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The Personal Whose and its Genitive Equivalents with Of in Shakespeare's Histories(Part II) : Of-Constructions


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(1)Title. The Personal Whose and its Genitive Equivalents with Of in Shake speare's Histories(Part II) : Of-Constructions. Author(s). 水野, 政勝. Citation. 北海道教育大学紀要. 第一部. A, 人文科学編, 44(2): 73-83. Issue Date. 1994-03. URL. http://s-ir.sap.hokkyodai.ac.jp/dspace/handle/123456789/4297. Rights. Hokkaido University of Education.

(2) . 北海道教育大学紀要 (第1部 A) 第44巻 第2号 2 i lof Hokka ido Umver i i Sec t jouma ty ofl開ucat onIA)VOL44 s on( ‐ , No. 平成6年3月 Mmr ch ,1994. The Persona l w′ Zoseandi i ts Geni t ) ÷ ve Equi val ents wi故 ( ≧ 〆 , in shakespeare S Histories (Par tI D ------() り一Constructions-----. M[asakatsu ル1 IZUN0. 4. Analysisof Genitive Equivaーents wi th o′ The f ions wi lowi i t th せi i .struct ol r lg types of geni ve relative cor lこ e prepositior - ず (oriだ す ” “ “ “ ing 。ff ly meal l lbe analyzed fol lowing the method mentioned ir l or f nal rom ) wi .. Part . (see sections 2‐1, 2.2, and 2 ・3): TyPe 亘a: Antecedent Headword十 〇ゲ+ Wん‐ form ,.‐ TyPe 亘b : Antecedent.” 0ゲ+ Wん‐Form‐.・ Headword Type m. : Antecedent. Type Wa: Ant ecedent Type Wb: Antecedent. wん‐Form (or r九α む) ..‐ Headword十〇ゲ Headword十 Wたけeqf Wんereqf H d d .” ea wor. Thefrequencies ofeach type are vari ed ethe nu・nbers 。fexa・nples are . onthe whol f h far ewer t an those 。fTypel But we can note a signi f icantdi ionaldi f f tribut s erence。f . each type according to genitive relations such as possessive, objective, and partiti▽e or headw。rd’sfunct ions such as subj ect ,object ,nominalpredicate and object ofthe prep。‐ ion Ther t ive relationsin these types‐ We willin turn look t si e are no exam ples ofsubjec , f差 ZCザーconstruc ionsin shakespeare,s histories‐ Howeverin thefo1 t atthetypes o 87臨 め‘ z - す lowing discussion the occasional reference wi l l l b d h i d i t d a s o e ・ na e 。 s c o l n e e s an , tragedies ‐. + 4 la (Antecedent ‐1 . Type l -,.Headword十〇ザ Wん‐Form) l i The geni i t d t b b ve re a on can e expresse Z Uんなれ ythe preposition qfand a w かform ( , t九e w九たん and w九om) in the relative clause‐ As regards the position of the group o ゾ 2:1:B,1005) statesthat“qfwゐZcんis placed ei wたたん, Poutsma ( ther after or before its headword and theformeri sthe usual one.” No examplesin the present material (HIS), however can bef i form is placed afterthe ound of a case wheretherelat ve groupqf十wん‐ , headword from COM) i i t ve relation is expressed by the relative . ln (47) below ( ,thepart T f h i qf 防ぎw厩cん ve 銃e w厩cん, . he eadword has a subject unction. Concerning the relat hesamegram mat icalfunction astherelative wたたん Ryden (1966 which can havet :138) , たe w 厩cん is not infrequent ly used in geれ競りαZ qf notes that i t t ( i ‐consruc ons part ‐ “ ive possess t i i ve ve)- , , and object 邑の Cf le rotten and sound VPP。n myl i f -69p, so thatthe musterfi e ‐3 .166 - A ww 4 , , , l f i amounts not t teene thousand pol of たe w厄cた, dare not shake the 『 e, 九αケ g けむ ftheir Cassockes, 1eastthey shaketheαーse1uesto peeces snow fr。]m of . 73.

(3) . Masakat 1 IZUN0 su N. 4 ‐2 . Type nb (Antecedent ,.・〇ゲ+Wん‐Form‐“ Headword) As n・ent ioned i i t n Type =a above, the geni ve relation can also be expressed bythe ion Q t fand a wん‐form placed preceding the headword‐ Therelativeformsfound preposi ly speak in this tyPe are w九i ing, the nu1nbers of 〔 1erical cん むんe wたたれ, and wんo ’れ‐ Nun these examLples are less than o ftypel( z 〃んose),. ive relations, however, are The geni t. foundin part ii l i i i i t ve (PT) and object ve (0) cases . The occurrence of parttve re at ons in this type isespecial ly noteworthy since we have no examples ofthisin Typel . The headwordfunctions as a subjectand a nominalpredi tin o. cat ein PT, and anobjec 4 ive Re lat ion (0) t .2 .1. objec ln th isrelat ion there i s only one exampl e ofthe relative wんom, as shown in (48) . The headword wi f ierfunctions as an object (oo) th a modi s a PR ( a . The antecedenti demonstrat ive pronoun):. 圏. 3旦6 4 .6 .66 , thatqfwんom youseemeto haueso 肥れdercαだ. 4 i i ion (PT) t ve Relat .2 .2 . Part ln a partitive relation the relatives w九たれ andt力e wんたね can befound Both ofthe1n , ‐ d f together wi th qf 49 ) and , prece ethe headword unctioning as asubject (PTS), asin( l i ( 50 ) ththe headwordfol - . The re atve groups qfwたたん and qf wんom are aISOfound wi 2 lowing them as a nominal predicat PT i T d ( ) ( d t e np , as n 51) an (52) . he antece en s in i ive relat ions are a t l IN (noun)antecedentsexceptforthe PN (propername)in(51) part ‐. 鯉鋤. h 旦8 4 i ion, / ls t , My next poore pet ‐2 ‐138‐42 , thathis Noble Grace would aue ’ s i 1ow d both my t t some pi e / Vpon my wretched women, that so long / Hauefo1 Fortunes fa i ly, / 〇 thful ゲ wたたん there is not oねg l dare auow / (Here wたたん , referstothe antecedent m L y wreたれed wo痛もe九.. あの. 〃5 4 l l meof / s Note4 dothte , / Thi .8 ‐80‐86 , / of -.・/,.・/,.・ :addedtothese f Knights lant Gent l emen, / Eight thousand and oure huル , and gal , Esquires dred: Qf 流e wたたれ, / FZ”eん”九αred werebutyes terday dubb’d Knights ./ Thusthe Mor Tt imers le rested, t / <Mort , / ln whom the i .>... / <Ri weresupprest ch-> 〇ゲwたたれ, my Lord, your Honoris乙んeZαst ./ -. 6D Z嵐6 2 ‐5 .91-3,. 鰯. R2 2 ‐72 .1 .171 , / lam thelastofnoble Edwards sonnes, / ○ザ wんo暇 thy Father f W l Prince o ts a es5 was 方r s ,/. T 4 んαt)”‐Headword十 〇ゲ) ecedent”. Wん‐Form (or 7 .3 . Type 皿 LAnt ’s h Therei Sh k l i i i n o e a e s e a r e s exampe n stor es (HIS) of a case where the relative p wんたれ stands astheobjectofthe preposition q fplaced attheend ofaclause. This rela- 74.

(4) . The PersonaI Wんoseand i i t t th o s Geni ve Equi val ents wi t立 ゲ(Par ) e wんなれ th the deferred7 or stranded 可 modi f i es the headword , together wi , . An ob‐ ive relat ion can be seen i t n (53) ‐. The headword functions as an object (00) The -. f i ive: adwordi s modi edby an adject 鼠8 4 i t Woman / Thateuerlay by sthe goodl es ‐1 ‐69-71 , / Beleeue me sir , shei ん h 厩 h l t / H d 坊 Zひf man: w c w en e peope a e/“Z ew 可, such a noyse arose, /(Here wんたね referstothe antecedent 仇e goodZZest wo崩しα九.). 鰯. The relat ive pronoun 乙九αむ can also enteri ntothis construction, TyPe m[, butthere di 1 l f 1owing examples (54) ( no examp e oun n persona ant from COM) ecedents Thefol. ‐. d( 55 ) (from TRA) ofnon‐personal antecedents are also quoted here for comparative (Cf zunol992aandl992b‐) . Mi 側. Cf .5 .108 , / And he hath boughtthe Cottage andthe bounds / rhα乙the . A YL 3 C l l d t a r o o n c e o was 肋座s乙erqf -/. 鰯. Cf P lthe Learnings 銃αと hist ime / ‐1 .43 , The King . CY九イ 1 --./ uts to him al Could makehim 仇erece l仏erqf ,. ln (54) the headword functions as nominal predicate andin (55) as objectcom… A b i ement ve relation can beseenin both ofthem- . no ject 4 ) . Type Wa (Antecedent .--Headword十 WんereQf Geni i t ve relations can also be exPressed by a related use ofthe co1npound wんere十a ion q t th regard to these types of wんere eposi f t (1972:155) ‐compounds8 . Wi , Traugot testhat“Expressions o fthistype are particularly co・nnlon inthe sixteenth century ” . ‐ )9 low (W lause e wんereqfcanfol thoughthe a orprecedethe headword (Wb) inthec , al h igatory (e merisin some cases obl ‐g‐, w ere the headword functions as a preposl‐ t ) nalobjec erial (HIS) snoexampl e oftype w‐a . 工nthe present mat , however ,therei . i l l i l t r an us rat on, et us quote ( 56 ) one such instance of an object ivere lat ion (oop). m. shakespeare’s t ragedies (TRA) . Here the headword functions as an object ofthe. ion 乙れ: t eposi. 岡. Cf fe madeof Hectors bloud; /lnzoue wんerqf s Aiaxishal ‐5 .83‐4,/Thi . R0 4 , hal fe Hector staies at home: /(Here the antecedent is the word bZood in the indredlo sense ofk .). 5 ‐. ‐ Type W b (Antecedent. -” Wんergo瑳 ” Headword) T Wi h h t ype Wb , t ere are two examples of a partitive relation‐ The headword func‐. ns as an obj ) in ( 57 ) and a nominalpredicate.I Q>Tnp) in (58)‐ The an- ect (PTO. ‐( edenttypeis N nouns) in both ofthem.. 75.

(5) . ヨ. Masakat su MIZUNO. ー. 師. d 豆5 1 ege , Thereforeto France, m y Li .2 .213‐15 , / Diui eyourhappy Englandinto i F / foure Wん k t t ば ere可, a eyou oれeq“α gr n o rance , ,/. 鰯. f tone) / Were asseuen R2 1 ear ‐2 ‐2 .11 ,/ Bdwardsseuen sonnes(wんereqfthy sel l viol es12ofhisSacredblood,/. 4 valents) ‐Equi .6 . Sum mary ofTypes 口a‐ Wb (0ゲ ion of Types ロa‐ Wb according to each type in Shake‐ Tabl stribut e2 shows the di i S) th COM and TRA as previously noted in Tabl e. speare,s hi es (HI Stor ‐ , together wi The total number of exam ples of non‐personal cases, excluding the CL (clause) an- tecedents, i e4inthe s also given below for comparative purposesin cachtype (see Tabl. APPENDIX I 工B forf esofeachtype). requenci ions Tabl e2. Frequencies of Personal oゲーConstruct. \ 宜a. nb. C. H C T. (Types: 江a- wb) P o. nP. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. S. 0. S. 0. OP. S. o. nP. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. # 〈①〉. 0. 0. PT. TOT. OP. S. o. nP. OP. S. o. nP. OP. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1*. 0. 0. 0. o. l#. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l 1*. l. ( 1 ). 0. 1#. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1*. 0. 1#. 8. 皿. H. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ①. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. Wa. T. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1十. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. Wb. H. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0 ・ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 3. 1. 5. 0. TOT r Pe. 1 I Pr. ,. l. 3 1 . 100%. l. 3. 0. 9. 7 ‐69% 8 1. 23 .08% 9. 0 0% .0 0. 6 9 3% ‐2 9. 3 6. 50 .00%. 2 0% 5 ‐0. 0 .00%. 25 .00%. 100%. N‐B‐ 1,Thesymbo i l i i fgeni i t t l dTs t tandf ves v e ev a onso or日IS spec s 日, C,a l l y ‐ Forabbr , COM, andTRA,re i i (P,0,e t t t t e esec onsl c ons ( s c ,s .3and2 .2 . ,o ,e .) ‐) andfunc i l herwi heyarecas fPR andPN ant t 2‐Numbe t edent v e s et es rsi n〈〉and () deno ecaseso ec s espec y . ot ,r fN. o i l henum ber hes i fじたew九たれ and w九om,r 3.Num be ht t t v ・ e s et s espec r ー swi y gn*and#showcaseso . 0therwi i fw厩c九 n 口band m ar ecas e so . i heheadwordi heobj ftheprepos ht hes i to 4.Thenumberwi t st ec - ewhe r et n Wa (oop)i sthecas gn 十 i i i t リリ on 勿 ( れZ OUew九er eo .e .,ま i ) l h modぜi 5.Ci t t ves r ednumbersar ecase swi ers(adj ec c . l lant i fpe landnon 6‐Thet … unumbe )and(npr )ar t t s espec v e eso ‐ sona ecedent rsi n(per ecas rsona o per y . ,r. 76.

(6) . The PersonaI Wんose and i i t th o t ent s wi s Geni ve Equi val ゲ(Part虹 ). Thef iguresin Tabl though cases are quite few) indicatesome generaltenden- e2 ( ciesf or personal antecedents:. th N (nouns) (1lexs ten wi a) Thegeれ競りαZqf‐constructioni sfound mostof ‐ .), and al ly wi th PN (propername) (lex sothoughlessfrequent ‐ .) or PR (pronoun) (lex.). f b) This construction can alsobefound wherethe headword has modi iers(adj i ect ves) . Vr s we appar‐ e have one such casein PR and one outofeleven examLplesin N. Fro・n thi ly know tha f iersuch as an adject ive are not exclu- th a modi tcases ofheadwords wi ent sivelyf oundin Typel (wんose) .. ions (ロa‐W‐ b),therei c) ln the case ofthe geれ飾りαZqf ‐construct s no example where theheadwordistheobjectofthe preposition Qf (apartfrom one such case ofthe preposi‐ ion i九, asin t. 抗 Zoひe wんereqf), whilein the case of wんose (1)thereis one case. where. ion o t the headword preceded by w九ose isthe objectofthe prePosi ゾ (cf ‐4 (e) in Part ‐3. l) . d) ln a possess i lat ionship (P), the geni ival げ‐construct ion13 seems to be t ve re th personal antecedents since there i rarely used wi s only one instance of 可 wんom(Po: Type nb wi th headwordin post‐position), com pared with greater frequencies oftype l ionsisonly7 truct above . (The percentageofp to the totaI P‐PT け‐cons .69% inthe case of personal antecedents, while that of P to the totaI P‐PT げ‐construction is 50% in luding the CLr(c lause) antecedents)14 non‐personal cas es (exc ‐) As regards the rarity of possessive relations by the oゾーconstruction in r九g にZ九g JαmLes yersioれ, Grainger i (1977 2 ) hasremarkedthatthereis no exampleoftherelat ea pos veqfwたたんto denot ‐ :3 ion i T れe 比Z九g JQ痛も 「 io九 [1611 ]. This remark has relevance atleast sessive relat n7 es y ers. inthecase ofpersonal antecedents‐ i ion (0), thereare as many as three relative typesfound wi e) ln an object th verelat funct ions such as obj ionalobjec ] Wa) t t( ter case ect(=b and 皿),and aspreposi .lnthelat. ive wんereqfisobl igatory ヱれZoひe wんere‐ i ionoftherelat (oop), thepost t scase( ‐pos . lnthi h d i l l i t t t h t a so no et att ere s no correspon ng na ype. n ype m ofthe former qf), we mus. (00) ,. he relative w 厩cんisthe objectofthe preposition Qfplaced after the head‐ where t. ibl th a personal an‐ e wi word in the clause, we 工nust note that this type is also poss tecedent ( cf zuno . Mi ,1993a).. f) ln a partitive relation (PT) whichis uncom mon wi th Type l, the qf‐construction , isusual lyfoundin three types wi la and nb),object(Wb) th functions such as subjec t(1 , ion (PTS) of Bb (where the relative and nominal predicate (nb) . ln a subjectfunct 十 f h h d d ん d b ht ず w ‐orm prece est e ea wor ), ot ypesqf wんZcれ and qf 仇e wんZcん15 oc‐ groupo lowsthe headword) PTS ) of na(wherethe relative group fol cur, ln thesame case ( ,on‐ ly one exampl e of q f 仇e w厩cん occurs without any other variants. When the headword ions as a nomi funct nalpredicate (PTnp), the headword has a post‐position, and there. ince we have w 厩cん, 坊e w 脳cん, and wんom in ロb, and ・s variety i nthe qf‐constructions s ‐ ion(PTO) wんereqfin wb. ln an objectfunct sonly oneexampleof wんereqf(N b) ,therei thout any corresPonding 亘 tyPes‐ which occurs wi. g) lnstances (13 exs ‐) ofthe qf‐construction as a genitive equivalent are somewhat 77.

(7) . Masakat I IZUN0 su N. i i ive (9exs‐:69 t com mon as we have seen abovein object ve (3exs ‐:23 ‐08%) and part ‐2 3%) exPressions, exceptforthe rarity of a possessive expression (lex:7 ‐69%) - How‐ ive express・ons are uncom mon wi th this construction‐ For expressing the ever ect , subj lasttype, Typelisused predonlinantly. 5. Conclusion l d From the sun f Types l and =a-N‐ b in Tabl 〔 lmaries o esl and 2 , we can conc u e ive equivalents wi thatthe personal wんose (1) andi b) were com- ts geni t th qf (=a‐N‐ th such types of antecedents as N (nouns), mon in Shakespeare’s p1ays when used wi. PN (propernames), PR (pronouns) i ty) ( thtype .) though only wi , and D (de . ln addi ion, a distribut ionaldi f ference seenQsto exist between these two types, since t instances o fthelat t ions) arefoundin possess theqf t i i ertype ( ‐construc ve (Po) ve ,object. i PTnp) i (oo and oop), part t ve (PTs , PT0 , and. tf b ect i expressions ve ex- , excep or su j i h sused alone (Ss press ons, w ere wたose (1) i . The partitive express・on , So , and sop) is also a remarkable characteris icofthegeれ競りメーqfconstruct ion ( t the percentage ofPT tot hetotaI P‐PTis69 ; ) .23% . The possessive expression, on the other hand, seems to be. ibl ion in the case of personal an‐ ththe qf uncom mon, though notimposs e ‐construct , wi tecedents ( the percentage of p to the totaI P‐PT i s only 7 .69%) ‐ When the headword funct ions astheobj i ion qf toftheprecedingprepos t ec erred , wんose (1) seemsto be pref totheqf ions (e ) ‐construct ‐ ‐g ., qfwんicん, wんereqf Last ly we mus t addthat among some types ofthe qf‐construction, there is a con‐ ,. iderabl lat i s e correspondence observed between there ves w九i c九 and 仇e wねたん ofType =b in PTs or amongtherelat i vegroups け 吃れe ノ wんたれ and qfwれom ofType =b and wんere- ‐ f b i l l i PT N fo e s e c n a n q p y p . * Thi inuat ion of my s l wんose andi tudy ofthe persona i l t t th q si s a cont s geni veequi va ent s wi fin Shakespeare’ t =) splays spaper(Par .lnthi ,lhavetaken up hishistories(ten plays)‐Examples,there‐ fore,arei l lus t i i tor th af rat ed mainlyfrom the hi s es,wi ew except onsin 江a , 皿(casesofnon‐personalan‐ ‐ St t t i four t l t ecedent s),and w a. ai s caldataf rom otherplays( eencomedi esandtwe vet ragedi es)areal so indi i ionsin shake land2)in orderto get a generalview ofthe geni t catedinthetabl truc t es( vecons ‐ ’s la s Thef i h i d ft t speare requenc esofexampl esinthecon Qedi esandt ragedi esarebased o n m s o u s p y. y y r ion(see Mi t t ruc cons zunol993b andl994) .. NOTES 2 l ): ( innumber ing) Uni 1) AWW 4 l l t e (=pol :203) , pol . Cf ,s .3 ‐167 . onions (1986 ‐v . po .れ‐ 2) whentheheadwordfunc ionsasanominalpredi t cate (np) oftheverbもa weusua且yhavea i i lause t t onoftheheadwordinthec ‐pos a so Ar≧止i(1975 :93) pos . . Cf ‐ l ) 3) 鼠8 4.2-141 :1009 . , both:i . ,good andbad ‐e ‐ Cf . Evans (1974 8 8 0 l i C f E t t ( 7 4) 亙5 4 1 9 4 : s. ‐ vans :966) . ‐ , noe ‐ inceof Wa l ince ldes 5) 元2 2 tsonofEdward m- es :Edwardthe B1ack Pr .1 , Pr .172 ,e 6) Cf i i t 韮.αbsoZ rs - sb)) ‐ ‐ OBD (s .v ‐f .(quas ion, see Qui 7) For a deferred orstranded preposi t t al rk e eston (1971:225) . Huddl . (1985:663‐64) tat lat i i t t s esthatthe headwordin re tofthe vecons ruc onssuch as Type 皿 cannotbecomethesubj ec. 78.

(8) . The Persona I Wんose and i i t t th o t江) s Geni ve Equi val ent s wi ゲ(Par lause i instheungramma l i l t tyofsuchcasesasfol c ca ows : ‐ Heexpla ん b f れ i (i) *坊e Pope t げ oα o sα e α れ九 れ e e α r w z gmp 夕 g p p y . “ , , The headwordin ourexampl th a personalant 5 3 ) wi toftheverb, not asub- e( ecedenti s an obj ec t j zuno (1993a) ec - ‐ Cf ‐ Mi id that in former Engl i 8) Franz (1968: 509‐12) has sa f ten pre compounds are of erred to sh wたere‐ ‘prepos ’ i ion十re lat i 九 ま i l ff 厩 ん ) S h l 8 l ( 1 9 9 0 2 ) t ( o ve pr noun e : aso not es .g ., 山 ereれ n p aceo 乃 w c . c eer ん i ion’ (e b れ thatcompoundssuch asthose made of‘adverb十prepos ) t t じ e r e α o r u e eげ g , , wたereqf ‐ ‐, ly M [ i t wereusedinear odern Engl sh1 n L oreof enthanin PE. i 9) Forthistypeof wんere‐compound, Jespersen(1949:196) remarksthat “Theserelat veadverbs may ” beprecededbyother wordsinthesa比 ingexampl ・ e way asthewん-pronouns essuch asthefol ‐ , quot l owing: i l inched; (i treach wi th myf tc i) Sw辻t3‐59 trees s ‐“ 銃etops wんereqflcouldbutjus 9 6 i ん l d ん l f l l k d( (温)id3 t t 乙 賜れ ) fwa ac o n n e n o れ es o ‐ s ew e r e sasma n e c o a n q qtd ‐ . , ,196 ‐in Jespersen lo ) Cf ons (1988 ood れ.5‐ :24),s ‐oni .v . b1 i lpredi lat i l las ) Whenthe headwordfunct 11 onsas anomina cat eoftheverb be ve wたereqfas we ,there i i lat i f i i lを t t otherprepos onalre vepronounssuch asQfwんま cん(c oninthere -pos .2)can haveafront ‐4 i lause for ま f 8 ki(1975 88,93 ththe げ+wた- t 94). tc vec cん 1 :87 - ‐ Qfwん ‐) ,c ‐ Fortheheadwordused wi ,e . Ar .m ( ial l lask t 1986 12 ) Rz l :れ‐Bot e :307) -2 .12 ,v . ,f ‐ Cf . 0nions ( i t ) Asregardstheqf t 13 ta t …cons oninthecaseofpersonalpronouns ruc esthat ‐504) s , Brunner (1973:503 i l ly M thi t i lat i αE andear [ t stypeofcons oni ruc sshunned nowadaysin a possess vere on ein n od- , whi ・ i F i dh t wasinuse h t f l h h f l l i t ern Engl sh,i o c e r o e u o e o o re a sa e w e x a z n e s s u c a s e w n : p q p g ‐ , (背) tes ines13‐14) Z treれg愈e qfpeんeめe mi mucれe e wαcれesse ⑦e woれ錫れge qfはre Lα“erd ,l ,p ‐273 (qtd ) ‐ ‐Brunner ,504. (v) んeirto われdsqf me (Shakespeare ,75) (qtd ‐ , Sれrew,V,1 ‐in Brunner ,504) 1 4 ) We mustalsonotethattherearenoexamplesofthepossessiveqfwんom inthecaseofnon‐personal tf i ant ecedent sexceptf orqf鳶たe ノw脳cたorwれereQf t t rom thi s ruc on . Apar , we maysaythatthe げ‐cons C f M th non‐personalant 副 i ( 1 9 8 6 ) h i f h dt t was morecom mon wi ecedent s s o z u n o w e r e w a s o u n at . ‐ , i thepercentageofptothetotaIP-PT qf )i t ‐ const ons (qf wんま ruc cた and wんereQf s64 qfw脳cん l ‐7% ( ins t17 ex; wれereQfloexs ‐65% of o (wんereqf3exs ‐) asaga ‐) and PT (ザ w脳cた lex ‐:wんereqf 2 i h f l t ing a possess i lat i ) exs s vere on in thecase of . n ecase o non‐persona antecedent . Forexpress ion ( i he non‐personalqf むor 銃em) t t tor q -cons ruc personalpronouns (e f仇em) in , げi ‐g ‐, ま ,t .e‐ PEi i sincom monuse vesomeofhi :504) squotat ons : ‐ To gi , accordingto Brunner (1973 (v i) Zれ 肋efαceq 銃 れ ま 乙ま tsouれdsqui t Z d Z Z f ) fi f t ereαsoれαもZ e (butwesay ec e O れ s五 α c e ; , t れes (v i) 7 i Z Zαgei ま iαZ tree t tqftたま t t tαgesiれtれe middZ sひ squi eαt rαc ひe Z t (qtd eqfi ytんeoZdcot ,espec ‐ in Brunner snow rareand pseudo‐archai c ‐ (Theuseoftたereqfherei ,504) , accordingto Brunner (1973 5 0 4 ) ) : . 15) Cf ‐ .OB刀 (s ‐v ‐ wんまc九13). REFERENCES Abbot t ‐ A sんαたesPeα“αれ Grαmmαr .Tokyo:Senjo. ,E- A.1929 ‘ ’ Ar ≧ u k i K R T 1 9 7 5 寝 々 i た ま ( R l i ) t a z u o れ es e a ves . okyo: Kenkyusha. ‐ ‐ , Berndt R A 1 9 8 9 丑 i ん E i ig: Ver t lag Enzy娘opadi ザt s o e れgZ sん Lαれguαge e ’ツ pz ‐ .Lei , . ‐ Brunner K 1 9 7 3 B i 自 転 た ま T T b M i l T t t 妨s k T i h t t o u s ‐ r n a s a s u n am e o g a o : a s ukan・ (Trans e . ‐ y - . y - . , .ofDま i i Z 1 6 6 2 9 0 ) ) scんeSPrαc九8 eれgZ :Zれ「eggscたま cれt cたe 互れtwi c賜賜れg (Tubingen: Max Ni emeyer ‐ ‐ , Burchf i ld,R.1987 九g B九gZ T I i e ty Press S九 Lαれg”αge vers ‐7 ‐oxford:oxford Uni . Cur ian Edi ion.Tokyo: Maruzen. t 1 me ‐ Sツれtα工. Maruzen As , G.○‐1931 Evans G B 7 z れ i 1 9 4 R i d s 左 た B ton: 日oughton. r e ひe s e α es Peαre I . . os , . . Far 1 たe Wor厩 qfsれαたespeαre:2 T T れe 2 jeon, H.ed.1929‐ 7 i t FOZ tん 秋馨r rs to Uαrおれt ezt げ 仇e ぞi o wi sqれd ioれQf Moderれ R 即d まれgs. 7 vol T h N t h P ( ) N Y k R d α SeZ ec s e o n e u r s c e s s e w o r n : a om‐ . 79.

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(10) . The PersonaIWたose and i ts Geni t th o ve Equi val t江 ent s wi ゲ(Par ) ri. APPENDーX I ’s P1a s Abbrev iat ionsofShakespeare y EXPLANATORY NOTE Thes iat io tandard abbrev 1 I l sofShakesPeare’ t FOZ s P1ays rs O,have been adoPt ed ,intheorderof r九g Fi (seespevack (1973),Symbo l iat i ): sand Abbrev ons Comedi 14plays): es ( WZV. 7 T 九8 Mer ゾ Windsor 77 Wi peso. . . ERR. T れe Comedyqf互“o 2 r s 肋脳cた Ado About八者叱れing , ,sLos Lope t s Lαわor. ADO 乙L乙. MND. A Mi dsumme r配馨んrsDreαm. 財V. 7 T れe Meたたα九tqf Veni ce. . 7 T れe7 1 αmingqftんesれrew ’ AZ Z 師 Z Z7 T 九α七βnds 師e Z Z s , e. SHR AWW WT. 7 t ねe Wint 1 e〆s 7 αZ e. Hi tori s es (1oplays): ZN KZ Z 7 1 oれれ t gc R2 蕉Zれg Rf c九αrdt九eSecond ヱH4 2圧4 旦5 ヱH6 2H6 3亙6. 7 T れe Firs tPαr tqf K!ng 亙eたび tんe Four tれ 1 7 れeSecond Pαr t げ にi九g 旦en沙 tんe Four tん Ki九g 互eれ7ytれe ぞ新tん 7 7 ゐe i tqf King 丑en tんesiztん tPαr rs 7 t れeSecond Pαr tqf 比ing 旦enryとれesiztん. R3. t れe rねirdPαr 2 tqf King 亙enが tたes沈むん King Ric九αrdt九e7 1 九i rd. . . Tragedi ): es (12plays 1 7 7 T R0 Zusαnd Cress idα roi CQR Ro 」M 7 T ZM. Cor i oZαれαs R0m i t L eoαたd JαZ e. MAC. 71monq fAtたens 肋「 t九 Qcbe. . . LR. King Leαr. 0r″. Qんe Z Z O Aた tonツ αたd CZ eo野αtrα . . A~r . 81.

(11) . Masaka 1 tsu N IZUNO. APPENDIX n Frequencies o fthe Non‐PersonaI Wんose andits Equivalent. ’s P1a s 〇ザ ionsin shakespeare ーConstruct y EXPLANATORY NOTE. i ts geni t Thefol i lowingtabl veequ1 va- es (3 and 4) show thef requenc esofthenon‐Personalwんoseandi )). The abbrev iat i l th q es on s wi ent fin Shakespeare’s plays(HIS(tories), COM(edies), and TRA(gedi i i l i T h b l i b i d t t l i t t t tandforpossess j r v er e o n s es m o s e c v e n a a s P,0,S,and PT s ve,obj ec ve s u a symbo p y . , , t t i ionsofthe headword assubjec t t cat e,and esyntac cfunc s cat ,nominalpredi ,objec ,o,np,and opindi i lcons t i i t t tofaprepos ruc onse×ceptType l (Wたose) on.The wayofshowingtypesofnon‐persona obj ec d form.“headword) in h f l i Bb e i l i h l d i f f ( t t t t t t tf anece n …qf十wん‐ ss g y eren rom a o persona casessnce ype lcases T h f l l i tedf l antecedentsi thecase ofpersona rom e o o w n s notfoundin non‐persona gtypes (quo . Mi i ecedent s : vepurposes) weref oundinnon‐personalant zuno (1993a)forcomparat Type l : Ant ecedent . . .Wんose十 Headword 1 Type 江a : Ant ん ecedent , . ・Headword十〇ゲr7 膨 i W脳c Type 韮b : Ant T れeノ W厄cん, ecedent ・ ‐ .r7 . ・Headword十 の T Type 皿 : Ant れα , ecedent .Headword十0ゲ ‐ . .7 Type Wa : Ant ecedent… Headword十 Wたereqf Type] Vb : Ant ecedent… Wたereqf ‐ . .Headword. APPENDIX D A Tabl e 3. Frequencies of Non‐Personal 卵偽ose (Type: 1). \ HIS. P S. o. 18 ⑩. 1 ③. nP 1. (4) (④) COM. 14 ⑲. OP 7 ⑤. 0. 〈1〉 21 3 ⑯ (2) (2). 53 ◎. o. 2. 1. nP. OP. 0. 0. ○. TOT. o. nP. OP. S. o. nP. OP. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. 1 ④*. 58 1. 5 ② {①}. 0. 5. 1. 0. 1 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. {1}. 4 ⑤*. 1. l 0. 0. 0. ①. 0. 1 ①. 0. 0. 0. 0. {1} 〈1〉. {①}. 67 9 ⑤. 1. (7) (2) (④) {1} {①}. 1 2 ⑭. 12 ②. 2. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. (①) {1}. {①} {①}. {1}. 〈2〉. 82. S. 49. {1} {①} 〈1〉 TOT. S. PT. (①) 5 ②. (1) TRA. S. 0. 〈1〉 14 8. 19. 85 .06%. 2% 10 ‐9. ・7 2% 4 .0. 0. 1 74. 0 .00%. 00% 1.

(12) . The Persona I Wんoseand i i t t s Geni ve Equi th o val ent s wi ゲ(Part韮 ) N.B.. ber 1.Num d {} show t L hecas si n( ) a f AN ( 1 ・ ima lnoun) and GN (geographi e so a u n … 妃 names c )a l ロ ー t i l t ec edent s v e fPR ( rsi n〈 〉showcas y eso .Thenumbe ,respec ec edent pronoun) ant s ‐ 2.Thec i l i r t c ednumberi heheadwordhasa mod正i nd ca escas eswher et i i i er 1 t j t ec veorpar e c g‐ . P ,e ,anad ‐ 3.・showstha henumberi tt ludesacas nc i heobj ewher etheheadwordf t ft hepr to i i unc onsast t ec epos on ず o .. APPENDIX n B Table 4. Frequencies of Non‐Personal oゲ ions t ーConstruc. \ 虹a. (Types: na‐ Wb) P S. o. 0 nP. o. OP. S np. o. op. PT l l p. op. S. o. TOT. nP. OP. HI S. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 2. COM. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. /1/. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. 0. 0. 0. /1/. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. [1]. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. [1]. 皿 r W a. COM. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. TRA. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1*. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. S HI. 2. 1. 0. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 5. COM. 1. 3. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. l. o. o. o. [5] [1]. [4]. [1] [1] TRA. 0. 0. [1] r W b. 1 上. TRA 亘b COM. S HI. 1. ①. 0. 0. 5. [4]. l. o. [2] [2] [1] ①. [ l o ]. 0. l. [6] 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. [2]. 3. [8]. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 0. 〈2〉 COM. 0. 0. TRA. 1. 0. 5. 5. 1. 6. 0. l. o. o. o. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0. 2. 0. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0. 4. 4. 2. 3. 2. 2. 0. 0. 0. 0. 2. 0. ①. 4. (①) TOT. 50% CL [1]. 25% [8] [4] [2]. 27. 25. 4. 3. 0%. 25%. 0. 9. [10 ]. 7 36 10 0%. 2 [ 5 ] 6 1. N.B‐ 1 Thenumbe hecaseo ri fCL ( n [ ] showst l ) ant c aus e ‐ ecedent s . 2‐Numbersi fpR ant nく 〉showcas es。 ec edent s . 3.Thenumberi fAN ant n ( )showsacaseo ec edent . 4‐Thenumberwi h ~sthecaSeo t faheadwordasobj tcomp l ec ement . 5‐Thenumbe hecas fo ri i n / /i st ず 銃ewん eo c九. 6.Ci l heheadwordhasa mod迂i r c ednumbersshowcaseswher et i i ersuchasanad t l j t i ec v eorpm r c e p ‐. 83.




These connections are forged via the bank’s risk premium, sensitivity of changes in capital to loan extension, Central Bank base rate, own loan rate, loan demand, loan losses

In section 3, we will prove Theorem 1.4 by the following steps: in subsections 3.1 and 3.2 we will find formal solutions of the coupling equations (Φ) and (Ψ): this shows the

The edges terminating in a correspond to the generators, i.e., the south-west cor- ners of the respective Ferrers diagram, whereas the edges originating in a correspond to the

In this section we look at spectral sequences for calculating the homology of the bar and cobar constructions on operads and cooperads in based spaces or spectra.. It turns out that

pole placement, condition number, perturbation theory, Jordan form, explicit formulas, Cauchy matrix, Vandermonde matrix, stabilization, feedback gain, distance to

Then it follows immediately from a suitable version of “Hensel’s Lemma” [cf., e.g., the argument of [4], Lemma 2.1] that S may be obtained, as the notation suggests, as the m A

The second is more combinatorial and produces a generating function that gives not only the number of domino tilings of the Aztec diamond of order n but also information about

p≤x a 2 p log p/p k−1 which is proved in Section 4 using Shimura’s split of the Rankin–Selberg L -function into the ordinary Riemann zeta-function and the sym- metric square