヲ⊥レ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥Α

(Say: "It is for t hose who believe, a guide and a healing. And as for t hose who disbelieve, t here is heaviness (deafness) in t heir ears, and it is blindness for t hem) (41:44).

∀る∠ヨ∇ェ∠ケ∠ヱ ∀¬べ∠ヘ͡セ ∠ヲ⊥ワ ゅ∠ョ ͡ラや∠¬∇ゲ⊥ボ∇ャや ∠リ͡ョ ⊥メあゴ∠レ⊥ル∠ヱぴ

び や⇔ケゅ∠ジ∠カ zΙ∠ま ∠リΒ͡ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ⊥ギΑ͡ゴ∠Α ∠Ι∠ヱ ∠リΒ͡レ͡ョ∇ぽ⊥ヨ∇ヤあャ

(And We send down of t he Qur'an t hat which is a healing and a mercy t o t hose who believe, and it increases t he wrongdoers not hing but loss.) (17:82)

ヴ͡プ ヴ∠ボ∇ャ∠ぺ∠ヱ ゅ∠ヰ∠ル∇ヱ∠ゲ∠ゎ ∃ギ∠ヨ∠ハ ͡ゲ∇Β∠ピ͡よ ͡れ∠ヲ⇒∠ヨzジャや ∠ペ∠ヤ∠カぴ

あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ zゑ∠よ∠ヱ ∇ユ⊥ム͡よ ∠ギΒ͡ヨ∠ゎ ラ∠ぺ ∠ヴ͡シや∠ヱ∠ケ ͡チ∇ケxΙや

͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ャ∠ゴル∠ぺ∠ヱ ∃るzよへ∠キ

あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇わ∠ら∇ル∠ほ∠プ ⇔¬べ∠ョ ͡¬べ∠ヨzジャや ∠リ

∃ユΑ͡ゲ∠ミ ∃ァ∇ヱ∠コ

-∠ペ∠ヤ∠カ や∠クゅ∠ョ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥ケ∠ほ∠プ ͡ヮzヤャや ⊥ペ∇ヤ∠カ や∠グ⇒∠ワ

び ∃リΒ͡らぁョ ∃モ⇒∠ヤ∠ッ ヴ͡プ ∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ͡モ∠よ ͡ヮ͡ルヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ∠リΑ͡グzャや


(10. He has creat ed t he heavens wit hout any pillars t hat you see, and has set on t he eart h firm mount ains lest it should shake wit h you. And He has scat t ered t herein moving creat ures of all kinds. And We send down wat er from t he sky, and We cause (plant s) of every goodly kind t o grow t herein in pairs,) (11. This is t he creat ion of Allah. So, show Me t hat which t hose besides Him have creat ed. Nay, t he wrongdoers are in plain error.)

Proofs of Tawhid

Thus Allah explains His might y power in creat ing t he heavens and t he eart h, and everyt hing t hat is wit hin t hem and bet ween t hem. He says:

び∃ギ∠ヨ∠ハ ͡ゲ∇Β∠ピ͡よ ͡れ∠ヲ⇒∠ヨzジャや ∠ペ∠ヤ∠カぴ

(He has creat ed t he heavens wit hout any pillars) Al-Hasan and Qat adah said, "It does not have any pillars, visible or invisible.''

び∠ヴ͡シや∠ヱ∠ケ ͡チ∇ケxΙや ヴ͡プ ヴ∠ボ∇ャ∠ぺ∠ヱぴ

(and has set on t he eart h firm mount ains) means, t he mount ains which st abilize and lend weight t o t he eart h, lest it should shake wit h it s wat er. Allah says:

び∇ユ⊥ム͡よ ∠ギΒ͡ヨ∠ゎ ラ∠ぺぴ

(lest it should shake wit h you.)

び∃るzよへ∠キ あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ zゑ∠よ∠ヱぴ

(And He has scat t ered t herein moving creat ures of all kinds) means, He has placed t hroughout it all kinds of animals, t he t ot al number of whose kinds and colors is known t o no one except t he One Who creat ed t hem. When Allah t ells us t hat He is t he Creat or, He also reminds us t hat He is t he Provider, as He says:

あモ⊥ミ リ͡ョ ゅ∠ヰΒ͡プ ゅ∠レ∇わ∠ら∇ル∠ほ∠プ ⇔¬べ∠ョ ͡¬べ∠ヨzジャや ∠リ͡ョ ゅ∠レ∇ャ∠ゴル∠ぺ∠ヱぴ

び∃ユΑ͡ゲ∠ミ ∃ァ∇ヱ∠コ

(And We send down wat er from t he sky, and We cause (plant s) of every goodly kind t o grow t herein in pairs,) meaning, every kind of good produce in pairs, i.e., t hey are beaut iful t o look at . Ash-Sha` bi said: "People are also produce of t he eart h, so whoever ent ers Paradise is goodly and whoever ent ers Hell is vile.''


(This is t he creat ion of Allah.) means, all t hat Allah has ment ioned here of t he creat ion of t he heavens and eart h and everyt hing in bet ween st ems from His power of creat ion and cont rol alone, and He has no part ner or associat e in t hat , Allah says:

び͡ヮ͡ルヱ⊥キ リ͡ョ ∠リΑ͡グzャや ∠ペ∠ヤ∠カ や∠クゅ∠ョ ヴ͡ルヱ⊥ケ∠ほ∠プぴ

(So, show Me t hat which t hose besides Him have creat ed.) t hose idols and rivals whom you worship and call upon.

び∠ラヲ⊥ヨ͡ヤ⇒zヌャや ͡モ∠よぴ

(Nay, t he wrongdoers) means t he idolat ors who associat e ot hers in worship wit h Allah

び∃モ⇒∠ヤ∠ッ ヴ͡プぴ

(in error) means, t hey are ignorant and blind.


(plain) means, it is clear and obvious, and not at all hidden.

リ∠ョ∠ヱ ͡ヮzヤャ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇セや ͡ラ∠ぺ ∠る∠ヨ∇ム͡エ∇ャや ∠ラゅ∠ヨ∇ボ⊥ャ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや∠¬ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

xヴ͡レ∠ビ ∠ヮzヤャや zラ͡み∠プ ∠ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ リ∠ョ∠ヱ ͡ヮ͡ジ∇ヘ∠レ͡ャ ⊥ゲ⊥ム∇ゼ∠Α ゅ∠ヨzル͡み∠プ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇ゼ∠Α

び ∀ギΒ͡ヨ∠ェ

(12. And indeed We best owed upon Luqman Al-Hikmah saying: "Give t hanks t o Allah.'' And whoever gives t hanks, he gives t hanks for (t he good of) himself. And whoever is unt hankful, t hen verily, Allah is All-Rich, Wort hy of all praise.)


The Salaf differed over t he ident it y of Luqman; t here are t wo opinions: was he a Prophet or j ust a right eous servant of Allah wit hout t he prophet hood The maj orit y favored t he lat t er view, t hat he was a right eous servant of Allah wit hout being a Prophet . Sufyan At h-Thawri said, narrat ing from Al-Ash` at h, from ` Ikrimah, from Ibn ` Abbas, "Luqman was an Et hiopian slave who was a carpent er. ` Abdullah bin Az-Zubayr said, "I said t o Jabir bin ` Abdullah: ` What did you hear about Luqman' He said: ` He was short wit h a flat nose, and came from Nubia.''' Yahya bin Sa` id Al-Ansari narrat ed from Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib t hat "Luqman was from t he black peoples of (sout hern) Egypt , and had t hick lips. Allah gave him wisdom but wit hheld prophet hood from him.'' Al-` Awza` i said, "` Abdur-Rahman bin Harmalah t old me; ` A black man came t o Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib t o ask him a quest ion, and Sa` id bin Al-Musayyib said t o him: "Do


not be upset because you are black, for among t he best of people were t hree who were black: Bilal, Mahj a` t he freed slave of ` Umar bin Al-Khat t ab, and Luqman t he Wise, who was a black Nubian wit h t hick lips.'' Ibn Jarir recorded t hat Khalid Ar-Raba` i said: "Luqman was an Et hiopian slave who was a carpent er. His mast er said t o him, ` Slaught er t his sheep for us,' so he slaught ered it . ぴHis masterび said: ` Bring the best two pieces from it,' so he brought out the t ongue and t he heart . Then t ime passed, as much as Allah willed, and ぴhis masterび said: ` Slaught er t his sheep for us,' so he slaught ered it . ぴHis masterび said, ` Bring the worst two morsels from it ,' so he brought out t he t ongue and t he heart . His mast er said t o him, ` I t old you t o bring out t he best t wo pieces, and you brought t hese, t hen I t old you t o bring out t he worst t wo pieces, and you brought t hese!' Luqman said, ` There is not hing bet t er t han t hese if t hey are good, and t here is not hing worse t han t hese if t hey are bad.''' Shu` bah narrat ed from Al-Hakam, from Muj ahid, "Luqman was a right eous servant , but he was not a Prophet .'' Allah's saying:

び∠る∠ヨ∇ム͡エ∇ャや ∠ラゅ∠ヨ∇ボ⊥ャ ゅ∠レ∇Β∠ゎや∠¬ ∇ギ∠ボ∠ャ∠ヱぴ

(And indeed We best owed upon Luqman Al-Hikmah) means, underst anding, knowledge and eloquence.

び͡ヮzヤャ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇セや ͡ラ∠ぺぴ

(saying: "Give t hanks t o Allah.'') means, ` We commanded him t o give t hanks t o Allah for t he blessings and favors t hat Allah had given t o him alone among his people and cont emporaries.' Then Allah says:

び͡ヮ͡ジ∇ヘ∠レ͡ャ ⊥ゲ⊥ム∇ゼ∠Α ゅ∠ヨzル͡み∠プ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇ゼ∠Α リ∠ョ∠ヱぴ

(And whoever gives t hanks, he gives t hanks for (t he good of) himself.) meaning, t he benefit of t hat will come back t o him, and Allah's reward is for t hose who give t hanks, as He says:

び∠ラヱ⊥ギ∠ヰ∇ヨ∠Α ∇ユ͡ヰ͡ジ⊥ヘル6Κ∠プ ⇔ゅエ͡ヤ⇒∠タ ∠モ͡ヨ∠ハ ∇リ∠ョ∠ヱぴ

(and whosoever does right eous good deeds, t hen such will prepare a good place for t hemselves. ) (30:44)

び∀ギΒ͡ヨ∠ェ xヴ͡レ∠ビ ∠ヮzヤャや zラ͡み∠プ ∠ゲ∠ヘ∠ミ リ∠ョ∠ヱぴ

(And whoever is unt hankful, t hen verily, Allah is Rich, Wort hy of all praise.) He has no need of His servant s and He will not be harmed by t hat , even if all t he people of t he eart h were t o disbelieve, for He has no need of anyt hing or anyone besides Himself. There is no God but He, and we worship none but Him.


∇ポ͡ゲ∇ゼ⊥ゎ ∠Ι zヴ∠レ⊥ら∠Α ⊥ヮ⊥ヌ͡バ∠Α ∠ヲ⊥ワ∠ヱ ͡ヮ͡レ∇よΙ ⊥ラゅ∠ヨ∇ボ⊥ャ ∠メゅ∠ホ ∇ク͡ま∠ヱぴ

∀ユΒ͡ヌ∠ハ ∀ユ∇ヤ⊥ヌ∠ャ ∠ポ∇ゲあゼャや zラ͡ま ͡ヮzヤャゅ͡よ

-∠リ⇒∠ジ∇ル͡Ηや ゅ∠レ∇Βzタ∠ヱ∠ヱ

⊥ヮ⊥ャゅ∠ダ͡プ∠ヱ ∃リ∇ワ∠ヱ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⇔ゅレ∇ワ∠ヱ ⊥ヮぁョ⊥ぺ ⊥ヮ∇わ∠ヤ∠ヨ∠ェ ͡ヮ∇Α∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ͡よ


⊥ゲΒ͡ダ∠ヨ∇ャや zヴ∠ャ͡ま ∠マ∇Α∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ͡ャ∠ヱ ヴ͡ャ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇セや ͡ラ∠ぺ ͡リ∇Β∠ョゅ∠ハ

-͡ヮ͡よ ∠マ∠ャ ∠ザ∇Β∠ャ ゅ∠ョ ヴ͡よ ∠ポ͡ゲ∇ゼ⊥ゎ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠ポや∠ギ∠ヰ⇒∠ィ ラ͡ま∠ヱ

⇔ゅプヱ⊥ゲ∇バ∠ョ ゅ∠Β∇ルぁギャや ヴ͡プ ゅ∠ヨ⊥ヰ∇ら͡エ⇒∠タ∠ヱ ゅ∠ヨ⊥ヰ∇バ͡ト⊥ゎ ∠Κ∠プ ∀ユ∇ヤ͡ハ

⊥バ͡ィ∇ゲ∠ョ zヴ∠ャ͡ま zユ⊥を zヴ∠ャ͡ま ∠ゆゅ∠ル∠ぺ ∇リ∠ョ ∠モΒ͡ら∠シ ∇ノ͡らzゎや∠ヱ


び ∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユ⊥わレ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ∇ユ⊥ム⊥ゃあら∠ル⊥ほ∠プ

(13. And when Luqman said t o his son when he was advising him: "O my son! Join not in worship ot hers wit h Allah. Verily, j oining ot hers in worship wit h Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.'') (14. And We have enj oined on man (t o be dut iful and good) t o his parent s. His mot her bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship, and his weaning is in t wo years -- give t hanks t o Me and t o your parent s. Unt o Me is t he final dest inat ion.) (15. But if t hey st rive wit h you t o make you j oin in worship wit h Me ot hers t hat of which you have no knowledge, t hen obey t hem not ; but behave wit h t hem in t he world kindly, and follow t he pat h of him who t urns t o Me in repent ance and in obedience. Then t o Me will be your ret urn, and I shall t ell you what you used t o do.)

Luqman's Advice to His Son

Allah t ells us how Luqman advised his son. His full name was Luqman bin ` Anqa' bin Sadun, and his son's name was Tharan, according t o a saying quot ed by As-Suhayli. Allah describes him in t he best t erms, and st at es t hat he grant ed him wisdom. Luqman advised his son, t he closest and most beloved of all people t o him, who deserved t o be given t he best of his knowledge. So, Luqman st art ed by advising him t o worship Allah Alone, and not t o associat e anyt hing wit h Him. Then he warned him:

び∀ユΒ͡ヌ∠ハ ∀ユ∇ヤ⊥ヌ∠ャ ∠ポ∇ゲあゼャや zラ͡まぴ

(Verily, j oining ot hers in worship wit h Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed.) meaning, it is t he great est wrong. Al-Bukhari recorded t hat ` Abdullah said: "When t he Ayah


(It is t hose who believe and confuse not t heir belief wit h Zulm)(6:82) was revealed, t he Companions of t he Messenger of Allah were dist ressed by t his, and said, ` Who among us does not confuse his belief wit h Zulm' The Messenger of Allah said:


∠ラゅ∠ヨ∇ボ⊥ャ ͡メ∇ヲ∠ホ ヴ∠ャ͡ま ⊥ノ∠ヨ∇ジ∠ゎ ゅ∠ャ∠ぺ ∩∠ポや∠グ͡よ ∠ザ∇Β∠ャ ⊥ヮzル͡ま


び∀ユΒ͡ヌ∠ハ ∀ユ∇ヤ⊥ヌ∠ャ ∠ポ∇ゲあゼャや zラ͡ま ͡ヮzヤャゅ͡よ ∇ポ͡ゲ∇ゼ⊥ゎ ∠Ι zヴ∠レ⊥ら∠Αぴ


(That is not what it means. Have you not heard what Luqman said: (O my son! Join not in worship ot hers wit h Allah. Verily, j oining ot hers in worship wit h Allah is a great Zulm (wrong) indeed))'' It was recorded by Muslim. When Luqman advised his son t o worship Allah Alone, he also t old him t o honor his parent s. This is like t he Ayah,

͡リ∇Α∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ∇ャゅ͡よ∠ヱ ⊥ヮ⇒zΑ͡ま zΙ͡ま ∇やヱ⊥ギ⊥ら∇バ∠ゎ zΙ∠ぺ ∠マぁよ∠ケ ヴ∠ツ∠ホ∠ヱぴ


(And your Lord has decreed t hat you worship none but Him. And t hat you be dut iful t o your parent s) (17:23). These t wo t hings are oft en ment ioned t oget her in t he Qur'an. Allah says here:

ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ⇔ゅレ∇ワ∠ヱ ⊥ヮぁョ⊥ぺ ⊥ヮ∇わ∠ヤ∠ヨ∠ェ ͡ヮ∇Α∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ͡よ ∠リ⇒∠ジ∇ル͡Ηや ゅ∠レ∇Βzタ∠ヱ∠ヱぴ


(And We have enj oined on man (t o be dut iful and good) t o his parent s. His mot her bore him in weakness and hardship upon weakness and hardship,) Muj ahid said: "The hardship of bearing t he child.'' Qat adah said: "Exhaust ion upon exhaust ion.'' ` At a' Al-Khurasani said: "Weakness upon weakness.''

び͡リ∇Β∠ョゅ∠ハ ヴ͡プ ⊥ヮ⊥ャゅ∠ダ͡プ∠ヱぴ

(and his weaning is in t wo years) means, aft er he is born, he is breast fed and weaned wit hin t wo years. This is like t he Ayah,

∇リ∠ヨ͡ャ ͡リ∇Β∠ヤ͡ョゅ∠ミ ͡リ∇Β∠ャ∇ヲ∠ェ zリ⊥ワ∠ギ⇒∠ャ∇ヱ∠ぺ ∠リ∇バ͡ッ∇ゲ⊥Α ⊥れ∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ∇ャや∠ヱぴ

び∠る∠ハゅ∠ッzゲャや zユ͡わ⊥Α ラ∠ぺ ∠キや∠ケ∠ぺ

(The mot hers shall give suck t o t heir children for t wo whole years, for t hose who desire t o complet e t he t erm of suckling)(2:233). On t his basis, Ibn ` Abbas and ot her Imams underst ood t hat t he short est possible period of pregnancy was six mont hs, because Allah says elsewhere:


び⇔やゲ∇ヰ∠セ ∠ラヲ⊥を∠Κ∠を ⊥ヮ⊥ヤ⇒∠ダ͡プ∠ヱ ⊥ヮ⊥ヤ∇ヨ∠ェ∠ヱぴ

(and t he bearing of him, and t he weaning of him is t hirt y mont hs) (46:15). Allah ment ions how t he mot her brings t he child up, and how she get s t ired and suffers st ress from st aying up wit h t he child night and day, t o remind t he son of her previous kind t reat ment of him. This is like t he Ayah,

びや⇔ゲΒ͡ピ∠タ ヴ͡ルゅ∠Βzよ∠ケ ゅ∠ヨ∠ミ ゅ∠ヨ⊥ヰ∇ヨ∠ェ∇ケや あゆzケ モ⊥ホ∠ヱぴ

(and say: "My Lord! Best ow on t hem Your mercy as t hey did bring me up when I was young.'') (17:24). Allah says here:

び⊥ゲΒ͡ダ∠ヨ∇ャや zヴ∠ャ͡ま ∠マ∇Α∠ギ͡ャ∠ヲ͡ャ∠ヱ ヴ͡ャ ∇ゲ⊥ム∇セや ͡ラ∠ぺぴ

(give t hanks t o Me and t o your parent s. Unt o Me is t he final dest inat ion.) means, ` I will reward you most generously for t hat .'

͡ヮ͡よ ∠マ∠ャ ∠ザ∇Β∠ャ ゅ∠ョ ヴ͡よ ∠ポ͡ゲ∇ゼ⊥ゎ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠ポや∠ギ∠ヰ⇒∠ィ ラ͡ま∠ヱぴ

びゅ∠ヨ⊥ヰ∇バ͡ト⊥ゎ ∠Κ∠プ ∀ユ∇ヤ͡ハ

(But if t hey st rive wit h you t o make you j oin in worship wit h Me ot hers t hat of which you have no knowledge, t hen obey t hem not ;) means, if t hey t ry hard t o make you follow t hem in t heir religion, t hen do not accept t hat from t hem, but do not let t hat st op you from behaving wit h t hem in t he world kindly, i.e. t reat ing t hem wit h respect .

びzヴ∠ャ͡ま ∠ゆゅ∠ル∠ぺ ∇リ∠ョ ∠モΒ͡ら∠シ ∇ノ͡らzゎや∠ヱぴ

(and follow t he pat h of him who t urns t o Me in repent ance and in obedience.) means, t he believers.

び∠ラヲ⊥ヤ∠ヨ∇バ∠ゎ ∇ユ⊥わレ⊥ミ ゅ∠ヨ͡よ ∇ユ⊥ム⊥ゃあら∠ル⊥ほ∠プ ∇ユ⊥ム⊥バ͡ィ∇ゲ∠ョ zヴ∠ャ͡ま zユ⊥をぴ

(Then t o Me will be your ret urn, and I shall t ell you what you used t o do.) At -Tabarani recorded in Al-` Ishrah t hat Sa` d bin Malik said, "This Ayah,

͡ヮ͡よ ∠マ∠ャ ∠ザ∇Β∠ャ ゅ∠ョ ヴ͡よ ∠ポ͡ゲ∇ゼ⊥ゎ ラ∠ぺ ヴ∠ヤ∠ハ ∠ポや∠ギ∠ヰ⇒∠ィ ラ͡ま∠ヱぴ

びゅ∠ヨ⊥ヰ∇バ͡ト⊥ゎ ∠Κ∠プ ∀ユ∇ヤ͡ハ



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